The RX-Drone will cost points, and be mutually exclusive (and thus be a replacement) to some degree with Ravens. Thus, it should be a better air-combatant per point than the Raven, or it's not worth designing.
By that logic new transport is also a replacement of Raven. They use same VP points. The whole idea of new vehicles filling slightly different niches is too give us tactical flexibility in production depending on what kind of mission\enemy we face. Also, different designs are harder to counter for the enemy. Let's say they go anti-pilot psionic, they counter both old and new fighters.
Also, there are such thing as quality of rolls. Sure, we want to get thing that is better than a straight better Raven. Literally
any fighter that will roll 8 will send Ravens to hangars forever. Low-mediocre rolls are a different story. Getting replacement of about the same strength as replaced design is very inefficient. Getting a design that is specialized in different things can be very useful even if it is roughly as good as one before it.
I would be open to doing council member support troops, but as a revision.
It is an option but I am not sure that revision will give a big enough impact
Our main problem in the air is the fact that our missiles are being bamboozled out of the air and the pods not having enough firepower to compensate. A revision phase would be enough to fix that flaw in the pods, I believe.
Our main problem in the air is the fact that our fighters die to fast. Making slightly better railguns won't fix that. We need numbers, armor, agility, decent long range weapons.
If majority wants direct replacement of our current fighters... Here is my Raven II proposal
Sparrow (2 alien equipment, 1 Nav Computer)Sparrow is the second generation X-COM fighter. It is much shorter and narrower than Raven and built with speed and maneuverability in mind. It's single pulse detonation engine is similar to one of the ones used on Raven fighter but it comes with elerium turbocharger system that adds tiny amount of raw elerium into the detonation chamber giving substantiation boost to power in combat situations. It has a fixed forward facing railgun wich is basically a longer version of Phoenix pod that goes from the tail to nose of the aircraft and this allows far high firing velocity than regular Phoenix. It still can carry missiles but its payload is limited to two of them on hardpoints located near the tip of wings Its electronics are partially based on alien computer system are even more advanced than one used on Raven. Sparrow's Computer system linked to pilot's helmet assist railgun aiming and provides important information about trajectory of incoming plasma blobs (Behavior of plasma is thoroughly studied on smaller scale by testing captured pistols) to assist dodging.
Here is my idea of a
revision of Avalanche should we go for a design that saves tokens
Avalanche II (1 equipment token, 1 nav computer token Avalanche II has two improvements. Its electronic is upgraded with alien derived systems and its warhead has added ellerium for a much more powerful blast.
Look, 2 out of 12 missiles hit their targets. It is not
that bad. Make it 4 out 12 and increase the punch and result would be very different.
But we need to save tokens to make this revision possible. This is why I am voting for a design that spend unit token. Phoenix are great as weapon for Skyrangers but I prefer Ravens\future fighters starting the fight on long range.
Armageddon (1):Blood_librarian
Goliath (0):
Landslide Missile (1): Cnidaros
RX-Drone (0):
Lightning Interceptor (1): Chiefwaffles
Tactical Awareness Visor (1): SaberToothTiger
Vengeance (0):
Council member support troops (1): strongpoint
I believe that additional infantry is very useful for land battles. While it can be done as a revision, I think it should be design because it tries
a) Improve their ability to fight with aliens\cooperate with X-COM
b) Improve their deployment
c) Reduce their cost
Three different things are hard to improve by revision