Down to 980 polys. texturing things saves a lot of processing power, unfortunatly, some things can't be avoided. I can't see a way of getting the bow shop down below 2400, but the real stickler now is the kitchen, which stubbornly refuses to go below 2800 without looking like a load of cubes thrown together.
Very nice.
Personally, I think you could get away with a 12 or 16-sided cylinder for the stool seat, and as far down as 6 or 8 sides for each of the legs.
For the kitchen, I assume you've already got the knife rack, the cabinets, the stove top, and the cutting board reduced to texture maps. I'm also assuming the knife has been moved from stuck in the cutting board to a texture map lying on top of it. If this is the case, I'd say try dropping the pot on the stove and the chimney to 12-sided and the water bucket should probably be 24-sided. If the handle on the bucket is a tube, I think you could replace it with simply an arc made of 16 quads(double-sided, maybe).
For the bwyer's shop... Yeah, that one looks hard. The easiest way, of course, is to make everything except... what is that, a grinder? the vice, and the stool into texture maps, but the crossbow risks looking bad.
You might make the crossbow out of one tapered rectangle(the stock), a blocky loop(the stirrup), and a 4-segment arc(the bow). For the round parts, I'd just gank the stool as I decribed it above, reduce the vice to a cube clipping into the countertop, and change the grinder to be all 16-sided cylinders with rectangular blocks for the handle.