I actually thought about that earlier and came to the conclusion that me being lynched would be better than a no lynch, but me self-lynching probably wouldn't be.
If you are town, I don't want you dead. I only want anti-town dead, same as every other game where I'm pro-town.
You're hard to play around, if town, day game at least, and bad judgement as town can cost town the game (I was ready to take Secretdorf out in FBYOR6 even if Secret was town. That player was about to have unilateral vote power and wanted to just see what happened when they used power. They died happy, I hope, killing their town self and their conf town super cop; they seemed happy enough after the game.
Final Survey:
1: What's your impression of the game as a whole?
I think it was pretty balanced, and I had fun till the end. Escpecially since I won.
2: What did you like and dislike about your role?
I liked my role. Liked all of it. Especially the kamikaze kill. Although I should have made better use of it.
3: What would you change about the setup or game rules to make the game better?
Dunno add more deaths maybe. Add rarer anti-town parties. But that probably doesn't make the game better.
4: Was the flavor enjoyable?
Yes it was. But it was a bit short. Which is to be expected in an 18 player game.
5: Any other comments to make?
Can't think of anything.
I don't wanna see any town die. If I'm wrong about your alignment... until I think you get the power to throw away the game for town and are likely to do so... I still want you alive and doing what is hopefully useful for your wincon. I don't like how you're playing D1, and your reads are weird and look wrong to me. But you totally could be town.
In case you are.... I'm fine with you not self-hammering.
If you were an armed and ready to explode and take town with you Secretdorf, or I thought you were, I'd want you to take yourself out safely, so town can still win around the wound.
But I don't expect maf to self hammer and I don't want town-you dead, so I can't encourage you to self hammer.
I absolutely would say if I thought you were right now likely to destroy town entire if you didn't die, and you needed to be gone or town's probably lost.
As is, I don't even think you're the most dangerous maf in the game, if you are indeed maf.