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Author Topic: You are King! (Spring 315a)  (Read 185134 times)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1035 on: July 27, 2011, 03:38:02 pm »

Aulon peered through the flaps of his tent at the soldiers arrayed in formation outside. Good, brave men from the various cities of the Storm Coast, flying the banners of his house. Sashes and cloaks of rich reds and greens decorated their armor and weapons, signing their allegiance to his father and whichever city they hailed from. Fights broke out constantly between the men of different cities. It reminded Aulon of home.

He closed the flaps again, straightened his back, tightened his coat and put a smile on his lips. Then he strode out to the waiting soldiers. Aulon wished the cheering would have been almost deafening or something like that. It was adequate in any case. Some of the troops did like him - he had a habit of getting drunk and sharing his women with them every now and then - but they certainly didn't regard him as a honourable noble lord. Still, they'd had worse masters, and they had sworn to protect his house.

Asate followed him outside, sniffing the air in his curious manner. He had a knack for predicting the weather. This time, Aulon didn't need help with that - the black clouds in the horizon told him enough. What a horrible start to this campaign, to march in the rain.

Lord yl Marchis sighed. He wasn't a fan of war and long military campaigns. He was an alright swordsman, and even better street brawler, but disliked bloodshed on such large scale. It was probably his father's influence. The old man wasn't afraid of war, but preferred to use sweet lies and diplomacy to defeat his foes. It explained how he'd stayed on the throne in a city - no, a land - of constant scheming and backstabbing.

Aulon rose on his horse, regarding the troops. They'd be beginning their march in a few hours. If luck was with him, he'd have time to liberate a few bottles of ale from the supply convoy before the journey began.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1036 on: July 27, 2011, 03:52:10 pm »

((Ah well forget it wasn't so important anyway, i doubt that my men would take a new leader who killed their previous one with poison anyway))

Tyrus Halfnose, the guard next to self-proclaimed doctor, laughed aloud

" Yer, have no idea have ye? The fires were pyres for the dead mate."

Corv silenced the guard with a handwave. His Jaw was emitting a mix between blood and drool and even somebody who wasn't a doctor could see that the shoulder needed urgent attention


Jorun the second son of Donald answered for the Chief

"Stranger, the Chief asks yer name and bids ye ter take care o' him. In the Beatin' with me father 'is shoulda' was 'urt an' 'is jaw shattered. Since that 'e can't speak alright. If yer as good as ye promise 'e means ta pay ye one ducat worth o' gold after the next raid and if ye and yer men prove themselves, he offers ye the land of the McKenzies and gives ye a position as Hônd."

Reg eyed the man defiantely a moment and then bent back and laughed
Yer want ta tell me what me can say an' what not? Boy yer funny. is 'e yer Jester or somethin'? I'll tell it ta yer lad, just because yer made me laugh. First that shield over there is human leather. Skinned the bastard meself. An' i'm 'ere for me Chief. Jarl Corv Manskinner that one is. Well me searches a proper doc for 'im, ours are lousy basterds. He will pay 'im well. Yer haven't seen 'un have ye?

Reg grinned a honest broad grin which showed most of his bad teeth.

Now that me 'as told ye why me's 'ere can me get back me weapuns? I feel somewhat naked without 'em...oh and me shield. Its ter much an effort ter skin another basterd for a fresh 'un.

((well anyway my scouting mission seems to have gotten lost...))
Send Scouts to the Ewans to figure out their remaining military strength after the battle there shouldn't be much more left


Mr. Dwarfinton

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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1037 on: July 27, 2011, 04:42:36 pm »

Thought for a second as he tried to decipher the words that Corv said. As he thought a man next to the Chief spoke for him. His speech was little better than the Chief's but he got the idea. Johnston smiled at the Chief then bowed again. "Surely, Chief. I will try my best to fix your jaw. I will need the a satchel I left with my men, however. It contains all my medical supplies, and with all respect I doubt you have many supplies for such things. I will also fix anything else that needs to be. As a sign of good will I won't charge for more than the jaw. We shall begin when you are ready." He turned away, not waiting an answer and then turned back. "Of course, I forgot the most important part. My name is Turock McJohnston. Please, call me McJohnston however. I prefer my surname." He said, nodding to the Chief and then turned away. If he had any objection he could speak now. Land of a family he conquered? Seems a good deal. Let's hope he decides not to turn on me. McJohnston thought as he walked back to the soldiers.

