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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47837 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #345 on: June 27, 2013, 12:52:15 am »


Prodd knocked on the door to Temperance’s office. He wanted to testify in the trial to help Lightning Runner. He was doubtful that he could though, considering he knew almost all the parties involved in the case.

Temperance hopped up.  “Coming,” he said, trotting over to the door.  “Prodd?  Come in, how can I help you?”

Prodd dips his head respectfully and clears his throat. “I’d like to ask... um... if I could testify in the trial...”

“Testify?”  Temperance steps back and shows Prodd to an empty seat.  “Is there something you know that could help in the trial?”

“Not that much... however I have seen Max and Lightning talking presumably about the theft... more so that Max was a little... threatening towards the pegasus... when I was on guard duty one night...” Prodd said. “I’m just saying that Lightning might not have been so eager in stealing Crosshair’s ammo... I doubt it helps that much though...”

Temperance raises an eyebrow.  “You saw Max approach Lightning about this?  That... yes, that could be relevant.  If Lightning was coerced into stealing the bolts that would be favorable to him.  Though not reporting it means he’ll hardly be absolved.”  He cocks his head at Prodd.  “Why didn’t you mention it before?”

“I thought it was of little relevance, and when I finally realized it was important I was out on the road towards Canyontalon...” Prodd shrugged. “Yeah... that’s why I have my doubts it’d help...”

Temperance thought silently for a few moments.  “I can’t say it’ll have earth shattering effects, but anything relevant to the trial is welcome and encouraged to be accounted for.”  He sighed.  “I don’t think it’ll really affect things much, but if you want to speak, then by all means.”

Prodd nodded and thought it over. “Thanks for the confirmation...” He paused. “...How do you feel about the whole ordeal?”

“That depends on what you mean exactly,” Temperance replied.  “Do you mean how I think it will turn out, or how I feel about the whole situation?  Max and the murder?”

“The whole situation, I missed a good portion of this... having to deliver the body and all-” He paused. “It went... well... nothing we couldn’t handle...”

Temperance nodded slowly.  “I’m glad you and Redhat were able to handle speaking with the griffons.  Had that gone poorly, this would have been a wholly unmitigated disaster.  I think that should summarize pretty well how I feel about it all.”  He frowned.  “Lightning stole Crosshair’s bolts without knowing why, and Max planned the whole thing as revenge for Carnith’s death.  It’s almost unbelievable, but after hearing and seeing what I have, I believe it.”

“Alright then... what if the gryphons want the murderer?” Prodd asked. “Do we give them up?”

“I’ve been wondering that almost incessantly since Max was locked up, and honestly, I think that’s the least bad course of action.  If the griffons want Max, that may be the best way to smooth over relations after what happened to their soldier.”  Temperance glanced aside.  “Yet, I made Max a citizen, so that has odd legal repercussions.  I don’t know, we may have to wait and see what the griffon commander wants when he or she arrives with the next caravan.  I, uh, don’t suppose they told you what they wanted?”

“They told Redhat, I was... buying supplies...” Prodd looked down. “She did mention that the mayor personally wanted who did it though...”

“Then it stands to reason that anyone in a higher position of authority would probably want the same.”  Temperance shook his head slowly.  “It may be what we have to do.  Max is certainly going to be found guilty, and even if we didn’t turn him over to the griffons he could be sentenced to death.”

Prodd nods grimly. “If I killed the gryphon, I wouldn’t blame you if you sent me to them...”

Temperance looks as if he had been chewing on an apple that suddenly turned sour.  “Things... would possibly be different if a natural citizen was responsible.  I’d rather not think about it though.”

“Alright then...” Prodd turns to leave. “Uh... thanks for your time... things should work out for the best...”

“And thank you for coming forward with this.”  Temperance gives Prodd the tiniest flicker of a sad smile.  “I hope things work out for the best too, whatever that could be at this point.”



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #346 on: June 27, 2013, 12:58:41 am »

This has been a long time coming, but it's finally here.  Enjoy.

The following scene takes place after the griffon caravan has come to Duskfields, at the very end of the previous update.  The griffon caravan has probably come, but not left yet.


As Dusk falls on the Fields of the small town, a lone pegasus, clad in his armor, a sword at his belt, rushes along the road from gates to the office held by the newly made Baron Temperance.

No pony was there to see him, however, it seems though some careless mistake, no pony had been scheduled to guard the gate tonight.

The pegasus arrives at the door, and bangs upon it, hoping the noble pony kept the same late hours now that he always had before.  He is rewarded by shuffling of hooves and the door popping open.  Temperance peeks out, looking somewhat concerned.  “Flamberge?  Is something wrong?”

Flamberge wore a troubled look on his face, he was dirty, there were specks of what might have been blood on his armor, his brow was coated with sweat.

“Lord Temperance, I was just attacked, outside the walls, by... things. They were like discordians, but... but different. I killed them, but as baron you need to see them, now,” he says, his voice giving away contained panic.

Temperance looks even more concerned, and steps outside, shutting the door.  “What?  How-how can I help?  Where are the other soldiers?”

“All will be clear when you see them, milord, come with me, we must go now,” says Flamberge.

Temperance wasn’t at all comfortable with this, but if he needed to see it, he wasn’t going to ask questions.  He had an image to live up to now.  He gallops after Flamberge, doing his best to keep up.  “What happened exactly?”

Flamberge quickly leads Temperance out of the town out the gate into the woods, “Like I said, sir, I was out patrolling and was ambushed, they looked like ponies, but they were twisted, with bizarre features, bat-wings and tentacles, I think they might be cursed...I don’t know, just that they tried to kill me. They are all dead now, and I looked around, there are no more around, but I need to show them to you. This is your town now, you need to know what’s out here.”

Temperance was growing more and more convinced he didn’t want to see this, but he trusts Flamberge’s judgment.  “Alright, just show me where they are,” he says, following Flamberge.  Already he was feeling a bit winded.  He really needed to work out more, or spend some time in the fields with Morning Dew, or something.

Flamberge leads him deep into the wood, far from town, as the dusk turns to night, the only light coming from the full moon, which hung in the sky, though it was obscured by the branches of the dead looking trees.

“How... how far out... were they?” Temperance asks between huffs.  “Do... do you normally patrol this far out?”  They could get surrounded out here.  They really should head back.

“We’re almost there,” assured Flamberge, the sound of running water could be heard, “Just in this clearing up ahead, by the stream.”

Temperance nods and keeps trotting after Flamberge, since that was all he could manage at this point.  “Okay, but let’s make this quick.  I don’t like being this far out at night.  Maybe we should have brought the others?”

Flamberge reaches the edge of the woods and step to the side letting Temperance come up beside him, when reaching the clearing Temperance sees nothing unusual, just some rocky ground and a stream.

The white stallion looks around, thoroughly confused.  “Where are they?  Did some scavengers get the...” His sentence is interrupted as Flamberge throws a hoof into Temperance’s jaw with all of his considerable might.  Unexpecting the blow as he was, Temperance is knocked clean from his hooves.  He lets out a startled cry and clutches at the spot where he’d been struck.  They were under attack!  “Help!” he shouts, wanting to say more but stopping when his jaw explodes in pain.

Flamberge leans over the now prone baron, placing his left hoof to his lord’s throat, then striking the baron across the face again, causing his skull to hit hard upon the rocky ground.

Temperance manages to catch a glimpse of Flamberge just before he struck him again.  The pain wracking him was enough to deal with, but he has no idea what’s going on now.  He tries to bring his hooves up to protect his face, but in his daze he can scarcely tell which way is up.

Flamberge keeps one hoof on Temperance’s throat, keeping him pinned, but still able to breathe, barely. “Four years! Four years I did as I was told! I worked so hard! I gave everything for this town, and it was all for NOTHING! The king rewarded you! YOU! You are nothing, nopony, a worthless sniveling spineless worm.”

Temperance coughs and gags at the pressure against his throat.  He can taste blood in his mouth, though he’s too scared to check if all of his teeth are still there.  The last few seconds were so sudden he was still reeling, but he manages to say, “Wh-what?”  He coughs again, which sends pain radiating through his bruised skull.  “Fl-flamberge, wh-what a-a-are...” he trails off into an involuntary moan.

"Why!? Why would he pick you over me!? He didn't even trust you with the bucking real reason Duskfields exists! HE sent you here to DIE. I'm not going to leave Duskfields in your hooves, I'm not going to let you run us to the slaughter!"

Temperance spits out a little blood and moans again, thankful for the moment that Flamberge wasn’t hitting him anymore.  “..die?  What... we... we’re farmers...”

“Farmers! You still don’t get it do you? You are BAIT! Duskfields is bait for the Discordians, and I’m going to make damn well sure this bait is not going to be swallowed up whole,” Flamberge says, as he presses a bit harder on Temperance.

Temperance squirms and clutches at the hoof on his throat, gagging.  Flamberge had lost his mind!  He was going to kill him!  He twists as far as he can to try to get his hindlegs beneath the imposing pegasus and bucks for all he’s worth to dislodge him.

Flamberge flaps his wings and lifts off into the air, as Temperance kicks, then comes crashing back down, his hooves slamming into Temperance’s stomach and chest, ribs cracking under the assault. “You aren’t getting out of here, Temperance. This is for the good of Duskfields, for the good of all pony kind, you must be removed from power.”

A fine spray of blood exits Temperance’s mouth as his ribs buckle and crack.  He opens his mouth to scream, but only a choked gag comes out.  Once again he tries to shake Flamberge off, but his motions are weak and stiff.

Flamberge lifts the broken earthpony from the ground and slams him into tree, holding him upright, “I’m going to kill you here Temperance, then, then I’m going to go back to town, and when your fate becomes known and your title passes to your lovely daughter, I’m going to step up as regent. And who would argue? I’ve done such a good job leading our military, forming our militia, who better to lead? Then, the next to go will be your pretty little wife, then your sons, then your daughter, and when there are no heirs left... Duskfields will be mine, as it was always meant to be.” Flamberge delivers another crushing blow this one to Temperance’s pelvis region.

The panic surging through Temperance reaches its height when he hears something about his family, but any hope of breaking free or reasoning with Flamberge ceases to exist when the next blow strikes him.  The sound of several bones snapping like twigs under his hooves was drowned by Temperance forcing a scream, peppering Flamberge’s face with droplets of his blood.

Flamberge turns, throwing and discarding the broken earth pony towards the rushing water.  He tumbles against the rocks, twisting his shoulder and landing in an awkward position on his back.  Temperance shudders from the overwhelming agony wracking his body, letting tears drip freely from his eyes and blood from his mouth and nostrils.

Flamberge walks over to Temperance, kicks him in the spine with one rear hoof, then says, “Pray to your gods Temperance, you’ll be meeting them soon,” as he drags the pony toward the rushing water.

Temperance whimpers, but is too weak to resist being dragged along.  Instead, he does exactly as Flamberge recommends, begging the gods to save him, or at the very least his family.  When he cracks his eyes, he sees an ominous red off in the distance.  Through his bleary vision, he can’t tell if it’s just blood running down his face, or worse.

Flamberge however can clearly see that another of those accursed red dust clouds was heading right for them, “Time’s up Temperance.” he says as they reach the river side, Flamberge forces Temperance’s head under the water, drowning him, and smashing his face to the cold stone riverbed.

The broken stallion just accepts his fate.  He tries to hold his breath, but his crushed ribs won’t let him take more than the tiniest breath.  The impact against the riverbed agitates his injured jaw, and the new explosion of pain is too much for him to handle.  He drifts off into merciful unconsciousness.  From the corner of his eye, Flamberge can see that the red dust cloud is drawing nearer and nearer with each moment, and will be upon him very soon.

Flamberge waits as long as he can, trying to make sure the job was done, however, after a few moments the cloud is nearly upon him, he curses and bolts upwards into the sky, above the cloud, allowing it to run over Temperance, he waits to see what will happen, from a safe distance.

Temperance groans quietly as the world around him slowly begins to reform through the blackness and fog encroaching on his vision. For a moment, he can't remember where he is or how he got there, or why he was in pain. He nearly blacks out again as he tries to take a deeper breath, and his body explodes in agony. When he realizes his face is underwater, he rolls to the side to get to the air. Every inch hurt so badly he couldn't stand it. Even breathing was nigh unbearable. He tries to scream. He tastes blood.

Time passes as he writhes in the grip of agony, unable to scream, move or even whimper. He can't tell how long he had laid there, but what he could tell sent a chill down his spine, as much as it could feel anything but pain. Everything around him was cloaked in a red haze. Even distracted as he was, he knew what that meant, and he tries again to stand to find his ruined shoulder and crushed hip utterly unable to support him. He only manages to shift slightly before he once again has to fight to remain awake from the all consuming pain. Gods, he'd give everything to his name to be free of it.

“Temperance?” a mare calls to him. He can't turn to face her, but shortly the slate gray mare steps into his vision. “Temperance, what happened?” Initially, he's convinced that he is hallucinating from the pain, but she was there. Virtue.

He again tries to speak, but his words are distorted and choked by the blood in his throat.

Virtue sits squarely in the middle of his vision. She frowns and shakes her head slowly. “My, my, look at what you've gotten yourself into, little brother.”

Why wasn't she helping him? He desperately tries again, managing to do little more than mouth a plea for help.

His sister mocks him with exaggerated surprise. “Help you? Wow, I never thought I'd ever hear you ask me for help.” She turns her nose up at him. “You're a big stallion. You can take care of yourself, right? Isn't that what you told me back in Coupledye?”

Tears begin to cloud his eyes. “Pl...ple...”

Virtue begins examining a forehoof, turning it around to get a good look at it from all sides. “I dunno. I mean, if I help you, then that just proves you couldn't do this without me.” She watches him squirm, and her indifference melts away to pity. “Oh, alright. Let me see what mom and dad think.”

