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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47922 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #270 on: April 21, 2013, 12:09:59 am »

Redhat was wandering through the forest. He really didn’t know how he got here, but just kept on wandering. Eventually he ran into a long table in a small clearing. Oddly enough, at the table were a few ponies, one he knew from all around Duskfields. He pulled out a seat and and sat down at the head of the table.

One of the familiar faces seated at the table was Temperance. He sipped a bit at the cup in his hoof as he eyed the newest guest, “Ahem, you are late. What were you doing? Looking for some Discordants to sympathize with?”

Flamberge rises from his chair and screams at the top of his lungs, “REDHAT WHY IN AMUG’S NAME WOULD YOU SYMPATHIZE WITH THOSE FUGLY GENOCIDAL MANIACS?! AND TEMPERANCE WHERE THE HELL ARE THE GODDAMN SUGARCUBES?!!! I KILLED A DRAGON!!!!” He continues screaming while flailing his limbs around.

“QUIT SHOUTIN’, I’M NAPPIN’!” Temperance then passed out, spilling his tea all over the table.


Prodd looked at Redhat, a look of worry in his eye “Where were you, we were so worried!”

“Oh please I was simply powdering my hat.” he said as the stallion took of his hat and showed them that it had indeed been powdered. “please don’t associate me with those unsavory discordants.” 

“Good because we were about to begin drinking that tea over there with those lovely crumpets and I made sure they were baked to perfection~” Prodd says

“Oh I do say, please pass me one.” Red said, he simply loved crumpets.

“ME FIRST!!! BECAUSE I KILLED THE DRAGON!!!” Flamberge says, continuing to yell at the top of his lungs.

“Oh don’t worry, everypony will get one Flamberge” Prodd started handing out crumpets and cups of tea with his magic, despite only having one eye, he was able to do it as easily as he would have with both his eyes, though he somehow spills it on Flamberge

“AHHHHHH!!!” Flamberge screams. “HOT TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KILLED A DRAGON!!!”

“I do say, just wipe it off.” He levitated over somehow and started to remove the tea using the napkin in his hands. “good as new” Red smiled and then floated back over to his seat.

I need to operate on the women! With my teeth!” Case Study shouts.

Temperance wakes up suddenly, “Who dat? Who dere?” He perked up and wondered where his tea went.

“Oh just us darling, now just drink your tea and eat your crumpets and we can have a dandy good time” Prodd says, levitating some tea and a crumpet over

“Yay tea! Yay trumpet!” Temperance tries to the drink the pastry but fails, “What?! Something wrong with tea!” He then sticks the treat up his nose and successfully swallows it through his nostril. “Mmm, yum!”


“Alright! But only because I’m asocial and cave to peer pressure easily!” Case shouts exuberantly.

Red frowns and slaps Flamberge across the face from across the table. “LANGUAGE, MY GOOD SIR!”


“Calm down Flamberge, nothing to worry about” Prodd randomly levitates over to Flamberge and pats him on the head “You want another Crumpet dragon killer?”

“P-P-P-PLEASE!!! I KILLED A DRAGON!!!” Flamberge wipes his tears away.

Prodd levitates another crumpet to Flamberge’s plate “There we go are we happy now Flamberge?”

“Ooh! Ooh! I will make desert!” Temperance grabbed an empty plate and put it in his seat. He strained and grunted until his face turned purple. “NNNNGGHHH! Why no chocolate come out?!” Soon, a massive pain emanated from his rear, “OOWW! Hemoooorrrroid! I need Preparation H plzkthxbie!”

Prodd stays silent

Red gets up, and floats over to flamb, and gave him a slap on the face. “I DEMAND SATISIFACTION! My name is Redhat Montoya, you killed Max’s lover now prepare to die!”

Flamberge trembles slightly. “UGH RUGH MUGH!!! I KILLED A DRAGON, I CAN KILL YOU! RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!!!!” He accepts the duel in his own special way.

“Case Study! Case Study! You are doctor! Tell me why chocolate no come out! Make me fixed!” Temperance whined as he rubbed his sore booty, lower lip trembling. “Can you also make sure it dark chocolate? That best kind!”

Redhat just gave him an angry look and pulled out his Yu-gi-oh cards. “Okay, I go first!”

Flamberge readies his beginner-friendly deck. “OKAY, BUT GO EASY ON ME PLEASE!!! I KILLED A DRAGON!!!” He was scared because it was his first time.

“Do you want some crumpets and tea while you have your battle? They’re delicious~” Prodd asks, levitating a plate of crumpets and tea over

He smiled, and laid down the five pieces of exodia, cause hey, if the show saw the rules as guidelines why not do so here? “I win!”

“WAAAAAHHH YOU BROKE THE RULES!!! I’M GOING TO TELL MY PREGNANT WIFE ON YOU!!! I KILLED A DRAGON!!!” Flamberge vows, his very small amount of confidence shattered.

Prodd stays silent in the background, polishing his horn.

“I broke the ‘guidelines’ not the rules. Because everyone knows that Yu-gi-oh has no rules when portrayed in any form of entertainment.”

Temperance feels a rumbling in his stomach, “Oah! Wait! I think it’s working!” He strains until his eyes bug out of his head, “OOUUGUGHHAHAJJGSFOERQOBBQROFLpootis!!!” He was pushing so hard that blood vessels exploded in his eyes and nose and blood sprayed all over the table. With that said, a blast of literal dark chocolate Hershey’s Kisses come flying out of his butt, “WWEEEEEE! IT worked! Who want chocolate now!!!!” He begins to pass the treats around to everypony.

Prodd stays silent, still polishing his horn while eating a hershey kiss

“NUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH!!! YOU BROKE THE RULES!!! I! KILLED! A! DRAGON!!!” Flamberge roars. In a fit of rage he picks up Redhat and throws him into a tree.

“I want seconds!” Case shouts, munching on chocolate.

Red Hat screams out. “I DO SAY THIS IS VERY UNACCEPTA-”

Red jolts up from her bed. “Oh good god, what the hell was I dreaming of?” She was visibly shaken. She had absolutely no idea why she had such a horrid dream about tea and crumpets. Usually such things were delightfully perfect...

“Mmm... Dunno honey, just go back to sleep... it’ll be okay in the morning...” Prodd murmurs from the other side of the bed.

Red sighs, and snuggled up to Prodd. “oh... sorry for waking you up, dear.” The couple peacefully drifted back into slumber together.

Lightning Runner jolts from his sleep “What the hell was I dreaming of! I thought Case said those hangover fixing things were hangover fixing things...” He shook his head trying to clear his mind of his dream within a dream

“Just go back to sleep Lightning, its almost midnight” Sweet Potato snuggled up next to Lightning

“Sorry for waking you” Lightning also snuggles up next to her and falls asleep again.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #271 on: April 21, 2013, 12:54:12 am »

As Convalescence sat at the desk on the second floor of the hospital that constituted her temporary office, she reflected on her least favorite part of her new job: paperwork. To be fair, she hadn't had to face any major crises and so far her job had been easy enough, but the stacks of plans, work orders to look over, and reminders, were enough to dull her spirits. Suddenly, the sound of hooves on the stairs broke her out of her reverie.

Commander Flamberge makes his way up the staircase into the second floor, “Hello Mrs. Mayor,” he says, “I would have knocked but you seem to lack a door. Do you have a moment?”

Thankful for a distraction, she greets him cheerfully, "Good morning, Commander. Of course, what was on your mind?"

“Well, two things, first, I never properly thanked you for helping me,” he says as his hoof touches one of the places on his chest where the dragon’s teeth had punctured him, “So, thanks, I know patching up ponies is your job, but we are all thankful for the work you and Case have done here.”

"Thank you, Flamberge. That means a lot to me," she replied.

“Secondly, since your election, I feel we should have a little chat about our new working relationship.” continues Flamberge.

"Yes, I was hoping to talk to you a bit about that. I respect everything you've done in defending this town, I used to be in my town's militia years ago you know," she told him.

"Good, glad to hear it," replies Flamberge, "Honestly with the wall finished, the gates working, and the moat dug, I don't have many pressing issues to discuss. Mostly I need you to understand we have an everpresent need for iron, steel, and flux stones. I'll need your word that you'll negotiate for as much of that to be imported as possible."

"Of course," she replies. "Good to hear that our defenses seem to be in order. Although I would like to install some siege weapons on the walls when some of our other projects around here are finished,”

Flamberge nods, “That’s quite ambitious, but before we get that far, the walls need expanded, and I would like to see fortified positions on the walls for our markponies and militia to shoot from. Right now our wall keeps the non-flying foes out, but it doesn’t really let us hit back at them either.”

"I'll have to see how progess on the temple is going before I start reassigning workers, but improving our walls is a priority. I'll start on that as soon as possible,"

Flamberge nods again, "Good good, well I believe the wall and the metal was all I needed to talk about. Hopefully I won't need to have many official meetings like this with you, Lady Mayor, if you have nothing more than I shall take my leave."

She thinks for a moment before shaking her head, "No, I don't think there's anything else. Well, it was nice talking with you. Goodbye," she says, returning her attention to the still formidable stacks of paper on her desk.

"Goodbye," says Flamberge before taking his leave down the stairs.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #272 on: April 21, 2013, 01:08:24 am »


Wood Chip, after finishing a light brunch, arrived to the dwelling of the former mayor slightly unnerved but neverless intent on seeing him. He actually bothered getting dressed for what was hopefully a semi-formal occasion, wearing what could have passed for a pair of horseshoes if they were not pounded nearly flat, and his not-ceremonial axe on his side, looking small compared to the rest of him.

In all, he was all but sweating bullets when he slowly knocked on the door. He could only hope that he was home, or had a few hours or so. Should he have sent a note or somesuch?

“Coming,” somepony called from inside.  The door swung open, and Temperance peeks outside.  “Wood Chip?  Come in, what’s on your mind?” he said, making room for the unicorn to come inside.

Wood Chip, smiling apologeticly and ducking slightly instinctivly as he passed under the door, found himself in a modest looking room. Before he sat down somewhere, he greeted his greeter earnestly. “Sorry about coming in before sending some sort of note, it’s about, well, the state of things, and I think your one of the smarter ponies in town who can help me.”

“Uh, don’t worry about it,” Temperance said, closing the door.  “So, what’s the problem, exactly?”

Wood Chip gave his host a quick glance, and let himself relax slightly. “It’s problems, actually. I have a small pile of suggestions as head of the milita, but the new mayor is still caring for her foal and you seem to be the only pony here with a good head on his shoulders who could help me.” His eyes darted around to what might have been the entrance to another room. “Congrat’s on the new foal.”

Temperance cocked his head slightly, finding his guest’s behavior a bit peculiar.  He brushed it off and said, “Thanks, things have been a bit busy for me too with him.”  He made a small chuckle.  “So, several problems?  Related to the militia?  I’ll see if I can help somehow.”

Wood Chip was a little unnerved by Temperance’s interested look, and hoped he was not coming across as odd. “Well, we could start with Maize’s...” a little ball of fear began to swell in his chest “...Maize’s condition. I must ask, as I do not know her quite well, how has it been addressed?”

“Her condition?  Uh... what do you mean exactly?”  As far as Temperance knew, she had just been a bit nervous around others, but Serenity and Praetorian had helped that.  So, he said, “Wait, I think Serenity and Praetorian have been helping her a lot with that.”

