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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47866 times)


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #300 on: May 05, 2013, 12:34:07 pm »


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I found this in my room yesterday. I think...its a painting, but who would do this! Whats worse, I think I know the shape of what...

It has to be someone's foal who drew this, but if that's the case, well, I don't know what to do or who to say, because the thing is, well, the bottem shape thing is not drawn with crayon as the rest of it. It's a smear of blood.

Going to say something to someone, but I am going to hide this from Smoothblock.

I am, frankly, scared right now, because I found this on my dressing table, and my rooms a bit off to the side in the fort, and somepony would have said something if they went in.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #301 on: May 05, 2013, 12:44:28 pm »

I really need to get another journal written...

Things have been fairly quiet for Scimitar, aside from poor Pepper Flakes getting blinded in one eye by a discordant pony, but I'm always happy to see journal entries.  :)
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #302 on: May 05, 2013, 01:41:59 pm »

Medical Log, Entry 13

I seem to have run out of those Zebra potions from last caravan. I hope the next Caravan will bring more of them, as they are vital to my sanity. Might speak with Lightning about picking some up next Caravan.

Medical Log, Entry 14

Lightning has agreed to pick some up from the next caravan... if they are in supply. I would give up everything I own to get another batch for a year.

Medical Log, Entry 15

I felt as if I was watched today. As if... something was stalking me... probably nothing. I spoke with Bonesetter about this. While he showed concern, it seemed like he had no clue on how to deal with my medication situation(Hey I rhymed... ha) I sent a letter out with a pigeon to Fruithold to see if they can ship a couple months supply over.

Medical Log, Entry 16

Damnit to Taturus! Fruithold has denied my request, declaring it 'Unnecessary.' I need that medication, regardless of the importance. I might have to lock myself in the house if I don't get a batch when the caravan comes.

Logbook Entry 14

Oh dear Amug.... Sweet Potato has run out of her zebra Medicine and it doesn't look like we will be getting a caravan soon. I hope we won't have to restrain her if her condition gets worse than a feeling of being watched.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:54:25 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #303 on: May 07, 2013, 10:25:51 pm »

Takes place before the murder.

, , Mittens and

On a crisp afternoon under a blue sky, Convalescence walked with her eldest colt, Mittens, through the town. Already beginning to feel the stress of her new position, she was looking forward to having a small break. Setting up a playdate between Mittens and Temperance's filly would be a good opportunity for that, and as she walked towards his home she thought briefly that it had been a while since she'd talked to him about anything but work.

Meanwhile, Temperance was busy putting away a few things in preparation for Convalescence visiting.  It was supposed to be a pretty informal playdate, but the room needed to be tidied up a bit anyway.  Morning Dew was off with Honor, getting something to eat for the two, she claimed.  That just left him and Mountain Dew, who was the important one anyway.

Mountain Dew finished stowing a few unnecessary toys in their drawer and skipped over to her.  “Done, daddy!”

He ruffled her mane and smiled at her.  “Good job!  Conny will be here with Mittens in a little bit.”

Just then, the two hear a knock at the door.  Temperance looked up.  “Oh, that must be them now.”  He stepped over and opened the door.  “Hey, come on in, we were just expecting you,” he said, smiling and stepping aside.

With a smile of her own, Convalescence greeted him, "Hey, Temperance. How are you?" And bending down slightly, she said, "And hello, Mountain, you've grown a lot since the last time I saw you," as Mittens watched suspiciously from behind his mother's legs.

“I’m doing well.  I hope everything’s well with you?” Temperance replied.  He kept his smile up as he looked down at Mittens.  “And how about little Mittens?”

Mountain Dew grinned at Convalescence.  “Hey Mrs. Conny!”  She noticed the pony hiding behind her and greeted him with, “Hello!  I’m Mountain Dew.  Are you Mittens?”

"Oh I'm doing well, I had no idea how much paperwork was involved with running this place," she said with a small laugh. Noticing Mittens, she said reassuringly "It's alright Mittens, they don't bite." Moving out from behind her slightly, he looked up at the stallion and said, "I'm fine, sir." Then he jumped slightly as Mountain began talking to him, "Yes. Hi," he replied.

Mountain Dew waved for Mittens to come in.  “Come on, I’ll show you around!”

Nervously, Mittens followed her as his mother waved him on encouragingly.

Temperance made an almost inaudible chuckle, then said to Convalescence, “Good to hear you’re doing well.  Yeah, it’s more work than you’d expect, especially with the redundant paperwork.”  He made another small chuckle.  “I’m really glad to have your help, though, make no mistake.”

"Likewise." she said, "Do you mind if I take a seat?"

“Oh, no, go right ahead,” he said, pulling out a chair for her and taking a seat himself.  “It’ll be good to have a chance to relax and talk about something other than work.”

"Thanks. That's what I was hoping for," she said watching Mountain and Mittens.

Temperance watched the two as Mountain gave Mittens the grand tour of their little home.  “They grow up fast, don’t they?  How old is Mittens now?”

"They sure do. He just turned two in Galena, and his brother is about a year now. What about Mountain and Honor?"

“About the same, actually.  Mountain Dew turned two in Slate, and Honor is right at a year old now.”  He chuckled.  “And the third will be here before too much longer.  I can’t remember exactly when Morning Dew said she was due, but it can’t be too long from now.”  He looked over to her.  “Two enough for you?”

Thinking for a moment she replied cheerfully, "Yeah, I think so. The two I have are already a hoof-full as is,"

“Yeah, I hear you,” he replied.  “Two was enough for me too, but Dew kept hinting at it, and well, before you know it...”  He shrugged.  “I don’t know how my sister managed four children on top of running Dawnpick.”

"I couldn't even imagine...Do you get to keep in touch with your sister very often?" She asked.

He nodded.  “We write each other from time to time, though it’s been a few months since I’ve gotten anything from her.”  He smirked.  “She worries so much about me out here she’s probably just happy to know I’m alive and in one piece.  How about you?  Got any family you keep in touch with?”

Shaking her head she replied, "No, it's just me and Patches, and the foals of course. All of my family lives here in Duskfields,"

He sensed there was a story to that somewhere, but it was definitely something he wasn’t comfortable asking too much about.  “I guess that makes matters a bit simpler.  Is that why you decided to move so far away from civilization?  Are you from Coupledye?”

"Not originally. I've lived on the frontier for most of my life. I actually met Patches in the town we grew up in." Sighing softly she continued, "Unfortunately, that settlement didn't last, and after it fell apart we moved to the capital. But after a year or so we missed our old life, and when we heard about here we just couldn't pass up the opportunity to live out in the country again."

“Oh, I see.”  He made a nervous laugh.  “Duskfields has probably been plenty of excitement for you then, I take it?”  He left out the obvious extension that he hoped it didn’t fall apart like that anytime soon.

"Oh yes, plenty of work for a surgeon out here, even if I don't get to do as much work in the hospital lately," realizing the tone her story may have set, she tried to smile reassuringly, "I have a good feeling about this place though,"

He smiled as Mittens refused the offer to play with one of Mountain Dew’s dolls, and said, “I stay worried about everypony, but things are definitely looking up lately.  I think everything will work out.”

Nodding in agreement, Convalescence followed his gaze across the room to where the foals were sitting.  Mountain Dew had settled on kicking a little ball back and forth with Mittens.  She said, “So, your mommy is a doctor.  What does your daddy do?”

"He makes clothes for ponies," he replied as he kicked the ball back to her.

She stopped the ball with a forehoof, and her face lit up.  “Oh, I remember now.  Daddy said that somepony named Patches made my doll for me.  That must be him.  My daddy is the manager, whatever that means.  I think he just tells ponies what to do and draws stuff in his office.  My mommy is a farmer.  She spends a lot of time in the fields.”

After thinking about that, he said, "That sounds boring, watching plants grow all day."

She nodded.  “Yeah, I love mommy, but it is kinda boring.  She and daddy say it’s important though.  What do you want to do when you grow up?”

At this he sat up straight and puffed out his tiny chest. He was small even compared to the other foals his age, but he replied, "I'm gonna be a soldier. The toughest one in the whole kingdom,"

She grinned.  “I told daddy I wanted to be a soldier once, and he didn’t like that.  I dunno what I want to do.  Being a manager sounds easy.”  She kicked the ball back at him.  “But being a soldier is cool!”

"Yeah it is!" He replied with sudden enthusiasm. "Being a manager could be okay. You'd get to tell everypony what to do,"

She nodded.  “Yep.  Hey, but soldiers get to tell ponies what to do too, right?  Oh, I know!”  She grabbed one of the rulers stored on a nearby shelf with her magic and said, “We should play soldier!”

Temperance’s eyes widened a bit as he hopped up.  “Uh, Mountain sweetie, why don’t you and Mittens play something else?” he said, gently tugging the rule out of her magic.  Something safer, he really hoped.

She pouted and sat back down.  “Aww, okay.”  She went back to the ball and kicked it at Mittens again.  “Bet you can’t stop it!”

Temperance sighed and returned to sitting next to Convalescence.  Foals would be foals, but at least they probably wouldn’t hurt each other now.  He smiled at her, and said, “So...”

