I'm having such a hard time playing League of Legends lately, I dropped from almost gold to 1400's. It's not a lot but it warrants frustration when it's the same situation each game.
I absolutely hate him. I feel as though he's the most BROKEN champion the League has ever had. I don't understand Riot's logic in releasing him and allowing people to just dominate. You ban him? Fine, but I'm not always first pick/banner. If you pick a Melee top before they pick theirs, Darius is going to crap on you. If he picks first, you're given the opportunity to counter him with ranged harass. It'll make his laning a little harder but ... I don't know about you guys, but it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating to shut him down 0/4 but when the time for teamfights rolls around, he's getting doubles and triples and just get's fed as though nothing had happened.
To say he's not punished for his mistakes is a little excessive, but unlike every other champion in the League, he is able to mess up and still win handily. There is so much leeway, it's disgusting.
I saw the Katarina pick in mid so I figured I would go Wukong to completely null her ultimate. I didn't fight him, I just CSed cause I knew he would outright beat me. It was back and forth until he got Phage. If I walked away from my turret, even a bit, he'd apprehend, slow proc, stack his passive and ULT. The Darius proceeded to go 6/2 before a surrender vote came out.
His items? Berserker Greaves, Frozen Mallet, and Hexdrinker. Tell me one other champion that can completely destroy a team with those three items alone. His damage output is stupid for the lack of damage items. If you ignore him, either you or your AD WILL die. If you focus him, by the time you get over the slow, and chizzle down his HP, you'd be dead from the other four opponents.
My yearning to play League just completely dies when I think about Darius. A game shouldn't upset me this much... Maybe I'll take a small break from LoL.