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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47836 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #330 on: June 05, 2013, 12:17:27 am »


Red and Prodd have been on the road for three days since the caravan incident. There was no sign of the bandits that caused it, nothing attacked them during their nights in the wilds. Prodd kept himself distant most of the time, and slept very little. He appeared fine physically, and he said that was good enough. Then two continued on the path before them, less than a mile away from some quiet town called Wormrot.

Red would have felt rather bad for resting during the nights, but this entire trip Prodd had hardly shown her any kindness, and it was starting to get to her. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep, but all she knew he was this way on the first day.

“Come on, pick up the pace...” Prodd ordered to the mare behind him. “Wormrot’s in sight, we can rest there-...” He cut himself off, noticing the smoke, his crossbow raised in a heartbeat.

“Oh buck off, ya lowly twa-” That’s when she saw the smoke. She got her weapon out just as quickly as he did.

Prodd crept low to the ground, side stepping into the bushes to his left, he silently stalked up to get a view of the smoking village. He hoof-signaled to Red to approach the town.

Red walked towards the town, keeping to the road. The closer she got to the place, the more clear it was what happened to the outpost. All she could see was the palisade... well, what was left of it...

Prodd crawled forward and observed the town and it’s structures after confirming it was a ghost town. The palisade wall was  relatively intact, save for two openings made by destruction and a main gate. The tallest structure was a four story tower with the top floor completely destroyed, he could use that as a good vantage point. Prodd stood up and walked down to Red and removed  a few bear traps from one of his satchels.

“Looks like this place is rather barren... We should keep our guard up.” She looked over to the town, wondering if anyone was still there. “I don't think badger’s could have pulled this one off...”

“Yeah...” Prodd nods, he levitated the traps to protect the holes in the wall. “I’m going up into that tower for a better vantage point, I’ll drop anything I see...” He made his way to the tower and opened the door. “ I think something’s coming... I’d recommend you stay safe or hole up somewhere you could face any invader one at a time... I love you...” Prodd closed the door behind him and ascended the tower.

Red nodded, and moved around scanning the area. She expected him to be safe on his own, so she just slowly skulked her way through town, before hearing the sound of broken glass over by what looked to have once been a general store.

Prodd watched Red turn to face a building, he faintly heard glass breaking and raised his crossbow. From his position, he couldn’t see directly into the building, but could see anything that came out and into the center of town. He covered Red’s position, watching her back from the tower.

Red slowly moved over to a window, and looked in, seeing what looked to be a diamond dog. He just looting the place, and just dropped something one could assume was a bottle or something.

Prodd saw Red linger at the building. He had no visuals over what Red saw, so he continued to watch her back. Nothing set off the bear traps yet; if the traps had went off, he’d have already known.

Red sighed and kept watching. “Hmmm...” The dog looked around, before moving back over to what remained of a counter top. He pulled out anything of value, hoping he’d find something that’d at least turn him a bit or two next time he dropped his finding at a caravan.

Prodd still couldn’t tell what was going on in the building. Before he could think of a solution, he saw a few figures move in the bushes outside the hole to the wall, a few yards behind Red. He saw the glint of his bear trap, this would be good for a laugh in a couple seconds.

Red heard a loud ruffle off in the distance, and the sound of hooves clopping down the road. She couldn’t see who it was, but she had to either choose between hiding in the building behind her, or running the risk of seeing who it was walking around the corner.

Prodd raised his crossbow on the hole in the wall, he could make the shot even without his lack of another eye. Three discordians stepped through the wall in a loose single file line. The one in front stepped on the bear trap and screamed in pain while hitting the ground, missing a leg. The trap was originally built to maim, but Prodd tinkered with it at some point and managed to get the device to amputate. The second foe caught a bolt to the head. “Just plain talented...” Prodd muttered to himself, grinning smugly while reloading his weapon. That might have been the first time he’s smiled this entire journey. The fresh corpse and the screaming comrade would be enough to slow the third down long enough for Prodd to take another shot.

Red sighed. They were definitely getting closer... She decided it was probably best if she took the building, and thus she opened the door to the ruined general store, but when she got inside, the dog was gone.

Prodd took a second shot and tagged the third discordian in the chest, probably piercing a lung, because the discordian hit the ground and was gasping for breath. Red could finish the wounded off if they don’t bleed to death soon, speaking of which, where was she? Prodd cursed under his breath and loaded another bolt. He stayed at his position, hoping Red gets out into the open. The other two traps he set prior are still out there, he knew that.

Red sighed, and looked around, not finding the dog anywhere. “Show yourself and I’ll let you live...” she had planned on doing so anyway but...

Prodd shot the discordian missing a leg in the abdomen, probably hitting his guts... maybe. Prodd sighed and reloaded again. What the hell is Red doing?

“Annnnd why would I take you seriously?” Somehow the looter was already behind her. “I mean, you’re probably just another discordant.” Red tensed and pointed her spear at the him. “Why aren’t you on the ground cowering?”

Prodd suddenly had a bad feeling in his gut. He tried to ignore it and scanned the town from his vantage point in case anything else would show up. There was still no sight of Red. He checked his crossbow and contemplated finding her, but he realized Red could most likely take care of herself.

Red just rolled her eyes, and took a seat down on a broken table. “If I were a discordant I’d have stabbed you by now.” The dog shrugged. “Why haven’t you hightailed out of here or just hidden or something?” The diamond dog sighed and took a seat too. “Because, I don't want to make too much of a commotion, and there is an entire squad out there right now.”

Prodd was about to descend down the staircase when he heard another one of his traps go off and a scream accompanied it. Prodd had his crossbow pointed on the area from his nest in a second. Four discordians were coming in through the hole, the lead missing a leg. He smirked at his trap working and took a shot; the second discordian hit the ground before the first one collapsed.

The dog peared on the window behind him, taking note that the squad was gone. They had probably ran off to go check up on the yelling off in the distance. “Looks like they’re gone... ya didn’t come into to town with some crossbow toting unicorn right? Cause looks like he’s about to get swarmed.” He had been aware of Prodd being up in the tower for a while, but the stealthy guy was good at keeping his head down and out of sight. “I’ll put five bits that he’ll be put down in a few minutes...”

Prodd loaded his crossbow and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “Heh... this is why preparations are complete...” Prodd hooked just enough rope to reach from here to the general store Red hid in to the end of his bolt. He clamped it securely to a sturdy looking chunk of rubble and shot at the roof of the store. The bolt pierced the building and the line hooked to the rubble was almost taunt. Prodd reloaded his crossbow when one of the discordians made it up the staircase, he had a bolt in his chest and a mean look on his face. As the discordian and his buddies made it to the top floor, Prodd stomped as hard as he could at a very shaky floorboard and then used the rope as a zip line to the other building. The floor to the tower caved in when Prodd was about halfway to the roof of the store. “Oh that was fun!”

“Damn... t’aws impressive.” The guy turned around and started to pull something out of a pack he had on back. “I’mma keep this out in case archer boy get’s a bit trigger happy.” Red sighed and pointed her spear at him. “and how do I know you won’t just stab me with whatever you’ve go in there?” “Because... friendship is magic?”

Prodd rolled onto the roof. He drew his crossbow, confirmed it was loaded, and pulled out his shield with his magic. “Where the hell are you guys? Hello?” He yelled out, he hoped Red would hear him. He made sure to ask in plural, to imply that he wasn’t fighting alone in case anything else was out there. He crouched low at the corner of the roof overlooking the main entrance, it looked like somepony decided to plant a bush there as decoration.

Red sighed, and brought the spear closer to his neck, but the moment Red moved her spear closer to him, the dog had already pulled a kama out of his pack and redirected the weapon. “I only kill if I’m paid, or forced to. You’re making it really hard to get out of this without putting a blade in your skull.”

Prodd called out again. “C’mon, you know I wouldn’t do this to you!” He aims his crossbow at the door with his forelegs and preps a spare bear trap with his horn. “Would you kindly take a step outside?” He knew Red was in danger at this point. If she steps outside, she’s in deep shit; if she doesn’t...

“So... looks like the cavalry showed up... you mind if we don’t look like we’re killin’ each other? I don’t want whoever walks in to be a dipshit and stab me...” Red just gave him a look. “Spear master, some bird over in Duskfields hired my services, and I doubt getting in a mexican standoff with two randoms is in either of our interests.”

Prodd listened intently. “Look, whoever the hell you are, give me back my significant other here, and help yourself to some free dead shit!” He started to get angry, Prodd was rarely pissed, unicorns were rarely pissed, there was a reason for that...

“Calm your tities, I was just about to go on my way...” Red sighed. “He probably isn’t going to touch me dear...”

“Yeah? Can we just leave then or does jackass here got an agenda or something?” Prodd took a few deep breaths, his horn dimmed.

“Probably, but this town should be swarming now that you’ve killed a few guys. Best you and I lay low for a while...”

“Well that’s great...” Prodd dropped from the roof and entered the store, his crossbow was loaded, his shield was blocking in front of him, and he had a set bear trap hidden behind his back.

By the time he got in, Red and the dog had already put their weapons up and were sitting at either end of the store. “So... how are you this fine evening Mr.Sniper?” Red rolled her eyes. “Hello... how was pissing off the town, dear?”

“Felt pretty good...” Prodd answered. “And Mr. Scrotumbreath, call me by my first name... Cold.” Prodd kept his bear trap at his side and lowered his crossbow. He stood by Red and briefly nuzzled her. “Got a plan... dear?”

“Well... wait I guess...” Red said, returning the nuzzle.

“D’aww.... how cute.”

“Whatever, what do we do Oh Great Mut?” Prodd said.

“Meh, calling me a diamond dog is honestly just as bad, so keep yapping horn donkey.”

“Alright then, so we’re hiding out here?” Prodd asks.

“Would seem.” The guy started to walk over to the thing he was rummaging through before Red got here. “So... you know this place used to be a pit stop for trading? Only been up for about a year now.”

Red nodded. “Yes, that’s why we thought we could restock on supplies here.”

Prodd nods and checks to see if there’s a second floor.

Red followed behind him, and they soon found a staircase.

“AH found it.” the guy pulled out a bag of hooftacks, “Just what I needed...” he took the bag in placed in his pack.

Prodd couldn’t care less what the dog found. “Red... you okay?” He whispers to her.

“Yes, I’m quite fine Prodd.”

“Alright then...” Prodd said. “How long ‘till the discordians leave?”

“Probably a good while...” Red gave him another nuzzle.

“Shall we hide out on the second floor?” Prodd asked. He returned her affection for once.

Red smiled a little. “Well, I suppose that’s for the best...”

“Yeah...” Prodd went over into the corner and lied prone, covering the staircase with his crossbow from the shadow of the room.

Red noted this and took a seat over on a crate.

“You’re no fun...” Prodd whispered from the corner.

“Oh hush. You're just as bad.”


“You know what. I’m getting sick and tired of all your bloody-” She was cut off by the sound of the door downstairs opening. “Oh buck...” Then they suddenly heard the sound of a pony yelling at the top of it’s lungs in pain, and finally the sound of hard metal against stone.

“...I think they know where we are now.” Prodd said. “Please don’t go down and check...”

“I actually can’t leave the guy to die...” She was fairly certain he was the diamond dog that max had hired....

“Goddamnit...” Prodd muttered. “I’d go with you... but I’d be little use in close quarters...”

“Fine, just hide up here and try to find a window or something.” She moved down the stairs, spear already armed, only to find the dog was standing in front of the door way, twirling a chain with a kama attached to the end, and a small weight on the other, and beneath him was what one would assume was a discordant with a large dent in his skull. “We need to get the buck out of here, sir.”

“I would assume so...” the diamond dog nodded and went for the stairs, before stopping at the first step, waiting for the pony to head up first. Red followed behind, before throwing a contents of his back of hooftacks on the ground, making sure whoever walked in would have a nasty surprise.

