This thing, where I attempt to say sorry, or, more often, simply say "hi" to someone, and instead I end up feeling nervous, feeling slightly dizzy, and being very nauseous. It doesn't help my imaginary self-confidence any, it doesn't help me fix the situation I've stuck my self in, it doesn't help. Nothing ever helps. No one understands, and I'm too untrusting of people to talk to a therapist or psychiatrist or whatever else. It's their job to understand, and yet I don't trust them, so they say there's nothing wrong with me, because I won't tell them anything. I wish I could start this life over, go back to the beginning, and figure out what caused all this. Not even to fix it; I just want to know how this happened. I guess that's one of the questions I'll always be asking myself. "How?" "Why?" But no one ever answers. There is no reason. There is no explanation. Things just happen, and people won't tell me why. Then, when I try to figure it out for myself, everyone gets angry at me. So I go back to being a useless drone, good pretty much only for menial, repetetive tasks that I hate more than anything else on the planet. I want to do interesting things, good things, but no one ever lets me. I guess I'm "too nice", or "too naive", but then, if I'm the naive one, why is it no one else sees these things? Why is it people despise me for being nice, for trying to help people? Some days I wonder why I don't use this amazing brain I have to do things, incredibly evil things, and the only reason I can think of is...I'm lazy. That's it. I don't want to go to the trouble of thinking, so I just continue to be a good person. It's easier to pretend to be nice, than actually be evil or mean or rude or whatever else. And I can't tell anyone I actually know this stuff, because the only person I know would listen is...."distant", the person I'm almost sure would listen has some problems with me, and everyone else doesn't want to hear it, and would think I'm sick or something. Because the only emotions I show anymore is happiness and annoyance. That's all that shows up on my face. I don't cry. I don't frown. I don' anything, really.
I hate this so much. All of it. The things I've done. The things I should have done. The things I wish I could have done. I hate myself for not seeing it, but I hate myself for that too.