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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48475 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #360 on: July 10, 2013, 09:05:38 pm »

(Written shortly after Temperance's untimely demise)

Convalescence’s Journal

    I can still hardly believe what I'm about to write. Something horrible happened last night, and now Temperance is dead. I'm still not sure what exactly happened; all I know is that Flamberge found his body outside the walls, altered somehow to look like a Discordant. Even his mark had changed...I didn't even know that was possible, and now I almost wish I still didn't. That the thing that represents our identity, something so personal, could be changed...well that's something I'd rather not think about. The dark and perverse things that the magic surrounding Duskfields has done will never stop unsettling and horrifying me. The nightmares, the red clouds, and now this. Not to mention the griffon I helped Case Study deliver a few weeks ago. That shouldn't have possible either...I'm rambling. I haven't been able to focus since I heard the news. Everypony is pretty shaken up, but I considered him a friend. Our foals played together, and now I don't know how I'll explain to Elixir and Mittens where he is. I envy Morning Dew even less for that though. I gave her my condolences earlier, but I didn't stay long. I would've felt like I was intruding. I feel lost now, a lot of us do, but I don't have that luxury. Now everypony will be looking to their leaders more than ever, and right now that means me and Flamberge.
    I've promised that we'll continue investigate what happened to him. Something feels wrong about this, not just that it happened in the first place, but it makes no sense. Why would he have left at all? It doesn't sound like him to wander around at night, and he knew as well as any of us what could be lurking outside town. Was he forced to leave? Did anypony see him go? I need to talk to Flamberge again about all of this. Until then that's it for now.
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #361 on: July 12, 2013, 02:15:28 am »

Lightning opened the chest his family kept for many things they had owned. He dug through the assorted junk and soon found two things that he had kept for a while: His lockpicking set and a knife with the letters ‘L.R.’ engraved into it. He picked up his lockpick set and left the knife. He wanted to take the knife, but he wouldn’t need it.

He picked it up in his mouth, making sure not to undo to knot keeping the bag shot, and trotted over to his door. ~Of course they lock it from the outside. No matters, nothing I can’t handle~ He opened the bag and rummaged through it, getting a lockpick and promptly sticking it into the keyhole. He began to work on getting all the tumblers to a point to where he could just open the door.

After around five minutes he had succeeded in unlocking the door. He made a silent cheer before putting up his lockpick set, not wanting to get it confiscated. The door opened with a quiet creek. He stepped out, checking to make sure he wouldn’t be ambushed by a guard. He began towards the stairs...

The town seemed to be deserted, as was typical at this hour.  Curiously, even the guards patrolling the tops of the walls appeared to be missing.  Only the sounds of distant insects chirping met his ears as he moved about Duskfields.  As he neared the front gate, the sound of somepony weeping in the distance were just audible over the ambient noise.

Lightning’s ears perked up at he noticed this weeping. “Hello?” he said into the darkness. After receiving no answer, he continues closer to the sound, hoping to find the weeping pony and make sure they were alright. “Hello?” He said once more, hoping to get an answer from the darkness.

The sounds were coming from outside of the gate, and as he drew closer Lightning could hear a stallion moaning between the cries.  “Please... help me... anypony...” the voice says before descending into sobs again.  There appears to be an off-white, almost yellow coated stallion sitting outside the gates, turned away from the town and burying his face in his hooves.

Lightning gasped before galloping over to this pony. “Oh my... are you alright, you need anything? Food, medicine?” Lightning got a closer look at the pony, the color of his coat familiar... no it can’t be, he was dead. He saw his body himself.

The stallion ignored Lightning and raised his head up to the heavens.  “Amug?  Why?  Why did you leave me?  Did... did I do something wrong?”  He looked back down and began to tear up again.  Between sniffles he croaked, “I tried to be a good pony!  I-I couldn’t stop her!  Please, forgive me!”

Lightning began to trot around the pony so he could get a glimpse of his face, and as he did this he caught a glimpse of said pony’s cutie mark... a bloody dagger over a tattered piece of paper. “H-Hello... are you alright? Y-You need help?”

Temperance’s eyes snapped open and he looked around frantically.  “Amug?  Did you come back for me?”  He settled on Lightning Runner and a horrified expression washed over him.  “No... Lightning... did-did she get you too?  A-are you dead too?”

“N-No... I... I’m alive...b-but how are you...” Lightning couldn’t believe his eyes, however he kept his amazement to himself. “And who is she?”

Temperance immediately launched himself onto Lighting, wrapping him in a tight hug and beginning to cry softly again.  “Oh, thank the gods and goddesses... if-if you’re still alive, then you can help... it’s not too late...”

Lightning let out a small gasp as the hug was more of a tackle, but he remained on his hooves, and returned the hug. “Help with what?” he asked. “And I still don’t know who ‘she’ is...”

Temperance relaxed the hug and backed off a step, still dripping tears of elation.  “I-I don’t know.  She... it... it was a monster.”  His expression began to shift to fear.  “Horrible... terrifying to look at.  She-she’s going to destroy Duskfields.  She’s going to kill everypony!”

This sounded familiar, like a certain thing a certain goddess had shown him. “Oh my... I... I think I know of this... she is still somepony I don’t know of, however I was blessed with knowing something like that” He said. “And if it means anything... I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you”

Temperance looked down into the dirt for a while.  “Nopony could have helped me,” he muttered eventually.  He looked back up.  “But, it’s not too late for everypony else.”  He raised a hoof to Lightning.  “You have to help me now, to help everypony.  My wife, my children.  Your wife and children.  Everypony.  Please... promise me you’ll help now.”

Lightning took a moment to think. “Yes. If I can prevent more unneeded death, I will do whatever I need to do.” He put his hoof to Temperance’s

Temperance smiled weakly.  “Thank you... so much.”  He turned back to the wilderness around them.  “Lightning, that monster... she’s coming back soon.  I-I don’t know when, but soon.”  His voice turned remorseful as he adds, “Running away isn’t going to work.  She’s tried to scare us away for years.  I can see that now.  And we didn’t listen.  Nopony is going to listen now if you try to tell them to leave.”  He looked aside.  “Lightning, Duskfields can beat her, but not like it is.”

“Then what do I need to do.” Lightning said, putting a hoof on Temperance’s shoulder. “I will do what I need to do, even if it means leaving my family, but I will help as best as I can.”

“Thank you,” he said again.  “I don’t know the details, but there is an army coming to help us.  They just won’t make it here in time.”  He looked Lightning in the eyes.  “Amug told me so.  Before... before she disappeared.  We... we need to delay her somehow.  You, or somepony else like one of the soldiers need to go and delay her.  Maybe several of you, if you think you can get help.”

“I don’t think they’ll help... I’ve already lost the trust of most of the ponies here just for being jailed. I will check with Prodd as he seems to be the only pony I can trust, but I won’t count on it...” He said, and tried to get Temperance off of the floor. “Come on, let me get you some medicine... you don’t look too good”

Temperance raised a hoof to stop Lightning, shaking his head slowly.  “It’s too late for me.  Nothing Case Study or Convalescence can do can help me now.  I-I know I’m dead.  I can still see Flamberge...”  He stopped and shook his head again.  “No.  No, away from that.”  He grabbed Lightning with both forehooves.  “You said you’d help me?  And nopony will help you?  Then you have to go and slow her down Lightning!  Anything you can do to stop her!  Even for a day!  It might be all Duskfields needs!”

“O-Okay I will... but... I...I will. I will go. I will b-break into the armory and get some gear so I’m not all unarmored” He tried to get out of Temperance’s hooves, but found himself unable. “Where do I need to go”

“Good, good, do whatever you have to,” Temperance assured him.  “Uh, A-Amug didn’t tell me what to do to slow the monster down.  She did say that there would be an army of discordant ponies coming with her though.  That many ponies would have to have camps or something around.  Maybe if you sabotaged some of them somehow?”  He pointed a hoof off in an arbitrary direction into the forest.  “She came from that way... Amug says she’ll return from there too.”

“Thank you. I will head out tomorrow. Are you sure you don’t want to come with me... you seem very alive.”

“No, no, thank you Lightning.  You may be Duskfields’ only hope right now.”  He smiled weakly.  “Maybe I should come with you.  I know I’m dead, but... that means they ca-”  Temperance stopped midway through his sentence and swept both ears back.  “Amug?” he asked, whipping his head around.

Temperance turned around completely, a look of disbelieving hope on his face.  “Amug?  Did you come back for me?  Please, don’t leave me again!”  He started galloping off toward Duskfields, crossing the drawbridge and sprinting for the center of town.

Lightning galloped after him, turning a corner that he could have sworn he saw Temperance run past, but he had disappeared, no trace of his being there. He just sighed and began towards his house to retrieve his lockpick kit so he could begin preparations for this crusade.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #362 on: July 13, 2013, 03:20:29 am »

“Good Evening, Duskfields.” Flamberge announced to the crowd forming in front of him. A day before Flamberge had issued out an invitation to the population of Duskfields to a voluntary meeting to discuss a few things in the town square.