Sure enough, a dark gray stallion and snow white mare appear at either side of Virtue, looking down at their son with a remorseful demeanor. Temperance drifts in and out of lucidity, too confused to really know what was going on anymore, but he knew his family was here, watching him suffer with an apparent lack of care.

“So, mom, dad, Temperance thinks we should help him. What do you think?”

Ward hangs his head and looks aside, but Faith takes a step forward. “Help you? Son, we tried to help you. Just like your sister here. We tried to keep you from coming out here. We tried to get you to come home with us when you had the chance, but you didn't listen.” She pats Virtue on the back. “Why couldn't you listen, like your sister does?”

The tears were flowing freely now. Why? Why were the just letting him die? And why were they saying these things? Was this how they'd all felt about him?

His father looks back up. “And we tried to get you to not marry that tramp Morning Dew.” He looks behind himself. “Isn't that right?”

“It is,” Morning Dew says, stepping into view from the haze. “You should have listened to your parents Temperance, they had your best interest at heart all along.”

The pain was almost numbing now. He can scarcely feel his limbs as he begins to weep. Now his wife was here to just mock him as he died. As much as he'd loved her and his family, this was what they were going to do to him?

“Loved me?” Morning Dew scoffs. “Well, I guess I had you fooled then. You really bought that sappy story about me poisoning you into conceiving Mountain Dew, didn't you?” She chuckles. “No, no, she's not your daughter. I just saw an opportunity and snatched it up. When we drifted apart, I needed a reason to get back together with you, so I hit Flamberge up. He's a real stallion, by the way.” She grins. “Anyway, it worked out just great. I married the guy who became baron, so I'm set for life.”

Mountain Dew peeks out from behind her legs. “Yeah, I don't want you as a daddy. Mommy says my real daddy is big and brave and strong, and he's not afraid of anything!” She points and giggles. “And he doesn't cry like you!”

Honor and Daybreak poke their heads out from behind their mother and nod as one.  "Yeah, we don't want you as a daddy either."

Temperance can't take anymore. He breaks into silent attempts at sobbing, spattering the grass with specks of blood with each agonizing heave. Even his children hated him. Everypony hated him, and he never knew!

Faith steps forward again. “You're a terrible son. You defied us, married a godless whore, and threw away everything we've ever taught you.”

Between his failed attempts to wail in emotional and physical anguish, he whimpers a distorted, “'m sor...sorry...”

“Sorry? Sorry!?” his mother shouts. “Indeed you're sorry. Everypony is sorry when it's too late. And you know what, son?” She crouches near him, narrowing her eyes. “It is too late.” She stands and returns to the rest of his family, which turn away one by one and disappear into the mist once again.

Temperance's heart sinks. He can do nothing but cry and wait for death to take him. His limbs were lifeless and cold, and every breath brings up more and more blood. Why, dear Amug, wasn't he dead yet? He begs anyone or anything listening to come and release him. If the gods could hear his prayers now, he would repent a thousand times for his wrongdoings and beg for them to take him from this suffering.

“They never loved you,” someone says from behind him.

Something touches his side, and the cold and lifeless sensation engulfs him. When the feeling begins to return, the pain is gone. He feels an intense urge to cough, which he fights as long as he can for fear of the agony it would bring. When he finally does, he coats the grass with a final mist of fine blood particles, but feels no pain. He tests his legs, and they work. Finally, he looks up to see what was brushing up against him, and his heart stops. A giant skeletal hand is resting against his side, radiating a bright but pale golden glow.

He scrabbles from beneath the terrifying sight and twists to face its owner, finding something equally horrifying kneeling next to the massive puddles of blood where he just was. A serpentine figure five times his height peers back through luminous yellowed eyes. It retracts its hand and stands, and the exposed skeleton of its limbs crack and pop with the motion. Clotted blood cakes its bones, liquids ooze from tears and lesions on its body, and a dull red aura shrouds it. It spreads its bone wings, and takes a step forward.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It was her. The one from his visions. The one who had demanded he leave or she'd take his and every pony in Duskfields' life. It was her.

She stops and smiles pleasantly, revealing sharp teeth through a rent in her cheek. “You have nothing to fear from me,” she says, raising her hand up. “Son.”

He wants to bolt in absolute terror. He'd flee and find Flamberge, and they'd kill this... this thing. But he can't. He is so overtaken in fear, his legs won't move.

She strolls toward him again. “They never loved you. Not like I can.”

“Wh-wh-wh-what?” he squeaks, cowering closer to the ground with each step she takes.

“I don't want to hurt you, son. You've been hurt enough.” Her hand begins to glow, this time taking on the red of the magic surrounding them.

“Wh-who a-a-are y-y-you?” he pleads, still unable to move.

“Why, I'm your mother,” she says, matter-of-factly. “Entropy.”

He shakes his head. “No... no, no, you're not my mother. F-Faith is my mother!” She is nearly upon him.

“She abandoned you, remember?” Entropy says, stopping just in front of him. She kneels next to him again, lowering her face to his. “I'll never leave nor forsake you. Not like the others.”

Temperance hunkers down and covers his eyes. Anything to avoid looking at this soul chilling monster speaking to him. Time seems to stand still. New tears of terror well up inside him and a tiny whimper passes his lips. What was she going to do to him?

Entropy raises her glowing hand and cups his chin with it. She gently encourages him to look up, and a warm, calming feeling rushes through him. “It's alright, look up at me.”

He opens his eyes and does as she asks. He didn't feel so scared anymore.

“That's better,” she says, still smiling. She wipes the tears away with a massive clawed finger. “The ponies here have wronged you. You never did anything to deserve what happened to you, did you?”

He shakes his head and sniffles.

“Life isn't fair, is it?” She raises her other massive hand and strokes his mane. “But I can make it fair. I can give you another chance, and a chance to fix this injustice.”

The fear he felt moments before begins to change to smoldering anger. His parents, wife and children hated him. They'd used him. Used him and left him to die in agony. He meant nothing to them. Every pony in Duskfields hated him and only saw him as a mean to an end.

Entropy strokes his mane again. “It's going to be alright, my son. All of the bad things that have happened here will be fixed soon. Very, very soon.”

The smoldering inside him explodes into a blaze of wrath. They hated him? Fine. He hated them too. Every last one of them. He'd show them, too. They might have been afraid to tell him the truth, but he wasn't. When he saw Virtue again he was going to knock that smug look off her face. She thought she was better than him, and she was wrong. Faith and Ward? He'd show them how it felt to have family cast you aside while you bled to death before them. Morning Dew? He'd beat some sense into her too for misleading him. And Mountain Dew? Maybe Flamberge would like to see what he thought about him pawing his foals off on him.

“That's right.” Entropy stands again. “They're all going to get what they deserve. And it starts tonight. It starts with you.”

Temperance looks up to her, eager to do anything she asks. “What should I do?”

“Flamberge did this to you. He caused all of your suffering, and he's hurt or killed many of my children. Your brothers and sisters. Your real brothers and sisters.” She gestures a taloned finger toward Duskfields. “Go and destroy him.”

“With pleasure,” he says, scowling. He trots off, then breaks into a gallop. He'd deal with his family and the other backstabbers inside the town later. First, he had to pay Flamberge back for everything he'd done. He clenches his teeth, all but snarling with anger.

Impending doom was upon them all.

As this was happening Flamberge was keeping watch over the scene from above. He spies that Temperance had managed to get up, and he curses again. He can see something large and serpentine moving in the dust, but it is far too obscured to make out, after a time he hears the voices, he hears this Entropy. He recognizes the voice from his nightmares. As the voice finishes he sees Temperance, galloping, back towards Duskfields. He could hardly believe his eyes, he rushes after him intending to cut him off.

Temperance continues to sprint back for the town, growling the entire way.  When Flamberge gets close, he can see that blood still soaks the stallion’s coat, but instead of the pristine white from before it is now a sickly yellowing color.  When Temperance begins to descend the final hill toward Duskfields, he shouts, “Flamberge!  Flamberge show yourself!  Face me!”

Flamberge swears, unsure what has happened, he looks over Temperance, the coat and cutie-mark are both different now, the scroll now replaced with a bloody tattered bit of paper with a dagger running through it. Despite the changes it was clearly the same pony, the face was unmistakably that of Temperance. It was as if he had been turned into one of the discordants. Making a hasty decision he decides to finish his work now, he dive bombs the earthpony from above, slamming into his spine with all the force he could muster.

Temperance buckles under the immense force that drops on him.  His legs collapse and he plows into the ground amidst the sounds of yet more bones snapping.  A roar of pain fills the night air as he twists his neck to see what hit him.  His eyes go wide and he snarls, “Flamberge!”

No longer out in the woods, far from the town, Temperance shouting his name was not something he wanted, “Shut up!” he smashes a hoof into Temperance’s face, trying to break his jaw.

Several teeth come free with a spray of blood, and Temperance snorts from the impact.  He looks back up at Flamberge, wild-eyed.  “I’m going to destroy you!” he shouts.  “Entropy demands it!”  With a shocking amount of strength, he bucks Flamberge in an attempt to dislodge him.

Flamberge is forced off of Temperance by the blow, mostly due to surprise at the pony’s newfound strength, but aside from some bruising he is unharmed, “Entopy? What the hell happened to you in that cloud Temperance?”

Temperance stands, then staggers as it becomes apparent one of his forelegs was completely shattered in Flamberge’s initial impact.  He starts toward Flamberge, glaring at him.  “Mom showed me the truth!” he shouts.  “She showed me what everypony thinks of me, and everything you’ve done!”  He crouches in preparation for pouncing on Flamberge.  “Rejoice in the coming oblivion, Flamberge!”  He leaps at him.

With lightning like reaction speed Flamberge avoids the attack and strikes back with a hoof, rebreaking Temperance’s ribs. As Temperance falls to the ground, Flamberge leaps upon him, now, more cautious of the stallion’s strength. He begins a barrage of strikes to the stallion’s head and face.

Temperance shouts then gasps with pain when his ribs are crushed again.  Each strike to the face removes another tooth, but he doesn’t give in.  Temperance bucks and kicks to displace Flamberge yet again, and when that fails, he bites at his hooves.  “...die...” he wheezes at his attacker, leaking blood from his mouth again.

Flamberge wraps a foreleg around Temperance’s neck as they grapple, “It’s over Temperance.”

“...not...over...never over...” Temperance wheezes again, still glaring holes through Flamberge and trying to escape his grasp.

Flamberge twists the discordant baron’s head to the side, until there is a cracking sound as the bone breaks and the muscle rips, eventually leaving the earthpony on the ground, dead, his head twisted around backwards.

Flamberge stands up and examines what he has done, he regretted nothing, but was still grappling with what happened to give Temperance his second life.  From behind him, he can hear a faint rhythmic clatter and low chuckle.  When he turns, he sees a monstrous draconic thing sitting on the wall, looking down at him.  The monster continues to clap slowly, echoing the clack of bare bone against bone as it does so.  “Bravo.  Well done, Flamberge,” it says in a feminine voice.

Flamberge looks up at the creature, “Entropy, I presume. What are you?”

She stops clapping and crosses her legs casually.  “Oh, little Flamberge.  You stand there and address me so brazenly.  You’re not even afraid, are you?  You really don’t know what I am, do you?”  She makes a cocky smile and leans forward.  “If you did know, you’d flee in terror like the others that came before you.”

"I've never fled from anything and I don't intend to start now. What others? There were other attempts to settle here?" Flamberge replies fearlessly.

Entropy studies the pony.  “I’m starting to think perhaps I was wrong about you, Flamberge,” she says, standing atop the wall and flaring her wings.  She glides down to the ground.  “Yes, very wrong.”  She shrugs as she starts toward him.  “The others?  Where do you think the ‘discordant’ ponies as you call them came from?  Or the griffons?  Or zebras?”  She sneers.  “For centuries you’ve been invading my lands.”

"You created the discordians?" he questions looking up at the giant.

“Now you understand,” she says, strolling toward him.  “Though my brother and sister had a hand in it too.”

"There are more of you, disgusting things?" he asks his eyes wandering over her exposed bones and rotten flesh.

She stops halfway to him.  The air of cool she maintained until then begins to vanish with a scowl.  “It’s funny how a few centuries can make you forget,” she says, obviously restraining rage.  She raises her hand toward Flamberge, and there is a flash.  All around him, he sees thousands of creatures like her, but smaller.  Closer to his size, and with all of their flesh.  They run and fly away from ponies who slay one after another.  Even the infant sized are run through with spears and swords, and screams and moans of the dying drown all other sounds.

“Four hundred years ago, your kind nearly wiped mine out.  The draconequuses.”  She clenches her fists and starts toward him again.  “The ponies and griffons sought to destroy all of us.  But you could not kill me and my siblings.  Even now our collective hatred for you drives us on.”

"And you've been corrupting ponies ever since? Well then, I will say this, unless you and your siblings wish to wind up like the rest of your foul race you should leave our lands. This forest isn't yours any longer." Flamberge replies.

Entropy bares her teeth and dismisses the illusion with a swipe of her hand.  She then gestures as if grasping something, and Flamberge feels an invisible hand wrap around him.  He is pulled toward Entropy, where he stops just in front of her face.  “You think it’s that simple, do you?  Four hundred and fourteen years ago you did kill me, but that didn’t stop me.  You can’t kill what’s already dead.”

She hurls him at a nearby tree, which he slams into while still bound by the invisible force.  “You think this forest is yours?  Yours?  It was ours long before any of you set hoof or claw in it!  You came and killed us, and think you can just take it!?”  Her entire body is wreathed in flames for a moment as she lifts into the air.  “You will not have my lands!  If you don’t leave, you’ll end up just like all the others that didn’t!”

