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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 517061 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4320 on: January 20, 2025, 03:56:38 pm »

Do we even want to know why you are stockpiling goblin babies?

Brighthelm is full of unicorns so I’m sure we won’t miss a few. There are also tame giant wild boars and other savage beasts.

Nice elephant bone helm - even though Moldath was only king for two weeks it’s nice to see it commemorated.

Moldath is really really beloved by people in Ringboot oddly. He is the topic of many statues, figurines and artifacts with no direction from me encouraging that.

I cannot say about the goblins, but I know that my city has a super villain who apparently keeps killing them and I need him to stop!

I feel like surviving being immortal requires you to be able to quickly compartmentalize traumatic events lol

BTW: Does anyone here have plans to actively use certain forts on the map? I have some favorite NPCs I'd love to send on some misadventures to go dwell at other peoples forts for awhile.
Idk it'd just be kind of neat to send mine off somewhere and have them do things without my intervention

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4321 on: January 21, 2025, 11:44:12 am »

Good luck on your turn, Bralbaard, and I'd rather be removed from the list. I don't think I have time for the Museum in the near future, I haven't even been able to read the recent stories and I don't have any ideas for a char.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4322 on: January 22, 2025, 04:06:30 am »

BTW: Does anyone here have plans to actively use certain forts on the map? I have some favorite NPCs I'd love to send on some misadventures to go dwell at other peoples forts for awhile.
Idk it'd just be kind of neat to send mine off somewhere and have them do things without my intervention

I'd consider (of mine) The Eternal Citadel, Palacework and Brighthelm to be active forts.
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4323 on: January 22, 2025, 05:17:40 am »

BTW: Does anyone here have plans to actively use certain forts on the map? I have some favorite NPCs I'd love to send on some misadventures to go dwell at other peoples forts for awhile.
Idk it'd just be kind of neat to send mine off somewhere and have them do things without my intervention
I'd consider (of mine) The Eternal Citadel, Palacework and Brighthelm to be active forts.

My active forts are Coverashes/Lightningrope and though not very active in recent times, Waterdeeps.
I've got no idea what is going on in Razorbridge any more, but I like what you have done to the place so far, so please continue.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4324 on: January 22, 2025, 10:19:30 pm »

I have no idea what the status of PurpleFrothy is atm. I don't even know if its still alive. Braal has a photo hosted on page 1 that shows it still up for some reason.

I suppose I could boot it up the next time I get a turn? Although I'm not really sure what the plan™  is over there though.

And honestly, for the sanity of the save, the less turns I take the better.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 10:21:07 pm by dikbutdagrate »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4325 on: January 23, 2025, 03:06:22 am »

Purplefrothy could well be in ruins. The ruin/inhabited status on that map is not accurate. The photoshop file that I have to generate these maps is a convoluted mess of hundreds of layers, and I only do the bare minimum to indicate fortress positions. :)

I'll remove Lurker from the list for now. I could add you Dikbut, if you promise you will try really hard to not destroy the world.

It sort of is the end times by now though, with the dwindling player list and all. Also, adventure mode will come out of beta today. Once I've finished my turn, I'll do a write-up, then I'll start preparing for Museum IV.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 03:16:00 am by Bralbaard »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4326 on: January 23, 2025, 03:59:25 am »

It will be bittersweet when we start the new one as I had a ton of fun with each of you on this world!

It's been a pleasure comrades!

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4327 on: January 23, 2025, 01:08:11 pm »

Indeed. It'll be bittersweet saying farewell to Museum III and all the awesome stuff people made in it, but hopefully Museum IV comes out just as good.

I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4328 on: January 25, 2025, 03:17:09 am »

I could add you Dikbut, if you promise you will try really hard to not destroy the world.