"Good thinking there," she says laughing softly.  Seeing the small near-incident reminds her of some things she needs to talk to Temperance with about the militia, but she stops herself short of bringing it up. No, not today she thinks, you can give yourself a least for today.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #304 on: May 12, 2013, 01:39:52 am »


It is a cool mid-afternoon when Max walks in to the bar. He strode in and gestures for his usual, a hard lemonade with ice. As he put his bits down on the table. He glances to his left, saw Red also at the bar.

Redhat had what seemed to be a bottle of fine wine, and had his dog sitting next to him, between him in the gryphon. He had been there for a while, just trying to relax after a long day.

Max was tired. Max was sore. Max frankly wanted to drink in peace.  But Max also always made a point to strike up a conversation. Especially with the exact pony he wanted to talk to. Max glances over his shoulder again and moves two booths over to Red and his dog. "Hey Redhat, how's life?" He opened up the conversation. "Not in the hospital, so I assume better than usual?"

“Well, I suppose I could be worse.” The dog limped over and gave max a loving little lick on his paws. “Ugh... why does my wolf always have to be so adorable...”

Max grins and scritches the wolf behind the ears. Bonnet closes her eyes in content bliss as the claws massage down on the hard to reach spots. "What a fun breed. You're very lucky, wolves don't pick just anybody."

“Well, I’d hope the poor thing would pick me after all i’ve done for her.” She gave bonnet a little pet on the ear.

"Guard duty still treating you fine? With the attacks increasing more an' more  ... Well lets say I hope the heat ain't getting too much to handle out there."

“If it get’s too much I’ll just get better. I can dispatch an entire squad of those brigands and intend on doing so again and again.”

Max sighed. "Sure glad I'm not out there. I - I still get a relapse from time to time from when that Discordant gutted me."

“Oh yeah... I had to make you go nini after that, right?”

Max squints at Red, trying to remember. "Were you in the hospital during that?"

“Yes, I was actually the one who put you under, you probably would have killed yourself if I hadn’t.”

He blinks with a surprised look. "I'll have to take your word for it, I can't remember the aftermath at all. It's funny to think the doc who worked on me is mayor now."

“Well, I suppose... you don’t mind if we change the top from hospital debauchery to something more appropriate ?”

Max looks up in the air. "Sure, though I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head."

“Well... I guess could talk about my most recent promotion.”

"Sure, in all ears. Tell me a bit about the military life."

“Well, Being captain isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

"Let me guess, Flamberge isn't easy to take orders from." Max probed, looking for ill will for his enemy like checking for uncooked raw pink in a unfinished steak.

“Aside from disregarding anything I say, I can hardly withhold my criticism from him. I say I one thing against his word, one comment it’s like shooting yourself in the foot. I’m a better warrior than some moraless shell of a stallion. The bastard lacks any kind of professionalism in the battlefield. He decapitates left in right, no finesse. When he slays, he doesn’t feel remorse, or pity. I can hardly listen to him for more than five minutes knowing he’s inferior.” The pony looks down at his crippled dog. “HE is among the reasons why this world is in a state of dec-. Excuse me, I got a bit carried away there. Just, I’m more skilled than him in every way when it comes to his role. If he hadn’t killed a dragon, I’d be giving him respite from his job.” He sipped some of his wine, “I suppose this seems prideful, but it’s not pride if it’s painfully obvious.”

Max grins wryly. Looks like we have a winner.

"It's true. He's truly a brute of the worst sort, isn't he? Wouldn't even give me a day  to grieve before barging into my hospital room and insulating me of high treason." He gave bitter laugh and looked at his drink. "It's not so much him I pity, but poor, poor Crosshair. Trapped in the middle of all this. Does she love him? Most definitely. But not vise versa. Not at all. Just another stepping stone, like every pony else here."

“It’s funny... she shows up with bruises, and he assumes we can’t tell. I know for sure that bastard is as harsh he is to those he smites as he is to those he loves... that is if demons can feel love...”

Max frowns and his eyes turn to slits. "They don't."

“I don’t think he’s a demon yet. I prefer to believe that in the beginning all of us try to do what we think is good... I know it isn’t true, but it’s my rule of thumb.”

"Hell is painted with good intentions..." Max quotes stoically. He couldn't remember from where or what though. " I agree. To a point. But then there has to be cause and effect. A reaction to an' action. A balance of the moral scales. Some justice. Take the crime Flamberge committed  just today for example ..." Max tailed off, hoping to reel Red's attention in.

“Please, listen to me. We all try for the best, but this world is corrosive, and it’s eats away at us all. Listen, a demon is nothing more than a shell of who they were. Something that’s a husk. It’s not a matter of if but when. We all are heading that way, there is no paragon of morals, everyone is willing to compromise and trade, until you’ve compromised who you are.” He looked at him. “Are you telling me that tragedy didn’t change you for the worse?”

"My tragedy is none of your damn concern." Max glared, the insinuation he could somehow dip to Flamberge's level put a sour taste in his mouth.
“So I’ll take that as a yes. please, understand you’re nowhere near as far gone as he is. He’s fargone, a zombie almost. I do believe ponies can be saved, either by care, or a spear... I prefer to believe in the beginning we’re all equal, and sometimes the only way to fix a ruined building is demolition before it collapses and hurts somepony.”

Max sighs. "Yes, perhaps. I'll admit, I ain't one for philosophy. I believe we can combat how far gone we are with a 'lil honesty. I'll start right now. I didn't start this conversation for a little idle conversation: I came to ask a favor."

“And what would you ask of me?”

Max smiles and continues into his sell. " Crosshair's been wandering all 'round town for a week looking for her bolts. I found them ... but in the oddest place; found them in Flamberge's office. Seems odd someone's lover would neglect to tell the other he'd borrow them for so long. Could you run them to Convalescence and not mention me? The relationship between Flamberge and I is rocky already, I don't need to be put on his kill list again. Maybe Crosshair can finally stop screeching around the fort when she gets her precious bolts back."

“... it’s rather peculiar to be asking me to deliver something like that in this of all places, and why would you have me do him a favor?”

Max's hard frown returns. " It doesn't matter, and I can make it worth your while if doing Flamberge a favor rubs your feathers the wrong way."

“I don’t believe your acting normal... but I won't protest further....” The pony didn’t know why the talking bird would suddenly get more cheery.. and ask him to help flamb in anyway... but he found it best to just let it slide for now.

"Thanks, and who knows, the small things may lead to big rewards."

Max looks at Red with a drunken, knowing smirk.

Two days after the events at the hospital

Two days later, at the same time in the bar, in he same seat of the bar, Max sat with another Hard Lemonade. The only difference was a very darkened set of sleepless eyes. He rotated the little umbrella in the drink around, waiting.

Soon, the door to the bar was open, and Red came in. He sat right next to the bird and waited to see how he’d react.

"So, can you believe what Flamberge has done?" Max asked, seeing if his lie was still holding up to scrutiny.

“Why did you set me up?” Red wasn’t going to have any of it.

"Why did I set 'us' up, Redhat. Why did I set 'us' up is the question you should be asking." Max said with a cool, unconcerned tone.

“Tell me right now why you did this, else I’ll kill you right now for treason.”

"I did it, because Flamberge needed a relief from duty. I know it, and deep down you know it too." He slowly glanced up with his blue eye. "You told me yourself, Red."

“I don’t frame somepony for murder. I have morals. It’s what keeps me from falling apart.” He gave the bird an angry look. “Now, please, why the hell was one of the gryphon’s dead?”

Max cocked his head and leaned back. "You don't understand what really at stake, do you? This is bigger than us and a dead Griffon now. I am wrestling this town out of Flamberge's destructive grip. And at this point, no option is off my table."

“Please tell me why the buck you’d have ME have him framed? and please, why is there a murdered gryphon, and why are you, trying to pin the heinous crime on him as opposed to another approach?” 

"Max blinks. "What other approach?" He said with a grimace."I have thought long and hard on any other approach There ain't no other approach." He looked him over. "And why you? You gave the most to gain out of all this. That's why you had him the buck framed. I need a pony who will be different than Flamberge in every way. I need a Militia Commander I can trust."

“Okay...” Red gave him an angry look. “I’ll consider not turning you in... but please... tell my why you killed the gryphon?” he was guessing now, but he was sure max had something to do with it.

"The Griffon was spying on us, as I was sure he was. A part of Flamberge's deal of selling Duskfields down river I'm sure. He was a dirty spy for the Griffon army, Redhat. I did nothing more than what you would have done - and twisted a death to my gain." Max winces at the words, but a certain tone of assuredness can be heard from them.

“I would never twist another’s death..” He paused for a moment though. “but what’s this about selling the fort?”

"Oh, you don't know?" Max asked. "Flamberge, he has his eye on the barony. He has no interest in us. A storm is coming and he intends to be long gone when it hits. Selling off the crops we promised to Coupeldeye? That's just the start. Soon, this whole place will be sold off to the devil if Flambege has his way."

“You do realize the gryphon I talked to at the depot was that this base is essentially here to drag out a force of discordants so our combined forces could crush one of their armies. He isn't going to sell this place... but what I don't get is why the hell we're not getting the forces needed to keep up our end of the bargain with the the gryphons.”

