Blaze: Schema moved the previously-hardcoded formulas into xml, and changed a lot of things into straight linear stuff (For simplicity? Not sure).
I believe he wants the community to come up with a more balanced and playable config, which he can then replace the obviously flawed default one with.
I don't think it's possible to make weapon distance increase with additional blocks, currently, because he didn't include a variable for distance per block, but you can set the distance for weapons higher. Sector size is also 1000, and it's possible to increase that somewhere else too, so it'd be worth increasing both at the same time.
P.S. The distance on salvage beams is ludicrously low (100!), which hasn't stopped me from using them in a small permacloakable ship (29x29x29).
Power usage for shields is proportional to shield regeneration, or at least to shield capacity during regen, which it has always been, the change there is that by default the shield capacity equation is linear now, which is why you have a ridiculous amount of shield capacity.
It's entirely possible to put the previous shield equations back.
It was previously:
capacity = ((blocks*3.5)^0.66666)*350
recharge = ((blocks*5)^0.5)*50
To change shields back to the way they were in the last major version:
- Leave ShieldExtraCapacityMultPerUnit and ShieldExtraRechargeMultPerUnit at 1
- Set ShieldCapacityPow to 0.66666
- Set ShieldCapacityPreMul to 3.5
- Set ShieldCapacityTotalMul to 350
- Set ShieldRechargePow to 0.5
- Set ShieldRechargePreMul to 5
- Set ShieldRechargeTotalMul to 50
It does not appear to be possible to change the weapon equations back to what they were before, mostly because range doesn't increase as you add blocks, radius for missiles doesn't increase as you add blocks, stuff like that.
The damage pulse appears to sit at 5 damage, 10 radius no matter how many you have, and I'm not sure if that's broken or just terrible. Its only use right now seems to be to buff cannons and missiles. (Putting it on beams is not advisable, since it increases how long they have to remain on target before doing damage...)
I don't really care for the beam damage implementation (by default must remain on target for 2 seconds before doing damage, instead of doing x damage per .1 seconds), but eh.
Planets! I flew to a planet and it took several minutes (no exaggeration) to generate all the blocks on the planet, during which my quad-core i5 CPU was running at 60-75%, and my RAM was at 70% usage (700 MB by StarMade alone). I was also able to fly my ship down to the lava surface because there were no blocks in the way yet, and then when blocks generated above me, I slid sideways and flew out through another place where blocks had yet to generate. I'm not sure how this got into a final release in this state...