You know I can't do that Bralbaard.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4329 on: January 25, 2025, 06:09:54 am »

Part 1
I'm predicting two more entries

Despite being the recognized Lord of Makbor and the ruler of a small kingdom inside the Walled Dye; Maloy rarely ventured into old Makbor. It was currently divided by four groups:

1. His own which was made up of peasants who recognized him as lord, but also never actually did any serving? It was a frustrating fact that endured for centuries
2. Pis the Charcoal Brute leading who had come to reclaim the city and conquer the lands again
3. A former goblin mercenary of Maloy's turned warlord leading another insurrection
4. A band of dark gnome bandits wandering the lands(usually at night). The gnomes had also recruited a few gremlins and had been murdering all the mountain gnomes systematically

To speak frankly of the wolf man's thoughts, he was thankful for the last two groups. Pis had all the physical power needed to take over the city and then the lands around it, but was held at bay contesting with this warlord and the slippery gnomish bandits! It didn't give him much time to search for Maloy who wanted to avoid having his skull pulped like a grape. That said: Maloy was on the top of Pis' chopping block and had begun wandering the area, as he did every once in awhile, to find the elusive wolf king.

Thus the wolf man decided on a "vacation" to handle some tasks he had been putting off for a decade or two.

First stop was Padcalls to visit his old friend Lord Juvar. Who actually hated and argued with the wolf man, but not only did Maloy thoroughly enjoy the verbal jousts, he believed the vampire did as well.

He wandered into the castle halls, but the vampire wasn't in his usual perch. The wolf man wandered around looking up, down, and all around "Juvar! I brought wine!"

Nothing! The wolf man was feeling quite frantic. While he did need a favor from the vampire he mostly was concerned as he was one of the only immortals that he had known for all this time!
He found nothing at all and he knew something was wrong for the Watchful Lord had lost its watchful lord!
He'd only learn much later that Juvar, after centuries of endless invasions by goblins, had finally succumbed to a raid.

Attempts to revive Juvar via his severed mummified foot failed as the foot itself would not even respond to Maloy's magics!
Padcall was a defensive city that stood between the goblins and the human kingdom. Without Juvar the humans would now need to defend themselves, but that wasn't Maloy's concern and he was mourning a loss friend.

After spending a snowy lonely day in the empty castle he continued on to the next destination of his journey

The goal here was simple: Recruit humans to settle into Ringboot
The method? Telling of the great stories of the area and promises of what is to come
The outcome?

and if the wolf man was honest with himself he would admit that he was more than a little offended at the reaction as these humans lived in a centuries old collapsing hut and also kept the dead bodies of their ancestors in the same building to "ward off evil"
And they thought to mock him? In fact, these humans disturbed him as they all recounted stories of self-inflicted wounds and he couldn't tell if this was a ritualistic act of barbarity or if he had found a suicidal cult

He ventured to the next hut.

Now, here was an odd sight! A yak. Still laden down with the bundles it carried on a trade caravan and living inside the shack?

There was no merchant nearby so Maloy surmised the humans had robbed the caravan! His estimation of them only went lower and lower. He was now certain that they were not at all justified in mocking him!

During his story telling and recruiting one human recognized him
"Hey! Ain't you that guy who was selling armor with blisters on it? Ha! what a joke!"
Now this was a sore point for Maloy now. He had neglected and allowed his blistered metal industry to decay after losing his dwarf friends, thus the dark gnome insurrection, and he was also wearing blistered metal armor at this very moment. The human had to be set straight.

"Perhaps I would be wise to let this go" he thought "But this is also for my nephew. Arandil earned the right to be called a divine smith and this muck eating peasant has no right to insult him!"
So, the wolf king pressed the argument.
He looked the slack jawed cross-eyed fool in the face and declared "You insult weapons and armor forged from the very heavens that angels once wore in battle against hell. The ones I acquired through great strain and then made so that the greatest gear on the planet could be made as well as countless collectible items." He stepped closer with a fist raised "You insult me to my face when I am wearing this armor right now and could use this gauntlet to kill you several times over, and believe me, several times over, as I can resurrect you again and again!"
He paused for effect "So, I say to you one. final. time. An artisan, their materials, and the tools to shape them!"
It would not be an understatement to describe the peasant's face as being concerned and he said "You know, I think you're right."

