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Author Topic: You are King! (Spring 315a)  (Read 185510 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2430 on: August 19, 2011, 10:48:49 am »

Nahk:"A bear hah we have a whole family of them, ask old Yipzar what they eat as he feeds them (They could be Herbivores or fungivores), oh did i forget to mention we need them to help us hunt"
Roll for what the bears eat
OOC: the prisoner is in the cave with 5 guards and you have 2 guards nearby so be careful or they could hear something and kytuzian could think that its a trap
New words are made by general useage
Mutie? My eldrtich fluffykins? He is a graceful and proud creature! That may or may not be the essence of every nightmare since the beginning of time and will cause you to go mad by being near it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2431 on: August 19, 2011, 12:20:08 pm »

"Well in my experience bears are opportunistic omnivores, they'll scavenge for either meat or plant matter, it therefore matters little what their diet is though I'll start training immediately, also how about 1 ducat for the first bear and 0.5 ducats for each bear tamed afterwards?"

Start taming the bears

((So after I've tamed 3-6 bears will they become a heavy berserker regiment?))
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 12:25:31 pm by ashton1993 »
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


  • Bay Watcher
  • <Servibot> thatkid, swag percentiles: 94
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2432 on: August 19, 2011, 01:13:16 pm »

The King's Court, Mid Winter...

Erik leaned back in his throne, steepling his hands as he studied the man. "So you are an assassin, or if not that, a spy." he replied calmly, briefly glancing to Kain as he spoke. Left unsaid, and perhaps thought by some of the guards in the room, was the addendum: Or else, you are very very foolish. Didn't you see what happened to the last mage to enter this court?

The King's Chambers, Late Winter..

Erik frowned as he read through the Grand Master's letter as second time before sipping from a flagon of ale that had been brought to his room. The winter cold was waning, but still the fireplace roared with life. The added heat did little more than strengthen the memories of the battle against the Shadow Council in Erik's mind. And...the King supposed that it was true that Terenos had little honor. But had all of Terenos' actions, brash as they were, not been at the orders of his King? Was that loss of honor not also a burden that had fallen on Erik's shoulders?
The Diplomat, the self-proclaimed Black Shadow, surely knew that. And Erik was confident that Terenos would not have taken the actions that he did if they had not been the only correct course of action. At least insofar as any action could be correct in a time of war. Had a dying knight not once told Erik that honor was worthless if it did not protect the people you served? Erik had no doubts in his mind that the Grand Master's concerns were valid, a more staunch friend and companion could not be found and it was clear from their first meeting that Knavston had wisdom beyond his years.
Erik could only hope that Terenos would have a suitable explanation for his actions. He hoped, too, that if the tales the merchants told had any truth to them his own soldiers in Preston had a suitable explanation for their actions as well.
Fame is a vapor. The only earthly certainty is oblivion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2433 on: August 19, 2011, 02:22:17 pm »

At the armoury...

Entering the armoury Ludwig saw an assortment of weapons and armours and people taking good care of them. Ludwig saw a young lad, about 12 years old taking care of a number of arms and asked him if they have any schiavonas, the lad said yes and directed him to them. There weren't many schiavonas in the armoury as they weren't so much of a soldiers weapon. Ludwig was able to however find a sciavona that was in great shape, had a very good balance and was sharp, he took it. Exiting the weapons part he asked the lad for leather armour and a sheath for the sword, 5 throwing knives and a dagger. Stating that he wanted the knives at his side for easy access and the dagger at his back so that he could easily grab it. The lad found him the armour and the accessories he wanted. The armour was good, it was protective and dark, but didn't hinder any movement. The sheaths he wanted were also perfect for what he wanted. Thanking the lad he gave him a few shillings and then left.

At the kitchen...

Ludwig had gathered all he needed for his blinding powder and just finished grounding up the pepper. He started mixing together the pepper, ashes, dirt, mud and flour till he had a nice fine powder. The cooks weren't exactly happy about him being there making some stupid powder of his, but as Ludwig promised to clean up after himself they let him do it. The powder was put into a pouch and Ludwig tied it to his belt, the pouch had the thread running through the top so as to keep it closed, but also let a hand easily get access to it's content.  Happy with his new weapon Ludwig went out to practice with some of the guardsmen.

