The Boilers purpose is simple. hopefully, in addition of spraying acid everywhere, it can act as a miniature mortar by shooting the globes of acid over walls and then letting it deal with the internal area. We can perhaps revision the acid to be able to essentially hold an entire area for maybe 20-30 seconds of being no man's land for humanity until the acid either disperses or settles, while melting everyone inside, perhaps even their lungs. I am gonna change my vote to
Symbiotic Organisms But if we can get acid into a gas form I guarantee we can kill way, way more then normal. Blood worms honestly sounds neat, and we can perhaps revision it to something beautiful, think of the moral damage the puny humans will have!
I will purpose the
Boiler Adaptation later, but among some Ideas I had was usage for
Ore.If we could repurpose ore when we get our first mine taken over, I had ideas of either incorporating metals into our
chitinous bodies or using it as a catalyst to make some drones able to use
fire-based weaponry. Just some food for thought.
Also, GM, will our food supplies slow down, or is it constant?
Boiler Adapation: (1) , Shadowclaw
Hunter Caste: (2) NUKE9.13, strongpoint
Symbiotic Bloodworms: (5) 10ebbor10, Draignean, Flazeo25, Puppyguard, Crazyabe
Bombardier: (1) Shadowclaw
Jammer: (1) kopout
Field Fortifications: (1) kopout
Symbiotic Organisms: (4) MonkeyMarkMario, FallacyofUrist, kopout, Blood Librarian
Edit: Can we make our Symbiotic Organisms
a fungus that grows food for us?