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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 48539 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #240 on: April 14, 2013, 11:32:42 pm »


It'd been about a week since Convalescence was elected mayor, but the timing of Elixir's birth had spared her of needing to take up her new job immediately. Even though the idea of leadership was new to her, her concern as she walked along the road through Duskfields was what she was going to say to Temperance when she reached his office. More than the new responsibilities she would have, for the moment she felt vaguely  anxious about how Temperance would take this. The last thing she wanted was for him to think that she didn't appreciate what he'd done so far. "Still," she thought "if they want me as mayor, I'll have to live up to that," Finally, she stood in front of the door to his office, lifted a hoof, and knocked.

Temperance sighed at the books he was tending to.  Without looking up, he said, “Come in.”

Convalescence slowly opened the door, and walked into the office. Trying to smile she says, “Hey, Temperance, how have you been?”

He recognized the voice as she spoke, and looked up, sliding the books aside.  “Oh, uh, hello, Convalescence.  I’m fine, how are you?” he said, forcing a small smile of his own.

“Oh, I’ve been good. How are Mountain and Morning Dew?” she asks.

“They’re doing well, thank you.  How about Patches, Mittens and Elixir?” he mirrored, taking the moment to try and even his tone a bit.

“I’m glad to hear it, and they’re all doing well too,” she replies sincerely. “Maybe sometime we could arrange a playdate for Mittens and Mountain...” she trails off, awkwardly trying to keep the small talk going.

He nods.  “Yeah, I think she’d like that.  There aren’t many foals her age to play with.”  He takes a deep breath.  “I’m sure you could use a small break of looking after Mittens too, with the new baby and all.”

Her smile more genuine now, she replies “Yes, that I could. Thankfully, I have Patches around for that,” She stops for a moment, then says not unkindly, “We should talk about why I’m here,”

“Ah, yes.  What’s on your mind?” he asks, having a good suspicion already.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard about the election by now, and we have to talk about what it means,”

That was what he was expecting, and he fails to completely contain a disappointed look on his face.  “Oh, yes.  Yes, we probably should.”  He takes a deep breath and sits back.  “To tell you the truth... it’s kind of negotiable what it means.  As mayor, your most important job is being the face of Duskfields.  So if we ever got any diplomats or other important arrivals, they’d be speaking with you now, not me.

“Other than that... technically mayors can exercise about as much control over civil matters as they want.  Anything from city planning, such as where buildings go, all the way down to balancing our budget and allocating specific resources.”  He drops a hoof on a notebook in front of him.  “If I’m honest, there’s not a lot of any of that to really do here.  Not compared to somewhere like Coupledye anyway.”

“I see...well then I won’t need to worry about any of that,” she says. Then she lets out a sigh, “Look, when they told me that I was elected mayor I was probably as surprised as you were. None of us would even be out here if it wasn’t for you and the others, and as far as I’m concerned this is still your town, I’m just helping you run it. You still want you job as manager and bookkeeper, right?”

Temperance looks down.  After a short while, he replies, “It’s all I know how to do.”

“Don’t feel bad,” she tells him reassuringly. “Personally, I’m lucky to have somepony around who’s so good at organizing things, I know I couldn’t. This wouldn’t be possible without your talents,”

“Thanks,” he says with a small, slightly sad smile.  He shrugs and adds, “It seems everypony wants you as mayor though.  That means something too.”

“I guess it does. Can’t say I know much about making decisions for a town, or talking to diplomats, but I’ll just have to give it my best. So, is there anything going on that I should know about before I start the job?” she asks.

He thinks for a moment, tapping a hoof on his desk.  “It’s been the same list of things for about as long as I can remember, actually.  Mostly making sure that the carpenters are working toward getting new housing put up since there’s an eternal demand for it.  Other than that, there’s a constant stream of little things that have to be kept up.  Making sure food and seed stocks are good and similar logistics.”  He points at a map behind him and adds, “Occasionally a new building or something needs to be put up or renovated, but that’s rare enough that I doubt you really need to worry about it right now.”

After another brief pause, he adds, “Things are pretty calm right now, but after attacks, I generally see a lot of Flamberge and him requesting tweaks to one of a dozen things.”  He makes a nervous smile.  “So you’ll probably be talking with him a bit more.”

“Oh, I don’t know him well myself, but Patches seems to think highly of him. I’ll talk to him since we’ll be working together then,” she replies. “Well, it seems like everything is in order then. When we can spare the workers it’d be nice to have a small office for me to meet with ponies, but until then a desk in the hospital should do just fine.”

He nods.  “Of course.  We should have an opening soon for that I dearly hope.”  He sweeps his hooves across the room they’re in and adds, “If you need an office before then, feel free to use mine.  If I’m not here, it’s yours.  If I am, just poke me and I’ll get out of the way.”

“Haha, thank you,” she laughs, glad that the tension from earlier is gone. “Okay then, I think that’s everything. I’ll talk to you soon,” she says as she turns to leave and then stops abruptly. “Oh! There is one thing: the hospital needs soap as soon as possible,”

His eyes widen a bit as he realizes he’s forgotten that again.  “Oh... yes...”  He opens his notepad and flips back a few pages before circling something in a large and impossible to miss stroke.  “I’ll get on that right now.”  He gives her another small smile.  “See?  You’re already doing a good job.”

Smiling at the compliment, she says “Thanks. I’ll see you later then,”

“Alright, see you,” he says, waving her off.  That went better than he expected, at least.  He even felt a little better now.  Working with Convalescence was probably going to be a good thing after all.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #241 on: April 15, 2013, 07:05:02 am »

Steel Rivet's Journal

Entry 1
Okay. So, today is the 18th of Hematite, year is 171. I think. So, Temperance is no longer the 'official' mayor of Duskfields. Right. As if we don't know that he'll still be running everything. Besides, I wouldn't want any other pony behind the wheel. I trust Temperance. So far.

Entry 2
Today is 11 Malachite 271. A hundred years later than I thought it was. Oops. I have no idea how I was off by that much. But, I'm getting sidetracked. Crosshair had her foal today. A little filly named Crossbow. Crosshair didn't do so well, or so I heard. She lost a lot of blood. I have faith though, both in the doctor and in my tools.

Entry 3
9 Galena. I knew this peace was too good to last, and I was right. They've come back. The badger ponies that is, not the discordants. Nopony was vbadly hurt, so that's good.
The writing here is shaky and hard to read
I spoke too soon, it seems. Sanctuary is dead. Stabbed in the head. Another one gone. Another one brutally murdered. Another one I COULD HAVE SAVED! No more. This has gone on long enough. I've used this hammer to create. Now, I'll use it to destroy. It's time I did something, for once. I used to be a warrior, or so the voice tells me. It tells me many things. It tells me what runes to use when I make tools, when I make a weapon, when I make armour. It's never lied, and so I have no reason to doubt it.

Entry 4
25 Galena. Discordants have returned. Let them come. No more will die because of my inaction.

Entry 5
26 Galena. More came. Militia destroyed them. A mare had her leg broken and eye bitten out. I know what it's like to be blind....

Entry 6
18 Limestone. Hospital empty. Good news. Between work and training, not enough time to eat or write. Apologies.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 10:29:45 am by Fr0stByt3 »
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #242 on: April 15, 2013, 03:58:44 pm »

Entry 7

SmoothBlock and I are a couple, I suppose. I mean, we eat and even sleep together occasionaly, so there's that. I know I love the mare.

Ti's a pity why I didn't talk to her when we first came to this little place.

Also, there was a dragon or something. I was in bed during that time, head hurt a lot, but otherwise nothing bad seemed to have happened of note.

Entry 8

Nightmare, again. Going to see the priest, or perhapes Serenity.

SmoothBlock is as darling as ever.

Entry 9

There was a vote today regarding who should be mayor. I voted for Temperance, but it seemed as if Convalescence won our littler popularity contest. Flamberge looked rather smug at it all, not liking the look on his face. One would think that with his wife looking as if she was carrying a bowling ball in her midsection he could spend some time with her. How can she even fly? It boggles the mind.

Entry 10

These ponies! Convalescence foaled again. I can apprecate young love, but still.

Entry 11

SmoothBlock got a major work order today, and she's dealing with water as well. We had a fine meal together.

On another note, I feel guilty about the bowling ball comment, as apparently Crosshair had issues with her labor. Never seen a more stressed stallion in my life.

Entry 12

A little acomplishment in my life was made today: every pony now has a bed to sleep on, beds made out of wood cut with my own axe. I feel...happy.

On another note, apparently SmoothBlock is literaly the only pony here who knows about masonary. I really do feel special, at least today.

NOTE:Another pony gave birth, and there's a score of migrants now. Time to pick up my axe again. I pity the trees.

Entry 13

A giant ogre attacked. It had a single eye, and was seemingly seeking out ponies to kill. Even worse, it seemed to be leading some more badgerponies. Luckaly, they all went down.

But the priest died as well.

Entry 14

A pony tried to kill Cream Puff. The issue is, I knew him. His name was Ground Stomper. He was one of them. This is very, very bad. I don't want to know why ponies that far west are trying to steal our things.

I fear for my life, as well as SmoothBlock.

Entry 15

Another bad dream, and something worse.