Max closes his eyes. "He simply doesn't care, Redhat. He is going to leave with Crosshair and leave us to die." He gestures around him. "This whole place? A trap, and we're the bait."

“... I figured as much...” he sighed heavily. He had a feeling that was the case, but didn’t want to admit it... “Okay... I won't turn you in..”

Max frowned. "Redhat, I just made you king of this place, and you don't even know it. With Flamberge gone, with Crosshair gone, no one can stop you from leaping up the ranks and and building a proper military; and you were going to turn me in?" He made a plaintive gesture. " 'Thanks' come in all shapes and sizes I suppose." He takes a gulp of his hard lemonade, and looks down at the glass. "You know... Last time... We had a talk about Demons ... not a matter of if but when ..."

“Stop right there. I'll have you know, ranks and titles mean nothing to me. There is really one thing I want.” He looked over to max, this time though he wasn't angry, he even seemed happy by now.

Max snaps his eyes to him. "Say the word and you will have it." Max gruffed.

“I want my freedom and I  want my birthright.”

Max cocked a brow. "That's a bit .... Cryptic. But I'll try as best as I'm able to accommodate. What, specifically, is your birthright? How are you enslaved?"

“My father has essentially left me with slightly less than two hundred thousand bits worth of debt, If I can’t pay in cash, I’m going to pay in blood, and I can’t reclaim my family county, which my birthwright,  until I’ve repaid that debt.”

Max steeples his fingers together. "T-two hundred thousand bits?" He exclaimed, his cool and confident air broken. "What, was he burning the money? How do you rack up -"  He gasped with astonishment.  Calming his shaky hands, he tried to negotiate. "Even if I put my cave and everything inside on the bargain table, it would only amount 'ta half of that." Max thinks hard. "I could set up pension for you that could add to a hundred thousand bits in a few short years, if ya' like. But, Amug doesn't even have that kind of coin."

“Well... the town has a some wealth... and those artifacts could sell for a pretty penny.” He leaned back in his chair. “I  see no reason why a few useless crafts couldn’t go for sale, I donteven think the last few “Legendary” items have even been used.”

Max’s cracks his neck, as if very uncomfortable. “ I could send a few artifacts to the Market... the original owners will not be happy about it  ... But that’s a possibility.”

“Are you sure? dont most of the Artifacts just rot in the stock piles?”

Max closes his eyes and rests his forehead on his steepled thumbs. “Yes, and that’s where the craftsponies put them, that’s where they expect them to be. I’ll try. I’ll try whatever it takes. l am going to set this place right, I’m going to turn this place around into a proper farming community and if  raising two hundred thousand bits is what it’s going to take? That’s just what it’s going to to happen.”

“Also, The debt is growing on compound interest.” The pony sipped some more wine. “Yeeeeaahhhh... It’s bollocks right?”

Max pinches the crux of his beak with his thumbs. “Alright, i’ll help you if you help me. That’ll be the deal.” He extends his claw out. “Do we have a deal, Commander?” He asked.

 “Fine, but I hope you know, I only plan on backing this place until I’m no longer needed and can return to my dutchy.”

Max retracts his hand. “I’m not raising that much coin on a limited investment. Five years minimum, then you can leave for your Dutchy. Or, I could leave you to the wolves and you’ll never get out of debt. Your choice.”

“Fine, but I best be living like a king while I stay here.” He smiled and took another sip of wine. The deal was only getting better.

“Alright.” Max extended his hand again.

He smiled and extended his hoof to Max. “It seems to be a fine deal.” and then he shook it. “So, What’s your plans?” 

Max sighs. “Now? Now I’m going to make a speech. Denounce Flamberge. Make sure nothing like what he did to Carn never happens again.”
“Would you at least keep him in the army? If this place is really a bear trap set for the discordants, then we’ll still need his lowly arse.”

“Leave Flamberge to me.” Max said simply while shaking on the deal.

“And when he’s out, how will keep this place prepped”{?”

You will keep this place prepped!” Max said. “That’s what I’m paying two hundred thousand bloody bits for. What, did you think all that money came with no responsibility?”

“Very well then... but i’ll expect you to back me up on this...”

“Everything in my soon to be power.” Max confirmed for him.

“Very well then...” The pony rose his glass. “Cheers!”

Max grinned. “To a’ better future.” The two clinked glasses.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:55:35 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #305 on: May 12, 2013, 10:43:04 pm »

, , and

Lightning stared at the ceiling of the hospital room he had been put in. He was in the hospital for the second time that year-this time a broken leg-and already he was ready to just get up and trot out, regardless of Bonesetter’s warnings. Sweet Potato and Mist had visited him a few times, and that made him happy. He closed his eyes, prepared to go to sleep, probably for the whole day.

Prodd heard about Lightning getting injured again, and as much as it pained him to admit it, Lightning was a good friend of his. He stepped into the room and saw the pegasus sentenced to bed rest. “Alright Red, it’s clear.” He moved over to the nearby corner.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, “Hello, may I ask for permission to enter?” Prodd probably knew who it was just from the voice.

“My permission or his?” Prodd gestured to Lightning. “Oh Lightning... wanna meet my marefriend?” He assumed the injured pony was awake by now.

Lightning opened his eyes “Wha- Who’s there? Oh, hey Prodd, umm, sure, where is she?” Lightning remembered Prodd saying something about her, but he never described her in any way, so whoever it was going to be a surprise regardless

“She’s just outside...” Prodd answered. “I’m sure you met her before...”

Lightning tried to think of all the mares he’s seen here, but he was still clueless on who it was

“Prodd, is that you?” Red didn’t expect to see him here of all places.

“Yeah, of course.” Prodd responded. “Come on in! It’s a party in here!” He said sarcastically.

The door opened, and Red saw the two of them. “Well.. okay then...”

“What? I can’t visit a fellow markspony?” Prodd inquired. He took position in the corner and let Red do whatever Red was going to do.

“Hey Red, now, Prodd where is your marefriend? She can’t be far from here” Lightning said, waving a hoof at Red

“Um... Prodd...” she whacked him on the back of the head. “Why does he know about this?”

“Ow!” Prodd said. “What? I can’t tell him I’m seeing somepony? I’m sure you met her too, such a sweet, beautiful young mare...” He sneered. “That hurt...”

“Is there something I should know? You don’t seem to happy about me wanting to see Prodd’s marefriend. We’re all adults here, I’m sure it would be fine for us to talk about our special someponies” Lightning said.

“...Yeah Red... didn’t anypony ever tell you it’s rude to wear hats indoors?” Prodd asked. He propped himself up against the wall, giving Red some space.

“Prodd...” he glared at him. “Prodd.... I thought I told you...”

“Red calm down... jeez you’re acting like we’re married or something...” Prodd stated. “So Lightning how have you been? Sweet Potato visit you?” He changed topics.

“Yeah, yesterday-I think-and she brought Mist, thats always great. The little foal is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen” Lightning said happily “How’ve you been?”

“Me? Pretty good, shot a target a few times, read a book, same old same old...” Prodd said. “Say, Red, do you ever want to have a foal?” He looked at Red with a faint smirk.

“I’d like to not think about such things. I’d maybe have one... but foals can be very obnoxious...”

Lightning glared at Redhat, “Obnoxious? Where’d you get that idea? Have you seen any of the foals out here, they are the most precious things in the world.”

Prodd intervened, “Hey it’s just Red’s opinion, no need to make a fuss...” He looked between the two. “So Redhat, what do you need?”

“Apologies” Lightning said before looking over at Redhat.

“I came here to visit the man I saved. Also, I mean some foals can be obnoxious... not all.”

“So Prodd, your marefriend. I haven’t forgotten, If she’s hiding somewhere in the hospital, just tell her to come in here, not like she’s gonna be shot on sight” Lightning changed the subject to the original one.

“Eh I’m not so positive she’ll show up, she’s got a medical condition that’s got her voice a bit higher pitched than normal...” Prodd said. He observed how Red would react to that.

~Wait... medical condition... higher pitch... no can’t be~ Lightning thought. He shook his head before focusing back on the conversation.

Red just gave Prodd the evil eye, before trying to stealthily slip out the door. He was just gonna head out before things got any worse.

“Yeah... I think my marefriend probably left already Lightning...” Prodd said, enjoying the entirety of the conversation.

Lightning saw Red leave, but thought nothing of it.“Eh, alright, well if she ever comes by while I’m still in here, please tell her to stop by, I would love to meet her” Lightning said

“Yeah, you’d like her, she’s a real lifesaver at times...” Prodd said. He smirked as Red made his way to the exit.

Red sighed and just left the room.

“Hey we still getting dinner together, right?!” Prodd yelled out after Red.

“UUUGGHH.” he came back in. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because it’s fun seeing you flustered...” Prodd said. He leaned over and whispered to Red, “Besides I bet we can trust Lightning here... and if worse comes to worse I could try to wipe his mind...”
“You could do that?” Red now felt slightly concerned. “Um... and you think?”

“Yeah, I trust him at least... this one time we got really smashed and some possibly illegal things happened... you’re the first pony to know that. He can keep a secret.” Prodd whispered back. “Also... maybe I can...”

