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Author Topic: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A  (Read 49378 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #795 on: August 21, 2011, 01:27:07 am »

I decide to create an updated version of the third ("RPG") post. I haven't fleshed out stats, abilities, or items, but now at least the deaths and new players are accounted for.
Code: [Select]
[b]Situation update as of day 17[/b]


1 [s]Adwarf - Minotaur Beastmaster Rargh![/s] (Head smashed, turned to raised vampire.)
Two handed weapon style +6
Natural brawler: +20 % damage bonus when striking with hooves, horns, teeth!
Inner Compass: Retrace your steps, Never get lost even in the dark.
Animal Friend: Natural animals react better, perhaps even not automatically attacking!
Fast Training: Tired of animals taking seasons to train for war? not so when you speak their own language! (metaphorically speaking)
Animal Bond: chosen pets can be commanded directly, instead of being run as NPC's
[b]Starting Item[/b]; Demon, the Hellwolf[/spoiler]
1.2 Adwarf - Minotaur Vampire Spawn Rargh.
[spoiler=To do.]What abilities does the spawn have? Can it still be charismatic with neck and head disfigured?[/spoiler]

2 Irony Owl - Shigon the Salamander Infernalist
+2 Toughness
Fire resistance
Spitfire- short range fire attack. Coordination vrs Dodge or Block to hit.
Imp Familiar- 8 hour ritual to enslave a minor demon. Fire imp (fire aura), Blood imp (shared hp), or Nether imp (lends mana)
Combust- Set target aflame!. Will attack vrs Will (-1/range). Lightly damaging but very distracting. Lasts 1d6 seconds on its own, fire may linger.
Pentagram- powerful warding Sigil. unnatural creatures and spirits cannot physically cross (at least directly)
[b]Starting Item:[/b] [i]Soul Gem[/i] (fill it with a soul by sacrifice on an appropriate altar) (item of power)[/spoiler]

3 [s]Furtuka - Ghoul necromancer[/s] (Dismantled, brain eaten, and parts destroyed.)
Zombie hand - 8 hour ritual. Binds a lost spirit into a severed hand, attacks intelligent living things unless under close necromantic supervision. Under the direct mental control of the necromancer
Bind Spirit -  8 hour or more ritual.  requires a fresh spirit to bind into dead material. Effectiveness based on value of item. works on wood, leather, bone. Follows simple verbal nercomancers commands
Grisly repairs - 1 minute ritual. Fast, if unnatractive gross repairs of damaged flesh on the living or the dead.
[b]Starting Item:[/b] Bronzebound book - Quis est Vitae, Quis Ultra (necromancy book)[/spoiler]

4 [s]Dwarmin - Birdman Assassin[/s] (Arrow lodged in heart; bled to death.)
Glide- your wings allow you to jump higher and coast farther, even over someones head! given enough room. includes featherfall given a stable landing and not careening to the earth.
Birdkin- Other avians react better towards you
Hide in shadows +4; +4 to ambushing skill in darkness, as shadows seem to envelop you. Ordinary folks need something more tangible to hide behind, even if only a barrel.
Backstab; no attack penalty to target discernable vital organs, +attack skill from behind,
Smokebomb: Cloud your square in obscuring smoke!
[b]Starting Item:[/b]Kukri (its like a hatchet that can stab!)[/spoiler]

5 Ahra - Rahal the Gargoyle Enchanter
Glide; wings allow you to jump higher and coast further.
Stoneskin; you are made of stone! slashing and impaling attacks lose their damage bonus (but may retain their armor peircing)
Slow Healer; even minor chips take days to heal.
Elemental Weapon: piece of coal and a sword? flaming sword (+1 damage after armor)! cup of water and a hammer? Wavehammer (+1 Knockback), stone and a shield? Strongshield (x2 Hitpoints)
Elemental Apparel: Water and a cloak? Blurring cloak! Wood and a breastplate? Thorns! stone and a shirt? A shirt with a hitpoint!
[b]Starting Item:[/b]Savage Waraxe (wounds cause double the pain)[/spoiler]