Get armour and weapon, made blinding powder and started practicing with the guardsmen.

((Let us not forget that Ludwig uses every cheap shot he can to win in combat.))
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2434 on: August 19, 2011, 03:37:20 pm »

"Yes sire, precisely that. Except I have an advantage over any other agents you have in your employment. Not only do I have certain powers other will not possess nor know of that have few consequences ((yes, my character is dumb)), I'm an unapproachable man. My appearance is that of a corpse and no-one will even look at me for fear of a curse befalling them.
And so sire, I believe if you have any targets you need eliminating then hire me immediately. Despite my special powers, I will only use these in the most desperate of situations, resulting to more brute yet subtle means most of the time."
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2435 on: August 19, 2011, 04:03:19 pm »

'Damn this.' Aulon growled. 'Damn this all. I don't want to die. Trubaldsome might want to die in some pointless last stand, but I have no intention of doing that.'

He jumped up from his seat and grabbed the nearest guard by the collar. 'Gather the men. The King's orders. We march out and show the murderous rabble outside what Mirish men are made of.' Not waiting for his answer, yl Marchis strode over to the wounded Asate. He lowered his gaze as his master approached. He had offered to kill himself for his failure, but Aulon had refused. He still had use for him.

'Spread the word. Those bastards outside will pay for what they've done. The King wills it.'

Aulon continued along the way, shouting his message out to everyone willing to heard. Within seconds, the castle courtyards had exploded with activity. Freshly-trained, bloodthirsty men began to gather around him. This was it. It could go either way now. Either they broke through, or Taric's men massacred them and took the castle. It didn't matter. They couldn't hold the castle for much longer in any case, with the naval battle raging on in the harbor.

Aulon found himself whispering a prayer to the Bright One as he made his way to his quarters to retrieve his armor. He might soon see if the texts were right, and he'd find eternal glory in the Sun.

Aulon leads the forces of Miring out of the castle at Taric's men!
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2436 on: August 19, 2011, 04:46:21 pm »

All characters merely travelling reach their destinations.

Quote from: Ludwig
Get armour and weapon, made blinding powder and started practicing with the guardsmen.

You take time to sharpen up your skills with the sciavona, but it's been a long time since you really did any proper work on your ability to throw an ambush.  If you find yourself called upon to pull off an assassination or break into somewhere to obtain information, you could really do with building your skills up further.  You have some ideas on that front, but they might be tricky to pull off...

Skill Challenge: Complete the tasks to gain the 'Stealth' skill.  You may complete these as part of other actions or missions, or attempt to perform them independently to advance at a quicker rate.

1. Tail a moderately high-profile target (a noble, a merchant, a priest, a magistrate or any PC) and gather information on their whereabouts, activities and habits without getting caught.

2. Steal something of value from a well-protected location, e.g. intelligence documents, silver from a business vault, precious art or valuables.

3. Successfully assassinate or kidnap a moderately high-profile figure (a noble, a merchant, a priest, a magistrate or any PC) without getting caught.

Quote from: The Mask
Jon posts posters with the knights name and picture with a description and an offer of a reward for his capture. He sends these to the borders and to the neighboring lands. Mask shall recruit spies, starting with death row prisoners.

[6] Many death row prisoners are eager to respond to your recruitment offers.  Unfortunately, they never turn up again once you let them loose to act as spies.  It seems spies work best with frequent reward and payment, rather than a one-off gesture.  If you have time, you can probably recruit some half-decent spymasters at 2 Ducats each, or 3 Ducats if you're in a hurry.  Otherwise you'll need to conduct espionage yourself.

[Espionage rules proper are still being written, but those are the prices for the Spy specialist.]

Quote from: Renard
Travel to Suul, and then further south. Look for a nice defendable cove, or sea cave where we cna build  Pirate Haven

[3-1] Once again, your searches prove fruitless.  You end up docking in Suul towards the end of winter, where your men take their cut of the last raid and spend their shore leave on ale and wenches.

Quote from: McJohnston
Have the soldiers attempt to break out in the way mentioned above. If successful have them travel back to me.

Alas, too many of the soldiers have sworn fealty to their new lords in exchange for their life - and considering several of them have been granted land from the parcels reclaimed by the McKinleys, they are willing to stick by those oaths.  The dissenters are quickly executed and the regiment stays with its new masters.

