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Author Topic: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast (Winter 416a)  (Read 225279 times)


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2011, 12:11:22 pm »

Time to make friends among the new royalty-learn the names and professions of the most important people...
Well after having a nice chat with one of the guards, you learn a fair bit about the hierarchy around here.

Queen Laythe: Head of state, ascended due to rampaging though the palace killing any of her relatives she found, wiping out all of her siblings and both parents. Rumour has it that she payed the duards to look the other way, while the wilder ones suggest that they also participated in the massacre.

Jacobo and Alessandro: The queen's personal guards, and quite possibly the largest humans that one may see (Or it's just the armour). The queen never goes anywhere without the two. Jacobo also does double duty as a food tester for the queen.

Arven Rolfius: Captain of the city guard, quite well known for his fighting ability and lack of social grace. Arven had entire houses burned when he suspected crminals were habouring in there and in general quite ruthlessness, and corrupt guards, when caught, are usually burnt alive in the arena for his amusement. Rumour has it that he did manage to smuggle a bear cub into the city, and is keeping it as a pet.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2011, 12:25:55 pm »

((This is in addition to my previous action, I would have edited my last post but wanted it to be seen))

Request an audience with the queen
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2011, 01:20:09 pm »

'Hey! Get back here, yeh little shit!'

Running like his life depended on it, Etiac Belladom spared one glance back. Dugun's face was twisted into a hilarious mask of sheer rage, his thin moustache wavering above a small mouth and a double chin. The cook was still naked from waist-up, having spent the night with a local whore or two. A sheet of linen from the kitchens trailed behind him like a small cloak, stained a pale yellow by whatever passed for food on this ship. His hand bled slightly from the edge of the butcher's knife he'd attempted to pick up the wrong way around.

Belladom emerged onto the deck of the Majestic Virtue, jumping past a pair of very hungover sailors. The little trading boat didn't deserve such a grand name, but the Captain had chosen it, and as he'd been told oh-so many times during this voyage, the Captain's Word Was The Law. The little man had that glint of madness in his eye that nearly always led to mutiny. What had convinced the crew to tolerate him, Etiac had no idea. The man had some strange ideas about discipline, or the appropriate amount of alcohol sailors should consume when at sea, which no doubt contributed to the matter.

'Sorry, the cook needs to see you!' he quipped, grabbing the second sailor by the collar and slamming him into his comrade. Both men went sprawling down, stumbling through the doorway and crashing into Dugun. Belladom grinned, pausing to watch the three men fumble around on top of eachother. The cook was a giant of a man, with the bulk to back it up. Etiac was sure he could hear the crack of bone from the bottom of the pile.

He took a quick look around, surveying the deck for any more obstacles. This early in the morning, most of the crew were still nursing their hangovers in the peace and quiet of their quarters, or drowning their sorrows in a barrel of ale or the chest of a whore. The ship was docked neatly in an outer harbor, surrounded by a sea of smaller boats. Talama rose on the cliffs above them, the sprawling cityscape hugging the edges of the jagged rock tightly. It looked fine to him, but, of course, nothing like Vasir. Nothing compared to the city of his birth.

'Get him, yeh bastards, I want him dead!' Dugun's voice shrieked from behind, snapping Belladom back to movement. The board down to the pier was on the other side, leaving him with little choice with his next move. Etiac began running towards the edge of the Majestic, picking one of the little boats swarming the harbor at random. It looked sturdy enough, though you could never know with these eastern craft. His bare feet hammered against the wet wood of the ship, each impact bringing the edge closer. Etiac closed his eyes and jumped.

And missed. The shock of cold water sent his heart beating hard with a jolt. Seawater flooded into his mouth, bringing with it all the little things that lived on the coast. The water was thick and muddy, sunlight barely filtering through all the grime around him. Etiac sank like a rock, pulled down by the heavy sword at his side. He'd taken it from the Captain's quarters, a fine-looking thing of intricately engraved steel and bronze. It was meant to be used with two hands, though it seemed unbelievable the wiry little man could've ever lifted this thing. Desperately, Etiac began unravelling the rope binding it to him, kicking to push himself back upwards. He regretted making them so tight, but then he hadn't really expected to have to reopen them underwater. Stupid, really. He should've expected this.

Finally, the ropes were torn apart, the black leather scabbard sinking to the ocean floor. If the Bright One was with him, he might be able to retrieve it later on. Belladom immediately began climbing up, his lungs aching for another mouthful of air. The dark shape of the Majestic still loomed above, and he could hear Dugun's voice muffled from the surface. Etiac braced himself for surfacing and broke out of the water. Wonderful, fresh air flowed back into him. He couldn't enjoy it for long - the cook's shriek was enough to tell him he'd been spotted. Etiac dove again, using the ship's hull as a springboard to get a quick move on.