Action: Retrieve the satchel of medical supplies and attempt to fix the jaw when Corv is ready.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 05:02:45 pm by Mr. Dwarfinton »

Mr. Dwarfinton

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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1038 on: July 27, 2011, 05:01:53 pm »

((Ignore this, I was attempting to modify it and I hit quote by accident. Dumb me.))


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1039 on: July 27, 2011, 06:06:45 pm »

Action: Retrieve the satchel of medical supplies and attempt to fix the jaw when Corv is ready.

[6+1]  You break Corv Manskinner's jaw.  It is extremely painful.  It is also a necessary part of fixing it.  You hurriedly explain this when his clansmen start shouting and threatening you, and fortunately Corv seems to understand it and waves them off.  Unfortunately, whilst you do a fantastic job of fixing the jaw you had to wire most of it together with copper.  Corv's jaw will heal perfectly, but he won't be able to speak for nearly three months.

[2]  There isn't a lot you can do for most of the wounded right now, but it's been a couple of days since the last fight.  Maybe if you stick around until right after a battle you might have a chance of saving some men.

[I'm noting you down as an independent with a personal guard regiment for future, since you offered to add your forces to Corv's.  You only have about six men, but they have vastly superior armour, training and weaponry and so count as a full infantry unit a la any personal guard.  Naturally their upkeep costs match that of a full infantry unit too - this kind of guard is expensive.]

Quote from: King Erik
Give a (rousing?) speech. Send our forces off to battle as per the plan.

[4+1]  The wince of pain is more visible than Erik might like, but word of the battle with the summoner spread quickly and the gathered crowd view the king's effort to maintain face as a sign of strength that bolsters his otherwise not-extraordinary speech.  They are fired with dedication to following the king's example, and almost none grumble that their monarch will not be accompanying them to the fight.  As a consequence of this, there will be no ordinary risk of morale issues on the way to battle.

Marching the army to Preston should take approximately a month, with Terenos and the remaining advance force arriving in Miring some two weeks beforehand.  The precise status of the forces of both sides remains unknown to the king's men unless runners/riders arrive from the advance force or any spies to inform them.

((Gee. It sure would be handy to have another damn regiment at my back.))

Terenos spat on the ground. He called back to give the order to arm up and prepare for battle, should it come to them.
Survey the city, try to determine the strength of enemy forces.

[2]  You send scouts into the city, but as is typical for most towns Miring is a maze of twisty passages, all alike.  They fail to report back details of the enemy forces.  [1]  Quite a number do not come back at all, getting caught up in the melee in the city.  You will not be able to use scouts again until this immediate situation is resolved.  You are at the point of giving up hope [5] when a tiny but impressively well-equipped band of what appear to be mercenaries emerge from the city.  Their leader, a man in a silk shirt and brigantine sporting one polished oak peg leg, raises his fine, bloodied sabre in salute.

"About time you got here, sir.  Thought we were going to have all the fun to ourselves."

Manning's Crew are added to Terenos' forces.  They are few in number, but vastly better equipped and so count as a single ambush-capable infantry regiment.

It appears that Manning was on the brink of death when the fight in the king's council chambers was over.  He tells you that the physicians would probably have let him die if the king hadn't been so insistent they keep him alive - apparently something or other had put the fear of God into him over Manning dying.  Since then he's been acting as an elite trainer for the guard and picked this crew from the soldiers willing to risk a venture into the city to break the siege.

Manning reports on the state of the city.  [3]  From what he and his men have observed since the siege started, this advance force is mostly comprised of peasants and the remnants of various rebel noble guards, loosely aligned under the common cause of looting and pillaging.  Preston's spies in the region appear to have sent them on ahead to cause some havoc and prevent armies successfully reaching the castle and reinforcing the soldiers there.  Manning suspects that there are three regiments total, but that they are operating independently.  If you can prevent them from trying to fight your force all at once, you may have a better chance of victory.