Prodd stood in the shadow of a windowsill. “We leaving?” He asks, right before leaning out and taking a shot. A scream was heard. “Yeah I see five out there that are still alive...”

“Prodd, more of them will show up!” by now the diamond dog was already trying to dig a hole in the drywall with his weapon. “If we jump out there, we’ll die, it’s best we try and come out from behind the place.” He was making quick work of the wall, probably only take a minute or two at this pace.

“Should I keep shooti-” A bolt flew by his head, that answered his question. Prodd took another shot. “Yeah, lobotomized!” He had around sixteen or seventeen bolts left.

A few cries where heard from down stairs, “GOTCHA!” The dog kicked a few times and finally finished making his hole. “Come one, it’s done.” he jumped down, falling to the ground behind the building. 

“Ladies first! Go!” Prodd yelled to Red. He took a third shot and reloaded his crossbow. They were coming.

Red jumped out, and flew down to the ground, waiting for Prodd to hurry up.

The dog got up to the side of the building and pulled a small glass bottle out of his cloak. He bashed it on the side of the building, before pulling out a matchbook and setting light to the side of building. It wasn’t spreading too fast, and Prodd definitely would have enough time to jump out, but odds are the fire would get out of control fast and hopefully ignite any who stayed inside. 

Prodd saw the fire. In the blink of an eye he slid through the hole and rolled onto the ground below. He shook off the dirt and ran with Red. “Friggin’ morons!” Prodd yelled back at the discordians.

The dog rolled his eyes and started to dart off in the same direction as the two of them.

“Goddamnit why don’t we ever go somewhere nice for once?!” Prodd whined. “How about we hit a tropical goddamn island paradise or something!” He looked over his shoulder at the town. “Where the locals won’t try to kill us!”

“Just calm down, we should just keep heading to bloody Taloncanyon” The dog kept following. “HEY I was just fine until you alerted everyone.”

“Oh I’m so sorry! It’s not like those discordian’s were actually threats or something!”

“Yeah, and I didn’t mean to slice off my little finger but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.”

Just shut up, and let’s get out.

“Fine dear!” Prodd retorted. He checked over his shoulder, nothing was chasing them.

The wall was just up ahead, and seeing how it was hardly in tact a hole was probably nearby. Red started to fly hoping she could just go over it.

The dog took note, and tried to climb over it, using his kama like an ice pick. He wasn’t in the mood to look around.

Prodd focused and channeled all the emotions in the past few hours; intense fear, worry, anger... envy. He shut his eye and teleported to the other side of the wall in a bright blue light.

The dog got over and fell to the ground on the other side. “We aren’t out yet, lets keep moving.”

Red nodded. “Let’s get over to that rotting forest over yonder.”

“Did I just teleport?” Prodd shouted. He quickly composed himself and ran into the dead woods.

The other two followed behind him like before. “Wait, you couldn’t do that before?” Red was confused...

“...Nope...” Prodd mumbled. He stayed close to Red.

“Cool then...” They were right at the edge of the forest now. “here we are!”

“So... now what?” Prodd asked.

“hide probably then go our separate ways.” Red kept moving deeper into the woods.

“Sound about right.” the dog nodded and kept following her.

Prodd rolled his eye and ran after the two.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 01:06:18 am by L1wW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #331 on: June 06, 2013, 10:59:18 pm »

, , and

Sweet Potato knocked on the door that led into the jail. It was answered by Fleeting Quiver. He looked rather annoyed. “Look, I ha- Oh Family? Sorry, fine 10 minutes. If you take any longer I will throw you out.”

Sweet Potato nodded and called over to Mist, who was playing in the flowers nearby, and she quickly ran in. The door shut quietly as Fleeting returned to the desk and began writing on a paper. Lightning was asleep, of course that was all he could do as he had almost nothing to do, and due to this never heard the door. “Honey~” Sweetie said in a soothing, loving tone

“Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!” Mist jumped up and down, making quite a bit of noise.

“Huh?...Oh Hey” Lightning said, blinking his eyes a few times before standing up. “How have you been... I’ve been... Good. Trial is on in a few days... also I’m not up for murder anymore...” He smiled

“Really? That’s great, did they find the one who did it?” Sweetie asked smiling, the first time since Lightning was locked up

“...Yes...” He replied. He sat down, about eye level with Mist. “How has my girl been? Has mommy been good for you?” He asked cheerfully

“Yes! I even got to hear the story about you fighting a bunch of mean discordants off!” She said, blissfully unaware that it was made up. Lightning chuckled at the thought that Sweet Potato would make up a story about any deeds he did before now

“Really? That’s awesome! Anything else happen?”

“Other than having to read a stupid book about some stupid... fish and this old pony” Mist answered, rolling her eyes

“Whale honey” Sweetie added “It’s an interesting book... and it’s a helpful way to get you more literate”

“I don’t wanna be literate, its boring” Mist complained, stomping her hoof

“Girls, come on don’t argue” Lightning said, a slight chuckle escaping his lips

“Five minutes!” Quiver said, looking up from his paperwork.

Sweetie sighed. “Yeah... Would it be too much trouble if you let Lightning... I don’t know out?”

“Fine. if anything happens though, you two are being sent out immediatly” Quiver said. He grabbed a key from under the desk. The drawer squeaked as it opened, the jingling of a bottle and keys hitting together was heard as he grabbed the key in his mouth. Click. “There, now you three can... do whatever just don’t do anything that is illegal” He went back to his paperwork.

Mist jumped up and down once more. “Yay!” Lightning smiled. Her innocence to many of the things that happened brought happiness to him.

“Now. We only have five minutes. Mist didn’t you make something for Daddy?” Sweet Potato nudged the foal forward

“Oh Right!...Here you go Daddy” She pulled a small box out of Sweet Potato’s farming saddlebags.

“Hm?” He took it in his wing and set it on the ground “What could this be...” the pegasus took the top off and set it neatly beside it. There was a small sculpture made of stone. It showed a pegasus in a powerful looking pose. “This is great? Did you make it by yourself?”

“Nooo... I had help from Mrs. Smoothblock” Mist smiled as Lightning put it in his cell “I hope you like it Daddy”

“I do honey... it’s the best thing I’ve ever had... Thank you” He hugged his child. The embrace lasted a few minutes before being interrupted by Quiver

“10 minutes is up, get out” He said bluntly, not caring for the scene in progress

“Fine...Just let us say our goodbyes and we will be off” Sweet Potato said. “Go on Mist, say goodbye to Daddy before we have to go”

Mist frowned. “I don’t wanna leave.” She stomped her hooves on the ground

“Mist, please just listen to Mr. Fleeting Quiver” Lightning asked, hoping to calm the filly down enough to obey her mother

“Fine... Bye...Daddy I hope I get to see you again” She hugged Lightning’s leg and Lightning swore he saw tears in her eyes. If this was making her this sad...

“Mist... Tell you what... when they let me out for lunch tomorrow, I’ll play a game with you... if that’s okay with you Quiver” Lightning said, looking over to Fleeting Quiver

“Fine Fine, just get out so I can get to bed” He said, not caring much for what Lightning said

Mist bounced up and down “Yay!”

Sweet Potato giggled at this and corralled Mist out the door. “Bye honey... I’m sorry we couldn’t stay longer” She blew  kiss to him.

Quiver looked at Lighting “Get in the cell now Runner... and that Sculpture... Screw it you can keep it, doesn’t look bad”

Lightning nodded and picked it up in his mouth and set it in his cell. “Thanks Quiver”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #332 on: June 07, 2013, 01:46:53 am »

Vambrace was searching in his bag for something to read.
He had nothing to do to pass the time, but read.
Inside the bag were weapon cases, and other books, but Vambrace could not find a book he had not read yet.

He moved books in his bag, and saw a familiar item.
“Remember that amulet, Vambrace? Remember it?”
“I refuse to think of it.”
“Why turn away power?”
“For that power, i need to murder.”
“Is there a problem with that?”
“There are many things wrong with you.”
“And many things wrong with you. You desire power, and much of it.”
“Power I will use to defeat those who attack us.”
“And, that power will corrupt you once again. Want to deal with another me?”
“Back then, I was foolish with my magic. I can control myself now.”
“That is what they all say. “

Vambrace grabbed the amulet, and realised it was nearly burned out of power.
Repowering the amulet was a dark task, something Vambrace wanted to put behind him.

“Want to refuel it?”
“No. I will not murder any ponies.”
“You want the power from that, and desire no negative effects on yourself? Keep dreaming.”
“I could kill Discordants to fuel it.”
“Why not ponies? They deserve to be killed.”

Vambrace placed the amulet on his neck, and felt powerful, stronger than ever.
But, there was a side effect…..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #333 on: June 09, 2013, 11:37:34 pm »

and with

Two days. Two goddamned days spent hiding in the woods. It has been almost an entire week and they haven’t even reached the halfway point yet. Prodd found himself much more agitated and he was extremely distant towards Red. He’s refused to sleep the entire journey. He kept to himself nested in a sturdy enough tree, messing with his bear trap.

Red was getting sick of this. Prodd just kept being a jerk all the time, and no matter what, she couldn’t drop her guard. She just sat there on the opposite side of the tree. She had been having nightmares this entire trip, and to her surprise, it seemed Prodd had even stopped waking her... and they were only getting worse. “Ugh....”
Kusarigama  was up in one of the trees, keeping lookout. The diamond dog had mostly kept to himself the past couple days, but hadn’t left the two yet. He figured it was for the best if he kept with them, just in case the discordants hadn’t dropped their search. “Prodd, ya mind if ya tell me how you make those bear traps lob off limbs?”

“Sure...” Prodd explained. “One easy trick is to tighten the spring mechanism, the other is to turn the teeth into a smoother blade... like an axe or something...” He looked at the trap he was fiddling with.  “However... this one’s kept with it’s teeth... it could make a decent melee weapon.” He closed the trap and stowed it away. Prodd heard Red say something. He ignored it.

“Hmmm... I like it. Looks like it could really kill somethin’.” The dog jumped down and pulled out a Bronze kunai, only the blade’s were barbed. “You think you could find a way to poison the blades or something along those lines? or get it barbed?” he started to carve into the tree a little, mainly for the sake of killing time.

“Poisoning wouldn’t be too hard... unless you don’t have poisons...” Prodd replied. “Barbing? It defeats the purpose if you try to maim someone with the trap... plus it’d be harder to line up the teeth to fit like a puzzle...” He thought about the different traps he made when he was younger, what he used today were his best works.

“Whatever. I just find barbing something and dippin’ it in poison makes makes something like let’s say... this blade.” He pointed to the kunai, “About as deadly as possible. I don’t know a single person who can tug one of these out their leg before the poison get’s in their system.”

“Man... you two must be having one hell of a conversation over their. Might I ask why the art of killing is such an interesting topic to you? I swear, can’t we just be civilized for a change...”

“Yeah I know what you mean, I just prefer keeping my kills clean as possible... specially when someone wanted meat on the table...” Prodd muttered. He ignored Red and pulled out a bolt. “See the head? Designed to pierce through armor, and it’s lightweight too, so it flies farther. What it lacks in brutality it makes up for in accuracy, precision, and finesse...”

“I see nothing wrong with brutality. Just get the job done as quickly and as quietly as possible.” He then looked over the bolt. “Also, nothing has the same finesse as one of these.” He pulled out what looked to be a blade from a pizza cutter. “You see, nothing is more fun that turning some random piece of metal into a throwing weapon.” He took the blade and threw it off at a tree a few meters away, getting a few inches of the blade stuck into the tree. “Quick and quiet.”

Prodd shrugs. “Never liked throwing things...” He acknowledged Red’s existence. “How do you feel about this Red?”

“I don’t know. How do you feel about putting those discordants on high alert?”

“OWwww... burn...” The dog grinned a little. “What’s your rebuttal?”   