Quote from: Pompulion
Pompulion heads off to any inns or places of merriment where the people are too drunk to recognize him that he can find. Afterwards he searches for a sort of habitable place where his workings would go unnoticed.

[1]  You wander for some time, heading due south without any particular bearing until you are well out of Manskinner land.  Following some ill-kept country lanes, after several weeks you reach the town of Sheepy Hollow.  You still have the ducat's worth of silver McJohnston gave you, so you are well in pocket for any small costs like lodgings.  You rent out a room at the inn and search for more permanent lodgings.  [1] Unfortunately it seems that there aren't many free houses available in Sheepy Hollow.  Without moving to another town, you'll just have to stay in the inn for now.

Quote from: Zimtar
Attempt to replace the handless man hand area with swords then assign him a helper then train the swords hand man
The Elementalists tell the sword hand man that they turned him into a war demon.
Send a messenger to Suul to gain an ally against the inhuman Elbreth king, who had a mans hand cut off! oh the humanity
Question Meng

Of course!  Why didn't you think of this before?  You submit the handless man to the ministrations of an insane leatherworker, who straps a pair of blades to his hands.  He kills three of your men in an accident before cutting an arm and leg off.  The elementalists get to him in time and the witch doctor performs a lengthy, mystical ceremony.  At the end, he announces that the man's spirit has been transmuted into a war demon and will prevail as a mighty warrior in the afterlife.

[2] Your messenger comes back empty-handed.  He never got so far as an audience with even the Archbishop's diplomats.  Apparently a bunch of mountain-dwelling raiders do not command sufficient clout to even get their notice, let alone alliance.

Quote from: Meng
Start taming the bears
((So after I've tamed 3-6 bears will they become a heavy berserker regiment?))

[1+1] Your natural affinity with beasts saves you from the bears tearing your head off, but relations with them do not get off to a good start at all.  They appear to be mainly carnivorous, so you will need at least a fair amount of meat to try again.

OOC:  Possibly.  Since you're evading the manpower cost, I'll allow this one-off case that if you spend 2 Ducats on taming them you'll get the HB regiment.

Quote from: Mahtan
Plan number 1: Get one of the armed men to break the lock so we can escape.

Plan number 2: Find sulfur, somehow.

((Saltpetre should be easy to find do it's previous belief to cause impotence which would be added to the ale to keep the men from getting to crazy after drinking.  And were in a burning building so there should be some charcoal even if there isn't a kiln in the cellar. Sulfur's a crapshoot though.))

Plan number 3: Ignore the fact that smoke is somehow going down into the cellar, seeing as smoke rises. and there's a hole in the roof, so it's not even like displacement.

Logic wins out, ans you discover that even the gods can't make smoke descend against the laws of physics.  You feel as if the universe owes you an apology.  Then you realise that your glasses are just covered with smoke, even though this seems suspiciously like the gods are trying to get out of a complete factual error.

The immediate panic aside, [5] you get extremely lucky in your desperate search of the cellar.  Opening one cupboard you get the distinctive smell of rotten eggs and a lot of white linen.  Concealed in the back is a small jar, which you find is full of yellow powder.  It looks like the publican must bleach his clothes with brimstone, in a ridiculously old fashoined form!  You have a good laugh at this man's foolish eccentricity before remembering that the house is on fire.

You get hold of a part of the inn's saltpetre store, scrape some charcoal from the burning floorboard above and mix them together like a madman!  Creating a crude leather guard from a conveniently located codpiece, you shape the charge against the lock and light it with a long taper.  [2+1] The resulting explosion is not enough to blow the iron padlock off, [5] but does enough damage to the trapdoor for you and Gunther to kick it open.

You emerge into the street, assistants in tow, when a rain of arrows pelts down from the rooftops!  You scurry towards the nearest alleyway, [1] but an arrow strikes Gunther in the throat.  You bustle him into an alleyway, out of the line of fire.  Lilith, panicking almost as much as the screaming monkey, helps you drag his fidgeting form to one side but it's too late to do anything.  On the bright side, you won't have to pay him now.

[4] With the guards distracted, it is a simple matter for you to steal a cart and pony and escape the city, Gunther and the monkey hidden under some canvas whilst you and Lilith ride back towards Elbreth.  She mumbles something about the heat of the moment and says she has a boyfriend.  You don't particularly care.

