For sake of my sanity, go steal someone else's mountains and forests
I have consolidated all of the "game actions" that I could interpret from your posts (thanks to those of you who made it super-easy to understand.)
Recruit Master Spy
Message Salivar: Non-Aggresion and Trade
Construct Fishing Fleet
Draft 500
Noble Event (250 Gold)
Construct Mine
Civilain Training Policy
Entertainment Policy
Scholarship Policy
Message Tiruin: Alliance and Trade
Construct Bridge to Tiruin (Next Season)
Message Wayfaire, Feox, Perudur: Trade
Intel Missions: Others on Island
Counter-Intel Self
Draft 500
Seek Trade offers
Construct Mine
Civilian Training Policy
Draft 500
Build Fishing Fleet
Entertainment Policy
Trade Mission: Corrin
Intel Mission: Corrin
Construct Mine
Construct Granary (Next Season)
Research Education
Draft 500
Intel Mission: 17
Trade Mission: 40, 42, 44 and 46
Civilain Training Policy
Construct Logging Camp
Draft 500
Research Logging Improvements
Trade Mission: 27, 25
Intel Mission: 27
Draft 500
Civilian Training Policy
Construct Mine
Bridge from 43-15 (Next Season)
Trade Mission to 15
Construct Ships (Next Season)
Construct Great Building: Tombs
Draft 500
Trade Missions: Linshi and McCord
Draft 500
Intel Missions on neutral territories
Construct Mine
Civilain Training Policy
Entertainment Policy
Scholarship Policy
Granary Construction
Send Message to immediate neighbor: Defence Pact and Trade
Intel Mission: 22, 24, 26, 31, 37, 38, 39 and 51
Counter-Intel Self
Noble Event (500 Gold)
Hire 300 Mercenaries (75 Infantry, 50 Spearmen, 100 Archers, 75 Light Cavalry)
Research Libraries (increased research potential)
Intel Missions: peredur, laureline, dunik, Dixon house of bolt, Liu, dracul, and Chen
Draft 500
Non-Aggression Missions: Ketari and Klargus
Message Haerun: Alliance
Draft 200
Construct Mine
Intel Mission: Rebelling Nation
Draft 500 (repeat next season)
Noble Event (100 Gold)
Construct Ships (Next Season after drafts are done)
Send Trade and Alliance offer to Haspen
Construct Fishing Fleet
Construct Fortress (Next Season)
Draft 500
Construct Logging Camp
Research Economy
Construct Fishing Fleets (repeat next 2 seasons)
Trade with SilverDragon
Emmisaries to 1,4,13,15. Intel Missions.
Message Silverdragon: (See specifics)
Draft 500
Trade Missions: deidei, kashyyk, zomara, TamerVirus, Apiks, Hector13, Ghazkull
Counter-Intel Self
Intel Missions: 31, 32, 39, 40, 46, 50
Message Linshi: Alliance
(This is the only actual "game-action" I could really interpret from your posts. I'd suggest adding a draft order at the very least to this.)
Construct Granary
Construct Fortress (Next Season)
Recruit Master Spy
Draft 500
Construct Drydocks (Season after next)
Draft 500
Message 26: Request Military Aid
Draft 500
Construct Drydocks
Sack Advisors (You asked me if this was a good idea. I find it hilarious.)
Draft 500
Promote Military (I'm going to interpret this as "Construct Academy", as it will double the number of Mahouts[War Elephants with archers on top] you will recieve when you draft soldiers.)
Draft 400
Noble Event (To be determined next season)
Construct Mine (repeat next season)
Envoys to 47 and 49: Trade Mission
Intel Mission: 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, and 51
Counter-Intel Self
Secret Message?: Vargson (What is this, exactly? You never specified.)
Trade Mission: Corrin and Bolt
Intel Mission: Ketari
Asking names of Advisors (I am so screwed.)
Draft 500
Intel Mission Neighbors
Draft 500
Construct Mine
Scholarship Policy
Trade Missions: LuckyKobold, Lukinator, Lucus
Research Minecarts
Draft 500
Intel Mission: 21, 22, 29, and 30
Message 30: Offer trade any ally. Request leaving 29 to Dunik
Message 21: Non-aggression and Trade
Message 22: Non-aggression
Bridges to 21 and 30 if they accept trade
Scholarship Policy
Draft 500
Civilian Training Policy
Non-Aggression Missions: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Intel Mission: 18 (repeat next season)
Construct Fishing Fleet
Research Gunpowder
Draft 500
Construct Ships (Next season)
Trade Mission: 18,19,20
Message 20: Joint attack on 25
Draft 500
Construct Mine
Construct Academy (Next season)
Construct Fishing Fleet (Next season)
Civilian Training Policy
Non-Agrression Missions: High Tyrol, InstantHax, TamerVirus
Intel Mission: 4
Create Harem?
Trade Mission to Tiruin
Build Drydocks
Construct Ships
Construct Lumber Camp (Next season)
Draft 500
Defense Pact: Ghazkull and Wipeout
Intel Missions: Ghazkull and Wipeout
Intel Mission on Hero in 1
Construct Granary
Construct Fishing Fleet (Next season)
Draft 500
Hire Mercenaries 500
Construct Church
Construct Great Building: Trade Port
Draft 500
Entertainment Policy
Build 10 Ships (Next season)
Draft 500
Noble Event (Free Search)
Peace/Trade Missions to neighbors
Begin Construction of Flagship
Build Fishing Fleet
Draft 500
Trade Missions: Ghazkull, flabort and Glowcat
Intel Missions: Ghazkull, flabort and Glowcat
Message deidei: Split cost of connecting bridge, offer trade
Message 11: Assist rebellion
Spy Mission to 1: Inquire about Divine child. Offer protection, kidnap if refused.
Construct Fortress
Research Economy
Counter-Intel Self
I have already gone over this list twice. That does not mean that I did not make a mistake. If you have multiple construction projects, it will say which ones you're going to have to wait on. If you try to draft and construct ships at the same time, it will say which one you're going to wait on.
Due to this reason, I didn't even
bother to put in that people are planning to train soldiers the next season, because trust me, practically
everyone that posted to issue a draft issued to train them. Just make sure you include that action next turn.
If there is an action on your list that you're confused by, please ask me. I tried to make it as comprehensive as possible, though.
Also, I added a couple new buildings to the rules. One of them allows you to build fleets and armies at the same time, since people seem to be really miffed about that.
That... I think that's all?
OH! The exact rule for your unique House Unit. You automatically receive 1 for each 10 soldiers you draft.
So if you Draft 500 peasants, you gain a force of 50 of your unique unit for free. This doesn't work for hiring mercenaries.
If you'd like to make a request for what your House Unit should be, just tell me in a spoiler in this thread. (preferably the same one that you use to clarify any questions you have over your actions)
Some of you already have ones chosen out, based on how fluffy your bios were.