“I’d go with: maybe next time I’ll let them jump you...” Prodd responded with an apathetic tone.

“Buck off.” Red was clearly getting pissed with him.

“Oh, now that’s original.” Watching a trainwreck unfold sure was fun.”To be honest, ya did kinda force me out of a day looting.”

“Red you’re more pissy and stubborn than it that time of the month?” Prodd inquired.

“Awkward..................”  Kusarigama chuckled a little.

“Whoa, someone’s being classy for once.” She got up and moved to his side of three. She was clearly pissed. “And can you stop being an obnoxious little twat?”

“Not really... no.”

“Yeah so far I like the dog more than you. He doesn’t nag my ears off or gets nightmares every goddamn night.” Prodd stated. He couldn’t care less about their relationship, she dragged him into this hell.

“...” She slapped him right across the face. “Worthless trash, at least my parents didn’t drop me off on the streets to rot. I’m sure poverty is more of a hell then this bloody mess that you made you piece of street garbage.” She had been pinning up all of her anger for a while now... time to let it all out.

Prodd shook off the blow. “Huh, that’s funny, I thought he was the dog here!” Prodd gestured to Kusarigama.

“I’m actually more closely related to a wolf, but yeah.” He started to play around with his weapon, “Ya know, it’s probably best if you two calm down... but feel free to keep yelling, this is really entertaining.”

Red just tried to ignore the freakin dog. “Buck you man, I thought you were actually nice. What happened?”

“The hell happened with you? Goddamn rode Flamberge’s shaft right into this shithole!” Prodd yelled back. “And for what? Some dead dumbass gryphon?!” He calmed himself down. He looked at her and gritted his teeth. “And Red... my parents never abandoned me to the streets... they were killed... if you ever cared to ask...”

“WELL THEN. Sorry for not picking at you like a Buzzard.” Red’s voice was livid with sarcasm. “If I did you’d probably put a bolt in my face just for walking up and saying hi.”

“You slapped me across the face, I have a perfectly good bear trap right here.” Prodd tossed his trap aside. “When in the hell have I. Ever. Goddamn. HURT YOU?!”

“It’s only a matter of time you sadistic psychopathic cyclops!”

“Yeah screw yourself with that spear of yours!” Prodd yelled. “Or better yet mount that dog you love so goddamn much!”

“Odd, the only dog I know is you, and you’re so unlovable your own parents gave you up.”

“MY PARENTS WERE KILLED YOU STUPID BITCH!!!” Prodd screamed at her. He raised a hoof but stopped himself from striking her.

“AHHHH. That’s right big boy, back the fuck down.” She grinned a little before laughing out at him. “Hell you’d probably miss. It’s hard to actually hit something when you’ve only got one eye.”

Prodd was silent. He gritted his teeth and stayed his hooves from smacking Red across the face.

“Heh.... pathetic.”

“Really? Pathetic stallions don’t hit mares?” He calmed himself, he wouldn’t want to explain how Red was turned into a red puddle to Temperance. “Your father must have been a great stallion, I’m surprised he didn’t give you any lasting damage... or did he?” Prodd spat.

“Nah, he was a well rounded jackass, just like you.” She smiled a little. She could care less what he said about her dad. She surely didn’t give a buck about him.

Prodd rolled his eye. “Coming from the royal bitch herself, why don’t you go crawling back to your shitty county? However... I find it hard to believe anyone missed you.”

“My homeland is about as nice as could be when put in comparison with this spec of dirt in the middle of nowhere. I swear, it’s almost always sunny. I don’t think I’ve seen it snow once. It never get’s below sixty. Your government tries to convince you all that you actually matter. It’s not like the mayor does anything once he’s elected. I mean, wouldn’t you all catch on after so long? You're all slaves, and just don't realize it. The king gives you the right to elect a worthless office and you all assume you matter. It’s funny. You might as well be working the fields of your landlord like a good little serf, you already pay like twenty percent in taxes. Might as well make the transition complete.”

“Yeah I bet you hate being in broad daylight you ugly, politically incorrect bitch. I don’t know what I saw in you, I bet alcohol had something to do with it...” Prodd sneered.

“Oh yeah, everyone in this  rat hole is addicted to booze and can hardly walk straight half the time.”

“I’ve been walking just fine, and I was going to quit if we ever had a foal. Though I believe you’re mentally and physically incapable of starting a family.”

“Foal’s are just annoying. Their like ponies who don’t know anything, it’s irritating.”

“I hope you die alone, you heartless bitch.” Prodd said clearly, calmly, and slowly; just to make sure she understood it.

“Well, alone is better than with you.”

“The same can be said about you.”

“Buck you, cunt.”

“Really, that’s the best you got?” Prodd took a breath. “I’ll tell you though, I’m pretty stupid for loving you, heartless bitch...”

“You're the heartless one, you apathetic little shit.”

“Apathetic? Yeah I am, because I don’t see the point of a tommorrow anymore... especially with you.”

“OH why’s that? life too hard for lil’ Proddy. Does Prodd need his mommy?”

“My mother is dead! HOW HARD IS IT TO GODDAMN UNDERSTAND?!” Prodd went right back to his rage. A few rocks levitated around him with a bright blue glow, he didn’t seem to notice.

The dog just sat back now. Somehow this got a lot less fun to watch... “Aye... I’m gonna go ahead on my own and let you two kill each other...” He jumped down from the tree and started to walk off.

“Calm your prissy ass down.”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!!!” Prodd was seething with rage as the floating rocks grew in quantity.


“I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU LESSER BORN FILTH!!!” Prodd’s voice had a hollow tone echoing behind his voice. His eye glowed a fierce blue and there was even some light smothered by his eyepatch. Ten of the rocks instantaneously flew right at Red, more were ready to be thrown.

“You call me lesser yet I’ve killed enough of your pathetic kind to make armor out of their horns.” She pulled the visor on her helm down and took out her spear. “I’ve killed your kinsmen, I’ve killed earth ponies, and I’ve killed pegasi. Don’t be a retard and assume just because you make rocks iridescent I can’t just as easily put a spear through your neck for insubordination and be on my way.”

“THEN GODDAMN DO IT YOU BITCH!!!” Prodd screamed at her.

She pointed her spear right at his face, before stepping forward, and...

Stepping right on a set bear trap. The device closed upon her front leg, the teeth pierced her skin and armor halfway at her leg. The trap was designed to cause nothing but pain and agony, she could still walk... once she could bear it.

She yelled out in pain, her leg’s armor starting to cover in blood. She held still there for a few moments trying to just think of something to do in order to make it stop hurting so bucking bad, before falling to the ground still screaming out.

“Yeah I bet I’m the first one to use a bear trap.” Prodd said coldly. His stance was cruel and his eye retained that ghostly blue glow. “So how does it feel? Heartless bitch...” He disarmed her using magic. The rocks served their purpose as a distraction and hit the ground.

She was just laying on her side, panting. She was starting to get a wee bit dizzy. She was bleeding a lot. “I’ll.... *pant* Bucking....” She tried to stand up again, before buckling under her own weight. “Damnit....” She flapped her wings a few times, not even getting an inch off the ground.

Prodd grinned, his eye still glowing. He toyed with the bear trap on Red’s leg, opening it slightly then reclosing it in an instant. “Does that hurt bitch? How about that? Or that?”

Prodd could hear the sound of the trap’s teeth grinding against bone. She didn’t answer and just made a soft whimper. She was only growing more dizzy as time went by, and it hurt to much to even try to move. “Demon...” 

Prodd knelt down at her. “This is all your fault you know, you dragged me into this hell. You chose to do this!”

She just looked down, trying to avoid his stare. She was trying her best not to just break down and start crying. She wouldn’t give him that pleasure. He was right though, it was her fault for trusting him.

“This could have never happened... but you brought this upon yourself...” Prodd continued to speak in a hollow tone. His eye still glowed blue, but now with a hint of red.

“What... happened...” She whimpered a little. “to you....”

“What happened, was that you dragged me into this HELL!!!” Prodd shouted, his eye glowed more red. He no longer controlled the bear trap.


Prodd’s eye glow dimmed. When the glow faded, Prodd was wide-eyed and in shock. He quickly pulled out a first aid kit and got the bear trap off. He said nothing.

She closed her eyes and just laid there, not moving a single muscle. She finally gave into the pain and blood loss. She was still alive though, but if he didn’t stop the bleeding that wouldn’t be the case much longer.

Prodd focused and used his magic to cauterize the wound, the bleeding should stop. He used all of what medical supplies he brought on her leg. He still said nothing. Prodd instinctively pocketed the bloody bear trap.

She just didn’t move the entire time, and just laid there as he worked.

Prodd put the last of the bandages around Red’s leg. He hoped that was enough. He dropped all his food and water next to Red along with the map and compass and ran away from the spot as fast as he could, tears formed in his eyes.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #334 on: June 10, 2013, 12:11:45 am »

Prodd kept running through the dead forest until he reached a secluded spot. The sound of Red’s screams ran through his head. Why didn’t the dog stop him? Why didn’t he stop? Why did he do that? Many more questions ran through his head, he had no answers for them. Prodd felt sick, he must have been possessed by something, his lack of control over his emotions must have led to his lack of control over his magic… and actions. Sorry was the last thing Red said to him, even though it was all his fault. What the hell did he do? As tears continued to flow, Prodd removed his eye patch. He continued to think about what transpired, his sobbing was heard faintly in the quiet of the dead forest.

Prodd kept to his thoughts for awhile. He felt like a monster, he was a monster. Demon… Red called him. Why didn’t he stop hurting her? Why didn’t he stop? He couldn’t control his emotions... Red suffered because of it. He couldn’t walk back to Duskfields, he wasn’t fit to even look in their general direction. Why did Red have to get hurt? How were words enough to set him off? He ignored the hellish landscape and the fact that he hadn’t slept in almost a week. He should have been able to control his emotions…

He said Red was unfit to have a family. At this moment, he felt he shouldn’t even be put near another sentient being. He’s killed things before, but did he have the right to? All those discordians back there, none of them truly deserved to die, did they? He could have incapacitated them… he didn’t have to kill them.

But Red... he threw what he had with her away just moments ago. He hurt her, not just emotionally but physically. He vomited what little food he ate on this shitty journey. Why did he have to be a unicorn? Why did he always have to keep his emotions at bay in case he ever flew off the handle and hurt somepony he loved?

He took out the bloody bear trap. Prodd thought about the trap, cursing everything about it. He started to cut his foreleg with some of the teeth. He was numb to the pain and didn’t feel it dig deeper and deeper into his skin. He brought a few teeth a few inches into his leg and with his magic pulled the trap down the rest of his limb, shredding the skin. His foreleg was crying red tears. If he could have bared all of Red’s pain, he would have taken it in a heartbeat.  The tears stopped flowing as he bled more from his leg.

Prodd dropped the trap and pulled out his crossbow. A bright light shown from his bloody leg, he hated that blue light more than anything else. He looked down and saw the blood stop tricking down his leg, his magic keeping him from bleeding out. This wasn’t the first time his magic stopped him from dying of blood loss…

He looked at his crossbow, examining all the old cracks and splinters in the weapon. He’s used this crossbow enough to last a lifetime.

Maybe one more shot wasn’t out of the question…

Prodd thought about one final question. Was he really fit to walk this world... or was he meant to die alongside his parents? He cradled his father’s crossbow and pressed it against his chin. He thought for a few more moments and spoke quietly to himself, stuttering, trying to force the words out. “I-I... d-d...” He paused and took a deep breath. “I don’t deserve salvation... I don’t deserve happiness… I don’t deserve life…” He pulled the trigger, the loudest sound resonated from the weapon. The twang of the string was heard for miles. Prodd had both his eyes shut, he awaited death. The next sound was him hitting the ground in a crumpled heap.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #335 on: June 10, 2013, 03:10:51 am »

As Max gets down from the podium, he’s stopped by two familiar ponies.

