I think now is as good a time as any to update anybody who may have not been paying attention, but Taleworlds is still working on Bannerlord. They've released three little blogs,
here, and
here. This latest one has the most interesting image, showing off the inventory UI.
Most notably you see an inventory slot for your neck/shoulders, which could mean wearing capes and maybe even have hoods over your helmet, and a slot for non-dlc horse armor. They're still using a 4-slot weapon system, where a kitchen knife will take up just as much space on your character as a heavy board shield. Items appear to stack in your inventory now, so if you have 30 woolen shoes it won't take up 3 pages of information. Armor values are still just a plain armor stat, armors aren't made of of materials that will protect you from certain damage types more than others. Of course, this could all change... They also said they improved tooltips (or am I confusing that info with the new KSP release?) but we can't see any in this shot.
I'd still like to be able to dye/paint my clothes... I know, it's a small little thing, but it would make characters a bit less monotonous and I'm a sucker for being able to do that kinda thing anyways =p Plus, it would remove the need to have redundant pallet swapped items: "red tunic over mail" "blue tunic over mail" "green tunic over mail" etc.
Then there's three mysterious slots in the bottom right, hmmmm. The icons look kinda like barrels?