Wood Chip felt as if a small brick was thrown in his face. They either didn’t tell the mayor or were ignorant of her actual condition. Knees shaking slightly, he looks at Temperance in the eyes. “You were never alerted to the nature of her condition,ever?”

Temperance was beginning to look quite concerned.  “Is something wrong with her?  Is she alright?  Nopony has told me anything.”

Wood Chip suppressed the urge to stomp a hoof, and after a few moments at glancing at the door looked at Temperance once more. “That is...very distressing. I am sorry for asking, but you have a office, correct? I do not wish to force you to hear me talk for a hour or so standing up.” he said, attempting humor to hold back his mild anger.

“Uh... yeah, if you would rather talk in private.  Come on,” he said, leading Wood Chip to his office.  As they get inside and take their seats, Temperance looked at the unicorn across from him, trying to guess what this was about.  “Okay, we’ve both got seats and a bit of privacy now.  What did you need to tell me about Maize?”

Wood Chip was unsure if he felt more worried for Maize or Temperance at the moment. The latter was doing his best to confuse him about his intentions. “Well, how to explain this...Temperance, do you know why I came to Duskfield with you a few years ago?”

Temperance raised a hoof to his chin.  “Actually... come to think of it I’m not sure we’ve ever really talked about it.  Although... I seem to recall a rather unhappy story you told of a previous home.”

Wood Chip felt somewhat relieved. “ It was a little coastal village so close to zebra lands we actually had a few living there. However, one day, a few of the adults began to act oddly. I was much younger then, so I don’t believe I have best possible account of what actually happened, but there was secret meeting happening at night and such. Stuff that would have been thought of as oddly in a place like this, but the community was quite tight and close. However, I can say that many of the adults and quite a few ponies who were not displayed symptoms identical to Maize.” He pauses, seeing if Temperance’s reaction.

Temperance reacts by raising an eyebrow and leaning a bit closer to him.  “Symptoms?  I’m... not sure I follow?  I haven’t noticed anything odd about Maize.”

Wood Chip was somewhat expecting this. “Temperance, have you ever felt like something powerful, and, perhape’s more importantly, antagonistic has visited you? Perhape’s during a dream you cannot remember or during the day, just before or after you really wake up?”

To that, Temperance simply swallowed hard and looked Wood Chip squarely in the eyes.  “Uh, well, not long after we got here... there was the uh, incident with the mechanics shop.  I haven’t really spoken with many ponies about it though.  Seems I was just... well... nothing like it has happened since.”

Wood Chip inhaled sharply, but kept calm. “Well, that will help, I suppose. Now, that...feeling, that is what Maize feels nearly every day. Now, the issue with that is....” Wood Chip gave Temperance a judging look “Do you want to know what happened to my home, Temperance? It will certiantly put things into perspective here.”

“I...” Temperance began, trailing off as he thought over what he was just told.  “I remember part of your story, but I don’t remember if you said what happened exactly.  if you think it’s something I need to hear, then yes, please tell me.”

Wood Chip shifted his weight to the side slightly, and after a few moments of deleberation looked at the manager pony in the eyes. “One day, I woke up alone. The village was quiet, and when I went outside to pick berries, I found the livestock missing. I later...” He winced slightly at the memory, “I later found many ponies cooking them and the zebra family that stayed there on the other side of town. Almost everypony was there, all of whom suffered so much from the odd occurances that it was accepted as just another part of life by the ponies.” he finished with a little odd choking sound, visibly pained and tired.

Temperance listened to the tale, not liking at all where it was going.  He waited for Wood Chip to collect himself a bit, and said, “I see... and.... you think that the same will happen to Maize?”

Wood Chip repressed a urge to swear. “ Yes. More importantly, this is magical in nature, very dark magic. If it means anything, well, I knew the pony that tried to attack Cream Puff a few weeks ago. The discordiants are not born crazy, at least not all of them. It spreads, I would think, and when goes, other’s follow.”

This was beginning to make a frightening amount of sense.  Temperance leaned back in his chair and sat silently in thought.  “If... if what you’re saying is true... then we have a huge problem on our hooves.”  He sighed.  “But what can I do?  Force Maize to leave?”

Wood Chip smiled slightly, albet forced. “No. However, you have knowlage and power in the fort, Temperance. Conval, even if she is mayor, will be too buisy with her foals to do much around the fort, and you are the only pony here with any true skills in managing in the town besides the leaders in the military. She trusts you, yes?”

“Uh, well, I believe so, yes.”

He smiles grimly. “You are one of the few true leaders in the fort, Temperance, dispite what you might think of yourself. The only other true options for mayor, if her rulership is questioned, are all in the military or in this room, frankly. She is almost certiantly eager to please, and I would like for you to be the one who alerts her of the truth behind Maize’s condition and what it could mean for the fort. I would also think it would be prudent for any pony who shows sign’s of odd behavior to be watched far closely then they have been before, especialy if they are in the military.”

Temperance felt a bit uneasy at the praise, but that’s quickly increased by Wood Chip’s request.  He made a small nod.  “Alright, I’ll tell Convalescence about all of this, and to keep an eye out for any odd behavior.  Maybe it’s nothing.”  He hoped.

Wood Chip simply nodded his head, and simply decided to move on to less dreadful topics. “On that note, as head of the Militia, I must also make a request that ponies, rather than be trained in crossbows, be trained in the use of a melee weapon as well. As it is, the current state of the militia is shabby, and while I cannot say that every pony in town must be a master of fighting, as it is the typical pony here is better off throwing there crossbows at a foe than try and aiming a bolt in there direction. Surely there is a decent spearpony in town who is capiable of showing a few decent ponyfolk here how to use a spear properly, yes?”

“There are a few, yeah,” Temperance said.  “Flamberge is the one who ordered the militia in the first place, so I’d need to run it by him, but I don’t think he’d disagree.  They should be able to find a bit of time to train the civilian militia.”  He wasn’t really looking forward to learning to stab things with a spear though.  But whatever was necessary...

Wood Chip grew concerned at the mention of Flamberge. “I would prefer if Flamberge was removed from this as much as possible, but please, whatever is needed. I fear that he has, well, shown aggression and agitation that compares with that of Maize, and I do belive that he should be looked at the most out of any pony, more so after his feat of slaying the dragon.”

Temperance sighed.  “This isn’t something I can really do without him okaying it.  But believe me, I try to avoid him as much as possible.”  He thought a moment.  “Although... now that you mention it, maybe he really should be watched too.”

Wood Chip echo’s Temperance’s sigh. “ I truly regret that I have not addressed this with anyone sooner, but this is needed for not only our prosparity, but the whole of the towns.”

Temperance nodded.  “Yes, if what you’re saying is true, this could have grave ramifications for all of us.  Fortunately, it seems that nothing particularly alarming has happened so far, but now that you’ve brought all of this to my attention, I’ll certainly be keeping a closer eye out for it.”

Wood Chip nods, but remember’s one other thing. “What of the griffon, Max I think his name was. Anything of note?”

“I don’t think there’s much that can be said about him, really.  I’m sure you’ve heard the stories about the dragon by now.  He’s pretty torn up about it, but I don’t think he’s going to cause any trouble.”  At least he really, really hoped not.  That event had already been tragic enough.

Wood Chip hummed slightly. “Fair enough. I do not think is is a threat, but others might be quick to blame him if anything goes wrong. One must think if, well, I suppose I would be dreadfully upset if SmoothBlock was killed by griffons I was staying with. Poor creature.”

“I know, it worries me too.  If anypony tries to blame Max for anything that goes wrong, they’ll have to answer to me.”  He blew out his breath.  “At least we don’t have to worry about the griffons as a whole.  I don’t think Max has any ties to them at all.”

Wood Chip smiled wristfuly. “One must wonder about that. I am not sure how they do it in there own lands, but I must question if he and the dragon were not seeking shelter of some sort.” his smile sank downward “A pity it ended like it did. The dragon could have feasably lived in one of the mines, and it’s not as if Max was, well...” he trailed off, somewhat prepared to step up from his chair and leave.

Temperance wanted the conversation about Max to be over with, so he simply nodded.  “Yeah... tragic...”

Wood Chip nodded at Temperance’s sullen words.” Before I go, Temperance, I have one last request, as a pony rather than the leader of the militia. Can you alert Serenity to set up a meeting between me and her next season? I...I would prefer if I did not have to do so in person myself, and I do not want SmoothBlock to worry about me.”

Temperance looked a little concerned.  “Of course.  I’ll speak with her about it.  Anything I can help with?”

Wood Chip gives him a detached look. “Unless you can help with thirty years of nightmares involving your childhood crush eating your little sister, I am not entirely sure.”

Temperance hung his head.  “Sorry, no, I don’t think I can,” he finally said.

Wood Chip looked at the smaller pony, nodded slightly, and sat up in his chair in preperation to leave. “Is there anything you want to tell me before I go, now?

“I don’t think so, no.”  Temperance looked back up.  “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, though.”

Wood Chip, without further hesitation, stood up from his chair and started to make his way for the door before stopping. “One last thing, Temperance. If do go south, do not go to the dragon’s old cave. There is a building off near the edge of town that was used to hold seeds during the first year, and it has a basement with food and drink. If anything bad happens to the point you must flee, I suggest you go there.” On that distressing note, he walked out of the room and headed for his own dwelling.

Temperance cocked an eyebrow and waited for Wood Chip to leave.  “Uh... alright...” he said at last.  He wasn’t sure what he’d do if everything went south, but he’d keep that in mind at least.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #273 on: April 21, 2013, 01:09:28 am »

Temperance's Journal - 15th Hematite, 271

Nopony will let me forget what happened to Carnith, it seems.  It seems that some disgruntled ponies removed his skull from the gatehouse, razing it in the process.  Flamberge was furious (what a shock), and now our defenses are compromised.  I've got the carpenters working to fix the mess, and trying to figure out who's responsible.  I hated having it up there too, but I didn't do this myself because I knew this would happen.

Flamberge and Crosshair went and dug his skull up again, then took it to their room.  I'm not particularly happy with that, but at least it's not out where everypony has to look at it now.

I just want to forget it, and let Max get some closure.

1st Timber, 271

I guess Morning Dew and I aren't the only ones upset by Praetorian and Maize leaving Duskfields.

Maize was a friend of hers, so when I killed her in game, Serenity was not happy about it.  Apparently Millstone was her lover in game too, so she surely wasn't happy about that, although that was a long time ago.  I also see that Temperance is her best friend in game now...

I can tell she's trying to hide it, but she's apparently absolutely torn up about it.  I tried to stay out of it, but I'm no foal, and I know she had something going on with the two.  Maybe she was just a very good friend to them, but I feel like it might have been more.  In either case, it's obvious she feels terrible, and I feel bad for her.

She's the one other ponies go to dump their troubles on, but doesn't really have anypony to do the same to in turn.  I should probably talk with her at some point.  I don't want her feeling any worse than she has to, and it's my fault she's even out here.

Maybe I'll find some way to work it in subtly.  I'll see what I can do.

6th Timber, 271

Well, at least we've got a little bit of good news.  Smoothblock was doing a bit of exploratory mining, and she ran into some lignite underground.

This is good because apparently you can make something close to charcoal out of it, which means we can cut back on cutting down trees for a little while.  Or at least use the wood for something more productive than just burning it so we can melt metal.

Speaking of which, we've still got a veritable mountain of junk left from thieves and discordant pony invasions that we need to scrap and repurpose for ourselves.  That's going to take a long time yet.