As a sailor's son, he'd always been a good swimmer. His relatives often remarked he was like a fish in the water, though nothing compared to his elder brother. It had done him little good in the end, anyhow. Etiac made his way through the mass of boats, eliciting surprised shouts and angry insults from the people above. He heard no sounds of pursue, and had no intention of turning back to look. He continued on, bouncing up and back from the water like one of the People of the Sea to gasp for breath. He noticed the harbor wall just in time to stop himself from slamming head-first against it. With a smug grin, he pulled himself up to solid ground again.

Belladom rubbed his eyes, stumbling up to gaze at the Majestic on the far side of the harbor. He could just make out Dugun's screaming shape on the edge, flailing his arms around like a madman. By the time any of them reached this section, he'd be long gone. Etiac looked down at himself. He was soaking wet, and the coastal wind bit into his skin like the teeth of some abyssal predator. He checked his pockets for any coins and was relieved to find most of them still left. Some of the smaller coins had disapppeared underwater, but what remained could still buy him a room in a cheap inn. After that? Well, he was sure he could come up with something.

Etiac Belladom began making his way up to the clifftop city, his face breaking into a smile despite everything. The Sun rolled onto the sky from behind the clouds, bathing him in its radiant glory. Some other day, he might have to join the Bright One up there, but not today. Today was going to be a good day.

Etiac Belladom arrives in Talama
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ˇNo parmesan!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2011, 01:22:06 pm »

Damn, those Storm Coasters and their oversized egos...

ignoring the Harbormaster, Corvinus and his own guard marched up to the gates, brandishing the banner of the "Svartblôds" a wolf, drawn with coal on a leather flag. Ending in front of a group of guards Corv demanded entry, showing his insignia that marked him as an Envoy of the Jarldom.

demand an audience


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #49 on: September 29, 2011, 02:24:54 pm »

Send a subordinate to find about the prices of goods in the city. Also get one to find out if their's a bank in the city. If there is, go with four guards and do some business with the bankers.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

[6] Grains are in high demand this time of year, it appears to be the brewing season for the locals (+2 inc cost). [2] Wine however seems to have lowered a bit due to the high avail of fresh brewings in other liqours (-1 inc). Building materials are [5] on the rise due to the season giving the best weather (+1 inc).
Everything below this line is a distant memory
Evil Genius - Round 1 - Concluded
Evil Genius - Round 2 - Scrapped
Planet@War: Starting Soon


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2011, 03:02:59 pm »

Kathos walked out of the palace quite happily. Two parcels of land. It was a good beginning with this new Queen. His guards were waiting him outside of the gate. Adrian, Kathos's lieutenant, was the first to talk.

"How is she?"

Kathos said nothing and walked for a few minutes in silence. Once he was far from the castle, he answered.

"Paranoid and dangerous. I knew she had not taken the throne in the most... Honorable way, but now I believe the rumors. However, she might no be a complete fool. She did not tell me anything about her plans even after I had sworn fealty to her. I still don't know if she will make a good ruler, though."

Adrian did not look surprised.

"And did it go well?"

"Yes. Now, I have officially two parcels of land. I guess we will have to go visit them before we start thinking about what we'll use them for, uh?"

Visit the two parcels of land.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2011, 03:47:09 pm »

GMing for religious matters.
Search the streets for Earth god worshipers, or people who wish to convert.
[2]You scour the city for worshippers, but none are to be found. Your tentative efforts to convert the odd passerby fall on deaf ears as well, and after all your effort, you have attained not one extra follower. Perhaps the city is not the place for nature worshippers?

Seek converts in the streets.
[6]You and your followers stalk the streets, crying the word of Lichen. Something in your message must click with the masses, because people flock to your sermons. Soon you are preaching daily on a market square. Then you preach from an empty warehouse belonging to one of your followers. Then the entire city has heard of you and your 'food cult'.

You acquire a large following worth 1d/year in tithes, as well as 2 ducat's worth of direct donations to your cause. However, you have also attracted the attention of the Queen. You must hope that she is more tolerant than the ruler of Noka.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2011, 04:15:48 pm »

Secure a base- preferably a warehouse to settle in.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2011, 04:16:41 pm »

In the throne room:

Laythe just stared at william and his entourage for a few seconds. Then started talking.
"First things first. Your guards are to return to the guest barracks immediately. Then we can tal-" Laythe's rant was cut off by a messenger from the gates. And after a few whispered word from the messenger, Laythe yells a few words back.

"You can go back out there, and tell thatbloody arsehole that he gets to make NO demands! And if he doesn't understand that, I'll bloody well go out there and kill him myself!"

