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Author Topic: Godhood: A New Land(IC)  (Read 7653 times)


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2011, 12:39:12 am »

"So a speaker of prophecy, yes? You are an interesting one brother...and I do believe this prophecy will come. I myself already inhabit this world, in physical form."

Carathun shivered at the thought of losing this world. Yes, people were temporary, yes the world would eventually be destroyed, but he could not just let it go. The world was HIS. He flooded it, he descended unto it first, he was the Watcher, the Lurker, the Teacher! He would break and destroy all who would harm this world...No matter the cost...And irrationality.

He would make sure this Prophecy never came...This world would not dissapear into the Nether, the Void, or the Abyss. It would not be devoured by a god, and it would not be destroyed by an external force. He would make sure of that.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 05:23:37 am by micelus »
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2011, 05:21:17 am »

The bird flew a short distance above the tree canopy. Above the trees, it had no obstructions in its way, and was able to travel at great speeds. It did not concern itself with other beings, for the air was its domain. While it stopped and roosted it would have been at risk, but while it flew it did so beyond the knowledge and reach of all the creatures below. Or so it thought. It did not know that, hiding in the upper branches of one tree, another being has seen it coming and was preparing to attack.

Narr sprang. Bursting through the layer of leaves, arcing into the clear air, it took the bird by surprise. It tried to change direction at the last moment, but it had too little time. Narr's leg shot out, and the powerful digits closed around it. Dropping back down, Narr smashed through the leaves of another tree, and arrested itself using its arms. Dangling there, it raised its leg until the bird was held in front of its face. Terrified, the bird tried to flap its wings and break the grip, but the digits were far too strong for that. Slowly, Narr opened its upper jaw, revealing dozens of razor-sharp teeth. It feasted on the still-live bird, teeth effortlessly breaking through skin, muscle and bone.

As it dangled, though, a strange feeling washed over all the creatures of the forest. Most of them dismissed it, unable to comprehend what it meant, but Narr could not do that. Narr was struck by the vast sense of infinity, or being a weak, fragile and ultimately temporary being in the presence of something much greater. Narr was struck by a sense of its own mortality, and it was not something that it found to its liking. The sensation would leave quickly, but the feelings that it evoked would not. They would persist for some time after. But Narr would not find any answers in the great jungle. Narr would have to travel to the civilized beings.

Narr did not interact much with them. They dared not stray into the heart of the jungle, which was Narr's realm. They only sometimes strayed into the outskirts. They made for good eating if killed, but they were often armed and, unless taken by surprise, were very difficult to take down. Nevertheless, they were the only possible source of answers. Narr would travel to the settlements of men. Narr would not come to hunt, not at first. Instead, Narr would come to seek answers, to seek a solution to mortality. Then the hunt would resume, and on a scale never before seen.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2011, 06:40:03 pm »

Bael was in an inn of  Daleran, one of the North's cities. The inn was full, as usual in spring, but only three men were sitting at his table, all of them veterans who had fought with Bael in the past. Most Northmen knew him by sight - he was the tallest man of the continent - and they were generally intimidated by him. They were drinking ale, as usual, and everyone was talking about the same thing: this year's Great Raid. In three weeks, the Northmen ships were going to sail south. After a rather heated discussion about the prevalence of axes over swords during a battle at sea, one of the raiders at Bale's table decided to change the subject.

"So, Bael... Some men say your ship will be the first to leave this year. Is it true?"

"It is. I'll sail to the Storm Islands, to get there two weeks before the First Fleet. My ship will scout the Islands to see if King Balos rebuilt his fleet since our last raid, and to make sure there will be no strong garnisons in the villages we'll raid. Once that's done, we'll wait for the fleet in the Red Bay.

The northman smiled. "And when are you going to leave?"

"I'm sailing south in three days."


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2011, 08:15:41 pm »

And so the world took shape. The gods Acted for the first time, and the Heroes of the world began to make names for themselves. Still, not even gods are absolute, and not all events can be controlled. But for the most part, life went on. Nothing extraordinary happened over most of the world beyond the growth of the domains of those few the gods had empowered.

The Way of Light
The followers of the "Way of Light" quickly came to dominate the seas over much of the world. Their naval powers were unmatched, as even the beasts of the sea served them without fail. The only nation with greater superiority in the sea (and that only by a technicality) was Var'Us, flying out of reach of their ships on those occasions it crossed the oceans.

The Warriors of Fire
The Warriors of Fire spread to have at least a few members in most nations of the world. (the Kingdom of the North being the main exception, due to it's seclusion.) It's members began to grow slightly astray from their original purpose though, as new members allowed their fear of dragons to become more important than the fact that many of the beasts were perfectly peaceful. Still, they remained mostly righteous in their duty, aided by the fact that most non-hostile dragons fled the area before they could be found.

