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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [7/9] - Game Over  (Read 72150 times)


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Now two days longer
« Reply #300 on: May 08, 2017, 11:51:29 pm »

(PPE: Are my posts difficult to follow? I often just copy-paste out the bits that I want to address in longer posts but that could make it hard to look at the context around the original. If it's a hassle I can try to work in the links to the originals, if nothing else.)

Quote from: doll
Your lurking is different to other players, because you're promising more but also saying that you can't provide at that time. 4maskwolf is active lurking. Gentlefish could stand to be more active. You seem to be trying to look more active than you are, but your engagement appears limited by external factors. However, because you promise activity (and either do or do not deliver on it) you set yourself up for more attention, so it's inevitable that you'll be called out on it.
I don't recall promising anything of the sort; I make my one real post a day and that's about it.

Quote from: doll
The reason to vote 4maskwolf is that he responded to pressure by making a non-case. That means that he has no interest in finding scum. He has an interest in staying alive, which is why he shot that bait-filled post at me (to force me to overextend myself and fall flat when I tried to lynch him) but doing this demonstrated that he is engaged with the game (since he responded to pressure without a vote) and that his engagement does not involve a desire to find out more (about scum). This means that he is scum, as opposed to merely inactive.

Quote from: roo
I'm not entirely certain what you mean in [1] (this was linked in roo's post but I plugged it in here instead of managing a quote-a-mid) would you care to clarify. I'll answer preemptively from what was going on in my mind. Iirc the color blue means a person is suspicious. In 180 is what I was referring to. But more importantly your post is finished yet you've listed a possibility but no evaluation of it.
You're right about what the blue text means, and that's a fair enough point. I'll spell it out around the bottom of this post.

Quote from: roo
Also the compliment while I do appreciate it this is a game after all. So you understand my trepidation I hope.
That's fair enough too, lol. Yeah, makes sense.

Quote from: roo
What did you dislike my vote switch and why was doll case not convincing for you? It felt like you were asking me with an incredulous tone like that convinced you? Or am I wrong here?

@Hapah: Word choice, connotation and denotation, these things give insight into people's motivations.  I don't really have a good example off the top of my head...though I suppose I could point you at Angry Tiruin in FBYOR 2 for a good example of suspicious activity.
You made a point of picking that particular bone even when asked if that's what you were really after, and now you can't see what you yourself hoped to gain from it. How do you imagine it looks from the outside? Conflict for conflict's sake, activity for the sake of activity.

Quote from: doll
As before: why did it strike you as odd that roo moved their vote?
Did you think that vote carried a lot of weight?
Do you feel the vote was for something valid, yet unresolved?
What is that, and why didn't you ask about it specifically?
What is that, and why is it present in your play to get you voted on?
-Because it strikes me as odd for individuals to make their case to specific players; normally people make their case and let the chips fall where they may IIRC. You've done this twice now; it could just be a playstyle that I'm not accustomed to
-I wasn't bothered by it and I understood why he voted me, though I know my alignment and he doesn't. It was a combination of him feeling like I was buddying him (I'm just a nice person, and would be nice enough even if I was scummy), and the fact that me and Wubadub talked in a similar fashion (I can't control what other people say and I'm not gonna try to alter my own speech around it; I'm me for better or worse)
-As above
-As above
-As above

roo: It basically comes down to the exchange below, which funnily enough came from an RVS question. For reference, he's the back-and-forth. I've bolded the bits that are interesting to me.

Quote from: doll
It's Day2. A scum player was lynched D1. A single player claims cop D2. Are they the cop? When would it be acceptable to lynch them? Do you pay any attention to their reports?
Quote from: me
I think you almost have to believe him at that point, in a semiclosed game like this. I mean, that would be a bold going on foolish scumclaim: I looked at the role possibilities and two out of the three have an actual cop, right? If you fakeclaim cop as scum D2 and the real cop claims, one of you is gonna get lynched day 2 no question. And good luck talking your way out of that when you claimed Cop and the real one flips. I guess a vanilla townie could claim Cop, but I don't see what they could gain out of it (and it seems like an anti-town move).
Quote from: doll
Well lucky I'm not scum then because you'd have been fucked.
In games where scum are not blocked, they are statistically likely to be correct in assuming there is no cop (there is literally a better than 50% chance that either they find the cop or there was no cop).
Clearing a mafscum is auto-loss for the town.

