Quit the game
[3] You walk away from the game. It's still running and people are still playing, but have decided to leave.
Quit the game
[1] You accidentally execute that one program on your computer, which you've nicknamed "Suicide.exe". Your computer deletes its own operating system from the kernel up and you have to take it to a specialist to get it repaired.
Have a whinge at the Oracle for being so bloody cryptic.
Then... jump on my motorbike and go on an epic journey to track down a rag-tag team of professional pineapple eaters, I guess.
If there even is such a thing.
[2] Someone stole your motorbike! Dammit!
[5] They tell you that it was because you came in here raving about pineapples and flying robots and psychic powers when clearly those aren't at work here. It's not that you are a chaos agent, they just think you're batshit crazy. Given recent events they'll let you off with a warning, but you're going to be reassigned to a... less problematic sector, at least for now. Also, you're a ghost, but they're willing to talk it out anyway.
Okay Pual, now it's time to make an alliance with the RAISIN PEOPLE
[5] Yes! An alliance, the perfect way to join the powers! Wait, what kind of alliance? Just a nonaggression pact or some kind of political marriage or maybe some kind of blood rite to the god of fruit? Not sure what era of alliances we're shooting for here...
I'm the Mightiest Wizard who ever lived, I just Come back and smite them! And then recruit more Cultists.
[2] No you don't, because you're actually a fraud. It was all illusions and you believed your own lies. With this revelation you're now a sad ghost, whereas before you were just a ghost.
Disguise myself as a raisin person and attempt to create a resistance group against the Strawberry Queen.
[2] Your costume gets all wet and the raisin people get suspicious. It's especially bad since you made it out of paper and it started falling off. They know who you are now! Run for the hills!
Reincarnate as a new living being
[4] You are now more alive than you were before, congradzulations. You incarnate as a large badger, due to lack of specificity.
Jump up and down
[2] Ugh, really shouldn't have eaten those six chili dogs on the way to the party. You need to sit down for awhile.
Jump up and down
Introduce this man or woman to Jeffiroth! (JEFFIROTH!)
[4] You find the real JEFFIROTH! and introduce him to Adragis, since they're clearly a fan.
Obtain a submachine gun
[4] You get a submachine gun from... secret places... It's better if you don't ask too many questions, for the sake of your health and safety.