So it seems that if you don't mess with your nobles screen after reaching 50 beards, the mayoral election can get postponed. Mine happened when the year changed and the autosave kicked in. Once i got the mayor's rooms built and all furniture installed, i set her to loaf about indefinitely - two dwarfs became stressed over not having an own bedroom and geting caught in the rain, and they'll probably remain so for the next twenty years. Two moods came up - weaponsmith and engraver. Unfortunately, both were possessions. I built a bunch of floors over the "surface" farm plots. Hopefully this will stop the yearly mystery cave-ins: i had two of the plots and the closing bridge destroyed by a cave-in of _nothing_. Twice. I think it's the phantom growth of a tree that spawned while ramping out the field, which at the time also caved in and crushed the miner. Seems like it's not properly cleared from the map and has tried to "continue" growing. Since floors overwrite trees, i hope this removes the problem.
In more notable news, the "engrave that mountain" quest is starting to show effect: the top two levels of the mountain are fully engraved, and architecture is now a bigger contributor to fort wealth (at 400k) than non-artefact goods. Only ~83 more levels of mountain to go.