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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969483 times)

Spehss _

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36585 on: August 16, 2014, 12:31:55 pm »

Welcome Forgotten Beast Sasp Slangorusmo.  @#%^#^!  Why are you guarding the Candy!?  And why are you made from stone?  Completing proper defenses there will take at least 2 months...  Deadly spittle?  So... no melee..  Made of brimstone, so arrows are probably out.

Deadly spittle FBs in my experience are pretty easy. They spend most attacks spitting globs of the spittle...which then get easily blocked or deflected or dodged by my melee troops. Who then quickly swarm and kill the FB. Not nearly as threatening as a web-spitter made of stone or a deadly-duster made of stone.

Of course, it helps to have really experienced soldiers with good -or at least a full set of copper- equipment. You could still probably slay it with half decent melee dwarves if you throw enough militia at it all at once.

Just make sure you have a back up plan.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36586 on: August 16, 2014, 02:19:16 pm »

Genned a new world and found a good embark site: a volcano at the edge of a freshwater swamp with a nearby river.

First winter in, I had the most opportune mood ever:
A thirteen-year old (No chance of wasting a mood on a dwarf who will soon collapse from old age? CHECK!) immigrant (Not upsetting the delicate balance of the founding seven? CHECK!) metalsmith (Good moodable profession choice? CHECK!) with a fey mood (No possession? CHECK!) whose moodable skills were only Novice-level (avoiding several seasons of cranking out meltfodder to raise skills? CHECK!).

So, there were only a few concerns:
1) As this was only the first year of the outpost, no magma forges had yet been constructed. So we had to build a metalsmith's forge.
2) The wagon embarked at the opposite end of the map from the volcano, where the outpost was established. The only thing that hadn't been hauled in from the old embark site? The anvil. I had to decide whether to a) drag the stone to the anvil and build the forge there? or b) drag the anvil to the outpost and build the forge there. I went with a. Thankfully, we got the forge built before the mooder went nuts.
3) The mooder was a Novice Weaponsmith, Novice Metalcrafter and Novice Armorsmith. So I was curious what would happen.

So he grabbed some rose gold bars and dragged them to the forge. Shortly afterward...

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Quote from: Primary
*Kneels before Urist Dickpuncher*


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36587 on: August 16, 2014, 09:44:34 pm »

So I deconstruct the door to the husk-hallway in The Cheerful Land of Ghouls. This bait hall was never finished, because two years ago, a crippled dwarf crawled outside to grab a sock and hit some dust on the way back inside. I'm hoping to make this as quick and easy as possible.

It unlocks an achievement in this fort

Then it gets cornered at the Fishin' Hole.
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Wait for it ...
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No More Interruptions !
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It was inevitable.
yay, my first husk kill


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36588 on: August 16, 2014, 10:08:19 pm »

There's a whole lotta vaporization goin' on..  8)
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36589 on: August 17, 2014, 12:11:57 am »

In my third goblin siege, an event occurred which will be known as the Battle of the Northern Wall. What happened was that I was trying to build a fortified wall, but ran behind schedule. I ended up with a 1 z level high wall around my fortress attached to a floor, making a 2 tile wide walkway. There was only a small section of the wall which was fortified, so I had my militia hunkered down there, but I didn't know that creatures can jump up a z level, so three trolls and four goblin soldiers hopped up on the wall (not at the same time, or I probably would've lost the fortress right there, my militia isn't very big) and started fighting my melee soldiers while my rangers shot bolts at the rest of the siege, keeping them at bay while the jumpers got beaten to death.

In the end, approximately 4 military dwarves died (3 on the wall, 1 from jumping down and charging directly into the horde of goblins and trolls with no weapons), as well as a few civilians who got too close to the wall and a few animals that jumped into the fray and took it upon themselves to chase the trolls out of the area. Now to deal with the tantrum spiral that will inevitably come from this...

Lessons learned: creatures can jump up at least 1 z level, the fear system allows suppressive-fire to be a legitimate strategy, making sure soldier dwarves have weapons is very important, and I need to get civilians to retreat deeper into the base when goblins start jumping the wall...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36590 on: August 17, 2014, 12:52:16 am »

My new fortress is lodged in between a good swamp and a normal swamp. Each biome explodes into berry bloom every summer, so I'm planning to export until the entire world is friggin' sick and tired of friggin' berries, not to mention naming the first noble to arrive "Urist McBerrybaron"
It's hard to keep a straight face while you mod centauress cheese into DF


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36591 on: August 17, 2014, 02:41:00 am »

My dwarves tend to get drunk and then walk up and down the ramps next to the ridiculously deep hole at the center of my reclaimed procedurally generated fortress.