 Flamberge stands up to the podium he had set up.“Over the recent, troubling events, an epiphany has struck me; and Duskfields is going to undergo a dramatic shift in direct response. First off, Offence. Forget the word. Strike it out of your dictionaries. We are not, on our own, able to wage a war. We are a Farming town. We do not have the Bits to wage an offensive war. We do not have the Ponies to wage an offensive war. If we ever were in a war, this small Farming community would surely perish. We must think defensively now, that is how we will dispatch our threats. I am calling for higher, stone furnished walls within two years.”

Flamberge looks to the crowd. “If any one of you are having trouble in picking a career, there will be incentive given to those getting rocks out of the ground and masonry in the possible future.”

“We are also increasing inner security ten-fold. How? Let me show you a magic trick ...” He lifts a card and shows it to the crowd.

“This? This is a card laminated in vinegar. When  you dip it in a solution, like red cabbage juice, a number shows up in invisible ink.” Flam lifts a wood bucket and puts it on the podium. He dips the card and a light blue number shows up: 54-92.

 A random number will be printed on these cards identically with the screw-press. A new, randomized card will be issued every three weeks to citizens and official guests. If some pony does not belong here, we will know exactly who. I’m am thinking of a way to mass produce these cards, hopefully I will have a solution in a few months. I am also urging Convalescence to enact a law for mandatory bi-annual therapy sessions for the entire citizen body. They will not be confidential. Everything you know, every feeling you have will be on file for Duskfield’s perusal. I warn you now: If you think this is a step too far?  If you think this is too much?”

Flam points in the direction of the town’s exit.

 “There is the gate. Feel free. Bear in mind, I am not enacting this on a whim. This is but a reaction to an action. Something is taking a hold of Duskfields. I do not know how, but something is turning us against each other. I will find the cause. Again, if you are thinking of what to do for a career, there will be possible incentives and classes in therapy the coming year.”

“We are going to build new farms, inside the walls, wooden planter boxes built in vertical columns, sky high to maximize space. Pegusai farmers should have no problem with this arrangement. Our overstock of food is our best defense.  It can buy more of what ever we need to stop a conflict and it can keep this town  well fed under a siege even years long.”

Flam moved back and forth, getting to his final point.
“Lastly, we are going to enforce a strict zone above Duskfields. No flying. If you are a pegusai, you must fly to the gate, and show your card to the guard along with the earth ponies and unicorns before entering the town.  The hours spent on military drills will also be doubled. This is not set in stone, but this is a plan I will strongly champion. That is all.”

As Maxberge moved away from the podium, there were some muted boos and hisses from the crowd. It slid off of his turned back like water. That was the point of Flamberge. Not what the ponies wanted, but what the ponies needed.     

He was immediately pulled aside by a /very/ angry looking Crosshair. “What the /buck/ are you doing!?” She hissed at him, trying to keep her voice low. “Offensive war? What are you even /on/ about!? You’ve said that Entropy’s coming soon and you plan on making the walls higher in /TWO YEARS/!? I thought that we should be keeping everypony ready for what’s to come! The enemy are coming from the outside and you’re increasing the security /inside/ ten-folds!? What are you even thinking!? There wasn’t even plans for ballistas on the walls! Or have you already gave up? Is that it? Going to let us be the bait we were supposed to be. That’s it? What about your foals? What about /me/? going to have us do our part as bait and die for the royal army as well? The world’s at risk and you’re making mandatory mental check on ponies? Bi-yearly!?” Crosshair was in tears at this point by all of the disbelief, seething anger and sadness. Convinced that her stallion have indeed gave up his hopes on saving their city.

Flamberge looked thoroughly shocked and surprised at Crosshair. “ If the stories are true,I am fighting a fell god who induces psychotic nightmares in ponies and turns them into discordants from the inside out. Tell me, Crosshair, how do I win that battle with military numbers? Hm? Sabotage will soften us faster than the waves of discordants, I promise you. What would you have me do? If you have a grand plan, I want to hear it. Please. I am all ears. ”
Crosshair flops her ears down and bit her lower lips until it almost bleed before speaking up “A discordant saboteur would be so very obvious, ones that guards on the walls could spot. And you’ve told me that Entropy is bringing her ‘children’ here, we’ve both assumed that it will be an Army. We do not fight off an army with stupid identification cards! If I were you, and we really are going defensive. I’d tell the capital that we’re in serious need of some Unicorns that can deal in defensive spells. Shields domes, anything!”
The mare huffed.
“In your credits, I did like the vertical farming idea of yours, though.. Maybe we can build multiple story of rows after rows of farms as time goes. Make ourselves entirely self-sustaining from within the walls. Then maybe we’ll hold out long enough.. but it wouldn’t matter when the royal army arrives and gets turned.”

She adds “We’re going to need traps too. Lots of them.”

Flam Nods. “I agree, but again it sums down to resources.  Do we have enough rock or metal to mass manufacture trap components? Do we have a skilled enough mechanic to fill the order in time? I know Steel Rivet could be persuaded to make some traps, but not on the scale you are talking about. I have thought of it, Crosshair. I really have.  The two years for the stone wall was a generous overstatement. That’s just with Smoothblock and her crew working alone.If we magically fortify the wall, it’s just an air battle with the discordant pegusai. Then we hold, and we’ll live, Crosshair. I Feel as though this is the best foundation I can make with the card hand I have.” Flam gave a disappointed frown. “I doubled the military training hours, like you’ve been asking me to all month. I thought you would be satisfied. Happy, even.”

“Yes, I am happy about that..” Crosshair said, lowering her ears as she sighs tiredly. “but.. It just.. feels like something’s missing. Maybe i’m just being too stressful, maybe I’m still a little angry about you hurting and releasing Lightning runner.. maybe your plan really is our best chance.. Maybe..” she sighed again. “I’m sorry..  It’s just that you feel so.. different.. and been so distant lately.. I understand though, keeping everypony alive takes priority over family of course.. and I still need to convince Morning Dew and her foal to leave to a safer place..”

“If I have been distant, I am sorry.” Flam gives a long sigh. “It is a downside of becoming the tyrant the world needs me to be, perhaps.” He looks to the gate. “The army knows of the red clouds, of ways to protect themselves from them. I’m sure. Or at least have faith. Perhaps a bit of both.” ‘Crosshair is dead set on preparing for this assault, isn’t she? She seems so certain is starting to become infectious.  He softly puts a hoof over her shoulder. “You don’t have to apologize. Not a single word. All I ask is that you have enough perseverance to know when to stop me.”

Crosshair blinked up at him and tilt her head. “Tyrant? Flamberge.. what are you saying? I know that what we’re doing aren’t exactly the nicest of things.. But It’s far from tyranny, and you’ve always said that it’s the right and best thing to do. Not even once have you mentioned anything about a Tyrant.. until now.” She was getting suspicious, and what the bird have been telling her? it’s starting to sound  more real. Too real.

“No, No. I’m not saying that in a derogatory way. Sometimes we want dictators in times of crisis. It’s something to be mindful of, It’s something I can become if I’m not careful, ” He looks at her solemnly. “If the power ever gets to my head, if I ever abuse it? I want you to stop me. Any way you can. I want to be a golden ruler. Not a twisted mockery of one.”

Crosshair frowns again and nods. “I’ll be sure that we stick to the plan..”

  “Isn’t that all we can do?” Flam bring Crosshair into a hug. “I am sorry for being distant, Crosshair.” He restated with a bit of guilt, knowing he, Max, is taking the real Flamberge away from her. It somehow never clicked until now, that he’s repeating the same sins he has damned flamberge for.

A hollow “I love you.” is all he could offer in comfort.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 04:36:37 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #363 on: July 13, 2013, 05:32:29 pm »

Journal entry 10

I saw Temperance. He wasn't dead. He wasn't even alive according to him. What he said backs up everything Amug said, even claims that he himself heard the same things from her. I will leave in a few days on this little crusade he wants me to go on. I will help Duskfields. I originally was going to stay here, but now that our Baron has told me that I should go. I shall do it, regardless the cost.

Journal Entry 11

Flamberge. I should have expected this. Due to my history, I was given one of his damn cards first, and I cannot stand for this. I can't fly, I have to gallop if I want to get somewhere fast. 'Security' my ass. If you want your shipment of 'Herbs' in ten minutes, you bet your ass I'm gonna fly. I'm overreacting, but with my recent taking up of civilian... Normal jobs I have been getting a bit more stressed than normal.

There will be mandatory therapy sessions. Alright I can live with that. Not Confidential? Flamberge. Why am I surprised? You aren't an honorable stallion from my experience, but I know as sure as Amug raises the moon at night, that you would never do that. My wife has kept her condition secret, but revealing it for everypony to see will not help her friendships here. I'm afraid that when ponies learn of her condition, they will begin a petition to remove her from her farming position as sickles and hoes are apparently 'deadly' weapons and that she could hurt somepony. I'm probably overreacting, but I don't want anypony to know except Case Study -who can keep a secret with a bit of Charity- and me.

If I wasn't near my family, I would've challenge 'Regent Flamberge' on his decree. I am glad Sweetie could keep me from lashing out at him. I joined in with the booing that occurred afterwords. It felt good.

Me, being the sneaky bastard I am, decided to eavesdrop on him and Crosshair, all I heard was Crosshair rebuking Flamberge and Flamberge apologizing. Figures, that stallion does not deserve a mare like her. True we've never gotten along, but I can respect a pony who can walk through town with a griffon behind her and not be intimidated.

