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Author Topic: Ultimate Character Battle: Giga-Fort VS Karkat (I need help with this one)  (Read 37385 times)


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Ashot VS Giga-Fortress?
« Reply #360 on: February 01, 2011, 01:03:30 am »

Question: In CaC, can Giga-Fortress be harmed by normal infantry?


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Ashot VS Giga-Fortress?
« Reply #361 on: February 01, 2011, 01:30:08 am »

Technically, yes. since its part air unit and the rocket launcher men can hit those.
In practice, no. They're too weak to actually survive a direct confrontation unless they're garrisoned in a building. (which won't help for long, G-F will just reduce the building to unusability or rubble in a few blasts)
Crystalline (SG)
Quote from: RedKing
It's known as the Oppai-Kaiju effect. The islands of Japan generate a sort anti-gravity field, which allows breasts to behave as if in microgravity. It's also what allows Godzilla and friends to become 50 stories tall, and lets ninjas run up the side of a skyscraper.


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Ashot VS Giga-Fortress?
« Reply #362 on: February 05, 2011, 12:37:38 am »

BUMP OF JUSTICE. Just judge this one already, personally i think the giga fortress would win, but ashot could win if it would get the thread moving again.
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Ashot VS Giga-Fortress?
« Reply #363 on: February 05, 2011, 02:12:06 am »

The Freedom Forces roll out, their vehicles bristling with heavy weaponry, ready to defend their city!
Giga-Fortress tries in vain to rain its God's Breath down on them, but they skitter away from the slow attack!
Fortunately for it, its internal repair facilities are more than enough to keep up with the Force's weapons, and it makes its way slowly closer to the city.
As it approaches, powerful anti-air turrets open fire! Although these are more damaging than the infantry, they are also stationary, making them easy targets. As the Fortress lumbers onward, its Breath destroying everything, the Forces evacuate.

Winner: Giga-Fortress

Next Battle: Barney Calhoun vs Karkat Vantas!
The battlefield is a twisting, poorly-lighted underground tunnel system.
Barney has an AR2, while Karkat is equipped with his various sickles.
Each obeys the mechanics of their own universe unless stated otherwise.

Begin debate!


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #364 on: February 05, 2011, 02:34:18 am »

I'm going with the Barney that was probably form Blue Shift.

If he survived a multitude of Marine Squads, Aliens, BEES, and was prone to teleporting, I think he can take on Karkat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #365 on: February 05, 2011, 02:46:59 am »

Yes, this is Barney from Blue Shift, and Karkat is post-SGRUB Karkat, meaning that he is at the top of his echeladder and has defeated his session's Black King.

You know, it's nice, actually knowing one of these characters!


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #366 on: February 05, 2011, 03:08:00 am »

Yes, this is Barney from Blue Shift, and Karkat is post-SGRUB Karkat, meaning that he is at the top of his echeladder and has defeated his session's Black King.

You know, it's nice, actually knowing one of these characters!
I think that karkat would win quite easily against someone with just a gun. BUT given that we know absolutely nothing about him and his powers and his combat abilities, i say that we have to give this one to barney.
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #367 on: February 05, 2011, 04:20:31 am »

Karkat will just stay inside the meteorite and troll Barney to death *g*


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #368 on: February 05, 2011, 11:09:01 am »

Look, let's see Barney's possible arsenal.
-The Crowbar, probably just as decent as Karkat's sickles. Hey, he has enough strength to beat down Vortigaunts and Zombies.
-The M9 Berreta, decent if he aims for the head.
-Colt Python, basically an upped version of the above able to one hit marines.
-MP5/M4 with M203. One of the ultimate weapons of the game, and the grenade launcher is NOT TO BE TAUNTED. Seriously, it blows apart most enemies in one hit.
-SPAS-12 without Stock. Probably the most useful for shooting Karkat.
-An unnamed HECU RPG. Decent enough to blow up tanks...
-Various grenades and Satchel Charges.
-Of all things, Snarks. Blood explosive aliens that attack anything.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 11:11:27 am by Phantom »

Duke 2.0

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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #369 on: February 05, 2011, 11:16:47 am »

 I think it would be reasonable to assume that Karkat outdoes any normal human in the strength department. The guy gets in melee fights with giant aliens with a multitude of bizarre powers through Hivebent. The only monster that can compare in the HL universe is the pit tentacle things. And none of the weapons could damage that, at best grenades would hurt it for a little bit. And Trolls apparently can take quite a bit of punishment before going down. Karkat was stabbed several times and it was no real issue to him, and Nepeta was still awake after three stabs to the torso, so a few bullets isn't gonna instantly take them down.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #370 on: February 05, 2011, 11:19:23 am »

Well, the special attack on the AR2 should do something...

