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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47737 times)


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Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:58:25 pm »

Welcome to Duskfields

A few of you will probably recognize what this is off the bat.  For those of you who don't, this is a direct successor to my old community fort from late 2011, Dawnpick.  If you're not familiar at all with Dawnpick, that's okay!  I do recommend that you go back and read the fort updates if you get a chance though, which are linked from the first post.  They will help place the setting.  The bottom line is that this is a fort based on My Little Pony, but the canon is very different from what is in the cartoon.

This is not a succession fort, despite the fact that it's a successor to my previous fort.  Don't be confused, it's just a community fort.

The Story Begins

It's been five years since the events of Dawnpick came to a close.  A few things have happened since then in that little mining town, but this is a story about another group of ponies.  This is the story of the Fellowship of Hope, a group of ten brave ponies who heeded the call of the king and queen of Coupledye.

The populations of Coupledye and its attendant lands have grown considerably over the past decades, and resources are starting to be spread a bit thin.  Twenty years ago Virtue Cookales led an expedition to seek out new sources of rich minerals to fuel the economy.  But ponies do not live on steel alone.

This is the story of Virtue's younger brother Temperance Scribebakes, and his expedition to fulfill a more basic need.  Coupledye needs more food, and new farming communities are being established throughout the land.  Temperance volunteered for the most distant and challenging of the new sites, eager to prove himself to the royalty and everypony in Coupledye.

My, what a nice place you've picked out to journey to, Temperance.

Temperance and his band have traveled for three months to reach the rolling plains that they were promised, and in celebration of arriving he has christened the lands Duskfields.  Will he succeed and bring more honor to the family and himself?

Or is he doomed in ways he cannot begin to imagine?

Huge thanks to Kryptid for all of the artwork you see here!

From right to left, Smoothblock, Case Study (on the rock), Flamberge, Maize, Temperance, Crosshair, Wood Chips (way in the back), Cream Puff (on the ground), Holly and Veneer (way in the back) settle in after a long journey and prepare to put in the hard labor to build Duskfields up strong.  This is their story.  Hopefully, it won't be a short one...

Temperance's Journal, 1st Granite, 269

We're here.  It's not as impressive to look at as I expected, but we're here all the same.  After three months of slogging our way here, we've made it.  At least it's warm.  Trudging through snow the whole way here wouldn't have been very fun at all.

There's so much work to be done.  I've talked with Virtue a dozen dozen times about how she started things out in Dawnpick.  I've heard every last little detail.  She even let me read some of her diary to see what decisions she made, and which were mistakes.  I think I know how to proceed.  It's going to be a huge amount of work, but I'm ready.  I'm not scared to put in some effort.  And I know the others aren't either.

Which is good, because I've already got work laid out for most of them, and there's plenty of lugging stuff around for the rest.  The land's fairly level, thank goodness, but there's still a bit of earth moving to be done so I've asked Smoothblock to look into it.  That ought to give her something to do to get her out of my mane for a little while.  Holly too.  I don't think the two are getting along too well, which is somewhat understandable.  I'll get Holly to start knocking some of these trees down to let her vent a bit, and to get us something for Veneer and Wood Chips to start working with.

As for me and the others, there's a lot of unloading to do.

I'll probably keep reciting all of Virtue's warnings in my head as we unload everything.  That keeps coming back to me whenever I don't have anything else to occupy my mind.  She begged me not to come.  Begged me.  I know she means well, but I'm a thirty five year old stallion.  I can handle myself.

Anyway, I did some debating and I think I'm going to name this place Duskfields.  It's kind of a small nod to her and Dawnpick, even if she didn't like the idea of me coming out here.  Maybe she'll get a kick out of the name when she gets my letter.  But more to the point, it's getting dusky, and the name just stuck with me.  Far off to the north, I can see what looks like a small dust storm sweeping the land.  I didn't expect that out here, but it's a minor inconvenience.  We'll weather a dust storm with no problem.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 10:59:03 pm »

Game Status

Claimed Pony List

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Update Milestones

Game Save Snapshots

I'll be posting one of these per game year, or at other significant breaks in time.


As a whole, I'm not enforcing much in the way of hard rules.  This is a community fort that mostly abides by the general standards and rules of a community fort.  If there's an unclaimed pony you want, have at them and post journal entries from their perspective.  If this develops into roleplaying like Dawnpick did, then feel free to have fun with that too.  If you want to keep your involvement comparatively light, then by all means, keep it to journals if you want!

If there end up being a lot of players, I may enforce a player limit to help rein in the sanity a bit, but for the moment, there is none.

I reserve the right to change these rules as things develop!

Spoiler: Claiming a pony (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Setting (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: FAQ (click to show/hide)


RPing developed, but the game is over now so I've removed the link to the IRC chat room.

Postmortem Analysis

Spoiler: Contains Graphs (click to show/hide)


Just as with Dawnpick, I'm releasing the setting of Duskfields and any and all content produced by me to be used in future stories, games, artwork or any other media.  Not that I expect anyone to actually want to use this or anything.

"You threw the bad memory away.  But it came back."
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 12:13:13 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 11:27:44 pm »

Ah, finaly. I have been waiting so long for this. Might i take Vaneer? And, i know it might be asking  bit much, but I would like To see his personality to. As before, I am far to lazy to make him a character of my own right.

