True - the arguments against us being at Minsk were that we would be one-sided. Which is quite a known fact, but we are not at all willing to escalate the conflict; no one is, except for Putin, I believe.
I still think we should've been present at the negotiations. Historically, we got our own share of getting owned because some power-hungry warmonger decided he wanted all the neighbouring land, announced it loud and clear to other major countries at a conference to which we were not invited to, and then fucked those major countries, too.
I dont understand, what would be the reason for polish to be there? Polish in past had a lot of share of being invaded and doing invasions on other countries so again not sure why would they be there, and what factor they are in all this at this present time. Except that they are great at anti russia propaganda, that I can obviously see from your biased post.
Anyway, this new agreement (how I understand it) is a mix bag.
The most negative thing for rebels is that they need to leave the territories they got in last months back on september positions.
And that borders will be controlled by ukraine by end of year if all requirements before it are met.
The pro russian are getting their small independence, but in ukraine (like federation, but without the name).
They will have:
- complete amnesty and non-discrimination of rebels
- right for managing language policy
- ability to make agreements between central government and local self-rule structures
- central Ukrainian govt will help with Donbass' social and economic development
- central Ukrainian govt will help Donbass to establish cooperation with neighboring Russian regions (!)
- local militia forces could be created to upkeep order in Donbass (!)
- status of all deputies and official elected during implementation of the agreement cannot be prematurely revoked
Its funny every time ukraine army is at the break point west rush to sign some peace treaty.
I dont think this will last, as both ukraine and pro russians dont get exactly what they want. But the artillery moving away is really good, as shelling of cities will stop for some time. This will again be used for rearming of troops and preparation for new campaign in spring