“Maxwell Yellowfeather, Lighting has just confessed that you’re the one who told him to take my bolts from me and give it to you. by the laws of the Meandering Gloss, you are now under arrest for murder, Sabotage and thievery. Come quietly or I’ll have to use force.” The small, pregnant and very undangerous-looking captain of the guards mare threatened.

Flamberge stands nearby, watching. He was ready to leap to Crosshair's defence should things turn violent, but was otherwise happy to let the guard do their job.

Max smiles. “Oh? And so how hard did you twist the hoof screws to to get Lightning to say what you want to hear like that?”

“You have the rights to remain silent, everything you said will be used against you in court. If you refuse to come then I will add a resist arrest charge aswell.” Continued the mare, ignoring Max’s questions.

Max rolls his eyes. “This is ridiculous.”

Crosshair takes out a pair of shackles to try and cuff the griffin without further words. Knowing that saying anymore won’t do any good.

Max looked away dismissively. Almost uninterested. “Sure. Fine. I’ have nothing to hide.” He puts his hands out. And was effectively cuffed by a much smaller pony. It looked kind of funny, really.

Flamberge is surprised to see Max go peacefully and moves to follow him as Crosshair leads the prisoner out.

“So, what’s the plan, Flamberge, interrogate me, lock me up, throw away the key?” Max asked in almost a banal, bored manner.

Flamberge responds blandly, "That isn't up to me. The Captain of the Guard and the Lady Mayor will decide your fate."

Max cocks a brow. “Not even going to admit you w’ere even hoping to see me in cuffs at the end of this month? Are you not’ even going to make this honest? For a single second?”

Flamberge decides to keep the bird talking, maybe he'd slip up and say too much, "And why would I have wanted that?"

“Simple, you’ve wanted me gone since my hospital stay. I think you said, and I quote, “One more slip up and i’ll run you through bird.’ Let me guess. You can’t find the killer. But you’re never one to pass up mak’in lemonade out of a situation. So you’re cuffing me.”

Flamberge moves to face the griffin and says loudly, and plainly, "Lightning Runner has gone on record that he stole the murder weapon to give to you, before the death of Sergi. For that reason, and that reason only you are being taken in for questioning. Crosshair, get him out of here."

The small mare nods and tugged Max along to follow her, holding the chain with her mouth. It was almost silly to look at and is obvious in every way that he could’ve just easily fly away and there’s not a thing the pregnant mare can do to stop something that’s nearly three times her size.

Max goes along without a hesitation.

Several minutes later, Max was sitting in a prison cell, next to Lightning Runner’s. Flamberge was sitting at Crosshair’s desk, leaning back, his rear hooves propped up on the table, while the mare in question stood near the bars looking at the prisoner.

Max leers from left to right as he taps in the interrogation table with his claw rhythmically.

Crosshair entered his cell with other guards waiting outside to make sure that the bird doesn’t do anything funny. “So! Max. I’m going to cut to the chase and ask you now, what do you know about the Murder?”

“I know I had nothing to do with it. I know I have no probable cause. Killing one of my own? what are you? Dense?” Max says, taking a long look at his handcuffed claws.

“Alright, then tell me. Why did you have Lightning Runner steal weapons for you? Weapons such as my personal bolts, to be precise. The ones that we found on the dead griffin.” Crosshair pressed on.

“I think the proper question is why would I have asked Lightning Runner to steal weapons for me?” He asks in a rhetorical tone. “What’s my motive? What would I have to gain from all the theft, detective?”

“Well.” Crosshair begin “I’m not sure if you have any ulterior motives or not, but the obvious reason would be because Flamberge killed your lover. Whom from what I understand, been with you for many, Many years. So it’s no doubt you’d love some revenge. And of course, what other way would be better than framing Flamberge’s mare, get her dishonorably discharged, hoping that he’ll get the flak of it as well and suffer a strain in his record for the rest of his life? Perhaps you even plan to kill me a swell in the end to get even with him.”

Max’s feathers flare. He leans in. “Little mare, if you think you’ even amount to an infinitesimal little pawn ta’ either Flamberge or I, you are more naive than a could have even thought possible.” Max leans back. “Yeah. It’s true. The revenge part. I do. And I try to get it. By defending Lighting and his wife from you, I get a little revenge. By holding rallies and shining a light up to this whole farce, I get a little revenge. By staying calm, in these cuffs and proving how desperate you two really are at covering the tracks of who really murdered Sergi, I get a little revenge as well.”

Flamberge rolls his eyes from the desk, at the absurd notion that they would have any reason to murder the soldier.

“Protecting Lightning Runner by turning him into a thief which ends up getting him shot and locked up behind bars.” Crosshair snorted “I’ll be sure to never ask for your help, then. But do tell me, if you weren’t involved in this, then why would Lightning Runner say that you are?”

Max massages the brook of his beak. “Since, when have ponies who babble in their sleep and teleport corpses into their cells become reliable, dependable sources, Crosshair?”

“Oh I’m certain that Lighting Runner have no way of teleporting corpses into his cell. And you’d be surprised how desperation can make a pony very truthful about something.” Crosshair pressed on. Not giving up.

“Desperation can also make a pony lie through their teeth and say anything to lighten their prison bail and ditch town.” Max interjects. “So I had the bolts in the end is what you’re getting at?”

“Where were you when the murder took place?” Asked Crosshair.

“What day in particular was tha’, exactly? Refresh my memory.” Max asked curtly.”It was so ordinary I can’t even remember. I was flying around, checking the roofing on the apartments. I remember a faint shattering of glass, but paid no mind. It was probably something innocent. Turns out it wasn’t, I later found out.”

“On 26th Malachite, 272 At five before noon. It’s understandable that you can’t remember all of it, but did anyone else see you that day to vouch for you that you were somewhere else when the murder happened?”

“Redhat, Prodd, and Temperance.” Max answered, an ace up his sleeve. “Redhat, who was flying over the apartments as well, watched for Intruders, he saw me, he can vouch.” Max glances at the two. “As you both can easily verify, as you set the flight schedules yourselves. Redhat can prove I was nowhere near the crime scene. Twenty minutes before the crime? I was helping Prodd. Twenty minutes after I was calmly reading a law book in Temperance’s office. Honestly, I challenge you to find somth’in sinister about me.”

Flamberge stands up, "Twenty minutes before and after means nothing. The town is small enough you could get from any one place to any other in that time. Crosshair will, I’m sure, be asking Redhat about seeing you, when he returns, and we'll certainly mention this to Temperance, but don't think you are anywhere near off the hook."

Max chuckles. “It won’t do you no good Flamberge, you know that.”

Flamberge glares at the murdering bird, trying to figure out what he had planned, but has no words to add.

“Lock me up? Temperance or Convalescence will set me right back out when the griffon caravan form Canyontalon arrives. Amnesty laws. Look them up.”

Flamberge look at Max for several seconds before saying, “Do you know what the Griffion’s do to traitors? It isn’t pretty, and you, a griffion yourself, murdered one of your own.”

Max lays back cooly. “I’m not talking to another pony other than Convalescence this point forward, Berge. Good luck collecting a’ actual physical shred of evidence to give Canyontalon in the midterm. Carpe diem. Better yet, have fun convincing the griffon ambassadors their alliance with you isn’t shaky to undependable now at best.”Max cocks his falcon head wryly. “Perhaps father was right afterall, Flamberge. Just- Just couldn't cut it, could you?”

As Max says that, Flamberge loses his cool completely, he roars with rage and flies forward slamming a forehoof through the bars at the birds beak, only to immediately be pulled back and away by Crosshair and the other guards.

Max takes the horseshoe to the beak with a grunt. He rubs his chipped, bleeding beak with almost a pride. “See? The lunatics are running the asylum. All it takes is the right push.” His chuckle was deep and low; the cruel laugh resonating down the cobblestone dungeon.

Flamberge huffs, and struggles, then when Crosshair moves in front of him, he realizes where he is and what he just did, he stops resisting and says "Let me go." He then pulls free from the guards, as they let him go and then storms toward the door, he stops and gives Max one last look, one of intense and deep hatred before leaving the cell block slamming the door behind him.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 09:50:49 pm by DVNO »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #336 on: June 12, 2013, 10:50:51 pm »

Prodd opened his eyes to see nothing but an infinite void covered in darkness. He felt a warm, somewhat thick liquid make contact with his skin. He used his magic to make a light. The liquid was oil; wherever he was, it rained oil. He looked up and couldn’t make out any clouds.

Prodd noticed something though, his right eye worked.  He could see out of it again, but there wasn’t much to see. He didn’t feel like calling out, and he just sat there, listening to the pitter-patter of oil drops hitting whatever the floor was. As he listened, he heard something faint: Red’s screaming. The unicorn got up immediately and ran towards the source.

After a few seconds though, he slipped on a puddle and landed on his ass. Red’s screaming turned to laughter. Prodd took a breath and calmed himself down. He tried to stand again, but fell back down the moment he got himself up onto four legs. He stopped trying to get up and laid there as Red’s laughing intensified.  “Shut up…” He croaked out. His throat was dry, and he found himself hungry as well. He couldn’t fix either of those problems so he ignored them.

Prodd looked up to see a faint, orange light in front of a pegasus. Upon closer examination, it was Red… but… Prodd gasped. One of her front legs was mangled beyond belief, the skin shredded to the hoof and dangling by a few ligaments. There was a deep bloody hole in her chest, where her heart would have been located. And her eyes… her eyes were torn out of their sockets; tears of blood streaked her face. She grinned from ear to ear; her teeth were chipped, broken, and jagged.

The light she held was a lit match, and that soon plummeted to the ground. The oil around him burst into flames, he was in the center of a flaming pentagram. He tried to get up out of the flammable puddle before he got set alight as well, but he suddenly found Red’s spear impaling him in his abdomen. The spear pierced through his body and lodged itself on the ground he laid on. He wasn’t getting up any time soon, good thing too; a trail of fire was approaching him.

The flames licked at Prodd, he recalled Red waking up cold as ice. Guess he’d wake up burning. He felt the heat of the fire, but he didn’t feel himself getting burned or injured from it. Prodd closed his eyes again and laid there. He tried to wake up, but he soon realized the last time he was conscious he tried to put a bolt in his head. Waking up wouldn’t be an option.

Prodd suddenly heard all of Red’s whimpering, screaming, and crying coupled with the sounds of a bear trap being set off repeatedly. He vomited from disgust, however no regurgitated meals came up; just blood. He kept his eyes shut and stayed still; however the pain was starting to manifest itself. Prodd croaked out in agony, he was literally on fire and there was a spear lodged firmly in his lower body. He opened his eyes again, the fire proved to be a good light source; Red was gone and he could make out gears above him. Without warning, two spikes railed down from the ceiling and stabbed his hind legs; pinning him further into the ground. He felt like a creature being dissected on a table. He looked to see two large bear traps come down on either side of his forelegs. The traps pressed in and clamped down deep on his legs, the teeth moved on their own and grinded against his bones. Prodd screamed in response.

A shadow cast over Prodd, he saw Red grinning viciously at him. “R-Red…” He coughed. “…s-sorry.” Red laughed maniacally at him. “That’s funny! I said the same thing!” A bear trap met his face. “You didn’t stop!” The teeth embedded themselves along his chin, jaw, and ears. “You made it worse!” Red pulled the trap up, the skin on Prodd’s face was ripped away with it. “You could have stopped!” Red tossed the bear trap with torn skin stuck in it's teeth away and pulled out a set of tongs. “But you didn’t!” Prodd’s right eye was pulled slowly out of his skull. He screamed as loud as he could. “Aww poor Proddy… let me cauterize it!” Flames engulfed his face; he continued screaming out in pain. Prodd knew deep in his heart that he deserved all of this.