18th Timber, 271

This afternoon was a bit surprising.  Holly flew back into town from cutting down trees out north to let me know that a large group of griffons were approaching Duskfields.  Griffons wearing lots of armor and clearly heavily armed.  I was pretty worried, as you might expect.  I didn't think they had any relation to Max, really, since he said he had no family out here (especially now...), but when a large group of armored anything approaches, it gives you pause.

The truth was almost as puzzling.  I met them at the gate, along with the soldiers of course, and they introduced themselves.  Their leader went by the name of Maksim Pankov.  Captain Pankov, that is.  They were all from a griffon outpost named Canyontalon, some distance away but apparently not too far for them to send a caravan.

He seemed... surprised... to find us here.  I'm not entirely sure why they came and brought so many goods if they didn't expect to find us here, but Captain Pankov didn't want to speak with me.  He insisted that he speak with our commander, which was Flamberge.  What they talked about I have no idea.

Instead, I helped the traders get to the depot and show them where they can sleep during their stay here.  I'll see about trading with them tomorrow morning.  It's very late right now.

19th Timber, 271

The trading had to wait, because some discordant pony thieves attacked poor old Pine Straw and Holly as they were cutting down trees.

The first pony stabbed Pine Straw in the leg so hard it broke the bone!  But for some reason, he just fled afterward.  He didn't steal anything.  He just stabbed the eighty year old stallion in the leg and ran away.  I don't understand...

The second went after Holly, but fortunately the marksponies were close by at this point.  They mobbed and slew him quickly with Crosshair delivering the final blow and without Holly taking even a scratch.  Pine Straw's in the hospital and in a lot of pain, but the doctors said he'd recover fully in time.  That's some relief.

The griffons seemed to take a keen interest to the attacks, but they didn't try to intervene.  I'm starting to wonder more and more about them.

I did eventually end up trading with the griffons, since that's still my job.  I gave them the water buffalo and llama we acquired over the last year, as well as some of harvest, for a bit of cloth, some wood, a bit of cheese, and some drink.  It wasn't a lot of trading, but maybe it'll encourage the griffons to return next year with more.

21st Timber, 271

A few things to note today.  First off, Sand Paper gave birth this morning to her and Flying Buttress's first child: an earth pony filly they named Fine Grain.  I didn't have too much time to stop by and speak with them, since I had to go check up on progress on setting up some practice targets for the civilians, but the doctors said they're all doing well.

The targets are the next thing to mention.  We finally got some built over near the hospital, since there wasn't much of anywhere else to put them.  We're very late on doing that, as usual, but better late than never.  Maybe once we've got a proper barracks there will be somewhere better to put them, but for now, this will have to do.

Just 3 for now, since I don't want them to be spewing ammo too much... also, you can see Praetorian, Maize and Spice's (their daughter) corpses next to the garbage dump.  Just in case I need to revive them later.

Lastly, I finally got around to asking Smoothblock to dig out a cellar.  I was hoping that we'd have enough room in the back of the tavern to store our food and drink stocks, but it's been long evident that isn't the case.  We're just getting started on it, but eventually we'll probably move the pressing and milling down there too.  I'm sure Cream Puff will appreciate having more space too.

24th Moonstone, 271

Things have been a lot more relaxed for the past month and a half, which is absolutely fine with me.  It's given us some time to take a breather and start back on working on some construction projects again.  This time, we're starting on a barn.  After two years.  Finally, a barn.  For the farming community.  Wild, isn't it?

There isn't a huge amount of space to dedicate to it, and we've got to fill in the pond there, but it should be plenty of room to store our seeds anyway.  I'd like to move some stalls in there for animals, but I doubt we'll find the room.  One thing at a time, I suppose.

8th Opal, 271

Smoothblock finished digging out the storage cellar under the tavern yesterday, which allowed us to move all of the food underground.  It'll keep better there, and open up a lot more space in the back of the tavern.

It also allowed us to set up cleaner workshops for the quern and screw press, so the plant processors can mill flour and press seeds for oil in peace and with plenty of room.  We also took the opportunity to set aside space for bags and jugs underground, so they won't have to go running back and forth to grab those when they need them.  Overall a big improvement, I hope.

Now that that's done, we can turn our attention back to the barn.  I'm unhappy with where we started building it, so I may have the carpenters adjust things a bit.  We'll see.

We also need more stone for the temple.  I'm going to send a letter back to Coupledye asking for another miner to help Smoothblock.

13th Opal, 271

Yet another discordant pony thief showed up today.  Instead of trying to sneak inside and steal something, he instead attacked Crosshair as she was standing around outside on patrol, and grabbed her daughter!

Based on what the rest of her squad told me later, she jumped on the discordant pony like a mare possessed and crushed the life from him with her hooves and crossbow.  They even described her as repeatedly biting the discordant pony over and over again.

That goes on for 4 pages.  She eventually broke his neck and he suffocated.

Little Crossbow was terrified, I have no doubt, but I didn't really get to see much since Flamberge rushed her and Crosshair back home where they could get some privacy.  I don't blame them at all.

If a discordant pony tried to make off with Mountain Dew or Honor... I don't know what I'd do...

27th Opal, 271

I'm still a bit jittery, but something most distressing happened less than an hour ago.  I saw Maize out near the fields.

Yep... forgot to construct the memorials I made for her and her family...

It was very late, so it was dark out.  As usual, I was the only around at the hour, so I was pretty perplexed to see anypony out there at all.  When I saw it was her, I was even more confused.  I started toward her, and called her name.  What happened next chilled my soul.

She turned and faced me with a pleasant smile on her face.  She beckoned me closer, but I hesitated.  Something was clearly wrong.  She beckoned on, but when I still refused, she simply shrugged and sat with an eerie grin.  “You still have time to leave,” she told me.  “You too can avoid a terrible fate,” she said.  “It's not too late.”

Then... it was as if the flesh began to fall from her bones.  She stretched a bare, skeletal hoof at me and scowled.  Her voice changed.  It was her.  The one from my last... vision, I guess it was?  The one I thought I just imagined.  She told me, “My patience for your kind is wearing thin.”  She started toward me.  Half of her face was gone, revealing a bloody, decaying jaw bone.  “I won't suffer you to kill my children much longer.”  She stamped a hoof and her voice exploded in my head.  “Leave!” she screamed.

I was in near panic at that point, but then, she was gone.  There was nothing but the cool night breeze and the sound of insects chirping in the distance.

I didn't just imagine that.  Something... someone is out there.  She wants us to leave.  And the discordant ponies... are they the ones she meant?  Her 'children'?  I don't understand...

I galloped home at that point.  I didn't tell the whole story to Morning Dew.  I just told her I thought I saw Maize in the fields, and I was a bit shaken up by it.  Shaken up is an understatement.  I don't know if I should do anything.  Maybe we should take her advice?  It's obvious I'm risking everypony's lives out here, but I don't want to give up.  This... this is really starting to scare me though.

Especially after what Wood Chips told me.  I... I think I should write Coupledye about this.  Maybe somepony there will know what to do.

9th Obsidian, 271

Two completely unrelated things to report today.  First off, Sweet Potato gave birth today to a pegasus filly.  She went into labor while helping move stone up from the quarry, which was probably too much work for her to be doing in her condition anyway.  I checked up on her and Lightning Runner this afternoon, and they told me they named the filly Mist, and that she was doing well.  That's great news, and that coupled along with nothing terrible happening in the past few weeks has helped put my mind at ease.

Even more helping to put my mind at ease was the fact that I passed off orders to Crystal Clear to start making some glass weapons to put in traps out south.  I don't think I can reproduce the trap system that Virtue had constructed in Dawnpick without the plans or a talented mechanic, but we can at least put a few simpler traps out there.

Glass won't do much against armored ponies, but one thing that seems to be common against the enemies that attack so far is that they rarely wear boots.  So maybe they'll actually hurt them some the next time they come.  If not, they should make enough noise to alert us at least.  Now we just have to be sure everypony knows where they are, so they don't set them off...

13th Obsidian, 271

The caravan from Coupledye came a bit earlier this year, which was spotted about a day's travel off by the patrolling marksponies.  They're approaching from the north this time, which is a bit odd.  Somewhat worryingly, we've been seeing a few of those odd dust storms out north.  I hope they make it through alright.

A discordant magic cloud started forming right outside almost as soon as they arrived.  Right where I told the swordsponies to go.  Thank goodness they hadn't made it yet.

14th Obsidian, 271

Well, the merchants didn't run into any dust storms, but were ambushed by diamond dogs instead!  Seven of the things armed with spears leaped upon the caravan from the trees as they approached.

The swordsponies were the closest to the caravan and rushed out to help them, but not before the diamond dogs wrecked all of the wagons and scared the merchants off!  One guard was also seriously wounded, and is being tended by the doctors.  Despite our best attempts we couldn't convince the merchants to stay, even with the promise of keeping their things safe.  They left immediately, leaving behind a huge mess for us to clean up.  I'm still not sure how I feel about keeping the supplies.  Maybe we can give them back next year?  I don't know.  I guess I won't have to handle any trade this season.

Convalescence is currently speaking with the outpost liaison.  So I'm just sitting here shuffling my hooves and trying to figure out what to do about this whole situation.

Get started on the clean up I guess.  There's a lot to do...

15th Obsidian, 271

I've been combing through the mess out north and looking at what we now have to sort through, and there is just an enormous amount to deal with.  Everything I asked for last year is here: lots of flux stones to convert some of this iron into steel, a few cows and sheep, lots more bronze, tin and iron, seeds, fruit trees... and a lot of stuff we don't want or need.  That I don't know what to do with yet.  It's going to take weeks to clean all of this up completely.

In the meantime, Convalescence said that the liaison had something big to announce in the morning before he left, and wanted all of the military, her and myself to be present.  I can only think of one thing that he'd be announcing that involved all of us.  It seems a bit early to me for that, but... maybe... what else could it be?

I'm a bit excited actually.  I hope the incident out north didn't affect opinions of me.  We did everything we could, and everypony is going to be alright!  And besides, I think Duskfields has shown itself to be a fairly prosperous little town.  I've proven myself, I think.

To really drive the point home, two mares here became mothers!  Nectarine gave birth to her first foal this afternoon, a unicorn colt she and Pauldron named Tangerine.  Pleats gave birth to her first foal too, a pegasus colt she and Keen Edge named Ravel.  That should really show them that this place has become a proper town, where ponies can live real lives.  Not just somewhere that churns out food and suffers attacks from discordant ponies!

16th Obsidian, 271

Remember I've mentioned that I have the occasional day where I just want to quit and go back to Coupledye?  Yeah, today is one of those days.  I'm not even going to mention the announcement from the liaison.

Well, okay, I will.  The liaison was around long enough to get a good look at what we have to deal with out here sometimes.  In particular, we suffered a raid from the badger ponies again this afternoon.  I hope he got a good look...

Several attacked from the north initially.

The first met the marksponies, who were still covering the cleanup.  After they disabled him, Gorget finished him off by decapitating him.

Down south, things went more poorly.  The spearponies were guarding the southern entrance, where Pila was ambushed by one.  The first strike shattered a hoof, and she collapsed from the pain before being stabbed several more times.  Thankfully, Bascinet, Epaulette and Redhat, the new captain, were right there with her, and slew the badger pony before it could kill her.

A third approached from up north, apparently uncaring that their comrade was just cut down.  Lightning Runner took a very bad cut to his left foreleg, but the swords ponies finished that badger pony off too before they could do too much harm.