The tavern starts to collapse, forcing the regiments within out onto the street.  As soon as they emerge, the rooftop archers loose their first volley.

Suul:  4 Volley Archers, 1 Scout Archer
Manskinner:  1 Heavy Raider, 1 Heavy Infantry

Volley Strike:  6+4 vs 6+4 - Successful Volley (1 Heavy Infantry destroyed.)

Combat:  6+5 vs 3+2 - Crushing Victory to Suul (1 Heavy Raiders destroyed.)

The ruthlessly trained Suulian archers rain arrow after arrow down upon the emerging soldiers, taking advantage of their confusion to execute dozens before they are able to reach the rooftops to counter the attack.  Even then, the sheer number of archers are able to slaughter the Blodvindr before they can do any serious damage.  Several are taken captive, including the wounded and unconscious Corv Manskinner.

Later, in Suul Cathedral...

A bound, gagged and disarmed Corv Manskinner is brought before Archbishop Thring, a large, elderly man in a simple but well-cut white robe.  Although the Archbishop has a lot of fat on his frame, there is no denying the bulk beneath it - in his youth, he could have been a prizefighter.  Like the more vicious prizefighters his eyes belie that same ruthless cunning, a cold, proud gaze mirrored in Corv's own.  He paces slowly, addressing the captive Jarl.

"You are the leader of your band, yes?  Then I am not particularly sorry to inform you that your comrades have been executed.  I have spared you because I wish you to deliver a message to your Jarl, Corv Manskinner.

"Suul is not to be trifled with.  I am not sure what may have given you the impression that you could walk into my city and stir up trouble with impunity, but whatever foolishness that may have been I suggest you put it out of your minds.  That being said, I wish to make your master an offer.

"Convert to Orthodoxy.  Embrace the true faith and I will crown him as King of Weyland.  I assure you my word still carries great weight in this coast and beyond, whatever rumours you might have heard, and by this you will gain two things your master desperately needs.

"The first is legitimacy.  The Jarl is very quickly attaining a reputation for his actions, a reputation increasingly likely to result in intervention from Brighthall amongst other states.  That would be a war you are incapable of winning.  Be crowned as an Orthodox king and Brighthall will be forced to respect that.

"The second is a friend.  Not an ally, to be sure, but you are sore in need of friends.  In exchange for permitting Suulian missionaries into your lands to persuade your people to accept the true faith, we will be happy to extend a trade treaty and even limited loans or financial aid.  This would all be to your benefit, as the more Orthodox converts in your lands, the more stable they will be under an Orthodox ruler.

"Your master is free to ignore my offer, and I am free to execute any of your men who cross into my lands.  But this would be a terrible waste of an opportunity, I feel.  You will be taken to the border with Elbreth and released.  If you or any of your kinsmen return under anything other than a diplomatic flag, you will shot on sight."  The Archbishop nods to one of the guards, who approaches Corv from behind.  "A good evening to you."

A heavy blow to the back of the head renders Corv unconscious.  By the time he awakes, he is already en-route to the border.  When he finally arrives, he is unceremoniously dumped on the other side and encouraged by several archers to get moving.

Quote from: Taric
Let the peasants head into the castle. Continue the siege.

Intending to push a siege until Spring and starve the defenders out, you allow the peasant regiments to flee into the castle.  It is only a day later that you receive a missive from Terenos that he intends to bring troops to storm it - you shall both need to raid the port to pay your soldiers' wage.

Quote from: Terenos
Terenos A) laughs and says that the spoils of war are his. He was following the orders of Grand Master Black after all. What he kept was enough to pay his men. What he gave up was the surplus. If they have any problems with that..*shrug* they are the defeated force.
b) Surveys the navy. c) Sends a return runner to Taricus telling him to conserve his forces, I will be there whenever I can.
C) Mine and Manning's troops (And us) will board the ships, discussing the potential upcoming fight (with the admiral) while we sail into position to attack Miring.
Send information to Taricus so he joins the assault.
D. (Priority): Attack Miring from the Sea..

[3] There is some ineffective blustering on the part of the nobles, but they leave you be.  You head aboard ship and travel south to Miring with the two regiments under your command.  Along the way you notice a large carrack approaching, flying no colours.  The admiral prepares for a fight with pirates, but at first it seems they are just moving towards Miring as well.  Several of the men get out shortbows and sabres as you approach the port, but make no move to approach you.  It looks like you've gained some allies!