Deliver the package to Waery.

Ask for permission to be used as a saboteur, sneaking over to the enemy camp and poisoning their food and water supplies.

Earlier:  [4]  You make sure to explain the dosage carefully to Waery, emphasising how dangerous it would be to overdose his master with the painkillers.  He winks at you, and you think you might have accidentally come across as giving innuendo you did not intend, but he laughs it off.  In any case, you are reasonably sure that if he does die as a result of the mixture it will be from malice rather than accident.

Siege:  [3]  The King is busy, as is your husband, but that means that nobody can really stop you either.  Taking the equipment you appropriated from your husband's stores and the light leather-and-chain armour, you bribe the guard to let you out of the castle gate (he makes no promises about you getting back in again).  He does mention that you weren't the first group to head out, mentioning one of the king's guard trainers going out himself, but can't tell you where they were headed.

[5+1]  You are an accomplished alchemist, and your skill does you credit, but luck was on your side today.  The castle overlooks the port and you were able to smuggle, steal or buy some fairly exotic ingredients that had been seized from merchant stalls when the king's forces pulled in for the siege.  The poison you have concocted is nasty, painful and fast-acting.  (+2 poison bonus to personal combat rolls whilst the poison is still applied.  Stacks with weapon bonus.)  [5]  Better yet, you were able to mix it with a mordant to keep it fast on the weapon; you reckon you should be able to get several strokes off with the weapon before it dilutes to ineffectiveness.  (The poison wears off on the fourth individual round of personal combat you are involved in.  This can be split between multiple engagements, if you are lucky.  Remember that mooks only have 1hp.)  Sadly, you used up all your supply applying it to the sword, but you can probably poison liquid food or water by stirring the sword in it.

[2]  Unfortunately, as fantastic an alchemist and cartographer as you might be, you don't have a map of this city and swiftly get quite lost.  [5]  You decide on a whim to see if you can find your way around by just walking whilst keeping one hand on a building at all times.  This has little effect, but you do catch sight of a small band of very well equipped men making their way out of the city.  At the same time, you notice what seems to be a couple of wagons of miscellaneous loot being pushed down a street by an apparent mixture of peasants with pitchforks and rather ragged swordsmen.  Naturally, the peasants are doing most of the pushing, but the wagon might be leading to wherever these raiders are camped in the city.

Will you follow the small crew of soldiers leaving the city (at a distance), or try and sneak after the raiders with the loot wagon?

Quote from: Rule Change: Critical Success in Battles
Critical Successes in battles (i.e. the loser's forces are reduced by 2 regiments but the winner's forces are unharmed) now happen when the victor has >3 advantage (i.e. 5 vs 1, 6 vs 1, 6 vs 2).  In other words, it is now three times as likely for an asymmetric force to prevail if the odds are stacked highly enough in its favour.

Taking advantage of Thatkid and sticking to war posts for the moment.  Also, as I may have missed it - was Terenos able to afford that fine set of armour he ordered?

Edit:  Slowly rebuilding the map using Hexographer, now that Micelus has introduced me to it.  The lower portions won't be a perfect copy of Locanil's map, or even for that matter explored for a good while, but I'll be keeping that map in mind when drawing it.  The map will still be valid, but details might change (the number of cities, for one).
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 06:30:24 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1040 on: July 27, 2011, 06:27:36 pm »

((Iituem just so you, know I think you meant a >4 advantage with the new rule change about fighting.))
I'm having money troubles so they disconnected my internet at home... No way to post outside of work. :\ Thankfully I work from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, though its 6:45 and I'm still at the office. (Manager, I can stay as long as I want, hehe)

...And yes, I'm here just to post on B12 in RP posts. Can't get geekier than that.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1041 on: July 27, 2011, 06:36:33 pm »

((my two personal guard and one normal regiment are in the army right?
"Those who guard their back encounter death from the front." - Drow Proverb.
I will punch you in the soul if you do that again.
"I'm going to kill another dragon and then see if I can't DUAL-WIELD DRAGONS!
Because I can"-WolfTengu


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1042 on: July 27, 2011, 06:42:02 pm »

((Nope. I'm sans fancy armor at the moment, I'll get it on my way back. Also, This is not a situation a fire can help. Sigh. But we're still on board for the outright murder.))

