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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969325 times)

Urist McGyver

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36600 on: August 17, 2014, 05:30:00 pm »

Biblical Dwarf Fortress.

Urist McDavid and Goliath

It's treated as completely normal because this is Dwarf Fortress.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with a wall of flames, only to later realize that you're surrounded by a wall of flames.
There's nothing that can't be solved by hurling fifteen roc birds at it.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36601 on: August 17, 2014, 06:03:55 pm »

I was looking through my dwarfs in my fort and a stonecrafter who has also been burning trees lately has a personal belief that nature and the great outdoors should be burned to ash and the enviroment be turned into a a great mining pit. This is the blue sentence before the goal/dream sentence.
I kept imagining this guy go "By Armok, not the dead roaches! Oh gods the hamsters oh the dwarfmanity!"
Devotes several hours a day making vampires an endangered species.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36602 on: August 17, 2014, 08:31:02 pm »

It is a dark day in the history of Hallapes.

A vile force of Darkness fell upon us, and we were nowhere near ready for it. It was a small force, as sieges went, but the ten Goblins would have torn through us if we had not been saved by Ducim Mozirsodel.

The call went out to all of the citizenry that it was time to take up what few arms we had to defend ourselves. Ducim was put in charge of the militia, and ordered the skilled crafters into their own squad, and to march up the stairs to the highest point of the mountain we had carved out.

Ducim was always quiet, and avoided most of the crowds. He gave of himself freely for the fortress.

The future of the fortress ensured, he organized the rest of the dwarves into squads, and ordered them to hold the line near the line of beds that had been a communal dormitory. He ordered all stockpiles to be disbanded—all paving of the great pyramid cancelled. All jobs in any workshop were likewise cancelled. What few arms we had were passed out. War dogs were given to the miners—most likely our most competent fighters. He ordered the mountain sealed with the last remnants of the wagon that brought us here.

Immediately, a half dozen members of the militia went straight to the beds and went to sleep—the lazy bastards, while the others formed up to defend the fortress.

When he saw that all was in preparation, Ducim ran for the entrance, and sealed us all inside. He is still out there, now. He has saved the rest of us. The dozens of poultry we have been raising for food and leather. Our stocks of precious metals. Our expert craftsmen. Our booze. Our food.

Ducim has saved us all.

He never got to see his dream of mastering a skill come to fruition. He will be remembered forever as the man that saved the Fortress.

…..and he will be avenged.

Hematite 7, Year 31

The siege is over! Ducim is alive!


He fought on the cliffs of Hallapes, and was stabbed in the foot. The force of the blow threw him off the cliff, and he fell down several levels, and took the impact on his skull, his left ear, his right upper leg, and his right hand. He has been passing in and out of consciousness ever since, and aside form a single arrow fired at him in parting, the Goblins gave no more resistance, and indeed left quickly afterwards.

We are tearing down the door, and are racing to bring him into our hastily constructed hospital. We have thread, we have plaster—we have everything we need except water.

Armok grant this dorf his life and we have all sworn an oath—we will do everything in our power to make him the best damn Armorer in the history of the world. He will live to master a skill. He will help keep us all from being caught with our trousers down ever again.

Just please, Armok, let him live!

Fun fact—before the siege, Ducim was only a peasant I had ignored for everything but hauling stuff around. Now, he’s my favorite dorf of the entire fort. He personally saved everyone (even though I was considering letting the gobbos kill everyone so I could bring in 3-600+ bags of sand when I reclaimed), fought the sieging army (very, very badly), and lived to tell the tale (for now).

For some reason they didn't try to finish him off or kill the Stray Donkey Foal that was wandering around outside.

But if he lives, he will be the best damn Armorer around. I swear it. And he’ll get to wear my artifact toga, and will get the artifact floodgate installed in his room.

Live, damn you! Live!

……and don’t get an infection. We have zero water.

The battle and the aftermath. The part with his tears was immediately after he fell.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I believe he fell off right after he slammed into an obstacle. I think he got slammed into something, bounced off, hung in the air for like a second, Looney Tunes style, then just fell straight down to the ground.

So he's getting this stuff in a room I will make for him if he lives. if he dies, he gets the figurine, but the toga will remain for someone else important to wear--maybe the armorer as a show of respect or something? And the floodgate will be used as a building destroyer decoy.