After a few more agonizing hours of dealing with the bandit-like decorum of the humans here he finally found several with enough sense to leave with him

He dropped them off at Ringboot, there was plenty of housing available and so he would allow them to figure that out for themselves.
Now he needed to reach a new place that the bards had begun singing off!

He traveled west all by himself until he found himself wandering a goodly forest

He knew his dwarf counterparts would be infuriated by all the tangled greenery, but he found this forest delightful.
Not only did it smell fragrant and fresh, but it also wasn't infested with buzzing insects and had a calming color.

He ran into a dwarf wandering the woods and was about to ask for direction, but then saw the walls:


The small fort was gorgeous! A large colorful tower that hung above a field of unicorns and a proper dwarven underground beneath it! Maloy went upwards first and enjoyed the selection of the library alongside some resident scholars

He wandered its deep halls after, but not too far. He didn't feel like wandering into warehouses or other simple storage facilities, but just far enough to meet the mayor!
A satyr! Maloy had never met one before and the creatures were fascinating to behold! He really hoped to recruit some for Ringboot, but today was not the day.

The mayor was a legendary hero of some sort it seemed as well. Maloy hoped he didn't lose track of time too much and the satyr pass from old age before his next visit

Speaking of losing track of time...The wolf man grabbed a breeding pair of unicorns on his way out. Not as an intention of theft or disrespect of the bountiful fort, but he recognized how dwarves also often lost track of time and let animals die.

He didn't want some of the world's only tame unicorns to age out of existence! So he would breed them at Ringboot while the city grew.

I didn't realize, or forgot, that adventurers could die in overworld battles. I always thought that adventurers were safe from invasions and would never actually die in them


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4330 on: January 25, 2025, 08:15:16 am »

The Anti-Rapture caused all sorts of abstract battles, and many lost their lives, including old Juvar.

I am glad you met the satyr mayor! They are immortal, so they should be around for a while! If you had ventured deeper you might have found a stockpile with bright metal ingots...
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Travis Bickle 2

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4331 on: January 25, 2025, 05:46:46 pm »

In other news, I hope to have my turn's write-up finished sometime this week.
Well, it turns out I'm a huge liar. I'll try to actually have something within the next few days, though I confess that a great deal of what I am able to patch together from my scant notes and screenshots will be made up.

Also, I would like another turn.
Formerly Travis Bickle before I lost my password database.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4332 on: January 27, 2025, 09:06:31 pm »

I eagerly await the Museum IV. I've been sitting on a character concept/story for like a year, waiting for a fresh new world to try it out in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4333 on: January 29, 2025, 06:25:51 am »

Part 2

There was one final act to do before settling down in greater Makbor:

The area he had gone to was filthy. A ruin centuries abandoned and now reinhabited. The dwellers hadn't even bothered to try to restore the fort to any working order.

He heard the commotion as he opened the door and a goblin warrior was finishing murdering another warrior

These were ancient goblins long ago slain by heroic museum members, but had been returned to life by the strange event that transpired across the world. Leave it to goblins to squander a second chance at life, Maloy thought

These fellows were outlaws of the Most Sin which meant they were either incredibly tame for their kind or were too vicious to stay in the home land. Didn't matter to the wolf king

He promised them glory and power as his kingdom grew and spread! They took the bait without hesitation and followed him.
Maloy had no plans to give them glory or power though. He had tried goblin mercenaries in the past and that is why he had a warlord in Makbor leading a rebellion, but these fools didn't need to know that or what awaited them.

He also hauled all the goblins slain and laying around the area. No use letting those go to waste!

Do you know? Do you know what this means?
Who is missing from this transformation list? That's right! The wolf man is no longer afflicted with the were-fox curse! He is jubilant! For the first time in centuries he does not have to fear transformations and the ensuing chaos thereof!

Who did this? A wandering museum member? Perhaps another deity found his constant mocking of Midor amusing? Or perhaps Mirding got tired of being mocked and removed the curse? No clue as to why, but the wolf would not look a horse in the mouth!

