Ranger: You can use [br] tags to break up your post into lines.
And yes Griff, you can copy my "style". It makes me happy.
Hapah: Are you or are you not a wizard?
omg rolefishing.
"Yer a wizard, Hapah."
"omg rolefishing."Seems to work in context.
UI: Now, I'd rather believe that was blatant rolefishing and that...the "knowledge" of witches would help (I mean, two people speaking about "knowledge", with the other being Ranger, and you being implied...still my assumption), but...wow. That would be a pretty strange way of action given the game.
Anywhoo, what was the purpose of that vote?
Griffonday: How will the abundance of roles effect your use of your own role?
Care to explain why this shouldn't be considered role-fishing?
Because I didn't ask what your role was, I just wanted to know how the abundance of roles will influence your actions. If you're really worried about possibly giving away your role treat it as a hypothetical. Consider a variety of standard roles. Mention one shots. Give me a big long paragraph of supposition. I wait with bated breath.
I'm beginning to wonder if grammarmancer is not your choice of pick. That, or how bated breath smells or feels like.
Anyway, you're poking at Griff's statement there, or helping him out? I understand he's a newbie -- in the way that we haven't seen him play before, but this seems more like you begging a question from him. More along the lines of making sense to his vote.
Griffionday: Seeing your conservative stance, I'd like to know more about you.
Given the situation wherein you'd be gifting (giving at night) one-shots to others, what would you give first or prioritize, and how will you judge your target: One shot lists are a Kill, Block, Protect and Redirect.
Well, I would probably claim inspects and such on various people that I know will die and with actions I know happened, which I could tie to them. Also, if I were to die (which happens to me a lot >.>) my fakeclaims would possibly be taken for the real thing.
...Won't that be a one-off deal?
> You fakeinspect, people lynch. Lynch proves otherwise (unless you bus) > You dead.
Not a pretty advantage. Is this all you've got?
Favorite town role is the person who doesn't get killed at night.
Favorite scum role is the person who arsons everyone.
Third party? Probably unkillable jester that can do fun things at night.
> The first is a Bulletproof Role.
> The Second is an Arsonist-type.
> The third is Webadict. Because he's our lovely mod.
Why'd you want to screw with people as a third-party in that situation? That's against your wincon as a Jester.
TheWetSheep, you probably picked water, huh? Just kidding. Who do you think will be lynched today (by category, not names), and if you were a day investigator, how would you pick someone to investigate? (Investigate alignment, action or whatever).
NQT, what do you think about there being quite a few people here who won't go the "traditional" way (i.e. newbies/foreigners/whoevertheybe)?
TolyK, ... well, damn. I probably shouldn't have entered my name, huh. Well, okay then, next?
Vector, what's our Victor? Err, whatever. Why do you think you were one of the leading roles in the flavor at the beginning, considering Wuba said it would be a medium-flavor game?
Your questions seem more of being a buddy to others than poking at them. Why is your question to Vector mainly about flavor? Why did...you insert yourself for more text? And why are all your questions going along the 'Investigate' line of interrogative gestures?
RangerCurrently i have no solid suspicions of anyone, but would like to see what those who haven't posted yet think. I'll take my vote off Vector when he either posts, i get suspicions, or when the day is half over and i need to stop trying to interegate someone not posting.
1. Vector is female.
2. No suspicions of anyone? Have you been reading the posts as of late? As in, currently nothing? Why? Or did I miss something?
3. Your vote on Vector...isn't much of anything for her to answer to. Dude, its a flavor-based question. Flavor is what we use as a term for what the Moderator adds in his posts for Fun Details. Why do you want your vote on Vector...if it's purely about flavor? Aren't you going to poke at anyone else at the moment?
WHile I do get you're busy at school, I'd like answers to those questions above, thanks. (Word of Advice: Its the beginning of the first day...people are busied by timezones and won't post right after the Mod, muchly.)