The last two badger ponies didn't do much damage either.  One stabbed Redhat in the leg too, but the spearponies killed it quickly after that.  Gorget intercepted the last one and decapitated it too before it could even take a swing.

So today has been a pretty crappy day.  Three ponies are in the hospital, with Pila in bad shape.  And I get no respect from those in Coupledye.  At least I got to send that little letter back with the liaison, who should deliver it to the king soon.  I can't wait to see it get ignored.

I'm going to bed.  I'm tired of dealing with it for now.

1st Granite, 272

Morning Dew turned thirty-six today, and to celebrate her birthday I had a little surprise for her.  Mountain Dew helped me bake a cake for her, which I think turned out pretty well to say I've never baked one before.  Mountain Dew is growing up so fast, she was a big help stirring things.  Cream Puff offered to help, but I tried to do as much as I could myself.  Gotta put all the love in myself, right?

Morning Dew was pretty surprised for me to show up with it during dinner, probably mostly because I don't know a thing about cooking.  She seemed to like it though, which is all that matters.  Mountain Dew was bouncing in excitement by the time the little party was done, and even Honor seemed to be enjoying it.

I feel a lot better after that.  I needed something to take my mind off of the frustrations of late.

6th Granite, 272

Redhat and Lightning Runner have recovered enough to leave the hospital, but Pila is still in serious condition.  I checked with the doctors who said she'd recover, but she's going to be out for a while.  They've been keeping her sedated for now, but I hope she recovers soon.

Otherwise, not much to report.  We're still cleaning up the caravan incident, which was slowed considerably by the badger pony incursion.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Redhat still feels so much sympathy for them...
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #274 on: April 21, 2013, 01:36:43 am »

9th Obsidian, 271

Today it happened, Sweet Potato gave birth to a beautiful Pegasus foal, and a girl too, I haven't been this happy since I met Sweet Potato in the High Class section of Fruitholds.

[below is an exceptionally well drawn sketch of a foal.]

Isn't she the best?

16th Obsidian, 271

Sweot Amug... I get called in fer a simple defense mission and I get a fucking freaking cut to the leg! It hurts like Tarturas... I'm glad I kmow how to write with my mouth, though I can see some errors that I don't care to fix right now. Doctors say I sheuld be out in a week, though I'm not sure lf their lying to mako me feel better or if their serious. Oh Amug damn darn my paronoia.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 02:58:04 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #275 on: April 21, 2013, 02:59:29 pm »

And now to see why Temperance wasn't happy about the meeting with the liaison.

, , and

Early the morning after the liaison spoke with him, Temperance assembles himself at the nothern gate of Duskfields.  The liaison specifically requested the spot for some reason, but at least the skull that had hung there for a few days was long gone.  The announcement was important enough for everypony in Duskfields to see if they wanted to, and he, Convalescence as the mayor, Flamberge and all of the other militia captains had been specifically requested to be present.  It must have been important.

As he waits, he nervously shuffles his hooves.  He barely dared to hope this was what he thought it was.  He’d worked so hard for years to get to this point.  Surely the king had learned how well Duskfields was doing despite everything that had happened out here.  He’d respect that.  And give reward where it was due.  Right?

Flamberge arrives first among the others, with Crosshair right at his side, they had left little Crossbow with Cream Puff for a while while they were needed here. Flamberge was unaware about the details of this meeting but the liaison had smiled and told him it was important, he had dared to hope this was the moment he had waiting for since they were sent here. Surely the King had heard of how he’d defended this town against such odds, surely he would see it was time to give him his just reward.

Soon afterwards, Convalescence arrives from the direction of the hospital. "Morning Temperance, Commander, Crosshair," she says to each of them in turn. "Do either of you know what this is about?"

“Good morning Mayor, I have no idea what’s this about.” Crosshair answered with a smile.

Temperance gives her a nervous, hopeful smile.  “Good morning.  I don’t know what this is about, actually.  I was hoping one of you would.”

“Good morning, and no, I don’t know either, but I have a fairly good idea,” says Flamberge with a smile.

Within a few minutes, the sky blue unicorn stallion who served as the outpost liaison came trotting up to the group.  He was carrying a large scroll in his magic, which was still tightly bound.  As he makes it outside, he turns to face them and Duskfields.  “Good morning everypony, I’m glad you could all make it.  As you’re well aware, I’ve got a big announcement that affects all of you.”

Temperance was fighting to keep his heart from beating out of his chest.  Was this really it?  He looks at the scroll intently, recognizing it as certainly one authorized by the king himself.

Flamberge saw the scroll as well and knew what that seal meant, he was unable to fully contain himself, where he smiling any wider the top of his head would fall off.

“Yes, I must say the stories from this little corner of the world have already spread back to Coupledye, and have impressed His Majesty as well as a few others in high places.  That,” he says, waving the scroll about in the air, “is why I’m carrying this.”  The stallion smiles at each of the ponies present, one after another.  “You’ve all played a part in getting this little settlement off the ground, but one of you in particular has stood out as an exemplary standard of your position.”

Temperance was starting to break out in a cold sweat now.  Here it came...

Flamberge raises his chin up, trying to look dignified as the news he had been waiting for was about to be delivered.

Convalescence eagerly waits for the announcement to come, wondering which of the two the liaison was about to commend.

Crosshair was no less excited, try as she might, she couldn’t fully contain the excitement of what’s going on. It all looked so big and important

The unicorn smiles wider and begins walking up and down the line of ponies.  “The king believes in fair reward for good work, and has empowered me to bestow this,” he says, removing the seal and unfurling the scroll.  He steps back to the center of the formation and locks eyes with Flamberge.

Temperance felt his heart stop as the liaison stopped in front of and looked Flamberge’s way.  No...

‘Yes!’ thinks Flamberge to himself, his dreams were taking shape around him, this was it, no more would be be a common pony, finally he would be recognized as he deserved to be.

“Commander Flamberge, for your displays of unparalleled bravery and skill in combat, for your expert skill at raising and commanding the armed forces detached to this settlement, and for your unending devotion toward the safety of all those who inhabit it, by the power granted to me by King Golud and in front of these witnesses, I bestow upon you the rank of Colonel in His Majesty’s army, complete with all of the benefits and duties entailed by that position,” the stallion reads.  He rolls the scroll up again and presents it to the pegasus.  “Congratulations, colonel.”

Flamberge’s face fell slightly, disappointed that this wasn’t the news he had been hoping for after all, but seeing it as a good sign of the things yet to come, he smiles back at the liaison and nods, and says, “Thank you sir. I have only done as the good king asked of me.” as he accepts the scroll.

Temperance stared in mild disbelief.  He felt... he didn’t know what he felt.  The pony who was in such defiance of any attempt at listening to reason, decency and authority was just promoted?

After the applause from the crowd had subsided somewhat, Convalescence gave Flamberge a small salute and offered her congratulations simply.

Crosshair gave him a quick congratulatory hug and a nuzzle, whispering into his ears before letting him go, smiling proudly.

“One last thing,” the unicorn said, reaching into his saddlebags with his magic.  He produced a small metal object hanging from a colorful lanyard, and says, “The king also bestows upon you the Golden Distinguished Service Medal, for selflessly engaging a foe of fearsome might to protect the ponies of Duskfields.  Your actions have saved the life of at least one pony,” he said, nodding toward Temperance with a smile.  “No doubt every pony here owes their lives to you.”  He levitates the medal over Flamberge’s head, letting the elaborate symbol of a dragon’s skull atop a shield and crossed spears hang from his neck.  “Congratulations again, colonel.”

Temperance was fuming inside, and wants nothing more than to storm off.  He manages to keep it to a mild frown.  This was disgusting.  He wasn’t sure he wanted anything for himself now.

The second award had left a bit of a sour taste in Convalescence's mouth. As much as she respected Flamberge protecting the town, and knew what a feat it was to slay a dragon by himself, she had heard enough of Temperance's side of the story to see it less as a triumph and more as a tragedy. Still, he was just doing what he had to to protect Duskfields, right?, she thought to herself.

Flamberge was legitimately pleased again, it wasn’t the title he had wanted, but the Golden Distinguished Service Medal was not given out lightly. “Thank you sir, I could not have done it without the support everypony in Duskfields. They should all share in this glory.”

“No doubt,” the liaison replies.  “You’ve all done an excellent job, and in no way is this supposed to downplay the part played by any of you.  If you all continue to do a good job as you have been, you’ll see your rewards as well.”  He takes a step back and makes a small bow in front of them all.  “Congratulations, and keep up the good work.  Now, I must depart soon, so I will be gathering my things if any of you need me.  You are dismissed.”

Temperance looks away and steps aside to give the liaison room to head back inside.  After he’s gone, Temperance says in a tense, low voice, “Congratulations.”  He too then starts back inside without looking anypony in the eyes.  He most certainly had something to speak with the liaison about before he left.  A nice little letter to the king endorsed by a few ponies here.  This wasn’t over.

“Thank you Temperance,” replies Flamberge, with the minimum of politeness, being quite capable of detecting the dissatisfaction in Temperance’s voice.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #276 on: April 22, 2013, 01:24:30 am »

27th Opal, 271

After completing his regularly-scheduled jog around the fort, Case Study leaned against a nearby tree and stretched his legs, “Ah, that was nice.” Once he had properly relaxed his muscles, he sat down and rested his back against the smooth, gray trunk. The doctor inhaled the clear air deeply and slowly eased out a breath that helped him unravel. It certainly was nice not having to worry about the health of a fellow pony for the time being, so he closed his eyes and soaked in the warmth of the sunlight.

“Hey, haven’t seen you around in a while.”

The unexpected voice came from his right, causing him to snap out of his voluntary stupor. His red eyes shot over and locked onto another pair of crimson irises which were fixated upon him, “Huh? Oh, it’s you Ms. Holly. Salutations.”

The white pegasus was poised about ten feet away from the stallion, standing with her trusty axe slung over her shoulder, “I’m surprised to see you out here. I was under the impression that you were the kind to stay cooped up indoors whenever you had the chance.”

He chuckled a bit at the statement, “I have to admit that I do enjoy the peace and quiet of reading alone in my room, yes. However, I do crave the transcendent beauty of nature at times as well. Nothing quite like a breath of fresh air.”

Holly nodded, “I suppose I can understand that, even if I do get a bit too much nature every day. Mind if I take a seat? Trees don’t chop themselves down and I must admit that I’m a bit winded.”

“Of course.”

The green-haired mare plopped down right next to Case, her side almost touching his. This made him a bit uncomfortable, causing him to scoot over slightly. “ has it been lately....supplying lumber to Duskfields?”

She frowned a bit, “Eh, I’ve gotten used to it, but it’s certainly not a dream job. If there are any benefits to it, at least it keeps me in shape.” Her eyes slid over towards the blue stallion, “I see that you take care of yourself as well. Weren’t you jogging just now?”

“Um, yes...I do,” Case answered, avoiding eye contact, “It’s not just in the interest of my physique, but I feel that it also sets a good example for the fort as a whole. What good would it do a doctor to give others advice about their well-being if he doesn’t take care of his own health in the first place?”

The lumberjack blushed, “That’s something to be admired. You’re a good, honest pony. I like that about you, Case.” Holly closed the distance between the two of them once more.

He sat up straight, “Ms. Holly, I...I don’t mean to be rude, but perhaps we should retain our personal space.”