Flamberge struggles against the invisible force, but finds himself unable to move. He looks up at her defiantly. "You're afraid of us Entropy, even a foal could see that. If you weren't you'd have wiped us out years ago instead of letting us gain a hoofhold. You aren't nearly so mighty as you claim."

The flames circling Entropy die out, and the rage she expressed disappears.  She hovers in the air silently, again studying Flamberge.  “You think so, do you?”  She returns to the ground and approaches Flamberge, then kneels next to him.  “I know why you’re here.  Why do you think I’ve been waiting so patiently?”

"You... know? Then, why? What are you planning?" Flamberge demands.

“You’re all so short sighted.  You and the griffons.  You think that you will come and destroy us, but you’re wrong.”  She grins.  “You will all join me.  Including the armies sent to stop me.”  She strokes Flamberge’s mane with a massive hand.  “You know, you remind me so much of my brother Mayhem, back when he still went by the name Zeal.  Loyal to whatever he believed in and afraid of nothing.”

"You'll turn the whole army!? That many discordians could... No. I'll not let that happen, beast, so long as I draw breath I'll fight you. I'll stop you." Flamberge claims defiantly.

She stands and waves her hand over Flamberge, releasing the field holding him down.  “So much like him...” she says in an almost mournful tone.  “When you too come to serve and love me like the others do, you’ll understand.”  She turns back toward Temperance’s body.  “Then this will all finally be over.”

Flamberge returns to his hooves and says, "I'll never join you," as he draws his blade.

“They always do,” she says, stopping next to Temperance’s body.  “Always.”

"Why show yourself now Entropy? If you hadn't we'd have continued right on with the plan and you'd have our armies at your command. Or are you going to kill me before I can leave here?" Flamberge questions circling the monster in a defensive stance, ready to fight at a moments notice.

Entropy silently looks over Temperance’s corpse, as if deep in thought.  Without looking up, she says, “No.  You’re more useful to me alive than dead.  Whether your armies come or not.”  She kneels next to the dead pony in front of her, and runs her claws gently down his side.

"Useful? I've killed more of your damnable spawn than anypony here. How am I useful to you?" Flamberge asks forcefully, still on his guard.

The draconequus brushes her hand along the dead pony once more and stands.  “You’re strong, but blind to what happens around you.”  She lowers an open hand at her slain ‘son’ and adds, “I didn’t even have to raise a finger to get you to kill him.  I merely stirred the waters you’d already set in motion.”  She finally looks over to Flamberge, and coldly says, “Innocence proves nothing, doesn’t it?  I could leave this town to you and you’d destroy it in civil war all on your own.”

"I did only what I had to do, for the sake of Duskfields. Like plucking the weeds from a field sometimes one must destroy to create something worthwhile. I wouldn't expect a beast to understand," Flamberge says though his words ring hollow as if he had trouble believing them himself.

“Whatever it takes to soothe your conscience,” she says, narrowing her eyes.  “Only after you’ve been the weeds do you understand what it’s like.”  She relaxes.  “Destroy Duskfields yourself, or don’t.  Bring your mighty armies, or don’t.  No matter what you do, I’ve won.”

"Your siblings, this... Mayhem, and the other, where are they? Why did you come alone?" Flamberge asks fishing for more information while watching her movements.

Entropy cocks her head.  “Mayhem and Anarchy are both near and far, as they always are.  Just like me.  I am alone, because like with any family, after enough time passed they grew to despise me, and I despise them.  They don’t understand...” she trails off.

"And do they want us gone as you do?" Flamberge questions.

“Dead,” Entropy replies simply.  “Mayhem would have killed you all the first day you set hoof here.  Anarchy would likely still be torturing you all to death.”  Her face hardens as she speaks.

"And yet I seem to still be breathing, why? Are you holding them off? You said they despise you." Flamberge continues milking Entropy for as much information as he can.

“We try to stay out of each others’ way, but sometimes it does take personal intervention,” she says, again barely containing anger in her voice.  “As much as I hate your kind, at times I hate them even more.”

Flamberge thinks for a moment, never letting his eyes leave the monster before him, “Your...children, they try to take ours. One nearly snatched my daughter, and a filly named Saffron was taken. What are you doing with her?”

She points at Temperance.  “The same I did to him.  I showed her what it really meant to be among your kind, and how I could do so much more for her.”  Entropy smiles at him.  “She loves me now.  And just like Temperance, she will do anything I ask of her.  Just like Crossbow would have, if your wife had been a bit slower.”

“You make them love you, then send them to die for you against our walls, pointlessly? You sicken me,” Flamberge states.

“Pointless?  Allow me to answer your question with one my own,” she says.  “What purpose did murdering Temperance serve?  You say it’s to preserve your existence, but we both know that’s not true, is it?”

"It's true enough," replies Flamberge.

Entropy smiles.  “A convenient cover you told your wife, but I know the truth.  I heard everything you said.”  She starts circling Flamberge at a leisurely pace.  “You just hated him, didn’t you?  When you heard that the king favored him over you, you let it get the best of you.  So you killed him.  Just like you’ll kill his wife and children.”  She stops and smirks at him.  “Did I mishear that part?  Or will taking the lives of children preserve you somehow?”

Flamberge seethes with anger, but can’t deny her point, “Shut your mouth, or I’ll knock out your teeth!”

She chuckles and resumes pacing around him.  “Flamberge, you’re one of the most easily manipulated ponies I’ve ever met.  You’re dominated by your emotions and anger.  You let them drive you to murder today.  What’s next?  How long until you hit Crosshair?  Oh, again, I mean.  Or Crossbow?  Or Claymore?”  She grins.  “Will you be happy when you’ve put one of them in the hospital?  Or killed them?  You’re well on your way.”

Flamberge's eyes burn with hate, he leaps at her, his blade flashes in the moonlight.  It strikes nothing as a crack of displaced air meets his ears, followed by another disembodied chuckle.

Back on the wall of Duskfields, Entropy stands with a smile.  “So easily predicted.  I told you when we last spoke that I would give no more warnings.  So, instead of a threat, this time I will give you a promise.”  She extends her hand.  “When we next meet, you will all submit to me.  Including you, Flamberge.”

In front of his eyes, Flamberge sees a dead beetle float from the grass.  “And not even death...”  The beetle twitches and shudders, then flies away.  “...can save you from me.”

With another crack and flash, Entropy is gone.

Flamberge looks back at the still corpse of Temperance, then walks back to town.

This is not the end of Duskfields, and I have planned accordingly.  What happens to Max and Lightning Runner should be completely unaffected, and the fort will continue on.  Convalescence will rule on their matter, as before.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 10:40:27 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #347 on: June 27, 2013, 01:04:49 am »

Just gonna say it, I am now totally confused by what's happening due to a New Vegas binge.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #348 on: June 27, 2013, 02:03:55 am »

The following happens the night Temperance was made Baron.

Flamberge enters his family’s home and slams the door. Flamberge seethed with uncontrolled rage, the likes of which Crosshair had only seen him express on the battlefield. Crosshair had previously set the table and brought up food from the dining hall, but Flamberge in his rage and looking for something to take it out on, wipes everything from the table, smashing the plates, and roaring with anger throws the table over end into the wall. The foals on the other side of the room begin to cry at the outburst.

Crosshair was alarmed of the runkus inside her house, she have been out for just a moment to fetch some drinks for her family but with something going on she feared for the worst, perhaps something sneaked in and nopony saw? She couldn’t bear to imagine what would happen to her foals. So she didn’t, she bucked the door open and rushed in, ready to draw her weapons only to see that it’s just Flamberge. “Flamberge?” she called out, confused.

Flamberge roared with frustration, but instead of lashing out at anything more, he just laid down on the floor on his back, staring at the celing. He looked angry, confused, and betrayed.

Crosshair was just even more confused as she approaches him, not even being cautious about it. “What’s wrong? Why are you so angry?” she asked.

Flamberge just stares up at the ceiling, paying no mind to baby Claymore who was still crying. He then says, "The King... he made Temperance Baron of Duskfields. TEMPERANCE! That spineless sniveling worm. I had to look him in the eye, shake his hoof, smile and congratulate that witless paper pushing deadweight for walking away with what I deserved, what I've devoted the last four years of my life to working for!"

Crosshair trots over to the crying Claymore and Crossbow to pick them both up, nuzzling both of them warmly and motherly as she hums a soft tune to try and sooth them down. Not wanting them to hurt their throats from all the crying. “Well.. you were made a colonel, right?” asked the small mare as she sang to her foals.

Flamberge rolls over on his side, putting his back to his family, "Yeah... and Temperance was lifted into the nobility. This was my one chance, my one hope to make myself something more than another common soldier. To get my family in a place of real respect, and the king passes me over for the guy in middle bucking management. For the poor sod he didn't even intrust with the truth. The pony he sent here to die, like a worm on a hook."

“What.. do you mean?” Crosshair asked, holding her foals a little closer. “Even if he’s a baron now, you still have plenty of chances to become a noble, right?”

Flamberge just shakes his head, " Duskfields was it. I was sent to defend here, my orders will be unlikely to change as long as Duskfields exists. I'll have to sit here and take orders from, him protecting his town, for the rest of my life. I just don't... Crosshair, there is something I have never told you, but I need you to know it now, so you'll understand why I have to do what I'm going to do next."

Crosshair was unsure of how to make of this, she just sits down there with her foals, keeping them close and nuzzling them “Something you never told me? What do you mean?”

Flamberge sits up and looks Crosshair in the eye, he touches a forehoof to one of hers, while she holds their foals, “Crosshair, and you can tell this to nopony else, under pain of death, but Duskfields... Duskfields is bait. The fact that we are undersupplied, and under protected is no mistake. The generals... They want us to goad a discordian army to wipe us out. To attack here. When they do, the Coupledye Army and the Griffion Army will catch the discordians in a vice and wipe them out. They will deal them such a blow that it will take them generations to recover, and this land will then actually be safe for real settlement. They... don’t expect us, they don’t expect Duskfields, to live through it. I was sent here, on a suicide mission, to ready our defenses as best I could, so we could hold out as long as possible, to give them the time they need to get into position.”

Crosshair’s eyes widen as her jaw went slack, her ears lowered as she whimpers, her mouth moved for a moment, trying to say something, but nothing came out. Untill she finally manages it “but.. our foals.. our family..” She began whimpering.

Flamberge looks sadly at his children, “I...I didn’t plan on having a family... That... that’s was never something I expected. But... Crosshair. I’ve done all that I can so far to build up our town’s defenses. I had so much more planned for when I was made Baron, and would have the power I needed. I... I believe I can save Duskfields, I believe with me in charge, we can actually survive the coming siege. Hold out long enough for the griffion and Coupledye reinforcements to come. But with Temperance in charge... I don’t know. He’ll never listen to my suggestions. Before now, he had no choice, I was the sole pony in charge of the military, and our defence, but now, now he’s above me, he can veto anything I want to do, he can order me to do as he likes... I can’t let him stay baron, I need... I need to take control, for the good of everypony. Do you understand?”

Crosshair nodded as she looks down, trying not to cry while holding her foals close to her. And the third one’s expecting soon enough aswell.. “Why.. don’t we just leave? Praetorian and his wife did, why can’t we? I don’t want our foals to die here.. I.. I just want to live a happy life with you and our foals!”

Flamberge leans forward and hugs his mare, "Crosshair, I can't. I can't leave them all here to die. Cream Puff, and Heartfelt, and Dr. Case, and Lady Convalence, and all the others. I can't just abandon them. Not when I can save everypony, I just need... no, Duskfields just needs Temperance out of the way. For the greater good."

The little mare felt so lost, unsure and not knowing what to do. She simply began to sob. “H-how?”

Flamberge wipes away her tears and says, "My love, you don't need to worry about the how. I'll take care of that myself, all I want from you, is that if anypony asks, you tell them I was here all night, the night the deed is done. That I came home early, and was here until sunrise."

Crosshair gulped as she looks up to him, worried and troubled. “Are you.. are you going to kill him?”

“I’m going to make sure he isn’t going to be Baron of Duskfields any more.” Flamberge replies.

Crosshair wasn’t sure of what to think of it. She took a long pause, before looking up to him “You’ll.. try and keep our foals safe, right?”

Flamberge nods, “I’ll try and keep everypony safe. But Crosshair...if my plan fails, if this doesn’t work. You take the foals and you leave. You get as far away from here as you can. You leave and don’t stop till you have Coupledye’s walls behind you.”

“I can’t leave without you..”

“You can, and you will, I won’t have you risking our foals, for my sake.”

“Then promise me to be safe!”

“I promise,” says Flamberge as he wraps his family into a warm protective hug, “I promise I’ll try.”

[End Scene]

The following takes place immediately following Flamberge’s meeting with Entropy.

Returning to his home, late at night, Flamberge flies through the same window he snuck out through earlier, cautiously making sure he is seen by nopony. When he arrives, he closes and locks the window, and begins to remove his armor in silence, still processing all this new information.

Crosshair and her foals have been resting, although it’s mostly the foals that’s sleeping. Crosshair couldn’t sleep, knowing what’s going on tonight.

With his armor removed Flamberge hovers over to the bed, and leans his sword up against the bedside table. “Crosshair?” he whispered, “Something... has happened.”

The small mare nodded solemnly. “I know.. Temperance’s not our baron anymore, is he?”

Flamberge nods, “He is not, but... we weren’t alone out there. Something was watching.”

“Something?” Crosshair asked curiously. “More discordians?”

Flamberge shakes his head, “No. She said she was a draconequus, but she was enormous, and... dead. Her bones were showing, and her flesh was rotting... She turned Temperance into a Discordian, then... after I stopped him, she spoke to me. She said her name is Entropy.”

Crosshair did not know what to say or make of this.

Flamberge takes one of Crosshair's forehooves in both of his and says, "She said she's been watching us for a long time, since we arrived. She said she, along with her siblings, made the discordians, she called them her children."