The Dragons of Var'Us
Dragons began to roost on the underside of Var'Us, it's constant movement providing a level of safety to them. Not to mention the city's unusually low density of Ardanium, due to several of it's Sages believing the metal liable to send their city back into the sea. A few young scholars have tried to tame the creatures, but their attempts were as yet unsuccessful; the creatures fleeing out of fear too quickly.

Meanwhile, the prophecy of Midas Memorem spread throughout the world. A new prophet with a new interpretation appearing every so often, without any apparent rhyme or reason to it. Some managed to convert a few others to their beliefs, but for the most part they went unheeded, treated as simple madmen. Some of the more extreme prophets even attempt to make the prophecy come true, each trying their own unique(and often insane) plans to herald the world's end.

The unknown...
But then, "most of the world" does leave room for a few exceptions. A few places where life most certainly was not going as expected. Where the influence of the gods worked miracles that were never meant to happen...

Somewhere, deep in the unexplored wilderness, a dragon lived. Days before though, this dragon had died, killed by a barbarian wielding an Ardanium blade(A practice slowly spreading in less civilized parts of the world, thanks to the ease with which it could be given an edge). The barbarian was gone, but the dragon rose again, thick black blood still dripping from the deathblow. In defiance of the anti-magic shard within it's chest, the beast beat it's wings, released a gout of flame, and flew off deeper into the forest, the only mark of it's passing a rune burnt into the ground: "Harbinger"
Weeks later, the gods and heroes of the world felt a call, a slight mental nudge pulling them toward a cave deep inside that same forest. Within awaited a stone circle, each pillar a different material and filled with a different magic. The names of the gods were engraved upon the stones in every mortal language, and in the center an orb of light awaited their arrival.

Spoiler: Acts/Heroics (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 11:27:38 am by dragnar »
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #49 on: November 11, 2011, 09:18:22 pm »

Memorum watched the library, still under construction. The first shelves were filling quickly, but far more were being built. The library would work itself quite well without any more intervention.

However, he felt... something. A slight twist, as if something significant had passed. Diving deep into memories shattered by the barrier between universes, Midas began to peice together what was happening. In sparkling shards, he found past reflections, of old words for old things.

"A turn of the Universe?" Something struck him as lost in translation, but there was no time. A Turning meant a Overgod had come; and Overgods were veritable fountains of information, when you knew the right ways to press them.

It was a short wait for the call to come. Of course, an Overgod would want to announce his or her presence. The Overgod type was rarely subtle, much like gods, prone to far too much interaction and far to many theatrics. But while the antics of normal gods were reprehensible, the Overgods knew far more. Every move calculated, something Midas Memorum could understand.

Midas twisted into his serpent form. Perhaps adopting a more sinister guise would shift him towards the "Evil" side, and back into his neutral stance. He felt too close to the Light and Ordered side of things.


A serpent hissed over fallen leaves. If one listened closely, one would hear chemical formula and calculations, but only very faintly. Midas found what appeared to be his own column, coated with runes. Meaningless, of course, but the look seemed appropriate. Midas settled back, sifting through his thoughts.

Somewhat coincidentally, a Eye floated through the clearing, like a grotesque jellyfish. It paused at the god, and went on its way, mindlessly transmitting information to whoever happened to be watching through it.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 09:01:42 pm by Karnewarrior »
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Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #50 on: November 11, 2011, 09:37:51 pm »

Kain was the second God to appear as the earth near his stone rippled, and he slid up through it sitting in the same throne Brother Knowledge had seen him in last time they met. It took a minute for the throne to settle above the ground, and for it to return to its normal state, but by that time Kain had already stood, and looked around the clearing before sitting back down in the uncomfortable looking throne. He looked at Midas, and said "Hello, Brother Knowledge I see this time you have taken on a second guise, and that it is not your true form here today. Was the last one I saw, the face within a tree, your true form, or another one of your guises as well ?"

As his words tumbled out of his mouth Kain set his sword down on the ground, and a small pedestal rose up out of the ground holding his sword perfectly in the air, so he could use it at a moment's notice.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #51 on: November 11, 2011, 11:07:31 pm »

A meeting of the gods? Interesting...Carathun would come, gauge his brothers and see what could be done. But first, he would act on the world...The Way of Light had been successful in creating an empire. Of ships and iron wills and terrible beasts, they controlled the great ocean, which was starting to being known as "Carthukn", or the Teacher's Domain. But, they were still blunt, still unlearned. They annexed and dominated and took tribute, but they were still barbarians all the same. No education, nor true learning...That would change.