Spoiler: Ducim's phat loot (click to show/hide)

......he cannot be cleaned nor can he get a cast without water.


time to forge weapons and armor quickly while our miners go for a cavern.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 08:50:31 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36603 on: August 17, 2014, 11:01:40 pm »

I just noticed that there are 74 children in The Cheerful Land of Ghouls. That's 50% of my population. The problem is bigger than I thought.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36604 on: August 18, 2014, 12:17:45 am »

My raven hatchlings are domesticated, while the parents are still just Trained.  Oh well, raven pets for everyone! :P


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36605 on: August 18, 2014, 12:56:29 am »

Mini-epic story about getting at candy guarded by a Forgotten Beast (hereafter referred to as Grendel)
I'd built a defense bastion suitable for taking on the HFS.... I think.    I had only a tithing of the spike traps (only 40), but I was game to open the door and let Grendel in to try it out.

Grendel is reluctant to walk inside, until a dwarf spots a sock or other item that it wants on this lowest cavern layer, and heads out to collect it... then races back inside at the beast giving chase.  I've seen Grendel accurately hit a target from more than a dozen paces with it's deadly spit, and Grendel was only five spaces from the the dwarf and quickly got a clear shot...
... and failed to take it.
Yes, he'd seen my bait.
A hatch laid out near the front of my HFS defenses.  Ignoring my fleeing dwarf, Grendel charged the hatch and struck it a mighty blow. 

I'd prepared well however,  Well, nearly well.  The dwarf, survived to escape.  The traps it had to cross never fired (I'd not wanted to catch the dwarf with them), and bridges rose to seal in Grendel.  And the bait, the hatch?  It moved only as much as the solid rock on which it sat permitted.

I swore.  Partly, at the hatch.  It was Dumurkon, "Hauntedmasters", a kakapo bone hatch.  An artifact, fit for legendary defenses and the forgotten beast knew this.  It knew the hatch must be defeated, so it struck it blow after blow... and refused to budge from the spot.  But Dumurkon is no simple hatch, no amount of pounding from the likes of Grendel would scratch it.  It was made when one of my dwarves was posessed by a spirit, and made using forgotten arts far superior to the might of Grendel.

The beast was standing squarely on one of my upright spear traps, filled with 10 steel menacing spikes.  One of the 3 that I'd not yet connected to any levers.  Hundreds of spikes rising and falling in unison, and the 10 to end the fight?  Stationary.  And unless I first killed Grendel, I couldn't arm that single trap I needed.

I order the ballistas with a clear shot to open fire.  After a few initial misses, and one 'that should have hit', it's plain I'll need to adjust my design somewhat to let ballistas actually hit anything.  No more difficult than setting up a single trap to a lever, but again something that's not happening with Grendel there.  The only way I was removing Grendel from the hatch was as the corpse my Ballista were unable to make of him.

Ordering a ceasefire on the Ballistas, I call up my archer squad to fire at Grendel from the relative safety of the fortifications.
Yellow bastards.  May the elves praise you for centuries with their songs!

So, archers are out.  How about swordsmen?  Those I call up.  Once.... twice.... and then after turning off my dwarven bath inlet (slight design flaw...), a third time, and they finally come.  Yay!  All... one of them?  Hey, where are the rest of you lot going.  Provisions?  Equipment?   ... fine.

Half hour later, I send in the swordsmen.  3 swordsmen that are ready plus one who'd dropped a watermelon seed and started back for provisions.  I order the gate opened, and send in the dwarves.
Grendel spits at each of the first two dwarves, and is hacked in half before the third can round the corner.  Grendel was made from Brimstone?  You'd figure for something with stone in the name it might offer more challenge.

Well, Grendel spat whatever vile venom, but half of my setup covers that - a series of 4 baths along a long hallway, which can be flooded (sort of) to keep the liquid clean...  and odd, I can't find the venom.  Both dwarves easily dodged it.

Ah well, no venom makes this easier.  Miner's ho!  Candy that way!

(peer back a bit later)...

why is the floor green?
Someone found the venom and tracked it through the baths: Good.
Half my fortress pets have also (as part of candy-hauling operations) walked through the baths.  All of them nausious, and each with hurt feet and rotten stomachs.

Going to call it here and gen up a new fort in the new version.

I learned and accomplished much in this fort, but I miss my quarry bushes.




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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36606 on: August 18, 2014, 05:42:33 am »

It's still only the second year at Anriztun, "Skydoor", and we've already had four small squads attack, two Goblin, two Kobold.

The first was by the Goblins, and luckily had mostly unarmed "recruits" that my three military were able to deal with easily.