6 Demonic Spoon - Nameless Sprite Druid
Plant Ken: plants and plantlike things react better to you, even gives you a bonus to growing them. Ordinarily they would eat you if they could.
Fastgrow: tired of trees taking forever to grow big? not when you tend 'em
Barkskin: your body is actually similar to wood, Impaling and slashing loses its damage bonus on you.
Treehome: you may pass through wooden obstacles, you could even sleep in a tree, and slowly regenerate all the while, from even the most mortal of wounds.
Twisted growth: grow a plant at least twice and big and ten times as evil! Make a simple rooted plump helmet into a corridor blocking monstrosity (nutritional value not increased)
Selective Breeding: Design your own plants by combining attributes from different ones. Each generation morphs a little more. Make vaenus mantraps! or Thornbushes as annoying as barbedwire.
Entangle: 3x3 area effect spell. Will attack vrs Dodge or Str.
[b]Starting Item:[/b] Magic (evil) Acorn[/spoiler]

7 Cryptfeind - Sly the Incubus Psion
[spoiler]Strength- +1
Toughness- 0
Fine Coordination- 0
Gross Agility- 0
Endurance- +1
Health- 0
Intellect- +1
Willpower- +4
Perception- 0
Charisma- +6

Pisonics +6
Shield man +1
Dodger +1
One handed- +2

Unnatural- mortal damage sends this individual back to the abyss. Affected by pentagrams and other such things.
Presence - selfcentered area effect Charisma attack vrs will. Victims tremble, scatter, or beg for mercy or maybe just become enraged. (-1 skill/range)
Mental Blast - 3x3 area effect. Will attack vrs Will. Drains enemy endurance. (-1 skill/range)
Mind leash- Gaze attack. Will attack vrs Will. success dazes enemy, success by 5 allows verbal command of the enemy, success by 10 direct control. (-1skill/range)
Third Eye- Pierces Illusions such as mirror image, Blur, illusionary wall, magical darkness. no use on smoke, blinding flashes, eye trauma.
[b]Starting Item:[/b] Lucky Bandana (redirects headshots to the torso)[/spoiler]

8 [s]Rty275 - Cizikler the Illithid Psion[/s] (Pulped by undead bodyparts while incapacitated.)
Mindsnap - gaze attack. Will attack vrs Will. Success by one dizzies enemy, success by 5 hallucinations, success by 10 start raving madness. (-1skill/range)
Headbite - bites to the brain half armor.
Mindblast 3x3 area effect. Will attack vrs will. Drains enemy endurance. (-1skill/range)
eats only brains
Meditation - May focus and regain willpower spent in spellcasting or whatever, results in just a moment.
[b]Starting item:[/b] 4 delicious lobes of brain.[/spoiler]

Rask - Miran the Vampire Alchemist

120$ Healing Powder regens 1 hp for 1-6 seconds
200$ Buffout potion
$60$ Moxie potion
160$ Spellward potion
$80$ Pain vial
120$ Visions vial
160$ Nausea vial
$20$ Molotov (1-6 fire, low intensity smolder is distracting)
$20$ Acid potion (1-6 corrosive, reduces armor potentially
$80$ Glowstick (darkness level at -3)


Gravebound - must sleep in coffin, heals damage at the cost of blood/food. wont heal otherwise.
Unliving - no bonus damage from piercing/slashing
Lightblind - sensitive to bright lights, sees better in darkness
Bite - deadly bite, a strike that ends in a grapple, deals slashing type damage as long as maintained, deals damage to fatuige too![/spoiler]

Fortis - [s]Mad Drider Scientist[/s] (Mind snapped and brain eaten.)