Chaos-touched ponies attacked a group of ponies hauling stone. SmoothBlock was in that group.

She wasn't injured, but poor Pepper Flakes was bit in the eye and Prodd might be dead as of this writing. Amug damn them to the foulest pits in the lower depths of the hells. I cannot stand for this. I am going to talk to Temperance about this. About everything.

Entry 16

Good news and bad news. The good news is that Maize is leaving, along with her husband. The bad news is that Morning Dew apparently had a rough time with her labor.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 04:00:49 pm by Pokon »
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #243 on: April 16, 2013, 12:16:32 am »


Prodd perked up when he saw the doctor walk over. He didn’t enjoy being in a hospital bed very much.

“How are we doing today, Mr. Prodd?” Case Study tried to sound positive, but he knew that Prodd was no doubt grieved with his newly acquired disability.

“...Fine I guess... but... what do I do about my eye?” Prodd asks with a worried tone.

Case cleared his throat, “Oh yes, that...well I don’t think there is a need to worry about complications. It will probably heal as best as it can without complications.” Then it was time to state the obvious, “Of course, there is the unfortunate fact that your sight in that eye will not return. I’m afraid it was too badly damaged to be completely regenerated using the potion.”

“...Oh... I figured as much... explains why I can’t see out of it...” Prodd said. “Will I still be able to function... as a markspony?” He didn’t want to lose both his eye and his job.

He paused for a moment and pondered the question, “To give you the short answer, yes, you should still be able to maintain your current employment. You will be disadvantaged compared to other marksponies due to a lack of stereoscopic vision, however. Plus, being blind on one side could make it easier for an enemy to sneak up on you. It’s not going to be an easy transition, but with enough training, you should still be able to learn how to deal with having one eye.

Prodd thinks it over, living a life with one eye. “Do... do you got any tips? About... the transition?” He asks, his voice wavering slightly, almost on the verge of tears.

The blue stallion was saddened by Prodd’s tone of voice, “...I suppose my first suggestion would to try to do the basic things in life first. Learn to walk, pick things up, and eat with the one eye. You need to train your brain to take up this new norm before forcing it to deal with such a complicated task as hitting a target with a bolt. Once you are used to this new lifestyle, shooting should be easier.”

“...Alright.” Prodd says, feeling he should at least try to cope with it. “...So should I stay in the hospital or can I... go home?”

“You’re not in any critical condition at the moment. You can be excused from the hospital today, and then asked to take it easy for a week. I’m not concerned about any of your injuries becoming worse.”

“Okay then...” Prodd said. He slowly gets out of the hospital bed and tries to get used to his new blind spot. “Thanks for patching me up... Case.”

“It’s my duty. I would do nothing less,” he nodded as he waved Prodd a farewell.

Prodd dipped his head respectfully and headed home, hopefully he wouldn’t bump into anyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #244 on: April 17, 2013, 12:04:24 am »

Are you ready for a fun adventure? Good here we go!

, , and with

Prodd was bored off his ass once more, and so he was found shooting the target... again. He still hasn’t gotten that bullseye, but hey, one day right? “Goddamnit...” He sighed under his breath, barely missing the center of the target. Prodd was just about to take another shot when he heard a pony approaching him.

“Hey Prodd, I’ve been trying for a while too, and ya know,” Lightning Runner trotted into his view, “,lets make this a bit of a game, first one to get a bullseye gets bragging rights”

“...H-how do you know my na-” Prodd said before being interrupted  by a unicorn passing by.

Wood Chip was humming a little tune, several jugs of “bad” swamp whisky clinking on his back. He noticed the oddest sight: two militiaponies standing around over a target, but neither had weapons. “Er, hello there.”

“Oh hey...” Lightning began, unsure of his name “What’s your name again?”

Prodd hovers around in the background and retrieves his crossbow, paying no attention to the newcomers.

Wood Chip looks at the stallion picking up a crossbow intently, and turns to the blue pony closer to him. “Oh, my name’s Wood Chip. What’s your’s. Sorry, I don’t think we have talked much.”

“It’s fine, Name’s Lightning Runner” Lightning replied “Just a question... where are you taking that Swamp Whiskey?”

Wood Chip chuckles lightly. “Oh,this? This didn’t pass SmoothBlocks, heh, taste tests. I was going to move it away from the central food stockpile to the emergency one. Why do you ask? Want to try?”

“Sure, might as well. Sweet Potato tells me to cut loose more and what better way than having a drink with a new acquaintance”

Prodd goes back to shooting the target, ignoring everything around him.

Wood Chip uses his magic to set a bottle of the brew on a stump for Lightning, but cranes his neck to the odd pony shooting at the target. “Is he...alright? He looks kind of dazed. Sure he’s good with that crossbow?”

“Last time I saw him, he was fine... so I don’t know, want me to check with him real quick?”

“I don’t have a problem...” Prodd mumbles. He shoots, and hits an inch below the center. He doesn’t say anything else.

Wood Chip leans his head over near Lightning. “He looks like he has a problem.”

Prodd reloads the crossbow and prepares to fire again.

“If you’re that worried, I’ll go check” Lightning turned towards Prodd “Hey, Wood Chip here thinks you have a bit of a problem, not saying that you do of course” Lightning said, trying to be as tactful as possible.

Wood Chip gulps.

Prodd lowers the weapon and turns to face Lightning. He rolls his visible eye and goes back to shooting.

Lightning turned back to Wood Chip “I think he’s just trying to get a bullseye or whatever, now where were we” Lightning picked up his bottle with his wing

Wood Chip was mildly surprised at Lightning's ability to pick up things with his feathers, but he shrugged it off. “Fair enough.” He looks at the stallion for a few moments, and shrugged. “You know, I am not usually the sort who would ask this, but I personally think the stuff I am carrying is fine enough. Want to have a hit at it before it gets sent away to some dusty corner in this place?”

“Sure, let’s be sure not to drink it all, we don’t need someone chewing us out about this”

Prodd clears his throat. “...Shouldn’t we store that away... in case of emergencies or something?”

“I don’t think we would be in a bad enough emergency where we would drink booze instead of water”

Wood Chip shrugged. “Well, we could, but this is just the results of her hobby. It an’t really fort property.”

“...Whatever” Prodd mutters, firing his last shot before going to retreive more ammo.

“Come on, cut loose a bit” Lightning said, quickly galloping to his side

Wood Chip steadily trots over to a little out of the way building that was once built for holding seeds when the settlement was first started. “Well, let’s do it in the shade, anyway, Swamp Whisky is bad hot.”

“...Am I being dragged into this?” Prodd asks.

“Depends” Lightning answers... sort of

Wood Chip just keeps moving to the little place at near the outskirts of the fort, and gently opens the door on it. Three rows of benches, a few spare seed barrels, a little hatch that held a little cool room with a few wines, and nothing else. The perfect little break room. “Come on in, this is where it’s ending up anyway.”

“Oh yay, we don’t even have to explain why some of its missing” Lightning sat on a bench “You sure you don’t wanna drag Prodd in here?” Lightning asked, implying Wood knew who Prodd was

“...Sorry, who’s dragging whom in?” Prodd asks, walking into the little shack.

Wood Chip looks at the grumpy stallion wearly, but nevertheless levitates the stack of bottles on the middle bench. “Suppose you are both marksponies, right?”

“Yes, and?” Lightning asks “You want tips? There are these notches on the crossbow and you estimate the distance from you and your tar-” Lightning said before being cut off

Prodd glares at the pegasus mid-sentence.

Wood Chip stared at the two for a moment, and without turning levitated three decent bottles and uncorked their caps. “Well, I would like to think I know my way with an axe, friend, but thank you. Actually, I am the head of the militia, not like it means much around here.”

“Oh, didn’t know I was talking to the head of the Militia, its an honor... even if the job mostly is pushing papers” Lightning joked

Wood Chip just snorted slightly, and raised his glass closer to his side. “It’s not even that, really. There’s no real organization involved, and Temperance, gods bless his soul, never did much ordering around. I am only the head because I asked.”

Prodd stays silent.

“Prodd, Badger got your tongue?”

Wood Chip started to become concerned. “You okay, mate? Need to say something?”

Prodd looks between the two ponies and levitates a bottle whiskey in front of him. He rolls his visible eye at the two.

“Fine, don’t say anything”

Wood Chip gives the two military ponies a long, low look, and drained half his bottle without even tilting his head.

Prodd takes a small sip of the brew, still looking between the two.

Lightning takes a sip out of his bottle “Wow... this is a bit stronger than I thought it would be”

Wood Chip grinned widely. “Yeah, that’s my mare’s style. Most skilled brewer in the fort, I would imagine.”

Prodd takes a slightly bigger sip after hearing that.

“Sooo... want to tell stories about... things” Lightning suggested

Wood Chip grins slightly. “Why not? It’s not like anyone brought cards or anything.” Wood Chip. slightly embarrassed, coughed slightly and took a long sip from his bottle.

“I would have brought some if I had some warning... though I thought cards was more of a unicorn’s game?” Lightning said, taking another sip from his bottle

Wood Chips face became alert, and smiled like a scholar caught in the middle of preparing a lecture. “Actually, that’s funny you said that. I alway’s heard that the Zebras played it first, and they got it from a Minotaur or something like that. Something with claws, like a dragon anyway.” He took about another bottle, snickering slightly at the mental image of a group of dragons playing cards over a vast hoard.

