With EJ, it's pretty much a vibe read based on how I've seen him play. If I had to put it into words... on D1, scum!EJ is nervy and careful while town!EJ is aggressive and chaotic.
Doubleposting to say that he'd like lynch-immunity is not a nervy and careful move. It's a very early tone read, but that's something I'm pretty good at.
I didn't mention any other posts because I didn't have anything particularly solid after what... ten posts from five players? You don't have to talk about literally everything that happens in the game.
Nice, thanks.
I am keeping something back that I will probably talk about at some point.
The genres do seem potentially quite powerful, and I'm still trying to work out all the implications of claiming mine... I don't see any visible downside at the moment, and there's a lot of upside if it works out well. There's a potential for scum WIFOM, but otherwise I think it's a pretty ok idea to claim at the end of the day or earlier.
I'm definitely going to wait until everyone's had a chance to post though, in case there's something I'm not seeing about the situation. If nobody else wants to talk about it yet, I'm willing to go along with that.
I don't object to you claiming your genre(s), though I don't know enough to say if I might wish you hadn't later. There's stuff I claim on my first post, for sure before the end of the day, absolutely never, whatever. I trust you to read your role and wincon and decide for yourself - and that can mean getting others' opinions - here's mine.
I also support folks who say their genre is a townie secret or something, for all I know theirs could be.
Edit: ninja'd by Tric immediately after typing that. With a classic Tric first post, no less.
eyes Tric; eyes VermFor now I'm okay with this. Verm's townie or learned a lot (totally possible, he's had a few lessons and is smart; am ready to be fooled by him and very little to read) but this looks okay far as I can see.
Verm, need you talking this game; 50 posts is terrifyingly few but all of us together (we could use 550!) so far as of this post I write we've used 18.
If it's in your range, please poke people, ask questions, dig up chaos on the verbal level. Help get people talking a bit? No is fine. For now I have no advice about what to maybe do outside of talk, but the game's dang early and people are hardly talking.
Tric, you just be Tric, I'll figure out how to read you some day, regardless of if I already can or can't.
NJW I'm still sus of. I saw him be anti-town in the awesome Max Spin's Soviet Mafia game, he was pretty townie to my survivor happy-to-play-pro-town...whoops-another-townie-voted-me-and-died-for-it-game; he was the least offensive player there and won with me, thanks for that - then. I got actual standards this game.
I have vibes of that game, a feel more than anything. Still watching, eval of all of course. There are differences between here and there, especially first few posts compared here to there. But if I die early or something, wanna make sure I mentioned; I got ringing bells and am unsure/concerned about NJW.
Hyper and
Juicebox, I miss you guys. Game is approaching 23 hours after start, no posts from you guys. Grats on that awesome post hoarding... taking notes. Show me how to use some, k? I got all I can learn about not-posting-at-all. Hyper... if you actually rolled maf again, condolences + I know you love it. Yes, I can read you, and... I can read silence from you if I have to, so get over the fear and get to fooling if you have to. It's more educational and fun for everyone, yeah?
CrystalizedMire... You're getting away with posting as you are so far because I think you're more skilled if you're anti-town?
So far your post and game involvement reads a little like wubba's total emerald-focus in CYOS1. If you're trying to scumhunt, I don't see it. If you're trying to just get your unlocks so you can do da magic... if I were scum and knew you weren't, I might literally eat you. If you're triple-crossing for that, yay. But... play too? Day game play. Like... discuss and jostle people and be readable and help others be readable off you?
I hate the playstyle so far this game, but I lean weak town on Crystal despite the orange name. Could be anything though, is the problem.
sniffs CrystalizedMire carefully Another thing I hate, I asked the mod questions about what Crystal later claimed was her auction, and she didn't touch my questions either. I'm confused why those answers are not pro-town. The heck kinda hand is Crystal holding so close to her chest? I mean, I don't need to know the cards held, but is that a town hand and town priorities? I almost wanna say yes because Crystal tends to be pretty slick and smooth as anti-town? Not happy and confused.
NQT I hope is townie; I don't have a lot of game experience beside NQT when he isn't. Eager to read more, you still got 48 'use any time' posts there, buddy!
FoU, hrm. I like this FoU but I'm distraught that EJ's first post read/felt so FoU to me that I thought FoU had posted it. Was why I answered FoU about family and carrying on in my second post, by that time I had totally misbelieved FoU had already posted it. Whoops, and no hidden message intended, FoU/EJ carry on as you choose.
EJ, hrm. I am now scared that I didn't even see-feel EJ when I read EJ. Otherwise, I wanna hear a lot more from EJ as we go, but even though I'm eerie of NJW, NJW's reasoning works and I've seen stressed EJ for sure. This is not a stressed EJ at those post points and I'm glad of that, sure this could be town EJ. More please when there's time.
The optimal play might be to wait for someone to declare intent to hammer, have everyone unvote, allot abilities in whatever way feels reasonable, and then hammer the original executee with whoever's left. There are things that could go wrong with that, though, like said executee snagging Smithy (though if they were willing to play along, this could be prevented by having them buy one of the earlier abilities).
EP... Hey, what gives you hope/thought that.... well the math.
To claim all the auction abilities would take 6 voters. To hammer anyone after that would take 3 other voters.
In what world do we have the kinda coordination to pull off 9 votes in... some fashion that decides after someone declares intent to hammer and there's still time left to coordinate 9 people?
.... what I really wonder is what kinda word does EP think that's a reasonable coordination expectation to discuss? Or do I not understand what you're discussing?
Bleeping post limits. Would some/all of you please post a bit more so I can read more? I kinda wanna read us all.
And we all got plenty, I mean plenty, of posts left, ahhhhhhh. I'm on 45 left and y'all have more than me still.