Mad Science!+6

Web Stream - Coordination attack vrs Dodge. Str vrs Str to rip free, or attack the webs.
Venemous Bite - Poison bite
Extra Legs - grant stability, potential grappling bonuses
can weave webs[/spoiler]

Ochita - Bernard the Human Enchanter
[spoiler]Attributes: 4 Int,4 Will,1 Cha,1 Per
Skills:5 Enchanting, 3 first aid, 1 Dodge, 1 sword.
Starting Item: Cutlass[/spoiler]

Zako - Dragnar the Dwarf Warlord

Onehanded weapons+3

Overpowerf -if you or enemy parries/blocks, then weapons lock in close combat
Command-unaffiliated freindly npcs obey you in battle. Suicidal commands require a charisma roll
Battlecry-IF take turn to Battlecry, Then allies reroll one dice this turn.

Starting Item: Spiked Segmented Iron Shoulderpads (protect upper torso only)[/spoiler]

UltraValican - Gestuch the Black Ork Mad Scientist (abilities unknown?)
Gross Agility:0
Converts extra stat point into 3 skill points
Two Handed Sword+2
Mad Science+5[/spoiler]

Micelus - Floating Skull Morpher
Charisma 1
Intellect 4
Endurance 2
Fine Coordination +2

Stoneworker +? ( Look no hands!)
Morphing +?(ability to change the physical and mental state of objects and organisms)
Dodger +?[/spoiler]

Nivm - [Untranslatable] the Eldritchian Euclidean Specialist
[spoiler=Re-typed stats.]Race: Eldritchian
Class: Euclidean Specialist (eh, close enough)
Strength= +2
Toughness= -4
Fine Coordination= -1
Gross Agility= +2
Endurance= -2
Intellect= +2
Willpower= +4
Charisma= -4
 (Athough these stats would imply my race has nothing but stat-penalties (-11 total), and that the stats are the same for both parts, which doesn't seem right.)

Mining +2 (a certain tone makes the rock weaken and crumble)
Engineer +5 (within its eerie glow one might spot geometric shapes of all kinds...)
Striker +2
Grapple +1

(Lets see if I can make it all clear.)
Abilities and Intrinsics:
A coalescence of glowing lines almost standing on the floor, the apperance of which is often up to opinion.
 Incorporeal - May interact with physical world on an instantaneous/momentary basis, but may not interact inside solid objects...yet.
 From Somewhere Else - Magical interactions dealt with as physical interactions, and normally physical requirements dealt with as magical requirements. Above momentary physical interaction capability viewed as spells.
 Body and Soul - Can only exist within range of the linking sound emitted by its octahedron. If sound link is blocked, (completely) phases out and takes ~falling damage equivalent to the distance to the nearest linked square, then phases back in from octahedron. Not feasible to do on purpose.
 Waves - Can vibrate things; mostly low-interference fillings such as air.
   Reverberating Shreik - A piercing, resonating noise ability; can shatter fragile objects, everyone in range must roll concentration (including self), and can shatter metal and bones on sufficient critical roll. Carries effective force 12 squares strait-distance through air, 1/2 this through water, 1/4 this through solid rock.
   (Senses - Instead of classifying them into "sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting" it would list off "amplitude/frequency, distance, ~taste/shock, temper, and spin".)

An [acronym=A pattern like marble or clouds covers its blue and green surface.]oddly[/acronym] metallic octahedron rotates slowly in the air. It is surrounded by a cyclic buzzing sound.
 Link - The sound emmited by this object to connect it to the rest of its self; it carries 16 squares strait-line through open air but 1/2 through water, and 1/4 through solid rock.
 Symmetry - Its normal speed is equivalent to a sedate walk and normal healing rate even slower than the gargoyle, but in areas containing symmetry, exact angles, or smooth surfaces both rates increase at an exponenial rate. When a hall is smoothed out, with right angles, and at first glance strait, the gain is only 1kmh and an extra health point every three or four days, but when every single atom is arranged perfectly in repeating geometric patterns matching the octahedron, it is capable of moving just slow enough to glimpse and healing visibly in seconds. At the realistic point before such extreme (where all is perfect to the naked eye), it can move at a sprint and heal 1hp/day faster than a human. This property also defines the ideal place for it to sleep, with greater importance on "matching the octahedron".
 Soul and Body - If damaged, the eldritchian is knocked unconscious, possibly along with other behavioral effects, and the octahedron is frozen in space relative to the nearest 26 tonnes of matter. If destroyed, death is instantaneous, and the eldritchian leaves a ~corpse of heavily mana-charged vapours. (Resurrection [i]might[/i] be possible if the hedron was destroyed by shattering, since the pieces could be collected, carefully reassembled, then the last piece added within a cloud of correctly empowered vapour.)[/spoiler]

