Meanwhile in Morocco, a new law was passed. Henceforth it is illegal to manufacture, import, or sell burqas and niqabs.
Local vendors have been passed a notice, telling them to tailor their current stock of niqabs an burqas into clothing that does not cover the face and eyes, or it will be seized. They have 2 days to comply.
According to the authorities, the ban is nescessary, to prevent islamic terrorists from using the clothing items as disguise.
The actual wearing of the items is not yet banned, but with the ban on any form of new stock, it is bound to disappear from Morocco.
Traditionally, Moroccan women never had to cover their face in public. It wasn't until the last few decades, when the influence of strict orthodox clerics from the Middle East reached Morocco, that women started to wear burqas and niqabs.
Salafists complain about infringement on their women's rights to cover themselves, and salesmen complain about the short notice.
However, it is not expected to change the descision. Morocco's king, Mohammed VI, envisions a liberal islam for his country. As official 'leader of the faithful', he doesn't only have political, but also much religious influence. He is known to personally oversee the education of liberal imams. Ten years ago, he improved women's rights in Morocco, by making it easier for a woman to divorce, and making it mandatory for a man who wishes to marry a second wife, that his first wife consents.
And so, Morocco is now being more progressive than most EU countries, who have either failed to ban face-covering clothing items, or haven't tried.