Meanwhile, the desperate looting of their own port and gathering of what last few resources they have leaves Miring's forces with only 9 Ducats to their name.  After paying for the training of their naval crews and regiments, the Treasury only has 5.5 Ducats left.

The Battle of Port Sleen

On midwinter morning, signal fires go up from the lighthouses by Miring.  A fleet of four ships, one of them an enormous carrack, advances upon the port of Miring with ill intent!  Responding to semaphore signals from Castle Sleen, the defending ships abandon the rigorous drilling of the last few weeks and scramble to protect the port.

Tactics: No special tactics are employed by either side.

Terenos: 3 warships, 1 carrack
Miring: 2 Defensive Warships

Sea Skirmish:  3+6 vs 5+4 - Draw (1 warship lost, 1 defensive warship lost)

The naval battle commences with the drilled warships trying to circle around the attackers for whatever advantage they can scrounge, but the presence of the Night Runner is enough to swing the tide of the battle back towards the attackers.  The sailors curse the pirates for allying with d'Avistral as they drown, but the remaining ship builds up speed for a ramming stroke and is able to successfully sink the one unloaded warship on the enemy side.

Sea Skirmish:  3+5 vs 6+2 - Draw (1 warship lost, 1 Ambusher lost, 1 defensive warship lost)

The Night Runner catches the wind and moves to strafe the last surviving Mirish ship, firing flaming arrows down upon the deck.  The doomed vessel, its captain understanding their approaching destruction, builds up past ramming speed and crashes into the side of one of the Prestoner warships, wrecking both ships completely in the process.  The troops on board flounder and desperately swim for the shore, but many are lost, dragged down by their heavy armour.

Manning Ibrich is able to swim to shore, but his Crew have been destroyed.

The remaining ship docks at the now defenceless port, though their complement of heavy soldiers emerges to protect the ship from any attack from land.  The captain of the Night Runner signals the captain of the warship and waves to them, telling them to "string that bastard d'Avistral up for us!"

[1] He never spots the noble at the head of the regiment.  On the other hand, when the crew start trying to unload their shipments of grain they are signalled by a runner from the soldiers, who inform the sailors that this port is now under blockade by order of the Kingdom of Elbreth.

The Battle of Miring

The port having been lost, a Vasirian noble finally loses patience with the hopeless situation.  Frustrated and angry, he leads the peasants out of the castle, whose training has focused on channelling their own frustrated rage.  Bereft of the advantages the defences might confer, they will be forced to win through sheer force of arms.  Somewhat unwilling but loathe to grant the enemy any advantage, Trubaldsome's own archers follow them to provide whatever advantage they can.

Miring:  1 Tactician Archers, 1 Bers. Pikers, 2 Berserkers. (7)
Taric:  1 Berserker Infantry, 1 Tactician Infantry, 1 Heavy Infantry (4)

Tactics: Neither side has the time or inclination to devise tactics against such well-led opponents.  They charge into battle, Trubaldsome's archers desperately trying to provide what covering fire they can whilst peasants armed with woodcutting axes and cheap leather (or even just clothes) smash against chain-mailled men-at-arms in the hope that wrath will take the place of armour.

Round One:  5+7 vs 4+4 - Crushing Victory to Miring (Taric's Tactician Infantry, Berserker Infantry destroyed)

Wrath, as it turns out, holds its own very well.  Spurred on by the thousands murdered by Taric and his men, ordinary tradesmen and fishermen are transmuted by some kind of furious alchemy into killers that would make the kinsmen of Weyland proud.  The Royal Crown troops, trained to be on the offensive, crumple and rout under the onslaught.  Those not killed in the violent clash of forces rout, then are slain from behind by their advancing foes.  Many escape and flee into obscurity - many more do not.

Whether or not by the will of their commander, Taric's own guard attempt to convey their commander out of the field of battle.  The peasantry will have none of that and spurred on by hatred rush the cadre of mailled men-at-arms, seeking vengeance for the crimes committed against them.