Terenos grins and salutes with his longsword, then lets loose with some raucous laughter "Hah! Like I'd carve up a castle full of traitors *wink* and then ditch the rest of the festivities. Well this brightens my bleak odds a fair bit. "

This bit he shouts back to his men: "Ya hear that lads? Peasant rabble. Thats how desperate Preston is. We'll be feasting in Preston's hall before the year is out."
Back to Manning:

"Any chance you can manuever us in such a way as to cut off these peasant regiments? I reckon they'll cut and run at the first opportunity if they run into real soldiers. But they'll want their plunder. Mayhaps I can drive em into an ambush set up by you and yours. You and yours know the city better than me, You pick the spot, we'll cut em down. Try not to be too far away just in case we fall into the deep shit."

Terenos has Manning set up an ambush, then endeavors to drive an enemy regiment into it. If they're a peasant regiment, slaughter them. If they're a real regiment, try to capture.
As usual, Terenos leads from the front. Firm advance through the streets. Stay in formation.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 06:56:05 pm by Terenos »
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1043 on: July 27, 2011, 06:50:20 pm »

Quick info on the state of Elbreth's forces. It should be self-explanatory but: First line lists the leader's name and allegiance (shouldn't change much unless you defect), followed by a quick state of "current actions".
The next rows are specific infantry information, accompanied by who recruited them/pays the upkeep as well as individual regiment information/orders/status/abilities. Currently, the only situations where this differs from the norm is with Terenos, who's commanding a Crown regiment, and Taric, who's Stonewood Militia is still defending the Eelspine.
I haven't put Manning's group in there yet.
To be honest, it's just a rip straight from my text file.
Spoiler: Elbrethian Forces (click to show/hide)

E: There wasn't a slew of posts, but I made a new one anyways. Oh well.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:33:21 pm by thatkid »
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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1044 on: July 27, 2011, 06:54:44 pm »

((Anywho, how much would a sentry ring - to stand watch over the Eelspine and southeastern Elberath- cost to recruit/train?))
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1045 on: July 27, 2011, 06:58:50 pm »

((Anywho, how much would a sentry ring - to stand watch over the Eelspine and southeastern Elberath- cost to recruit/train?))

Not entirely sure what you mean by this.  Elaborate, please?

((Iituem just so you, know I think you meant a >4 advantage with the new rule change about fighting.))

No, I meant a >3, which is to say 4 or more advantage.  I was tempted to put >=4, but felt that would be even more confusing.  =/

Edit 2:

Quote from: Even Newer Rule Change
I'm buffing cavalry.  Instead of providing a +1 to any rolls involving a cavalry unit on open fields, plains or steppe, cavalry now have effective str 3 on open fields, plains or steppe (and not assaulting a walled fortress), or defending hills (where they have the high ground) but not mountains (where the terrain is too unstable for even a downhill charge).  Cavalry are now even more effective than before, and there's a motivation to have more than one cav unit in an army.

Edit 3:  And here's the counter-cav unit.

Quote from: Addition to the OP, below cavalry.
Pikemen:  Anti-cavalry infantry.  Cost 2 ducats to hire (plus 2 parcels' manpower), 2 ducats to maintain.  Act as ordinary str 1 infantry except in any battle vs cavalry, where their strength is 4.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:09:48 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1046 on: July 27, 2011, 07:24:41 pm »

((Anywho, how much would a sentry ring - to stand watch over the Eelspine and southeastern Elberath- cost to recruit/train?))
As much as a regular regiment, I'd assume. Unless you intend to give them special training.
Or do you mean constant scouting efforts? I guess that could be achieved in the same manner, just indicate that they're always on the look-out for threats.
Maybe have them ambush-capable or something, too?