Laythe waited a few moments for herself to calm down, then resumed talking to the vadud.

"As I was before, your guards head back to the guest barracks, then we can talk. If you don't trust my guards, you can leave as well"

At the Palace gates:
"We've got orders. The queen will not see you unless you request an audience. She will not bow down to either you or your demands."

Request an audience with the queen
Explore Talamar's streets, buy a flowery dress to wear and head to Derrick's Cheap Ales, ask Rectyl if he could use any help.

You find that the queen has would like to meet you a couple of days from now, as she can't right now due to one obstinate weylander.

[2] You're unable to see much of the city, if only due to the warnings of some of the citizens telling you that it's not safe for a Hatcuri to walk around in the open.

[6] You manage to find an exquisite dress from a local tailor, however, this will cost your only ducat...

((OOC holding off heading to the Inn ruins until you want to buy the dress or not.))

Retcyl: You find the Ligorian trading company (A size four trading company).

[2] However, they aren't exactly keen on lending you money, if either due to race, or the inn you're trying to rebuild...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2011, 04:29:41 pm »

Kawakai scoffed "A ducat for a dress! With that amount of money I could buy a house!"
"But would it be as perfect as this dress?" the tailor called after the angered hacturi who was already pushing her way out of the door how dare they charge so much she thought to herself, she would walk naked and proud in that case, time to find that inn.

Continue to the inn and find Rectyl
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2011, 04:33:59 pm »

Secure a base- preferably a warehouse to settle in.
[2]The follower who lends you his warehouse still needs to use it occasionally, and can't afford to just give it up to you. Although he is willing to sell it to you for less than its worth- two ducats is his price (conveniently the same as what you secured in donations from your followers)
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2011, 04:43:56 pm »

Continue to the inn and find Rectyl
You head to the inn the messenger said Rectyl was staying, or what's left of it. All you can see is rubble, and a fair few Hatcuri milling about...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2011, 05:02:13 pm »

Bloody Hugo...Well the inn was going to give way anyway, at least this way they had proper warning. Now what to do....He had an architect, and he saw that the mechanic had finally left the ship.

Well he could declare that the queen was trying to assassinate him by giving him a faulty inn, but he doubted anyone would care...Well he guessed he would do the best he could in the circumstances.

"Hugo, make sure that inn doesn't cost too much. also, remember that it's also our base of implement a few hidden rooms and the such."

"Kawakai, if you could, help the architect in designing the inn. Putting in a few pipes and and mechanisms could better the structure."

Now...the innkeeper, what to do.

"Innkeeper, I'm terribly sorry about the inn, but it was going to collapse any day. We'll get you a new inn."

Still so much to do....Degrading and otherwise...The queen will probably be unconcerned...unless she can be pressured...

There was also the concern of housing...

Check if anything's salvageable from the ruins. Head back to the palace and tell her about the inn. Ask if their would be anyway that the hatcuri could be of service. Be it combat or otherwise. Also, ask her if she could either provide ducats for the construction materials, or allow the hatcuri to stay elsewhere while work was going on.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 05:08:55 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2011, 05:09:11 pm »

William's fake smile stayed in place during the rant. He didn't even flinch when the queen yelled. After his translator translated her words, he nodded.
"Hey, koma strákarnir hér um stund. Johnny, ég ćtla ţörf stígvél fyrir hluti."
The men nodded and stepped beside him for a moment. William gently handed the crimson colored blade to one of his soldiers, as well as his steel short sword, and the daggers that  were in his boots. He then took his boots off without much hassle and handed them even more carefully to the other guard, who handed William his boots. But the claymore that was covered over with leather is still strapped to his back.
"Go wait outside the palace, boys. I'll see you in a bit." William replied in Mirish to their grumbling.
William gave another bow, which is hard to do in steel plate mail and nodded at his translator.
"He wishes for me to stay, he doesn't know our language very well, your highness."
From outside of the room there is a shling sound as the knives in the boots deploy and a muffled curse in Northlandish.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You Are King II: Tales of the Storm Coast
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2011, 05:21:01 pm »

"Hugo, make sure that inn doesn't cost too much. also, remember that it's also our base of implement a few hidden rooms and the such."
"Ohoho! A little bit of subterfuge, hmm? Well, I'd be a liar if I said I don't know a thing or two about that. Don't you worry, my friend. My lips are sealed, but the walls will not be!"

"Kawakai, if you could, help the architect in designing the inn. Putting in a few pipes and and mechanisms could better the structure."
"A pleasure to make you acquaintance, fair lady. I usually expect to buy someone a few drinks before seeing them naked, but who am I to judge?"
Long Live United Forenia!
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