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Author Topic: Kobold Camp  (Read 155306 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #480 on: September 26, 2009, 05:13:07 am »

Well, you could compensate by making their weapons unusually weak.
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #481 on: September 26, 2009, 06:34:12 am »

I was thinking the same. But...what makes Obsidian as effective (more or less) as steel, while  the others have a higher percentage? Or was I away from dwarf fortress for so long I forgot the details of exactly how effective Obsidian is?


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #482 on: September 26, 2009, 06:49:25 am »

Steel is 133%.
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #483 on: September 26, 2009, 11:11:36 am »

But...what makes Obsidian as effective (more or less) as steel, while  the others have a higher percentage?

Obsidian is naturally occurring glass. I guess the sharpness would be about right, but it would break much more easily - this is not yet implemented. Wikipedia's article on macahuitls, which DF's obsidian short swords are, states that the weapons could be used to decapitate people and horses.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #484 on: September 26, 2009, 04:13:55 pm »

But...what makes Obsidian as effective (more or less) as steel, while  the others have a higher percentage?

Obsidian is naturally occurring glass. I guess the sharpness would be about right, but it would break much more easily - this is not yet implemented. Wikipedia's article on macahuitls, which DF's obsidian short swords are, states that the weapons could be used to decapitate people and horses.
Oh, I know all about that, and how obsidian scalpels are more effective but are used less because they are more expensive than steel scalpels, and how regular swords were still more effective than the macahuitls because you can stab with 'em, I was just wondering what made them this potent in the code. I guess Deon answered my question there D:

I vote with make a camp somewhere with PLENTY of obsidian then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #485 on: September 26, 2009, 05:29:02 pm »

well it looks like Im going to look for another site anyway, because this one has just turned into a very strange sloppy orgy.

7 kobolds vs 1 Giant = all 8 of them are over exerted and even with chpers shovels and bows they have only gotten one red wound on the guys leg that will probably heal before more damage is done. this shouldnt have happend because I had a cage trap on the only path up, but the liason decided he needed my attention and when I got through with him the giant was standing in the baraks pounching an unconcious Bold who had a broken foot from when I had to kill the troll on the front door. it has now been ten minutes of non changing battle, exceped now all the unarmed bolds have wrestler.

oh, who wants year two? just thought this thread deserves first dibs on the formative years

Edit: this is odd... I usualy get worlds where Obsidian is the primary stone, now I cant find any  >:(
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 05:46:38 pm by Bloogonis »


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #486 on: September 26, 2009, 05:51:13 pm »

Don't worry, that giant will fall eventually. :D Just imagine decking out your champions in Giant Bone Helms. I'll take year two if no one else will. Should we start a thread in the succession games forum?
Also, Bloogonis, you should probably privide a .zip or .rar with your camp files if you changed anything from vanilla camp.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #487 on: September 26, 2009, 06:09:40 pm »

I will, It will be a full plug an play copy when Im finished, sadly he finally rested enough to punch a hole in one of the other kobolds brain and the wounded butcher bled out, the giant died and finaly, I am left with 4 kobolds about ready to tantrum due to the draft and "annoyed by someone", and a happy kobold with a grudge against everyone! and an enjoyed slaughter lately thought.  :-\ and due to a fail on my part to save it when it was going well (relative) I would have to begin again at the point just before the troll starts chasing the butcher.

this will migrate over once its been ironed out, kobold camp is so much harder then DF at the start :o


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #488 on: September 26, 2009, 06:23:48 pm »

To me, it's the hardest to start at all because I always have to spend three hours getting to to run smoothly. ;_;
Oh, has anyone else made any adjustments to their kobold entry for the career names, such as renaming Axeman to Chopper?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 11:45:02 pm by Cles »


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #489 on: September 28, 2009, 12:30:49 pm »

Thinking about developing this mod further since I made quite a few changes when I was doing some Let's Plays at another forum.

Still playing one camp where the world is devoid of civilizations save for orcs and goblins. Quite violent history.

First camp fell apart due to tantrum spiral but this one I'm working on now has been solid for quite some time. No deaths, up to 70~ population, 63 were born from one couple who are needless to say, EXTREMELY ecstatic.

The custom workshops in the next release will make Kobold Camp make more satisfying and easier as well.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #490 on: September 28, 2009, 09:31:29 pm »

My personal tweaks to the Kobold Camp mod renamed the professions, so that "dog" replaces "man". (IE. Speardog, Craftsdog, etc.). Also, I made several other stones, including Flint, [SHARP] like obsidian, and gave the 'bolds a series of "Crude" Weapon variants that do 1/3 Damage, but can be made out of stone. This gets them -Crude Flint Spears- and *Crude Obsidian Clubs* that do 50% normal weapon damage, instead of 133%. It balances out pretty well.

Also, I made these guys to go with Beefmo's GFX style, without using the funky clay pot helmets:

« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 09:33:10 pm by Solifuge »


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #491 on: September 29, 2009, 01:26:00 am »

I've never thought of them as dogs, myself (though I suppose that tempermentwise they seem similar to some of thse bug chihuahuas). I've seen them as more anonymous "creatures". They can only be called mammalian for certain, but anything other than that is nebulous. Even then, the sometimes seem a bit reptilian.

Of course, they have a lot of room for interpretation. To me, it's the ears that really define them.
A thousand million pool balls made from precious metals, covered in beef stock.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #492 on: September 29, 2009, 03:00:40 am »

I'd be interested in a copy of that mod Solifuge. Personally, I renamed all of their professions as well, but not quite the same. I used 'bold as a suffix when I couldn't come up with something better. Also, I renamed Fisherman to Catcher and Craftsman to Whittler, Hammerman to Thumper and such.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #493 on: September 29, 2009, 01:44:15 pm »

Has anyone managed to fix the issue in the default Kobold Camp release concerning CAN_STONE shovels? Choppers show up in the Craftsdwarf's Workshop but the shovels aren't.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #494 on: October 05, 2009, 01:40:25 pm »

Comparing The large copper dagger to a weapon made with [CAN_STONE]

Since CAN_STONE gives a much higher modifier you have to decrease the base damage to compensate.  This does mean if you make one of these crude weapons out of copper then it's extremely weak.  I do not know if you can restrict this in the mods to only be made out of stone or not.  I'm just doing the maths.  If it can't then you could just zero out all smelting reactions from the mod and make them unable to use the smelter whether they get an immigrant or not.

It doesn't matter what ore you use so we'll go with copper for the sole enjoyment of me being able to type Crude Coppa Choppa multiple times.

Actual damage from no-quality to masterful of a copper dagger


If you give the Crude Coppa Choppa a base damage of 33 you get these numbers(rounded up)


The Crude Coppa Choppa is just slightly weaker overall than a copper dagger of the same quality.  If you make the Crude Coppa Choppa's base damage 38 or higher is when it starts becoming better than the Copper Dagger at all qualities.

For comparison sake if you then make a Crude weapon with base damage 33 out of refined copper you get this spread


where the masterful damage is no better than the no quality damage of the stone. which is why I would advise restricting crude weapons out of refined materials if at all possible.
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