Lightning was confused at their sudden secrecy, but again thought nothing of it.

“C’mon Red, we can trust him... besides this is really suspicious...” Prodd whispered. He took a few steps back to the corner.

“Ugh... fine... I better not regret this Prodd.” she rolled her eyes and reluctantly removed the hat. “Are you pleased now?”

“Yeah... very much... so dinner’s a yes?” Prodd grinned.

Lightning nearly jumped “What the f- WHAT? But... Your a? Wha? How?” was all that Lightning could say in his confusion and surprise

“Magical hat Lightning, magical goddamn hat...” Prodd answered before Red. He grinned again. “I found it pretty hot when I met her...”

“But why? Why would he... she need to be a stallion? If you two love each other... wouldn’t you just be mare and stallion instead of... Secret mare and stallion...” Lightning was still confused, but was at least able to understand what Prodd said

“I’ll assure you her hat has nothing to do with us as a couple, she’s got a personal reason that she may or may not want to say...” Prodd explained. He looked to Red for her approval after shutting the door.

“Ugh... I’m trying to hide my identity in order to protect my person from potential harm, I don't wish to go into further detail, now can we please stop conversing about this?”

“Red, If you don’t want to talk about it, I am perfectly fine with that. Thanks for telling me...Take a bit to get used to, but I should be fine”

“Ugh... just... ugh...” She turned to Prodd and put the hat back on. “I’m gonna keep this on from this point onward...”

“But I like checking out you’re flank...” Prodd said. “But very well, if thou royalty wishes...” He opened the door once Red put her hat back on. “Get well soon Lightning...” He then waited outside the door.

Lightning nodded

Red then followed behind Prodd. “Good day, wish you the best and all.”

As Prodd and Red walked out of the hospital, Prodd had one last thing to say. “So what are we getting for dinner again?”

“I was thinking just some corn on the cob, if you don’t mind... and buck you, ya lowly twat....”

“I love you too dear...” Prodd laughed heartily.

, and

Bonesetter backed up a step and nodded approvingly.  “Looks like everything is healing as well as it should be.”  He scrutinized Lightning Runner’s leg again.  “It’s still going to take weeks for the fractures to heal completely, but you’re mending well.”

“Good, I can get back to guard duty soon... Unless you want me to stay away from guard duty for a month... just to be sure?” Lightning asked.

He tapped a hoof to his chin.  “Target practice probably won’t hurt much if you take it easy, but I wouldn’t want you doing anything more strenuous than that.  Actually, you probably shouldn’t even do any crossbow shooting either for a week or two.  You don’t need to stress the bones much for a while.”

“Got it, what about my wings, I’m sure those weren’t hurt in the attack... were they?” Lightning asked, extending his wings to check for injury.

“Nothing worse than a few light bruises,” Bonesetter replied.  “Flying shouldn’t be a big deal, but any exertion is going to slow the healing.”

A hoof knocked loudly at the door, and before anypony could move to open it, somepony pushed it open.  Temperance stepped inside, looking as if he’d seen something nopony should ever have to see.  “Sorry for interrupting, but Bonesetter, Case Study and Convalescence need your help down the hall.  Right away.”

Bonesetter set his instruments aside.  “Alright, I was just finishing up here anyway.  What’s the matter?”

Temperance shook his head and pointed down the hall.  “I-I can’t really explain it.  Case Study will fill you in.”

“Alright,” Bonesetter said with a shrug before exiting.

Once he disappeared through the doorway, Temperance stepped inside, shut the door and looked at Lightning Runner with a distant stare.  “Lightning, we need to talk about something very important.”

“Sure, what do you want to talk about? I haven’t much to do anyway... ya know, being effectively given leave.” Lightning trotted over to Temperance, keeping a couple feet between them.

“Right.”  Temperance glanced to the floor, then back up to Lightning.  He looked like he could vomit any moment.  “Lightning, it’s very important that you tell me the truth.  I cannot stress how important it is for you to tell me the truth.”  He took a deep breath.  Then another.  “Lightning, did you take Crosshair’s bolts?”

“I assume from Crosshair’s looks at me the day after our last talk, you already have a good idea.” Lightning looked Temperance in the eyes “So tell me, what is your guess.”

“I don’t know,” he replied in a weak voice.  “I didn’t want to think you did, but now I’m not sure.  Lightning, the griffon down the hall is dead.”  Temperance choked on something and raised a hoof to his forehead.  “There are two of Crosshair’s bolts in him right now.”  He looked back up to Lightning again.  “Did you take Crosshair’s bolts?  Did you murder him?”

Lightning let out a breath “I took the bolts and no I didn’t murder him... Hell if I kill a griffon it’s one of those Discordant bastards,” Lightning said, still looking Temperance in the eyes.

Temperance didn’t look too convinced, but still looked gravely ill.  “If you didn’t kill him, I need to know who did.  Lightning, where are Crosshair’s bolts?”

“Don’t know somepony took ‘em somewhere.” He looked off to the left a bit before returning to looking Temperance in the eyes.

Temperance’s expression turned to a pleading one.  “Lightning, this isn’t a game or a joke.  I need to know.  Please, did you give them to somepony?  Why did you take them?”

“Temperance, I used to be a thief, I took stuff, I broke into homes. Somepony out of town wanted something, I did it, and they decided to do that. I can’t help what they do with my expertise, now if that is all, Sweet Potato has been awfully worried about me and I mustn’t stay away for long.” Lightning began to head to the door.

“Somepony from out of town?” Temperance asked.  He raised a hoof to stop Lightning.  “No... no, no, I’m sorry but you can’t leave.”  He slowly shook his head.  “Lightning, whether you murdered that griffon or not, you stole Crosshair’s bolts and you’re going to be arrested for that.  And there is nopony to point a hoof at for the murder, so I don’t see much to avoid filing charges against you for that too.”

“Look, that somepony just sent me a letter and where to leave them.” Lightning took a breath. “I thought we were civilized ponies here, at least give me a fair trial, even if all the evidence points to me. Ponies would think that you just locked me up for no reason. If you want your posterity intact, at least do that.” Lightning hoped his lie would keep him from revealing the true recipient.

“All of the law of the Meandering Gloss applies here,” Temperance assured him with a grave expression.  “You will be given a trial, and since we have no judge I will preside over it.  Lightning, I am going to be blunt with you.  You’re going to be found guilty of theft, since you admitted to it, and barring a miracle you’re going to be found guilty of murder.  If you tell me now who killed that griffon, you may be acquitted of the murder.”

Lightning sighed. “I. Got. A. Letter. No name, just an item, and a place to stash it.” He lied “If you want me to find the letter for evidence, I burned it. I don’t keep incriminating evidence on my person. If I did, I would have spent my late foal-hood in a jail.”

“And that was good enough for you to steal from your...”  Temperance trailed off with a sigh.  “Nevermind.  You’re not on trial now.  I don’t know when or how we’re going to do that, but it has to happen.  You can defend yourself then.”

“Fine, just... can it wait until I heal fully, I really don’t want to spend a couple hours standing in a room on a broken leg,” Lightning asked, accepting the details, but angry at what Max had done with the bolts.

Temperance sighed.  “I don’t think it can wait, Lightning.  I’ll have to decide with Crosshair just what we’re going to do, but you’re a suspect in a murder.  I can’t let you go free.”

“Fine, where will you be locking me up for an indefinite amount of time before you consider having the trial.” Lightning rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know.”  Temperance swept a hoof across the room they were in.  “Here, for all I know.  I have to go get Crosshair.  She’ll have to decide on that.”

“Keeping a prisoner here would be like giving a foal-snuggler a job in a daycare,” Lightning said “Just... dig something out from under the barracks, probably better for a prisoner...even if they didn't do half of what you claim...,” LIghtning said, the last part substantially quieter.

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” Temperance said, becoming frustrated at this point.  “Look, you’ll be watched wherever you are.  Just.... just come with me.  I have to keep an eye on you until I find Crosshair.”

Lightning nodded and followed Temperance as he trotted out of the Hospital. Once they reached the outdoors, Lightning took off, blowing dust into Temperance’s face.

For a moment, Temperance was stunned.  On one hoof, he couldn’t believe Lightning Runner just did that.  On another hoof, he couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been to trust him.  There was no doubt left in his mind that Lightning had murdered the griffon.  He coughed and waved the dust out of his face, then spun in a small circle, wracking his brain for what to do.  Crosshair!  He had to find her.  He bolted toward the target range, shouting, “Crosshair!   Flamberge!”

He didn’t have to bolt for long, Crosshair didn’t trust that Temperance would be able to handle a criminal himself and have perched herself on top of the hospital’s roof, seeing Lightning blowing dust and bolting for it, she raises her crossbow and aim down the sight at the fleeing Pegasus. Shouting “Stop! Or I’ll shoot!” loud enough to get the bolting Temperance’s attention.

Temperance spun to see her aiming at Lightning, and paused.  Was this really going to turn into more bloodshed?