Anyway, I digress. I have a plan outlined on what I'm going to do.

  • I will sneak in the armory after the last pony leaves. I might have to resort to violence if I can't get in without it.
  • I will then leave the town and begin into the forest, I pray the night guard doesn't spot me
  • I will find this army of sorts and burn any supplies, hide any weapons, and hide any armor. Hopefully I'll be able to get in, get out without any complications

I will leave my journal unless a pair of Saddlebags I find in the armory allow me to take it. I will, of course, take a sword and crossbow /w bolts along with some simple armour. Sweetie has told me they store rations in the armory as she has gone before to store some food for one of the Marksponies.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #364 on: July 13, 2013, 09:01:56 pm »


Prodd was temporarily stationed to guard a guest of some sort. He didn’t know who or what it was, nor did he know why he had to watch him... or her. He should have asked more questions when he had the chance. He walked over to the trade depot to find the guest- it was Kusarigama. Now Prodd had even more questions to ask. He approached the diamond dog. “Kusarigama, I have orders to watch over you and make sure you don’t do anything stupid... how have you been?”

The dog was just sitting at the depot, polishing a diamond ring. He always hated how it was hard to to find jewelry that both griffons and ponies could use. Regardless he dropped everything he was doing when he heard the pony. “Oh... um..” He didn’t really know what to say. He was fairly sure the guy knew he wasn’t a real merchant... “Oh, well I’ve been quite well, thank you for asking.” 

“Yeah... say, how and why did you get here anyway?” Prodd asked. He sat down near him and slung his crossbow on his back.

“I ran into this caravan on the way here. They needed an extra man in armor after some bandits attacked, and I really didn’t mind a free ticket here...”

“Awesome... make yourself at home I guess.” Prodd said. “You got a place to stay?”

“No actually. I’m really just planning on staying here a little while though.”

“Alright... so why are you here? You are a thief after all...” Prodd stated.

The dog’s ears flopped down. “C-can we talk this out in private?”

“What? There are other thieves here... it shouldn’t be a problem...” Prodd chuckled.

“Okay... so why haven’t you shot me in the face yet?”

“Because I’m not supposed to. Orders are to guard you and make sure you don’t do something illegal. You haven’t broken the law yet.” Prodd explained.

“Oh.. well that’s convenient... can you still do me a favor and not tell the guard about this though? you still owe me one for not hurting you girlfriend when she pulled a spear on me and getting us out of that building”

“I have no intention of explaining your past career choice to the authorities, provided you don’t break the law.” Prodd answered. He ignored the girlfriend part.

“Well fine... are we talking the law in and around this barony or just anywhere in general?”

“Don’t do anything stupid.” Prodd cut him off.

“Sounds fair I ‘spose.” He shrugged and started to go back to polishing the ring. “So... you still wanna know why I’m here?”

“Sure, why not.” Prodd said.

“I thought you asked me just a little while ago...” He chuckled a little. “Well, the griffin... Marvan I think it was... Hired me to assist him in something which It wouldn’t disclose in a letter. So, I spent the last couple weeks trekking out here, only to find they guy’s in jail and can’t pay me squat. So I figured I’d try to make this at least worth my while and get myself a town to do business in, considering my old trading node in this area was recently blown off the map..” He wasn’t really making up anything this time. He figured Prodd would keep to his word though, he seemed trustworthy...

Prodd nodded slowly. “Alright... that’s all I wanted to know.”

“So, should I high tail out of here before you grab seven other ponies with crossbows, or are we good?”

“Again, you’ll die if you do something illegal here. In the town.” Prodd explained. “Just keep your past a secret and you should be fine.”

“Very well... So is there anything you’d like to buy? I I’m pretty sure a silver chain for the misses could really be helpful after that nasty fight you two went through.”

“...Nah.” Prodd said. “I doubt she likes shiny, useless things.”

“Very well, do you like shiny useless things that cost lots of bits?”

“...Not particularly. You’re a crappy merchant.”

“Eh? Well your face is crappy. Maybe if you bought a silver chain it’d distract people from it.” The dog turned around and started to rummage through some stuff. “Your a markspony right?”

“Indeed I am.”

He nodded and pulled out what looked to be a masterfully wooden crossbow, “You looking for something better than that wimpy pea shooter you’ve been using?”

“...I’m content with my metal one, thanks.” Prodd responded.

“Come on, throw me a bone...” He sighed and went back to looking for stuff. “I have a trumpet made out of wood... I’m not sure how somepony made this... Oh, I also got a huge cool looking large gem made out of smoky quartz.” He pulled out a two foot long polished crystal, “If only it was amethyst.”

Prodd shook his head. “Have you sold anything at all?”

“Well, most the ponies here haven’t warmed up to me yet. I figured once they got used to my face and I went long enough without stabbing someone I’d make some money then. And I did sell a few rings earlier today to some unicorn.”

“Alright then... however you should work on that sales routine a bit more... not very selling.” Prodd said.

“Well, I’m usually the guy who supplies the goods, not the one who sells them...”

“No surprises there...”

“Well aren’t you an enthusiastic one...”

“Not much to be enthusiastic about... where are you getting your wares from?”

“Mystical and far away lands.” as far you know >.>

“...Okay you got to work on lying about stolen goods. Big red flag for the guards.” Prodd sighed.

“The gem isn’t stolen but whatever... And I would've thought of something better if you were an actual threat.”

“Well let’s hope you don’t have to face a threat...”

“Well fine then, do you have any real advice on what to do then?”

“...Not really.” Prodd admitted.

“Fine then don’t criticize me.”

“Alright, alright... how are you liking Duskfields?”

“Seems nice and all”

“Great...” Prodd sighed again and looked around the depot. “...What was your home like?”

“Dangerous, nasty, full of mold and smelled of it too. It was always dark and if we go above ground half the people there want us dead and the rest want us for slave labor.” He shrugged. “But it’s not all bad.”

“How so?”

“Well, all the danger helps make a clan more close knit. You need someone to trust when the worlds out to get ya. In fact because that, betrayal is about the greatest sin a diamond dog can think up.” 

“So what you're saying is... you’re as loyal as a dog?” Prodd kept himself from laughing.

Kusarigama chuckled a little. “Pretty much. It’s kinda funny how much you ponies don’t trust us. I mean, we’re not the kind to  a put a dagger in your back, at least you're not griffons though.”

“...Why is that a good thing?” Prodd asked, waiting for an answer.

“Anything bad the ponies have done, they’ve made into an art. Maybe it’s because their predatory and you're just a bunch of grass munching prissies, but your kind ain’t nearly bad as them.” I wonder if he even knows how horrible his kind is. “At least you’re kind drew a line when it came to what you’d do in the name of imperialism... You wanna hear a story?” 

“...Got nothing else to do.” Prodd said. “Go ahead...”

“You know, we used to not be nothing more than a bunch of primal tribal savages. We used to as civilized as any other race you’d see.” He Grinned. “I’ve heard stories of fortress mines riddled with gold and diamond.” He grinned a little. “We had a majority stake in the mining and exportation of the earth’s riches.”

“And then what?”

“I’ll get to that in a moment.” He grinned a little. “You see, there were fifteen clans, each one taking up a specific role in our society. One would be the metal workers, the other the miners...” He sighed and looked down for a moment. “They say they found something they shouldn't of.” He frowned. “All the sories say that we found something that made us rich, and powerful at the cost of thousands of our own lives, but most of all, made a threat to the balance of power.”

 “...So greed caused some problem? Where have I heard that before...”

“Well, it pulled the ire of other nations. We already were stepping on toes when we had a grip on minerals, and now we had the key to military superiority... something the griffons and ponies didn’t particularly want to give up.”

“...” Prodd didn’t say anything and waited for the dog to continue. He didn’t particularly care for the history lesson, but it was slightly better than doing nothing.

“Then our emperor died, and he had no heir, and the clans finally saw a chance to snatch up all the power. They were like vultures fighting over a carcass. It didn’t take long for it to get violent. We broke into a fifteen sided civil war that might as well have been chaos. And all the time, the ponies just watched as we burnt our own empire, but, the griffons wanted to be more proactive and be more involved.”

Prodd continued to listen intently.

“They came into our lands without so much as a diplomat, and led a campaign of fire across our nation. We died in the tens of thousands as they killed indiscriminately and stole our riches. We were too busy fighting ourselves to even react, and after only ten years they’d removed us off the map. we fled to the caves, the only place the birds were too chicken to chase us. The fragmentation of our society, and the threats of the world around us down there has only lead to the decay of our society and is why we’re as bad off as we are now.” He sighed and grinned a little. “You know, I’ve heard some tales that the birds were our allies too before they invaded.”

“So... greed caused problems...” Prodd said.

“Well, this is more than a simple tale of misfortune... let me ask you, do you know what a cave pony is? DId you know they used to live around these parts? Oh, how about a draconequus? Do you what a shadowbolt is or tentacle pony? What’s happening to the badgers right now?”

“Vaguely, didn’t know that, those strange mix of races things, and shadowbolts were dark pegasi and tentacle ponies were dark unicorns with tentacles for horns I think... and no I don’t know what’s happening to the badgers...” Prodd answered nonchalantly. He read a lot of books in his life.