Prodd’s remaining eye opened; the flames, gears, and psychotic Red were gone. The pain was still there and he felt his eye socket was empty. He was in the middle of Duskfields, the sky was pitch-black. He made his way to the well, hoping to drink something to take the dryness out of his throat. There was no water in it, only lava. He heard hoof steps behind him.

Mist appeared before him, she reached out to hug him. Suddenly Sweet Potato pulled her back and Lightning pointed a loaded crossbow at him. “Mist, never approach monsters , never ever!” Sweet Potato scolded her daughter. Lightning kept the crossbow pointed at Prodd. “What are you doing here in Duskfields, monster?” Prodd stared in shock. His wounds must have carried over from his last vision. “L-Lightning! It’s me! Prodd!” He hoped Lightning would put the weapon down. “I know who you are, monster” Prodd cringed at the word monster, he knew what he did.

“Lightning! Please-” He was interrupted by a bolt piercing his chest. Prodd screamed out in pain. The family went back inside while he bled at the well. Prodd was bleeding heavily, a pool of blood formed beneath his hooves. He took a step after his friend but slipped and fell down the well. He met the lava in it, burning his body to the core of his being. He shut his eyes.

When he reopened his eyes, he found himself on top of the tower as a foal. He cursed to himself; he was at the orphanage again. He looked down, where he once tried to kill himself when the full impact of his parents getting butchered by bandits hit him. His younger self jumped head first, before he fell one of the six stories, he teleported onto a bed in one of the rooms. His magic prevented his suicide; it wouldn’t be the last time.

Prodd jolted awake. The only wound he had was the cut down his leg, he didn’t have any burns and his face was intact. His right eye was there, but it still didn’t work. He examined his surroundings. There was a bloody bear trap tossed to the ground and his crossbow was to his left. The wooden crossbow he used since he could hold it was broken; it was his father's too. The bolt fired from it was stopped a few inches past the front of the weapon and was stuck there; the string tore through the wood and further damaged the weapon. His horn must have grabbed the bolt before it made contact with his chin, and must have jammed the weapon in the process. Thoughts flooded back into his mind.

Where was Red? He ruined anything he had with her… but maybe he could still redeem himself… at least in his eye.

Prodd got up, his weapons were unusable. All he had on him was some leather armor, a dinged up copper breastplate, and his cloak. He could sneak into the town they had ran away from, loot a few corpses to supply himself, and then help Red in any way he could. Prodd smiled at the prospect of redeeming himself…

The hunt begins.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #337 on: June 12, 2013, 11:52:35 pm »


After leaving the prison, Flamberge takes a few minutes to calm himself, before heading to Temperance’s office. He arrives and knocks on the door in his usual manner, saying, “Temperance, we have somethings to discuss.”

There could have been only one pony who knocked so loudly.  Temperance considers for a moment if he should pretend to not be in, since this couldn’t possibly end well.  He sighs and pushes that hypothetical aside.  “Coming.”  He opens the door and moves to let Flamberge in.  “How can I help you?”

"You may have been made aware already, but Captain Crosshair, just arrested Maxwell Yellowfeather, for the murder of Private Sergi," says Flamberge, moving in and taking the seat across from Temperance's desk.

Temperance’s eyes go wide as he stops in his tracks.  He turns to face Flamberge and asks, “What?  Max?  He did this?”

Flamberge nods, “Yes, it seems most likely that he did. Lightning Runner confessed this morning that it was Max who asked him to steal the bolts, and that he delivered said murder weapons, to Max before the event. And I am inclined to believe he is telling the truth.”

Temperance remembers he was on his way to his seat, and finally takes it.  “But... but, why?  Why would Max do that?  What would he gain from killing another griffon?”  He thinks for a second, then cocks his head at Flamberge.  “The bolts?  It was Crosshair’s bolt?”

Flamberge nods once more, "Yes, I believe he was trying to frame Crosshair for this, to get to me, because of what happened with the dragon. So, we have a motive, and Lightning Runner's testimony. The best defense he could offer was that he with Prodd, twenty minutes before the murder, in your office with you twenty minutes after, and that Redhat saw him, around the actual time."

“That defense doesn’t do him much good, unless Redhat can say he was with him at the time.  I mean, he’s been in here a lot reading the law books, but I wasn’t here to confirm that.  Twenty minutes is a lot of time, too.”

Flamberge continues to make agreeing head movements as Temperance talks then says, “I told him as much, any flying creature could get across town in literal seconds, twenty minutes would be more than enough time if Max was a crippled earthpony and, the murder itself wouldn’t have taken much time at all, unless Redhat can say he saw him when the murder happened, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.”

Temperance nods himself.  “You haven’t talked to Redhat then?  I guess that should be our next step.  He should be trustworthy enough anyway, if he even does confirm Max’s story.”

Flamberge quirks an eyebrow, “You don’t know? Redhat and Prodd are both away. I sent them to Canyontalon a few days ago, they are delivering a letter to Captain Pankov for me, explaining about Private Sergi.”

“Oh... I, uh, didn’t know that.  That would explain why I haven’t seen them.”  Temperance thinks for a moment.  “What are you going to do then?  He’s the only one who can testify for Max, if there’s much point, and I assume it’ll be a month at least before he could get back.  Probably more.  Just hold Max in prison until then?”

“I suppose so. Really, it’s up to Conny at this point. She’s the mayor, she’s the highest authority we have for dealing with citizen criminals, and since you helped Max get citizenship, he’s out of my jurisdiction. He isn’t a foreign threat, he’s domestic. I will give the Lady Mayor my recommendation though. If it were up to me, I’d just hold him until the griffons arrive and give him to them, in chains, to deal with.”

Once again Temperance found himself thankful to have the mare taking up the reins of mayor instead of him.  “I can speak with her about it, but that sounds like the best thing to do to me.  If nothing else it might help avoid us damaging our relationship with the griffons any worse.”  And now, he was less thankful he’d extended citizenship to Max.

Flamberge stands and says, “I think we should go talk with her straight away.”

“Yes, perhaps that’s for the best.”  Temperance stands too.  “We need to get this settled immediately.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #338 on: June 12, 2013, 11:57:43 pm »

Temperance's Journal - 15th Sandstone, 272

Well, we got to the bottom of the murder of Private Sergi.  In a way I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm still wishing it hadn't turned out to be who it was.  There was no good answer of course, but did it have to be Max?

After everything that's happened, it turned out to be him?  After I trusted him and let him stay in Duskfields?  He was a good guy.  Really.  Did he have to turn out to be a murderer?  Then again, after what happened to him I'm sure he feels like all of us have stabbed him in the back.  I still feel awful about what happened to Carnith, but... but...

You know, I guess there's no excuses for any of this.  What happened happened.  I just don't understand really why he thought to do this.  Did he not think Flamberge and Crosshair would be trusted over him?  And now, we're holding him and waiting for the griffon caravan to arrive so we can give him to them for whatever they decide is an appropriate punishment.  I have no doubt they'll execute him.

Which reminds me that Flamberge sent Redhat to go deliver the news to the griffons, and he took Prodd with him.  I'm starting to wish we'd just waited to break the news to them in person when they got here, since even the best of our soldiers would have little hope of making it to Canyontalon alone, but it's out of my hooves.

And what will the griffons say?  Will they blame us?  What will happen then?

I don't know.  I don't know anything anymore.  We'll just have to wait and see.

15rd Sandstone, 272

The last two weeks have been pretty boring, at least.  Construction continues at a slow pace on the barn, as we once again set toward building a little more room for ponies to sleep.

I took some stock of our, well, stocks, and I see that we've still got lots of raw metals to work with.  The soldiers are making do with a lot of bronze armor though, and our ammo stocks for the marksponies are a bit low.  I think I'm going to put in an order for some of this tetrahedrite to be put to use in making copper bolts.  A bit more steel armor should go a long way with the soldiers too.

I also can't wait until the road is finished between my home and office.

21st Sandstone, 272

It was too quiet, for too long, I suppose.

The parasprites returned again, though in a slightly smaller swarm, if that's any consolation.  The soldiers took care of them in pretty short order, as it's kind of become routine at this point.  I even got to take a shot at one, and hit it, amazingly.

Plastron managed to break his leg somehow.  He tripped on something in the fighting he said.  At least it's nothing worse.  I've seen what those little monsters can do.

He killed it, it fell on him, and chipped the bone.  WTF?

There was no major damage done to any of the buildings, thankfully, but progress on the barn and housing was definitely zero for today.  Good thing we don't have any specific timetable for getting them done.

9th Timber, 272

I was starting to think I didn't have to worry about ever hearing the news Smoothblock gave me today.  I vividly remember reading Virtue's accounts of the caverns that spanned so far underground beneath Dawnpick.  I also vividly remember reading about all of the terrible things that lived down there.  We haven't done a lot of mining here in Duskfields, but I was still hopeful that those caverns were localized to Dawnpick.

I was wrong, it turns out.  Smoothblock didn't see anything nasty when she took her first looks, but it's probably just a matter of time before something bad happens.

I'm going to work on getting the caverns sealed immediately.  I don't want a fire breathing blob of poisonous mud to come flying out and kill anypony.

15th Timber, 272

I got word that the cover for the hole in the caverns is ready.  I went to go see to that being installed personally.  I read Virtue had many problems with things sneaking by miraculously...

It took a few hours, but the hatch cover is in place, so that should be secure for now.  I also saw that we found some marble underground, which is great since it'll let us make some steel out of our iron.

It occurred to me today that the griffons are a bit late.  I wonder if it has anything to do with Prodd and Redhat going to deliver the bad news to them?

25th Timber, 272

I feel nauseous.

Mauvine was all but hysterical when she came to me claiming she couldn't find Saffron a few days ago.  She and Bountiful Harvest looked everywhere for her and couldn't find her in Duskfields.  They even searched out in the woods, but couldn't find her.

We got all of the soldiers involved to help find her, but after three days if nothing, there was nothing we could do but call the search off.  Even if she was outside somewhere safe, she couldn't have survived this long without water.

Deep down, I know what really happened.  One of the discordants must have taken her somehow.  I just don't know how... how could they have gotten inside like this without anypony seeing?

Morning Dew and I have been keeping an even closer eye on the foals after this.  Every parent has.

I just don't know what to do for Mauvine and Bountiful Harvest.  I just can't imagine...

I have no idea how it happened.  The little filly must have wandered outside without mommy somehow:(

1st Moonstone, 272

The mood in Duskfields has remained sombre ever since Saffron disappeared.  I can't really blame everypony.  I haven't felt well since then either, and haven't seen her parents around at all.  I really ought to go check up on them at some point.

I was hoping that the day we finished the barn would be a bit happier, but that's not how it worked out.  At least it is done, finally.

22nd Moonstone, 272

Continuing on with the construction projects, we've finally gotten to a point where we have time, supplies and skill to start installing perimeter fortifications around the walls.


It's probably going to take three or four months to finish it, but once it's all in place it'll be a good spot for the marksponies to form up and give covering fire to the soldiers when we get attacked again.  Flamberge asked for these last year some time, but better late than never I guess.

We also started working on a small warehouse, but I really have to stress that it's small.  Good thing we don't produce too much excess here, else we'd have nowhere to store it.

9th Opal, 272

Work on both the warehouse and fortifications continue at a pretty steady pace.  That was interrupted by Sweet Potato giving birth to her second foal today: a pegasus filly she and Lightning Runner named Yam.

24th Opal, 272

Well, today has been more strange than anything I'd ever have believed I'd see. 

First off, and completely mundane was Nectarine giving birth to her second foal: a unicorn filly she and Pauldron named Cuisse.  A cute little filly, and nothing at all wrong there.

What happened next shocked everypony.  Galena gave birth today too, but not to a unicorn.  Nor a pegasus.  Nor an earth pony.