Prodd finishes off his bottle and grabs another without saying anything.

“How would a Zebra play cards anyway, some voodoo magic or something?” Lightning asks, finishing off his bottle, quickly grabbing another with his wing

“Hooves.” Wood Chip said sagely. “I still wonder how Earth Ponies shoot crossbows with them.”

“Probably some mental willing or some other Earth pony magic” Lightning shrugged “That or they are just like that”

Wood Chip attempts, futily. to pick up a bottle with a forehoof. “You know, I think anypony can do it if they're not actually trying to. Like, how you cannot see plants grow but they still do.”

“Yeah... The only reason I don’t use my hooves is because I trained my wings enough to be able to pick things up... you’d be surprised how many years I spent just learning to move it in any direction other than up and down” Lightning took a sip of his drink

Prodd looks down to notice he’s holding his bottle between his forelegs. He quickly levitates it back to the table with his magic, hopefully before anypony notices.

Wood Chip looks at Lightning, smiles softly, and the entire massive stack of bottles levitate in the air and each individual one begins to do it’s own little arial dance. However, after a few moments, he quickly stacks the bottles up where they were before. “I like to think that I am good with m..magic myself.” He thens set’s himself on a drink from the second bottle of the night.

“I’m surprised this isn’t served all the time... this is really good” Lightning takes a longer sip, finished off his second bottle “Wow... two bottles already out of... enough” Lightning gets another bottle

Prodd nods in agreement with Lightning and grabs a third bottle of whiskey.

“Just hope I’m not wasted and do something I’ll regret later” Lightning takes a sip of his drink

Wood Chip chugs down the whole of his second bottle and quickly brings over another one.
“What can I say, SmoothBlock has a really nice hobby. Actually...” he grins slightly. “You both look like fine, upstanding young lads. Got a special somepony yet? I mean, military and all.”

Prodd looks up slightly. “...It’s... it’s complicated...” He almost whispers. He takes a rather large swig of his drink.

“I do, Sweet Potato, one of the farmers. Funny thing you ask, she said she’s expecting soon” Lightning says “And Prodd, it’s fine it’s a private conversation we’re having.. not like anypony’s spying on us”

Wood Chip laughs. “Well, congrad-ul-lations, Lightning! Now, as for me, my little Smoothie happens to be the mare in my life. You know, we were on the original seven pony team to get this place settled. Our first meeting was quite the adventure.” Wood Chip did not belive that embelishing the truth was bad when it made for good talk.

“The first seven? Wow, you don’t even look like you’ve been here more than a year.” Lightning took a swig of his drink.

“I am not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not. I turned forty last fall, and if anything I feel better than ever. I think it’s the herbs the zebras bring in. SmoothBlock’s the same way. You would think a thick little mare who drinks and smokes like it’s going out of style would look older than she is, but if anything Dusk has done good for us.”

Prodd sips quietly in the background, listening intently on the conversation.

“You do know the Zebras grow more than medicinal herbs and sell them... right?” LIghtning asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Wood Chip frowns a little at what the stallion says, but shakes his head. “No, not eat, drink. SmoothBlock has some old family secrets when it comes to brewing her drinks, and she’s interested in the stuff the zebras bring in a lot. Actually, I am utterly sure that some are magical in the usual sense, Lightning.”

“Oooh, I apologize, its just that I have heard rumors and assume they are true as I don’t think anypony has been to where the Zebra’s farm there crops so... yeah, its just a rumor.” Lightning said, stumbling over his words near the end.

Wood Chip moved on to his fourth drink and nodded at him. “Actually, the zebras almost never farm. Best herbalists on the planet, though. A few from the southern coastal cities used to live in my...old...” Wood Chips face hardened.

“Damn, need to work on my zebra history better...” Lightning took a sip of his drink, almost immediately afterwards, began feeling a bit tipsy

“Where did you come from, before coming to live here Prodd?” Wood Chip said, eyes suddenly blazing and face twisted into a little frown.

Prodd stops mid-sip. “I... I lived a little ways away from Coupledye, living off the land...” He answered.

“You didn’t live in a town?” Lightning asked, finishing off the bottle

“Nope...” Prodd replied.

Wood Chip waved a hoof in front of him oddly, and looked at Lightning as if he was a interesting painting. “What about you, kid?”

“I come from a city, ‘bout the size of Coupledye... I don’t like to discuss exactly what I did, but I did meet Sweet Potato there and spent a couple weeks in training at the local military camp before coming here” Lightning took another bottle, and took a sip from it “I don’t remember the last time I drank this much... now I wish I did this more often..”

Wood Chip just hovered over another bottle and popped it’s top off. “That’s nice, I guess. You know, it’s funny. I spent a really long time trying to get away from my home, but it just keeps coming up to me. It was a small village, a nice little place. Produced wines, you see. But you know what? What’s really funny? Do you want to know the last time I saw another pony from my village?”

Prodd nods while taking another sip.

“Sure why not, whats the harm”

“He tried to sneak in and nearly murdered Cream Puff. His name was Stoneback. Good stallion. Used to be, anyway. Entire village went like...Maize on one of her bad days, as you could understand it. Stayed that way. I was trying to harvest some trees, came back to the village cooking some zebras on a spit and my babysitter gobbling on my little sis.” He began to drink from the bottle and didn’t stop until it was empty.

“WHAT?! Your village ate a zebra a freaking zebra! Your village went Fubar real quick...” Lightning took a sip of his drink.

“ I guess it did. But you know what’s funny? The day...the before, a big red cloud of dust came up from the south. Like the ones that pass through every so often.”

“You think they have some relation...” Lightning’s eyes darted back and forth “If so... If we get whatevered by them... do you think that would happen to us...”

Prodd looks nervously at the other unicorn.

Wood Chip stared angrily at the bottle he had, and did not look up from his reflection. “I know it will. Maize should have had her neck sliced open when she first went into one of her little ‘shocks’, and the priest...Sanctuary is dead. Perhaps it could be moved by infected food and such, plants tainted by chaotic evil. Just...please remember that some....” Wood Chip loses track on what he was saying, and just let’s the bottle roll on the floor.

“Oh Amug... the alchohol is getting to me...” Lightning mumbles, waving his hoof infront of him, his vision blurring a little.

Wood Chip looks at Prodd, almost angrily. “Why were you a hermit? Father a bandit? Mother had one too many and decided to leave one for the crows?”

Prodd glares at Wood Chip for a moment. “...I think I was an only foal... my parents... they passed away when I was little or something... I lived on the streets for a few months and was sent to an orphanage... I grew up eventually and decided to live outside the city limits... ” Prodd explained.

“Did the orphanage treat ya good?” Lightning asked

“I’d assume so... I came out okay...” Prodd answered. “I don’t think I made many friends though...”

“Well, now that you’re here, you’ll make more friends than you ever had” Lightning said

Wood Chip began to ignore the conversation between the other two stallions and just stared intently at one of the bottles, mumbling her....first heard...little clean cut..slice when she was ‘leep. Before Pret...foal...she left...clean cut.

“So Prodd, ya feel like talking about your special somepony now that the badger gave you tongue back” Lightning chuckled

Prodd glances at Wood Chip for a moment then looks back at Lightning. “Uh... well... I don’t want to say much... she’s stubborn though, and pretty fierce if angered... but... she seems... distant. Not just from me though...”

“She live in a different city? You should send her a letter with the next caravan from Coupledye telling her to stop by here, I’d love to meet her” Lightning said, taking a sip from his bottle

“...I didn’t say that...” Prodd mumbles. He looks back to Wood Chip.

Wood Chip barely lifts his head from it’s low position, glazed eyes resembling that of a cow. “Love hardly...matters around here if you don’t show it...Pr...Prodd. Who’s the mare. Or stallion. We are a accep-pting bunch here.”

Prodd thinks for a moment. “She... she already lives here... and... she doesn’t want to be found.” He says while quickly taking another drink.

“She lives here? What’s the lucky mare’s name?” Lightning asked

Wood Chip cuts in. “Now, Lightning, what if the lucky colt’s friend isn’t a mare, or even a pony?” He stares at the ceiling for a few moments before shrugging and looking at Prodd expectingly.

Prodd glares at Wood Chip for the umpteenth time. “She’s a mare... and I-I already said too much...” He spits out the last few words.

Wood Chip grins, somewhat nastily. “Now, hold on there. You can’t just say something like that in front of the leader of the militia and not expect to tell the whole story. I won’t tell anypony else if it-ts not a big deal, but you need to tell me before I get, you know, curious and all. Flamberge...el, you know what he would do to subordinates who dunn’a tell the whole truth.”

“W-wood... I don’t think Prodd w-would feel comfortable sharing t-that information if it means that much” Lightning took another sip of his drink.

Prodd starts glaring at Wood Chip again and remains silent while finishing his fourth drink.
Wood Chip’s faux smile quickly fades into something foul. “I am not kidding, Prodd. I am NOT kidding ri...right now! As captain of the militia, I have the complete authority to make
citizen's arrests. You know what those are, Prodd? Not one has been made in Duskfield yet, but that could change right NOW if you do not simply tell me a simple little piece of information.”