Also, the cop will never flip in this game. Mafia 100% have a role-cop. That means that after N1, mafia can kill the player they inspected last night. If that lets mafia close out the victory, then that's what they'll do.

That said, it was a good answer, and it told me a lot.
Quote from: me
(Edit here to insert link to original post: here)
I've been chewing on this all morning and can't come to the same conclusion no matter how I bend it. The bits the confuse me are bolded for emphasis, can you comment? It's a bit into the weeds but I am genuinely interested.

Re "Moving your vote is a towntell" - Oh yeah, I vaguely remember NQT starting that up. Interesting that it's still holding up after all this time.
Quote from: doll
1) Ignoring the Jailkeeper, mafia have a 5/9 chance of either detecting the cop if he is here via kill or inspect (and so not claiming in such a way), or being in a game without a cop if a town player is lynched first thing. This is what I was referring to (I incorrectly thought this was 11/21 at that time).
2) Ignoring the Jailkeeper, a lone mafia rolecop has a 11/21 chance of either detecting the cop if he is here via kill or inspect (and so not claiming in such a way), or being in a game without a cop if the vanilla scum player is lynched first thing. This is substantially better than his likely chance of success in winning the game after a Day1 scumlynch.
3) Taking the Jailkeeper into account increases scum's chances in this regard (since they by definition can bail if he interferes so he can't have a negative influence on optimal scum play with regards to this early D2 fake-claim), so he adjusts the numbers in their favor (since detecting the Jailkeeper lowers the chance that there is a cop in the setup, as it were). I'm too lazy to run the numbers since he makes it complex and I'd need to do a lot of special cases but basically his being in the list isn't bad for scum with regards to this strategy.

Mafia who have inspected a player successfully can just kill that player, and so be sure that they are not outing the cop. By repeating this each night (killing the previous inspect result) mafia can know what will flip before they kill it. This will, however, reduce their total knowledge of players roles. If they need to do this in order to keep a fake cop alive, though, they will do it since getting a justifiable fake cop to lylo can easily close out the game for the scum.

The underlying logic of why moving your vote is a towntell is pretty obvious and solid, so it's not that surprising. It's nice to be able to point it out with such a documented history, though.
This exchange feels odd to me for the simple fact that folks don't generally make the firms sort of responses you see in the initial reply ("you'd be fucked if you did that", with supporting details) if they haven't done the odds themselves. However, the question (which doll asked themselves) explicitly states that a scum was lynched D1, but the responses do the math like there are two scum. The initial response after I FOS doll does the math like there are two scum again; my thinking is that Doll might have mucked up the math the first time because to them there are still two scum: doll and their scumbuddy.

The other bit, for me at least, is that doll seems a little....arrogant is the word I'm going to use, though I don't know the right one? Already lining up lynches for the next day without evaluating the results of the first one, or the results of the night actions. It's not a lot to go on (hell, I'm not evening voting on it), but it's curious enough to me (and in my eyes we're lynching someone for less). That's all for now!

I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Another replacement needed
« Reply #301 on: May 09, 2017, 07:15:20 am »

bluh bluh
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (40000 characters).
Split into three posts instead I guess.

To clarify, you voted me primarily to tie up the votes and force the extension (and you wouldn't be too concerned with a doll lynch), right?

Partly. You and 4mask are going to be difficult to read, so tying the vote between you two would force webadict to choose between you both, but then I figured lynching 4mask'll probably tell me more about you than a doll lynch'll tell me about 4mask.
I feel like this should be telling me a lot (that is, I should be able to read a lot into it) but I'm struggling to do so.
The only thing I can really see here is that it softclears webadict if he hammers scum.
I knew, though I suppose that you might not have, that I was too cute to lynch - Webadict wouldn't hammer someone as (productively) active as me Day 1 no matter how 'scummy' they were; with his being here to point that out, I wouldn't expect a doll lynch from Hapah (or you) either so I just assumed that I was safe (and I was).

What are you hoping to divine about me when the 4maskwolf lynch goes through?