The mare giggled, “Case Study, such the gentlecolt. You are single, aren’t you?”

This conversation had taken an undesired direction. The physician shrank back, “Look...I’m sure that you are a nice enough mare, but...perhaps you should make inquiry with another stallion. I’m not really at a place in my life where I’m prepared to look into commencing another relationship.”

She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, “I don’t see what the big problem is. I’ve heard  through the grapevine that you’re divorced. Did the break-up leave a bad taste in your mouth? Well, I can tell you that not all mares are the same. Whatever she did to you, I’d do my best to make it aaalll better.”

Less than a second after the pegasus finished her sentence, an explosive thud drove her face into the grass-clothed soil underneath them. Case’s diamond-shaped eyes expanded wildly at the sight of Holly’s own hatchet buried deeply into the back of her head. His face and body were decorated with droplets of blood produced by the impact. Behind the freshly-killed equine stood a shockingly familiar earth pony.

“F-Fauna?! What are-?! Why did-?!” The blue pony stumbled over his words trying to articulate the perplexing set of emotions washing over him. What was his ex-wife doing here in Duskfields? When did she arrive? Why did she just kill Holly without provocation?

“Why were you flirting with her, Case?!” The brown-coated mare pulled the blade from Holly’s split skull as tears ran down her cheeks, “You know that I apologized for cheating on you! We were supposed to be together again! Nopony else is good enough for you!” She looked down at her handy work, “Nopony

He jumped to his hooves as rapidly as he could, “I-I didn’ can’t...can’t just come in here and kill somepony like that!” Case swiftly spun his head around searching for some guard or soldier to apprehend her. Perplexingly, none of the other residents seemed to be even slightly concerned about Holly’s head being burst open.

Fauna wiped some of the red liquid from her face, “Tell me it’s going to be okay! Tell me that you love me! See! I killed for you! Isn’t that proof enough for how much I care about you?!”

“Th-this isn’t you! You’re not a murderer, Fauna! What happened?! Why did you do that? Why are you even here?!”

Strangely, the mare’s fur grew  increasingly dull and tattered as she stood and gave Case the thousand-yard-stare, “I know you missed me...I certainly missed you.” Her voice had begun to change, transforming from smoothly feminine to grating and semi-strangled. Her tone became less begging and more commanding, “You will leave Duskfields. You will come with me back to Coupledye.”

The stallion took a few steps back, mouth still agape, “I-I’m not going anywhere, Fauna! I told you it was over and I meant it! I’m sorry you can’t accept that, but you’ve got bigger problems to worry about than marriage right now! Do you really think you can just go back to a normal life after what you just did?!” He kept looking around for somepony, anypony, who would pay attention to what was going on, “Help! Guards! We have an emergency!” Why weren’t they responding?

The tan-maned pony narrowed her now-yellowing eyes, “You will leave Duskfields, or I will kill all of the mares here. Do you think that I’ll risk one of them stealing you away?” A greenish-gray fluid dripped from the corners of her mouth as her voice became increasingly gelatinous and cold. Her skin pulsed and writhed on her bones, giving the impression of sizable maggots crawling underneath it.

“You can’t be Fauna...wh-what are you?” Case’s heart was pounding at the unreal sight which was unfolding before him.

A grin crawled onto her face, stretching wider until the drying skin ripped. “This will be your only warning. Wake up, little pony. Wake up and leave forever.”

As if he had been snapped out of a trance, Case Study awoke in bed. His eyes darted around at the ceiling, trying to understand what had just happened. That...couldn’t have been a dream...could it? He sat up and took a deep breath, rubbing his face with his forehooves. It must have been a dream, but it seemed exceedingly real. Even now, it was like a recent memory from actual life. After getting a drink of water, he managed to calm himself and get back to bed. Tomorrow, he was going to make sure that Holly was still alive...


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #277 on: April 22, 2013, 01:37:16 am »

It is midday in Duskfields, the sun sets with a brilliant auburn glow on the crossbow training range. There, Max was training with his crossbow. Like most days recently.

Max takes aim, and fires a bolt. He scores a hit in the red second ring on the hay bale target. He looks to his right. Looks like Crosshair and Lightning were coming to get some practice in as well. He made space and lined up another shot. “Good evnen’ ” Max said to them both quietly.

“Evening” Lightning replied, trotting over to where he kept his crossbow ~I still wonder why I never take this home~ He thought, picking it up in his mouth, then trotting over to his target.

Crosshair seems to be in her usual good mood today, humming something under her breath like a pony should “Morning Max!” She chirped as she trots over to her own target. “Need any help with training?” she offered.

Max gave her a weary smile. “Actually, I could, thanks for offering. I don’t use weapons much.” Max gave Lightning a glance. One that said ‘Do it just like we practiced.’ 

Lightning nodded “Soo Max, you need help with anything in particular?” He trotted over to his side, the one closer to Crosshair’s house, something hidden under his wing

“Yeah, the knock back on this crossbow is a real son of a bitch.”Max says, rotating his left shoulder. “I might be doing something wrong.” He gestures Crosshair to come closer with his wing. “How about you fire some? Show me the best way to do it.”

“Sure thing!” Said Crosshair as she trots over with her crossbow. Putting the edge into the dirt and hold it down with a hoof as she draw the strings back with her mouth, locking it in place and putting a bolt in there before lifting it up again. “That’s one of the ways to reload quickly, as for firing..” The small mare stands up on her hindlegs as she bring the crossbow up and aim down the sights, using her wings to level herself. Pressing the Crossbow’s stock against her shoulder, then flick her hoof at the trigger. Sending the bolt straight into the center of the target. “You’ve got to keep the pressure at the hoofguard up, so that the recoil that tries to push it down won’t mess up your aiming!” Chirped the little pony.

Max admired the whole process. “You know I never did understand why you adopted the crossbow of all things. It’s much more suited for the Griffons and Diamond Dogs and the more -” He puts up his left claw and wiggles the digits. “Dexterous creatures of the world.”

Crosshair giggled at that, smiling as she reloads her crossbow again in just the matter of seconds. “Well, the alternatives are Bows, which are even more unwieldy, lower accuracy and stopping power, then there’s blow guns which are absolutely useless to armor, then javelins. Which cost too much and doesn’t have enough for a prolonged fight. Besides, anyone could just pick it up and throw it back at you.” Answered the Captain of the guard “But Crossbow? It’s not exactly the most comfortable of things, but it’s simple to use with a little training. And it’s got enough stopping power to punch through metal even with wooden bolts! Easier to use than bows, MUCH more stopping powers than blowguns and you can shoot really far with one if you practice enough like me.”

“I agree, even with my wings to hold lets say a bow, I can’t see myself holding a bow” Lightning said, slowly trotting towards the area where Crosshair keeps the bolts that were initially brought on the journey... supposedly... ~Crosshair probably booby trapped the area, so I’ll have to proceed slowly once in~

“So, like this?” Max said while purposefully getting his crossbow firing posture all wrong.

Crosshair face-hoofed herself. Which is just as painful as it sounds. Before getting over to him to help adjust his posture slightly. “Your legs are too close, need to spread them a little more to brace yourself, your elbows are too slack, and you’re not even looking down at the sights!”

“Ah, thanks.” Max straightens up, suddenly showing a very practiced pose. He takes careful aim and almost lands a bullseye. “What do you know.” Max laughed. “Looks like i’m a natural.”

Lightning takes the thing he was hiding under his wing out, a small lock pick set rolled up in a cloth bag. ~Been awhile since I’ve done this, but I should be able to~ He began work on picking the lock.

Crosshair rolled her eyes and chuckle slightly. “Oh you.”

“So, I know things got a little tense back there. In the hospital room.” Max said with a frown while starting to reload.

Crosshair nodded “Mmm yeah, Personally I didn’t want to post any guards there. But it’s also for your own safety, I wouldn’t want some ponies with the wrong idea to sneak in and slit your throat in your sleep.”

A satisfying click sounded from the lock ~Still got it~ Lightning opened the door just enough to get in and shut it as soon as he got in, he immediately began looking around for where Crosshair stored those bolts.

Max’s head swerved back in surprise at that. “Gods, who would do that? I’m liked by most around here. Smoothblock, Redhat, Temperance, Prodd, Lightning .... who were you thinking of that would go and do something like that? Your hubby? That’s the only one I can think of.” He lined up another shot.

Crosshair shrugs slightly. “You can never be too careful.”

Lightning began looking in any nook and cranny in Crosshair’s home, hoping that Flamberge wasn’t waiting in the shadows, ready to jump him and possibly put an axe to his head ~If Flamberge is here, I will be dead twice over~

“Heh, looking out for me.” Max smiled. That did him in. He couldn't hold up the act anymore. “And putting Carn’s head on the top of the damn fort gate!? Also looking out for me, I guess?” Max suddenly spattered with vitriol, turning on her.

“Wasn’t my decision.” Crosshair said in defense. “And I know full well how mean it is for you. Really.”

Lightning looked under the bed to find a hatch ~In floor safe, interesting~ he got out his lockpick kit again and got to work on the lock

Max cocked a brow. “Oh really? So you weren't an advocate for keeping the skull up? that’s a different story from what I heard from Lightning. I heard you chewed him out for it’s removal, even though you had no proof he even did it! I heard you wanted to put it back up again! I heard he’s hanging in your living room!” Max shouted, tightening his grip on the crossbow.

Lightning faintly heard what Max had yelled “- --ard -ou ----- -- -ut it ba-k u- --a-n I he-a-d it’- -anging -n -our living r-om” is what Lightning had heard ~It?~ Lightning stopped his progress with the lock and looked around ~It...It...It... It! The dragon skull? Why is it here and not buried outside of town walls!~ Lightning thought, staring at the eyesore of an ornament “Why is this eve-” He put a hoof over his mouth, hoping if anypony was home, nopony heard him.

Crosshair frowned “I didn’t chew out Lightning because the skull was taken down, I chewed  him out because the gate was taken down! The skull is one thing, I understand that! But breaking down the gate because of the skull endangered everypony in the town!”

Max cocked his head with a bitter grin. “So it was a security issue. Solely a security issue. Not because you husband Flamberge had his authority undermined. Not because for a second, you realized your power had limits. And it scared you. Of course.” Max growls “ I want Carn’s head back. It’s the least you could do, for the Griffon who built the place it’s currently in.”

“I know that my powers have limits, Max. I have nothing against you, And besides, it was a vote we put up for the majority of the ponies. And if they wanted the skull down, they could’ve done the same vote and take it down without breaking one of the things that’s standing between everypony and the blood thirsty discordians.”

“The vote was rigged!” Max shouted. He pointed the crossbow at Crosshair. “It had to have been. Had to. If it wasn't?” Max glared at her sadly. “Then I have no idea what you ponies really are. Not the ponies I knew. In my eyes the difference between discordants and ponies are growing thinner, and thinner.” He looked at her with a pleading. “Please tell me it was rigged.”

 Lightning went back to his work on picking the lock on the floor safe under the bed. After a good five minutes he heard yet another satisfying click ~Good now lets see what we have here~ Lightning pulled a box out of the floor safe [i[~Self Portraits... A family portrait... recent. And it seems I found the gold here~[/i] Lightning pulled out a quiver, with metal arrows filling it, about twenty-five, dust filled the air ~What would Max want with these?~ Lightning began putting the things back into the box, making sure they weren’t damaged as-if he were found out-Crosshair would be pissed to Tartarus. Lightning began creeping towards the door, making sure he didn’t leave anything out of place from when he came in.