Round Two:  3+7 vs 6+2  - Clear Victory to Miring (Heavy Infantry lost, Berserker Infantry lost)

The guards beat back a retreat, trying to get to the distant camp and the horses that might offer their master a chance of escape.  Peasants throw themselves against the soldiers in the hundreds, Taric's squires proving their mettle by slaughtering scores of the rabble, but being clawed away by the crowd one by one.  By the time they reach the camp, only Taric himself is left.

Escape: [1 vs 2+3]  Sir Taric makes a desperate run for the horses, his only chance of evading capture or execution.  Too soon, the peasants overrun the camp and surround him.

Taric:  +1 Weapon, +1 Armour.  3/3hp
Aulon:  +1 Weapon, +1 Armour, +1 Army.  6/6hp

[3+2 vs 2+3] Taric swings his bastard sword in a wide arc, cutting down as many peasants as he can whilst surging forward toward the last free horse.  Cleavers and meathooks claw at his thick plate armour and dig into his skin as he struggles.  [Taric 2hp, Aulon 5hp]

[2+2 vs 4+3] As Taric closes in on the horse a knight in chain with shield, sporting the familiar crest of yl Marchis, steps in front of him.  There is no time or inclination for an honourable issue of challenge - neither man has any honour left.  The only reason Taric does not gut the man where he stands is because yl Marchis is faster - his own longsword undercuts Taric by the legs, scything him to the ground.  [Taric 1hp]

[3+2]  Taric thrusts upward with his bastard sword in one final defiant stroke... [vs 6+3] but yl Marchis knocks it from his hands with his own blade.

Surrounded by a mob screaming for his death, Taric stares up through his visor at the figure towering over him, his sword raised for the stroke that will end it all.

Sir Taric the Just is at the mercy of Aulon yl Marchis.  He may be captured, slain or freed at Aulon's whim.

The land siege of Miring has been broken, however temporarily.  The port blockade continues untrammelled.

The year 314a has come to an end.

Kindly refrain from posting actions before the New Year post.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 04:54:53 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2437 on: August 19, 2011, 04:53:47 pm »

Before The Battle...
Trubaldsome, his quarters now more-or-less 'his' once again as the rest of the defenders went about their last-minute tasks, was relaxing; feet on the desk, snuffbox set to one side, open, and a bottle of wine cradled in his arm;
he was feeling quite content, after having finally more-or-less conquered that terrible icy fear that crept in his bowels. He thought back, his stoned mind drifting through childhood memories, making up new ones, it didn't matter.
His pleasant reverie was interrupted by the stomping of feet out in the hallways, and he heard someone- Aulon?- shouting like a madman from somewhere down there. What on earth was going on?

The young King got to his feet, frowning deeply. It didn't sound like an attack, no-one had raised an alarm...
He waved Waery over towards the door as he buckled on his sword. "Let's go see what's going on, Waery, I don't like the sound of it. Not at all."
Waery stepped out into the hallway, followed by Trubaldsome, and together they stepped out onto a balcony to see a flurry of activity in the courtyard. Trubaldsome blinked a couple of times, blearily, but could not work out what was going on.
"You there!" He waved over a passing soldier, a large man. The fellow was walking along with his teeth bared in a bloodthirsty grimace, and he had forgone his usual sword in favour of a large, sharp steel axe, carried over one shoulder.
He looked towards Trubaldsome, reluctantly halting. Waery did not like the look of the man, and put a hand to his sword hilt.
"What in blazes is going on, man?! Are we under attack?" The young noble cried.
The brutish man shook his head, grunted, "Nah. Yl Marchis is leadin' an attack, we're goin' to show these bastards what for! We'll gut them, smash their 'eads in!" He resumed his bestial expression, turning on his heel and heading
off, yelling a war-cry now as he joined a group of his equally battle-ready fellows.
Trubaldsome paled. "A... An attack?! No, no no no, no!" He cast a desperate glance about the yard, but could not see Aulon anywhere. He stumbled in, following the general rush of people.
"He can't attack!" The young King was muttering, half-to-himself, half-to-Waery, "I'm the King! I didn't tell him to!"
But from the expressions of the people trooping down the corridoor, there was going to be an attack.
Waery narrowed his eyes, adjusted his swordbelt as he walked. "No goin' back now," he muttered to himself.
"What's that? What'd you say?" Trubaldsome was peering at him suspiciously. "Er, Nothin' M'Lord."
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2438 on: August 19, 2011, 05:54:00 pm »

Mahtan tries to steer the wagon as best as he can, the ass was more then willing to move when there was fire everywhere, but ever since they crossed the border it's been stubborn, as if it was a mule, when it's clearly a donkey.