Between this place and Razorbridge I am pretty sure I am responsible for most dwarf births in the Walled Dye. There aren't a lot of them, in all honesty, but I always see a lot of births in the forts I run on this world

I find the growing slums district aesthetically pleasing to look at, although soon almost all the trees will be felled to make way for housing. Give credit where it is due. Quality of life in Orid Xem is so low that a one room 3x2 house is considered modest living and for us that is the slums. Our middle class district is way more ornate!

The tavern is always full

We have a prophet drop by to visit

That is nice to say and all, but this isn't Divedact. We pull out an old map to give him directions

Honestly, it would be nice to reclaim it at some point now that we have learned how to reclaim settlements

That will go into the royal palace when it is finished

The people of Ringboot have a fascination with history matching the wolf man's and so many historical pieces are just naturally generated here

Developing roadway and future site of the great library!

The moment we saw a unicorn ring on this visiting bard's hand we had a feeling he was from Brighthelm and he confirmed that he is so!

more historical works

Just a reminder that Warriors of Udir are all giant female cyclops with two scorpion tails. They aren't as big as regular cyclops, but way larger than humans

The cathedral boasts such a large population that very large dances and songs are put together regularly

We briefly installed the only living Mountain Gnome as militia commander. He doesn't speak our language and so doesn't have a name so we just call him command shephard

We advise all citizens of Ringboot to walk safely to your homes at night as their is a plague of hamsters attacking people in the city slums

More babies

My nemesis inspires artists and historians to this day

Good news and bad news
Unicorns, windows and drowned outpost liaisons

elephant died of old age. Legendary one too! He has some statues sitting around of him

This child...I can't tell if he is a revived dwarf from the anti-rapture or not. He is traumatized by dark gnome deaths, which implies he is from our region, but also freakish weather which isn't around here.

Our immortal goblin servant is currently ascending to another plane as he spends days meditating. People complained about the noise and the floating off the ground, but we commanded that they ignore the fellow!

That blue rectangle is an organized Warrior of Udir squad training in marching step

Yeah...Someone put up a statue about Pis' insurrection in the slums. Attempts at crack down aren't stopping people who are dissatisfied with the city and seek new leadership.

The railway to the northern city exit is nearly complete. We build power lines over it so that the one's riding the carts don't have their view obstructed.

We added a jailhouse and barracks to the slums to important policing work could be done in city square. The slums police squad are all dark gnomes led by the one mountain gnome. Shouldn't lead to any kind of conflict

The Smoldering Corpse bar in the slums is a new hot spot. Yes, there are enough people in this city to fill two taverns to the brim

A dwarf queen from the staff of kissing is leading reclamation efforts for her own kingdom

Not only have I heard that she might be immortal like the wolf-king, but also quite funny too

The new outpost liaison is a Warrior of Udir. I'm worried about complications in dwarven nobility if the kingdom slowly has immortal angels overtaking positions

The walled dye has officially approved blowgunners as professional soldiers and incorporated them into caravan guard protection

New public library. We also used clear glass to create an exhibit for the wagon that was used by the first settlers here

and a new squad of greatswords

Do you know what this means?
The original goal was to re-populate all the surrounding villages and city. This was done by having to go to each village individually, plead with the locals to follow, drop them off and hope that they start associating that town as their new home.

Now I can simply send populations and they will accept it as the new home. As Ringboot grows economically we will absorb the rest of the wolf-kingdom officially and can populate it all leading to an actual region of the game full of life.

Onul the elf joins us officially and despite his hostility to the wolf man he is secretly ecstatic at the offer to become commander

Within minutes of being appointed a scholar at the library the wolf king immediately begins writing a book

Another hamlet

This seems true to character...

and another scroll

the nameless and last mountain gnome works hard at the forges to create armor for him and his new squad. Official dwarven measurements don't allow for mountain gnome sized armor and thus the gnomes have to forge it themselves.

and then one more scroll to write


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #4334 on: January 29, 2025, 03:36:45 pm »

The allegedly 12 year old necromancer who has memories from the mid 9th century is almost certainly a vampire.

Great update Maloy!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.
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