Lightning didn’t pay any attention to the warning calls, he just wanted to get to the forest just outside the gate, at least there, he wouldn’t have to worry about being accused for murder just because he picked up some dusty old bolts and handed them off to Max. Then, the thought hit him ~Did... Max do this? No it couldn’t have been, he is too nice of a Griffon to do this...~ His thoughts were interrupted when a bolt lodged itself into his left wing, causing him to crash in the clearing that was designated Town Square.

Temperance swore under his breath and started in Lightning’s direction.  He was pretty sure the stallion wasn’t armed, but even still, neither was he.  Maybe he should have run back inside to get one of the doctors first?

Seeing that her target have crashed, Crosshair quickly reloads her crossbow before taking flight towards the suspect.

Lightning began to get up, but soon collapsed again “You happy... Shot the ‘murderer’,” He said, turning his head in Temperances direction.

Temperance frowned, and again considered if he should go get the doctors.  No, he wasn’t going to just let Lightning run again.  “No, Lightning, I’m not happy.  I’m not happy about one thing right now, but trying to flee only convinces me even more that you’re guilty.”  He examined the wound, glad that Crosshair didn’t shoot to kill at least.

“Well, at least it... shows you atleast have a conscience. Are you going to interrogate me further...  or are you going... to just toss me in a cell and hope I don’t bleed out by the time the Trial is put together, as I have some... questions I would love to ask,” Lightning said flinching when Temperance put a hoof on his wing

Crosshair arrived nearby, slowing approaching the two, her crossbow raised towards the wounded pony and keeping it there. “Lightning Runner, by the laws of the Meandering Gloss, you are now under custody for suspect of thief, suspect of Murder and resisting arrest. You have the rights to remain silent, anything you do, like trying to run away, or say, will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney. If you do not have an attorney one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?” Crosshair said to Lightning as if she’d said something like this before.

“Understood,” He said, giving up his efforts to explain it wasn’t him
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:55:46 pm by Iceblaster »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #306 on: May 14, 2013, 11:12:47 pm »


Prodd stared down at the spear-pony wielding the blunt stick. “Darling... is this really necessary?” He gulped. Sure he needed to get better at fighting in close quarters, but this seemed a little over the top.

“Yes, it is. I’d prefer you don’t get impaled by a phalanx or something during combat.” Red then handed him a fake crossbow made for training. “I’ll be using a sword though, seeing how me using a spear would be rather unfair..”

Prodd levitates the crossbow in a defensive position. “B-b-but...” He goes quiet.

“Spit it out, I promise not to hit you yet.”

“J-just... be gentle...” Prodd whispered. He was really scared at this point, a highly trained melee fighter versus a standard archer would not end well. .

“Very well.” he swung the sword, using his blind spot to his advantage.

“Eep!” Prodd yelped, his masculinity out the window. Before he knew it the glowing crossbow intercepted the blow almost reflexively.

“Very good” His sword then went right for his legs.

Before Prodd could smile at the praise the sword swept at his leg. He winced at the wooden stick nailing him in his front leg. “Owww, damnit!” He limped a few paces back.

Before he could even move a few steps, the pony was hovering over him, and had the sword up to his neck. “I win!”

“Wait... that’s how you win?!” Prodd asked, genuinely confused. 

“if this was a real blade, you’d be dead.”

“Yeah but... that makes some sense...” Prodd said. Boy sparring sure is more complex than shooting a target.

“Okay, now this time I want you not to die horribly, deal?”

“Deal...” Prodd said. He looked down for a moment, then looked back at Red with renewed confidence.

This time the pony backed off a little. “You ready?”

“...A-as I’ll ever be...” That confidence already started to fade.

The pegasus charged into him in the blink of an eye.

Prodd quickly jumped to the side and kept his crossbow trained on Red as a reflex.

Red then passed him, before stopping the moment he was behind Prodd in order to swipe at his back.

Prodd kept his sight locked on Red, pivoting to keep her in sight. He pulled the trigger to his crossbow and nothing happened. “Y-you could have given me some blunts!” He shouted in panic. He held his crossbow as a shield.

“This is melee combat, not ranged.” She then rushed forward and tried land a hit on the top of his head with the sword.

Before Prodd knew it, he again found himself blocking with the wooden piece of crap. “This is fantastic!” He cheered meekly. This blocking thing felt somewhat natural to him.

The pony then grabbed the shield, and tried to pull it off from him, leading to a tug of war.

Prodd’s horn flashed a bright light almost instantly. While Red was stunned he regained control of the shield with his horn and started to step back.

The pony sighed, “Magic is bloody overpowered...” Redhat then just circled him, looking for an opening.

Prodd flashed again and ran in the opposite direction. “...I-if I make it to the well I win!” He yelled as he ran.

Red sighed, and flew at him. Pegasi were naturally faster than any other cast, and unless the bastard magiced his way out of this he was going to lose. “Prodd!”

Prodd gauged the distance between the two based on both Red’s shouting, and the reflection coming off the water in the well. When he figured Red was a few paces behind him, he slid on his back and thrusted his wooden toy crossbow upwards, hoping to catch Red in the gut.

Red just thrusted his sword down at Prodd, and tried to knee him in the crotch. “Stop being so unruly.”

Prodd got as low to the ground as possible and saw Red’s knee fly inches above his groin while his crossbow was magically accelerated into Red’s abdomen. He noticed Red’s wooden sword was a few inches above his chest, he hoped he could decelerate quickly enough so Red would overshoot his stab.

Red didn’t overshot and landed a hit right over the pony’s eye patch. Prodd’s crossbow found itself being pushed into the feathery wings of the pony, which he had extended to keep his belly safe.

Prodd eeped at getting poked above the eye. He rolled to the left to disengage while the well came into view. Red should really look out for the incoming wall.

The pony EEPed before colliding with the wall, and falling onto his side, not moving one bit.

Prodd levitated Red off the ground while running to the well to claim victory. After tagging home base he gently lowered the pegasus on the ground in front of him. Prodd pants from the mental strain. “You...huh... okay?”

The pony just held still, before pouncing up and landing another jab from the sword on his side. “Yes, I’m fine, you on the other hand died three times today.”

“S-sorry... but I minimized damage to my worse eye earlier, evaded you, and in theory I ran back to the wall and was presented the opportunity to pick you off from a distance...” Prodd explained. “I think that lowers it to one death... while I could have dropped you at least twice with a loaded crossbow...”

“If I had a spear, I’d have lowered you in less a few seconds. The training sword is just to make things even.” The pony walked over to Prodd, this time dropped the sword to the ground. “Anyway, your magic wouldn’t have helped you much in a fight.”

“B-but... I would have shot your high profile on sight...” He mumbled. “Whatever... I think flashing and running would help me the most... also maybe grabbing an actual shield to hold on to...”

“No no, I mean, I keep ace in the hole when I go into combat when it comes to fighting. Odds are I’d be dead right now if it weren’t because of it.”

“Okay... so my ace is my magic?” Prodd asks.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. Could you give me a moment to go get something?”


The pony got up and walked over to where he left his real weapon, as well as his armor. The pony sifted through, before pulling out a few trinkets and walking back over. “This is what I’m talking about.” What he was holding where two things. the first being a small knife, and the other being a small ring, both of which held a few foreign markings on them. “This is my ace in the hole.”

“Um... what’s the ring do?” Prodd said. The ring felt extremely unsettling to him, though he didn’t know why.

“It’s a magical ward, that sucks up all the magical energy around it, and keeps the pony in question from having their magic be of any use.” He smiled and moved it a little closer to prodd. “That is of course, if the pony isn’t powerful enough to drown the thing in energy... but I’ve only ran into the problem once...”

Prodd instinctively backs up from the device, almost repulsed by it. “C-can you... p-put it away please?”

“Very well...” he put it in his pocket. “The knife does exactly the same thing, though.” The pony held up the silver bladed weapon. “It’s about the only good thing silver can be used for in weaponry.”

“...So the runes... enchant them?” Prodd asks. “Do you have... like a book on the language or something?”

“I have one indeed, but it’s not in your language..”

“...Do you have a different book that is in my language that can translate to the other one?” Prodd asks, intrigued by this runic language.

“Translation is rather difficult... but, I could read it to you if you’d like.”

“If it’s fine with you...” Prodd said. “But... if I learned the language, could I enchant bolts to pack more of a punch?”

“If you got great at it, they’d set whatever you’d like on fire the moment they made contact... but that’d most probably take more than a decade... and I’d like to let you know these aren’t really enchantments, they just sap the magic of any nearby unicorn in order to take effect.” Red looked around, before giving Prodd a little nuzzle. “Anyway, it won't work if a unicorn isn’t in the general vicinity of the mark.”   

“...Why does it sap energy from unicorns? Also, why do you know this?” Prodd asked, his only questions for the long explanation.

“Because it needs power somehow. And more exactly, because earth ponies make up an extremely large majority in my homeland. They work the land, and using these runes, they can actually work much more efficiently when they’re used to power machinery.” the pony then picked up his spear. “But they also have other applications, like this one here.” he pointed to a few etchings on it. “Keeps the thing sharp no matter what, and those things that extinguish magic, essentially just keep sapping endlessly, until they either run either get overloaded, or suck the pony dry.”