"Where are we?" Lilith yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"We entered Elbreth, no more then an hour ago." Mahtan stared blankly ahead as the sun rose in the distance.
"Already? When did you wake?"
"Wake?" Mahtan turned his head slightly toward her.
"Don't tell me you've been driving all night!" Lilith made her way to the passenger seat.
"Alright, I won't" A smirk went across his face, as he lifted a small flask and took a drink.
"Oh, and your drinking? That's great, since when do you drink?"
"I've always drank" Mahtan takes another sip.
"Well, I've never seen you drink"
"Well, You haven't known me very long have you." snaps Mahtan.  Lilith shirks a bit and changes the topic.
"So what are we going to call it? she asked meekly.
"I believe the most common name for a donkey is Betsy, but I might be mixing that up with a cow."
"Not the donkey, you drunk, the monkey"
"What? Nothing were not naming it, and I'm not drunk, I'm never drunk.
"Why not, everything has a name"
"You grew up on a farm didn't you?  Do you name livestock?
"And why not?"
"Because.. you don't want to grow attached to them.."
"And why don't you grow attached to them?"
"Because you slaughter them, I'm not a child" Lilith said defensively.
"Well, guess what were going to do to that monkey" *drinks from flask*
"Keep it as a pet?" she said with a slight sense of hope.
"Absolutely not! I didn't travel all the way to Suul for a pet, do you know what these things eat?"
"I don't know."
"Well neither do I, so we're definitely not keeping it, and we're definitely not naming it."
Lilith crawled back into the wagon's hold and faces the monkey's cage.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to name you Gunther, because you remind me of someone I knew, he too was hairy and mostly naked."
"Great, now I have to kill it just out of principal."
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2439 on: August 19, 2011, 07:31:27 pm »

((Roleplay Post!))

He was going to be sick. They'd caught the stench of death coming in, wafting on a northbound breeze. What the hell had happened there, Terenos wasn't quite sure of. He had some suspicions, but he didn't really have time to think. Shortly after there was a call to his troops to assist with the rigging and the sails, and what have you.. There was a large ship that aided them in the fight..Thankfully so, Mirings navy was somewhat stouter than Terenos remembered.

Still.. a victory is a victory. Somewhat.. He saw Manning's ship go down, and hoped briefly that he would be among those able to swim to shore..
Hah. A vicious battle couldn't kill you my friend.. I doubt the seas can either.

He watched the gates of the castle open, and an unprecedented surge of troops pour out, descending on Elbreth soldiers like a violent plague... The carnage that was witnessed from offshore was more than enough to have him clutching the railing and heaving his last meal overboard. The Admiral steadfastly refused any orders to dock and render assistance.. Wisely so in hindsight, they wouldn't have done much more than die anyways.
Terenos patted his travel pack, feeling the reassuring weight of possibly his only bargaining chip remaining I still have the Miring Crown, and maybe, just maybe the King's favor still. Can't be too sure about that one. That jumped up priest seems to think I'm nothing, and maybe I am. Sure I'll get a chance to find out. But at the very least..I've the means to set right one mistake in my life.

"Admiral. My apologies for your losses. I'll stick to my word and see to it you are made exempt from taxes on your land. I suppose there's nothing left to do here..But return to Preston. We'll make it there by the new year, by my reckoning."

Terenos turns to stare at Port Sleen, hands gripping the railing firmly. Muttering to himself
"And neither of them are going to escape my blade."
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2440 on: August 19, 2011, 07:38:36 pm »

Renard sat at his desk scribbling on a piece of papers subtracting the crews cuts, and the cost to keep the ship floating from their current funds, and finnally gets the final number. He scratches the rough beard that was now growing on his face, and said 'Damnit we only have Half a Ducat left, and still no place to create the first haven. Our only other hope would be to search for the one farther away from the mainlands out in the islands, but we won't have the funds to make it there I believe. Well I will give it till fall, and if we don't have any land by tehn we will go east in search of the islands." he stood up pushed the chiar back, and went to the now mostly empty chest aboard the ship within was the remaining money of the Sea Wolves, and that was their future right there a couple of bags of coins.

