I also choose to point out that most players have made some claim about mech knowledge for us.
Ignoring anything related to the auction except for Crystal's statements about responsibility for it -
Imp, Hyper, Tric, FoU, Jack, Crystal, and Verm have all made 1+ specific statements about their own mech or game mech - leaving only NJW, NQT, EP, and Juice as having made no claims I see about specific mech.
EP, amusingly made this initial self-claim:
My activity may be spotty this game. Please bear with me.
Glad that didn't happen yet, EP, unless spotty means more spots than a leopard, which I'm cool with

And NJW made this... weird evasive set of intertwined non-claims.
I am keeping something back that I will probably talk about at some point.
The genres do seem potentially quite powerful, and I'm still trying to work out all the implications of claiming mine... I don't see any visible downside at the moment, and there's a lot of upside if it works out well. There's a potential for scum WIFOM, but otherwise I think it's a pretty ok idea to claim at the end of the day or earlier.
I'm definitely going to wait until everyone's had a chance to post though, in case there's something I'm not seeing about the situation. If nobody else wants to talk about it yet, I'm willing to go along with that.
It looks like people have decided to keep quiet about the thing I said I'd talk about at some point. So I won't talk about it today unless a thing happens towards the end of the day that makes it necessary to talk about. I'm aware this sounds like complete nonsense to a lot of players, but if so, just don't worry about it.
To my thinking... players should claim what they think helps their wincon. I presume what NJW has said and not said serves NJW's wincon to the best of NJW's understanding.
I am not fishing. I trust you to know what you are doing, and to do what you think serves your goals best. That applies no matter what your alignment is. I won't like you more or less if you claim some mech now. I probably won't think you're more or less likely to be town.... see.
It isn't uncommon for the mafia to be given notes at the start of the game so that they know what to expect. See also, rule 1. Also, see rule 2.
Which is why I have some townreads based on mech but confusion. But we all know my fondness for Warehouse 13-related stuff... and knowledge fits that even when town. Even if it's a little or a lot confusing.
And when I've not picked WH13... I've picked other awesome informative stuff. Sorry, I'm just town that knows a lot. But scum know a lot too, we're told that it may be uncommon for mafia to not be given notes so they know what to expect.
That could... empower realistic claims, based on what actual town have as their roles and see in other flips. Course... maf have to guess what lie to make... I was sure sweating that for hyper and myself last game, where I picked the lie of 'bad knee' for me and the lie of 'vengeful' for him, so we would match what town likely had better. I was slow to claim those limitations, and really thought a lot about it.
Wonder what other maf do. I expect you to play to your wincon at all times, everyone. And you can rush to claim or slow to claim or whatever you think helps your wincon. Everyone will read every bit of it and decide the best they can about what it all means. So... don't feel pushed, NJW, about what you said/not said early about your claim/not claim. I'm just... making sure some of the more spots than a leopard shine on stuff that may matter and might get missed.