Prodd continues to glare. “...You’re implying I even know her *HIC* name!” He hiccups mid-sentence in his slightly drunken speech.

“You *HIC* just said she lived here... y-you don’t have a marefriend and not know her name” Lightning asks, very confused at the information he has just received.

Wood Chip leans back on his bench, and hovers a hoof over the bottle he put on the ground earlier. He just watch’s Prodd intently.

Prodd notices Wood move a hoof under the table. “You *HIC* you know what I love ‘bout her? You *HIC* you... jackasses, couldn’ find her ‘ere no matter how hard you *HIC* tried!” He slurs out, looking at his discarded crossbow on the floor beside him.

“‘Course we couldn’t find ‘er*HIC*... unless we decided to ask*HIC*everyone around here” Lightning says.

Prodd slurs, “HAH! You’d *HIC* you’d ask all the wrong ponies!” He laughs like a drunken moron for a few moments and smirks.

Wood Chip smiles slightly, and levitates three corked bottles of swamp whisky into the air, a few feet or so above Prodd. With a sound like an internal explosion, all three bottles transform into clouds of glass shards and foul liquid...and mash together into a whirling red-tinted whirlwind above the stallion, not a single drop spilled. The little pieces clinked and sloshed around each other threateningly. “Lightning, you are a decent stallion, right? Was Prodd resisting arrest?” Wood Chip said mildly.

“No *HIC* if he was resisting *HIC* He would already be on the ground” Lightning grins

Prodd stealthily and drunkenly levitates his crossbow underneath the table and aims it in the general direction of the other unicorn. 

“Lightning, Sweet Potato is a nice lass, right? She’s probably still tired right now. Wouldn’t it be terrible if she had to suffer through a scandel like, oh, her husband and a associate having a midnight mare to ride that nopony even know’s lives in this fort? I have to ask again, is Prodd resisting arrest?”

Lightning grins, obviously drunk “Who do*HIC*you have in mind?” He asks before turning towards Prodd “Thought I heard somethin’.. must’ve been my head...”

Prodd glares between the two ponies, he’s planning something. The crossbow remains tucked away under the table.

Wood Chip groans suddenly, and the swirling orb of sharp death is flung to the far side of the wall. Unceremoniously, he falls backwards over his bench without so much as a grunt.

“*HIC*W-we should... put the rest away...*HIC*Being yelled at wouldn’t be my*HIC*idea of a good time...” Lightning suggests

Prodd gently lowers the crossbow to the floor. He silently nods in agreement with Lightning.

Wood Chip simply curls into a fetal position, eyes wide like a deer, talking lowly to himself and pawing at the floor slightly.

“Though... It couldn’t hurt to have one more round...” Lightning grabs one last bottle with his wing

Prodd looks at Wood Chip on the ground and then looks back to Lightning. He shakes his head and picks up his crossbow.

Wood Chip still lies there, talking to himself.

“Come on... Wood *HIC* one more round?” Lightning got off the bench, stumbled around before getting his balance on a wall

Prodd gestures to the door. He slings his crossbow on his back and lifts Wood Chips onto his shoulder and makes for the exit. After stumbling around he gestures for Lightning to follow.

Lightning got his crossbow, clumsily putting it on his back, following Prodd to wherever they were going.

Wood Chip still talked to himself, and if anyone bothered they could tell he was scared half to death.

Prodd looks up to see the moon directly above him. The night was still somewhat young but dark enough to hinder vision. He carries the mumbling unicorn over to the well and lets him go for a swim, ready to levitate the unicorn out just in case.

Wood Chip opens his mouth, and tastes blood. He half-heartedly beats against the pool around him only to find he is in a nightmarish hole where bones were used for mortar. He whimpers slightly and begins to pray for any god, anything, in the bottom of his heart.

Prodd lifts Wood out of the water, waits a second, then dunks him back in and repeats this process. He chuckles to himself.

Lightning chuckled also, trying to keep himself from waking anypony from their sleeps, Amug knows how grumpy anypony could be if they didn’t get their sleep.

Wood Chip tries to scream, but only let’s out a choked gurgle when he see’s his old crush pull him out of the blood pool, laughing at his expense as she brushes of the lifeblood he was soaked in. He closes his eyes, hoping for the nightmare to end.

Prodd looks at the scared unicorn when he comes out. He considers taking him out and stopping... but then he dunks him again.

“H-hey P-prodd... Ya think we should*HIC*pull ‘im out?” LIghtning asked

Wood Chip could not respond to Lightning, still screaming.

Prodd hears Lightning and finally pulls Wood Chip out and lays him on the ground beside the well. He gestures for Lightning to come over.

“Yes?” Lightning trotted up to Prodd

Wood Chip looks at the sight of his sister and his former crush come close together, nearly touching, bodies slick with lifeblood. He watches in horror as the older mare gestures slyly to the younger one, and becomes crushed when his sister all but slinks over to her.

Prodd points to Wood’s face and chuckles. He shakes Wood a bit to wake him up.

Lightning chuckles also before shaking Wood too “What if he doesn’t*HIC* wake up?”

Wood Chip keeps his eyes closed and tries to still his breathing, in hope that he will not be forced to continue watching the blasphemy playing out before him.

Lightning gets the bright idea of getting some water “I-I’ll be right back...” Lightning galloped drunkenly to the bucket stockpile and grabbed a bucket in his mouth. He galloped back and got some water from the well into the bucket, as best as he could being drunk and all, and poured it on Wood Chip’s head “I t-think he should be up soon...”

Wood Chip’s mouth was still open slightly, so he sprung forward in shock, finding that pints of cold, slippery blood simply rained from the sky onto his head. Turning around, shaking in fright and gagging on the coppery liquid, he finds his little sister standing nearby, the handle of a filthy, rusted bucket overflowing with the dark red liquid in her mouth. Sea Breeze just looked at him and licked the front of a hoof slowly, as if to mock him for his inability to do anything but stand and cry.

“Wood... Let’s get home, we don’t need anypony finding us*HIC* out this late, with you passed out on the ground” Lightning said, confused at his shocked look on his face

Prodd taps Lightning on the shoulder and does a drunken impression of a dying badger pony.

Wood Chip watch’s in utter disbeliving shock as Sea Breeze begins to rub on his sister’s withers, elicting a array of terribly pleased sounds from both.

Prodd rolls around on the ground pretending to be stabbed in the kidney and makes gurgling sounds.

Lightning drunkedly laughs at Prodds display.

Wood Chip looks at the ongoing scene of sanity-blasting horror going on between his sister and her murderer, and his body, mercifully, locked up and promplty became dead to the world.

Prodd stops mid-writhe and points at Wood with a shocked look on his face.

“*HIC*Let’s just... take him h-home...” Lightning tries to pick up Wood, but is unable to “You get ‘im”

Prodd shrugs and stumbles over. He tries to flip Wood over onto his front to get better leverage.

Lightning grabs onto Wood “On 3.. 1... 2...” Lightning begins to lift “3”

Wood Chip, while seemingly passed out, was not in fact dead to the world. He could still feel what was happening around him. More importantly, he could feel that he was being lifted off the ground by the two mares. His mind, somewhat out of focus, could only process that his sister was still alive.

Prodd shakes a bit under Wood Chip’s squirming and murmuring. He gives Lightning a questioning glance.

“Sh-should we take him to Case tomorrow?” Lightning asks

Wood Chip merely hears the two ponies carrying him chitter and giggle in a bastardized version of the common tongue, and moans drunkenly for mercy from any god in hearing range.

Prodd gives a questioning glance to Lightning again after hearing faint moaning from the barely conscious unicorn.

“Should I go get somepony?” Lightning asks, looking at Prodd “I don’t*HIC* think we need any, but... if we have to”

Wood Chip suddenly all but cries out the first audiable words he has made in the last few minutes. “Gods...don’t let....dear....sister....knife...oh, kill me first....”

“Wood? You alright*HIC* This is the first time you’ve said something in a while...” Lightning asks

“Sister...stop...she will....oh Nirmek...”

“Sister? Who are you talking about? It’s me Lightning... the Markspony*HIC* You shared a few brews with” Lightning motioned for Prodd to set Wood Chip down.

Prodd drops Wood Chip down, curiously staring at the raving unicorn

“Don’’t...oh Amug! Avel! Nirmek! little...don’t let her...die...” Wood Chip all but cries out, words somewhat muffled by the bloody taste in his mouth and the tears running down his face.

“Wood, its LIghtning not*HIC*Your sister... Its okay, me and Prodd are trying to help you” Lightning was annoyed, oblivious that Wood Chip wasn’t hearing what he was saying.

Prodd steps back away from Wood and observes from a distance.

Wood Chips curled himself into a tight ball in an attempt to somehow get the droning voice of the mockery of his sibling out of his head. Quiet, now, he puts both of his hooves over his forhead in a interlocking position snuggly and attempts to ignore the outside world entirely until he wakes up.

Lightning opened his mouth to say something before being interupted by a voice that didn’t belong to anyone in the group of three

“Lightning*sigh* What are you doing out here... I thought you and the Militia were doing late night drills, but from what it looks like, your were out drinking” Sweet Potato said, annoyed beyond belief.