Crosshair frown at that. “It wasn’t... Max, listen to me. As much as it seems disrespecting to Carn.. Would it not be at least something to let a part of him live on, benefitting those around him as we take care of that part, looking after it and might even be honoring it, letting ponies and people everywhere remember him in their hearts instead of dumping into a hole in the dirt and just forget him like he was nothing? Is it not better for him and all of us that, even in death, he still means something more than a piece of bone in the dirt?” The little mare tried to reason.

Max’s beak curled up in disgust. “If you’re going to make my Carn into a sick art exhibit you better get my bucking grace first you flying harpie.”

“We’re not turning him into some sort of an Art Exhibit! But ... You know what? He’s your Dragon. I suppose it’s only fair you decide what we do with the rest of him. If you want to dig him a hole and dump him in there, Fine. I’m not going to stop you from that. I only wanted what helped the community. But I will respect your choice, Max.” Crosshair huffed.

Lightning opened the door, the light-at least what light there was-flooding the room. He put his lockpick kit into the quiver-as it was small enough to fit-and positioned it under one of his wings. He attempted to get Max’s attention before continuing towards the two.

Max glared at Lightning and nodded. “I expect Carn’s head out of your house by Sunday.” He twirled the crossbow in the direction of the haybale target and blind fired it with a single claw. He scores a respectable hit on the outer ring. “Do not make me come in there and take it.”

Crosshair furrow her brow at that. “You’ll have to come pick it up, Max. We’ll take it down and take it out but unless you tell us where to put it ... Besides, I think you’d prefer to bury it yourself ...”

Lightning galloped off out of sight, waiting for Max to come over. ~This better be worth it, If I get caught, I’m as good as dead~

“Sunday.” Max walked away and let Crosshair sputter, dropping the crossbow. The two walked back to the apartments. “So, did you get them?” Max asked Lightning.

“Does this answer your question?” A quiver fell from under his wing

Max’s eyes widen. “One bolt would have done, Lightning. A whole quiver?”

“A thief, regardless of their skill, doesn’t go ‘one bolt’ they go ‘All of it’ as, incase you haven’t lived like me, is a lot more than just the one... plus if you fail whatever with the one bolt, you’ll have at least twenty-four more bolts.” He said, picking up his bag of lockpicking tools “Also, if you get caught, my name is not mentioned at all.”

Max closed his eyes. “Of course. And a single quiver isn’t that conspicuous. Things get misplaced ‘round here all the time. A job well done.” He starts to take out a bag of gold.

“Your welcome, have a nice day Max, hope my deeds are put under the covers soon enough, no pay necessary” Lightning turned around, prepared to head back to the archery range.

Max grinned. “Alright. Remember, a revolution is coming. Things are gonna change around here, I promise.”
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 03:58:23 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #278 on: April 22, 2013, 02:35:05 am »


Today was looking like one of those boring days for Temperance.  He sat in his office staring at the paperwork in front of him, daydreaming about what to get Mountain Dew for her birthday instead of actually tending to them.  He shook his head, unable to think of anything appropriate.

There was a few polite knocks at his door, getting his attention.  He shrugged, pushed aside the distracting thoughts and moved to open the door.  “Yes?  Oh, Crosshair.  Come in, what’s on your mind?”

Crosshair walked in, closing the door behind her “Good morning Temperance, I’m sorry to bother you this early in the morning but.. I’ve got something concerning to tell you.” said the small mare with a worrisome frown

Temperance mirrored the unpleasant look.  “What is it?” he asked, feeling his mood flip completely from what it was moments ago.

“Well, yesterday I found out that an entire quiver of metal bolts of mine went missing. I kept it under the floor safe under the bed. The bolts have my signature and everything! At first I thought it was some thief’s work, but my gold in there are still safe and wasn’t taken.. so yeah.. a bunch of bolts with my names on it went missing, I’m sure you see my concern here.”

“I do,” he replied, raising an eyebrow.  “I can’t imagine why anypony would take them though.  Or know about them, for that matter.”  He thought back to some of the trouble Mountain Dew used to and still rarely got into and added, “Is it possible that maybe Crossbow did something with them?  Unicorn foals have been known to do some very strange things.”

Crosshair shook her head. “I kept it locked pretty tight, and hidden away. Afterall, I keep dangerous things in there, you wouldn’t keep dangerous things anywhere your foal could reach, would you?”

“No, no, of course not.”  He tapped a hoof to his forehead.  “But a foal with a horn can get into things you wouldn’t believe.  Still, I never knew Mountain Dew to do something quite like that.  She usually went for sweets.”  He thought a few moments.  “Who all knew of the bolts?  Just you and Flamberge?”

Crosshair nodded. “And I’ve told Fauchard about this, he didn’t steal it. Plus I’m the only one who keeps the key.. I don’t think Flamberge would be the type to know how to lockpick neither... But I suppose it doesn’t take a genius to guess that I keep some of my craft with me.”

Temperance nodded, but didn’t look any more comforted.  “I’m afraid I don’t know anypony else here who would know how to do anything like that.  Steel Rivet could make keys probably, but I sincerely doubt he’d be able to do that without the lock to work from, and in turn without you knowing about it.”  He looked down for a moment, then back up.  “Do you have any ideas at all who did it?  One of the other marksponies?”

Crosshair rub her muzzle as she think back “Hmm... well.. Yesterday I did run into a little trouble with Max and Lightning.. he threatened me to give him Carn’s skull back by sunday, pointed his crossbow at me too. I agreed, of course. Weird, Lightning Runner wasn’t around when I was talking with Max, though he was before and he came back after we’re done talking..”

Temperance’s eyes widened a bit.  Clop.  Clop, clop, clop.  “Max... threatened you about Carn’s skull?  What happened exactly?”  He was terrified he’d be burying Max next to Sanctuary by sundown...

“Well, he wasn’t exactly very happy that we put Carn’s skull on the gate, or in our room and wanted it back. I said that it’d at least let him continue to serve and be useful even in death.. Then he insulted me saying that Doing that is some sort of a sick art exhibit and pointed his crossbow at me. I managed to talk him down and we went our separate ways.. Of course I didn’t tell Flamberge about this, I think you know what’d happen if I tell him that Max threatened his pregnant mare and pointed a weapon at her.. right?”

“Yes, I do,” Temperance said, not really relaxing at all.  “Thank you for defusing the situation like that... Flamberge doesn’t...”  He shook his head.  “If Max does try to hurt anypony, you do what you have to of course, but, ah, that... I wouldn’t...”  He shook his head again.  “A-anyway, you, uh, seem to be implying that one of them might have something to do with it?  I’m not sure I see how or why either would.  Stealing the bolts seems kind of pointless.”

Crosshair nods. “Unless they’re going to.. use it and try to pin that on me..”

That made more sense than Temperance wanted to admit to.  “Uh, well... how could either have known about the bolts?  Or taken them?  I’d just keep looking for them, I’m sure they were just misplaced somewhere.”  Please gods, let the bolts have just been misplaced.  Laltur, Nirmek, please don’t let Max be the one with the bolts.

“Mmm.. let’s hope that.. For Everyone’s sake let’s hope that..”

“Indeed,” Temperance replied, nodding.  “If I see them, or hear anything about them I’ll certainly let you know.”

Crosshair nod and smiles a little “Thanks, Temperance. You have a good day, okay? Oh and.. Give Mountain Dew my happy birthday.”

He nodded again and forced a small smile.  “Thank you, I will.”
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #279 on: April 22, 2013, 11:40:06 pm »

18th Obsidian, 271

I finally dusted off my Lockpicking set and did something that me and Max have been planning for a long time. I was able to sneak into Crosshair's house and steal some dusty old bolts from 2 years ago... why there useful to Max and not some other metal bolts I have no idea. I was able to get back to the range with only a few questions from Crosshair like "You sure Max is okay?" and "Wanna help get the skull down later? Without breaking down anything this time."

[There are signs of an incomplete tear near the bottom of the page]

19th Obsidian, 271

Well I should rip that page out as Crosshair has been looking at me suspiciously after what happened yesterday. Though... I told Sweet Potato I lost this after yesterday too so... Maybe I could get away with leaving that page in granted she doesn't see me writing in this, or little Mist doesn't get into the hole inside the gate, near my guard position hiding place I keep this in.

20th Obsidian, 271

Today has been quite pleasant. Took little Mist to the Tavern to show her to awesomeness of the sandwiches here... let's just say she didn't like them that much. Sweet Potato almost caught me writing the last entry, but luckily it was dark at she only caught a glimpse of me hiding it under the covers of bed, and me smiling at her like I was just waiting there for her... her beautiful hair... her wondrous eyes, her beautiful fl- Sorry getting off track of the topic at hand. I do have one thing to be concerned about, it looks like Temperence is having searches conducted in the purpose of finding those oh so precious bolts... though it could be soldiers visiting family... no it has to be that, I'm sure of it.

[below is a half finished drawing of Sweet Potoato, scratched out]
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:40:56 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #280 on: April 24, 2013, 12:12:01 am »


Prodd was bored yet again after shooting targets, but hey at least there’s a few more now; it’s nice to mix things up a little. He heard that Redhat took a stab and was in the hospital, sure Red didn’t visit him, but he's supposed to be the nicer soldier. He went to the stockpiles for a few supplies and made his way to find the pegasus trapped in a hospital bed, poor Red. He silently sat in the nearby chair and waited for the pegasus to regain consciousness.

The pegasus in question was currently sleeping right now, and near the opposite end of the bed Bonnet was sleeping there as well. Even in sleep the pony kept the hat on, just to make sure if someone came in without Red knowing.

Prodd plays with his eyepatch for a few moments then thinks up a way to accelerate the waking process. Using his horn, he lifts Red’s hat off her head and leans in just above her. He braces himself for a deliciously violent response.

Instead of her waking, she just rolled onto her side and murmured something. The removal of the hat gave Prodd a chance to see what she really looked like. She was more feminine now in appearance, and definitely more beautiful.

Prodd remains silent, taking in the view before him. He checks to see if they were alone, hoping that nopony saw this transformation. Prodd brushed her mane out of Red’s face and sighed softly. He then used magic to gently lower her mane back into place and took a glimpse at the wound that brought her to the hospital.

The pony’s wound was covered in a bandage. It had recently been treated to, and in comparison to the other wounds encountered recently it wasn’t all too bad relatively speaking but it was enough to land her a stay in the hospital. 

Prodd double checked to make sure that they were alone out of some minor paranoia. He went back to his seat to take out a bone he got for Bonnet. He left the present next to the sleeping wolf and resumed his post on the chair, still waiting for the pegasus to wake up.

Bonnet started to gnaw happily on the bone. The pony herself still seemed blissfully unaware and just kept sleeping.

Prodd got up from his seat and gently petted the wolf. He then turned his attention back to an unconscious Red. He looked softly at the sleeping mare, curious why she hasn’t woken up yet. He wondered if she was pretending to be asleep, maybe wanting something? In either case he went back to his seat and watched whatever else the pegasus would do aside from toss and turn.

It took her awhile, but eventually the mare, started to stir a little. “Hmmm...” she opened her eyes just a little, not yet aware of prodd or the fact her hat was gone.

Prodd spoke up, “Rise and shine, princess...” he taunts while waving Red’s hat in her face. “...Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?” Prodd adds.