He found the mind of the Way's leader, the Krakenlord. The Lurker took his being and once again entered his mind. "Lord of Krakens, my chosen, you've done well...But not enough. Domination is only a part of a great mortal, education is as well...". And so the Lord of the Deep taught him. The ways of the world and it's secrets...The ways of the elements, and the ways of constructs...Eventually, the godly mind left the Lord of Krakens, this time with the gift of great knowledge.

Soon enough, the Way of Light had a second agenda; the enlightenment of mankind. They did not annex and conquer in the name of gold or glory or just plain piety, but also to teach the lesser men of the earth. With their knowledge schools, universities, libraries, workshops, and academies opened up across the land.


After leaving the manling's small brain, Carathun went to this meeting of the gods...Course the godlings had made the meeting place of humanoid proportions...Such simple minds. Carathun would not take the form of a mortal, no he would come as he was, the mighty octopus of the Abyss!

He came from below the metaphorical meeting place and came up rushing, his tentacles sprang up behind every throne, while his own alien face was unseen behind his tentacles. "Why was this meeting called?"

Act: Give the Way of Light the second goal of teaching mankind.
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #52 on: November 11, 2011, 11:40:31 pm »

A pillar began to radiate a purple light and crackle with energy. It twisted and morphed as a few stray arcs of magic scarred the ground. It culminated quietly as the pillar was morphed into what might be described as a throne, a gaseous cloud of energy with a vague humanoid shape reclined on it.
"Hello Midas, Kain, Carathun. What is this all about?"


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2011, 02:15:53 am »

Oghma woke one morning after a night's drinking, and felt his doom call him. He called for another ale as he saddled his horse, and draining it in a single breath, he rode off to face it.
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[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
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"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2011, 03:29:22 am »

Carathub wrapped a tentacle around the Throne of Chaos and said, "Truly, I know not brother."
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2011, 06:56:24 am »

This...feeling was familiar, pictures rushed again into his mind. Another Overgod? The same Overgod? He appeared before the cave, simply and without great event, and just walked in. Or rather hobbled. His form was not made for walking, and the eternals old, frail body swayed with every step. But the Maw did not care, should the others believe that he was weak, it would only make it all the easier.

he entered the circle, found the place which appealed to him the most and stood there next to his column, nodding as an greeting but staying otherwise silent.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2011, 08:58:46 am »

"It is good to see you, Brother Earth." Midas said, doging the question.

He hissed as the overdramatic ocean god burst from the ground, spraying pebbles anywhere. "You've none to impress, Brother Ocean."

The god of magic carved himself a seat from the pillar already tailored to his whims. Self-centered wastefulness, for shame. "Hail, Brother Magic," Midas said dryly, "I hope you find this place to your liking?"

Then, in a moment of deep, yawning silence, the Maw came. Midas looked at the old man and spoke. "Brother Hunger. You look well."
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2011, 09:16:30 am »

An Overgod. That thought suddenly appeared and stayed in Ardas' mind, leaving him restless on his throne. For some unknown yet reason, the light in the halls slightly dimmed and he felt uneasy, for the first time in his existence. Something one would think impossible to the ethereal form of a god. He then felt a pull to one certain place in the mortal realm, a forest full of unexplainable power.

That power was strange and alien to Ardas, yet he felt compelled to seek it out and see what was it all about. He did not hesitate long before deciding to go and appear at the source of power, in his full splendour of bronze and gold.

He appeared at the circle, close to the stone with his name. He stood the silently, his gaze hidden beneath his hood. He observed and said none to any of the gathered Gods.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 09:18:49 am by Ardas »


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2011, 10:30:17 am »

"Many of us have gathered it seems, but some are still missing," Kain said pointing towards the pillars that had no one near them, before continuing " So why don't we have a chat Brothers though I suspect I will learn little from you." He gave a smile to each of the Gods in turn, and then waited for a reply.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2011, 10:57:00 am »

killed by a Warrior of Fire, a shard of Ardanium piercing it's heart.
Warriors of Fire do not wield Ardanium. At least, they shouldn't. They would have to fall very far, and give up their own unnatural powers if they were to wield the cursed metal.

The appropriate pillar bursts into flames. From the fire emerges a woman, who observes her surroundings with a confused look.

"Is this usual, that I have form to be called upon, that the words of others reach my ears? Not so long ago I had yet to remember existence, and now I take the shape of mortals to parley with my divine equals? This is uncomfortable. I wish to leave; there is a great pain nearby, and it hurts to be here."

Despite her words, Nora stands by her pillar to see what the purpose of this gathering is.
Long Live United Forenia!
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