... that looks more like neo's overdosed on something unhealthy, really. Or trying to make some kind of point in something approaching the worst way possible. Can't really tell.
Two options: Neo got into my stash again--dammit don't bogart it--or we forgot to take into account the stuff they didn't say again.
Also, the 1st protects people against government infringement of free speech.
It doesn't mean dick when it comes to private citizens telling other private citizens "hey, you're not allowed to be a fucking nazi" except to say that the government doesn't get to take sides in this fight.
Opinions are worthless, as are arguments based on them, if you want to defend a position based on nothing more than an opinion you might want to stop and examine it first.
If your opinion involves shit like "certain people are automatically inferior to me and people I decide are also better than others" or "it's ok to not just discriminate against others based on arbitrary bullshit, it's actually cool to just go ahead and kill them" then given the reaction of the rest of the world the last time people started actually turning those opinions into actions... maybe you should shut your fucking trap unless you're cool with getting popped in the mouth for being not just a nazi, but a fucking stupid one, at that.
I do agree that it shouldn't be outlawed to
say this sort of hateful bullshit, I don't want to go down the "government declaring certain speech is just illegal" road as it gets way too close to thoughtcrime alley, and it's full of sjw's and shit right now so nothxkbai.
On the other hand, I can back up an argument which amounts to "fuck nazis" except it would be based on far more defensible and far less offensive positions than "yay nazis" is, and hey, I'm not afraid of getting punched by a nazi, so it isn't even hypocritical to say I think it is not just acceptable but my goddamn duty as a man to punch nazis, they're literally inviting it by spewing that shit.
Has not punching nazis ever worked?
On the other hand, the internet has apparently been tracking down dudes from the protest videos and letting everyone know what they like to do with their free time, and hey, if some lives get ruined
for being fucking nazis maybe the next time some little bitchy shithead gets the idea that he's being oppressed and wants someone to blame, he'll know that--if nothing else--deciding to be a fucking nazi is a bad idea.