The small mare frowned. “Why would they do that?”

"Revenge I think, she said she and her siblings were the last of their kind; that ponies killed the rest of them hundreds of years ago," answers Flamberge.

“I see why we’d want to do that..” She mumbled.

Flamberge nods, “Yeah... but she said that she knew of our plans. She implied that she was going to turn the entire army when it showed up... That’s what those red clouds do, Crosshair. They take your mind and body and twist them, until you serve her. I saw it happen to Temperance. If a cloud like that rolled over the combined Pony and Griffin Armies, it would spell complete disaster, not just for Duskfields, but the world.”

Crosshair gave a sharp gasp and hug her foals a little closer. “That.. That’d be the end of us all!”

Flamberge nods, “I’m not going to let that happen, though, I’ll write both our generals, and that of the griffions and let them know about the clouds, and about Entropy, and if I see her again, I’ll kill her. I swear it. I will wipe out her kind, if it’s last thing I do.”

“I can only pray that you can.. I’m not sure how much my bolts will be of help, but we’ve got to bring her down. For all of us..” The small mare said, giving their foal another soft nuzzle to their heads. Looking down with concern.

Flamberge looks silently at his foals for a moment, then adds, "I suppose she's helped us in a way. Temperance's body will be found in the morning, but he's clearly a discordian now. His mark's changed, his fur, even his eye color. It's still recognizable as him, but he was clearly changed. In the morning, I'll say I was attacked by a discordian while on patrol, and will send some ponies out to clean up the body, they will find who it is, and no one will even suspect that there was foul play involved."

Crosshair still frowns at that, but nods. “It’s what had to be done.. right?”

Flamberge looks away, not daring to meet her eye, “It’s too late to second guess that, we will continue on as planned. I’ll need your support as we go on. I can trust you with this right?”

“Of course you can! I wouldn’t want my foals to be fatherless.” Crosshair said, lowering her eyes to her foals once more.

"Good, good. Tomorrow, Morning Dew will be devastated by the loss and transformation of her husband. You will be there for her, you will comfort her, you will, in the coming months, become her very best friend in the whole world. It is vitally important you do this. Do you understand?" Flamberge says in a quiet, yet commanding tone.

Crosshair only nodded obediently. “I’ll do my best.”

"And then, when I command, likely in a year or more, you will kill her, and her filly. The details I have not yet decided upon, but it will be you pulling the trigger," Flamberge whispers to her.

Crosshair perk her ears and look up in surprise. “Me?.. but..” She gulped “Are there no other ways?”

“Well, if I can think of a way that doesn’t involve either of us dirtying our hooves directly, then that would be preferable, but I’m not sure how. We shall think on it. Anypony willing to take bits to do the deed, I wouldn’t trust enough to associate with, lest we wind up like Max,” whispers Flamberge.

Crosshair gave another sad nod. “I still wish they don’t have to die.. especially if I’m going to be their friend. Why can’t we just make them leave and never return?” the small mare suggested.

Flamberge contemplates that possibility, "I... I had not considered that... The title will pass to Mountain Dew... She will be Baroness, but... she is not old enough to know what that means... If, if she were to abandon that title, if Mourning and the foals all went away to stay with family, and left the title up for grabs... then... I would have no need to kill any of them, but I don't know if she would do that. Would they really just walk away from Duskfields? From nobility?"

“I don’t think Morning Dew is the kind of mare that really cares for nobility. I think if I can convince her to leave and stay inside the safety of the capital’s walls with Mountain Dew’s grand parents will be best for everypony.” Crosshair said hopefully.

“Well, if you can do that, then that would be best, but if you can’t, then...” Flamberge drops the ending to his sentence, knowing that she knew what that would mean. And she knew what it means. Nodding again.

Flamberge sighs, then moves onto the bed as well, snuggling with his family, "We should get some sleep, Cross. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow."

“And no doubt a sad one.” His mare agreed before laying her head down to cradle her foals together close to Flamberge. And with that, the two ponies drift away to sleep, the murderer and his accomplice, and Flamberge at least, sleeps just fine.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 02:05:37 am by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #349 on: June 27, 2013, 12:58:48 pm »

Journal Log 5

Prodd returned. He came to visit and we had a nice chat. I can say one thing for sure though, his foalhood was definitely worse then mine, that's for sure. Piecing together information from that binge(Yes I still keep that in mind journal)we had, that bear trap might've been a bit of defense for his home in the wilderness... still I'm suspicious of it. I know I shouldn't be afraid of my own friend, but I have the right to be wondering about his past as long as I don't mention it

Amug said to the peasant. 'Did thou wish your neighbor harm?' The peasant replied, 'Yes, but have I done wrong against thou, my lord? I didn't hurt him, and I shalt never do it.' Amug accepted his apology, however he felt great shame for his transgression. 'Thou shalt not hurt thy neighbor, and thou hast broken my law, just by wishing it? Prepare a sacrifice of a bale of hay, grain and fruit. Burn it, and thou shalt be forgiven.'

Journal Log 6

An Alarm's been sounded... I'm being moved into Town Square... I've been allowed to keep this. I fear that we are being attacked.

Its... a discordant- No its Temperance. No! I never liked him much, but I didn't wish him to die! Why! Who did this. Amug rest his soul in the holy land. I don't care how much he has made wrong decisions or what else, he couldn't be dead... They are... oh god the sounds... Its... Surely Temperance... Oh Amug what did he do to deserve this. Why was he outside the walls! How... how is he even a Discordant... The body is being taken to be prepared for burial. I'm being taken back to my cell.

I don't understand. I have no hunger anymore. I have no sleep. I have no fucking will to live here. I would rather move back to the corrupt den of pigs then live here after this. I know I shouldn't feel this way. Many ponies have died here, but.... the baron was just killed and we don't even know who put him out of his misery. I would give that pony many blessings. I...I'm sure that pony wishes to stay silent so they don't get praise. Alright, I can understand, but putting a tormented leader down is worth being put in his place.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 02:37:27 am by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #350 on: June 28, 2013, 12:57:55 am »

“Vammy, wake up dear.”

“Just let me sleep.”

“Wake up! Badgers stealing your books!”

Vambrace quickly got up, a crimson tinge blurring his vision.

“What is going on? There are no badgers.”

“You are very gullible, you know that?”

Vambrace walked over to the window, gazing outside.

“Could you have woken me in the morning, instead of midnight?”

“No. Go accomplish something for once in your miserable life.”

“My life is miserable? It is not exactly great, especially with an idiot like you inside me.”

Suddenly, Vambrace felt a stinging pain within his legs, and fell to the ground.

He could hear chuckling from his inner self.

“Look, the foal has forgotten how to stand!”

“What was that?”

“You forgot how to stand!”

“Tell me. What happened?”

“Blaming me for your own idiocy?”

The red tinge grew thicker, like fog.

“What is this crimson tinge?”

“Still blaming everything on me?”

“Who else would have done it? A Discordant with red paint? And don’t bother blaming it on the ponies, either. No-one here dislikes me, or knows me that well, as far as I know.”

“But there is someone who hates you!”

“And who would that be?”

“It is I!”

The red tinge began to change colour, into a black tinge.

“What do you think is happening? Are you closing your eyes?”

“I’m not closing my eyes.”

Vambrace attempted to open his eyes, in case they were shut.

But they were open.

“You want to know something great?”

“I don’t care about your fantasies of murdering ponies with a meat cleaver.”

“See that amulet you have?”

“What of it?”

“It’s cursed.”


“Oh, but it is. See, it made you more powerful. But remember, I share a body with you.”
“I can easily take over your body, and shock ponies to death with the help of the magic charm.”
“You want to take it off now, don’t you?”
“Too scared to answer? The amulet is stuck onto your neck, now.”
“You will not be able to cut it off.”
“Just remember, we are at equal power now. Before, I had trouble taking you over. Now, it will not be so difficult.”

“I will never allow you to take over my body!”

“And now, I should tell the truth about refilling the amulet, as you will not plan on refilling it anymore. It was a lie. It never needed to be refilled. It was all a lie, to trick you into killing ponies for weak old me. But do not fret, you do not need to kill anyone else. I will kill them for you, and bathe within an ocean of blood, killing my opponents with magic, squeezing them hard until they pop. But I will not forget my weapons, oh no. I will slice limbs off, and beat ponies with them.

“You are a monster.”

“I have heard that one before. Say another!”

“I’m not going to entertain you.”

Suddenly, something could be barely seen within the darkness, resembling a pony.

It opened it's eyes, revealing a dark blue.

It was him.

“You always thought of me as an insane pony inside you, didn’t you?”

“Yes, and for good reason. You are.”

“You will live in the life of me, someday. You will be helpless, unable to do anything.”

“That will not happen.”

“Oh yes, because you ARE helpless. Now, leave!”

The black tinge disappeared, and Vambrace was not in his room anymore. He was near the hills of Duskfields.

Did the ponies see him walk here? Or did he teleport somehow?

Vambrace looked down at his amulet. It was glowing purple, but with more red than blue.
He attempted to rip it off, but was shocked.
How could he take it off?
Perhaps he could ask the town blacksmith?
Vambrace quietly walked back to his house, thinking of what he would do.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #351 on: June 28, 2013, 09:41:01 pm »

It was early in the morning, maybe about 6PM. The sun hadn’t even began to rise yet. It was at this time that somepony knocked at Crosshair’s door.

Crosshair heard a pony knock on the door to her house. “H-hello Crosshair?” it was barely past sunrise, and she likely sleeping.

The captain of the guards groaned as she carefully strumble off of her bed. Trying to not wake up her foals as she walk over to the door, rubbing her eyes as she opens them up, her mane somewhat messy “What..?” she asked groggily.

Strawberry Shortcake was sitting outside her door. “Um... I saw a monster over by the trading thing...” She whimpered a little, feeling bad for waking up Crosshair.

Crosshair woke up immediately after that, she knew that if there’s a monster there now there wouldn’t be time for armor, so she grab her crossbow and quiver of metal bolts before dashing past Strawberry Shortcakes towards the trading area, loading up her crossbow in the process with experience.

At the trading post things seemed almost one hundred percent normal. There were a few merchants unloading their goods, but surprisingly only one wagon, and a shockingly low number of guards considering the amount of merchants. Aside from that, things were going as you’d expect, except for the fact that there was an odd figure in a hood next to one of the guards. It clearly wasn’t a pony...

Crosshair would’ve tackled the figure and put dozens of metal death into him already if it weren’t for the fact that nobody’s freaking out. So, somewhat confused, she approaches the hooded figure. One whom never seen her would see this as quite an odd sight, a small mare in her nightgown wielding a crossbow approaching him like that.

The closer she got, the more odd the figure looked. It was clearly taller than a pony, and seemed to be standing on two legs. The creature had a hand scythe attached to his belt, so he was clearly armed, though seemingly unaware of her sneaking.

Thinking that it’s not a good idea to sneak up on him at the moment, Crosshair moved a bit so that she’ll be approaching him from the front. Cautiously and curiously.

That’s when The figure looked straight at the odd mare sneaking around in her sleeping wear. From the front she could tell that he was indeed a diamond dog with a bandage around the left side of his face, “Um... aren’t I supposed to be the one sneaking around?” He hadn’t the slightest clue she was actually the guard captain, but when he saw the crossbow, he did inch a little to the left so the caravan guard was in the way of the two.

“Exactly my thought. What’s a diamond dog doing here not sneaking around stealing foals or things and getting shot at in the process of doing so?” Crosshair asked.

The dog sighed and kept himself behind the guard. “Um.... I’m with these guys, and I promise you, I’d never steal a foal like those primitive badger ponies.”

The guard nodded, and turned around to the mare with the crossbow. “Yep, he’s with us.”

Crosshair is still cautious, but nods at that. “Alright.. but I better not find you stealing anything around here, alright? If you can keep your paws to yourself then we’ll get along just fine.”

“Um.... I know you’ve had a lot of problems with my kind in the past, but isn’t it the guard’s job to threaten random merchants?” The dog honestly didn’t have the slightest clue why a random mare had a crossbow and was trying to take down a diamond dog, especially seeing how as far he knew she was a civilian.

“The guard’s job isn’t to randomly threaten merchants, but to make sure that there’s no stray trouble maker slipping by and pawing himself some goods away.” replied Crosshair. Looking absolutely like anything /but/ a guardspony due to her deceiving size.

“Yeah... but I’m under the impression that you’re not a law enforcement official, dear. I mean... Are you even allowed to wield a crossbow?”

Crosshair looks a little insulted. “What? I’ll have you know. That /I’m/ the Captain of the guards around here. So if there’s anypony who’s allowed to wield crossbows, it’s me.”

“Oh...sorry, I was completely unaware you were someone of importance in this town.” He extended his paw guestering a hoof shake. “The name is Kusarigama.” He figured he might want to try and clean his act... She did technically have right away to fill full of bolts.

The small mare looks at the offered paw for a second longer, then up to him. She cautiously sling her crossbow and reaches out a hoof to accept it. “Crosshair.” She said.

He gave her hoof a light shake before lowering his paw. “glad to make your acquaintance, Cross.” He took leaded back onto the wagon, seeming a bit more relaxed now that the situation was defused. “Is there anything you’d like to inspect around ere’?” He was sure she still wasn’t very trusting, and giving her a chance to look around and make sure everything was in the green was probably for the best.

Crosshair thought about that for a second.. “hmm.. It’s alright. I’d better go get properly uniformed first.”

“Oh, go ahead. It’s probably for the best, though you might want to know that the outpost liaison has asked me to be present during his conversation with the mayor. I figured you’d probably want to know.”

“Then I’ll have to be there. To make sure that everything will go smoothly, no offense, of course.”

He nodded. “None taken, I understand completely....Though, I’d like to ask you to do me a favor.”