Edit: it is also nice to see you again, Telgin.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 11:30:11 pm »

Cream Puff's Diary Prologue 1

Yes!  I've been selected to join an expedition, finally!  I had to keep lowering my expectations, and looks like I got stuck with one going a long ways off, but I am finally out of here!  No more cooking with old or preserved stuff!  We'll get to grow our food, and I can give ponies fresh meals!  I can't wait!

Prologue 2

Are we seriously headed someplace called "The Hills of Worry"?  Maybe I shouldn't have lowered my standards quite so much.

Granite 1, 269

Well, we're finally here, so I guess I'll stop procrastinating and actually write regularly in this thing.  Temperance seems pretty excited, but this place gives me the creeps.  Still, the soil looks good, even if some of the plants in it look unsettling.  I hope the seeds we brought will grow well.  I wonder if anypony can get seeds from the native plants.  Maybe they're tasty.  I doubt it, but you never know.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

Avatar from Kryptid!


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 11:32:44 pm »

gonna probs pick up somepony. aside from that "post to watch"
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 11:34:14 pm »

Ah, finaly. I have been waiting so long for this. Might i take Vaneer? And, i know it might be asking  bit much, but I would like To see his personality to. As before, I am far to lazy to make him a character of my own right.

Edit: it is also nice to see you again, Telgin.

Certainly!  Here you go:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If you want him, he's yours.  Good to see you back too.  :)
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2013, 12:07:27 am »

Posting to watch. Will claim the pony when he comes.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2013, 12:14:37 am »

Posting to watch. I'll take a scrub in the militia when one comes. I'd prefer the name be Splint, but hey, whatever you think for a name will work.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2013, 12:29:56 am »

Best of luck with the new fort Telgin! :)

I would request a pony but I don't have much time to post journals. :-\
“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.
How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?
When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding
And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2013, 02:44:00 am »

Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2013, 06:11:26 am »

Can I have Crosshair's Avatar and see her stats and such, please? Thanks! :D

Crosshair's Diary Prologue 1
Hello Diary! Today was the bestest day ever! There was an expedition going out to settle a farming colony or something and they wanted somepony to go and make sure that the wild critters there are at bay and keep everypony safe, I applied and they accepted! Finally I'll be out of this old boring job and finally get a chance to BE somepony! So I brought you to keep note of all the exciting experiences I'll get from day one onwards! Oh I so do hope they'll have crossbows for me to use! It's going to be so great and there's going to be so much to do, I'm sure of!

Crosshair's Diary Prologue 2
Diary, I know you can't answer me this, but.. Why does anypony would even wants to go to someone that's named "The Hills of Worry?" that name already got me worried.. But I'm sure we'll be fine! I mean, what's the worst thing that can happen?

Omigosh Cream Puff is in this expedition too! I LOVE her food and she's such a great friend! Well! I guess the travel won't be so boring afterall! We'll talk about /everything/! maybe gossip about the stallions in our expeditions, take about what we're going to do, her new recipes, I thought I couldn't get more excited, well I'm wrong! This is going to be the best expedition ever!

Granite 1, 269
Hauling. So much Hauling. I thought I'm here to keep ponies safe and shoot critters! But I guess I can't complain, even the boss's hauling.. Although he's a Unicorn and I don't think his back gets hurt or his wings gets strained from hauling logs and rocks from places to places.. But then again, I probably shouldn't try flying with a boulder on my back..
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2013, 06:15:43 am »

Posting to watch.
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2013, 01:03:47 pm »

May I see Maize's stat block, please?
Nothing important here, move along.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2013, 02:19:39 pm »

SmoothBlock's notes, entry one: Well here I am on my way with a group of settlers going to found a farming village. Probably not my best idea, but I was drunk. We got a leader named Temperance... more swamp whiskey for me I guess! A militant named Flamberge, he has a curvy sword, and that's all I got to say about that.  CaseStudy, more like FlankStudy. CrossHair, food on target. CreamPuff, too easy. Holly, has an axe, likes to wave it around and polish it. Veneer, I think he might be a fruit vendor. Maize, who I hope knows how to grow pigtails! WoodChips, who I really should warn about CaseStudy. Ha-Ha! I got a million of 'em.

Entry two: Was out drinking today when the boss comes up and tells me to level the hills around here. I can do that, no problem, Just remember to work from the top down. Now I thought I should dig on the cellars for stores first, maybe a furniture store for our beds, hint hint! sleeping outside in the rain sucks! Oh well, time for a fine cigar.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 10:47:31 pm by TALLPANZER »
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2013, 09:55:48 pm »

Posting to watch. I'll take a scrub in the militia when one comes. I'd prefer the name be Splint, but hey, whatever you think for a name will work.

Splint's a workable pony name, although I'll name every migrant who arrives with a profession relevant name as I did in Dawnpick.  You can decide then what you'd prefer.  :)

Quote from: vkiNm
Can I have Crosshair's Avatar and see her stats and such, please? Thanks
May I see Maize's stat block, please?

Ah, yes, of course.  I should have posted all of these up front.  Here's the embark pony info, other than Veneer since I already posted him.  If anybody wants relationships, just ask.

Spoiler: Ponies (click to show/hide)

I'm hoping to get an actual update posted tonight, probably covering the first half of the first year.
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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