The Great Rabbit-HutFounded by The Bronze Grains
01) The Embark - What happened??02) A Fresh Start Means Crossing your Fingers03) It almost feels like cheating, and like Yak Management04) Our only skeleton is an Industry Framework05) Summer arrives
You can feel it in the air.
Everything seems a little more relaxed, a little more messy, and a little more cheery.
Seeing the low threat of the current wildlife, I decide to send some dwarves brewing and some dwarves plant gathering.
I only have plants & trees on the lower-right corner of my map, but that's okay.
Earlier I saw we could get Blade Weed and Rope Reed, but we failed to stockpile it fast enough so it was left outside.
Other construction projects are underway.
We have a second pasture being walled up whenever we can sneak out.
Also, our garbage compactor is nearly done. With experience previous huts, this garbage chute will be a little more spacious.
The wildlife has been very good to me, even with Terrifying.
The undead Yeti corpses and the undead Giant Wombat corpses move very slow, and they like to live alone apparently, even after death.
And the Living Thrips from earlier were a joke.
Oh, wait, that's a Giant Flying Undead Horned Owl Corpse...
Glad I didn't get this earlier. I'd be dead because the roof wasn't finished until late Spring.
Yea, he even swept by my fort once while I was micromanaging.
Even though I knew about her, it still gave me heart palpatations.
Still all is good. We're trying to cram as-much-as-possible into our little Summer window before ... well you know.
We got some sort of Brewery going to handle booze, lots of Yak meat, a meeting hall, un-mined resources, and a garbage chute.
Now it's show-time.