Thought up a proper design for this turn, although, I have an idea for a tech revision.
H.O.M.E.R: The Hybrid Opportunity Marksman Effective Rifle is a new design based on everything we know about firearms, and is being made as despite the . It is designed to be disassembled into four separate parts, small enough to fit into a travel briefcase, and re assembled with ease. The rifle is best described as a armour piercing sniper rifle, designed to punch through the hood of a car, or our current body armour with ease. Of course, such a weapon is loud, and current suppressors probably aren't enough to make it anywhere close to silent (yet), but, it should be able to kill anyone from a far distance, allowing the agent to disassemble the rifle and get away before anyone is the wiser that they did it. The design team also tried making the thing Semi Automatic, just in case there is more then one target that needed elimination, or if they flubbed their first shot.
Anyway, my votes this turn in an attempt to get this moving are as follows
Disguised Communications (1): Piratejoe
Combat Co-ordination & Operations (0):
Project: PARTY VAN (0):
Alternative Entry (0):
Numbers Station (0):
Security Infiltration (0):
H.O.M.E.R (1): Piratejoe
We get one non lethal and discrete design and one normal design. Naturally, disguised com's, both not being lethal or overt would fit the bill, at least, I would think. Otherwise, H.O.M.E.R would be useful for any assassinations needed, and would be useful if an agent stands back and, while their other fellow agents where attacked, was able to take pot shots at their mole attackers. Though, firefights like that are probably less likely now.