How exactly are interactions with the rest of the game world going to be handled? Are we part of an existing civilization or are we kind of our own independent thing?
Traders from out in the world will come to sell things occasionally, but otherwise the town is isolated.
Will there be goals/levels (like perhaps Beasts and Bumpkins) or is it a SimCity experience?
I'm building it to be either. If you're the player that likes achievements and preset goals you can use them, or you can just free play as you like.
Can the townspeople be ordered around or do they have independent AI?
They have independent AI. You can give hints that certain jobs are high priority but otherwise they do things by themselves. The AI isn't all that complex - They work if it's available, and otherwise idle about. I've thought about having different behaviors based on personality, health and happiness levels, but I haven't made a decision on it.
Are you going to continue development after release in paid for or free expansions/DLC or will you move on to other projects?
I'll probably do a few expansions, depending on what I can squeeze into this game before release - I have a lot of ideas for this game as well as some new games.
Naturally, I'd prefer no combat to a combat system that's stuck on just because violence sells, so it'd be interesting to see what your ideas are.
I don't want to go into too many details since I don't even have this prototyped yet, but the combat would be similar to any other profession - there would be sets of the buildings and walls needed to handle soliders and sort of solider profession. When things attack they'd handle it. Regular citizens would probably flee or help fight.
Speaking of which, I know it's a bit early, but what are your ideas as far as distribution goes?
I'm still figuring this out, but it will be some downloadable method.
Once you've mastered nature and have a stable economy going, what's the plan for the end game?
At this point you can work on making your town more efficient to grow even bigger. This gets harder the larger the settlement is because you've removed more and more of the natural resources you need. You can play harder maps with less usable land and harsher weather. I built it to be an open ended simulation so players can challenge themselves however they want.
It seems like the game's setting is going to be fairly realistic, but what, exactly, is the setting?
Hmm good question. I never thought about it. There aren't any mystical elements, but if I add combat it may be against non-humans....
Will there be a way to get alpha/beta access?
There will most likely be a beta, but I haven't decided on distribution yet.
How open to modders will the game be?
I never expected this question - now I see it all the time. As I've never been into modding myself it didn't occur to me to make my engine built in a way to support it. I'll think about it for sequels.
Could you elaborate a little on the mechanics involving livestock and any other domesticated animals?
You can only buy livestock from a trader. Once you have them you have to build pastures where they graze, and the herd will grow slowly over time. You'll also need a herdsman to take care of each herd. Different animals produce different resources. Sheep give mutton and wool, Chickens give eggs and meat, Cattle give leather and beef. You can use the wool and leather to make warm clothes, obviously you can eat the rest. The animals can get sick and a whole pasture can die out if you don't move them.
How quickly will people age?
People generally live 15-20 season cycles. They don't work for the first couple, and don't have kids for the last years of their lives.
How long do you see an average town taking to be 'fully' built?
I don't know - I've never gotten there. I've played an entire day, maybe 10 hours and not even gotten close.
If I may add to the above related combat question, may I ask if you will start with combating nature, such as packs of predators or even pests who destroy your crops, or will it be bandits and aggressive neighbors?
The game is basically combating nature - pests do destroy crops, dry seasons yield low crops. Combat may be added later.
Will this extend, Simfarm-style, to also include humidity or mineral deposits like in Tropico?
There are different things you can mine out of the ground, but humidity is not a factor.
And will there be a random button?
Every map is random, but I'll think about a button that randomizes all settings....
Every time a new dev shows up on these forums they make the mistake of asking what features we would like.
I didn't realize I asked what features you'd like - I asked what else you'd like to know.... That being said I'd love to make a game with everything in it, I just don't have time or resources to do so!