“I-I-I can explain...” Lightning said, stumbling over his words

Prodd slinks into the shadows.

Wood Chip off-handedly chokes out something muffled, but involved the phrases “Murder” and “Don’t die, little sister “.

“And you went and got somepony drunk out of their mind*sigh*I thought we left Fruitholds to get away from this” Sweet Potato nagged

“B-But... I don’t t-think he’s drunk though...” Lightning said, looking to the ground

“ much...why.....” Wood Chip whispered loudly, begining to shake slightly.

“Wood, get up... we have to get you to bed and I have to get home” Lightning said

“Wood is it? Come on get up... I’ll get case in the morning and we can fix whatever is wrong” Sweet Potato said, shifting emotions from angry to cheery

Wood Chip actually got up on all fours, only to sit up on his back legs and stare at nothing. “ little...she’s...can be....gods why....”

Prodd watches what’s unfolding from a convenient bush while trying not to laugh.

Sweet Potato put a hoof on Wood Chip’s shoulder(?) “What happened to your sister...” Sweet Potato asked

Wood Chip might have been lucid or not, but neverless he responded to her in a way, monotone and emotionless. “Why...why...why not...she was of a..mare...she wasn’t even...the bitch ate you alive....don’t die again...don’t let her trick you....!”

Prodd is on the verge of laughing himself to the point of tears.

“Oh my... this is serious...” Sweet Potato said, sounding very worried “We need to get you home immediately”

Wood Chip flinchs slightly at the sound of Sea Breeze laughing at him, but continues to mumble. “Temp.....Maiz.....Smooth...block, I am so...sor..sorry...for this...don’t...”

Prodd suddenly blows his cover and lets loose drunken laughter from the nearby bush.

Sweet Potato gives glare that would make a cockatrice run “You sir, are being very rude... this stallion is having traumatic flashbacks and you are laughing? Have you no shame!”

Prodd’s laughing is interrupted when he vomits all over the ground. “...S-s-sorry” He drunkenly coughs out.

“That’s better” Sweet Potato said

Wood Chip all but whimpers at the sound of his tormenter, and completely lays his head on the ground, covering his ears with his hooves as he struggles out some hasty prayers for mercy for the ponies in the fort.

“Come on Wood, I’ll help you home” Sweet Potato said, smiling faintly.

“ not...Sm-moothBlock...she’’t...under...wouldn’ Avel...”

“Smoothblock? Avel? Who are you talking about sweetie?” Sweet Potato said

“Sweet Potato... leave this to me...” Lightning says

“No, you caused this and you barely look like you can stand up straight!” Sweet Potato barked

Prodd salutes Sweet Potato and hauls Wood Chip onto his back.

“Lightning, head back to the house, I’ll get to you later” Sweet Potato turned back to Wood Chip and Prodd “Let’s go, We can talk to him when we get home”

“Yes Ma’am!” Prodd says, he still sounds drunk and a trail of vomit is visible at the corner of his mouth.

“Wood honey, we’ll talk about what’s got you down when we get to your house” Sweet Potato said “You, I assume you were at his house, so you should be able to show me there” Sweet Potato said to Prodd

Prodd shrugs and carries Wood Chip as he walks over to the shack they drank at previously.

Wood Chip said little else,only flinching when he felt the rough hooves of Sea Breeze pick him up roughly.

“Get him onto a bench, don’t put him down harder than you need to, he doesn’t need anymore stress than he is already in” Sweet Potato said

Prodd approaches carefully, but unfortunately tripped and took a header into the wall while Wood Chip collapsed remarkably onto the bench like intended. “...ow” Prodd winced.

“For the love of Amug...” Sweet Potato put a hoof on her forehead “Atleast he landed on a bench”

Prodd shrugs to nopony in particular and starts hugging his thankfully unloaded crossbow.

Wood Chip moans, not out of pain, but of shear worthlessness.

“No, no its all okay Wood” Sweet Potato trotted over to Wood Chip and put her hoof on his shoulder “Just let your worries come out, don’t hesitate to tell”

Prodd starts snoring in the background.

Sweet Potato shoots a glance at Prodd

Wood Chip’s ear’s become assaulted with the sound of knives sharpening against each other, but still responds to the vague presence nearby, in a way. “ Why did have..followed..couldn’t but...Maize! would I be so impo...not really important...never really....I am not worth...”

“Now now, everypony is important, no matter what they do” Sweet Potato put her hoof on Wood’s chin “And if you don’t feel important, then we can change that by you trying something else you might be good at, regardless of its relevance at the time”

Prodd’s snoring gets louder for a moment then fades softly.

Wood Chip does not react to Sweet Potato’s kind actions, and jerks slightly when he hears a knife sink deep into something soft.“She devil...she...doesn’t matter what...can’t...couldn’t...dear sister...demon...all of them...attacking...” Wood Chip wheezes slightly, not out of thirst but out of tiredness. Against all odds, covered in blood and barely able to react to the world around him, he feels sleepy.

“No one matters more than friends and family Wood... No matter who did what and when... you can’t just toss someone away unless they truly did something evil” Sweet Potato smiled, hoping to snap Wood out of his melancholy

Wood Chip, if anything, became more audible. “Don’t...tell...Tem...Tempera....Flamberge...oh Laltur, how will...not Smoothblock.”

“Don’t tell Temperance what?” Sweet Potato asked, moving her head closer, if only to hear what he was saying better

“Not...Smoothblock..she doesn’t...need to get involved. little...Smoothie.” Wood Chip said, perhaps the first time in the night where he sounded somewhat contented.

“Smoothblock doesn’t need to get involved? Involved in what?” Sweet Potato tilted her head.

Wood Chip’s voice took a turn to the indigent. “ want...her...we...she mare...she deserves to be...happy.”

“What trouble?” Sweet Potato said, slightly annoyed, but still keeping her smile.

Wood Chip’s voice took a darker tone, as if another, larger thing was using his mouth to speak through.“ was’s”

“Wha- Rigged from the start? Already here... what’s here?” Sweet Potato asked, losing her smile at the sudden change in pitch

Wood Chip raised his head up, and opened his eyes. Two pools of red ichor with little red pin pricks were revealed to the world. “The true lords of the realm.”

Prodd’s snoring stops in the background.

Sweet Potato forced herself to not throw up at this sight. “Who is this!” She asked, backing up, giving a stern look at... the thing inhabiting Wood Chip.

Wood Chip merely looked at the mare quizzically, and tilts his head to the side. Little inky trails of blackness begin to bleed down his face from his eye sockets. “I am not Wood Chips, mare. However, I am also not many ponies. I am simply claiming what is mine. This land is my kin’s, however, just like the land that Wood Chip claimed was my kins. This world is my kin’s, and they craft the most exquisit of punishments. However, I have some mercy. I have no desire to kill those who are ignorant of their crime of existence, and my people enjoy the ability to make ourselves known. You will live today, mare, as well as little Wood Chip here. However, you will not remember this, nor will he. However, once my own race becomes free from their distractions and games in, say, a decades time, you will either become our servant or die.”

The sound of a crossbow being loaded is faintly heard.

“You... can’t wipe memories! That’s magic even the most skill unicorns couldn’t perform...” Sweet Potato backed up “Even... if you can... Why would I want to be your servant... I don’t even know who you are!”

The ichor fully flees from Wood Chip’s eye sockets, leaving two untouched orbs, and forms a sickly little serpentine shape topped with two red pinpricks that stands oddly on the bench, several little splayed limbs shifting and shuddering to support it’s shifting and shuddering weight. A crown of wormlike horns forms on what might be a head, and several pairs of limbs of varying size form on random parts of its body.

“I am no unicorn, child. To compare my magic to one is to compare a drop of water to the oceans themselves. And while my true name would cause you to crumble to dust, you may learn to fear the name Penumbra, and I suppose Spite and Ravage as well.”

With a little snapping sound, the figure seemingly boils into cold, magical darkness that fills the room.

“What the... Why am I so dizzy...” Sweet Potato collapsed from some unknown force.

Prodd quickly exits the room and waits for the smog to dissipate, his wits have come back to him.

Wood Chip lies there, unmoving. He snores gently.

Sweet Potato soon regained her senses “Uhg... h-how did I get here...” She got up “Why am I out here... I should be home...”

Prodd re-enters the room after the smoke dissipated. “...Hey... your husband is back home, don’t worry... the guard made sure you were safe...” He says.

“Why would I need a guard to keep me safe! Just because I am expecting doesn’t make me any less capable of bucking a pony in the muzzle” Sweet Potato said, feeling insulted

“...It was your husbands request... he’s doing some important work...” Prodd says. “You should go on home...”

“What was so important he had me sent all the way over here?” She asks

“...Crosshair needed some... input on a few strategic locations around the fort...” Prodd lies, “Like sections of the walls and rooftops...”

Feeling satisfied, Sweet Potato heads home while Prodd waves her off. “Man I’m smooth when I’m drunk...” He muses. Prodd checks to see if Wood Chip is still breathing and upon confirming this promptly passes out next to him after a long night of drinking. Tomorrow was going to be a lot of fun...