“Well, I personally haven’t seen any of those races anywhere outside the rainbow trade empires. They simply don’t have anywhere that is their own anymore, and well, the badgers are being pushed out by the griffons and you ponies jumped on the bandwagon just like you did to the dragon hybrid things. Now, you do realize the birds have killed off the cave ponies, demodians, my kin, and with your help the draconequui.” He grinned even wider. “You see, the birds kill anything that isn’t them. You're not one of them you're a treat by just existing. Cave ponies? Decimated, demodians, same thing. Draconequui, all dead. My kind is in hiding with a grand total of five clans still in existence. The badgers are barely holding on to their land and will probably be killed off in a matter of years, and the griffons have talked you guys into fighting the discordants.”

Prodd shrugged.

“Don’t fucking get it? Ya’ll are next on the chopping block, and once you’re battered and bloody from fighting the discordants the griffons will personally set sights on you. You’re the only race that still lives on this land that hasn’t been eradicated by those beaked bastards, and they’re masters of genocide.”

“...We can take them. Gryphons can’t do magic. We can.”

“So can tentacle ponies and cave ponies, and the number of ponies who can lay waste to hundreds is linked directly to your declining number of purebred alicorns who, to my understanding are becoming more and more rare.” He shook his head a little. “And even then, they aren’t immortal.” He gazed at him. “I promise you, if they don’t kill you all right after this war, the buffalo are next, followed by the zebra, and by then alicorns should be so rare or even extinct, that you all will fall like any other.”

Prodd shrugged in response.

“Eh? You don’t think that when it’s just you and them on the playing field they won't hesitate to jump at your neck as soon as your guardians are dead.”

Prodd ignored him and did his job for once by guarding the dog.

“Your all the same...” He laughed a little. “I mean, we see black in white, so if weren’t for that mark your ass you’d all be damn near identical.” He laughed once more. “Anyway, I guess if you're done talking could you go watch at a distance, mate? I’m trying to make some money.”

“Fine, fine...” Prodd said, he walked away and observed from a distance. Why he was ordered to do this, he had no idea.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #365 on: July 15, 2013, 03:48:36 pm »

Temperance is dead. I don't know how, but Flamberge somehow managed to take the reins of Duskfield. I don't know what to do. SmoothBlock is back on mining duty and I fear for what is to come.

But that's not all.

I talked to a minotaur last night. Or something like one, anyway. We talked.

It was big, bigger than any pony I have ever seen. It's arms were covered in odd red marks, like veins. It was standing outside my door, off in the halls, arms and horns scraping the walls and ceiling and dark enough that I couldn't tell what color it was.

It said it pitied me. It said that it's master wanted me to come home, while there was still time before the 'dead one' comes.

You know, we talked a bit. It was a herald, of sorts. The minotaur's, according to it, were once the original servants of the Draconequui. Then they warred with the griffons, and they scattered. There like dragons, you know, in a way. They don't know if they are the last generation. Ponies killed too many of them,to the point that some have turned to goats. While it's true that satyrs are good servents, he doesn't believe that minotaurs have a future if we still exist.

That's why he was here, I think. He was warning me. He said that, in the end, ponykind will end up like the creatures we have slain. But he said that, at best, others will remember and miss dragons and minotaurs when they are gone. He doesn't think anyone will do the same for ponies.

I think I agree with him. I think I am going to talk to Flamberge soon.

Praise Carnage.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #366 on: July 16, 2013, 04:32:40 am »

I heard hooves hitting the ground, signalling this was the final soldier of the day put his gear up. I waited in the shadows for my chance to get in. He exited the building, I did something I wouldn’t normally do. I hit a pony as the aggressor... anyway, he was out cold and I had at the very most, five minutes before he gets up.

I began to rummage through the supplies and I found a set of armor, a peytral, and crupper, and I began to search for a melee and ranged weapon. While searching I picked up a saddlebag and some stored rations, and as soon as I had gotten that done with, I found an iron sword and a crossbow. I took the sword and sheath and stuck it in my saddlebag so I could work with that later, and I grabbed bolts for my crossbow.

I galloped out, a cloak covering my face, iron armor covering my body and a saddlebag with me. If anypony saw me, they’d think I was a discordant thief... until they check my house. No worries, I have to do this, regardless the cost. I am not letting Temperance down. I hadn’t gotten but fifteen feet away before I heard the telltale twang of a crossbow and a bolt hitting the dirt near me. Of all the things that could happen. I double timed my way into the woods, and as if by miracle I had no injuries by the time I had reached the forest.

As the adrenaline left me, I collapsed to the ground, more winded than I had originally thought. I slowly got back up, and began to trot, still panting as if I had just galloped a marathon and it felt like I had just done that. Adrenaline does marvelous things, no? I now realized the scope of what I was trying to accomplish;I am going in a direction, hoping that I’d reach this army of Discordants and not be killed by them or be killed by the wilderness.

I couldn’t turn back though. By now, they’d be making sure nopony was hurt and checking the hoard. I should get moving, and get as far as possible as they would have a pony on my tail to make sure I didn’t get away. Flamberge is sure to have sent a soldier after me after I made off with weapons, armor and food, and I don’t want to have to explain my little ghost encounter from a couple days ago.

I heard a few shouts and I swore I heard a wolf barking as I attempted to gallop through the woods. Smells of pine needles, leaves and sap filled my nose as I tried to make my way through. I pushed branches out of my way, manoeuvring my hooves around the shrubberies when the worst possible thing had occurred. I tripped on a root, and it felt like I sprained my ankle. I got up, pain going through my nerves with every second.

I looked to both sides, looking for a place to hide so I could figure out what I did to my ankle, and with my luck there was nothing but bushes. I cursed to myself before forcing myself to gallop over the next hill, even with the massive pain I was enduring, I was able to hobble over it and get away. I silently cheered before I made my way towards a tree. As I trotted over to it, the pain began to get worse. i feared I had broken it, which would lead to me having to come back, get in jail, and fail what I had set out to do.

I held my left fore leg out and examined it closer. Damnit to Tartarus! I had dislocated it and now I will have to... I could snap it back into- No I can’t, I will not harm myself further. I made a short prayer, remembering Amug’s words... but no answer came. I am left without an answer for a while. Alright I have no choice.


AHG.... Mother...fucker...


I tried to keep my pain contained, but I couldn’t even curse to myself. The pain was too overwhelming. A yell of pain left my lips as it snapped back into place... the pain was unbearable. S-sure... I can get better.... I... I don’t think...

Darkness overtakes me. My hearing and eventually smell fade as well. I saw an image of Amug. She just stood there. Disbelief. She almost looked like she was... beckoning me to follow? I was unable to move. I looked around, panic overtaking me. I saw Discordants surrounding me. They were dragging me... I lost sight of Amug, she shook her head and trotted away.

My sight comes back to me. I’m in a tent, my leg is in a splint and doesn’t look absolutely fucked. An old looking pony approaches me, a steaming pot of soup in his magical grasp. “You’re awake? Good. Good, I found ya out there, one of those strange clouds was a comin’ and I didn’ wanna leave ya out there ta become one a them” He said, a rather annoying accent filling the tent.

“Wh-Where am I?” I asked, turning my head slightly, looking him in the eye.

“You are in my tent. Ah don’t normally let strangers inta my living quarters, but ah saw you out there and I thought ‘My ain’t he the mos’ unlucky pony in the world’ and I brought you here, fixed ya up, and made you some supper” He levitated a bowl from a nearby table and filled it with the soup.

“That is?”

“Tomato soup with some local herbs, I checked, none o’ them are poisonous” He levitated a spoon into the bowl. “You take care, try to stay off your leg.”

I stifled a chuckle at the thought of him just downing random herbs to see what they did. He kindly helps me up and steps back a bit so I can stretch as best as I could with a bad leg and all. “I’m glad you decided to help, but... I think I should be going”

“Whoah there, don’t move around too much, your leg was pretty bucked up, I found you a few days ago, got the supplies to fix it up yesterday. Why don’tcha rest for ah bit and give it some time to get healed..” He gestured to the bed. “You sleep there. I slept out in tha’ stars for a few nights” He trotted outisde, beckoning me to follow. “I live out here, most of the time ahm just makin’ sure nothin’ gets in mah camp, however ah do spen’ some days chopping trees down for firewood, other days I just admire the bea-” I interupted him

“Look, I know you are doing a nice thing, but I don’t need it” I turn to him. “Private First Class Lightning Runner of Fruithold Markspony Squad nine Regiment four. My squad got hit, I managed to escape, however as you saw I got wounded pretty bad.” I was lucky I remembered my designation. It seemed to fool him as he nodded

“Ah understand ya, but ah can’t let ya go out with how dangerous this area can be, and ah don’ wanna leave ya to fend fer yourself” Of course. I had to get rescued by an overbearing pony. I sighed and put a hoof on his shoulder

“I have to be back to break the news in a week at most or else I’ll be marked dead. Where are my things” The unicorn sighed and pointed towards my saddlebags, right next to his campfire. I trotted over, making sure to stay off my leg, and hastily put them on. “Thanks. I’ll remember you for what you did.”

“I’ll be seein’ ya around” I began to trot off. I moved considerably slower as I had to move on three legs, but I made do with what I had been dealt. I thought back to that unicorn, the pony I had lied to and just left as soon as I got medical supplies;Maybe its just my judgement getting the better of me, but it feels like I had just stolen medical supplies from him, and didn’t even give him a thanks.

