E used to give extra shield for every hit enemy: This was when you still healed 33% from minions too, insteadof just half of this. The E gave you 1/2/3/4/5 extra shield per hit enemy, so it was really useful for charging up a shield. Now it deals damage and nothing else: A very basic skill.
Q gives massive damage 1 vs 1 so you want that. W is safe to use, and makes you more durable. At level 5, it deals twice the damage of Sunfire cape, and increases your resistances by 30. In a 1 vs 1 situation your Q + Shield which lasts 6 seconds + another Q when the cooldown goes off gives you the best damage. So many times the enemy jungler has died in a gank (or given a doublekill to me) when they though I was just gonna throw some metal dust in their eyes and run off. No, you get your shield, and bas their skulls in when they have nobody near them. Once you get the ghost, use it well. Block the enemy's escape route. Cast your cloud on the ghost and have it autoattack the enemy while you run back (if low on hp). When you're 300 hp and you have a 1100 hp ghost, which does the enemy focuse? The Mordekasier, thats right. And when they're chasing you, you use that ghost to rape their asses. When they realise they won't win, turn back and Q their face. Simple as that.
Or level your E and spam it like fucking every normal Mordekasier does. And see how you lose when the other guy doesn't just stand back anymore. It also costs the msot health to use.
Also, of the damage:
Q does 132 / 181.5 / 231 / 280.5 / 330 (+1.65 per bonus attack damage) (+0.66 per ability power) damage against single target. Cooldown 4 seconds at lvl 5.
W does 144 / 228 / 312 / 396 / 480 (+1.2 per ability power) damage if all ticks hit. Cooldown 12 seconds (duration 6) at level 5.
E does 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.6 per ability power) damage. Cooldown is 6 seconds at all levels.
I can do a Morde guide if someone needs it.