I was also going to point out after TBF answered that the "case" you have on 4mask can be applied to almost half the town, but you beat me to it. Uncertain how to feel about that. Well... it gives you more Towncred. I'm uncertain how to feel about that :P
4maskwolf is the most egregious, and only definite case of what I'm talking about here (activelurking proper i.e. no "real" activity at all).
You ask about this pretty succinctly later so I'll answer it there.

doll: I guess my question to you then is why you think 4mask is the most egregious example out of the 4 you mentioned?
Answering this pretty well sums up the entirety of the path the Day 1 lynch has been following so I'll try to do it justice.

4maskwolf is the only player who is actually activelurking (he's gone completely quiet now, but that's not really related to this question and by all appearances has nothing to do with the lynch).
This is hard to really 'prove', since I'm asserting a negative. To go about this, I'm going to quote all of his posts:
Spoiler: 4maskwolf in BM61 (click to show/hide)
There's nothing in there that you need to see, but my case is based around the fact that there is nothing in there to see which could contradict the following:
4maskwolf has not done anything to hunt for scum in this game


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Now two days longer
« Reply #302 on: May 09, 2017, 07:15:48 am »

To drill down to the core of this issue, let's look at posts where he has asked questions:

Spoiler: Literally nothing (click to show/hide)

So, if this is 4maskwolf, what about everyone else?
Well, I'm asserting a positive here (that they have asked questions) so I'll copy-paste some curt examples and leave it at that:
Spoiler: TheBiggerFish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hapah (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Gentlefish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: johiah (click to show/hide)

You and webadict have a similar mindset (one I understand but don't necessarily share) about bringing "useful" players into the latter stages of the game. Of the 4 players you mentioned, who do you think'd be the most useful to keep alive? Or, the non-trap version, does 4mask's dearth of content now trump their value in the late game and if so, why so?
Webadict and I are thinking differently here, because his tagline could be 'useful' wheras mine would be 'legible'. That is, I'm looking for players on whom strong reads should emerge; 4maskwolf was one of these players (I never expected a strong degree of certainty Day 1 and while I'm much happier with a Day 1 4maskwolf lynch than I'd ever thought I could be, I still do think I'd be more sure at a later date - which is why I wasn't forcing it and only went hard after he called me out on it).
Hapah especially should be easy to read as the game progresses, because he's active and plays in a fairly conventional way; it would not be unreasonable to expect him to slip (especially as scum) in a fairly conventional way. I want Hapah in Day 2 because I think that I'll be able to decide to within a high (say, 80% plus if you want numbers) degree of accuracy as to what his alignment is. I might even be able to divine his specific role, if he is town. Hapah and Gentlefish are the most likely to be useful. If I was throwing out protects in the night, my order of priority would be Hapah>Gentlefish>TheBiggerFish>Johiah, while the likelyhood that they are town (at this very second) would probably be TheBiggerFish>Gentlefish>Johiah>Hapah.

I'm not so much concerned by a lack of content from 4maskwolf, but rather that they have content which does not contribute to finding scum but no content which does. As I made abundantly clear leading up to 4maskwolf forcing out the case, I had no intention of pursuing 4maskwolf on Day 1. I feel like his 'outburst' demonstrates my point sufficiently well that I can sell the case now and it makes me happy enough with his lynch to go for it Day 1 over the greater certainty of going for it on a later date (bonus note: 4maskwolf in purely meta terms has always been a high priority target for town and scum nightaction, so he might well have been cleared by a cop or death before I ever had to think about it if I had waited).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Now two days longer
« Reply #303 on: May 09, 2017, 08:11:53 am »

