This may come down to what exactly you mean by "hard counter" and "soft counter", as well as if we're talking about counters to the mechanic in the abstract, or to a random hypothetical troop (which usually seems to end up being an EA jag).
Trample is a hard counter to the Blood Vengeance mechanic, full stop. If you successfully trample someone with BV, BV never triggers. There are far fewer tramplers who could hope to make the cut as hard counters to arbitrary BV units, but if this is "true" only because there are counters to them outside BV, it's questionably "true". If I have to count all counter-counters before considering if something is or is not a counter, then e.g. mass evocations aren't a counter to 9F9W9D jags because of the possibility of elemental protection spells...
As to glamour, that's probably more contentious as to where it falls. By the descriptions of tests I read, it's not true to say glamour negates BV, unless you simply mean glamour prevents BV from auto-hitting once the MR check is passed. What I'd read suggested that BV triggers as normal, but then has to pass a glamour check; if it does, however, it proceeds as normal. Hence why I lumped it into the soft counter camp. Now, admittedly, a random glamoured unit will be far more presentable as something resembling a hard counter to the typical hypothetical BV unit, especially since troops with glamour tend to be high MR too...
As we still have a full compliment of human players, I'm planning on force-hosting in about 8h. I'm not going to be draconian about it since the delay was my own misguided doing, but I'd really like to do so; if the outstanding turns can get turned in by then, it would be much appreciated.