“...Alright then...” Prodd said. He mulled over what Red said. “...Do the runes sap from anything and everything, or can you volunteer to charge it?”

“It leaches off any being that can produce magic, which includes all ponies, though, unicorns are much easier to harv-” He tried to think of a better word, “Sap. but I promise you these have no lasting effect on unicorns... The Czar would never allow such a device for public use if it did so.”

“...I guess I’ll lay off the enchanting... but... I would like to learn about the language some time...” Prodd said. He doesn’t like the idea of unwillingly losing energy.

The pegasus grinned a little and chuckled. “You know it’s kinda hilarious.”

“What is?” The unicorn asked.

“I bet you think this is a way of using unicorns against their will..”

“Yeah seems like it... let me take guess, the unicorns are holding everything else against their will?” Prodd guessed. That seems like a logical reason to develop ways to mute unicorn magic.

“No, in fact it’s the way they keep everypony under their hoof. All the master’s in the art are unicorns, and the only way our economy runs is because of that magic. The only way you can make the more complex runes is with magic.”

“So the unicorns were in charge?” Prodd asked.

“They still are. The entire royal family, and over two thirds of nobility are unicorns. The only reason why my family is noble is because pegasi are above earth ponies, and well, my father was a unicorn.”

“...So was your father looked down upon for marrying a pegasus?” Prodd asked. “I’m assuming your mother was a pegasus...”

“No, Mother apparently had money, and Grandpa owned a small fortune before he passed, and there’s nothing wrong with marrying for money in my country.”

“Do you think there’s anything wrong with... marrying somepony out of money?” Prodd asked.

“Well no if it ends in creating me.”

“But otherwise?”

“Otherwise it’s a half decent way to ruin your life.”

Prodd nods. He felt better knowing that he wouldn’t have to prove himself financially if he ever decided to propose.

“But, just because you're a unicorn it wouldn’t be all too big of an issue. In fact, it’s what is expected.”

Prodd didn’t say anything to that. He dipped his head respectfully, but more so to hide the blush creeping up on his face.

“Are you blushing?”

“...No.” Prodd retorted. If “eep”ing wasn’t enough, now this blushing business happens.

“It’s okay dear...”

Prodd nodded and regained his composure. “...Thanks?”

“Why are you being shy?”

“...Dunno... I guess I’m nervous...”

“Don’t be. We’ve been seeing each other for a while, it’s not that it’s just going to change.”

“...I guess... but it’s more about the future that I’m concerned about.” Prodd explained. “...I’m just worrying too much or something...”

“What’s there to worry about?”

“As of right now? Nothing you should be concerned with...”

“Oh... very well...”

“...So... should we spar again or shall I shoot at a target for awhile?”

“Why don't we go have dinner or something?”

“Oh... sure I guess.”

“You don’t want to?”

“No... it’s fine. Just what shall we get?” Prodd asked.

“Well, what do you desire for dinner?”

“Eh... probably something light... maybe a sandwich or something...”

“Very well.... still if you don’t want to it’s fine by me.”

“No it’s fine!” Prodd firmly said. “I’m just... not that hungry...”

“You s-... sorry...”

“S-s-sorry Red...” Prodd stuttered out. “That... I didn’t mean to... sorry”

“Please, please don’t take that the wrong way. You know I have a temper.” 

“Sorry...” Prodd murmured.

“I...” The pony sighed and moved forward to try and hug him.

Prodd flinched slightly, but returned the hug meekly.

“It’s okay, I’m not mad at you.”

“...W-what are you mad at?”

“Well.. I thought that’s why you were stuttering all of a sudden..”

“Alright then... l-lets.... lets just go get dinner...”




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #307 on: May 15, 2013, 03:36:43 pm »

There would be no rest tonight. As much as Case Study tried to force his mind to shut down, it stubbornly defied his will. There was too much to process...too much to be concerned about. The metaphorical gears constantly revolved in an endless mental dance as they attempted to bring sense to the nonsensical. Having finally given up the fight for sleep, the stallion kicked the already-tangled mess of a blanket off of the bed and got to his hooves.

Lighting the oil-fueled lantern kept in his room, he took the dull metal ring in his mouth and carried it over into the adjacent hospital room. The faint light cast the room in a shade of flickering orange-brown, which was only just bright enough to see with. Placing his light source down on the desk, Case then proceeded to pour himself a sedative drink made with tenderoot extract. After taking a seat, he probed the empty hospital bed with his eyes as he took a sip. It was hard to imagine that a murder had taken place in this very room not so long ago. Nothing like this had ever happened in any of the hospitals he had ever worked in during the past. He needed answers.

He had examined the evidence personally. Two grievous wounds made by a pair of crossbow bolts. It was no mystery how the crime had been committed. That was the easy part. He sighed and rubbed a temple with his left hoof, his head now hanging in grief. Who would have wanted to do this? What was the motive? Other than Lightning Runner himself, Case knew of no obvious suspects. He did know, however, that whoever the culprit was likely did not have expertise with a crossbow. If they had, then a single bolt to the skull would have been sufficient to perform the grisly deed. That made Lightning Runner himself unlikely to have been the pony in question. It also seemed likely that the murderer was trying to pin the crime on Crosshair by using her personal bolts to do the killing. If that was the case, then it was a failed strategy as it had been known previously that those particular weapons had gone missing prior to the event in question. The inefficient execution of the murder he had made mental note of earlier also made Crosshair an unlikely suspect.

Swallowing another mouthful of green-tinted refreshment, he attempted to contemplate the motive. The one that stuck out in his mind most prominently was that of prejudice. A hate crime. It was certainly possible that one or more of the ponies in Duskfields possessed a distaste for griffons. It was a simple fact of life that bigotry existed in all areas of civilization. This explanation, unfortunately, had problems. If there was a strongly griffon-averse resident in town, then why had there been no threats against their longtime guest, Max? As far as Case could tell, most ponies here had a positive view of the guy. If anyone had a grievance with him, it wasn’t because of his species. The prejudice theory seemed to be a dead end.

Was the attempt to pin the crime on Crosshair just a way of throwing investigators off of the criminal’s trail, or was it the entire point of the act itself? Was it not a hatred for the griffon, but rather for Crosshair, that motivated the murder? Did anypony hate the pegasus? It was at this point that Case began to regret his lack of sociability, as he had taken little opportunity to learn of the opinions and grudges of the populace. He didn’t personally know of anypony who would want to frame her for murder.

Having finished consuming the brew, his head began to ease off. The doctor decided he would give resting a second try and climbed back into bed. Having already lost hours of sleep, he knew tomorrow was going to be rough.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 10:41:34 pm by Kryptid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #308 on: May 15, 2013, 10:30:07 pm »

I was hoping to post everything through the end of the year, but in the interest of getting some events kick started I'm posting about half of what I had.  With any luck I'll be able to post the rest before too much longer.

Temperance's Journal – 26th Malachite, 272

I'm still in absolute shock.  One of the griffons from the last caravan was found dead in the hospital this afternoon.  He'd been wounded in a fight, and the others left him here for some reason.  But that's not how he died.  He was clear murdered, and by Crosshair's bolts.

I immediately followed up on my suspicion and confronted Lightning Runner about it.  He couldn't have looked anymore guilty, and tried to get away when I went to get Crosshair.  Thank goodness she was nearby to stop him.  Unfortunately that meant shooting him, but he's in custody now at least.

Gods, why did this have to happen?  What's next?  Why did he want to murder the griffon?  What did it benefit him?  And if he's telling the truth and somepony else did it, why?

I don't now.  We'll find out soon enough when we question Lightning.

2nd Galena, 272

Well, the jail was hastily dug out, and Lightning Runner was moved there.  I was pretty proud that we didn't need a jail out here, but I should have known it would only be a matter of time.  There's only space for two, but gods willing that's all we'll ever need.

We also set up a small office for Crosshair down there so she could work on the case.  Not that there's much to really figure out at this point, since Lightning claims he doesn't know who he gave the bolts to and refuses to really cooperate on that front.

I don't want to get involved with that.  Crosshair can just do her job and leave me out of this.

8th Galena, 272

Another day to be exhausted.  Morning Dew gave birth not long after breakfast today.  We knew it had to be any day now, because by the doctors' figuring she was a little late.

In any case, she's doing quite well, having given birth a few times before.  And our new son, little Daybreak, is currently right next to me in his mother's hooves.  I'm glad we had another earth pony, since Mountain Dew was more than a hooffull with her magic, and I don't know what we'd do with a foal that could fly!

I'm heading to bed with my family.  It's been a long day for all of us.

14th Galena, 272

We got sidetracked on finishing the barracks because of the disaster involving Lightning Runner, but despite that setback it's finally finished.  After years of practicing outside, the soldiers can now train inside and out of the way of everypony.  I hope that they're happy with it.  It's a bit small because we are so short on space, but it's big enough I think and better than nothing.

Speaking of the soldiers, Gorget is a father today.  His wife Crosscut gave birth to a unicorn colt they named Bokken.  An appropriate name, if you ask me.

His birth brings us up to 90 ponies in Duskfields now.  This place has grown by more than I'd have ever believed possible in such a short time.  I think we're reaching a happy size now though, so I'm probably going to write home to ask Coupledye to hold off on sending many more ponies in the near future.