That, and Tavros easily died from impalement. Then again, it was a God Tier Troll that did that...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 11:21:11 am by Phantom »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Barney VS Karkat!
« Reply #371 on: February 09, 2011, 03:13:33 pm »

Deep underground, the two combatants wander, each hoping to get the drop on the other.
Karkat, his Regisickle poised foe combat, peers around a corner, spotting his opponent! He charges!
Barney hears, and pivots, raising his rifle! He scores a direct hit, depleting Karkat's supply of Vitality Gel!
But Karkat doesn't go down, and Barney has come into melee range!
A single slash, and Barney is beheaded!

Winner: Karkat

Next Battle: Scar vs Minsc!
The battlefield is a series of floating islands, about 40 feet in diameter, connected by bridges of various sizes.
The combatants start on separate islands.
Each obeys the mechanics of their own universe unless stated otherwise.

Begin debate!


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Scar VS Minsc (and Boo)!
« Reply #372 on: February 09, 2011, 10:08:40 pm »

Now the most important question is at what point does this take place in the respective universes. For maximum funzies, I am going to assume it is at the very END of their respective timelines. IE: Post Throne of Bhaal, and about 10 seconds before Scar is zombified by the emmission at the end of clear sky. Thus, each is at his peak.

Cuz if this is during or  post Throne of Bhaal, then Minsc is a lvl 30+ ranger. Able to cast decent healing spells, but most terrifying for his epic level abilities (It is worth noting that once epic level play starts, it is pretty much guarenteed that said epic level D&D char is on their way to godhood. Not major godhood perhaps, but godhood nonetheless.)  and awesome magical items. It largely depends on how the player of the game decked him out, but by the end of my ToB run, Minsc wielded the +5 flail of the ages with a +2 tower shield(+4AC in melee, +8 vs ranged), and was clad in +5 full plate(15AC), belt of giant strength (the 22 one) and had the helm of baldurn. Very important that helm, since as fuzzy zergling said, all chars use their own universe mechanics, and this helm PROTECTS AGAINST CRITICAL HITS. IE: headshots.  It also adds another +1 to ac. So by this point, minsc's AC is -15, (Minsc gets +1 ac from dex for those keeping track. his actual dex would give more, but that is the max for when wearing full plate). For those of you not familier with 2nd ed. mechanics, that is a 35 AC. meaning that minsc is as hard to land a blow on as the TORRASQUE, the monster designed by the devs to be the ultimate invincible challange beast. Since minsc operates on D&D mechanics, that means that any shot by Scar that doesn't pierce armour, does 0 damage. Sniper rifles in D&D d20 modern do 2d8 damage per shot, for the low caliber ones(Vintar), 2d10 for the large calibur rifles(Dragunov), 2d12 for an anti-material rifle (Which the Gauss Gun would qualify as) but remember that minsc is at epic levels by this point. He has a couple hundred hp. As far as Minsc's damage capabilities go, remember that belt? This is not 3rd ed D&D where 22 str is only somewhat better than 18 str. 22 str is enough to pick up and throw a car. (side note: minsc's unbuffed str is 18/96. This is herculean.) Using D&D mechanics, this not only gives minsc an INSANE bonus to damage, but it also adds to his ability to land blows. He has 8 attacks per round, just under 1.25 attacks per second,  and each blow comes with the strength of a storm giant, and has a +5 magical attack and damage bonus as well as each of the flail heads adding a unique type of damage. (+2 of each fire, cold, acid, electric, and poison) The flail also protects from movement impairing effects and has 5% magical resistance. Given that STALKER armour needs to be proof against the anomolies of the zone, I would say that Scar's armour would protect against half the bonus elemental damage that the flail does.

On the Scar side of things. Since we gave minsc end of the game stuff, asssume we do the same for scar. Fully modded exoskeletan as used in clear sky, modded for maximun resistance to gunfire. For anomoly hunting, assume he uses a thusly fully modded SEVA suit. Thats what I and everyone I know who played the game did at any rate. For a weapon, we see in the starting cinematic that scar favors a Vintar, but due to it only haveing 2 small tiers of customization where most other guns had 3 large tiers, the Vintar in clear sky is somewhat underpowered. I shall assume that Scar carries the loadout I did, maxxed SPAS-12 for close range zombie/mutant killing. buckshot is ideal here. rate-of-fire modded TR-301 for mid range work, the thing was basically a minigun with a scope. Vintar/Gauss rifle for sniping. Enough dakka for any situation. We should like to think. Scar also has a worthless pistol slot and a combat knife. Since this is clear sky rather than SoC, the knife is merely a decent melee weapon rather than a vorpal keen blade of annihilation. For artifact loadout, assume a collection of radiation reducers, a bleeding stauncher, a healing one, and since scar could scope out his opponant with his scope and see what he is facing, a couple and reduce rupture damage (slicyness). Assume that he is in his exoskelli cuz he goes in expecting combat.