“Depends on the favor.” Replied the mare.

“Well, could you make sure no other guards pony or member of the militia comes over and tries to take a stab at me? I know you’re clearly sensible enough shoot after asking, but I’m not sure if one of the other ponies around here would be so level headed.”

“Right. I’ll see to it, but don’t have your hopes up too high.” Crosshair said as she makes off to go get properly uniformed and telling her guards about the visitor.

After properly uniformed, Crosshair lead the dog to Convalescence’s office. Making sure that the thing’s not leaving from her sight. She knocked on the door a few times and waits.

Sitting at her desk in her new office, Convalescence lifts her head at the sound of a knock at door. Thankful for something to relieve the tedium of looking over reports about the town, she yells for whoever knocked to enter.

Crosshair opened the door and gesture for the dog to go in first.

Dropping her calm demeanor, Convalescence jumps up from her desk and grabs for her crossbow.

“Oh please calm down, I’m just a traveling merchant.” Kusarigama expected as much, but figured if he acted civilized and overly nice he wouldn't get shot. “In fact your liaison asked me to come here.”

The fact that the diamond dog actually started talking gave her pause, and she waited for a moment, waiting for an explanation.

The liaison, a thin earth pony stallion, steps up past the diamond dog and Crosshair.  “Mrs. Convalescence, we’ve come to you to ask if it would be possible to let the ponies of this town know that the diamond dog here, Mr. Kusarigama, is not a threat.  I think we’d all appreciate it if his presence didn’t turn into a fight.”

Still calming herself from the initial shock, she replies to the liaison, “I’m all for avoiding a fights in the middle of town, but are you sure? I’ve never heard of a diamond dog traveling with a caravan before?”

He was surprised, had these ponies not put one and one together came to the conclusion that diamond dogs need to do something with stolen goods, and caravans are always looking to make a deal. “Oh well, if makes any difference, I used to be a merchant over in the trading outpost that popped up a few months ago, in fact that’s where I got picked up by this caravan.” He took a seat in the office’s chairs, and was leaning back in it. “That fact that I’m from there is actually the reason why I’ve found it in both our interests that I move out here to Duskfields.”

Suddenly noticing that she was still standing and holding her crossbow, she put it back in its place beside her desk and sat down heavily in her chair. She was starting to miss her day being boring. “I’m sorry...did you say you want to move to Duskfields?”

“More like move my operation here, as my current trading post has been... ‘compromised....’ so I’m in need of a new town to peddle my goods.”
Crosshair stood watch, keeping eyes on the dog to make sure that he wouldn’t pull a knife and shank the mayor. Not quite succeeding in looking very intimidating, but she try her best anyway.

“And by ‘compromised’, you mean?” she asked, somewhat rhetorically.

“ haven’t heard by now? I’m sure every town in the region would know about what befell the poor place.” His voice was riddled with feigned concern.

Already having a good idea what had happened, she asked “It was the Discordants, wasn’t it?”

“Well... you’re a smart one, but you only guessed the half of it.” He ended his leaning back and now seemed more solemn. “If I tell you exactly what happened, I’ll need documentation guaranteeing that I’ll have unlimited access to your trade depot for the next ten years, and that your local military will not threaten me.”

“There’s no way I can guarantee something like that, even if I knew what happened there. For all I know at the moment you had something to do with it. Look, if you just tell me why you need to be here, it’ll be much easier for me to trust that you aren’t going to cause us any problems.” she replied.

“Here it is. I have seven pups and a wife, and I really don’t think living a mile underground in some cave is the ideal place to raise a family. I.Need.Money. if I want to avoid having them live in some dark, monster infested third world crap hole in middle of n-” He paused for a second, “Look, can you just give me some signed proof that you won’t stab me and glue my head on the gate once the liaison is gone. I’ll tell you everything, just I need to know I’m safe here.”

Her gut reaction was to refuse, but the chance that he was telling the truth about his family wasn't something she wanted to ignore. And to be fair she couldn’t blame him for wanting some assurance for his safety; if Crosshair hadn’t escorted him to her office he probably would've already been attacked by the guards. “As long as you obey the law, and stay out of trouble, you’re welcome here. We can put in writing that you’ll be left alone as long as you don’t break any laws, but I can’t promise that anyone here will trust you because of it,”

He sighed loudly and relaxed a little. “Thanks... so... ya’ wanna hear what happened to the poor place?” His voice still seemed troubled though.

She frowned a bit, and nodded. “I think I have an idea, but I should hear the story. Especially if it means Duskfields is in danger as well. Or...more so than usual I mean.”

“Well... I guess I’ll start then.” He leaned back again, “Well, it was a normal day, like any other when it happened. The town only been up for a few months.” He frowned “It had already been attacked a few times by small ambushes, and held them off every time. You see, the city wasn’t invaded, it already had a wall, and a militia, just like your own town does.”

She leaned forward, interested in the story. “Then what happened?”

“Well, red fog.” He paused for dramatic effect. “I had the pleasure of being inside a building when that crimson mist covered the town like a sandstorm out of hell. I was inside a general store when it stuck. The gas corrupted all it touched, the very wood on the side of the building turned green with rot, and the grass that covered the walkways decayed and grew brown with death, but the ponies...” He paused again. “You know, the discordant didn't need to invade, for they already were inside the place. They’re inside each and every one of us. The cloud, just let them free.” He sighed and looked down, “about half the town became twisted by time the cloud had subsided, and every caravan guard and militia pony who outside became just as horrid. I Believe I saw a mother strangle her foal, and marks pony fire at whatever moved... I’m still not quite sure if she was a discordant, or just some poor panicked soul.” He paused and looked up to the mayor, seeming genuinely depressed by the topic. “I’ll have you know that I used to be part of a caravan other than the one I arrived here on before I had to flee the town.”

She looked truly shaken at hearing the tale. “I’m sorry...I have to know did you escape from there?”

“Well, it’s no secret that us diamond dogs have an inborn adeptness to stealth and the like, and I generally try to keep myself well armed. I doubt, any merchant worth his weight wouldn’t be in such a violent frontier.” He added in that last part to make sure they wouldn’t jump at him if ever walked by with a weapon attached on his belt. “And, I pretty much hid away until things cooled down, and then, I snuck out of town. That’s when I ran into the caravan that’s currently unloaded in the market. I warned them about the town, and instead they chose to skip the place and just come straight here, though we did run into some trouble during the trip...” He pointed to the bandage on his face. “But I’m glad to say nobody aside from me had the bad luck of getting too hurt...” 

The mayor sighs and says, “Well, that’s quite a story,” Realizing how that may have sounded she quickly added, “I believe you, and I’m glad you and your family made it to safety. So I guess you feel Duskfields is safer than this outpost was?”

“Well, my family is still off with the tribe... I've been trying to earn enough money to buy a house over in the capital.” He sighed. “And yes, this town seem safer if it’s been on the map this long, though, I need to ask, did you know what those red clouds did before I came here?”

She shook her head saying, “No, we knew they were no good, but this? None of us could have known it was that bad...We’ve just been trying to avoid them as best we can.”

He glared at her when she told him that they didn't know. “Well... well regardless, what happens if one blows over the town, or during a fight turns your entire army against you...”

Maintaining her calm, she looked at him and replied, “Like you said, Duskfields has lasted this long. If one does drift over town though, one of the pegasi should be able to give us enough warning to get everyone inside. I hope it doesn't come to that though,”

“Very well... anyway it’s probably best if I leave now. I’m sure the liaison is tired of waiting for his turn.”

“Yes, I’m sure he has some business of his own to talk to me about. Crosshair, could you find a place for our guest to stay? And find somepony to keep an eye on him. Just a matter of caution. Otherwise, welcome to town,”

When Crosshair and the diamond dog are gone, the liaison turns back to the mayor.  “Now that that little matter has been attended to, perhaps we can get to more mundane matters?”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #352 on: June 28, 2013, 11:02:13 pm »


Red had spent the last hour looking around the fort hoping he’d find bonnet. He hadn’t the slightest clue where the animal was now that Max got arrested, and nobody gave him a straight answer. He’d spent an hour circling the fort not finding anything. Redhat looked like he hadn’t slept in days. The fact that the plan Max was gone, and what was happening with Prodd was taking it’s toll.

Prodd was in his house for once, making sure all his dangerous yet sentimental stuff was still there. He did have to clean the dust off some of his furniture though. Other than that, his home was basically the same. He relaxed in his home and contemplated smoking again, not feeling the need to practice his marksponyship.

There was a loud scratching at his door, as well as a loud whimper.

Just before he found himself comfortable there was a noise at his door. Sighing he got up and opened the door.

A big fluffy white wolf walked in and gave Prodd’s leg a nuzzle.Bonnet had been getting lonely and saw him walk into the building, and had been waiting for him to come out for a while, so she just decided to get his attention.

Prodd looked down at the wolf and gave her a little pet. “...Go on back to Red, she’s back too.” He cooed. “She... probably needs you...”

Instead Bonnet just whimpered, and tilted her head.

Prodd sighed again. He shut the door behind him and gestured for Bonnet to follow as he went over to Red’s house.

The Wolf just followed behind him.

Prodd made it to Red’s house and knocked on the door, he had the sudden urge to smoke again even though he quit about five or six years ago.

Nobody answered, as Red was still looking around for Bonnet.

Prodd sighed at the lack of an answer and decided it would be best to wait at her house when she inevitably returned.

About thirty minutes passed before Prodd finally saw the mare walking toward the apartment after giving up her search. He seemed way too lost in thought to even notice Prodd or Bonnet.

Prodd let Bonnet go jump on Red while he leaned next to the door.

Red snapped out of his trance the moment the dog jumped at him. He smiled and just gave the dog a hug, actually feeling a little better for a change now that he found his longtime pet.

Prodd smiled faintly and walked away from the two.

He looked up, just to notice him try to sneak away. Red didn’t go after him though, and just kept holding onto Bonnet.

Prodd was back at his house. He decided to try to relax again.

Red just stroked bonnet’s head a few times before starting to walk back to her house, actually feeling slightly better for a change.

Prodd again contemplated smoking again, maybe lighting a wax cigar or something. He wasn’t sure why though, he never had these urges for the past five years. However, something in his gut didn’t feel right... and he always trusted his gut.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #353 on: June 29, 2013, 12:16:43 am »

Kusarigama couldn’t help but have a smile on his face. He just lied his way into getting to use the town’s market as a place to fence off stolen goods, and none were the wiser. He couldn’t help but feel like a genius, and nothing could sink his mood, even the concerned stairs of the towns folk as he walked through the streets. Though, no matter how ecstatic he was, he still needed to take care of one thing. The wound he had on his face still needed to be looked at. He located the hospital and made his way there, walking in like he owned the place.
It was probably no surprise to find that the doctor was feeling quite sombre. Case was in his office, but perched at his window and hanging his head low. For all that it was worth, he was chewing tenderoot to ease the stress-induced headaches. It did little good to relax him or to answer the questions that ran through his mind, however. Temperance is dead? Normal ponies can become Discordant? How did any of this happen? It makes no sense! He was lost in his own world and was unaware of the diamond dog’s presence.

The dog just waited a little while, before speaking. “Aye mate, your the doctor around here, right?”

Snapped from his thoughts, Case turned to face the unexpected voice. He stood still for a moment, spooked to see that he was being addressed by a diamond dog. “...yes? Can I help you?” The stallion dearly hoped that he wasn’t about to get mugged.

“Well, yes ya can.” he pointed to the big bandage on his face. “I got slashed across the face when the caravan I came to town with got ambushed by badgers, and it’s been mostly left to fester. I was hoping you could help.”

How did this dog even make it in here without getting killed by the guards? Hopefully, this was not some kind of trick. “I believe that I can help with such matters...I do have antiseptic.” The pony began rummaging through the cabinets, careful not to turn his back to the potential threat. “Forgive my asking...but...where did you come from? Does anypony else know that you are here?”

“Well, again I came here with the caravan, and I’ve already cleared things up with the mayor and guard captain. Also how much is this going to cost?” He sitting on one of the stools by now, not really doing much.

Perhaps he really did have a legitimate reason for being here, but the blue pony wasn’t dropping his guard just yet. “I don’t normally charge for my services...not from the townsfolk at any rate.” He lifted a bottle of reddish-brown liquid out of one of the wooden drawers, “I do have a healing potion that could theoretically heal your wound in under an hour, but I fear what negative impact it may have on a diamond dog. I’ve seen bad reactions before. To be safe, I’ll have to use this instead.” Popping out the cork, he cautiously approached the black canine and prepared to dip a swab into the fluid.

As he noticed him walk by started to remove the cloth from his forehead. “Well, how exactly do you make a living if you do everything for free?” Now that the cloth was gone Case study could actually get a good look at the wound, which was clearly infected.

“For as long as we have been here, we have supplied for one-another’s needs for no cost. We have taken and given as was needed. I imagine that has worked out because Duskfields is so small and similar to a kind of big extended family. If we expand too much more, I believe an economic system of some type will probably become necessary to support stability.”

He did the best he could to apply the iodine solution to the scabbed tissues on the diamond dog’s face as he spoke, “A single application will probably not be sufficient to clear an infection of this magnitude. I would likely recommend that you apply some every day. However, I don’t have much to spare. I’ll see what I can do about creating more. How long were you planning on staying with us?”

“I figured I’d only stay maybe a week, and come back whenever... though it’s probably for the best if I come here with an actual caravan like I did this time. I don’t want some marks pony jumping the gun and thinking just another outlaw.”

“Yes...I have to admit that our dealings with diamond dogs in the past have not been positive. If I might suggest it, you may seek to have a pony escort you around town to minimize suspicion and fear.” He resealed the jar, “Anyway, I don’t think you could have chosen a worse time to come to our fort. It seems that our baron was recently infected, corrupted, into becoming a Discordant. He is now dead because of it. I fear that this infection could actually be passed from one being to another. How it is transmitted, I do not know. I plan on having every member of Duskfields checked just for safety. You may wish to stay clear of his grave, as a precaution.”