17th Galena, 272

A zebra caravan was spotted off to the southeast this afternoon, and should be here in a day or so.  It feels like it's been too long since the zebras have been here, and I dearly hope that things won't turn out as poorly with them as it did for the griffons.

This is also a prime time for discordant or badger ponies to show up, so the soldiers have been placed on high alert.  Please, Nirmek don't let anything happen.  And Nokzam be with the soldiers if it does.

18th Galena, 272

Nirmek doesn't seem to be paying me much attention these days.  Of course the badger ponies showed up.

That would be the red ! raging at the zebra wagon.

The first attacked the zebra caravan, but I'm glad to say that the zebras slew her without taking so much as a scratch.  I guess Nokzam heard my prayers at least.

A second ambushed Pinestraw rushed outside for reasons I cannot fathom.  Thankfully Redhat was already on the way and intercepted it.  Right as a third was encountered by the swordsponies.

Both were dispatched without any injuries.  Flamberge and Redhat both killed one each, about what I expected to hear.  I was told that two more badger ponies showed up, but they were killed by the caravan guards.  All told, surprisingly little fuss and no injuries on our side for once.

After that settled down, I went to tend to the merchants and pick up some things we needed.  Some drinks were high priority, since we seem to have trouble keeping any in stock.  I also picked up a mail short on a whim, but they didn't have much else in the way of useful metals, weapons or armor.

The big attraction was the piles and piles of wood.  I bought every last bit of that, since we still can't seem to hang on to it for more than a few minutes before something necessitates its use.

26th Galena, 272

And of course the discordants had to show up too.  I can at least claim that we made it out of the fighting without any life threatening injuries.  Everypony was pretty terrified when a sickly looking griffon wielding an axe and wearing steel armor flew over the eastern wall, though, of that you can be sure.

None of the soldiers were nearby, so it was up to the civilians to prove our worth.  I came galloping with my crossbow as soon as I could, but by the time I got there the griffon was already writhing in agony on the ground.  Veneer apparently shot him out of the sky, striking and breaking one of his legs.

When I got closer, I could see why he was in such agony though.  Keen Edge was biting him, since he didn't have his crossbow on hoof.  That was a pretty horrifying thing to witness, let me tell you.

The soldiers arrived around then.  Bascinet, Crosshair and Scimitar took turns hacking and bashing him until he stopped moving.  The others were galloping or flying outside to meet the others: another griffon and three ponies armed with axes and a whip.

That fight started off poorly as Pauldron broke a hoof to the axe griffon, but Flamberge repaid him in kind by cutting all of his legs off.

Flamberge dominated the battle there, the others tell me, by cutting the heads from all of the remaining attackers one after another.  The spear ponies didn't even make it to the fight by the time he'd torn them to pieces.

I'm starting to remember why I'm pretty frightened of the stallion.  He's nigh unstoppable with that sword of his.  At least it's mostly served us well so far...

One thing that really worries me though, is I think I saw the Canyontalon emblem on one of the griffons' armor.  I hope I was just seeing things.

3rd Limestone, 272

We had another scare today, but of a decidedly different kind.  When I was on the way to my office this morning, somepony told me Flue was acting strange.  I went to investigate, and sure enough, it was what I was worried it would be.

The old mare is currently holed up in one of the forges, mumbling something about Max and picking through our metal supplies.  I'll need to speak with her as soon as this is over.  I hope she's going to be alright.

12th Limestone, 272

Amazingly, Flue is still churning away at whatever she's making.  I grow more nervous with every passing day, but so far nothing ill has come of it.

In less alarming news, Scarlet Swirl, Pila and Underglaze's daughter, turned ten today, and that means she's old enough to start a proper apprenticeship.  We set aside some space in the tavern for a little party, where I overheard her parents talking with her about what she wanted to do.  Apparently she wants to be a soldier like her mother.

I can appreciate that, and we definitely need more soldiers out here.  I just hope she'll be alright.

16th Limestone, 272

Well, Flue finished what she was working on today.  She ended up making a little figurine of a griffon being brutally murdered by a monster of some kind.

She was pretty shaken up by the incident, as I had no doubt she would be, and asked me to put it somewhere she wouldn't have to see it anymore.  When I pressed her for details, she said she saw me killing Max, but wouldn't say anymore.  Other than when it was over, something terrifying told her to leave before she was next.

A definite theme to these visions... but nothing ever seems to come of them.  I assured her everything was alright and walked her home.  I wish I was so sure, myself.

Anyway, something a bit more mundane is the various construction projects we've still got going on around town.  The barn is mostly finished now, finally.  We mostly just need to put a roof on it, but we've already moved the thousands of seeds we have in there, which is a huge improvement over what we were doing with them.

We also have a few stone blocks lying around without anything obvious to do with them, so I asked the masons to start laying down some roads with them.  The mudstone isn't particularly pretty, but it works well, and maybe everypony's hooves won't be so sore after walking around on the open grass so much anymore.

Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #309 on: May 16, 2013, 07:33:21 am »

Medical Log 17

Thank Amug, a Zebra Caravan has arrived. I went to browse their wares for some of their potions that I so greatly need... as Lightning was locked up for the death of some Griffon... I trust he didn’t do anything, but if he had done something... I don’t know what I’d do.

 I have had some strange dreams in the past few days. Normally i would be fine with this, but these are.... stranger than what ‘normal’ dreams would  be.

I was in town square, enjoying some time with Lightning, he wasn’t locked up... He left to go get us some food, but when he came back, he had the corpse of a pony in his mouth. He told me to eat up. I woke up at this point, possibly my body telling me to wake up and get on with my day.

Medical Log 19

I had another dream. It was like the dream from a few days ago... except I didn’t wake when Lightning came back. Incase a doctor is reviewing this, I will write the entire thing.

I was in town square, enjoying some time with Lightning, he wasn’t locked up, he left to go get us some food, but when he came back, he had the corpse of a pony in his mouth. He told me to eat up. I refused to eat it.

Once I had uttered those words, Lightning had a look of disgust in his eyes. “Sweetie what’s wrong? I thought you liked this” He asked, stopping his... feasting.

“Lightning... why are you eating... a pony?” I asked him, slowly backing away

“What? This is normal for us Duskfields folk. I think you must’ve hit your head. Why don’t you go get Mist before she gets into trouble” He said before taking another bite out of his... ‘meal’

“But Lightning! L-look at yourself!” I yelled, stumbling over my words

 “Sweetie” He said sternly “Stop making a scene”

“But you’re eating... a pony!” I yelled once more

I woke up at this point. However my troubles were not finished... Lightning was over my bed, but it wasn’t him I am sure somepony knows that feeling. The feeling something is so close to being the real thing, but it isn’t, and the flaws are more easily noticeable. I... is this real, was he really there? He's locked up... but? I don't know... I'm sure he is.

In other news, I was able to get me a month of medication. I just hope that I can get Case Study or somepony else to get the recipe for the potions so I don’t have to worry about me running out as quick.

Medical Log 24

DAMNIT TO TARTARUS! I came back to the house to find that Mist had spilled the bottles before I could put them into the medicine cabinet.

However... I managed to save one bottle of the medicine,  I gave it to Bonesetter to keep it stored until I can get Case Study when he isn't busy.

Medical Log 27

I swear something was watching me today! I saw a damn Discordant standing on the wall. Nopony paid it any attention... maybe It chose me to see it instead of them... but why didn't it attack? Don’t tell me I’m seeing things.... if I am... Amug help me and all around me...

Medical Log 29

I saw something... it had 8 legs, fangs, and looked like a pony! What in Amug’s name would that be called? A spider-pony? I hope it was fake... I don’t want those to be real, because if they are, I would rather die then let those things get near me.

[Below is a crude sketch of the creature]

Medical Log 31

Why? What did I do to deserve this? I don’t want to be like I am, unsure of my mental condition, only reassured by the... hallucinations I see. I don’t want any of this. I want to be free of any condition... I don’t want Mist to even get an idea of what I have, I love her, and I know as sure as the sun is going to come up tomorrow that she would still love me, but... who knows if I’m right... or wrong? She isn’t even a foal yet, I can’t predict her thoughts... but Why am I so sure about it? What if she hates me? What if she doesn’t want to see me anymore because of my condition. Why... why couldn't I have been born without any problems. What if I don't have a problem... Doctors have lied to me before. What if they were lying about it so I can pay for medicine for a condition I believe I have but don't actually have. Maybe that's it... Yeah if it was the case, then these things will go away. If I don't believe they exist then they don't...

This was a waste of paper, one of the only things to keep me sane regardless if I'm right or wrong and I've wasted it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 01:04:29 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #310 on: May 17, 2013, 06:28:20 pm »

Could i please claim Vambrace?
If you have plans for him,i will claim Hauberk instead, but i would prefer Vambrace.
Also, if it is not too much trouble, may his relations to his wife be removed?


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #311 on: May 17, 2013, 07:27:44 pm »

Sure, you can have Vambrace, which is good since Hauberk is dead.  :)

I'll divorce him too.  And I should probably go update the front page pony list.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #312 on: May 17, 2013, 10:45:49 pm »


There already here. Heh. Heh.