Wood Chip, perhaps by divine will, slips onto the floor, and stays in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:33:29 pm by Iceblaster »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #245 on: April 17, 2013, 12:17:21 am »


Prodd managed to get walking with one eye down in under two hours, for that he felt slightly accomplished. However, there was something more important on his mind, something more important than losing his right eye, Redhat. “Why didn’t Redhat come visit me in the hospital...” Prodd murmured. He walked slightly unsteadily to what he believed was Redhat’s house.

The door opened and the pony in question came out, his doggy right behind, he was certain nobody was around, or at least thought so, when he moved down and started to pet his wolf. “Who’s a cute little wolfy?” he happily.

Prodd hears a familiar voice coming from the side he can no longer see. He turns to face it and starts walking.

The pony smiled and rubbed the wolfs big fluffy ears before the thing moved onto it’s back and let red rub its belly. “hmmm... love you bonnet.”

Prodd approaches the two and makes an effort to keep them out of his blind spot. “...You.. forgot.” He said. “Where... where were you?”

The pony jumped up in surprise. “OH! um...” he made an awkward smile and tried to look nonchalant about what he was just doing. “so.... wait? is it talk like a pirate day already?” he said noting the eye patch.

“...No” Prodd says. “I... I needed you...” He whispers, his voice is hoarse and his mane is a wreck, notably his bangs were exposing his normally concealed eye.

“Oh we-... oh buck... um...” he sighed. “I honestly forgot...”

“...” Prodd stays quiet for a moment. “...I woke up... alone and scared...” He moves his hair covering his right eye to show the eyepatch clearly. “It took me a minute to realize this was gone... I needed you...”

He gave off a slight whimper. “Well... I...” He looked down at the ground nervously.

“...I woke up with stitches and bandages covering my entire body...” Prodd says. “I got stabbed repeatedly... then I woke up in the hospital... I needed you!”

“Ugh... Sorry...” The was by far as sincere as the pony could be.

A tear escapes the confines of his eyepatch. “Huh... I didn’t know I could still cry out of it...”

He looked at him for a moment, not really knowing what to say. Bonnet limped over though, and gave him a soft nuzzle.

He smiles weakly and pets the wolf. The smile fades though, knowing he won’t be able to live the life he once had with only one eye. “Why didn’t you visit...?”

He just look at him and opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything, not really knowing how to answer.

“...Can I ask a question... and get a valid answer?” Prodd asks, sniffling a bit.

“Go ahead...”

“...Why... why do you wear a magical hat all the time?” He asks.

He just froze there. “Grrrrrrr” Bonnet picked up on the cue, and gave Prodd a menacing look, but backed down when red rose his hoof. “It’s for personal security...”

Prodd didn’t even flinch when the wolf growled, he’s lost too much in such a short time to care. “I...I figured as much...” He said quietly. “Is... anyone in the fort... after you?”

He gave him a look. “Maybe, and know as a fact they come through every couple months.”

“...Is there anything... I can do...?” Prodd asks, he needed a purpose in life.

“Just please... don’t tell anyone..”

“... I won’t... milady...” He mutters.

“Wha... how do you even know that?”

“...It wasn’t that hard to sense magical entities...” Prodd whispers. “...And... I might have looked into the records during my stay... in the h-hospital... to c-confirm things...”

“... and can every equine with a horn on it’s head do the same?”

Prodd shrugs weakly. “I dunno... I just knew the hat was magical... I inferred  the effects based on some observations...”

“Again, don’t you dare tell a soul.” He probably would have beat the pony raw if this was any other situation, but still felt bad for prodd.

“...Don’t worry... I won’t...” Prodd says, he blushes slightly.

“Why is your face growing red?”

“ No reason... just imagining you as a mare...” Prodd jokes.

“... Ugh... am I the only bloody pony in this fort with any class?”

“...Hey, you were entirely clothed if it makes you feel better...” Prodd started to cheer up a bit inside, no longer lamenting over the loss of half his vision.

“... Very well.. but I’ll have you know I’m not some common floozy, or mare of the night.”

“...Well I figured that was true.” Prodd says. “Thanks... whatever your real name is...”

“I would never change my first name, it’s simply too appropriate.”

“...Whatever you say Red.” Prodd says. “So... next time I go to the hospital, will you visit? Probably when I lose my best eye?” He feels slightly surprised he could joke about that.

“I promise, I promise... I wouldn’t want to be hunted down again...”

Prodd laughs. “I think I’m going to shoot the target again... I got to try to get used to this, you know...” He gestures to the eyepatch. “See you around I guess...”

“See you later.” Red said, sighing loudly.

Prodd walks off to the range, feeling generally happier after spending time with Redhat.

The pony kneeled down and taped bonnet on the muzzle. “don’t get aggressive unless I order it.” the dog just whimpered and gave him the puppy eyes. “Ugh...” he couldn’t stay mad at the thing for long.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 12:27:34 am by L1wW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #246 on: April 17, 2013, 12:24:52 am »

To say it was winter, the weather had been favorable for most of the day. The cloudless sky produced a cold breeze, rustling the mostly bare branches in the forest surrounding Duskfields. Case Study was itching to get out of confined sterility of the hospital so that he could experience the untamed beauty of nature that he had always appreciated so much. He didn’t want to let the threat of a few discordants or badger pony thieves spoil this opportunity for him. Luckily, the doctor was able to find a member of the guard who was willing to accompany him on his hike. It never did hurt to play it safe.

The two walked along the bank of a stream, periodically making stops so that Case could document some novel plant or bug that caught his eye. “A beetle with a copper shell? That’s a new one on me, especially considering the season.” He wrote notes about the insect as he closely followed its movements along a fallen tree, his lightly grinning face mere inches away from it. Despite his focus, it was not lost on him that he had company, “You are originally from Dawnpick, Ms. Yari? What were things like there? Was the wildlife of such variety and beauty as it is here?”

Yari stared at the beetle and swished her tail idly.  “It wasn’t so different, I guess.  I never really looked at the bugs that much.”  She returned to watching the woods around them, panning her ears around.

He ceased watching the beetle as it disappeared into a crack in the tree’s rotting bark. “Speaking of which, what brings you to our lowly establishment? I hear that Mrs. Virtue’s fort has become quite a successful little town. If anything, I’d hazard a guess that it’s also notably more dangerous here than in Dawnpick.”

Yari didn’t take her eyes off of the woods, but her facial features hardened a bit.  “It wasn’t really my choice,” she grumbled almost under her breath.  “And in some ways it’s more dangerous here, and in some ways worse in Dawnpick.”

An ear twitched, “So you mean...that your transfer was compulsory?”

She turned her eyes to him, then back to the thick cover of trees around them.  “Not compulsory, but it might as well have been,” she said, evidently forcing her tone to be even.

The markspony had momentarily piqued Case’s interest, “If you don’t mind my inquiring, what were the circumstances involved? Forgive me if I’m overstepping my boundaries, it’s just that I’ve only ever known of residents coming here of their own volition.”

Yari finally broke away from watching their surroundings to face Case.  “Did anypony ever tell you much about Dawnpick?  In particular, the duchess who runs the place, Virtue, is Temperance’s older sister.”

He slowly nodded, “Yes, Mr. Temperance told me a bit about her on our journey to establish Duskfields, although I cannot attest to being an expert on either her nor her residence.”

Yari nodded.  “Mmhmm.  Well, she’s the sort who worries.  A lot.  Like, unhealthy levels of it.”  She sighed and looked over at the stream.  “Anyway, when she found out her little brother was out here, and there were dangerous things that could hurt him, she started worrying...”

It wasn’t difficult for the physician to fill in the blanks, “Oh...I see...and you were sent as an extra measure of protection.” He idly kicked a small stone into the stream, producing an audible ‘plop’ as ripples were generated in its wake. “Did anypony else come with you? Surely she didn’t force you to abandon your family?”

“No,” she said plainly.  “I didn’t have any family in Dawnpick.  That’s why she picked me.  There were at least three others who were a better shot, but they all had family or interests there, so I won the ‘lottery’.”

“I believe I understand now.” The stallion began sketching a stout, brown plant as he continued to speak, “I don’t have any family here in Duskfields myself, so I can least to some extent. I suppose I can’t blame anypony but myself for that. I do miss my parents at times, so I write to them when I can. Neither of them wanted me to come out here. My mother was convinced that it was too dangerous, whereas my father didn’t think I could ever hope to have a successful career out here.”

Yari kept completely still as she said, “I lived in Dawnpick for six years before Virtue sent me here.  I haven’t seen any of my family in at least as long.  I considered writing, but haven’t since I got here anyway.”  She took a deep breath.  “Nothing much good to write about.”

Case paused as his mind jumps back to the history of injuries that the residents of Duskfields had sustained over the years, “I suppose you have a point about that. That’s not to say that our luck can’t improve. With each new wave of migrants, our settlement grows stronger and more resistant to the threat of invaders. Your presence will no doubt aid us in this way as well.”

“I guess so,” she said.  “This place isn’t so bad, I guess.  Just as long as I don’t have to go anywhere near the mine.”

Finished with his drawing, Case closed his sketchbook, “What’s wrong with the mine?” He wondered if, perhaps, she had some fear of the dark.