How I see this playing out:

Scar: "Just another contract." BOOM, HEADSHOT via gauss rifle. Which bounces off the magical enchantment of the helm of baldurn. "Well, shit." Being the intelligent and expert STALKER that he is, Scar switches to his vintar rather than wait for the 10 seconds for the gauss rifle to recharge. During this time, Minsc has started across the bridges toward his enemy. Scar takes aim for a face shot this time, below the protection offered by the helm. The shot is a hard one to get what with a moving opponant who is interjecting his MASSIVE shield, but scar is one of the best snipers in the zone. The discharge is more of a SNIKT rather than the thunderclap of the gauss (silenced gun, subsonic rounds), and half of Minsc's face disappears in a spray of red, but he pushes on. Massive head trauma does not matter. HIT POINTS matter, and minsc still has over 100 of them.

Swearing as he sees his mark ignore what should be debilitating injury and hemmorraging, Scar realizes that Minsc has closed to just one bridge away. This is too close for sniper work, and besides, he now has that collossal shield between them, so precision aiming at a vulnerable location is right out. As minsc charges, Scar pulls out his rapid fire TR-301 and empties the entire 45 round clip in just under 4 seconds. The bullets all impact the massive tower shield, and its protective magics are not proof against this much damage. The shield comes apart and minsc takes a score of rounds to the arm and chest, but these are still clad in +5 full plate. This magic is far more formidable and shrugs aside the gunfire like rain. Moments before entering melee range, the ranger throws something and screams:


Scar is backpeddaling as he hurridly pulls out his weapon of last resort; the SPAS-12 with alternating buckshot and slug rounds for mutant hunting. The buckshot will be worthless he realizes, but the slugs might be just enough to penetrate the incredible armour of his foe. As he backpedals while firing, he unknowingly trods on a small rodent.

Minsc, upon seeing Boo crushed under the exoskeleton heel of his attacker, goes berserk. He gets +2 to his Str, bonus HP, but -2 to AC and wont stop attacking regardless of tactics or safety until the rage ends. He swings the Flail of the Ages in a whirlwind of blows, each as strong as if swung by a giant, and ignores the rounds being pumped into him, what few that get past his near-invincible armour. Scar is unable to escape from melee range due to the exoskeleton's inability to sprint, and is forced to endure the onslaught of blows. The exoskeleton is a fine piece of armour, but not proof against the eldrich energies and inhuman strength being plied against it, and after a number of blows, Scar goes down. Minsc keeps pummelling the corpse till all that remains is a pile of blackened meat and bits of kevlar, metal and a spreading pool of hydraulic fluid and blood.

After the fight, minsc is near-crippled with wounds, but he does know some low level clerical magic (enough to ensure that he will not bleed out), but alas, Boo is no more. We pine for you Boo. WE PINE FOR YOU!
Christ, are you dwarves or are you elves? If you think Hell has too many demons, then youkill them till the population reaches an acceptable number.
Dwarf Fortress: So horrifying the players would rather talk about nice things, like Warhammer 40k.


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Scar VS Minsc (and Boo)!
« Reply #373 on: February 09, 2011, 10:21:23 pm »


That is a severe underestimation of the Exoskeletons strength.
I went in the damn Symbiont Anomaly in Red Forest and only came out with minor damage to the armor and only needed a few bandages! The Pseudogiant before it was like Minsc, except that 1 ton of muscle didn't help!


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Re: Ultimate Character Battle: Scar VS Minsc (and Boo)!
« Reply #374 on: February 09, 2011, 10:38:43 pm »

Exoskeleton is strong, but when compared with belt of fire giant strength, it has NOTHING.

In in-game terms, exoskeleton lets you carry what? another 40 kilos of guns and ammo? Big deal.

Belt of fire giant strength makes you strong enough to pick up and carry something on the order of a ton and a half.

There is a reason that by the end of ToB, you are fighting godlings, dragons, and armies of super-golems made from adamantium. Because no mortal foe can stand up to any D&D charachter of level 20+.

What this fight comes down to is a question is if Scar's sniping is good enough to get past the heavy enchantments on Minsc's armour and do enough damage to him to drop him before he gets to melee range, at which point Minsc wins. Because scar has a dinky little knife for melee, and the exoskeleton, while making him stronger, also slows him. Minsc's enchatments carry no such detriment, and he has years of battlefield experiance in melee combat.

In my opinion, having played both games lovingly and many times, Scar's sniping is good, but not enough to get by magical super armour. Which minsc has. Remember that stupid stupid end sequence of clear sky where we are trying to bring down Strelok's magical bubble shield? Imagine that same thing except that he is charging towards you and will insta-gibb you as soon as he enters melee range. That is this match-up.

Minsc. Hands down.
Christ, are you dwarves or are you elves? If you think Hell has too many demons, then youkill them till the population reaches an acceptable number.
Dwarf Fortress: So horrifying the players would rather talk about nice things, like Warhammer 40k.
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