Throw away the Ghostblade. It's expensive, kinda lame stats, makes you ultra squishy, and is useless without the active.
Here's what you do.
You go solo top. Always. Unless you want to be a boss and go support + X^Z bot to kill Ashe for epic facerape. If you face someone with skillshots you take boots 3 pots. If you face someone who wants to slowly whittle you down, you take regrowth pendant + pot. If you face Garen / Urgot, you take cloth armour + 5 pots. If you want to be a
MAN, you take Doran's Blade and go for first blood with your Q.
You sit in that goddamn lane and you farm. You farm until you have 1950g. This includes farming your enemy.
Then you go back. You buy Wriggles and boots. You go back to lane. You farm some more. (This is part of why I'm bored of playing X^Z and Irelia)
Keep farming and farming and farming (both minions and any enemies that come to the lane). Get 2510 gold. Buy Phage + Zeal.
Alright. The time should be just under 20 minutes. You are now Superman. Go kill everyone.
Full items are: Wriggles + boots + Triforce + 3 tanky items.---
Keep in mind:1. X^Z level 1 damage with his Q is absurd. That's why you be a
MAN and go for first blood.
2. X^Z is a burst damage champion. He is a MAGE. He is not a melee dps like Tryndamere or Irelia. If his cooldowns are not up you do not fight.
3. Lane harass follows the same principle. You E, then you Q. After they get knocked up you just run back and go back to farming. Your basic autoattacks are honestly shit, so don't bother continuing past that point. Just keep doing that every time your cooldowns are up.