She gave birth to a griffon.  I didn't believe it when I heard what happened.  I went to go see her and Fleeting Quiver, and sure enough, she was holding the little griffawn in her hooves.  Both of them seemed just as spooked and confused as you'd expect, but... Case Study confirmed that she did give birth to it.  He was there.

I don't know what to think of this.  I'm no foal, and it doesn't take a doctor to know this isn't possible.  Griffons and ponies can't breed together, and griffawns hatch from eggs.  But it happened.  By now I'm pretty sure I haven't completely lost my mind, and I'm not imagining it.

It isn't possible, so that leaves but one explanation.  It has to be the dark magic around Duskfields.  The magic that drifts so close but never into town.  If it can do this, I don't know what to expect next.  I heard murmuring among some of the others that they might be leaving.  I can't blame them.  This has pretty horrifying implications...

Little Pinfeather, as they came to call him, is alright at least.  I want the doctors to keep a close eye on him.  Maybe nothing more will come of it, but I don't want to be caught off guard...

This is most perplexing.  I reset the pop ratio on the griffons to be 0 so that I wouldn't get anymore after I created Max this way.  Yet, it happened anyway.  I'm guessing that the game treats 0 as 1, which would make the odds of this 1 in 361.  I should go up the caste frequencies for the non griffon castes...

2nd Obsidian, 272

Another new life came into the world today when Fruit Smoothie gave birth to another unicorn filly that she and Wood Shaft named Applesauce.  I could tell they were visibly relieved that it was a pony and not a zebra or griffon or something more strange.  I know I was.

Anyway, we finished the warehouse today, if you can call something so small a warehouse.

There isn't really all that much space to expand it either, but again, so far we haven't needed a lot of miscellaneous storage space.  Maybe it'll be enough.

13th Obsidian, 272

We had another discordant attack us from the east today.  A single female griffon tried to fly over the wall, no doubt hoping to snatch up another foal, but she ran into Keen Edge.

He mostly makes bolts these days, so I wouldn't have expected him to be particularly adept at shooting with his crossbow, but he did the militia proud by taking a single shot and clipping the griffon's wing.  She crashed into the moat, where he shot her a few more times and she drowned.

Good riddance.  Now we just have to figure out how to get her body out...

15th Obsidian, 272

I know I've written this somewhere before in here, but I've never been so scared in all of my life.

First, the mundane news: the caravan from Coupledye was spotted down south and headed this way.  Great.  Fine, we need supplies and have lots of food to send home.

That's not what scares me though.  What scares me is what happened to Mountain Dew today.

It has her.  Just like it had me, and Flue.  She's currently sitting in one of the craftshops whittling away at a piece of wood like the most skilled wood workers I've ever seen, constantly saying, “Okay, mommy.”  What is she seeing?  What's going to happen to my little filly?

Morning Dew and I are sleeping out here with her tonight, keeping our eyes on her.  Nirmek preserve her, but if something does happen... I want to be here to help however I can.

In the back of my mind, I can almost hear something.  Like a mare laughing.  I don't know what it means.  I don't know what anything means anymore.

17th Obsidian, 272

Mountain Dew is still working away at whatever this madness that grips her drives her to make.  It's hard to say for sure what it is, but it looks like a bracelet of some sort.  Something innocuous at the very least.

Anyway, I couldn't put off meeting with the traders any longer, so I left her briefly with Morning Dew to go tend to them.  The trading was very profitable to both sides.  We got a lot of wood from them, as well as a lot of steel and drinks.  All things we can't ever get enough of.  In exchange, we sent tens of thousands of bits worth of food home with them.  That ought to go a long way back home in Coupledye.

I didn't stay long though.  I immediately went back to be with Mountain Dew to find she was still blissfully cutting something out of a small strip of leather.  I worry about what she'll tell me when she snaps out of this.

19th Obsidian, 272

I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself long enough to write this down!  Today is the day that made all of the pain, suffering, heartache and hard work I've put in and put up with for these four years worth it in every way.  After getting married to Morning Dew and having my three children, today has been the best day of my life.

Convalescence came to me this afternoon after speaking with the liaison, claiming she had some big news.  I could tell she was excited about it, but when she told me the truth I nearly fell out of my chair.

She said that the liaison wanted to speak with me about it, and when he came in  my heart was nearly beating out of my chest.  He said that they had been carefully monitoring everything that has happened out here in Duskfields, including the concerns I sent to them in my last letter.  I felt a bit embarrassed about that in hindsight since it felt like I was being a bit childish, but he thanked me for bringing the concerns up.

In light of all of the evidence they had collected, they agreed that I was the best pony to be the leader of Duskfields and to spearhead its future.  He gave me the sealed document from the king himself, declaring me baron of Duskfields and its lands.

Finally!  Finally, all my hard work has paid off!  I showed them I could do it, and now they know I can do the job!  Virtue isn't the only one who can run a town!

Oh, but I forgot.  Even better than me being granted the title, Mountain Dew snapped out of her trance this afternoon!  And she's alright!  She ended up making a bracelet of some sort after all, but I was pleased to see that there weren't any ponies or buffaloes or anything else being killed etched into its surface.

She said that she just saw Morning Dew sitting there, telling her what to do.  She kept saying that everything was going to be alright, and that no matter what happens she would be alright.

That is a decidedly less horrifying vision than what I saw, but it still worries me a bit.  Morning Dew too.  Does it mean something?  What?

I don't know.  But right now, I don't want to think about it.  My little filly is alright and happy, I'm a baron, and everything is looking fantastic for the first time in years.

24th Obsidian

The griffons returned this year, just like they said they would.  They were late though, which was a bit odd.  The soldiers formed up to go help escort them inside, just in case the discordants or badger ponies return.  So far, no sign of anything but the griffons themselves.  I'll meet with their leader soon to discuss what will happen with Max.

I'm not really looking forward to that.

25th Obsidian

I traded with the griffons first, as it turned out.  Captain Pankov didn't return this year, and instead Captain Kapsirko Garin was leading them.  He to went to speak with Flamberge while I handled the civil matters.  I guess being baron doesn't get me in on those discussions.  Not that I really need to hear them I guess.

I traded away a lot of gems we have no use for, as well as some food for wood, drink, cheese, some steel and steel equipment.  I'm not entirely sure what the griffons are going to do with the gems, but the merchants seemed happy enough to take them.

The other soldiers seemed to be too busy watching the skies and everywhere for something to really notice me.  They never said it, but they all looked scared out of their minds to be here.  Do the discordant ponies worry them that much?  Well trained soldiers who have fought them for decades?

Speaking with Captain Garin about Max turned out to be a lot less painful than I thought it would be.  He expressed great regret at the loss of Private Sergi, but thanked me for apprehending Max.  They'll be handling matters in Canyontalon, he told me.  The way he said it told me everything I needed to hear.  Max is going to pay with his life.

I'm not sure if I want to see him before he's taken away.  It would be... weird.

Anyway, Morning Dew's birthday is coming up, so I got her a nice necklace from the merchants.  I think she'll like it.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #339 on: June 15, 2013, 12:58:04 am »

Case Study's Journal - 15th Obsidian, 272

After learning that Mr. Temperance's daughter has been caught in a trance not unlike the one experienced previously by her father, I have felt moved to act. There seem to be many bizarre happenings in this area and it is currently unknown just how hazardous they may or may not be. It is known that there are three unusual characteristics of Duskfields. Firstly, the bout of realistic nightmares experienced by the residents, often in close temporal proximity. Secondly, the hypnosis-like states which compel ponies to construct random objects, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations or visions. Finally, the atypical, red clouds of dust which have been witnessed blowing by the fort randomly. Since correlation does not equal causation, it is quite possible that these three phenomena are completely unrelated. However, I feel that investigation into any possible connections should be attempted.

What follows is my current attempt to reconcile these matters with one-another. I hypothesize that the scarlet clouds are not of ordinary dust, but of some type of hallucinogenic substance. It may be that they are actually pollen created en masse by a species of psychedelic plant not yet categorized. Alternatively, they may be an fungus-derived toxin released in quantity by underground eruptions akin to geysers some great distance upwind of Duskfields. Where they come from is not of importance at the moment. What is of importance is the effect that they have on living beings. If the clouds are indeed of a bio-active chemical nature, then it could explain the psychological phenomena of nightmares and trances we have experienced here. If any correlation between their appearances and such mental aberrations can be deduced, then my hypothesis may gain support. Interestingly, I recall no clouds actually passing through the settlement itself. If even tiny, invisible quantities of vapor coming off of the clouds in the distance could create psychological effects, as would be required for my speculation to bear out, then I imagine that the damage may be much more severe if direct contact is made. This is worrying. I do not know what symptoms direct exposure to a cloud could cause. It may even be fatal.

While I attempt to gather data linking the events, I will also go a step further and investigate the clouds directly. If indeed these entities are toxic, then I cannot risk approaching one without taking proper precautions. My current plan is to completely cover myself face-to-flank with protection. I will wear a mask that covers all of my face, with a filter in the nose containing rose, mint and any other aromatic plant species which may minimize the damage of harmful vapors. I will also wear thick garments and gloves, protecting me in the case that the substance can be absorbed through the skin. To be honest, these are actually fall-back measures. The main source of defense will be in the form of an air-tight, magical force field cast upon me or upon some item which I will carry with me. I will have to inquire if any of our resident unicorns are capable of such a feat, of course. As a final fail-safe, I will carry a container of Moon's Tear potion with me. I am uncertain if it can cleanse me of the toxin, but it is better to have it with me just in case.

I will attempt to observe what effects the cloud has on local plant and animal life. I will also try to obtain a sample of the cloud, but I will not be bringing it back with me. Even these protective clothes will be kept outside of the gate walls until better knowledge of the crimson fog's nature are known. I cannot take any risks that may lead to harming the population. The clothes will even be burned if deemed necessary. If the worst happens, then I must be kept away from the population as well. If I am rendered ill, comatose or incurably-psychotic, I cannot risk spreading the malady to others. If I die, my corpse should probably be cremated, if approaching it is considered a worthwhile risk in itself. I am probably being overly cautious, but it is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.

I must run my proposal by Mrs. Convalescence and Mr. Temperance. Mr. Flamberge may also have something to say on the matter. Obviously, I will not attempt this if there is objection, but I feel that it could be of importance to the future of the fort if these clouds are having a negative impact on our lives. The more we know, the better-prepared we will be in the future and the safer our children will be.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 01:03:03 am by Kryptid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #340 on: June 17, 2013, 12:51:07 am »

with a minor appearance from

Red had spent the last few days walking towards Canyon talon. She was feeling downright horrid the entire time. No matter what she did she couldn’t get mind off of it, and every night her nightmares had been getting worse, and had pretty much started to avoid sleeping. Right now she walking down a dirt road, in the middle of a valley. There was no green for miles, only dirt and rocks.

Prodd looked down on Red from atop the ridge. He’s trailed her for a few days, he also didn’t sleep. After he woke up from his... incident, he managed to loot a bronze crossbow, more bolts, and some gauze fabric from a dead discordian. The crossbow wasn’t really different than his old one, but it was heavier. He also used some of the gauze on his self inflicted leg wound. The rest was used to cover his face except for his good eye, in case Red were to catch a glimpse of him, he also wore his hood to cover his mane. He needed to redeem himself and he figured protecting Red for the rest of the journey would be enough, then he could die happy.

Red was pretty much unaware of the pony following her, and was just trekking down the road. She was too locked into her thoughts to really notice, and Prodd was good at stealth. So, she just kept walking, not really running into much.

Prodd moved ahead of Red along the side, scouting out the area beyond her position. He’d do this frequently, so far nothing has caught his eye. He checked what food and water he had, enough to get him to tomorrow, everything else was dropped at Red’s hooves. He kept moving.

Red kept on walking, but, in her absent mindedness, she stepped into a small divot in the road, making her fall over, and land onto her bad leg. She yelled in pain. 