"~~~~ cancels (whatever), dangerous terrain."

and then you find their body 110 z-levels down.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36592 on: August 17, 2014, 02:48:22 am »

Well, been wondering when I'd get a large siege instead of the small ambushes i've had here and there, well I got it, a large squad of goblins show up with a big amount of trolls in tow. Thankfully I had 10 cage traps up and was able to use my military squad and fortress guard to attack and kill the rest with ease.

Now what to do with the caged trolls? Can I tame them? The Goblins? Any suggestions? I haven't quite decided if I should sacrifice them to Armok in the Volcano or not.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36593 on: August 17, 2014, 02:57:04 am »

Well, been wondering when I'd get a large siege instead of the small ambushes i've had here and there, well I got it, a large squad of goblins show up with a big amount of trolls in tow. Thankfully I had 10 cage traps up and was able to use my military squad and fortress guard to attack and kill the rest with ease.

Now what to do with the caged trolls? Can I tame them? The Goblins? Any suggestions? I haven't quite decided if I should sacrifice them to Armok in the Volcano or not.

Uses vary, but trolls are special, they'll knock down any doors they get their hands on, among other things they may break.  Best, IMO, to strip them of their weapons (and possibly armor) and then use them for live training of your military.    In the same spot, I'd seal them behind a fortification (which they can't break) and turn my archers loose on them.




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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36594 on: August 17, 2014, 03:01:00 am »

How do I go about releasing them from the cage without getting my dwarfs hurt?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36595 on: August 17, 2014, 04:27:24 am »

How do I go about releasing them from the cage without getting my dwarfs hurt?
Build the cage with b > j. You can press x when choosing the material to select a specific cage. It'll probably show as 'troll cage (oak)' or something like that. Then link it to a lever to open it remotely from a safe spot.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36596 on: August 17, 2014, 01:12:44 pm »

I finally get to disposing of the woodcutter husk. Unfortunately, the zombie stockpile on Z-5 is full, so I had to dig some additional chambers at Z-30. I guess I should actually start planning for a magma chute someday.
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Speaking of such, I have other annoying pets to drop, like alpacas and goats. So I take the time to drop an alpaca into the dining hall. It doesn't die on impact. Hmm. Instead of worrying about that, I examine the newly claimed Hall #3, and see some repairs are needed.
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So I schedule all that, and turn my attention to the zombie rabbit and zombie human in Hall #5. They aren't covered in dust, but I want to make sure I'm testing my decon process properly, and they will make good test dummies.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36597 on: August 17, 2014, 04:29:21 pm »

Damn... I really just feel the need to tell it somewhere=)
So... after a month of new version and huge amount of bugs and crashes I decided to try 34.11 again. This time Peridexis (usually played vanilla). Well, I had a year or so without DF...
So. This time I decided to play medium history, 250 years... (usually - very short).


At first point. I found underground cavern at lvl 15. Usually it's on 40+ for me and my fortress uses levels from 5 to 20. I was mad until I found... MAGMA POOL in it. And big native silver vein few levels under.
When I was ready to develop and experiment with magma without leaving all other things without dwarves... Forgotten beast appeared there. Yep, I had no militaries yet, so I just locked cavern with walls.

At second point. When I got some force to deal with this beast, I got sieged. Well, just 15 goblins (smallest siage for me), so I locked up in fort. When they leaved, I begun to build cage and weapon-trap labyrinth to handle next siege to the point, when my marksdwarves can take them down.

At third point. I got sieged year later previous goblins. Well, my traps wasn't ready, I just forgot about them... So I pulled both levers (one locks my main entrance by bridge, second raises bridge in the end of trap labyrinth, so I can close fort somehow) and returned on reading about magmasafe furnace and smelter workshops.

Four, and last point. 5 minutes after this, I returned to DF.... To see, that trap-locker bridge is still down, it's not connected to the lever. Some dwarves killed, some goblins inside fort, all cage traps are full and militaries somewhere 'in a galaxy far, far away'. Somehow, I managed to survive with huge number of 88 dwarves from 110-115 at start of the siege. Yep... Screwed up=)

< /TL;DR>

Dear dwarves. Now, when my fort is just 5 years old. I have magma pool, alot of metal and silver ores. Additionally I have 8 trapped cave dragons (they were among invaders), among them there's 2 war cave dragons. And this is first time I don't know, what I need to do next. ???