“What the...” She blushed a little bit at the comment, before shifting around so she could get a better view of the room. “Prodd is that you?” Then she noticed the hat, as a hoof moved up to touch the top of her head. “Um... might I ask why my hat is currently in your possession?” Prodd’s got five seconds to defuse the situation.

Prodd smirks a little when Red starts sounding angry. “Eh... I guess I’m a thief trying to steal something valuable... and it seems your lovely guard dog was all for the idea...” He chuckles. He lowers the hat within grabbing distance of the pegasus, “ ‘Course you still look cuter without it though...”

She held the hat in her hooves, before looking around and seeing that nopony else was in the room aside from Prodd and her so she just decided to leave the cap off. She still kept looking away from him though trying to hide the blush after he complemented her again. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Prodd considers the situation before him. On one hoof, she could feel genuinely complimented, on the other, this could be a trap for some swift retaliation. He prepares himself for a beating and moves closer to the bed. “What...? That I find you attractive as  a mare and not a stallion?” He pauses, “Well... that’s on the outside...” He remains quiet after that, waiting for a response.

She sighed and looked back at him, “Well one way to go about flattery...” Redhat smiled a little now. “And, thanks. I haven’t been complimented on my personal appearance in ages.”

“I’d consider that a bit shocking... however you’ve been on the run for a few years...” Prodd teases. He sits down on the bed next to her, the little alcohol he drank before the visit was still his source of courage. “Hey... you still got an inner beauty too, something a hat couldn’t hied...” He smiles at her.

She didn’t really object to him sitting there, even if she thought that line was cornier than Maize. “What would make you say that?” she was starting to blush again. She shifted around again so she was sitting up now, and not laying down, her wound now more easily visible.

“That right there could answer your question Red...” Prodd says, gesturing to the wound. “I... I was scared...” He pauses. “I... don’t want to lose you... and that’s proof that I can’t prevent it...” He takes a deep breath, gathering some composure. “It’s just... we could die tomorrow... but if we die... I want you to know... that... I... er... love... you...” He looks to her, his eye starting to water.

She froze there and just looked back into his eyes, not knowing exactly what to say. Red just didn’t know what to do or how exactly to react right now. She hadn’t even heard that phrase said to her in years.

Prodd looked at her for a few moments, a look of sadness appeared in his eye.

“A-are you being sincere?” She inched a little closer to him, starting to actually feel bad for making a pony’s mood go foul for once.

Prodd nods softly.

She sighed and smiled a little. “Thank you...”

Prodd smiles, too. He pulls her into a loving embrace.

She tensed at the sudden hug, but after a few moments, hugged him back with her good foreleg and rested her head on him. “love you too...

Prodd tightens his embrace slightly and nods slowly. “...Thank you.”



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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #281 on: April 24, 2013, 03:38:58 pm »

Yari’s Journal - 15th Hematite, 271

I don’t pretend to understand this whole dragon skull fiasco, but I wish that it would die out already. Some as-of-yet unidentified ponies trashed the gatehouse as they took down the mounted skull of said dragon. I admit that I don’t fully follow Flamberge’s rationale for putting the thing up, but if it’s gonna cause this much trouble then maybe he should consider leaving it down.

As far as I understand, the beast had some connection to the griffon which has been staying with us. I’ve heard various rumors about them, including a particularly hard-to-believe one about it being his lover. I’m not sure I want to get in the middle of all the heat about this, so I’m keeping my hooves clean of the matter.

10th Opal, 271

Perhaps I have no one to blame but myself, but I just can’t seem to loosen up and try to get to know the other ponies better. Even as long as I’ve been here, I don’t think I can consider anypony here to be anything more than a regular acquaintance. I thought that maybe Case Study might become my friend, maybe, but he seems to be more interested in my stories about the monsters back in Dawnpick than anything. That in itself kind of disturbs me; why would such a well-learned doctor be so fascinated with those abominable killing machines? Maybe I’m just too dull to hold his interest otherwise.

28th Opal, 271

Even as I write this, I’m trying to figure out what happened last night. I was on guard duty during the night shift, as is my preference, when I thought for certain that I heard Virtue’s voice calling to me. I heard it several times coming from the direction of the gatehouse. I approached cautiously, ready to strike at any intruder who may have been trying to deceive me with some vocal trickery. Then I
saw her. Virtue was lying right outside the gate. Although it was dark, I could tell that it was definitely her. Or something that looked just like her. She was on the ground, obviously afraid of...something. She kept calling for me to help her, repeatedly chanting that Dawnpick was in severe danger and needed my help immediately.

It was hard to make out what it was exactly, but something big with a nasty-looking set of jaws leaped out of the darkness and
bit her in half. I reacted instinctively and fired off a bolt at the thing, but it and Virtue both vanished into nothingness before my weapon could even reach its target. I searched the area thoroughly afterwards, but found no sign of blood, footprints or anything else to prove that anything physical had actually been there. I still feel spooked when I think about it, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. I don’t want to think that I’m going crazy, but at the same time I don’t want to believe that it was some vision of the future. At least I certainly hope it’s not a vision. I probably need to talk with somepony about this. I would die inside if anything happened to Dawnpick when I knew that I had warning in advance...


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #282 on: April 24, 2013, 06:32:06 pm »

+ Crossbow + ?!?

Flamberge stands in the forge at Duskfields, hammering away at another piece of hot metal, thankful to finally have the material to spare to create better weapons for his town than the crossbows he had been forced to equip most of them with.

As he works, an older earth pony stallion pokes his head inside.  “Flamberge?  I’ve been looking for you,” he says, stepping inside.  “Didn’t think I’d find you here.”

Flamberge continues working, “And why not. You were the one to teach me how to forge iron, to work steel, I’m only using what you taught me.”

“Yes, well, after you ran off and joined the army I figured you’d never set hoof in one of these again.”  The stallion steps closer.  “What are you working on?”

Flamberge keeps his focus on the task at hoof, “Spear tip, for the town militia, still need dozens more after this one, going to be here all day at least... Why are you here dad? I never thought I’d see you out of Coupledye’s safe walls.”

His father frowns and sighs as he looks at the weapons being produced.  “I should have known this is what you were making.”  He turns his head away, but cuts his eyes to the spear tip he was currently working on.  “As for why I’m here, I was hoping I’d convince you to give up this nonsense and come back home.”

“Why would you ask me that? You know I couldn’t even if I wanted to. These ponies depend on me to keep them safe. If I left it would be as good as throwing them to the discordians myself. The king promoted me, since my last letter to mom, I’m a Colonel in the Royal Army now, I can’t walk away from this responsibility. It is my duty for fight for every pony here.”

His father snorts.  “Then they all need to leave too.  We’ve heard of all the things happening out here.  It’s too dangerous here for anypony.  Even you,” he says, emphasizing the last word strongly.

Flamberge puts down what he was working on and at last meets his father’s gaze, “We can’t all leave dad! If there was nopony out here, outside the city walls, we would all starve! It’s a fact that we need this land to provide food for the nation, and because of that, we have to fight to keep it safe from Badger Ponies, and Diamond Dogs, and Discordians, and worse. If you are too spineless to defend yourself, or your family then fine, but somepony needs to do it, and you know what, I’m bucking good at it. I’m not going to go back home and make horseshoes and nails for the rest of my miserable life like you did.”

“Uh huh,” his father says, frowning still.  “But making nails and horseshoes back home didn’t put my family at risk.”  He raises a hoof to Flamberge’s head.  “Son, one day you’re going to run into something out here that’s as hard as that head of yours, and then what are you going to do?  You can’t win this fight.”

"Then I'll go down swinging, I might fall, but I've put my heart and soul into making this town strong enough to hold off anything and even when all the discordant hordes are upon us this town will last! Or at least make them pay ten times over for each soul they take."

His father scowls at him.  “Pay ten times over?  Son, do you think these ponies are just willing to die?  Even if it means taking discordants down with them?  Just because you are willing to lay down your life doesn’t mean they are!”  He snorts again.  “This is just like you.  Never thinking ahead.  It’s always what you want, and what you want now.”

Flamberge finds his hoof reaching for the hammer by the forge as he glares at his father, "They know the risks! They understood what could happen when they CHOSE to come here! Don't you blame me for the decisions of others!"

Do they know the risks?  Or aren’t there things you haven’t told the common folk?”  His father leans in closer.  “And even then, what of those who didn’t choose to come out here?  I saw no less than ten foals on my way in here.  What will you think when one of them is taken by the discordants?”  He narrows his eyes.  “You and Crosshair choose to come here.  But what about your daughter?  What choice did she have?  Will you be happy when you have to lay her to rest next to Millstone and Sanctuary?”

Flamberge’s grip on the hammer tightens and he replies, “Yes, there is plenty I haven’t told them, but all for the good of the country! Yes, they don’t know how much we are really up against, that Duskfields is just the bait in a giant trap, but I’M TRYING TO SAVE THEM, because I’M the only pony who CAN! And don’t you dare bring Crossbow’s name into this, it wasn’t like I planned for her, but I’m trying to protect her as much as everypony else, but I can’t leave here just for her, there are bigger things to aim for.”

“Bigger things to aim for?”  His father turns up his muzzle.  “I know that look, that tone.  All you’re really after is being in charge.  ‘Colonel.’  I bet that felt good, didn’t it?  You just want to wait here, and kill your way all the way up to general.  Or even better, baron or count or duke or something.  That’s it, isn’t it?”

“Get. Out. Of. My. Town. Now.” Flamberge seethes at him.

His father slowly shakes his head.  “No.  Not without you, Crosshair and Crossbow coming with me.”  His eyes wander down to the hammer trembling in Flamberge’s enraged grasp.  “What, do you plan to fight me?”  He narrows his eyes again.  “That’s all you can think of, isn’t it?  Just like a useless, brutish thing.”

“I. Said. Get. Out.” Flamberge swings the hammer towards his father, there is a sickening crunch as the skull is smashed apart, brains splatter upon the wall, the figure falls, Flamberge looks down and finds that it is not his father upon the ground, but Crosshair and Crossbow, both of their heads smashed open. Flamberge falls to his knees, “ did this? Crosshair! I’m sorry!” he pleads with the corpse.

As he stares in disbelief, terror and guilt, both corpses start to rot before his eyes, as if left in the sun for weeks.  The flesh on their limbs decays and liquefies in the spanse of a few seconds, dripping from the bone in clumps of foul smelling goo.  The skin left on their bodies darkens in places, rips and tears in places, and reveals rotting and decaying organs within.

Flamberge watches in horror, too confused and disgusted to react.

“How does it look?” Crosshair’s voice asks, seemingly coming from nowhere.  “To see me and our daughter dead like this?”

Flamberge gets to his feet stumbling backwards, “Crosshair? Gods, what is going on?”

“Are you willing to risk me dying?” a tiny, foal’s voice asks.  “I trust you, daddy.”

“I have no choice! I’m sorry!” he pleads.

Before him, Crosshair cracks her eyes and grins.  Her skeletal limbs crack and pop as she hauls her semi-rotten carcass from the ground, then turns to face Flamberge.  Her yellowing eyes lock with his as her grin widens, revealing ragged sharp teeth.  She casually tosses the similarly decayed body of Crossbow behind her.  “You should trust your daddy too, Flamberge,” she says in a raspy voice, completely unlike Crosshair.

Flamberge takes a moment to regain his composure as he stands up to meet this thing saying, “Who, or what,are you?”