She started examining her crossbow, as if it had somehow collected some flaw needing her attention in the past minute.  “Well, first off Dawnpick was built over an enormous iron mine.  You get sick of seeing and smelling it after a while.  But really, it’s the things that live down there.  I thank every day I wake up and remember they’re not here like they were in Dawnpick.”  She sighted the crossbow at a nearby tree.  “They make the discordant ponies look like foal’s play.”

“...things?” the stallion parroted, cocking an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” she replied, still staring down the sights of her crossbow.  “Nopony knew what to call them.  Each was different... but all were enormous.  Larger than the giraffes that wandered near Dawnpick.  All of them craved blood, too.”  She started naming them, “A giant crab with feathers.  A monstrous lizard with poisonous vapors.  Some weren’t even living things... there was... a giant mud ball... one pony touched it and was paralyzed.”  She frowned and set her crossbow down.  “She didn’t make it.”

His jaw slackened in amazement, “You’re serious? I’ve heard of creatures similar to those...but only from tomes about urban legends. You’ve actually seen them in the flesh?”

She nodded again.  “At least five, personally.  I shot at a few, but never got too close to any, which was just fine by me.  Captain Halberd slew most of them, but then Captain Glaive got a few too.  He actually stopped that crab, just before it killed duchess Virtue.”

Case’s eyes went starry, “I...would be very interested in hearing more about this.” He looks up at the Sun, “Ms. Puff will probably begin cooking soon, perhaps you can tell me more over lunch? Assuming that would be okay with you.”

The tiniest hint of a smile edged onto her face.  “I’ve got nothing better to do.  But, you probably won’t want to hear about what happened to my old captain Partisan over lunch.”

The doctor hung on her every word as the two headed off towards the tavern. It had been a while since he had heard such an entrancing story, and he wanted all of the details.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #247 on: April 17, 2013, 03:10:13 am »

The day after Flamberge’s talk with Temperance, he finally convinces Crosshair he was well enough to be up and about. His first action was to go and pay a visit to Max Yellowfeather. He arrives, with Crosshair at his side, he dismisses Redhat and Prodd, who were currently the ponies assigned to guard duty, and takes a seat by the bed containing the bird.

Max refuses to look in Flamberge’s direction as he walks in. “Hello, Mr Flamberge.” He said with an ill kept contempt. He instead, kept his attention focused on the window in his room.

Flamberge looks at the griffin and exhales fully, after refilling his lungs, he says, “Maxwell Yellowfeather, I assume you know why I am here.”

He shakes his head. “No, I honestly don’t know why you would be a hundred feet around me ‘bout now.” He glared with an intensity, still looking out the window.

"To put it simply," begins Flamberge, "you are known to have been aware of that dragon's existence long before it's attack, and you kept that a secret. I am here to decide whether or not you are to be held criminally responsible for your actions, as a conspirator against Duskfields. What do you have to say in your defence?"

“Yeah, how about you can go to hell.” Max’s intense glare snaps to Flamberge. “So, kennal mannaðr, you dreyrugr mórðvíg?”

[Gryphonic Translation: So, feel accomplished, you blood-stained murder?]

Crosshair rubbed her temples with a hoof and let out a tired sigh.

Flamberge glares at the birdbrain, "Look, you aren't doing yourself any favors Maxwell. You have Temperance convinced that you are faultless here, but I am the one who will decide your guilt. The beast is dead, whatever it had planned is over, if you tell the whole truth, it will save your neck. Now tell me, did the dragon have any allies besides you? Do I need to be preparing for griffin attacks next?"

“Carnith was a pacifist for Nirmek’s sake!” Max cried out.

"That is seriously the story you are going with, after I watched him slam Temperance into the ground, unprovoked?" replies Flamberge disbelievingly.

“What do you want to hear? That - that Carn and I were conspiring to raze Duskfields? Some sort of a’ vindication fer’ your actions? You won’t find one, no matter how hard you press the screws.”

Flamberge shakes his head slowly and says, "The fact that he was a dragon, near our town was all the reason I need for what I did, Max. Regardless what you or Temperance say, he was a threat. What I want now, is a reason not to hang you for keeping him a secret, and you aren't giving me one."

Max looked unfazed. “You think I’m not secretly wishing for that right now? After what ya’ did? We were a pair, you idiot. Of course I hid him away. Out of fear that you would do exactly what you did!”

"If you loved him, and that was the only reason to hide him, you would have just left here months ago." replies Flamberge, "There is more you aren't telling us, now spill it featherbrain."

“We wouldn’t have done what we did if you’d tell us earlier that you have a Dragon lover nearby, honestly. Temperance would probably tell us not to mess with him. But we can’t go back and change the past now, I really don’t want to punish you more than what you’ve already got, Max. You’ve lost a lover and to me, that’s already too much. But we’ve got a law to follow and I want to hear you say something to keep you safe. Alright?” Crosshair said, reasonably.

Max cocked a disgruntled eye at Crosshair. “I’m already safe. Lying isn’t a crime under equestrian law. I don’t need to justify anything to you.”

Flamberge raises an eyebrow at Crosshair as she spoke of possibly not having chased the dragon off, then turns back to Max and says, “It is actually when you are in court. Perjury. We don’t have a proper courtroom, but we are trying to ascertain your guilt, so it would apply if you are lying here, but that is irrelevant. You're being accused of aiding the enemy, but I am willing to look the other way if you tell me what it was it wanted here, what the two of you were up to, why you waited as long as you have to leave if what you said before was true. And if you were coerced into it all, I'll let you go free from here, that's all I want from you. I am being more than reasonable."

Max sighs, giving up. He was too emotionally drained at this point. If re-counting everything Flamberge already knew would get them out of his room faster, than fine. The griffon could not even guess how little time was left before his self-restraint gave out, and in a rage he decked out the cocksure GI blowhard. He knew full well that course of action would surely end his life or put him in prison for life. So, he kept spurting words instead of spurting his blood all over these white hospital walls. Barely. “Fine. Carnith came down here looking for me. Having my guts spilled, it - He didn’t know. He came in to - to get me out of here. As why we were here? We were here, first, if you recall. And we waited,” Max fumes. “We waited so long because I had faith you ponies were better than this. That things could turn out ideal for everyone. I trusted you. That’s my true crime.”

"Then you were a fool Yellowfeather, Carnith was a monster, that nopony would suffer to let live," answers Flamberge, "But, say I believe your tall tale, what do you plan to do next? Leave?"

“Leave? You would like that, wouldn't you.” He chuckled grimly. “Leave to where? It’s not so easy to leave now.   No. I intend to stay. I intend to hurt you, somehow. I intend to hurt you in a way where all your strength means nothing. Not by force, not by any avenue you'd expect - I’m not going to raise a single claw against you. I’m going to ruin you with just an open palm. That’s my next plan. And when it’s over, I dare you to look me in the eye and tell’ me wasn't karma commin’. ” Max stated with conviction, daring Flam to try something. He was begging for an excuse to whip out the knife like claws and ’defend’ himself.  To slit out that evil tongue which had the audacity to call Carn a monster in front of his face. Max’s humble nature reached just about the end of it’s fuse.

Crosshair frowned “I don’t think threatening the commander here really is going to help you at all, Max.”

Redhat, Prodd!” Max shouted out the room. “Can you escort these two unwanted guests out of my room? I believe Temperance said for no one to come in unless it was life or death. These two are not doing that any favors.”

“Belay that Redhat,” adds Flamberge, “Bird, if you want to threaten me, you are deeply mistaken. I should kick you out of town, and never to suffer your presence again, let you fend for yourself in the wilderness with the discordians...”

“Sir, I apologize in advance for interrupting... but I’m kinda going to side with Max here...” Prodd spoke as he entered the room when he heard his name called. “It’s just... if the dragon was here for so long... why didn’t he attack us earlier?”

Flamberge rubs his forehead with a hoof and says, “I don’t know private, that’s what I wanted to find out, but he isn’t telling me anything.”

Red walked into the room, “You do realize when we got to that cave, temp was fine. It’s not like we didn’t provoke it to attack.”

“And foalnapping one of us doesn’t count as provoking us first? Anyway you slice that Redhat, it initiated conflict, but that isn’t what this is about. This isn’t about the dragon. This is about you Maxwell. About you not letting us know about a major threat to our safety. About you not even telling us to let that thing up in the cave know if something happened to you. You put everypony here at risk. I do however, believe that it is due to your utter incompetency, more so than maliciousness, and that will save your neck today.” Flamberge stands up.

“I don't believe the act of foalnapping is a crime that warrants death.” said red.

“How true you are. Thank you Redhat, for bringing some sense to obvious this inquisition.” Max said, Getting up from bed. He sorely stood up and took two steps closer to Flamberge. “I’m a fool, I know. But I am a’ fool with rights. Something you’ve forgotten in yer’ megalomania, possibly?”

"Megalomania! I am trying to keep these ponies safe! I am doing my duty! I have more than sufficient cause to suspect you of all sorts of things, and yet you sit here at say he was nothing more than your lover? That he was a pacifist who would never harm anypony? You are either the dumbest bird I've ever met, or the greatest actor, but I suspect the first." Flamberge turns to Crosshair, "We're leaving."