And yep, this is first time I have so much FUN playing =)

PS. Sorry for my english, it's not my native language ::)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36598 on: August 17, 2014, 04:47:22 pm »

How do I go about releasing them from the cage without getting my dwarfs hurt?
Build the cage with b > j. You can press x when choosing the material to select a specific cage. It'll probably show as 'troll cage (oak)' or something like that. Then link it to a lever to open it remotely from a safe spot.
Alternatively, you can designate a hole in the ground as a pit and force them to it, just make sure the pit is inescapable (such as an area behind fortifications with no doors or ramps out, and ideally at least 2 z-levels deep), otherwise Urist McTrollhauler will find he's missing a limb or two soon after dropping the troll...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #36599 on: August 17, 2014, 05:19:21 pm »

So I have a new world for 40.08, which is a volcano that rises up out of a vast, sun-blasted plain. There's nothing around for a ways except for my volcano. At the moment the main entrance is on the ground level, but that will be sealed off soon, and the only way to get in will be to travel to the very top of the volcano, where I will be placing my (semi-)permanent depot. Below is what I envision for this fort:

So imagine this for a moment. The plain where this fort is situated is in the middle of a scorching plain. We do not have any surface water, even in winter. It is so hot that I've seen fires (they say campfires, but....) burn year-round because of the sheer heat. For miles and miles around it is just a dry, grassy plain. And then, out of nowhere, a mountain juts up out of the ground, with Magma inside of it.

There is no way to get into the mountain except up a long, narrow path, that is overlooked at many points by towers where marksdorfs can fire down on invaders. The sides are perfectly vertical. Every single square inch of the outside is engraved. At the top, about 48 levels up, there is a trading depot that sits in the caldera where the volcano shaft used to be, surounded by traps with a single entrance into the fort that is lined, again, with traps.

If the fort is about to be overrun, there is an emergency measure where the entire depot platform can be dropped ten floors to a killing floor, where the invaders are sitting ducks for marksdorfs waiting to pepper them with bolts. If any invaders survive this, a magma bath may be unleashed to cleanse the invaders (and water so the trap can be reset). If any invaders survive the traps, the fall, and the magma, they are worthy opponents, and after a climb they will be greeted with open arms and steel blades.

This is Itonizeg ("Hallapes"). This is my mega-project.

at the moment I have the "top" (14 floors up) of the volcano sealed off with wood, and that will do just fine for a temporary depot location, until I can get masons out to cover up some of the clay with stone, and extend the caldera up 34 more floors (one side of the tube ends at level +14, three sides remain up to around floor 48).

The volcanic shaft will be the main forcus of this fort.

I have plans to set up the royalty in a floor of the volcano--just an entire floor dedicated to the King/Queen when they show up. probably the floor directly above the main smelting operation--because the more noble you are the closer you are to the magma, duh. Baron will get the volcano shaft directly above the King/Queen, nobles the next couple floors up.

The top 20 floors or so will be designed to thwart sieges. 24-21 will probably be trade goods. 20-11 will be barracks, armories, training grounds, etc. 10-1 (1 being the very top of the volcano) will be the fall trap (+38 and 10=same thing), while 1 (+48) will be the depot level. I'm considering a permanent magma moat around the fall area on the floor where the collapsed depot will end up, except for one tile. 5 floors above this tile is the entrance to the fort for invaders, lined with traps, war animals, and, of course, dorfs.

There will also be dining hall with the best seats in the volcano stack (with food services one floor down, with the main food stockpile/workshops being prepared directly below the dining hall, a la Hogwarts, and livestock/farms on the clay/stone that surround the volcano shaft). There will be 4-5 floors of nothing but engraved stone above the level of the dining hall. :D

And, of course, the very top, paved over with wood (and 34 levels below where it will eventually end up, for time's sake) will be the main entrance/depot.

Free stuff! And (because the entire convoy will be up there), no escapees!

Also, I've got a Legendary Clothier, a Master (12) Weaver, and just got a High Master (13) Dyer. I think my main crops will be Pigs Tail and Dimple Cup. and just export ridiculously expensive dyed clothing. And use ridiculously expensive dyed bags for seeds?

« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 05:31:17 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!
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