The following two Kobold ambushes also went well, with the first distracted enough firing at Magpie Men in the 5+ z-lvl trees that I didn't have to worry about their iron arrows and bolts. The second appearing right outside the gates, but dispatched by my recently reinforced military with only a few unhappy thoughts to show for it.

The most recent Goblin attack was the most worrying, as I realized I hadn't even properly set up a way to close the side access into the fort, to distracted by the construction of the surface structure and hauling the significant amount of wood that comes when you designate a few to many trees for cutting before finding out they are 5+ z-lvls high. There was nothing to worry about though, as a single stranded yak calf startled the attackers so much my military had to run laps chasing them down instead of actually fighting anything. Maybe it had something to do with there being only one actual Goblin in the squad of Goblin attackers...

Back to building for the residents of "Skydoor", with a little focus on finishing the actual "Skydoor" (a dozen or so dodge traps around a 20~ z-lvl drop, directly into the Main Hall, that leads to the main barracks). I still haven't decided if the top will be left open, or have the royal chambers constructed above in case rope-less bungee jumping is required.

The miners also need to go searching for some flux, seeing as the main fort is dug into 7 levels or huge Magnetite and Lignite deposits with scattered platinum to boot.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36607 on: August 18, 2014, 08:49:57 am »

to much copper and my fps is at 27, i have nothing but copper and gems and all the caravans are dead, or just not showing up. i did find candy but have no military to fight off the baddies that are guarding it


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36608 on: August 18, 2014, 09:22:58 am »

My entire fortress of 20 dwarves is trying to combat some undead yak hair and are unable to kill it, this could possibly destroy my fortress on a location i have spent a lot of time attempting to make a good start only to have something as stupid as an unkillable piece of hair ruin it. How can i kill it or what cheat can i use to destroy it. Surely a kick or punch would destroy the hair but this thing must be made of adamantine because every blow glances off. Some of my dwarves are already legendary fighters and dodgers just trying to fight it.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36609 on: August 18, 2014, 09:48:41 am »

My entire fortress of 20 dwarves is trying to combat some undead yak hair and are unable to kill it, this could possibly destroy my fortress on a location i have spent a lot of time attempting to make a good start only to have something as stupid as an unkillable piece of hair ruin it. How can i kill it or what cheat can i use to destroy it. Surely a kick or punch would destroy the hair but this thing must be made of adamantine because every blow glances off. Some of my dwarves are already legendary fighters and dodgers just trying to fight it.

Keep it as a pseudo danger room?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36610 on: August 18, 2014, 10:26:52 am »

My one fort turned out to be a bit of a bust in danger. No goblin sieges and the biggest baddie that's shown up is a weremammoth that immediately turned back to a human and ran off.

Anyways I started a new fort where I'm trying a different style/design out. I'm going to try and create distinct districts with burrows to limit dwarfy relationships and mitigate tantrum spirals (I know I could do this by numbing dwarves but I'd prefer not to).

Bartholomew The Pious

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36611 on: August 18, 2014, 10:36:16 am »

This Vampiric Reptile Law-Giver decided her matters are of the utmost importance and swims to my duke underground, storing stuff in the stockpile
I can't quote for squat, but this is very true. Credit to PTTG?? for this insightful comment.
~Haven & Hearth has always been a terrible game with great promise. That promise kind of faded away, and now it's mainly a way for a few dedicated scumbags to annoy the few new people who drift in.~


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36612 on: August 18, 2014, 12:08:47 pm »

I opened up an old fort. I was looking at the units list when I saw a named Giant Olm. So I thought, oh shit, who did he kill? Then I looked at the olm's description, which showed that he was swollen and rotting. Then I looked at the combat logs, which showed that he had killed a forgotten beast made of mud. Good on him. You will be missed, Washflags.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36613 on: August 18, 2014, 12:50:13 pm »

So I had an accident with water and levers and... there is no way to open a floor hatch without access from above, isn't there?

I guess I'll just cave the whole thing in.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36614 on: August 18, 2014, 01:47:20 pm »

My entire fortress of 20 dwarves is trying to combat some undead yak hair and are unable to kill it, this could possibly destroy my fortress on a location i have spent a lot of time attempting to make a good start only to have something as stupid as an unkillable piece of hair ruin it. How can i kill it or what cheat can i use to destroy it. Surely a kick or punch would destroy the hair but this thing must be made of adamantine because every blow glances off. Some of my dwarves are already legendary fighters and dodgers just trying to fight it.

Please post the save at

There an no saves listed, and without a test case the issue may persist for a while...
(I've been trying to make a save, but haven't had time).

What version are you using ?
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