She takes a step closer to him, laughing slowly to herself.  Blood spurts from her nostrils and holes in her exposed lungs.  “I don’t have to answer to the likes of you,” she says, slowly shaking her head, grinning all the wider.  “I am beyond your understanding.”  She steps closer again and casually wipes away the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.  “You should listen to your father, Flamberge.  You are in so far above your head, you cannot imagine the oblivion that comes your way.”

“I don’t know what you are, but I’m not going anywhere, kill me if you think you can, but I don’t run away from a fight.” Flamberge states.

She halts her advance, and her face darkens into a heavy glower.  “So stubborn, you ponies.  I don’t know if I admire or pity you for it.”  Her face darkens further into a scowl.  “Or hate you for it.”  She raises a skeletal hoof and touches it to his muzzle.  “I’ll give you the same warning I gave that fool Temperance.  I won’t suffer you killing my children much longer.”

The world flashes to darkness, and she grows to dozens of times her previous size.  She leans in close, touching the tip of her muzzle to Flamberge’s.  “I will not spare you, nor your wife, nor your foal.”  A deafening boom fills his ears, and she screams, “Leave!

Flamberge sits up suddenly his eyes wide, breathing heavily. He looks around and sees he is in his own bed in his own home. Crosshair and Crossbow were laying next to him beginning to stir from his sudden movement. "A dream...?" He mutters to himself in a confused tone.

“Mmm... is something wrong?” Crosshair murmured as she stirs up from her sleep, giving little Crossbow a soft nuzzle to coax her back to sleep as she slowly sits up to give Flamberge an affectionate nuzzle as well.

Flamberge nuzzles her back and then looks down at his sleeping daughter, "I... had a very strange nightmare. My father was there, I killed him, then you and Crossbow were dead too. And something was telling me to leave Duskfields. It felt so real. But you're okay now," he gives her a brief hug.

Crosshair smiles happily as she nuzzles into the hug and let him hold her in his strong legs. “Of course I am.. We have you here, you’ll keep us safe.” she coos at him soothingly and lovingly.

Flamberge thinks to himself about his real orders here then forces a smile, "I'll certainly try Cross. I'll do everything in my power to keep you, to keep everyone of them, safe. "


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #283 on: April 24, 2013, 09:23:27 pm »


"Wake up, Chi~ppy!"

Wood Chip refused to open his eyes, for the sense of weightlessness he felt cued him in on the fact that he was probably dreaming.

There was also the matter of the fact the voice that was calling him out was that of a dead mares.

"Come on, Chip. Your missing in on the fun!"

Wherever he was, neverless, it was only slightly cold, like a fresh spring day.

"Wood Chip, this isn't funny. Come on, open your eyes."

Wood Chip, naturaly, kept his eyes shut.

"Hey, Wood Chip, it's been a long time. Thirty years it's been, I think, right?"

Wood Chip keeps his mouth shut and is content to ride out the nightmare.

"Oh, come on, Wood Chip, stop faking this. I am here for a reason, you big doofus."

He couldn't repress the growl that formed in the back of his throat. Sea Breeze, wherever she was, let out a exaggerated gasp.

"My word, the beast awakes."

"Begon, spirit." he half-mumbles as he tries to bury the sound of the mare in a gauzy sea of thoughts.

"Spirit? Oh, please, you know I am a pony, Wood Chip. Don't tell me you grew up to be a dutiful worshiper of one of those western gods." she said, tisking lightly.

"I am dreaming." he said simply.

He was interupted in his serenity by something breathing in his face. Opening he eyes, he see's, quite clearly, a young mare nearly as tall as he was, albet far more youthful and skinnier, with blue fur and hair that was a slightly darker shade of blue striped with light green.

"Nope, your not." Sea Breeze said, giggling.

Eyes wide, he scrambles to his feet, which somehow find ground in a seemingly floorless enviroment.

"See? If you were really dreaming, could I do that?" she said mockingly.

Breathing heavily, he simply turns around and begins trotting in the other direction, only to step in a free-floating puddle of a dark, inky substance. Closing his eyes for a few moments, he sighs and turns around to see the phantasm that tormented him.

"Why are you here, then? And what are you?"

Sea Breeze tilted her head slightly, and began to laugh. Mockingly, at first, but then honestly.

"Because I could, you daft workhorse! And...I am a pony!"

Wood Chip snorted. "You are either a ghost or a figment of my imagination. If you are a pony, you would at least look a little older than I do."

Her laughter stops, but is replaced by a fit of snickering. "Nope to both! I look like I do because I want to. You could have gotten the chance, Chippy, but then you lef-t!"

Wood Chip took a few steps around the younger pony, and to his mild displeasure she didn't seem to have aged a day. To his further displeasure, she slowly trots around the empty room-space as if she was dancing for the wrong sort of company.

"You know, it has been a few years, but you dog, you haven't change a bit. Even when you were younger, somehow your eyes always found there way to my-"

Wood Chip swung a hoof into the lith mare's direction, which she barely avoided.

"Filthy whore!" he yelled, which was responded to by a loathsome cackle.

"Ooh, play nice! Watch the language! But really now, Chippy, arn't you wondering why I am even here, bothering you? I mean, really now, can't you just hear me out and see what your old bestie has to say about what's been going on for the last few months?"

Barely calm, he snorts. She giggles in return.

"Well, anyway, I am here to offer you a chance to come back home." she said, comparitivly serious. "Really, now, I am surprised at the mess you got yourself into. You could even bring your marefriend with you, I mean, unless..."

She wiggled her eyebrows slightly, and he felt something gentile and soft press against his upper back. In a moment, however, it was gone.

Wood Chips was angry, but neverless somewhat curious. "What could you possibly mean by that? From corrupt ponies to dragons, it seems Duskfields is safer than home."

Frowning slightly, she waved a hoof vaugly to her side. "Well, this place is screwed. The rulers of the world are having a quarrel here, and there's like, three involved, so this place is going to be distroyed no matter what, but one of them is the one who gave our town true life, and because your from there I can basicly go ahead and ask if you want to come back before everyone else here dies or gets converted."

Wood Chip blinked. "Is that so? Three chaos spirits?"

Sea Breeze looks up, or at whatever up was in the realm they were in. "Well, that's what I could guess, anyway. There's the one who made our town natural, the one who owns this place, and the one who is sending her servants over to your little dirtpile to claim rights to some pony or another. It might be your leader or something. Anyway, your pretty much claimed, so your home free, but you might want to go home before you end up as lunch."

Wood Chip took a step closer to the blue mare. "And you are offering me a way back home?"

She smiled, and nodded. "Pretty much. We do miss you, you know."

Wood Chip smiled back, and lowered his head and charged. With a strangled hiss, the blue mare turned into a blue-purple haze, which quickly reformed nearby into somethat that could have passed for Sea Breeze, were it not for the pair of curling horns adorning the side of her head and the bucketsworth of blood that soaked her very being.

"Worthless little...this is a limited time offer, Wood Chip. You can even bring your mare, if you want, I an't picky. Either come home, or die here. Simple as that." she said, voice sounding like wet sandpaper.

"Go to Tartaurus, foul demon, and stay there." he said simply, and began walking away.

At least, he would have if a perfectly normal Sea Breeze did not suddenly appear on his path and kiss him on the cheek.

"Aww, look, even after thirty years, you really do lo-" Sea Breeze was unable to finish, having had her lower jaw shut by the virtue of a unicorn horn suddenly finding a way through it and into the roof of her mouth.

"Mmmphfuahkwouuuu!" groaned the mare. Wood Chip said nothing, even when black ooze slowly trickled down his head and near his eyes.

He continued to say nothing even when a barrage of hooves began to rain on his neck and back, and only ripped his horn out when the apparition stopped moving. When he opened his eyes, however, he was greeted to the sight of a little brown pony with light yellow hair, gurgling slightly as she raised her little skinny legs feebly in defence.


Wood Chip stepped back franticly, only to stop when a elbow found it's way on his right shoulder.

"You know, you two should play nice. It's not good to roughhouse." Sea Breeze said mildly.

Wood Chip threw the mare off him, and simply continued to run around in the empty void, and so he did.

A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
  • has gone stark raving mad!
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #284 on: April 25, 2013, 12:09:52 am »

Redhat was flying towards Serentiy’s office as fast as he could manage, as much as the pegasus prefered walking, the recent injury made that rather difficult, and he needed to see Serenity right now. It didn’t take too long at all before she finally reached the office, and gave the door a knock. “HELLO? MADAM I DEMAND A BLOODY APPOINTMENT, ITS AN EMERGENCY.”

In only a few moments, the door was thrown open to reveal Serenity, with purple parasol at the ready. “Redhat? What’s going on, is everything alright?”

“NO, everything is quite wrong at the moment.” He looked down at the parasol. “What’s that for?”

“Oh?” Serenity glanced to it. “N-Nothing.” She set it aside. “Please, come inside and tell me what’s wrong.”

He flew in and over to take a seat on the couch. “Okay, I’m rather confused at the moment, and this just couldn’t wait after what happened today.”

Serenity took a moment to shut and lock the door, before taking her seat across from him. “Okay... what happened, exactly?”

“Okay, so you know how I was in the the hospital with an injury?” he pointed to where his leg was covered in Gauze. “Well, I was given a little visit.”

“By whom?” as she asked, a thought occurred to her. “...Flamberge?”

“No, no, It was Prodd. Seems he had been waiting for me to wake up for quite some time.”

“Interesting... what did he have to say?”

“He kept complimenting me and telling me how he was afraid I got injured, and he’s known for a while that I’m a mare... and before I had woken up he had removed off my hat.”

Serenity seemed mildly alarmed by this. “Oh my... did he tell anyone?”

“No, in fact he’s known for a while now and hasn’t told a soul.”

“Interesting. Strange, but... interesting. What do you know about Prodd? I’ll admit, I’ve only seen him around occasionally.”

“Well, I actually know him rather well. We see each other often.” He sighed.

Serenity nodded. “I see. So, would you consider him a friend?”

“Well I suppose. He is the only pony in this town who’s openly treated me kindly that wasn’t obligated to due to their profession.”

Serenity considered objecting to the mild insult, but decided against it. “Then why does it bother you that he knows?”

“Because, he told me bucking loves me.”

It took Serenity a few minutes to respond to this. “...I see.”

Red look down at the ground and slouched down. “I don’t know what the hell to do... and actually said I love him back.”

“...Do you? Do you really love him?”

“I don’t know... and what the hell does he even see in me?”

Serenity shook her head. “I couldn’t tell you that. You’d have to ask him.”

“Very well... I’ll talk to him about this...” He sighed and leaned back. “But Prodd really isn’t the only issue.”

“Go on...”

“Well, I got promoted, and I have to put up with the dragonslayer more than I had to to before, while instructing three greenhorns how to fight.”

Serenity sighed. “I don’t envy that position. The best advice I can give you about Flamberge is to only spend as much time interacting with him as is absolutely necessary - though that’s advice I give to absolutely anypony who will listen. As for the new recruits... being their captain, you can afford to be a bit more harsh - and honestly, it’s probably for the best that you do.”

“very well... I’ll attempt to avoid that cur...and at least try to work with the recruits. Just I feel now that if one of them dies, it’s my fault.”

“Then do everything you can to make sure that doesn’t happen. Train them to keep themselves and each other alive, and watch over them when the fighting starts. That’s the duty of any good commander to his troops.”

“Okay... I’ll try. Thanks for assisting me in these matters.”

Serenity smiles warmly. “It’s my pleasure, really.”
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.
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