(PPE: Are my posts difficult to follow? I often just copy-paste out the bits that I want to address in longer posts but that could make it hard to look at the context around the original. If it's a hassle I can try to work in the links to the originals, if nothing else.)
I always just quote the posts I am replying to and then copy+paste the 'quote header' with the post details, as it were. It depends how you're working what works for you, I guess.
You posts aren't difficult to follow for me. The only time I miss having links is when I'm previewing my own post and I might want to look for a bit more of context for my own post to analyze, and that's about it.
Quote from: doll
Your lurking is different to other players, because you're promising more but also saying that you can't provide at that time. 4maskwolf is active lurking. Gentlefish could stand to be more active. You seem to be trying to look more active than you are, but your engagement appears limited by external factors. However, because you promise activity (and either do or do not deliver on it) you set yourself up for more attention, so it's inevitable that you'll be called out on it.
I don't recall promising anything of the sort; I make my one real post a day and that's about it.
It's just things like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Which draw attention to how active you are, rather than actual inactivity, which I'm commenting on. You're not doing anything scummy by it, but you're doing yourself no favors by promising something (you don't actually get anything out of a post which says 'I'll be active later' and it even encourages people to move against you because it's easier to see you as more 'active' without actually changing the amount of content you create - it is better (looks townier) to have a few posts with the same amount of content as a large number of posts, most of which are devoid of meaning; it's easier to keep the discussion on point, too, since most responses to you will be directly related to your most recent post if you cut out the 'fluff' of promising evening activity while you are at work etc.). This is my advice on a stronger playstyle with regards to how you appear when posting in this manner; you can see in the classic scumchat of Wild West Mafia how Jim comments on the use of holding off on posting until it actually suits you to do so; this might not be for you but to my mind it works so I'll carry through with it. (for reference, while Jim is scum in that game he comments specifically that he would still wait as town regardless)
Quote from: doll
The reason to vote 4maskwolf is that he responded to pressure by making a non-case. That means that he has no interest in finding scum. He has an interest in staying alive, which is why he shot that bait-filled post at me (to force me to overextend myself and fall flat when I tried to lynch him) but doing this demonstrated that he is engaged with the game (since he responded to pressure without a vote) and that his engagement does not involve a desire to find out more (about scum). This means that he is scum, as opposed to merely inactive.
Something missing here?
You've quoted the summary of the core of my case. Do you agree with it? If not, why not? If so, why aren't you voting 4maskwolf?
-Because it strikes me as odd for individuals to make their case to specific players; normally people make their case and let the chips fall where they may IIRC. You've done this twice now; it could just be a playstyle that I'm not accustomed to
I mean, doing that is great and all if all you want is to brag in deadchat or after the thread that 'I totally picked scum I'm such a great player lol' but if you want to actually lynch someone you've got to move the town, and different players in different situations are moved by quite different things. I'm treating roo as nearly confirmed town, and roo seems to think of me quite well, so all I need to move their vote is a decent idea and for them not to be doing anything much with it. On the contrary, to move hector's vote all I needed was the strongest case available to the town - to move johiah's I might need to bully him tangential to the game, to move you I might need to engage with your thoughts as you present them and speak on those topics on which you remain unconvinced, to move TheBiggerFish I might even need to get the rest of the town to be saying certain things. Mafia is quantized, and the basic unit (the vote) is actually rather large. This kind of contemporary, quantum mafia is why 4maskwolf and webadict talk about me like I'm a kawaii Bobby Fischer, but it's really just applying the principles that everybody knows they are supposed to use - if they want to win. (you can see this, again, in Jim's Wild West Mafia, where he effectively controls the lynch the whole game through - by picking what players are able to vote by selecting [as scum] who will die each night and keeping around a group he can control).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I honestly can't comment on whether or not my claim that I got the 'wrong' number (which was, as it stands, the right number - for the initial situation described and on which that post was commenting) was actually true because I can't remember if I had actually been thinking of the other case at that time. I do know that the thing which made me comment on my 'wrong maths' was that I had gotten conjugated the live scum and the dead townie as empty points and treated them as only one non-target during my working out - in the later post. This whole chain of reasoning is curious to me (as a useless, academic thing - the whole ordeal seems rather pointless for you to be going through), because your premise is based on my intentionally asking about something which I did the odds on as being a great opportunity to exploit - for me as scum. Asking about this raised awareness, particular among the key 4maskwolf/Webadict/Hapah demographic that I was relying upon to sure up my technical analysis throughout the thread (i.e. to catch me if I ever fuck up my math).