I heard a rustling in the bushes and drew my sword from its sheath and slowly approached the bush. If anypony was there, they’d have come out by now... what if it’s a... no can’t think... am I even going in the right... goddamnit I don’t even know if I’m heading in the right direction. I took a quick look at the sky to get my bearings, letting my guard down. Think I’m going in the right direction... forests all around.

The rustling continued. I approached it in a fit of stupid bravery. “Whoever you are, come out.”

No answer. Seems somepony is nervous. “The sword making ya nervous?” I put the sword in its sheath.

“Oh? Disarming yourself for me. Lightning Runner. I am dissapoint” I heard a... familiar voice say.

“Who are you?” I asked, backing up, ready to take the sword out once more.

“You don’t remember me? Hows about I refresh your memory.” A dagger flew out of the bush and embedded itself in my left back leg.

I yelped in pain, struggling to remain upright. “Who...Who are you...” I said, as if I’d get an answer

“Don’t remember?” The pony stepped out. A unicorn stallion. “Does this refresh your memory? ‘No cursing, unless you want your foal to be renamed Bloody Mist.’ If this doesn’t then I truly pity you.” The memory flooded back... the woods...Amug help me

“Why don’t you buck yourself. I-I don’t need...” A hoof was put on my mouth and soon the unicorn pushed me to the ground

“No no. Don’t speak. Let me speak, as I am your guest. I escaped, and you know what I did? You know what. You guess” I can’t believe it...

I pushed his hoof away. “Why don’t you leave me alone!” I shouted and attempted to stand up.

“You really aren’t that bright are you?” The unicorn questioned, chuckling. “Mother doesn’t want you to live. She told me to bring you to her. Whether alive or dead. It won’t matter.”

“J-Just let me go... I don’t care what your mother thinks” I begged, not even noticing the pleading tone in my voice.

“Let you go? Oh no my dear Lightning Runner. Mother doesn’t like it when her Children fail her tasks” His horn lit up, a ball of energy forming at the tip

Fuckfuckfuck. I painfully got up and began to hobble away, further into the woods. “Don’t run. It will make this so much harder” The ball of energy flew towards me and luckily hit the ground beside me, a small crater in its place. It seemed I had escaped long enough to get my sword out, and I did so.

I can’t die... whoever this ‘Mother’ is will be getting her judgement when I find her. THe stallion approached me, dagger in hand. “You really thought me, a unicorn, wouldn’t be able to find you.” A knife embedded itself in my other back leg, I managed to stay up, however I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to.“You will become like me, and you will enjoy the blood of your enemies”

“F-F-Fuck...” I began before shutting myself up

“I’m sorry my door doesn’t swing that way. Also, if you ever get out, remember to bring proper protection. Helmets are an important part of your armor, and it seems you have body and flank armor, but no helmet.” He put a hoof on my head. “Shame I have to teach a military pony proper armor use” The unicorn said

“J-Just kill me...” I saw the hopelessness in this situation. I wouldn’t get out. I’m dead. I... this was a journey I shouldn’t have gone on.

“Don’t feel that bad. I say you put up a nice fig-” I pushed him down and grabbed my sword in my mouth.

“Why don’t you just leave. I-I’ll leave from here if you leave” I held my sword to his throat, the unicorn just smiled

His horn began to glow and I saw two knives float out of a bush. “I suggest you put down that sword or you get two knives down your eye sockets”

It became a stalemate. I stood there, sword in my mouth, he lay there, knives in his magic.

“Submit to him. At least then you’ll be alive” Said a voice from behind me

I am not going to submit! He might just kill me!

“Who said you would?”

Shut up.

“Did I make Little Lightning mad? Oh poor baby.” The voice materialized infront of me.. as me... Mindfuckery aside, I began my plan.

I made it look like I was about to thrust my sword into the ground, and as soon as he dropped his magic field, I thrust it into his lower torso. “Gah! You-” He coughed out blood. ”little bugger!”

“Hehe...” Adrenaline filled my veins. Time to dance motherfucker I pulled my sword out and stabbed him once more. The unicorn’s horn lit up. Getting your damn knives? Why don’t we take care of that I slammed my only unstabbed leg’s hoof to his horn, a sickening crunch echoed through the area as the unicorn screamed in pain. “Now who’s the one in control of the others life?”

“M-Mother... I-Is... That you...” The unicorn began to crawl away.

“Oh? You want to live? Oh Boohoo. Your life is in my hooves now, and I say you will pay the price for your sins.” I brought my sword down to his torso once more. I brought it up. I brought it down. I didn’t stop until I was sure he was dead. Take that you motherfucker. Sad. I would’ve enjoyed the entertainment. Looks like the next Discordant I kill will have to las- What am I thinking!... I’m not like this!

Realization over what I had just done to this pony... tortured him... I didn’t make it quick... I prolonged his death. I-I’m just like them... I put my hoof to his eyes and shut them. I knew this wouldn’t make me feel better... but I did it anyway. I began to pull the sword out... but just looking at was making me sick. I dropped it next to him.

It wasn’t until now I remembered I had knives in my back legs. The pain returned and it felt like I was being sta-sta-... hurt by knives repeatedly. I lay down and moved one of my back legs to me. They weren’t bleeding as much as I thought... Though removing it might cause more...but I am in pain. I must do this. No I can’t or I’ll cause more bleeding and possibly black out again... without that kind old pony to wander upon my dying corpse.

“You seem like you actually want to have this be painless. Why don’t you take what you gave that poor Unicorn over there.”

Shut up! I... I need to concentrate

He sat down infront of me, tisking. “You should have just stayed home. You might die out here. No one will know. Your corpse will be eaten up by the forest bef-”

 I put my mouth on the hilt for the dagger, biting down to ease any pain, and pulled.


“Pain. Pain is such, an odd concept with you. One moment you’re in total fucking pain, and the next you are fine.” It taunted

Oh? Pray tell how much you know about me... I bit down on the hilt of the current dagger before tossing it over, preparing to get the other

“You seem to be overprotective of your wife. Your child isn’t allowed within ten feet of the walls. I can go on for days”

I’m a bad father. I can fix that, now please shut up so I can work

“Yes the all powerful Medical Doctor who blacks out due to performing a bone relocation on yourself”

I put my mouth on the other knife, bit down on the hilt, and pulled. Pain began once more and the only thing keeping me from screaming was me biting down on the dagger’s hilt. I just need... To check his bags... I despised the idea of ‘looting’ his corpse for medical supplies... but he’s dead... he doesn’t need it.

“Thieving like usual. What would his family think if they saw you. What would your friends think?”

He’s dead he doesn’t need it anymore

“Always rationalizing. First it was because your family needed money. Now it’s because he’s dead. When will you stop”

I crawled over to his bag and luckily found a bottle of alcohol and gauze.

"You gonna drink yourself to death? It'd be a great end to your legacy"

I've. Quit.

"THen why were you out drinking with Wood Chip and Prodd Hmm?"

“Leave me alone... I’m sorry...” I said to myself before getting the initiative to begin fixing myself up.

The alcohol stung like the disinfectant Case Study had used when he was in by the injuries that dis- Unicorn and his friends had given him. I beared the pain and I began to wrap the gauze around one of my legs, saving some for my other leg.

I quickly applied the alcohol and the gauze and found that I had some alcohol left over... No I won’t... I’ve stopped, and I won’t go back to doing it again. I shakily got up and put the remaining medical supplies in my saddlebags.

I saw a light. I limped towards it and I saw a clearing. Tents... fire... Ponies. I... I reached this place. I collapsed to the ground, not caring how hurt I was, and not caring how much pain I was in. I’ve... left Amug... Left my home... left my Family... I’m a failure. Why did I even listen to Temperance

“So... you’ve come,” a female voice called from behind Lightning Runner, rich and flowing with regality.

Lightning kept his eyes to the ground, looking as if he’s ignoring the voice. “And for what?”

“Have you no faith, little one?” she continued.  A tall, dark and beautiful unicorn mare stepped around into his vision.

He looks up. “Faith? You never helped me. I found better help in a hermit’s tent than I found in you.” He said bluntly.

Amug’s eyes widened briefly and a tiny grin edged onto her face.  “Perhaps I was right all along,” she said.  She pointed a hoof at him.  “You see now.  Amug can’t help you.  She can’t help anypony.”  Her voice began to turn gravelly as she spoke.

Lightning looks this pony in the eye. “Then who are you? I-I’ve already been hurt enough...” He said, the last part significantly quieter

“Yes, you’ve been hurt enough already,” the pony said remorsefully.  The flesh on her face and legs began to rot and putrefy.  “Like so many others, life has been cruel and unfair to you.”  She took a step closer to him.

He is mildly shocked by Amug’s change in appearance, but decides to keep his shock to himself. “Yes... it has... but... how do you think you’ll be able to fix it?”

She cocked her head as if pondering the statement.  The grin returned, then the skin on her cheek peeled away.  “Very straightforward.  I believe now I chose better than I expected.”  She stepped up to Lightning, then knelt in front of him.  She stretched out a forehoof, which inexplicably became a skeletal hand the size of his face.  “I can offer you so much more than Amug, Nirmek or any of your other gods.  Because I am real.”