[i]Waitlist:[/i] did i miss anybody? (not a queue list; first person to be active when someone dies gets in)
Riversand - Kass Duskfur the Catperson Enchantress
[spoiler]Race: Bekuzir *created*
Bekuzir: Bipedal Feline Demon (lesser demon); +2 Gross Agility, +1 Intellect, Night Vision +5
Strength: +2
Toughness: +0
Fine Coordination: +0
Gross Agility: +2 Race, + 3 = +5
Endurance: +0
Health: + 2
Intellect: +1 Race, + 2 = +3
Willpower: +0
Perception: +0
Charisma: +1

Engineer: 3
Enchanter: 5

Starting item: Sparking Short-spear [permanent, possibly minor electrical enchantment][/spoiler]
Firelordsky - Amades Septimus Pancakes the Troll Avatar of ?
Attributes:Strength +2 (race)
Health +4
Toughness +2
Endurance +4
Skills:Grappling +4
Striking +4
First aid +1
Surgery +1[/spoiler]

[i]Played-Once Waitlist:[/i] (for when there isn't anyone on the waitlist)
Rty275 - Acererak the Lich Wizard
[spoiler]Attributes: -2 Strength, -3 Health, +2 Gross Agility, +4 Inteligence, +4 Endurance.
Skills: +6 Magic, +2 Dodger, +2 First-Aid.
Abilities: Magic Missile, Ignite, Identiy
Starting Item: Wizard's Spellbook[/spoiler]

It seems Cryptfeind stopped playing for some he slimed too? It seems like he might have been slimed...

Strength= +2
Toughness= -4
Fine Coordination= -1
Gross Agility= +2
Endurance= -2
Intellect= +2
Willpower= +4
Charisma= -4
 (Athough these stats would imply my race has nothing but stat-penalties (-11 total), and that the stats are the same for both parts, which doesn't seem right.)
Hastur, should said penalties be left in to balance out all the other strangness or can they be taken it down to -9 or -8? ... Regardless, I think I'm going to move two points from Charisma to intelligence, just for the sake of getting the maximum negative charisma I thought I had.
Imagine a cool peice of sky-blue and milk-white marble about 3cm by 2cm and by 0.5cm, containing a tiny 2mm malacolite crystal. Now imagine the miles of metamorphic rock it's embedded in that no pick or chisel will ever touch. Then, imagine that those miles will melt back into their mantle long before any telescope even refracts an image of their planet. The watchers will be so excited to have that image too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #796 on: August 21, 2011, 01:49:18 am »

You wont fit on my notecard! *shakes fist* at least you dont have an inventory.  :)

Edit: ok everyone who wants in post a character sheet right here and im going to dump everbody in at once.

Nivm you mentioned somethign about stats. They are actually on a scale that is 10=human average, the +/-'s to the stats are relative to a human, they could go all the way to 0's for say, a brain in a jar. who would have only some of the mental stats. i dont know if that helps because i forgot what you said.

PS: slimed? huh? theres only one person i remember sliming. Sly got puked on once...
« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 01:56:42 am by Hastur »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #797 on: August 21, 2011, 02:16:32 am »

Name: Kass Duskfur

Gender: Female

Description: Dark Furred hell-cat with short horns between her ears on-top of her head. She wears dark brown Clothes that keep modesty about her form, with a cold earring in her left ear. Her eyes glow red dimly.

Race: Bekuzir *created*
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Class: Enchanter

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Starting item: Sparking Short-spear [permanent, possibly minor electrical enchantment]
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #798 on: August 21, 2011, 03:10:23 am »

Name: Acererak

Race: Lich (Reforms from Phylactery, -2 Strength, -3 Health)

Class: Wizard (Quicker research, access to Magic skill, starts with spellbook)

Attributes: -2 Strength, -3 Health, +2 Gross Agility, +4 Inteligence, +4 Endurance.

