Part 1I'm predicting two more entriesDespite being the recognized Lord of Makbor and the ruler of a small kingdom inside the Walled Dye; Maloy rarely ventured into old Makbor. It was currently divided by four groups:
1. His own which was made up of peasants who recognized him as lord, but also never actually did any serving? It was a frustrating fact that endured for centuries
2. Pis the Charcoal Brute leading who had come to reclaim the city and conquer the lands again
3. A former goblin mercenary of Maloy's turned warlord leading another insurrection
4. A band of dark gnome bandits wandering the lands(usually at night). The gnomes had also recruited a few gremlins and had been murdering all the mountain gnomes systematically
To speak frankly of the wolf man's thoughts, he was thankful for the last two groups. Pis had all the physical power needed to take over the city and then the lands around it, but was held at bay contesting with this warlord and the slippery gnomish bandits! It didn't give him much time to search for Maloy who wanted to avoid having his skull pulped like a grape. That said: Maloy was on the top of Pis' chopping block and had begun wandering the area, as he did every once in awhile, to find the elusive wolf king.
Thus the wolf man decided on a "vacation" to handle some tasks he had been putting off for a decade or two.
First stop was Padcalls to visit his old friend Lord Juvar. Who actually hated and argued with the wolf man, but not only did Maloy thoroughly enjoy the verbal jousts, he believed the vampire did as well.
He wandered into the castle halls, but the vampire wasn't in his usual perch. The wolf man wandered around looking up, down, and all around "Juvar! I brought wine!"

Nothing! The wolf man was feeling quite frantic. While he did need a favor from the vampire he mostly was concerned as he was one of the only immortals that he had known for all this time!
He found nothing at all and he knew something was wrong for the Watchful Lord had lost its watchful lord!
He'd only learn much later that Juvar, after centuries of endless invasions by goblins, had finally succumbed to a raid.

Attempts to revive Juvar via his severed mummified foot failed as the foot itself would not even respond to Maloy's magics!
Padcall was a defensive city that stood between the goblins and the human kingdom. Without Juvar the humans would now need to defend themselves, but that wasn't Maloy's concern and he was mourning a loss friend.
After spending a snowy lonely day in the empty castle he continued on to the next destination of his journey

The goal here was simple: Recruit humans to settle into Ringboot
The method? Telling of the great stories of the area and promises of what is to come
The outcome?

and if the wolf man was honest with himself he would admit that he was more than a little offended at the reaction as these humans lived in a centuries old collapsing hut and also kept the dead bodies of their ancestors in the same building to "ward off evil"
And they thought to mock him? In fact, these humans disturbed him as they all recounted stories of self-inflicted wounds and he couldn't tell if this was a ritualistic act of barbarity or if he had found a suicidal cult

He ventured to the next hut.

Now, here was an odd sight! A yak. Still laden down with the bundles it carried on a trade caravan and living inside the shack?

There was no merchant nearby so Maloy surmised the humans had robbed the caravan! His estimation of them only went lower and lower. He was now certain that they were not at all justified in mocking him!
During his story telling and recruiting one human recognized him
"Hey! Ain't you that guy who was selling armor with blisters on it? Ha! what a joke!"
Now this was a sore point for Maloy now. He had neglected and allowed his blistered metal industry to decay after losing his dwarf friends, thus the dark gnome insurrection, and he was also wearing blistered metal armor at this very moment. The human had to be set straight.
"Perhaps I would be wise to let this go" he thought
"But this is also for my nephew. Arandil earned the right to be called a divine smith and this muck eating peasant has no right to insult him!"So, the wolf king pressed the argument.
He looked the slack jawed cross-eyed fool in the face and declared "You insult weapons and armor forged from the very heavens that angels once wore in battle against hell. The ones I acquired through great strain and then made so that the greatest gear on the planet could be made as well as countless collectible items." He stepped closer with a fist raised "You insult me to my face when I am wearing this armor right now and could use this gauntlet to kill you several times over, and believe me, several times over, as I can resurrect you again and again!"
He paused for effect "So, I say to you
one. final. time. An artisan, their materials, and the tools to shape them!"
It would not be an understatement to describe the peasant's face as being concerned and he said "You know, I think you're right."

After a few more agonizing hours of dealing with the bandit-like decorum of the humans here he finally found several with enough sense to leave with him

He dropped them off at Ringboot, there was plenty of housing available and so he would allow them to figure that out for themselves.
Now he needed to reach a new place that the bards had begun singing off!
He traveled west all by himself until he found himself wandering a goodly forest

He knew his dwarf counterparts would be infuriated by all the tangled greenery, but he found this forest delightful.
Not only did it smell fragrant and fresh, but it also wasn't infested with buzzing insects and had a calming color.
He ran into a dwarf wandering the woods and was about to ask for direction, but then saw the walls:
Brighthelm!The small fort was gorgeous! A large colorful tower that hung above a field of unicorns and a proper dwarven underground beneath it! Maloy went upwards first and enjoyed the selection of the library alongside some resident scholars

He wandered its deep halls after, but not too far. He didn't feel like wandering into warehouses or other simple storage facilities, but just far enough to meet the mayor!
A satyr! Maloy had never met one before and the creatures were fascinating to behold! He really hoped to recruit some for Ringboot, but today was not the day.

The mayor was a legendary hero of some sort it seemed as well. Maloy hoped he didn't lose track of time too much and the satyr pass from old age before his next visit
Speaking of losing track of time...The wolf man grabbed a breeding pair of unicorns on his way out. Not as an intention of theft or disrespect of the bountiful fort, but he recognized how dwarves also often lost track of time and let animals die.
He didn't want some of the world's only tame unicorns to age out of existence! So he would breed them at Ringboot while the city grew.
I didn't realize, or forgot, that adventurers could die in overworld battles. I always thought that adventurers were safe from invasions and would never actually die in them