Lightning gained realization of what was in front of him. Not Amug... but some thing. He slowly brought himself up off the ground so he could get a better look at it. The beast was obviously female, but... her appearance unsettled him. Hooves like a pony, but claws...hands like a griffon, parts of her skin... rotting as if she was dead and just got up and starting moving. It had wings that were just bone. No skin. No feathers. He felt like he was about to vomit, but his nausea just got worse the longer he looked. “I-I...” He gulped. “I... What do you have...” He asked, unsure of what this being even was.

“What do I have?” she mimicked.  She reached out and cupped his chin in her hand.  “Little Lightning Runner, I have everything to offer you.  A sense of place and purpose.  Safety and security.  Family.”  She grinned again, baring ragged and sharp teeth.  “Love.  You will never need to feel betrayed or alone again.”

“I already have family. Sure they weren’t the best, but I have family.” He took that one detail out of all the others. “And... I have safety... and security... I protect the ones I love. I feel a sense of purpose...” He slowly got quieter, until he eventually just stopped speaking altogether.

Entropy frowned.  “There is no need to fear me.  It’s alright,” she said as a red haze began to form around her hand.  Lightning felt his unease melt away slowly.  “You understand more than you realize.  You want to protect your family.  You want them to be safe and feel no pain.  You want them to accept you and love you.”  She glowered.  “But they don’t.  None of them do, nor have they ever.  They will all leave you and stab you in the back when tried.  Even your wife and child.”

“Maybe... you are right... I don’t need them.” His original thoughts of disgust and unease turned into thoughts of appreciativeness and ease. “I should’ve have noticed it earlier. My ‘happiness’ kept me from noticing. I... I can’t believe I thought they actually cared”

“That’s right.  Nopony has ever cared about you, but I do.  I want to end all of your suffering and worry, so you can finally be at peace.  With me... with us, you’ll always be loved.  You’ll never be alone again.”  As she spoke, two earth ponies stepped out of the shadows next to her and nuzzled her legs affectionately.

Lightning smiled. “Thank you. I... I appreciate your gift to me. I won’t make you regret your decision of letting me into your family... I’m sorry for hurting Brother... I don’t know what came over me. I..I hope I can make it up to you”

“It’s alright, son,” she replied, stroking his mane.  “Daggerfall made a necessary sacrifice, and will never be forgotten.”  She extended her hand over his back.  In a moment all of Lightning’s body is engulfed in a pale golden glow, and he feels his wounds, pains and aches vanish.  “Come with me,” she instructed, standing.

The two other ponies smiled.  “Yes, come, we will show you your new family.”

Lightning Runner smiled once more. “I would love to see my new family. Should we get going?”

Entropy beckoned him to follow, and the four make their way deep into the camp.  Hundreds, perhaps a thousand discordant ponies are busying themselves with any of a dozen tasks.

Lightning felt odd... as if he was supposed to be doing something here. He doesn’t think to question it at the time.

They all smile broadly as Entropy passes by, greeting her and Lightning warmly.  A foal trotted out of a tent and up to her.  “Mom!  Did he join us?  Is he going to help?”

Entropy mirrored her smile and nodded.  “Yes, sweet child.  Meet him yourself.”

The foal skipped over to Lightning.  “Welcome, brother!  My name is Lilac, who are you?”

He kneeled down. “Hello sister. My name is Lightning Runner.”

Entropy stroked Lilac’s mane and urged her to return home.  “There will be time for more introductions later.  Run and return to your siblings.”  She beckoned Lightning on once more, and they pass what appears to be a covered body with ponies standing around in mourning.  “All of the ponies you see here are your brothers and sisters, and no matter what happens we will love you unquestioningly.  But there is a special task I have for you, little one.”

“Anything for you Mother.” He said.

“I want you to return to Duskfields.  I believe perhaps the most decisive moment in our history will play out there soon.  An army from the ponies, and perhaps the griffons too, will be marching there.  They hope to destroy us.  To kill you and all of your brothers and sisters.”  She paused.  “And me.

“I want you to return there and do whatever you can to make sure that Duskfields itself will be unable to resist us when we move on it.  We will not be destroyed.  They and all who oppose us will join us.”

She stopped and faced Lightning.  “Some may die, but know that it is for the good of all one day.  With your help, fewer will have to give their lives.  Do you understand?”

“I understand fully. One question though. Shall I re-enter into society or shall I assume a new identity?”

Entropy studied him for a moment.  “Return as a new pony.  Though they may not trust you as much, having no history with them may make things simpler all the same.  Many of my children take new names when they join me.  Do you have one in mind?”

Lightning thought for a moment. “I remember hearing of a plant named ‘Quarrel’ I think that would be a name I could use. Is there any further information I need?”

“Then Quarrel you shall be,” she said.  Her smile darkens slightly.  “I have little other guidance to offer you.  Do what you can to hamper their strength and cohesion however you can.  Frighten them, sow doubt.  Whatever you can.”  She rested a hand on his withers.  “But if you ever find yourself in a situation that you don’t know what to do, remember that I am watching you always.”

“I will do what I can.” He said confidently. “I thank you for your worries, but I can handle myself. I know how these ponies act.”

“I know you do.  That is one reason I chose you,” she said, smiling again.  “Now, you are free to stay as long as you wish to meet your family, or you may return to start your task.”

Quarrel exchanged goodbyes with his mother before heading to the place that was the mess hall type area. After a quick meal, he began to pick up his things.

Quarrel asked around for a bit, got to know his new family. He found out that the path they use to Duskfields can get him there in a day or two, and he gladly accepted the offer to be shown and with those words, he began his journey back to Duskfields.

[Two days pass.]

Just as the his brothers told him, he reached Duskfields in a decent amount of time. Of course he couldn’t just walk in the gates late at night, so he and his brothers set up a small camp just over one of Duskfields’ hills. Tomorrow will be the first day of his task an he knew just the pony to start talking with.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #367 on: July 16, 2013, 09:06:16 am »

[The day after Max’s changes were announced.]

The bird rests in his underground cage. Laying back on his bed, sharpening his claws, the only weapon he was allowed to keep since Max walked off with his sword, and the rest of his life with it, leaving him to rot.

The door opens, Maxberge sits up, he knew  by the time of the morning that it must be Crosshair. Seeing Crosshair, while he was like this, filled him with a mix of emotions, he was of course happy to see her, but pained that she would not see him, and angry that the traitor had her so fooled. But still, he thought he might be able to coax some information from the mare.

Sure enough the Captain of the Guard enters and from Max’s beak Flamberge speaks, “Good morning Cross, how are things?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Crosshair grumbled, she looked miserable, stressed and just plain confused. The small mare walks over to her desk and slumps against the chair, letting out a deep sigh.

Maxberge frowns, “Is Max doing such a poor job in my horseshoes?”

“I don’t want to hear about it.. I didn’t believe you the first time, what makes you think I will believe you now?” Crosshair groaned once more, not sounding like she even believes in her own words.

"Because Max is not me. He may be a skilled actor, but even then each day that goes by, you must see through him more and more. Surely he isn't ruling like you would expect me to. Surely he doesn't treat you as well as I did. One day I believe you'll see I'm telling the truth, hopefully before it is too late," the griffin explains.

The mare just let out another long sigh. “Checkpoints.. Cards.. I don’t think those will save us from the Discordians..”

“Or from Entropy, I did tell you Max said she was just a fairy tale. A myth to frighten small foals, and that I was a fool for believing in her, that I was delusional for claiming to have seen her. Makes sense then, right? He’s not preparing for her at all. He just expects more of the same, not an army, not a monster,” he states with certainty in his voice.

Crosshair rests her head onto her desk and just stays there. Suddenly feeling heavy all over. “I don’t even know what to do anymore..”

"Help me then Crosshair... Help me get my body back." Flamberge holds up two pieces of rock, that were once obviously one single stone, "This was the stone he used to switch our minds, it's broken now, but he may have more, if he does, we can switch back, I can put everything right then. Please Cross, I love you, please help me with this."

[ DVNO, in the other scene, you never actually said Max picked the pieces back up after they broke, so I'm claiming them for myself, birdbrain. :p -KSB ]

Crosshair looked at them for a moment, then look back up at the bird. “And.. how am I going to do this?”

The griffin places the stone fragments just outside the bars of his cell, then backs up to the far wall, “Take them, maybe a unicorn will be able to tell you if there is any magic left on them, I don’t know, I’ve never had a horn. Even if they don’t, how you proceed from there is up to you. Maybe show them to him and ask him what they are, tell him Max was clutching them or something. He’ll lie of course, but he might let something slip, or just search for wherever Max might hide something, I trust you to figure it out. Just be careful, Max is already a convicted murder and has my body and my political pull, he will hurt you if he thinks you are getting in his way.”

Crosshair cautiously takes the stones up and examine them. Then pockets it. “I’ll.. go find out what’s what.”

“Hmm, before you go, can I ask one last question?” the bird asks.

“Might aswell as.” Crosshair nodded.

“How are the foals? Crossbow is okay? He’s being good to them? Where did you leave them today? Who’s taking care of them now? Especially little Galant... Oh, I’m sorry, that was more than one question wasn’t it.”