Skills: +6 Magic, +2 Dodger, +2 First-Aid.

Is this alright?

Spells in Spellbook: Magic Missile, Prestidigitation, Identify.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #799 on: August 21, 2011, 03:14:26 am »

For the stocks page:

according to my personal bookkeeping, the current number of consumables is:
1 Pain vial
9 Molotov potions
10 Acid potions
1 healing dust


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #800 on: August 21, 2011, 05:48:30 pm »

Nivm you mentioned somethign about stats. They are actually on a scale that is 10=human average, the +/-'s to the stats are relative to a human, they could go all the way to 0's for say, a brain in a jar. who would have only some of the mental stats. i dont know if that helps because i forgot what you said.
(How?) My character's stats penalties and bonuses add up to -1 ([10 points distributed]-[11 in racial stat penalties); eariler you had commended this with "[...]SO im glad you didnt overbuff your attributes", but it seems kinda steep, relative to the normal net 10, or 7 for Micelus. I wanted to get your estimate as to how much net-penalty is needed to balance out the net-gain of my strange ability set, and possibly add a few points accordingly.
 Also, I expected you'd grab the "third post" I'd typed up since it saves you work updating, but now I'm wondering what I did wrong...Update it again for everyone who is getting in right now?

PS: slimed? huh? theres only one person i remember sliming. Sly got puked on once...
Yep, then got bedrest and came down with some affliction. I guess the affliction is to explain why he hasn't made any actions, but in-universe it seems likely we'll discover a mass of acidic green slime oozing from Sly's bed fairly soon.
Imagine a cool peice of sky-blue and milk-white marble about 3cm by 2cm and by 0.5cm, containing a tiny 2mm malacolite crystal. Now imagine the miles of metamorphic rock it's embedded in that no pick or chisel will ever touch. Then, imagine that those miles will melt back into their mantle long before any telescope even refracts an image of their planet. The watchers will be so excited to have that image too.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Has the asylum forgotten? Are they still the same?
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #801 on: September 05, 2011, 01:37:49 am »

I apologize for the double-post, but what am I doing that kills so many games? The same thing that Armok does?
Imagine a cool peice of sky-blue and milk-white marble about 3cm by 2cm and by 0.5cm, containing a tiny 2mm malacolite crystal. Now imagine the miles of metamorphic rock it's embedded in that no pick or chisel will ever touch. Then, imagine that those miles will melt back into their mantle long before any telescope even refracts an image of their planet. The watchers will be so excited to have that image too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #802 on: September 05, 2011, 02:30:57 am »

Doubt its your fault; this game's been alive and dead on and off.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #803 on: September 05, 2011, 02:32:49 am »

Yeah. Hopefully it'll thaw out and start shambling along again sometime.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #804 on: September 05, 2011, 09:52:59 am »

If not we can always hunt down Hastur, and stab him with a rusty spear.


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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #805 on: November 10, 2011, 08:15:41 pm »

Hey so remember last time i didnt post? well related to that time i now have inherited a business.but I have a loose grip on it now and i have spare time to GM again. mostly on saturdays. Anybody wanna play still? i'll go with like 3 people.

anybody still around?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #806 on: November 10, 2011, 09:06:45 pm »

I'm still around. And I'm pretty sure the other guys wanted to continue with this. I can go PM the other guys to see if they want to play again.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #807 on: November 10, 2011, 09:27:13 pm »

I am in :D


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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #808 on: November 10, 2011, 10:13:03 pm »

nifty. Forgive any errors i make while i get back into the groove of things. I am just going to automate anybody who does not show up. Dont PM anybody till i get a post up to date-ing everything. i dont want the first turn back to be a hurdle for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Keeper: The Q&A
« Reply #809 on: November 10, 2011, 11:16:44 pm »

Welcome back Hastur! glad to see you around again.
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.
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