“Oh...” He looked down for a moment. “You know, the town I was peddling in before I came here actually had an outbreak of this ‘corruption’. I could tell you about if you’d like, also should I keep this wound covered or does it not really matter all too much?”

Case raised an eyebrow, “Is that so? You have prior experience with this?” He became more firmly focused on his patient, “If you have any information that could help save even a single life from this condition, I’m all ears. Oh, and, please do keep your injury covered.”

“Well... you know the crimson fog that occasionally blows in? Well, the town was just so unlucky as to have one blow right over the place.”

“You’re saying that there is a connection between the two?” Case had to chew that one over for a moment. Perhaps it was for the best that he had not yet gone through with his plan to enter one of the clouds to study it. “The phenomenon has been seen outside of our walls, but I’ve never seen anypony directly exposed to them. Tell me as much as you can about what happened.”

“Well, I didn’t see anypony get touched by it... but I did see the aftermath. Everyone who outside, gryphon pony or otherwise was turned into a mindless creature bent on slaughter, and pretty much anything that hadn’t been touched by the fog was dead within hours.”

After some thought, Case shook his head, “That...doesn’t make sense. If a red cloud had overtaken us last night, then surely many more would have been converted than just Mr. Temperance. If a cloud was responsible, then he would have needed to have been alone outside of Duskfield’s walls. Surely he would have known better than to wander outside by himself, especially at so late a time. It just doesn’t add up.” The puzzle was becoming harder to solve, not easier.

“Well, does he often leave the fort at night for no apparent reason?”

The stallion scratched his head, “Not so far as I am aware. If anything, I took him to be on the cautious side, perhaps even timid. It wouldn’t make sense for him to do that given the threat of Discordants in the area. He would have known that as well as anypony. If there was some reason for him to leave our walls, surely he would have taken some guard protection with him. Then again, nopony has stepped up and admitted to having been with him at the time”

“Well, would anypony want him dead? If so the could have hired an assassin... if they knew what the fog did, then having him get stuck in it would be a decent way to remove someone you didn’t like.” He started to think. “If he had no reason to be outside the wall, I’d guess someone made him come out by force or otherwise.”

“What? No, that’s not possible. No one here would have wanted him dead. He’s only done the best for us.” The only one he thought might possibly be willing to do it would be Max, and that’s only if he was truly guilty of murder as he was currently charged with. He was locked up, however, and could not have done the deed. “ one within our walls could have done this. At least I don’t want to believe that is possible.”

“Well, maybe someone didn’t ‘want’ him dead... Tell me, what was his job again?”

Case sighed, “He was baron, the highest ranking member of Duskfields. If anything, I’d say that his duties had actually become lessened ever since Dr. Convalescence had become mayor. I don’t feel as though he would have done anything to step on anypony’s hooves. He would have known his place and his duties.”

“Well, maybe nobody wanted him dead, and in fact he wouldn’t be if he was corrupted. Maybe, somepony wanted his job, and thought they could make him disappear. It’s worth noting too that if they wanted the job, it would have to be somepony who had a realistic chance at taking the role...”

Rubbing both of his temples with his hooves, the doctor moaned, “I don’t think I’m up for conspiracy theories right now. If there is a crime to investigate, I’m sure the appropriate parties will get involved. My main concern right now is keeping the townsfolk safe from any further infection risk. That said, I thank you for your cooperation in telling me what you know of the red cloud. I’ll see what, if anything, can be done to mitigate the risk. Make sure to come back tomorrow some time for some additional treatment if you want your own infection to be cleared up.” He paced back over to the window, “I...I think I’d just like to be alone for now...”

“Very well then..” He got up from his seat and started to walk off toward the door before pausing. “Thanks by the way.” He said before finally leaving.

“Oh, yes, you are welcome...” Case trailed off before becoming lost in his thoughts once more.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 12:19:28 am by Kryptid »


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #354 on: July 04, 2013, 03:11:58 am »

Max looks up at his small cell window, admiring it’s small sliver of light. Three months. Three long months. With nothing but a small barred culvert for company.

Suddenly, the beam of light was blocked by a body.

“Took your sweet time.” Max muttered.

A coin purse slid down from the culvert and into Max’s awaiting claws.The figure moves away just as quickly  as it appeared.

Max looks to his jail cell door.

The door to the prison opens, Flamberge in uniform, enters, he asks the on duty guard to take a lunch break, and pulls Crosshair’s desk chair over to face Max’s cell, just out of claw reach, should the bird try to attack him through the bars, “Hello Max, enjoying your stay?” he asks as he makes himself comfortable.

“Quite.” Max said sarcastically. He leans into the cell bars. “So what’s new in the outside world? Crosshair is a terrible conversationalist. Won’t tell me anything. Why don’t we chat a long while, friend?.” He said, trying hold his attention long enough to get him in arms reach.

Flamberge leans back in his chair, “Well, Max, I’m not here to indulge your curiosity, but you lived in this area for a long time, and may be able to help us. Tell me, you and Baron Temperance, I know you borrowed his books, and read them in his office, would you have called him a friend?”

“A damn good one.” Max stated simply. “He gave me a chance when no one else did.”

“Then surely it will grieve you to know that he is now dead, slain as a direct result of the actions of a creature of this forest, one who calls herself Entropy. Do you know of her?” Flamberge explains emotionlessly.

Max scrunched up his face in distress. “What happened? Entropy? The wise tale? What are you talking about?” Max snarls. “Temperance is what?” Max slams his fist against the cell bars. “He trusted you! You let him die on your watch, just like that?”

Flamberge keeps his cool on the outside of the bars, safe in the knowledge that even the griffon couldn't bend steel bars with his bare claws, he then calmly explains, "The Draconequus Entropy, she transformed Temperance into a Discordant pony, he went berserk, and was put down, he's dead, because of what she did. If he was your friend, you'd want to help us avenge him. Can you tell us anything about her that might help to fight her, or to prevent this from happening again?"

Max smirks. “So that’s the practiced lie you tell yourself at night is it, Baron Flamberge?”

“It is the truth Max, and I am not Baron. The current Baroness is Temperance’s eldest daughter, Mountain Dew. I am, however, acting as Regent, until she comes of age.” Flamberge states.

“Entropy isn’t real. Entropy is a ghost story badger ponies tell each other at night. No, I’ve wised up since then. Wisened up to know that the real monsters live a lot closer than the gremlins under the bed.” He leans up to Flam as close as he can. “Closer than ever.”

"Close enough that you even shared your bed with such a beast," Flamberge stands and changes the subject, "If she is nothing more than a ghost story, as far as you know, then you are of no help to us," Flamberge puts the desk chair back by the desk.

As Flamberge gets up to leave, Max chants an ominous psalm oft recited by fervent religious doom sayers around these parts.

“For ponies who have dulled their eyes with sin,

And dimmed the light of heaven with doubt,

And built their temple-walls to shut thee in,

And framed their iron creeds to shut thee out.

Beware, Beware.

Beware Entropy the World-Betrayer.

Her blade discerns not

In her wickedness, faithless crusader.

Her Fangs flow accursed evil, poisoned deadly knives,

Brimstone she bellows, wings sharp as scythes.

 - To call a foul god would not be unwise.

This is why we pray; Evil as this we ward away.

This is why we pray for the day.”

He finishes on a somber tone, hinted with mourning at the loss of his friend. “ . . . So, presuming this ‘foul god’ of yours is real? What could you possibly do to stop her?

Flamberge keeps his back to Max as he recites his poem and question, standing by Crosshair’s desk, “She most certainly is real, I have seen her, and... she bested me quite hoofidly, I don’t know how to stop her yet, but I will. I have to. Nopony else can.”

“Why?” Max scoffs. “Because you’re ‘ordained’ to? Because of a higher purpose?  Because in some twisted way, you see yourself as the golden hero in all  of this? Well, I have news for you: If the stories are true? Entropy is going to keep you a hair’s breadth above alive, only to dissolve your wife and your children in front of your very own eyes. A way to let you feel as she feels. You should pray to simply be losing your mind, Flamberge. To be hunting a phantom in the night. If not? The gods can’t even save you now.”

Flamberge turns to face Max, "I don't believe in destiny, and I doubt the gods have ever done a lick of good for me in my entire life, I don't need their help, I can stand on my own, and I have to kill her, because no ordinary pony can, because we can't just run away, because she is a deamon who should, no must be cleansed from these lands, my lands. I don't expect to do it alone, but I have no doubt that behind all that magic power, is a creature that can be killed, just like the rest of her kind, and I will find a way to strike at that, or die trying. She is no god, just another dragon to be slain."

Max looked at him shrewdly, ignoring the obvious goading. " -What if that first dragon had a contingency plan for all of this? Would your opinion of him change then?"

Flamberge considers that, "You said you thought she was just a ghost story. But now you are telling me it had a plan for her?"

“ My Carn was more superstitious than I was. Carn always did expect the worst. Sadly, I now truly know why.” Max looks at him cautiously, as if he was debating sharing another word. “Stones. The key is stones.”

"Stones? What are you talking about?  You're going to need to elaborate." Flamberge says sceptically.

“Magical stones. Defensive, shielding hex charged stones, ones which Carn planned ta' shield the Cave with, to buy time while we came up with a plan against whatever was attacking us. Would have used it on you too, if you didn't catch him by surprise. Inn’a theory, you could shield the entire town with them, against whatever comes until some  reinforcements arrive. They are very powerful.”

Flamberge fails to hide his eagerness at the idea, "I have never heard of such things. And there are enough of these in your cave to defend the whole town?"

" . . . One stone alone is powerful enough to protect the entire town, the question is how long. I have four. That's enough to make a sphered barrier around the town for - a month or so, if your luck holds steady. They each last for about five to seven days."

"Where are they kept? Will we need to worry about more traps when we... Wait, why didn't you mention these before? When you decided to stay here after the dragon was killed."

"Why in-deed." Max drawled."A bargaining chip." Max flicked his cage bars. "Just incase of situations like these. "You're not going to get somethin' for nothin'. Your peace of mind is going to cost you."

"A shame then. I might have listened if you had told us earlier. I assume you want to bargain for a lighter sentence, Yes? But Lady Convalescense has already ruled you are guilty, and I have already spoken with the Griffin Captain about you, he'll be here soon to take over custody and take you back to CanyonTalon to face sentencing," Flamberge explains dryly, "We'll search your cave once you are gone of course, you won't need the contents of it where you are going, I'm just giving you the chance to prevent any more blood from getting on your claws, by giving us a list of the defenses we might not know about."

“Why would I keep something so valuable in the cave? The one you blew a hole in the ceiling of, if you recall.” He draws one of the stones from behind his back. “No, too valuable to be kept there.” He grinned. “Freedom isn’t my price, either. Sounds like I have the better part of the deal if Entropy is coming to visit. No.” He grabs the bars. “An apology is my price.”

Flamberge takes a step back and looks strangely at the presented objects, “How did you get those? You were searched when we arrested you, where did those come from? Who brought them to you?” Flamberge asks in an accusatory tone.

“I’m a gay griffon. How do you think I got them in here?” Max balked back. “It doesn't matter. Do you want to take my offer of not? I can’t believe I’m actually considering this ... only because of my love for Duskfields. I couldn't stand the sight of her fall...”

Flamberge huffs, and responds, "And for what am I supposed to be apologizing for? For, killing your scalie lover? Because I won't. I am sorry that your bad decisions led to pointless fighting, and good ponies getting hurt. I'm sorry, your own feelings getting in the way, stopped us from getting something meaningful for the town out of it. I'm sorry to Sergi that I listened to Temperance and Crosshair, and didn't hang you that day! That's all I have to apologize for."

Max draws the stone back. “And here I thought you actually cared for Dawnpick like I did.” Max leans against the left wall of his cell. “Co’mon, I know somewhere behind all the pride and the inferiority complex there’s a conscience somewhere. A guilty one. If not for me, then for all those citizens who vehemently cried out in protest about the skull? Ponies who in no uncertain terms hated you for the decisions you’ve made for them. Anything? Anything at all?”

Flamberge seethes with white hot rage, then surpesses it and says through gritted teeth, "That decision was put to a vote, Temperance and I both made our cases, and the majority went with my suggestion. Why should I apologize to a few angry vandals, tearing up the place just to get their way?”

Flamberge sighs, and tries to make a small concession, “But about the dragon, I'm not sorry about what I did. It was the right thing to do with the information I had. His death is on your claws, not mine. He's dead because you tried to keep him a secret. I'm sorry for your mistakes, but I won't apologize for my actions."

Max looks him up and down with a frown. “That’s the best I’m going to get out of you, isn’t it? Well fine.” Max moves back to the cell bars and hold out the bright sky blue stone for Flamberge to grab. “Luckily for you I am a bird of my word.”

Flamberge looks at the stone, "So, how do I activate it? Is there a password, or..." he reaches to accept it.

As Flam grabs the stone they both look as if they were being electrocuted by lightning as a pure magic force courses through the both of them.

After a momentary shock, Flamberge gets back on to his hooves. “It’s touch activated, actually ...” He said with a grin.

Max crawls and shakes his head, disorientated, he stands, and places a claw to his forehead. He retracts his claw and stares at it in utter shock and disbelief, he feels his beak, and his feathers and his lion body, he looks out at Flamberge standing outside the bars, and realizes where he is.

“You... monster!” the bird rockets to the prison door, reaching a clawed hand out trying in vain to grasp the pony by the throat. After a moment he gives up, and sits back, trying to make an angry glare, with the now unfamiliar face.