 Crosshair frowns a little, flopping her ears and looking down slightly. Either that this bird’s a really good actor and knows way too much, or that he’s really her husband in the bird’s body. “They’re.. fine, I let them stay at Creampuff’s again today. It seems like Sweet Potato also let Mist go over as well. Puff’s like the town’s foalsitter nowadays really.”

The griffin smiles, “That’s good. At least Creamy has enough help in the kitchens now that she can do this too... maybe she should get some extra pay from the town for doing such... Well, as long as they are all alright... that’s all I needed to know for now. Thank you Cross.”

The small mare only nods silently. So many things on her mind, she decided to take a walk out.

Flamberge sighs, he felt he might have gotten through to her a bit today, but all the same, even if he did convince her he was who he was, he was still stuck in here... and still in jail as well. He then returns to his cot and goes back to sharpening his claws.
Meanwhile, Crosshair have been comparing things together in her head. And decided that maybe the bird’s not so crazy after all. And that maybe it wouldn’t hurt too much if she’s going to have some investigations to do, of course she couldn’t let Flamberge know about it. Plannings will be had, for the sake of everypony.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #368 on: July 17, 2013, 04:02:22 pm »

Wood Chip waited outside the office of the new ruler of Duskfield feeling very, very upset.

Frankly, he was unsure of might happen in the next few moments, but as it was, he had little choice.

Knock-Knock went the door as the unicorn’s right hoof knocked at it a little rougher than needed.

Flamberge was quite preoccupied writing down numbers on a pad with a fountain ink pen in his mouth, trying to get these numbers tamed before the Griffon traders come  this year. Also, he wrote a little something for one Miss Redhat as well. Then the knocks at the door came, jolting him a little. He looks to the door, then his sword. He slaps it around himself and opens the door. “Oh, Hello Mr. Wood Chips. Please, come in if you would like.” He motioned to a seat inside. “My door is always open.”

 Wood Chip blinked. He expected a little less...kindness.

“Ah, thank you Flamberge. I am sorry we haven’t really talked to each other for quite some time, but with Temperance’s passing I...have some important information to pass onto you. I do have one mildly selfish request, but let us get on to the true meat of the issue’s here. Wait, no,” he retracted, looking slightly embarrassed, “there’s no need to beat around the bush here.”

Flamberge quirked a brow. “Mr. Wood Chips, are you insinuating something?”

Wood Chip looked at the puzzled expression on the slightly intimidating stallion’s face and suppressed the urge to laugh. “Oh, no, hah...” he took a few moments to stop chucking. “No, no, it’s just a simple request. I am aware that you are asking for more miners, but I would like to request that Smooth Block gets some extended time off. If I need to, and can supply you exess wood products to make up for the lesser amount of stone we would sell elsewhere.”

Flamberges eye’s burned into him, and the fountain pen between his lips quivered with rage. “So - you’re telling me, that, after finally breaking through the aquifer so Smooth Block can do her job and mine stone, She wants a extended time away from mining stone?”

Wood Chip breathed in deeply. “No, I want her to, and this is my idea.” She is...” Wood Chip paused, wincing lightly, “she is pregnant.”

Flam rolls his eyes. “So it’s maternity leave you want.”

Wood Chip nodded. “On the virtue that it’s my child, yes.”

“Tell you what, I’ll strike a deal. Find me three bodies to fill her place and I’ll give her nine months.” He frowns. “If you can’t, I’m sorry but I have a solid stone wall to build and I need the material.”

Wood Chip sighed, and gave a dejected look at Flamberge. “Please, sir. You have a family, we both know that, but Crosshair is different than Smooth Block. We...the reason I am doing this is that she doesn’t know yet. I learned it from a doctor in the last Zebra caravan. Please, if not a full leave, a lessening of work load. She could find three ponies easily, we would just need three more picks,’s more complicated than just giving her time off, Flamberge.”

Flamberge cocks his head. “You found out before she did? How did you - Huh. Thats - Huh.” Flam walks back to his desk and takes a seat. He also pours some lemonade out of a cooler and into a mug on his desk. “Explain this shit in more detail. How did you find out before she did?” He says, taking a sip.

“Well, we have been...together for a short while, but I had my suspicions. I mean, she’s a stoutly built mare, so it’s slightly hard to tell, but she’s been...oh, to make a short story shorter, I took a bit of her hair to the zebra doctor stationed with the last caravan after I consulted him, and after dipping it in a brew he had it turned blue. I have seen the method before, so I knew that that simply ment she is pregnant. At the moment, we have a little bet to see who can go without a drink the longest, and she’s a determined mare.” Wood Chip said the last part rather remorsefully, but he was still wondering about Flamberge’s casual behavior.

Flamberge snarls, leans back, and takes another sip. “She’s going to find out eventually, Chip. You should tell her now rather than when the foal pops out. Smooth is rather rotund. I doubt she would even realize before the third Trimester.” Flam taps the desk with his hoof. 

Wood Chip keeps his calm. “I see. Well, let’s go forward with the actual buisness at hoof. Do you know the origin of the evil ponies that beset us, Flamberge?”

“They are ponies that lost their minds, long ago? Colonies of explorers that went so far as to see the edge of the world, and simply went mad? Are they the thralls of something much more sinister? I do not know. What I do know, is that they will not get through our walls.”

Wood Chip looked at the stallion before him. He didn’t really carry himself like he did before.

“I do know, as did Temperance. He deemed it that, if the truth gets out, that it would mean panic throughout Duskfields and possibly beyond.”

Flam throws his hooves up,throwing the lemonade in his mug behind him. “Let me guess! Entropy! It is Entropy, isn’t it? Everypony is so spooked about this Entropy.”

Wood Chip stared at the pony behind the desk for a very long time. “My village was forcibly converted to the worship of a Draconequus named Carnage, and I have been having dreams regarding me returning to it for ‘safety’.”

“You too, huh?”  Flam groaned.  “Your story is not that uncommon. A lot of ponies are complaining of sleeplessness and delusion. Me among them. It’s those red clouds, they must be having a nasty effect on us. I would tell you to take a few days rest but,” Flamberge chuckles. “Looks like you have Smooth Block’s whole workload to tack on to your schedule.”

 Wood Chip simply kept a smile plastered on his face, ignoring the urge to see if wing bones were as fragile as it was said they were.

“Those red clouds are the main issue at hand, as it was a large patch of them that overtook my village when I way away. When I returned, Flamberge, they were eating the livestock. My best friend ate my sister. At the very least, pretend that have the entire forts....”

Wood Chip’s eye’s widened suddenly. “How is Max doing?”

Flam shrugs. “He’s doing reasonably well for a dead Griffon. Why? Would you like me to relay him a message for you?”

 Wood Chip looks warily at the other red stallion in the room. “Just a simple one, it’s not important, really. It’s just that I am deeply sorry that I never did know him better, and that we probably could have been friends. But perhaps...something like that is better for a funeral.” A little bit of edge came into his voice. “On the off chance that he is to be killed.”

Flamberge can’t help but smirk.”Death? Oh no, He’s in for much worse than simple death.”

Wood Chip looked at Flamberge, something like bile rising in the back of his mouth. “You act like a griffon.”

Flamberge looked at him, looked at him for a good long while. He looks a Wood Chips with a quizzical expression, mostly. “Alright? How so? Because I fly, or what? I don’t follow you. What an odd thing to say.” Internally? Max was rehearsing every second of this conversation over and over in his mind, trying to find the exact spot in it where  he royally bucked up. Was it so glaringly obvious a stranger could figure it out?

  Wood Chip sighed. “Well, you are using your hooves far more often than pegusi normally do. You are cursing a bit more than usual. Also, between you and me, no need to stop tilting your head. Flamberge never did that.”

Flamberge glares at him. “ ... I’ll take that into consideration. So, full Maternity leave for Smooth Block, No strings attached, was it?”

Wood Chip smiles lightly. “Yes, full leave. Before you ask, I already told you how I knew. I was going to ask if I was still the head of the militia, officially, but as that went nowhere under Temperance and you do not seem to have any plans for it, I don’t see a need for it.”

Flamberge simmers.”Plans for the Militia are coming shortly. Ponies don’t take kindly to being drafted, as you know. I’ll get to it promptly.” Flamberge pulls out a document from his desk and scribbled his signature on it with his pen. “Here, Give this to Convalescence for signing, then give it to Smooth Block when you are ready.” He shoves it to Wood Chips side of the desk. “And don’t feel ‘gleeful’ about this either. Duskfields could really have needed her in the coming months and I may not be able to find ponies with her level of expertise any time soon.”

   Wood Chip slowly takes the paper with his magic. “Thank you. Max, please. I understand that you don’t owe anyone here anything, and that my words mean nothing coming from me. But I meant what I said before.”

“I have no idea to what you are talking about. This conversation is over, I suggest you leave, and if you insist on confusing griffons with pegusai and continue seeing Draconequus in your sleep; I will seriously consider throwing you into a padded cell for psychological evaluation and throw away the key.” His eyes flick back to his work. “Good day, Mr. Wood Chip.”

Wood Chip looked at the stallion, and then at the paper floating near his head. “Good day to you too.”

Walking to a point to where he was almost outside the office, he paused for a moment. “Make sure to play with the kids. They need good guidance, you understand, even if it seems unsightly to you.”