In the Castle, the Night of Kaguro's Trial...
(Silas ?) OOC: I can't do much with this yet, since OOCly I'm a bit hazy on why you're doing what you're doing. Maybe explain yourself to the fourth wall, too?

In Sheepstead ~4 Days after Kaguro's Trial, ~6 Days after Sir Taric's Demon-slaying...

(Taric 3) Erika mostly prattles about unimportant things: Kara is around the age of 17 (or will be turning 17 this year, at any rate). As has been mentioned, she is more than a little shy and is rarely actually seen in her brother's court. She has no doubt been trained in all of the things that noblewomen are trained in, and reportedly has the looks of her late mother, though she shares the fiery hair of Erik and William. If you want to find out anything of more substance than appearance and age, you'll no doubt need to ask more specific questions.

The King's Court, A Day after the War Meeting...

(Locanil) The steward is pleased that you got the map to him in a timely fashion. The King will no doubt contact you should he have any questions.

~1 Month After the Armies Set Out...

(Corv) King Erik's expression was grim as he gave a simple, small nod to one of the guards that held Reg. Within moments, the Weylander was forced onto his knees before the King. "Your sword," Erik stated calmly and coldly to one of the guards in the room, and he soon held a sword in his off-hand. It felt uncomfortable and alien, and Erik doubted that he would be much use in a fight with it. But it would serve for an execution. "Have you any last words before I avenge these atrocities?"

Elsewhere in the World...

In the Ztah Steppes...

(Sir Jormund) The Baikov are not exactly impressed by your choice of target, but money is money so they go along with it anyways. You arrive at the Yevenov Land several hours later, to find that they haven't bothered to, or haven't been able to settle it much more than would be necessary for a nomadic lifestyle - precluding any attempts to raid it (you can't raid open land). You could probably still attack their forces outright though as (3) they still haven't noticed you due to your need for secrecy. As your own personal regiment is not trained for ambushes, and the Baikovs are trained for raiding, you won't be able to pull off a proper ambush. It looks like they only have one regiment though.

In the Weylands...

(Corv 4) Your scouts return quickly. It would appear that they are steadily learning not to get caught whilst on such missions.
The McEwans have two regiments left, which isn't nearly enough to defend their four parcels of open land. They might have help from the McKinleys still though, your scouts were hazy on that fact. Either way, the McEwans are no doubt attempting to erect defensive fortifications wherever they can before you retaliate.
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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1047 on: July 27, 2011, 07:36:52 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
How much would a band like this cost to train?))
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1048 on: July 27, 2011, 07:46:12 pm »

Ask about Eric.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King!
« Reply #1049 on: July 27, 2011, 07:46:57 pm »

>Silas's guardian angel: Explain things to those on the outside of the fourth wall.

Is it time for this, then? All right.

Firstly, the Mystic Blue Gem of Aknor does not, in fact, reside within this Kingdom's treasury. In fact, I didn't even bother checking whether it existed anywhere!

I told Silas, "To fulfill your destiny, enter the royal castle and seek the Mystic Blue Gem of Aknor". Clever individuals will notice that this does not require Silas to find it, or even that such a discovery be possible. This is not the first time I have given Silas such a command, so he is not ignorant of this possibility.

And for reference, Silas and I have already had a discussion on his destiny. He asked "Does it benefit humanity as a whole, or failing that, this kingdom (but not at the cost of another kingdom), or failing that, my family (but not at the cost of another family), or failing that, myself (but not at the cost of another person)". I said "yes". (He had reason to suspect some sort of dishonesty; it seems there are quite a few "demon children" out there for whom the answer would be "no")

Knowing that, it is almost certain that Silas believes his little infiltration will leave the kingdom better off than it was before, though it is just as certain that he doesn't know how.

This is what Silas knows and what he wishes to explain. This time, at least.

>Silas: Now explain it for the people on the inside of the fourth wall. Well, just the one, really, but you'll probably repeat it later.

(I figured my mysteriousness would backfire sooner or later. Kinda expected it to be sooner.)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:52:41 pm by billybobfred »
urist mcgeorg, who lives in boatmurdered and makes over 10,000 bad decisions each day,
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