I (and 4maskwolf) do a lot of math in my mafia. You can see this very heavily in Day 3 of P25, where I do nothing but math for quite a while (and then go inactive) - and 4maskwolf joins in (incidentally, if you check scumchat, they realize that my lockstep plan would win the game for town - because town had such an overwhelming mechanical advantage. That sort of autoloss for scum is only really going to occur here if we start hitting guilty inspects while mislynches are floating around [the classic, scum 1 claims cop when the cop has a guilty on scum 2 being the most likely case] or the scum completely miss the cop and his activity).
The other bit, for me at least, is that doll seems a little....arrogant is the word I'm going to use, though I don't know the right one? Already lining up lynches for the next day without evaluating the results of the first one, or the results of the night actions. It's not a lot to go on (hell, I'm not evening voting on it), but it's curious enough to me (and in my eyes we're lynching someone for less). That's all for now!
Arrogant works. Webadict called it confident. The simple fact is that I knew that nobody could push a lynch on me today, and they didn't - because it would cost the town too much to be wrong and nobody has any overwhelming reason to think that they would be right (see: Webadict's commentary on this).
As soon as you decide who you are lynching on any given day, you can either stop using that lynch as a threat or stop tightening your grip on your actual target. If I wasn't lining other players up to be lynched tomorrow, I couldn't threaten both them and 4maskwolf today.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Another replacement needed
« Reply #304 on: May 09, 2017, 11:45:02 am »

Sorry guys, I'm going to have to replace out.

My life isn't open enough for mafia at the moment, especially not mafia games where I have to think over a long period of time, between work and coming down with the flu and all that fun stuff.

Have fun everyone, and remember: at its core, mafia is just a game.  If you stop having fun, you've lost the point behind mafia.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Another replacement needed
« Reply #305 on: May 09, 2017, 12:38:38 pm »

Oh good grief.

How many replacements is this, anyway?

But...Yeah, have fun with whatever else you do, 4mask, k?

Well this is disappointing.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Another replacement needed
« Reply #306 on: May 09, 2017, 01:32:13 pm »

4maskwolf is up for replacement.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Two replacements needed
« Reply #307 on: May 09, 2017, 03:53:26 pm »

I'm gonna need to be replaced.
I just don't have the time nor the interest for this. Frankly reading you guys is way more interesting than trying to think of my own questions that will likely accomplish nothing.
Quote from: AoshimaMichio
Oh no, you won't laser my death star.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Two replacements needed
« Reply #308 on: May 09, 2017, 05:35:31 pm »

johiah is up for replacement.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Another replacement needed
« Reply #309 on: May 09, 2017, 05:57:12 pm »

Oh good grief.

How many replacements is this, anyway?

But...Yeah, have fun with whatever else you do, 4mask, k?

Well this is disappointing.
Hey man, it happens. I got super busy at work and home. I like playing, but I can't be here enough to make it work.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Two replacements needed
« Reply #310 on: May 09, 2017, 09:34:46 pm »

Quote from: doll
bluh bluh

    The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
    The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (40000 characters).

Split into three posts instead I guess.
Yup, not reading that tonight, lol. Will take a stab at it tomorrow.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Two replacements needed
« Reply #311 on: May 09, 2017, 09:37:02 pm »

I'm gonna need to be replaced.
I just don't have the time nor the interest for this. Frankly reading you guys is way more interesting than trying to think of my own questions that will likely accomplish nothing.
Taking the time out to do something does give time though--the day WILL end today (or at least, it's Wednesday 10:30am on my time), so if you or 4mask can still hold on until then, it may help as much as possible.

In the meantime if you are actually gone after you had posted the 'request for replacement', unvoting is also a complimentary etiquette.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Two replacements needed
« Reply #312 on: May 09, 2017, 09:39:39 pm »

It's a third of the players that just asked for replacements...

TDS:What's the plan here?

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Three replacements needed
« Reply #313 on: May 09, 2017, 11:26:39 pm »

It's a third of the players that just asked for replacements...

TDS:What's the plan here?

I'm still ending the day Wednesday, since the night should give us a chance to find replacements.
Don't die; it's bad for your health!

it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia LXI - [9/9] - Day 1: Three replacements needed
« Reply #314 on: May 10, 2017, 12:51:30 am »

hey uh,
probably not a good time to mention this but
request replacement
I'm going to be very busy indeed for an indeterminate and hopefully indefinite period of time as of a little over a day from now, so ideally you'll never see me again.
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