See, hunters are always running out of arrows when hunting. Also, hunters can get swarmed. This is what makes it a dangerous job. YOU KNOW THIS, it doesn't do you any favours to try to pretend that you don't. Please don't try to tell me size and the corresponding close combat disadvantage doesn't matter.
It makes no sense people with no metalworking to give a thief, whose only job is to steal and not get detected, a metal weapon. They would use their metal for their own survival and it makes no sense in the slightest to give such a weapon to somebody whose only job is to run away.
Back to Gobbo.
If you'd gone the whole hog, and made a complete wood age mod, I doubt if I'd have started "bitching". But you haven't done that. You've created a tribe of retards who are incapable of even emulating the works of their parent civilisation. The only way this is payable AT ALL is by postulating a daddy warbucks parent culture that sees fit to trade key items which alone give a fighting chance to people that have no way, for entirely metagame reasons, of ever being able to repay them. That's seriously rubbish. "My brother back home can work metal....but I never can, because someone said no".
Also, you've taken a fantasy race that, as far as they have an established profile at all, are highly associated with the underground and made you've it impossible for them to live so. And yet you keep saying "Because that's what Kobolds ARE". No. This is not what kobolds are. "Kobolds" are a fictional race. Based on taking a German word for "Goblin" and blowing some shreds of fluff around it. This is nothing to do with "Kobolds". This is your little idea that you've nailed a "kobold" name to. Nothing more. We all have are own ideas about things that exit only in collective imagination, but your insistance on stating that your idea is the correct one and justifies everything else sort of gets under my skin.
You keep saying, play Dwarves. Frankly, simply being a carnivour race makes Kobolds quite different enough from dwarves without anything else. the major Dwarf food source. Gone. That alone makes a huge difference to planning.
Finally, Dwarf fortress plays construction and planning well, or at least in a fun way. It does tactical positioning and movement hilariously badly. This mod basically nerfs the first and emphasizes the second. While what you're trying to do might be fun given the right engine, this is a poor thing to do with the game.