“Don’t pretend to understand what’s going  through my mind, Wood Chips.”
“I will not, and I don’t. But if you do not, Crosshair will be even less pleased with you than she probably is already.” he replied,walking out of the room entirely.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #369 on: July 19, 2013, 09:10:55 pm »

Vambrace was outside, practicing his spells, and swordsponyship.
He had found an uncut tree, and decided to practice with that.
Vambrace slashed at the tree, barely damaging it.

“Trying to break down the tree? You’ll have a… ghost of a chance!”
“No! Why would I do that? I’m a blazing example of what we all should be!”
“You really think ponies want to be you? You’re trapped inside another pony, causing grief for them.”
“I’m an icon of what everyone desires to be!”

And so, Vambrace ignored his other, more destructive personality. It would not stop him from practicing to fight.
With a quick slash, Vambrace slightly cut into the tree.

“Ahahahaha! I could cut more with my hooves!”
“I could cut into you.”
“Do you think I’m… haunting you? I’m not. I’m trying to help you. All these ponies would love to put a bolt into your hideous face.”
“Why? Why would they hate me? I’ve barely interacted with anyone.”
“Because I can do this.”
“Do what?”
“That! I’ve got even more control over you than before, due to that amulet! Soon, you will discover what it is like to basically be a spectre, watching everything happen without you being able to fix it. I’ll destroy all of your ‘friends’ from home. I’ll destroy your books. I’ll destroy your horn.”
“You’ll regret this.”
“I’m the phantom of death. Why, why would I regret this?”
“You’re the phantom of death? Did you create that name yourself?”

Vambrace went back to practicing the art of battle. He gripped his sword with telekinesis, and sent it flying towards the tree. It stuck into the tree, making Vambrace pull it out.
Somehow, after all this blade has been through, it has never dulled. Was it magic?
Thoughts crossed Vambrace’s mind. His inner self could know take slight control of him. What if he manages to fully take over his body?



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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #370 on: July 21, 2013, 01:13:46 am »


Prodd was starting to worry about Red. He hasn’t seen her in awhile, more so he really wanted to take up smoking again and wanted somepony to talk him out of it. He made his way to her home, hoping she was cooped up in there and not wandering around town. He knocked on the door.

It took a long while before he got an answer. “Ugh... who is it?”

“Who do you think?” Prodd responded. “Can I come in...?”

“Go ahead... the door isn’t locked...”

Prodd entered and sighed. “I’m... well... worried about you...”

When he came in Red was still in bed, and looked depressed. “and why would you worry about me?”

Prodd sighed again at the state of the spear master. “Because I care about you... and... I feel like we’re all going to need you at your best...”

“Meh...” she looked away from him and sighed heavily. “They’re fine without me. Flamb will just behead anything that’s a problem..”

“And if Flamberge was to fall...?” Prodd asked. “And who would lead the rest of the spearponies?” He sighed. “I... I want the old Red back... at least for me... but I won’t be the only one needing you...”

“Ugh... you don’t get it..” She looked back over to him.

“Then explain it to me... please...” Prodd pleaded. He wanted to help...

“Look, I’m sick being stuck here, poor as dirt, going nowhere in life. What the hell am I even working for every day that I’m in this fort? I’m not going anywhere or doing anything spectacular I’m just getting older and waiting to die.”

“ have a house, employment, and somepony who cares about you...” Prodd said. “That’s a lot more than what a lot of ponies have...”

She made a little whimper. “Well yeah... but... I just...” She sighed and looked down. “I just want to stop needing to hide...”

“...Then stop hiding.” Prodd said, his tone clear and hopefully supportive. “...If you’re scared, you could always live with me.”

“Do you honestly think that would help?”

“Maybe a little... at least emotionally.” Prodd said. “...And maybe my spontaneous death scream would wake you up and my corpse would slow the attacker long enough for you to escape.”

“Ugh... can we not think like that?” She just sighed again. “Still... if you think it’ll help I guess we can try.”

 “Sorry for the lame joke...” Prodd sighed. “But Red... you need to talk to somepony... I’m here...”


Prodd pulled Red into a hug. “...I’m sure things will turn out for the better.”

Red sighed and hugged him back. “Yeah... s-so if I move in are you sure you’ll have enough room for bonnet?”

“...My rooms moderately empty and spacious. It could work.” Prodd reassured her. “But... if there’s anything you want to talk about...”

“Well... I’m starting to hate my job.”

“Anything you can do to improve it...?”

“Well, not really. Flamberge is still a bloody retard who’s only interest is bloodlust. The people I’m in charge of aren’t to bad, but when I have to deal with him I feel like crap.”

Prodd held her closer. “Then work for your subordinates and keep time with Flamberge to a bare minimum. You’re strong... you’ll be fine.”

“Yeah...” She hadn’t really told him the big things on her mind though, but this was definitely helping. “Thanks.” She gave him a little nuzzle.

“Anything else troubling you? I won’t be going anywhere...” Prodd said.

Well...” she thought about telling him. “No not really...”

“You sure? You can tell me anything...”

“I’m sure.”

“You look like you’re hiding something... I’m a little concerned...”

“I’m fine.”

“Am I going to have to read your mind?” Prodd’s horn began to glow.

Red looked a little concerned. Not because she had something to hide, but because she actually felt uncomfortable with that. “Don’t you bucking do that.”

“Why? What could you be hiding?”

“The fact that I don’t like keeping my own personal thoughts private.”

“Because you’re hiding something.” Prodd smiled. His horn was still glowing as he inched closer to her.

“Why the hell do you want to know my every thought?”

“I just want to know what’s troubling you... if you tell me now, I won’t have to figure it out myself...” Prodd said. “I care about you...”

“No I’m not telling you, damnit.”

“Why not? I don’t want to use my magic here... but I will if I have to.”

She just glared at him.

Prodd sighed. “Why would it hurt to tell me? You... trust me... right?”

She didn’t say a word. She was certain he wouldn’t do it.

“...Right? Trust me?” He was saddened slightly and his horn dimmed.

“I DO. I just don’t want to bucking hurt you damnit!”

“I don’t care if you hurt me or not, I want you to tell me.” Prodd said. His tone was final.

“Okay then...” She glared at him again. “I haven’t quite let the thing with the bear trap go, and the retarded gryphon offered me enough money to pay off my debt if I worked with him... Now i’m scared that he narced on me, or they’ll find out, and I’m out of a chance at freedom!”

Prodd thought over what he was going to say. “...If I were you I would have killed me in an instant. And let me get this straight... you made a deal with Max... the plan went haywire, and you’re scared?”

“Pretty much.” she said, seeming depressed again.

Prodd’s horn already stopped giving off light. He pulled Red into a tighter embrace and whispered, “You’re right to be scared... but it’s okay. Things will always work themselves out for the better... I don’t think anyone else knows about it. And Red... please remember this... I can always teleport you out of danger...”

She just held still, and pressed her head to his chest. “Thank you...”

“...No problem.” Prodd smiled warmly and slowly swayed her from side to side.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She lightly nuzzled Prodd and tried to relax in the embrace.

Prodd continued to hold her and spoke up, “If it helps, I can’t read minds...”

“Heh... knew it.” She hummed and just kept relaxing there.

“Oh... one thing I was meaning to ask you... would you stop me from smoking? I quit a long time ago...” He paused. “I... I’m starting to get the urges again...” It was his turn to verbally trot around something.

“Well, how do you think I can help?”

“By... I don’t really know... I just... don’t want to... have a relapse...” The relapse wasn’t just about his old habit.

“Well, if I’m always around I guess I could badger you about not doing it.” She smiled a little, before something crossed her mind. “Or if you ever find a need to smoke we can just do this...” She gave him a kiss.

Prodd broke the kiss after a few moments. “Yeah, I totally need to smoke right now.” He really can get help for his problem, he can even get comfort from the impending doom.

She just grinned and gave him another kiss, this time holding it as long as she could.

Fade to black...
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #371 on: July 26, 2013, 01:53:27 am »

Activity levels have dropped pretty low here, and under mounting pressure (internal and external), I believe I'm going to start moving forward with the ending.  If anyone has anything they'd like to say or do before that happens, it would be preferable to let me know before I go too much further.

The current plan is to start the final battle in game in a couple of days.  I've tested the scenario and know I have the process of triggering everything down.  All that needs to happen now is to actually run the fight and record the bloodbath.

Rejoice in the coming oblivion!
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #372 on: July 26, 2013, 02:48:55 am »

I feel like I missed an update somewhere...


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #373 on: July 26, 2013, 07:37:36 am »

If you haven't been keeping up with the RP you're probably lost.   :)  Recently (in game time) Temperance was murdered by Flamberge because Flamberge was angry and jealous about him being promoted to baron.  In the process, he met the draconequus Entropy, who was responsible for the discordant ponies in the area:

Spoiler: Monster! (click to show/hide)

She vowed that she was going to come take all of the ponies in Duskfields or destroy it in the process.  That was several weeks ago in game, and it's difficult justifying putting her attack off, so I'm going to be doing it soon.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #374 on: July 26, 2013, 10:51:52 am »

Ah. Yeah I hadn't been keeping up with it mostly because of working on a host of other things. I had seen that picture before though.
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