You know, it's funny. I undertand now.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #313 on: May 18, 2013, 11:02:23 pm »

                                                            Journal of Vambrace.
             20th of Slate, 272.

  I had been waiting for this for a long time. I’ve moved to a small farming village, known as Duskfields.

Hopefully, the Discordants STOP FOOLING YOURSELF, THEY WILL COME are not interested in a small village. They’ve caused enough trouble, and I wouldn’t have to deal with him. ARE YOU CALLING ME ANNOYING
The ponies seem to find it odd that I talk to myself, and my eyes. I will need to tell them about my eyes. He could get me tossed in a jail, due to his nature. BUT I’M FRIENDLY

But anyway, today was a great day. I talked with some of the ponies on the way to Duskfields YOUR DOOM and they seem nice enough. Hauberk is a soldier, like me, but he prefers the spear over the sword. There was another pony known as Fleeting Quiver, who uses the crossbow. A fine choice.
Anyway, when we arrived, they already had prepared rooms for us. Quite a prepared village. Seems like they will becoming a thriving fort one day! STOP KIDDING YOURSELF YOU WOULD FALL DOWN THE WELL AND DROWN
Sometimes, I really wish I didn’t do that. I don’t deserve to be afflicted with a fool like yourself, even for what I did. I HATE YOU.

Well, I guess I should head off to bed now. Today has been somewhat tiring.  GOOD NIGHT. FOREVER

8th of Felsite, 272.

Today is the first day I have seen combat here in Duskfields! Not many would be excited about ogres attacking the village, for understandable reasons. It’s been a while since I fought last, and I’ve grown somewhat rusty. But if I want to protect the village, I’ll need to train. And train I will! I will not accept ponies dying. But, only this time, I shall not resort to those spells. I will not allow him to gain full control of me. Not again. I MAY NOT HAVE CONTROL OF YOU, BUT I WILL SOMEDAY

But anyway, I need to get to the point. Today, several ogres attacked Duskfields, and the military was assigned to go kill them. We charged to the location of the ogres, and attacked them.
But not before some other ponies, who had already confronted the beasts! One of the brave ponies was sent flying into the moat, and thankfully, didn’t drown. THANKFULLY? WHAT ARE YOU?! I WOULD LOVE IT IF SOMEONE DROWNED We charged the ogre, and took our foe down!
But, more ogres awaited us.
Before we could react, however, the marksponies charged them for whatever reason. Brave, but foolish. REMOVE THE BRAVE, AND TURN FOOLISH INTO STUPID PLEASE THANKS.

However, many ponies had been wounded, leaving some in the hospital.

18th of Felsite, 272.


As mentioned by the idiot above, a foalnapper had the intent of stealing away a child from Duskfields! I have heard the legends, and the Discordant Ponies raise the stolen pony, and brainwashing it.
Luckily, the Foalnapper did not escape.

19th of Felsite, 272.

Today the parasprites swarmed Duskfields. They are such annoying pests! THAT REMINDS ME OF THAT VAMBRACE PONY. But, killing the parasprites is practice. Practice that will help me save a life. Someday. YOU MONSTER! THE PARASPRITES HAVE FEELINGS! YOU AREN’T SAVING A LIFE, YOU ARE RUINING THEM.

Why can I not go a day without you hassling me? I would love it if you disappeared.

22nd of Felsite, 272.

I have not trained enough.

Today, there was a death. It was Hauberk who died. GOOD RIDDANCE Hauberk was a friend. While I did not talk to him much, he was still a friend. His killer was none other than a discordant griffon. I didn’t hear how he died, but that does not matter. I will avenge my fallen companion, by slaying the discordants. HOW ABOUT PEACE? FORGET THAT, I HATE THAT IDEA.  Rest in peace, my friend.

2nd of Galena, 272.

Well, a jail was constructed today, according to the ponies. I would have thought that would be a priority, but maybe Duskfields had no need for a jail until today? I hope so, I would love to be able to trust ponies here. But if a jail was constructed, that means there must be a criminal around here. NO, THE JAIL IS THERE FOR THE GOOD PONIES, OBVIOUSLY.
14th of Galena, 272.

Not much to write about, as usual. But just thought I would mark this milestone in the journal. Duskfields has apparently reached 90 ponies, or so I hear. Pretty successful. AND 90 I SHALL KILL SOMEDAY

18th of Galena, 272.

So, it had been a while since anything combat related happened. Today, a zebra caravan was spotted.
It apparently found its way into some combat with something known as a badger pony. It is fairly obvious as to what it is, a badger, and a pony. IT’S ACTUALLY A BEAR AND A DUCK OF COURSE

Our military group encountered an ambush of the odd ponies, but we cut them into pieces.

26th of Galena, 272.

I knew it had been a while since the last discordant invasion!

Today, they attacked.
We had been ordered to attack the discordants, and so we did. When I arrived, which was a bit later due to being a unicorn, I was greeted by the sight of a blood bath. MY FAVOURITE TYPE OF BATH! 3 Ponies, gathered around one Discordant, taking turns in beating it dead! But I was amazed by the captain, who sliced off a discordant ponies legs. MAYBE I SHOULD SPARE HIM WHEN I RAMPAGE? While this is a nice little village, the inhabitants will not refrain from cutting off your legs.

Anyway, I really need to talk to the ponies here more. Better than hiding within this house all day, but what will happen if he takes control of me?

There are several pictures underneath the writing, showing some sort of amulet, a claw, a bar of some sort of metal, Pegasus wings, a horn of a unicorn, and an orb. The pictures are ordered in such a way, it would seem the items would make the amulet.



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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #314 on: May 20, 2013, 01:23:08 am »

The day following the murder of the griffin, Flamberge goes in search of his Spear Captain, Redhat.

Red, currently was waiting outside the barracks, his dog bonnet with him. He was throwing a stick and watching his dog retrieve it and bring it back. The wolf was limping whenever it tried to run after the stick, but bonnet didn’t seem to mind. By now it was simply a fact that the dog had difficulty moving around, but the animal never showed a sign of worry. It wasn’t just the limp though, the wolf was growing old, and had more days behind her then she had ahead. 

As Flamberge approaches, in full uniform he stops near the wolf and gives it a quick pat on the head, "Hello Bonnet," he says before turning his attention to the one he was here to see, saying in a serious tone, "Captain Redhat, I have new orders for you."

The pony sighed and stopped what he was doing. He would have prefered to spend more time with his wolf, especially seeing how he thought he wouldn’t have to work anymore today. “Well, please enlighten me as to what would they be?”

"You are, of course, aware that the griffin soldier that stayed behind from the last caravan was murdered yesterday. The Griffins are our allies and I wish to inform them of his fate as soon as possible," Flamberge says producing a sealed letter from his pack, "You, Captain, are to fly to Canyontalon and deliver this letter to their commanding officer."

The pony paused for a moment. He was fairly certain such a mission, one that would leave out in the wilderness for weeks maybe months, was certainly a dangerous one, especially with the discordants and badgers and diamond dogs that festered in this division of the world. “I’m under the assumption I have no say in the matter... may I ask you first, why this isn’t something you can delegate to a pony with more experience in the wild, or at least why you’d send me alone in too a place so unruly as the countryside?”

Flamberge shakes his head, "You misunderstand, I am putting you in charge of this, but you may take any one other pegasus in the military with you. I chose you because you are one of our swiftest fliers. I can't be gone that long, and Crosshair is busy heading up the investigation, and is pregnant again besides. You are the next most experienced pegasus. But if you don't think you can handle it, I can find somepony else."

“Would it be acceptable if I brought with me somepony other than a pegasus? I know of a pony who a decent amount of experience out in the wild. I know it might slow down the mission, but I honestly have little experience surviving outside of the walls of civilization.” There was only one other military pony the pegasus was willing to trust, and Redhat hoped he’d be heading out with him, as opposed to someone he didn’t trust.

"It's a long way to Canyontalon, captain. On hoof it will take you weeks to get there. But if you think the mission has better odds of success with them along then that's fine with me? Who do you have in mind?"

“Prodd, the markspony. Before he came here he lived off the land. I’m sure having a well trained survivalist would assist me in this mission... and I’d prefer to have a markspony along with me as well.”

"Permission granted. The two of you should begin preparing immediately, I'd like for you to set out by tomorrow at least," Flamberge replies.

“Very well...” The pony then noticed bonnet, who just started to nuzzle Flamberg’s leg. “If I may ask, what shall I do with my wolf?”

"Well... that's up to you, but if you have nopony else, I can at least feed her for you, while you are gone," Flamberge offers.

“I’d appreciate that, though I’m sure I could talk max into holding onto her while I’m away.”

Flamberge nods, "Max? Of course. The offer stands if needed though, just let me know. Anyway, my business here is done, any other questions, Captain?"

“None, though I would like to see what supplies I’ll be getting before heading out.”

Flamberge nods affirmatively, "You and Prodd can help yourself to whatever supplies you need, for now though, I have other things to deal with, good luck Redhat."

“Thank you and good day...”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms
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