Prodd turned sharply and saw Red in pain on the road. She must have landed badly on her leg, he cursed himself. Earlier in the day he dropped some pain relievers made out of some of the local fauna along with some edible plants and a container full of water. He hoped she’d see it.

She held her leg for a few moments, before finally getting back on her legs. It hurt like all hell, but she couldn’t stop moving. If she did she’d be dead.

Prodd nodded in satisfaction as Red got back up. He continued scouting the path out, if anything showed up, it’d be dead.

She sighed, and started to hover above the ground. She always was a weak flyer, so she generally avoided it. She started to go fly forward. It looked rather awkward, but at least she was avoiding the pain.

Prodd double checked the path, it looked safe enough. Now all Red had to do was keep moving... thinking back on it, Prodd should have mentioned something about her flying. However he’s technically dead or gone in Red’s eyes, so that means nothing to him now.

She sighed and kept moving, this was annoyingly slow, but she wasn’t stopping at least, and her wings needed the exercise.

Prodd walked along the ridge, she would soon reach the cache of supplies. He could do so much more though...

Eventually, she flew over to the cache, and started to sift through. This was happening way too often. It’s as if some caravan was going down this road had some of it’s bins fly off, or something like that.

Prodd smiled a little as Red got the supplies. He was doing something right after all. He kept his eye on Red as she moved along.

She got what she could into her pack, before moving out. She really wished she had hurt her hind leg instead of one of her front ones. Now it was hard to walk and use items.

Prodd kept himself vigilant, monitoring the path ahead of her. He felt confident enough to drop a target from this range. He wondered how long it would take for Red to forget about him... he wagered a year.

She kept on moving, still not aware of his presence.

Prodd yet again checked to make sure the path was clear. After making sure, he practised teleporting. Whenever he was bored, he started practising his magic. The past few days he’s been trying to controllably teleport between locations, so far he’s been able to bounce between both sides of the valley about twice. He’s hoping to build up his endurance at this.

She kept walking, and occasionally saw a bright flash off in the distance. She assumed it was something dangerous, and whenever she saw it, she moved just a little bit faster hoping she wouldn’t have to fight.

Prodd flashed onto the other side of the valley and observed Red from  a different vantage point. She was moving slightly faster now, he doubted his boredom had anything to do with it.

She just kept moving, wondering why the hell she was seeing flashing lights. Maybe she was going insane... not like it really mattered.

Prodd finally stopped teleporting, he was getting better at it though. He trailed Red as she continued to walk down the road.

Eventually, the days went by, and Red was only a few hours away from canyontalon. She could even see it off in the distance, she was so close to the place. She was just about to make it and she’d be out of this nightmare of a trip.

Prodd saw an ambush down the road planned for Red, he had about a minute prepare. He had no more bear traps, but he still had his crossbow and his wits. He was a few minutes ahead of Red, the ambush was set around an overturned wagon, a few rocks, and a dead tree. The wagon was bait, who wouldn’t want free supplies? Five discordians were hidden around the rocks across the road from the wagon, one markspony was on lookout in the tree. The markspony didn’t see the bolt tag him in the forehead. The five in the rocks were worried, Prodd  teleported to the other side of the valley and took a shot. A scream was the response, Red must have heard that. He teleported back to watch the chaos, ready to drop any of the four in case she needed support.

Red heard a loud yell scream out. She started to gallop as quickly as she could over to whatever made the noise. She saw an overturned waggon, and what seemed to be a few bandits surrounding their downed comrade.

Prodd observed the situation, crossbow ready to fire at another if things go south. He also mentally prepared himself to teleport on a moments notice. However, Red could probably handle the situation; he’d still assist though.

She sighed and just tried to sneak by, hoping they’d be busy helping their friend. That’s when she felt an arrow breeze right by her face. Guess it didn’t matter how bucked up their pall was, mugging a pony was clearly more important. “Don’t you jackasses have a half dead pony to attend to?”

Well that escalated quickly. Prodd shot and killed the other markspony that thought it could kill Red. Instead of reloading, Prodd teleported behind the one closest to the rocks. He held the discordian and teleported back to the cliffside. A scream and a wet thump were heard throughout the valley. Prodd loved his magic, however brutal it might be-... he suddenly didn’t like magic as much as he did before and reloaded his crossbow. Red can take three bandits, easily, and one of them is almost dead.

She pulled out her spear and rushed the other two, who were only now getting their weapons. Before the pegasus could even get his axe raised, his skull had a spear impaled in it. “bulls eye...”

Prodd watched the second discordian, he was ready to jump into the fray if need be.

The last standing discordant charged blindly at red swinging his sword like a mad pony, who currently had her spear embedded in the pony’s face. She knew she wouldn’t be able to pull her spear out in time to block, or kill the thing, so instead she placed her wing between her and the sword pony. 

Prodd saw the swordspony charge, he acted fast; shooting his crossbow into the melee fight would be too risky. In a blink he teleported between the two and fired a bolt off into the discordians leg. He used his body as a shield for the Red, the blade slashed down the bad side of his face: a line was drawn down his right eye and cheek. The gauze on his face was slowly turning crimson as the discordian shrieked at the bolt in his leg. Prodd quickly teleported out of the fray, Red’s wing probably prevented her from seeing him.

She just waited a few moment’s for the swing, before lowering her wing and seeing the poor guy clutching his leg. She sighed and just yanked her spear out of the other discordant’s face. “Why do you have a bolt in your leg?” She pondered this for a moment before stabbing him in the face. “Meh... at least my wing isn’t torn to shreds... oh and good day.” She then began to walk off, leaving the would be ambush behind.

Prodd smiled under the bandage. Red was safe for now, that was enough for him. He looked down into a puddle to see his reflection. He removed the gauze to take a look at his cut, it wasn’t that bad, the only fear would be infection. He rearranged the gauze to have the clean side covering the wound and the bloody side exposed under his eyes. He took one last look at his reflection and carried on.

Red Kept on moving down the road, acting as if the fight never happened. Eventually though, she came up to the wall of Canyontallon. She figured she could probably fly over, but that would take a while, and it was for the best if the city guard knew she was from Duskfields, so she walked around the wall in search for the gate.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #341 on: June 21, 2013, 11:55:32 pm »

Medical Log

I have been good recently... the voices... they seemed to have stopped... that is good. Maybe I’m actually a very sane pony... maybe this is all a big elaborate dream, and I’m under a unicorn’s spell, harvesting my dreams to fuel some dark magic... no that only happens in the stories.

Log 1

Lightning... I miss him dearly. I swear I saw him in the bed last night... it may just be dehydration... I gave birth recently... I think its just my body telling me I need more liquids to replace what was lost when little Yam was born.

Mist has finally gotten to chapter 15 of ‘Sir Blubber the Third and the Equine Menace[/u]’ and while it is the abridged foal version, it is still a good read for somepony her age. She doesn't seem all that interested. Foals.

Log 5

Mist is asleep, she does not seem to notice me writing these... good I don’t need her to read the ravings of a crazy pony. I wish to tear those pages out, but I will leave them for neatness’ sake. What was that...

[there is a small scribble, it appears to have been left by a quill hastily put down]

It was nothing. Just my imagination... I should take a break from work tomorrow... but I don’t want to take a break from work. I got a letter yesterday about Fruitholds accusing us of ‘Escaping Taxes’ and they apparently think they have the authority to take us. I’d like to see them try to lay a hoof on me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #342 on: June 23, 2013, 12:52:20 am »

with a cameo appearance from

Red slowly pulled into the town. The place was pretty much built onto the side of a cliff. It was quite a neat place to look at, but she needed to to talk to the management and deliver her message, so she looked around for the nearest militia griffon.

Prodd was relatively happy, at least now they managed to complete the objective. The return trip would be something entirely different, but they at least made it to Canyontalon. After Red entered the town, Prodd checked his disguise, made sure his identity was concealed, and went straight for the market. If anyone was going to question him, he’d say he was a guard from the caravan that got hit on the way here.

Red eventually found herself a Guard, and walked up to her. “Um... I’m Captain Redhat from Duskfields, I need talk to someone about what happened to one of your caravan members.”

The gryphon guard looked down at the pegasus. “Duskfields huh? The pony town? Caravan member? You better go on then...” The guard points to a building embedded in the cliffside with a balcony protruding out of it. “Mayor’s home is there, go fly up...” The guard returned to his guarding duties.

She nodded. “Very well...” She walked off, before finally putting her hat back on, and makng her way to the building.

Prodd looked around the marketplace, apparently no one was suspicious of the unicorn with a ghillied cloak on and bandages covering his face. He looted a few coins off those dead bandits earlier for some spending money. He figured he could get some more bolts, and maybe a souvenir or present for Mist’s upcoming birthday. Prodd around and saw mud brick houses built on terraces were seen at the sides of the canyon, this was a pretty interesting place to build a town. The market center was on ground level, most likely to keep it easily accessible to traders without wings. He made a mental shopping list and started to look around.

Red finally made her way to the building, and stopped at the main entrance to interact with two of the guards. “I’m Captain Redhat from Duskfields, and I have a message for the mayor.”

The two guards looked at Red and let the pegasus enter the office.

Red nodded and made his way into the stone building, and found himself in a large waiting area. He beelined for the door and gave it a knock.

Prodd went and bought fifteen more bolts to add to his quiver, he was up to thirty-three. That should be enough for the return trip. He also stocked up on some pony-friendly cuisine and some medical supplies. He looked around to find a stall that sold toys or something, but he couldn’t find one. However he did find a store that sold wax blocks. Prodd was a great wax worker when he was younger, carving something would at least pass the time...

The mayor heard the knock and took his talons off his desk. “Come in.” He said, his voice clear and with authority.

The door was opened, and Redhat took a step into the building. “Sir, I’ve come all the way from Duskfields to inform you of a tragedy.”

The gryphon raised an eyebrow. “Tragedy? What tragedy?” He pauses. “Did something happen to the caravan?”

“Well, the gryphon who was left behind was well... assassinated. We currently are investigating, and trying to find out exactly who did this.”

“I’m sure your town’s authorities can take care of it,” He menacingly leaned forward. “However I want the criminal here in Canyontalon, understood?” He leaned back. “But... which of my gryphons were assassinated?”

“I’m afraid it wa sergi” He seemed untouched by his menacing look. He’s seen far worse over the years, and this mayor honestly wasn’t all too scary. “And I’m not sure if would ship a citizen over to you for a crime committed on our land.”

“My citizen died. Your’s should be tried for the crimes commited to my people in my town.” The mayor said, his mind made up.

“As of right now, we don’t even know who did it, and we’ll debate the procedure once we’ve had a trial, are we cle-” he cut himself off. “I’m just a messenger, I’ll tell our mayor and Flamberg what you’d like when I return.” .

“Very well. I expect answers with the next caravan.” The mayor stated. He gestured towards the door.

“Very well, good day sir.” He started to make his way for the door, “Oh. Also can I ask of you a favor?”

The mayor sighs. “What?”

“On my way here, I’ve ran into a lot of trouble, and I lost the pony who was accompanying me on this mission.” He gestured to the huge mark on her leg. “I really need to see a doctor...

The mayor stopped himself from questioning the pegasus. “Hospital is one level below the terrace your standing on.”

“Thanks... also you might like to know that the trading outpost between here and Duskfields that popped up about a year ago is pretty much dead right now... Got overran by discordants.” He started to walk over to the door.

Prodd sat on a hill near the outskirts of the town. He was waiting for Red and was passing the time by carving a figurine out of wax. However he was still a bit rusty.

Red made her way out of the guy’s office and tried to walk to the hospital. Her leg still hurt when she walked on it, but at least she’d gotten used to it, she still prefered it over flying though, so she tried to locate the nearest stairway.

Prodd took his time carving; if this was going to become a gift, he should at least try to take his time. When he was at the orphanage, he carved wax figurines to sell for money. The money was always saved up, hidden away from sight. The money later went to reclaiming his father’s crossbow, his only inheritance.

