So some being brought even more pain to the Eversummer? More deaths and horrible epidemics? That's clearly was a work of divine being, or one aiming to become one. As if starvation wasn't enough for the once proud land. Vanida screamed in anger, every divine on the planet should have heard her words. " That's enough!!! From now on, Humans of Eversummer are under my protection. Whoever divine will come here, should experience my wraith, even if it will be an overgod himself! That land experienced enough pain!!! It was made for humans and it will be for humans!" Only Udil could understand that level of wraith, as only a goddess as passionate as Vanida could come that close to his own limitless anger.
First Vanida gathered all healthy humans (and only humans) of Eversummer and sent them to the vault created by Udil with the message to the owner of the place " Volondor, please, spare their lives. As they are creations of Murate, too. And deserve lives no less than dwarfs. And if you can, Ask Udil to help my clear the world from abomination created by us, gods
1 act: = Send healthy humans of Eversummer to Udil's underground vault
Then, With all her anger, Vanida smashed Thaneos's flying fortress right into the abandoned Corvus' temple, hoping to kill Gren and as much of the giants as she could. And gather their divine power as she needed it to save the world. They would die anyway. They should die. As they are abominations, they are wrong mortals, mistakes of the gods...
1 act: Smash the flying fortress at the temple of Corvus. Attempting to kill as many of inhabitants as possible (And Gren)
And after that she ordered her slaves, her guardians, her wyrms, to rip anything on the Eversummer to pieces. Surviving Giants, undead warriors, fallen sisters, any god that would decide to fight against Vanida. In her anger she didn't even gave a chance to her own recently born daughters, as they are abomination, too. And should die. And again Vanida tried to absorb all the released energy for her own power while personally staying out of combat.