Be aware,the first turn is going to be a bit badly narrated,I didn't set it up
properly and this is a copy-paste from a txt. document.
Turn 1!a=custom action roll
c=cornering roll
s=speed roll
I grab a henchdwarf of one of nearby racers and throw him into the furnace. more fuel (especially filled with booze) = more speed.
a5 (+1 extra s)
s4+3=6 (-1 muskox prevention)
(muskoxen avoidence=2-1=1)
(you feel a *thump*,damage to suspension,-1 cornering)
(rolls for unlucky dwarf(furnaced!),Kashyyk=1<-)
I remove a random gear from somewhere in my vehicle and throe it out of the window, hoping it will hit some poor other racer, or atleast a bystander
a1 ('Rumble',that can't be good)(What were you thinking?!)(INSTA CRASH)
(damage?=4+1=5,no damage)
Just continue with actions as normal,you'll start same square next turn.
I ram Kashyyk back!
I am of course driving aggressively.
Aggressive mode
a2+1=3 (muskoxen are too distracting)
c2-1 (goes off course)
(Crash avoid?=5)(JUMP)
s5+3=6 (-1 muskox prevention)
(muskoxen avoidence=6-1=5)
Well in that case, order both of my henchdwarves to pump for all they're worth, as I drive aggressively to get the hell out of there. Should have like +3 Speed from that, maybe more if the dwarves are terrified of being thrown in furnaces*.
Aggressive mode.
a5 (+1 extra s)
c3-1=2 (off course)
(Crash avoid?=5)
s6+4=6(oh yeah,-1 muskox prevention)
(muskoxen avoidence=6-1=5)
I use the auto-attack of my boars to attack aquizzar
a6 (+1 to hit)
(hit chance=4+1)
(Aqizzar armor?=6,no damage)
(Muskoxen avoidence=3,just managed)
Aggresive driving and use my boars auto attack Boksi while ramming him!!!!
Aggressive mode.
a2 (muskoxen are in the way,boars do not attack)
(Boski armor?=4)
(Muskoxen avoidence=5)
I slow down slightly and go into the lane behind Boksi, and order my cats to race over it so my vehicle will ride over it, like a tank. Driven by cats.
Cautious mode
a6 (Double damage rolls +1 to teh kittehs!)
(Boski's armor(katz)?=6)
(Boski's armor(steamroll)?=5)
(Muskoxen avoidence=4)
My boars automatically attack Cheeetar! Squeeeee!
Aggressive mode
(Cheeetar's armor?=4+1=5)
s6+1=6 (-1 muskox prevention)
(Muskoxen avoidence=3+1=4)
Evasive rush forward.(avoid any major damage while trying to get to the end)
a6 (+1 cornering +1 speed)
s1+2=3 (didn't even get past the square)
Drive forward. Recklessly. With no regard for "safe" speeds.
Aggressive mode
a4 (Not much effect)
(Boar random attack!=Banzayatc!)
(Banzayatc armor?=5)
s6+2=6 (-1 Muskoxen avoidence)
(Muskoxen avoidence=1-1=0(ok 1)
(Your vehicle shakes violently,but no damage)
Encounter roll=6(pickup-250 db)
+_ _ _
Muskoxen250 dbStandard driving
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron armor
-Iron wheels
Base Stats: +1 cornering, +2 speed, +1 all def
Damage:-1 cornering
Current Stats: +2 speed, +1 all def
Location:1st square
Standard driving
Vehicle name: Olonfesh (Gearwing)
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron Wheels
-Iron Armor
Base Stats: +1 cornering, +2 speed, +1 all def
Current Stats: +1 cornering, +2 speed, +1 all def
0 db
Aggressive driving
Vehicle name:The Bíll
-Chassis(current car)
-wood armor
-Spiked Wooden Wheels
Base stats: +2 speed, +1 ramming
Current Stats: +2 speed, +1 ramming
Location:1st square
100 db
Aggressive driving
Vehicle name:!!Lagwagon!!
-Chassis(current car)
-Rigged Wood Wheels
-Wood Armor
-Henchdwarf Screwpump Engine(two operating)
-Henchdwarves, 1 basic, 1 crazy
Base stats: +1/2 Speed, +1 Cornering
Current Stats: +2 Speed, +1 Cornering
Location:1st square
-1 Sabotage
0 db
Standard driving
Vehicle name:Fasttrash the engine of driving
-Chassis(current car)
-iron Wheels
-iron Armor
Base stats: +2 cornering, +1 speed, +1 all def
Current Stats: +2 cornering, +1 speed, +1 all def
Location:1st square
100 db
Aggressive driving
-Chassis(current car)
-rigged wood
-iron armor
-basic henchdwarf(Furnace'd!)
Base stats: +1 cornering, +1 speed, +1 def all
Current stats: +1 cornering, +1 speed, +1 def all
Location:1st square
50 db
Cautious driving
Vehicle name:The Iron Madness
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron wheels
-Iron armor
-Crazy henchdwarf
Base stats: +2 cornering, -1 auto attack, +1 def all
Location:1st square
-1 sabotage
0 db
Aggressive driving
Vehicle name:The Elfcrusher
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron wheels
-Iron armor
Base stats: +2 cornering, +1 speed, +1 def all
Current stats: +2 cornering, +1 speed, +1 def all
Location:1st square
100 db
Standard driving
Vehicle name:WAIT!!
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron wheels
-Iron armor
-Henchdwarf Screwpump Engine(one operating)
-basic henchdwarf
Base stats: +1 speed, +2 cornering, +1 def all
Current stats: +1 speed, +2 cornering, +1 def all
0 db
Aggressive driving
-Chassis(current car)
-Iron wheels
-Iron armor
Base stats: +1 Speed, +2 Cornering, +1 Def all
Current stats: +1 Speed, +2 Cornering, +1 Def all
Location:1st square
100 db
Believe it or not,everyone's armor held out this turn(except for Banzayatc)
Also upping pity cash for finishing behind 3rd to 250(you peeps need to eat you know)