Eventually she found one wand trotted down, and went straight to the hospital building. There was a line... and to make things worse there was a crying fledgling a few spaces ahead in the line.

“Now serving number twenty-one, any newcomers grab a ticket and get in line!” exclaimed one of the doctor’s assistants. The next ticket was numbered forty-three. The gryphons sure had an advanced system in place.

Prodd continued to distract himself with his carving, he figured he could pour all his attention for the next few hours in this. He kept himself aware the main road, just in case Red finally decided to leave. He hoped the figurine would turn out nice.

Red sighed and walked on up, grabbed a ticket, and then headed back, stopping by the mother with the crying bird. “Aww... I’ve chloroform will shut em up if they’re having a hard time...”



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #343 on: June 26, 2013, 07:31:09 pm »


Red finally was heading out of canyon talon. The doctors said her leg actually had pretty much been tended too, and all they could do was give her some pain medicine. She assumed Prodd got all guilty after half amputating her leg, and gave some first aid. She sighed loudly at the thought of Prodd, then just proceeded to make her way out of the gate and onto the road.

Prodd sat on top of the canyon, staring down at Red as she walked down the road. He put away his carving tools and the almost-done figurine of Lightning and Sweet Potato holding a baby Mist. So far it was looking very nice. However he stowed it away and pulled out his new metallic crossbow. Checking his quiver and counted his thirty-three bolts, he loaded his weapon and followed at a distance.

The pony kept walking down the road, thinking she was safe from attack as the wall was still in sight. Once she was certain nopony was around she removed the hat and put it in her backpack, before continuing her walk.

Prodd kept himself concealed on the ridge, he’d keep on it until they reached the badlands, then he’d stay off the road in various shrubs. So far the road beyond seemed clear of bandits.

She was unaware of him, like usual. She wasn’t looking for him though, and just kept walking on and on. It didn’t matter though, if her trip was already half over, so she just kept looking forward to home.

Prodd thought about Duskfields for a moment. He couldn’t go back to them anymore after what he’s done.

She looked off towards the horizon, trying to tell how much longer she’d have til’ night time. It seemed it would only be a few more hours, which was good. She wasn’t tried yet, but felt relaxing would be for the best after the long day.

Prodd saw Red slow down. He scanned the surroundings and waited to see her next move.

All Prodd saw was her pause and then start to move ahead again.

Prodd continued to trail her, until he finally reached the end of the ridge. He teleported off onto the other side of the road and in a bush that was a good forty yards off from the road.

This time she noticed the flash, and the sudden movement in the bush. She’d been seeing flashes like that every now and then, so she really getting concerned. So, she started to trot over to the spot where she thought she saw it.

Prodd saw Red move towards his spot. He rolled his eye and tried to teleport away, however his horn didn’t respond. “...Shit.” He murmured. He flipped his cloak so the black side showed instead of the camouflage.

She kept moving towards the spot, before actually noticing there was something there. “HEY SHOW YOURSELF!”

Prodd kept trying to teleport, it wasn’t working. He made sure his bandage was in place and got up and started to walk down the road, away from Red and towards Canyontalon.

She saw him move and trotted after him as fast as possible. “HEY!”

Prodd ignored the shout and broke into a run.

She ran after him, and she was clearly faster than he was.

Prodd dipped off the road and into the bushes. He was less encumbered in leather armor, as opposed to a full suit of metal. He found himself running through shrubbery and tall grass.

She kept chasing not slowing down for an instant, before finally making a mistake. She felt the hoof on her bad leg end up in a small pot hole. She was at full clip, and ended up wiping out.

“...Goddamnit, goddamnit, goddamnit.” Prodd repeated under his breath. He stopped running and turned around. He looked down at Red. He remained silent.

She was holding her bad leg, which looked slightly bent. She tried to get up, but found it hurt a bit too much.

Prodd approached the pegasus slowly, being slightly cautious. He stood over her, taking a look at her bent leg.

She noticed his shadow cast over her. “If you try to hurt me I’ll kill you.”

Prodd altered his voice and mimicked a more older gruff voice. “Your legs pretty banged up. I can carry you to your destination or where someone can give you help.”

She turned around to see him. “Stop hiding I know it’s you.”

“...” Prodd didn’t say anything. He proceeded to pick her up and hauled her on his back. “...I’m going to take you to Duskfields, where it’s safe. Then I’ll leave you alone forever...”

“Did you ever think for a moment that I don’t want to be alone forever?” She still wasn’t fighting back as he picked her up, but she clearly wasn’t amused.

“I almost killed you... I don’t want to hurt you again, so I will leave.” Prodd said. He started walking with her on his back. “...You can easily find somepony better than me.”

“You know, I was just about to kill you too right? I just want to know why the hell did you get so bucking distant to me.”

Prodd kept walking and ignored her. “We can make it home in about three days...”

“Seriously? you still won't bucking tell me?”

“It’s not important.” Prodd said. “Because once we get home, I’m leaving... for your own good.”

“Damnit, bucking tell me!”

“...I try not to let my emotions interfere with things.” Prodd stated. He still kept walking when suddenly his horn fizzled.

“I want a bucking answer, you were that way before we even left town.”

“Maybe we just grew distant...” Prodd muttered. He took Red off his back and held her close. “Hold on.” His eye began to glow before he closed it and started to concentrate.

“What are you doing?” she asked, not quite sure what he was casting.

“Quiet.” Prodd said. He kept concentrating, focusing as hard as he could on the road outside Duskfields.

“Ugh... fine just don’t bloody answer me.”

Prodd focused and the road near Duskfields became clear. In a flash of light they stood within walking distance of the main gate, but just far enough for nopony to spot them. He slowly opened his eye.

She seemed even more pissed. “So what now, you just walk off like nothing happened and off yourself in the forest?”

“Sure... why not?” Prodd answered, he handed Red a container with the figurine inside. “...Give it to Lightning, it’s for Mist’s birthday.” He started to walk away from her and the settlement.

She followed after him. “And leave me alone to die? You know, I’ve been alone for a few bucking years now, and your first pony I’ve met who didn’t treat me like shit. I don’t want to see you freakin shoot yourself.”

“I almost killed you...” He kept walking.

“I did the freakin same.” She kept following.

“I don’t care.”

“Can we just talk this out?”   

“What’s there to talk about? I almost took your leg off just because you insulted my upbringing...” Prodd sighed. “I ain’t fit to walk on this world...”

“I stepped on the bloody trap... and you did fix me up....”

“I shouldn’t have set it in the first place.”

“Can we just start over, and if you mess up again, then end yourself?”

“...That is the dumbest solution I have ever heard.” Prodd paused. “Fine.” He turned around and headed for the gate. “You should keep your hat on...”

She nodded and put it on. “So you won’t kill yourself?”

“I guess not.”

“Thanks...” She put hat back on and started to walk back, hoping she wasn’t making a mistake.

The two finally made it back home after a really shitty adventure.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #344 on: June 26, 2013, 11:49:47 pm »


Prodd was already back to shooting targets, it had only been about three hours since he got back. That unicorn was addicted. However he was significantly better, snagging bullseyes left and right. He was even smiling a little. Of course, this suddenly got boring when there was no pony around to witness this incredible feat and Red was most likely explaining what happened to Flamberge or reuniting with Bonnet. So he packed up his gear and decided to visit Lightning in prison.

The pegasus who had been imprisoned was sitting idly, as if waiting for something to happen. Of course the cell next to his was occupied, the griffon that occupied it rarely made a noise and slept most of the day. While this didn’t surprise him as -admittedly- it was a rather boring way to spend a few months before everypony in charge could get together for a trial. He was too entranced in his own thoughts to hear the door of the prison opening and a pony stepping in.

Prodd entered the room and nodded at the guard on duty. After a brief exchange of greetings and idle chatter, he was now stationed in the room. After the guard left he tapped the bars to get the incarcerated pegasus’s attention.

His head turned in the unicorn’s direction. “Oh... Prodd? You’re back? That’s great. How’s Red?” He began, forcibly stopping himself to avoid bombarding Prodd with a million questions before he even got a greeting in.

Prodd feigned a smile. “We’re fine Lightning. How are you?” He sits down on a nearby stool, momentarily checking the entrance to the prison. He wouldn’t want to catch some hell for taking guard duty.

“Bored.” Lightning said, stifling a chuckle as he was sure Prodd expected this. “Well other than that, I’ve been doing great. Sweetie and Mist visited the other day... or week I lost track of time”

“Yeah, do you want a calendar or something?” Prodd asked. “How’s Mist been... with her father in jail and all...?”

“No, I don’t think a calendar is necessary,” he began, pausing for a moment to catch his breath “She’s been fine... I just feel a bit worried with her mother being how she is...Did I ever tell you?”

“I don’t think so? I got time to listen...”

“I... I don’t really know how to explain it... The doctors say its something that her far off relatives had and its just manifested in her and not anypony else... It causes her to.. hallucinate, visually and auditory, and these can be minor or major” Lightning took a breath “I just fear that Mist could get hurt. She doesn’t seem to be aware of it, though only time will tell how long she will stay this way” He explained, hoping it would satisfactory

Prodd nods. “Well... best of luck to you.” He wondered if he knew any sick ponies from the orphanage, which could have explained those quarantine rooms. He shuddered slightly. “Er... when’s Mist’s birthday, anyway?” Prodd asked, changing the subject.

“Hmm...” He put a hoof on his chin, if only to visualize him thinking “If I am guessing right... at the very most two weeks from now, give or take a few days”

“Alright then...” Prodd pulled out his partially finished figurine and got to work.

Lightning examined the figurine. “That’s a very nice figurine Prodd.... Who’s it for?” He asked, not noticing the obvious resemblance

“Mist, figured I’d at least give something to your family...” Prodd said. “It’s you and Sweet Potato holding her when she was a baby...” He levitated his work in front of him and kept the carving knife steady. “Used to make wax crafts when I was at the orphanage, I made some profit...”

“Really? I assume you made a lot as this is probably the best I’ve seen yet”

“For starters I didn’t start off good, and when I got better... well they found some of my savings.” Prodd paused. “Then I invested in a safe... then a bear trap... then a first aid kit...”

“...Bear trap?” He picked that specific detail as it seemed way out of the ordinary. “Why would you need a bear trap. Unless you are the type of pony to actually consume meat, you wouldn’t have the need for a bear trap”

“Well... there was this one guy that was really mean... he picked on most of us... and he broke into the safe...” He gulped. “It was in self defense... and he was still alive... the first aid kit helped...”

“You... No I won’t question any further. Well... back onto our previous topic. If I ever need to send Mist out of the house, would you be willing to keep her with you?”

“Yeah, sure... my house is safe enough...” Prodd said. “How hard could watching her be?”

“Just make sure she reads her book if it ever comes to you having to take care of her” He said.

“What’s she reading?”

“I forget the name... Sweetie should be able to tell you. Something about a Pony taking revenge on this whale for something”

“Alright then...?” Prodd said. He went back to carving his figurine. “So... how goes the trial?”

“From what I picked up from when they decided to speak without poking me to see if I was asleep” Lightning chuckled at the thought. “It will happen within this month or the next month. Personally I just want this to be done so I can get back to protecting those I love”

“Well good luck. I’d testify, but I doubt they’d let me... plus I might just be a suspect...” Prodd shrugged. “I’m sure everything will end up okay...”

“Yeah me too... I’d advise asking Temperance if you could... that might help” He said

“I’ll try... but knowing Flamberge I doubt I’d be able to...” Prodd said. He put away his tools and the figurine. “I guess I might try talking with Temperance... I’ll visit again soon...”

“Alright, see ya” Lightning waved his hoof at Prodd

Prodd nodded in return and left the prison as the old guard came back. Maybe he could testify for his friend...
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