Bring Your Own Board GamePutting board games in your mafia games, so you can game while you gameWelcome to BYOBG!
First, I'd like to dive into some of the ideas I have about game design. These will be helpful for you to read because it will give you an idea of what kind of roles to expect. This is a role madness game, but I do like to have a method to my madness!
1. I like to design games that I think will be fun for the people playing them. This is my rule #1 that overrides all the others. If a role isn't fun to play as, with, or against, I simply won't include it. This means there won't be any roles with no counter-play, such as lynchproof mafioso; or negative utility roles, such as lynchproof townie; or roles that delay the game unnecessarily, such as... lynchproof anything.
2. I try to stick to the fundamental definition of mafia as much as possible. This means that there will be an informed minority (mafia) trying to eliminate an uninformed majority (town). I do not use any other alignments.
3. The mafia should feel confident that they own the night phase. In my mind, this means that they should not be caught be a role action that they could not prevent. An unblockable cop would be a simple example of something I wouldn't include. It isn't uncommon for the mafia to be given notes at the start of the game so that they know what to expect. See also, rule 1. Also, see rule 2.
4. The town should feel confident that they own the day phase. Things like mafia hidden double-voters only serve to frustrate the town, taking away what should be their main weapon against the mafia. See rule 1 again.
5. If both sides act randomly, the mafia should win ~55% of the time. Obviously, this is difficult to achieve in a role madness game, but this is the aim. The town should have to work for their win.
Finally, I'll state that this isn't a bastard game. I'm not going to lie. However, be very cautious about your assumptions. I can get pretty creative with role design.
When you sign up, please do two things. First, add me as a friend on Discord. I'll be putting all private topics there, which I can't do if I'm not friends with you! My username is ".urist". Once you've done that, send me a message on Discord with the name of the board game you'd like to play as. I'm a lot more likely to design a good role for you if I've played the game you're submitting. Don't be afraid to ask whether I'm familiar with a particular game, I'm more than happy to talk about that.
Game-Specific Rules- General Abilities: Every player will have at least one genre. Some may have more than one. These General Abilities are shared among all players with the same genre(s). Unless otherwise specified, active General Abilities may be used in addition to a Personal Ability each night.
- Personal Abilities: Each player may use one Personal Ability each night. These are your standard mafia abilities.
- Factional Abilities: This includes the win condition for each player, as well as the usual mafia abilities.
- Certain keywords might be in play:
- Genre - The player's genre. Each player has at least 1 but not more than 99 of these abilities.
- Passive - An ability which is always on.
- Active - An ability which must be used in order to take effect. If a player fails to submit an action, they will simply not do anything.
- Locked - An ability which has no effect.
- Innate - An ability which cannot be removed, modified, or Locked.
- X-shot - An ability which may only be used X times. On flip, it is not revealed how many shots remained. If it does not resolve, the shot is still consumed.
- Free - This ability does not count against the one ability per night limit.
- Shared - This ability is shared amongst a group of players. Only one player may use it each night.
- Win Condition - How you win.
- Players will always flip with the abilities they possess at death. Flips will normally not be modified post-humously.
- Abilities used during the day will always resolve concurrently with the lynch, before any start-of-night abilities. If you are lynched, your day action will still resolve.
- All private communication with other players will happen in Discord servers.
- Days are 72 hours long. Nights are 24 hours.
- Hammers are in effect. If there is no hammer by the end of the day, there is no lynch.
- Each player may make a maximum of 50 posts per game day.
- Standard mafia rules apply. If you don't know the usual mafia rules, please ask before doing anything that seems like it might be considered cheating.
Players1. Imp
2. FallacyOfUrist
3. CrystalizedMire
4. TricMagic
5. EuchreJack
6. VermilionSkies
7. Elephant Parade
Hyper Salvatore Monday
9. NJW2000
10. notquitethere
11. juicebox