“Monster, huh?” Flam said while casually moving his head away from the futile claws. “You had another pet name for me, didn't you?” Flamberge leans on the desk. “What was it now?” He rubs his chin, pantomiming a deep thought. “What was it .... Oh yeah, ‘the fool.’” He makes a gesture towards Max. “Well, who’s a fool now, the free bird? Or the Pony who just took a strange magical stone from a striped prisoner on the fleeting hope it will protect him from gribbles and snarks and entropies and all the other figments hiding under the bed?” He then laughed. He laughed a dark, grim laugh. “Who’s the fool now!?” He shouted madly.

The griffin doesn't know what to say, a mix of furious rage, and the crushing pain of shame in his chest, "Okay, you've made your point. I'm a fool, and I should have never trusted you in the least. So what happens now?"

“Now? Now I become the leader DuskFields needs while you get shipped off to Black Falcon prison, up north where the Griffons keep their murderous population. It’s nicknamed the ‘Bird Cage’. You’re going to love it. They say it’s a ‘total isolation’ camp, but they lie; They let you have contact with another being and even let a single letter sent to you be read once in a full year. How nice of them.  You are going to sit there and rot, as the world spins without you, and you know what? I actually think it’s not going to stop. Not for one second. In fact,  I think things will actually be for the better in Duskfields, as I steal your entire life and utilize it and improve life for these ponies.”

The griffin turns around and tries to buck the iron cell door, only to painfully find that lion paws are more sensitive than pony hooves, he curses and stares daggers at the pony, "And... what about Crosshair? What about my foals? Do you really think you can fool my family? ...Or do you plan to kill them like Sergi."

“I don’t care an iota one way or the other about your family. My quarrel is not with them. Crosshair will belive me over you. I can be quite convincing you know. Wouldn't be here if I was any less. It was hard manipulating you to get you exactly where I want you, you know.” Flamberge crosses his hooves. “You see, the problem with plotting a revenge for you is, you want death! You welcome it. It’s not as easy as simply killing you. No; to truly break you I needed to claim everything you fought so hard for, and strip it from you completely. Your Status, your wife, your body, your sword, everything. Everything. That’s how I’d truly hurt you; I had to take your Legacy from you ... Well, I’ll admit, it was not that hard, but very time consuming. The art of being twelve steps ahead is letting you think I’m five steps behind, after all.”

The griffin thinks then tries to reason with the pony, "You aren't a soldier, you aren't a leader, you aren't fit to rule them. This town needs me Max. Duskfields needs me to protect it. Without my mind, my skills, in that body, Entropy and her army will kill every, last, one, of us."

“Entropy does not exist.” Flamberge stated firmly. “We need more crops, not more weapons!Not more soldiers! We need a pony who can compromise with others, not a pony who can fall so low as to murder another for something so petty as a promotion. I - I don’t think you fully get this; Your paranoia is going to kill us all. You are the threat to us. I am the savior, here, not you. I want you to think on that. For a very loong time.”

"The only murderer here is you, Max, you killed an innocent griffon, without any cause other than your own twisted thirst for vengeance. Entropy is coming. I have spoken to her, she twisted Temperance against us. I saw it happen. If you don't let me do my job, and get this town ready for the coming siege, their blood will be on you Max, your quest for vengeance will kill everypony here."

Flam rolls his eyes. “Oh come off it. It’s all a twisted delusion in an’ attempt to push what you’ve done onto conjured auspices in order to conceal the grit and hide it even from yourself in an attempt to keep your distorted golden persona alive an’ well... Tell me. When you saw her? This fell god? Did anypony else see it alongside you?”

"I heard her speaking to Temperance, she transformed him into a discordian. It's common knowledge that he was transformed when they found the body. I couldn't fake that Max, I don't have that kind of magic. I was the only one to see Entropy, the only one to talk to her, and I only told Crosshair about her before asking you about her, but I'm telling you now, if you won't get ready to fight her, then run away from here. Take my family, and everypony else and find someplace else to live, someplace outside this forest, because she and her siblings will kill us, if you give them the chance." Maxberge seems to believe everything he says, and speaks with a pleading tone.

“Nopony saw it but you. . .” Flamwell gave a deep sigh. “ Then it’s croc. Pure croc. I had wished you were more mentally well for this, Flamberge. I could have hoped for only so much, I guess. I’ll make sure Duskfields survives with every tool available. It’s not your concern anymore. If this Entropy wants, say, children or whatever? Well I think I know where to start. But that’s about as much thought I’m going to put into your tall stories.” He shifts this hoof back and forth, gesturing between them. “Don’t take that pleading tone with me. Don’t you dare take that pleading tone with me! You had your way out of this! If you had just given me an apology! You would not be in the situation you’re in! A single sign of remorse! And now you plead with me? Unbelievable.”

Maxberge fidgets and struggles with the words then says, "Fine. I'm sorry. That drag... Carnith, probably didn't need to die. I'm sorry I tried to turn his death into something to benefit the town, instead of letting him rot in the ground. I did what I thought was right, and I don't think a better solution could have been found, it was a bad situation, and I did what had to be done, but in retrospect, it was a tragedy. But please, don't doom all these ponies for what happened back then. Just give me back my body."

“Now you see, I just can’t do that now, Flamberge. I appreciate the sentimentality, though. I will ask Convalescence to see if we can execute you here, instead of letting the Griffons have their way with you, so you have that going for you now.” He taps his hooves together, with an almost lost look on his face. “You see, if Entropy is real? That means she’s set all this in motion, not me. And if that’s true? I feel a little like dying anyway...”

Maxberge just sits down, he knows he's lost this battle, "Max, you won't get away with this... I will get out of here, and I will make things right."

“... And so ends the story of the hero Flamberge, Military Commander of Duskfields, with his tongue on the tip of a promise he knows he cannot keep. We are done here.” With a content inspection of the cage Flamberge takes the keys off the key hook as he trots up the dungeon stairs for safe keeping. He had a bittersweet expression on his face as he walked up, for even though the battle had been won, there were still loose ends to be tied up. Especially ones concerning Temperance. In his lust for revenge he let his friend die at the hand of a manic, and that must be atoned for. But for the most part, Max was content about Flamberge’s incarceration; finally, after months, he could take a breath of ease. And It felt so good.

When Max is gone, and Flamberge left alone in this new body, he collapses onto the bed, he didn't know what to do. He'd been played like a fool, and he had nopony to blame but himself. Flamberge looked at Max's claws... His claws, saw how sharp they were. He thought he could just rip himself apart. That he could keep Max from the joy of watching him hang, or being carted away to some dark dungeon, but he dismisses the thought as quickly as it came.

Flamberge sits up and looks at the door again, "No. This isn't the end. This is only just beginning," he says to nopony in particular, "Now we just need a plan." He smiles.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 03:02:09 pm by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #355 on: July 04, 2013, 09:39:47 pm »

Journal Entry 5 6

A vision. Why is this important. Amug showed up, she explained something... I don't know if I should follow or just pass it off as optimism, hoping I could have something to look forward to after I get out of jail.

[The text becomes a large rant at this point]

My life is ruined because of him! I will have no money... no home... No anything because of some damn bird! If I could go back to when I handed off those bolts and instead refused to do it... I would. I don't care about the gate being destroyed that one time. I don't care about the fiasco with his lover. I don't fucking care what I did to get in here. I was imprisoned for him, and all I get is 'Oh yes I used you, You are a tool. nothing more' I don't get a Thank you. I don't get a damn thing for taking the fall for him. I'm glad he's incarcerated now. I'm glad I don't have to worry about him skipping town and leaving me to rot. If I get out, the first thing I do is get migration papers filled. I don’t want to be within five miles of this bird.

I wish I never left there... at least there I had a guaranteed income from being in the reserves. I'm not even sure if my paycheck from Fruitholds ever reaches my father and the bank... I've made my mind up. I'm taking my family and skipping town A.S.A.P. I don't care if this town is 'destroyed' as Amug said. I will not stay here if it means I'll be tortured by 'a deal with the devil' as I have called it. I don't care if Max 'promised' I will get a position of power once he takes over, either through force or otherwise... I just don't care.

I ranted on about something of little importance... I need to rest. More tomorrow...

[The ink at the bottom is new]

I don’t actually think this... This time in the prison has made me more cynical than I thought.

Journal Entry 7

More about this vision as I... lost myself in an angry rant.

I was just having a good dream... I was... [text is scratched through to where the underlying text is undecipherable]

Never writing that again

Anyway, the dream faded and I was before Amug herself. She told me that an innumerable force is coming. The only forces I know of that are Need to stay on topic. There is a creature leading this army that is apparently cunning like a fox and unfair. This sounds a lot like Maxwell Stay on topic. I was to either stay and maybe die, or leave and live... but lose Duskfields. True I might skip town either way... but I have to help. I will not let my town down... but if I die... No I have to do this. I will head to the west as soon as I can.... if I go and die however... No I can’t think of that. Have to keep my spirits high, can’t get myself down.

I will talk with Flamberge, Prodd, Case Study, or possibly Convalescence if they all deny me anything to use for this quest that Amug wants me to go on... maybe I don’t know... I don’t want to leave if I don’t have to.

I’ve begun to repeat myself. I’m done with this journal entry.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #356 on: July 04, 2013, 10:41:03 pm »


Flamberge rattles Lightning’s cell bars with his iron horseshoe. “Wakey Wakey, inmate.”

Lightning jumped at the sudden sound, blinking multiple times before drowsily getting up. “Morning Flamberge...” He said

“I have come to set you free, Lightning. I am dropping all charges.” Flam said in his typical bursk and uninterested manner.

“Really? Where’s the chopping block then. You always seemed to want to kill me” He inquired, surprised at his sudden release.

Flamberge quirked a brow. “Kill you? Don’t take this so personal, Lightning. I only ever wanted to get to the bottom of this.” He shrugged his shoulders. “You lead us to the real culprit, and you have done your job. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just cluttering up Crosshair’s jail.”

“Really?” He said, raising an eyebrow “I was told I’d be tried for thievery. I assume I’d be tried for that, found guilty, and sit here for another year.”

Flam leans against the cell bars. “I could still do that I suppose ... Or I can assume you’ve learned your lesson about working with criminals like Max, and never ever breathe a hair out of line again.” After a long moment Flamberge sighs, and explains his change of heart. “Thank your children, Lighting. I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this because I also have a family. A family that I fear of not caring for. Do not take this generousness lightly, you will not be granted another.”

 “Fine. Now would you mind letting me out. I would love to see Sweetie again.” He grabbed the statuette he received from Mist a few weeks ago in his mouth.

Flamberge grabs the keys from their wall with his mouth. “You played your part in the narrative flawlessly, after all ...” He said with a down played causality, though the words haunt Lightning. He has heard that phrase before ... though not uttered from him. Flam unlocks the cell door.

Lightning thought of what Flamberge said, usually only Max mentioned a narrative, but he ignored it as Max dead... he couldn’t be here.. “Thanks, now I’ll be going” He said around the statuette. He began towards the exit, not paying any attention to Flamberge

“Huh. Um, okay.” Flamberge pouts. He really didn’t catch that clever reveal? It truly sailed over his head completely? “Is a thank you, Max, out of the question? A little gratitude for keeping my end of the bargain?”

Lightning paused, set down the statuette and turned around. “What Bargain.”

Flamberge rolled his eyes, getting agitated now. “No, Lightning. It’s me- I just saved you from jail. Me. Maxwell. As promised.”

It finally clicked in his mind who this was, and he was afraid that he had a revenge plan. “...Max...” His face grew pale. “Y-You aren’t... mad? I...” He asked, ending a second sentence before he began as it would only lead to trouble.

Flamberge grinned. “Mad? Yes, well yes guess I am a little mad in a sense. Not mad at you, though. Can’t be any happier, in fact. You were the lynchpin  for getting Flamberge out of the picture, and getting in a position to guide Duskfields into prosperity. I am in a way indebted to you.”

“Indebted? How, all I did was give you some dusty old bolts.” He asked, a slight grin appearing on his face. He has a few favors from the baroness’ regent and he will make the best of them when the time comes.

“Ah, but you see, It was never about the murder. I knew you would crack. I knew I would be cuffed. I knew I would be hanged. I knew you would give Flamberge the confidence of an upper hand. When in reality he never took a step in a direction I didn’t want.”

“Really. Pray tell how you got out. I would love to know.” He said, actually interested in his story.

Flamberge laughs. “Now, now. You know a’ great magician never reveals his tricks.”

“You are indebted to me. You owe me an explanation. If its so secret that you can’t reveal it, then consider any future arrangements, gone.” Lightning said, looking him in the eyes.

“Is it not immediately apparent?” Flamberge asks.

“Other than some black magic, no. You are alive, yes, but I see no way in tartarus you could have lived without foul play” Lightning accused.

“You’re on the right track. And I am Max. The twenty fourth. we swapped the bolts then. After my bout with Crosshair. I offered to pay but you refused.”

“Yes and what does that have to do with now. You shot that griffon. Kill him in cold blood, I took the fall. I know what happened”

“Well, have I settled your doubts that I am not Max yet?”

“Okay.  Yes you have settled that. Now, have you killed Flamberge or whatever you wanted to do to him yet? While I don’t like him, I would hate it if you actually went and killed him.”

Flamberge makes a tisking sound. “Oh, Lightning. You can wish for no one getting hurt. You can throw off your shackles. But you can’t do both.”

“...You...Killed Flamberge. I.. Why did I trust you. You killed the one who could take on five discordants and kill them without getting hurt,” Lightning took on an angrier tone. “,you decided the town would rather lose its best stallion, just so you can become the ruler. I’m ashamed to even have helped you.”

Flamberge blinks twice. “Explain the part where I care, again. Just one more time. Incase I have missed it.”