He went over to the door dropped the piece of wood into place, and bolted all three of the bolts before going to his bed, and flopping down. In almost a minute he is out,a dn drifting off to sleep.


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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2441 on: August 19, 2011, 07:56:13 pm »

"Yes sire, precisely that. Except I have an advantage over any other agents you have in your employment. Not only do I have certain powers other will not possess nor know of that have few consequences ((yes, my character is dumb)), I'm an unapproachable man. My appearance is that of a corpse and no-one will even look at me for fear of a curse befalling them.
And so sire, I believe if you have any targets you need eliminating then hire me immediately. Despite my special powers, I will only use these in the most desperate of situations, resulting to more brute yet subtle means most of the time."

Kain was still staring at the man, but a slight,imperceptible- to all those who weren't listening- sound of sword shifting in scabbard can be heard from his direction. He takes a few steps towards the King, so he standing at Eric's shoulder, he removes his hood and snarls at the man but keeps a respectful silence, for the King.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."

Mr. Dwarfinton

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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2442 on: August 19, 2011, 08:09:47 pm »

His face was rampant with anger, the veins on his necks seeming to be at the point of bursting. "Why in the bloody hells did you not see them?" He screamed, grabbing a surviving soldier of the battle by his hair and punching him square across the face. "The last of our army is captured, you dumb bastard! And..." He punctured the next several words with a punch each. "You... didn't... see... the enemy!" His wrongly aimed anger was most likely a show to watch. An angry steward beating a soldier for nothing more than a defeat in battle. He grabbed the man by his head and threw him to the ground, kicking him several times in the stomach. The guards occasionally flinched as the man was savagely beaten. One eventually tried to speak up for the man, "Eh, sir, it was a bit of bad luck. No-one's to be blamed for what happened, this man barely survived the attack himself! Why no-" He was cut short by the steward, "You shut your damned mouth, you fool, or you're next when I'm done with his idiot!" He snarled, and then continued the beating.

After beating him a bit more he let the man fall to the ground, and fell into his chair. Motioning a guard over he began speaking again. "Do what you want with this fool, but I want him dead by the day is out or you will be next. Understand?"  As the man was dragged away he stood up, watching the village through a small window in the longhouse. "This... is my land, for now." He said to himself. "And I'll be damned if they think they can take this from me while Manskinner is gone." His hand tightened around the wood, his knuckles turning white and the angry look returning to his face. "And when I can, I will personally skin them alive and have their leader beaten to death by his family..."



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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2443 on: August 19, 2011, 08:20:44 pm »

Before she departs...

Drua looks at the young man with a glare. She snorts and ignores him. He had the nerve to come up to her and ask her about that Mahtan, the one who coveted her job! What an insult!

While at Suul's ports...

Drua smiles, noting the prices for ships were a little high, and she hadn't been able to find any assistants, but she had picked up some nice herbal rations and lemon mixes that were supposed to halt disease at sea. It looked like she was going to be doing all the cartography, but Drua didn't expect to be fighting any more wars any time soon. She was able to walk without the cane, with the occasional bad ache troubling her. That had been a frightening remind of her mortality and she'd be damned if she was going to go through that again. Probably damned if she died, actually, if some of those preachers were right about her. A dark smile warming across her face, she sets out to find a messenger she can send a letter to her steward.

Spoiler: Letter (click to show/hide)

Her delivery managed, she sets off to find an Order of Thyme boat for hire, one that will take her to the Storm Coast and then across the sea...
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.


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Re: You are King! (Winter 314)
« Reply #2444 on: August 19, 2011, 08:45:58 pm »

Nahk state: Furious
The Nahk is the leader of my clan aka me

Pay Meng the ducats needed for a Heavy Berserker bear regiment
How much do mines cost?
Both regiments try to claim the plateau

Spoiler: Ztah (Zimtar raiders) (click to show/hide)
(Would people be scared of the Bear regiment so that would cause [fear])
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 09:12:46 pm by NoahTophatz »
New words are made by general useage
Mutie? My eldrtich fluffykins? He is a graceful and proud creature! That may or may not be the essence of every nightmare since the beginning of time and will cause you to go mad by being near it.
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