You really shouldn't jungle Syllabear. He's a superb, incredible laner (You basically get two amazing heroes to lane with, one ultra tanky melee hero who can freely die, and a ranged one with really long range) while just being a mediocre jungler with no real presence or purpose. After all, he needs shittonnes of farm and levels, and he can get neither in the jungle. Nor can he get it from ganks because his ganks are terrible.
My Ursa jungle depends on whether I random him or not. Note that the only times I play him are when I random, so take that what you will.
Without random gold: Shield + armour ring + tango + branch (I think, something like that)
With random gold: Basilius + whatever.
With the basilius, jungling Ursa is so damn easy it's ridiculous. But without it, it's actually pretty tricky for the first 3 levels or so, and even then you'll be really low. The goal is to get a Vlads as soon as possible, but you might find it more appealing to actually go for the healing boots first and then disassemble that for the vlads later. It'll put off the early Rosh for a short while, but it'll mean you can actually gank without being at super low hp. You'll have mana problems either way though, the slam uses a good huge chunk of Ursa's mana, so you want to make sure every gank gets a kill.