Lightning couldn’t think of anything. He quickly thought out a response. “If I wasn’t there to help you, it was likely you could’ve been caught breaking into Crosshair’s home. I am the reason you are where you are now due to my expertise- I mean, knowledge in the art of lockpicking.” He was sure this would work, however it was more likely to get him in more trouble.

Flamberge trots towards the pony. “Of course. Invaluable. And as I said I thank you for that. Not invaluable anymore though. A tool thoroughly used. You must know by now, I have told you too much yet again, don’t you?” He grinned.

“Told me too much? You still being alive baffles me and yet you think I know too much;And I am not invaluable? Well that just makes me feel so special. Now, if you may, I wish to leave” He began to turn around.

Flamberge struck Lightning with a headbutt that would break a cinder block, rendering him unconscious. He stroked Lightning’s mane with a caring hoof. “Shhh, Lightning. This was yet another lucid dream, and tomorrow, you will wake up next to your dearest Sweet Potato. Finally free. My gift to you.” Flamberge then hooved a stone and placed it on Lightning’s forehead. A bright blue aurora flowed from his head, into the stone. He was sucking this very conversation out of his memory. There. He admitted to Lighting he was apologetic about all this and fulfilled his promise, in his usual roundabout way. Flamberge threw Lightning over his back. “Co’mon, Lighting, let’s finally get you home.”     
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 04:22:31 am by DVNO »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #357 on: July 05, 2013, 07:12:51 pm »

Journal Entry, Scrubbed off date.
Something's not right, Something doesn't feel right. Flamberge have been acting.. weird, lately. Distanced, distached, and just plain odd. I don't see him drilling the troops anymore, Or even do as much as touch his sword. He looked awkward whenever we're together with the foals and he barely take us out for some family dinner!

Worse yet, he just released Lighting Runner! We haven't even have a Trial for his thievery yet! I'm going to have to re-arrest him again and have him properly trialed for thievery and assisting a murder. Although there'll probably be some lenient for helping us catching the bird.

I know he's my Stallion and I know that he's the Commander of the Militia and also a Colonel and the Regent, but He never. EVER messed with civilian and guards duty before. And when I thought I'm starting to become crazy, the bird's been trying to talk to me and saying that he's actually Flamberge. And you know what? I know it's crazy, but I think I'm starting to believe him. It's probably more likely that what the Bird's telling me is true than Flamberge suddenly starts asking for more tools to be made and less weapons aswell as stopped drilling the troops.

especially with what's coming.. Is he giving up and going to let us be bait like we're supposed to be? I sure as hell hope not. If there's anypony who could save us, I'm sure it'll be him. But not the him who refuses to Drill the troops, mess with MY bucking work and looks like he's oblivious to the threat!

hm, I think a house arrest for Lightning will be enough until we have a Trial.

End note. Something's not right with my Husband. He haven't even TOUCHED me for a whole week! A WHOLE week!
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #358 on: July 06, 2013, 12:44:15 am »

This scene occurs a few days before the death of Temperance.

Wood Chip waited besides his bed. He hadn’t spoken to SmoothBlock in days, but that had to do with the amount of work they had to do. Now, they had a day or so of nearly pure rest.

“Hey Woody,  how has work been going?” asked SmoothBlock. She had spent most of her time underground in the mines.

 Wood Chip smiled at that. “Oh, you know, the usual. Really, I might be out of a job soon with the amount of tree’s we are cutting down.” He shook his head, as if he was trying to shake off a cloud of flies. “But let’s not talk about work, we have a whole day off together. Did you have anything in mind?”

“Snuggles? I really kind just want to forget all this crap that’s been happening.” SmoothBlook sighed heavilly.

Woodchip looked at her sad expression and scooted over on the bed. “Oh, come here. I need a squeeze too. But we do need to talk about something else. It’s nothing bad, I promise.”

SmoothBlock slid over and hugged WoodChips in her forelegs “Tell me.” She lay her head on his withers.

Woodchip leaned back a little while holding SmoothBlock, letting her lean on him fully. “Well, we have been moving in and out of each other’s rooms, and while we haven’t done anything that would require a strong, sturdy bed, I was thinking that we should move into one or the other. Rooms, I mean. Basicly,” he admits, “I am asking for you to move in with me."

SmoothBlock smiled wide “Oh Chips, that would be wonderful!” The burgundy unicorn snuggled WoodChips warmly.

Woodchip had a distant look on his face as he snuggled back. “Yes, I know. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go there.”

He pauses, and spoke slowly.

“You remember, those few months ago, that I said that you would help me with making the first move? I could use that help now. It seems like the right time.”

She gently put her forehoof on his chest and kissed WoodChips deeply. “Then I’ll help you.”

Woodchip said nothing for a very long time, as his mouth was occupied by tongue.

However, even if he didn’t want to, he needed to breath. Shaking slightly, he stammered on his words as he pulled her into a full body embrace. “I don’t...I have never felt so close to another pony before, SmoothBlock. I don’t want to let go of you. Oh, I probably sound like a helpless colt right now...”

“You sound like a stallion in love.” SmoothBlock rubbed Woodchips chin and caressed his neck.

Woodchip stared at SmoothBlock’s eyes, almost unable to blink. “Is that so? Well, if anything, you sound like the only mare I need in the world.” Woodchip wondered for a moment if that came out right, and thought against mentioning it. “Before we do anything, if I said I had a bottle of some of the oldest swamp whisky I could find and two glasses with some dried zebra herbs lining the rims that promote...vitality, under this bed, what would you say?”

“Some whisky with interesting spices. I would like that very much. Spending some private special time with my lovely rugged woodworker, It would be perfect.” SmoothBlock leaned back on the bed and ran her hoof down his back.

At that, a small wooden board floated out from under the bed and landed softly on it. It looked zebra-made, covered in soft-looking spirals and swirls that were engraved into the wood, and the two cups that lay on it, indeed, had a small pile of dried leaves that had almost sweet quality.

“Now, apparently, you are not supposed to taste it in your drink, but you know it’s working you when you start getting a tingley feeling down your back, and everything just happens from there.” Woodchip explained as he poured himself out a moderate gulp into the cup. “Apparently, the dose in the cup is supposed to be used by bison. Goodness know’s what that means, but I just paid the shaman and he shut up. “At that,he passed the bottle over to SmoothBlock.

SmoothBlock lifted the cup and filled it with swamp whisky, with an dose of leaves equal to Woodchips. She took a gentle sip and gave him a snuggle. “Sounds like it should be just strong enough for me.”

Woodchip looked at the mare with her head on his belly, looked his cup, and took a sip roughly as large as the one SmoothBlock took. “You know,” he said, drawing out his words a little bit, “If I said that we toast to this newly, firmly grounded relationship of ours and we both down our cups at the same time, you wouldn’t say no, would you?”

“I would say, ‘Cheers’, and we drink to our solid love.” SmoothBlock raised up her glass in her magic as she nuzzled Woodchips chest.

Woodchip swished around the contents of his cup for a few moment, smiled at SmoothBlock happily,clinked his glass against her’s, a downed it’s contents. He felt a little fuzzy just from that little sip, and, truth to be told, he was wondering what the effect on SmoothBlock would be.

SmoothBlock finished her drink and turned look into WoodChips eyes, a loving look in her eyes. Slowly she crawled up WoodChips body and pushed him gently onto his back. “I’m going to take you in my hooves and make love to you all night long~”

Wood Chip blinked. For a moment, he thought he had heard SmoothBlock say that she wanted to make love to him.

Oh, wait. Hello there Mr. Brain. It seemed that you have exploded.

Wood Chip stared at the small mare who was holding him down on his back in a mix of wonder and simple surprise that this was happening.

“SmoothBlock, there was....” Wood Chip tried to think for a moment. Ah, yes, fertility drugs are fertility drugs, and they were certiantly not made for just fun. But he was planning on having a family anyway, and but he pushed the warning he was given into the back of his mind.

“SmoothBlock, I just want you to know that I hope I just feel half of what I am going to make you feel tonight.” He wasn’t much for dirty talk, but she didn’t look like she would mind.

SmoothBlock gave WoodChips a loving smile and snuggle him deeply “Take me and make me feel, all the things you can, all the pleasures you know.”

WoodChip’s was unaware that the herbs would make ponies attempt to try and talk poeticly, but he chalked that up to the fact that the mix came from a zebra shamen.

“I will do that, and more. Do not worry, Smoothie, because you are going to be on top of the happiest stallion in this land of ours for as long as you wish.”

“That will be a long time~” SmoothBlock blew out the light.

“So I prepared correctly, I see.” Wood Chip chuckled as he shifted his weight onto his lower back and grasped her sides, not resisting the urge to squeeze a little as he got prepared. “But, enough of jokes, I am here to please, for however long you like.”

Fade to black, nothing more to see folks.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 12:46:25 am by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #359 on: July 06, 2013, 01:15:15 am »

Flamberge walks into the apartment and starts unfastening his peytral with more than a bit of difficulty. It’s not like he’s ever had to do it before until today, which was marked with many, many firsts. Cooking with hooves, shaving with hooves, getting over questioning how sanitary everything is when you use your mouth for everything ...

Crosshair is fortunately still out on her work, probably will be coming home soon. But the ones who are here are their foals, Crossbow squeaked excitedly and trots over to her apparent father with her brother Claymore who they quickly nuzzled onto Flamwell’s legs for attention and love.

Flamwell looks down at them with a bit of surprise, and leans down to their level. “Hey there little guys, do you know where C-Mom is?”

It doesn’t seems like the young babbling foals understands him, They just want snuggles and nuzzles and loves as they squeaks and face-hugs their /Father/’s legs.

Flam sits on his butt and hugs them back awkwardly, but enough to not look too out of place. 

The foals went batshit excited, squeaking adorably and happily as they’re wrapped in their father’s hug. Nuzzling their faces and body up to him as they coos. Then the door opened and Crosshair trots tiredly inside, closing the door behind her before beginning to strip her armor, she gave her family a smile “Home early?” she asked.

Flamwell greets his new wife with a smile. “Uh, yes. I found out something a little disturbing and had to come by early. It’s good to see you Crosshair, you look especially stunning today.” 

The small mare gave him another smile as she wiggled off of the last piece of her armor, walking up over him to nuzzles her face against his muzzle, Turning them into a whole family fully of love and nuzzles that could probably repel a changeling invasion. “Something disturbing?”

Flamberge’s surprise can’t truly hide as he’s suffocated by love. He simply nuzzeled back, hoping to it was not to out of the ordinary to do such a thing. His tone turns to a low growl.”Maxwell’s has been trying to get under my skin again, surprise surprise ....”

Crosshair blinked. “What do you mean again? He haven’t been trying to do so before have he? I’m pretty sure of that. Didn’t even want to talk to me much when I guard him.”

Flam lifts up a black book with his hoof. “My Diary. I found it in his cell, Crosshair. I don’t know what he wanted with it, but it can not have been for anything good.”

“You keep that thing in here all day, how’d he get it in there?” Crosshair questioned further.

Flam threw the book on the table with a dissatisfied grunt. “I have no idea. Or why he would want to read it. The bird should not be underestimated.” He looks to his family. “Not that it matters now, though.”

That made Crosshair tilt her head again “Why not?”

"Well, the griffon caravan is almost here. If he has a hand to play, he better play it soon is all I can say.” He changes the topic. “So. I have the night off. Do you or the foals want to do anything in particular tonight? Can I make dinner, any clothes that need to be washed or dried, anything at all?”

That made Crosshair raise her brow even further “But I usually do all of that.” she said.

Flamberge face hoofs mentally when he realized he was misjudging his role here. Kindness? Crosshair was expecting a total aggressive monster.  “Well, never say I did not offer. I think I’m going to retire to the boudoir.”

“To the what?” Crosshair asked confusedly.

Flam grips his forehead with his hooves, visibly now. “The bedroom. You know, boudoir, it’s another word for - I have plans for a new routine for the soldiers tomorrow. I need to write a thing or two down.”

“But didn’t you promise to take me and the foals out for some family dinner outside tonight?” The small mare asked, continue to be confused.

“Yes!” He said angrily. “ A dinner which I would have been glad to make myself, I would have been happy to get the foals in nice and presentable in some fresh clothes, but you apparently have other plans. You looked like a deer in the glow of a light spell when I mentioned preparing for it, so I assumed you forgot. I didn’t forget, it’s all in the journal, my dear. I’m well aware!” He squints. “I swear, you a acting weird, crosshair.”

“What?” Crosshair blinked. “But we were going to go get Creampuff’s food! What are you talking about? You never cooked before! and what do you mean fresh and presentable cloths? I’ve already washed them and prepared them last morning for our foals!” Crosshair huffed a little. “You’re acting weird..”

Flam sighs. “I was imagining more of a outside picnic. Of course you meant Creampuffs. And you are right, I never cook. I sort of wanted to change that.”

The small mare finally give him a slight small smile. “Well, I suppose work’s been getting on all of us.. That’s why we really need some time away from work together as a family, yeah?”

“I agree. I need the weight of all this Entropy business of my - our shoulders. Just a little time off. Enjoy the life we’re fighting so hard to save for once.” ‘Yeah, that’s a dead on Flamberge thing to say’, Flam thought.

Crosshair nodded with another smile “mm.. once in a while, still can’t do it too often, no? we’re going to need everypony to e ready for when they show up..”

Flamberge nods too. “Sounds like it’s time to put that backlog of bolts I ordered from Temperance to good use. Get every citizen comfortable with the idea of protecting their town.” Flam rubbed his temple, growing tired of spewing the ‘kill the invaders and boogeymares’ rhetoric already. “But like I said, after the drills, let’s do something, just the family. Are any play dates with Morning Dew’s foals coming up? I might tag along.”

“I think so, maybe Claymore and Crossbow will like playing with other foals some more aswell.” Crosshair agreed.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 01:26:37 am by DVNO »
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