NQT:First, calm down. I explained far earlier in the day that I was going to be busy coming off this weekend. Secondly, what is the point of your vote on ZU? All previous signs point to the fact that lynching him will arguably make things far worse. If he is anything, he is a Third Party as I cannot imagine LNCP would allow to a Witch to be disabled for inordinate amount of time.
Why are you focused on having him become lynched?
Birdy, read the beginning of day setting info. Witches and
maleficars said the inquisitors. Tiruin was probably lying about bad things happening if her counterpart dies (she was trying to protect him), at least, she had a strong incentive for doing so.
ZUZU: what's your role name then?
So Irony Owl was a Mercer and you're a 'Seller'. That doesn't sound like quite the noun, but okay.
The demons serving these witches and maleficars have grown weak
I also remembered this from the opening post today, which clearly shows the demons are distinct from the witches.
It seems to me that the witches and malifecars are players and the 'demons' are the manifestations of their power.
I am 99% sure NQT is now acting scummy on purpose trying to get lynched. See quick jump on/off the Irony wagon and now refusing to provide info.
No, I just should stop posting from my phone: I'm always more fiery on the phone. When I sit down in front of the computer I calm down a bit and think a bit more about how I phrase things. I really don't think it'd be a good idea to lynch me, and neither did confirmed town players Leafsnail, Irony Owl or Lenglon. Where was the quick on-off on the Irony wagon? I stayed on until the end and regretted it. Can you not just make things up please. Also, you never said your wincon. You've admitted to being third-party, so what do you want out of this game?
ShakeragConvince me why that's a good idea given that I think you're most likely malicious. I've pressured people on the relevant bits and rest assured I'll reread them and ask more questions if I see anything I didn't spot before. I didn't want to claim who I've already investigated as the uncertainty gives me greater bargaining power in accusations.
Sounds defensive, NQT. If you're town, then you'd want us to have more information (as we're the uninformed majority). Also, if you've been on the up-and-up with us, then we shouldn't have any cause to find any faults with the info you'd provide, yes?
No, it's offensive. Look, I'll ask a round of questioning to everyone and then I'll fess up who I really investigated and what I learned once everyone has answered those (and any logical follow-up) questions. Also, you know what I am so stop pissing around and vote someone genuinely malicious.
So here goes:
Shakerag— what were your relations with Lenglon's
Birdy— explain the business about wet and dry coopers.
Hapah— where were you on the evenings preceding the witch hunt?
Toony— where's your wife right now?
ZU— why did you say you weren't from Brittany? The setting text that displayed when you 'died' said you were a Breton. I can believe you weren't really dead (the text at the time said as much), so did you dream while you were in your coma?