Flamberge heads towards the door, "You're off the hook this time Yellowfeather, but you stick one talon out of line again, if you are anything less than the model citizen, I will not hesitate to have you banished from our land. I'll be watching you bird." Flamberge exits with Crosshair, slamming the door behind him.

“A model citizen is exactly what I intend to be.” Max said with an exhale, collecting himself. “I’m going to be a reflection of exactly what you aren’t. That’s what Carn would want.” He looks to Redhat and Prodd. “Thank you both for standin’ up. I appreciate it. Redhat, we need to talk.”

“About what exactly?”

Max sighs. He walks over to Redhat and firmly puts a claw on Redhat’s shoulder. “I want to say, I understand. There ... there was nothing you could do. A dragon flew off with Temperance and you had to make a call. I don’t blame you.”

“Well... um... thanks...” red gave an awkward smile.

“I mean, you had a superior officer looking down at you, a career in jeopardy,  I understand. Don’t beat yourself up over this.”

“Well... i’ll try not to...” he patted max on the shoulder, in an even more awkward way.

“If there’s any fault to blame, it’s purely mine.” Max says stoically, hanging his head low. He was tearing apart inside.He knew this was all squarely his fault.Sure, he could point at Flamberge all he wanted and say “There’s the enemy. There is where I should pour my hate.”, but was that anger all in the right place? What was Flam other than an effect to a cause? His cause. His   own arrogant cause to show Carn he had nothing to fear from his friends below. He was so aimlessly naive, it burned inside. His heart was broken evenly to thirds by a self-loathing, a loss, and a betrayal. He barely touched the food brought to his bed anymore. He couldn't imagine even living on just yet, hasn’t quite grasped the concept. Could he even fly and carve out another hole without Carn? What was the point? The guilt would still be stained into his soul. If Redhat was feeling even a tenth of what he felt ...

 It was too much anypony deserved to bare.


After slamming the door Flamberge exits the hospital in a huff, slamming it’s door as well after Crosshair makes her way through, She was worried of the commander’s tempers. “Now now, try to calm down, Commander.” she tried.

Flamberge turns to Crosshair, his emotions running high, he thinks for a second then flares out his wings and says, “Follow,” before flying off and away.

Crosshair quickly followed him, even when he’s angry and flying fast, the little mare had no problem catching up.

Once the two are outside the town, Flamberge slows down and has Crosshair fly next to him, so that she can hear him over the wind, “I don’t understand this Crosshair. How can Temperance, and Prodd, and Redhat, put so much faith in what that griffin says. Redhat’s an imbecile, so I can understand that, but Temperance is a smart stallion, why can’t he see that this doesn’t add up.”

Crosshair was thoughtful for a moment, before suggesting “Perhaps it’s something the dragon said and convinced him? Legends always says that Dragons are a creature of gods. Some claim to be gods even, I wouldn’t be surprised if this one have the ability to convince anypony with it’s words.”

Flamberge thinks for a few moments after that, “That... is certainly possible, and I seem to recall it trying to convince me to let it walk away. If that’s true then I’m even more sure that killing it was for the best, that kind of power would be incredibly dangerous. It would also explain why the griffin was so convinced the flesh eating monster was a pacifist, that loved him.”

Crosshair nodded agreeingly. “I have no doubt that a dragon would have an ability to make even a discordian pony look like somepony who you’d put in a nursery.”

Another moment of silence follows before Flamberge says, “Crosshair, what do you think I should do? I told Max he was off the hook for now, but, I’m still concerned that there might have been more going on then he claims, if the dragon was just manipulating him to whatever ends, then, fine, the threat is gone, but if he’s here to stir up trouble, if that back there was an act, and he was the one goading that monster to strike, then this might not be the end of it. I’d like to exile him to stay on the safe side, but I feel that too many of the ponies would not understand, and resent me for it. What do you think?”

“I think he’s been around without causing trouble for a while already. I think we should just wait and see if he’ll do anything else. If he’s not causing any more trouble then I don’t see why we can’t have him stay around still. But when he starts making trouble, then we’ll have all the more reason to exile him.” Crosshair gave him her input.

Flamberge nods, “Yes, but that’s the thing, after this, I’m not sure he hasn’t been causing trouble. He could be sending information back to the griffin kingdoms, or getting more beasts to attack us. If he was behind the dragon, then how do we know he wasn’t behind that Ogre a few months back, the one that thrashed Bonnet.”

Flamberge sighs, “You’re right though, we’ll just have to keep an eye on him.”

Crosshair nodded “It’s the best we can do right now without making any harsh moves”

Flamberge flies for a few more minutes in silence, then points down into a clearing, saying, “There it is.”

Flamberge flies downward and lands beside the corpse of Carnith the dragon, which, having had a few days to start decomposing, had begun to smell quite terrible.

Crosshair scrunched up her nose. “Ugh.. why are we here, Commander?”

“Because,” says Flamberge as he draws his sword, “Duskfields killed this thing, and I want everything that might try and attack us again to know it.”

“Woah woah, wait, Didn’t Temperance says we’re going to bury the thing whole? Besides. what if it cursed it’s remains? I don’t want you to risk getting cursed just because you want some head on our walls. And we’re not like those Discordians are we?” Crosshair tried to reason.

“Temperance did say that, but this thing’s skull belongs over the gate, if it convinces even one thief to try some other town instead of ours, isn’t it worth it? And, I don’t believe it’s remains are cursed, aren’t the old stories filled with artifacts made from dragon bones and hide?” counters Flamberge, “and if Temperance is so soft as to want to give this thing a funeral, then he is welcomed to the rest of it.”

Crosshair frowned slightly. “As much as I want to scare thieves off with the head of a dragon over our gate, I don’t think it’ll please many ponies.. It’s better to fight threats from outside than the ones from inside is it not?”

Flamberge looks at the decomposing dragon, then turns back to Crosshair, “And what ponies would object to it? Other than Temperance and those two morons back in the hospital? Max’s story sounds insane, I doubt he’ll convince many others that the dragon was any more than ravenous beast that threatened our livelihoods, and why should they care about disrespecting such a monster?”

“Because it might make us look like those Discordians?” Tried Crosshair again.

Flamberge sticks his sword in the ground, “But would it?!” he questions, “The discordians are disorganized rabble, they have no cities, no towns, no civilization, they could not do what we have done. I couldn’t have killed that thing without yours and Praetorians, and every other pony’s help. We did a grand thing, and showing that to the world, showing that we are a force to be reckoned with, is that really that wrong?! If we put that creature’s skull on the wall, then every merchant, every trader, every traveler, that comes through here will know what we did, and they will tell ponies, in other places. Duskfields will grow, WE will grow, our names will be known everywhere. But if we bury it, out here,” he makes a sweeping gesture with his hoof at the forest surrounding them, “no one will know, no one will believe it, it’s wasted potential to just let it rot here.”

After giving that a long hard thinking. Crosshair nodded. “Alright.. I suppose that makes sense. But since the head will rot away anyway and that we’ll only just get the skull. I think we should at least go back to the town and ask around if ponies wanted the skull on the gate or not.. you know? Casting votes? And if more ponies wanted it there to give us all the benefits like you said more than the ponies that doesn’t, then we’ll have it up. How’s that sounds? Plus temperance can’t give you flak for doing something harsh because it’s what the majority of ponies want!”

Flamberge thinks for a moment, then picks up his sword again, brushes of the dirt and sheaths it. He walks up to Crosshair, a serious look in his eyes, he then kisses her briefly on the cheek, pulls back smiles and says, “You are right, Love, I’ll put it to a vote. That should work out for the best.”

Crosshair beamed happily from that and give his muzzle a loving nuzzle. “Of course.. I want the best for both of us afterall.”

Flamberge nods, “Alright then, let’s head back to town, it stinks of dragon here.”

And with that the two ponies spread their wings and soar back to town.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 03:12:06 am by DVNO »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #248 on: April 17, 2013, 07:32:14 am »

Not the full update, but the following journal entry was necessary to put things a bit in perspective before we continued on.

Temperance's Journal - 13th Hematite, Timber, 271

I cannot bucking believe Flamberge!

He went behind my back and put the town to a vote on whether or not he should display Carnith's skull over our gate!  A vote!  I told him we were giving Carnith a burial, and he goes and tries to twist it around so I can't!

The worst part, is that the populace agreed with him!  So now, we've got a nice polished dragon skull hanging over our gate as if to broadcast to the world that we like to kill things here.  And it's immensely disrespectful to Max.

I can't believe this.  If I had the authority to, Flamberge would be fired on the spot.

I know he doesn't see this like I do.  I understand that he killed Carnith because he thought he had to.  But he did not have to do this.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #249 on: April 17, 2013, 08:07:44 am »

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 12th Hematite, 271

My town was attacked by a dragon in the last two days. It foalnapped the town manager, Temperance, and flew back to it's cave. I rallied our forces and assaulted the dragon in it's lair, there were injuries but no deaths. I slew the dragon, but was wounded in the fight, upon awakening I learned that we had been able to recover Temperance alive. It was remarkable, however, I grow concerned that the dragon may have expressed some kind of magic over him, for both him and the griffin, that was revealed to have been allied with the beast, claimed the creature was harmless. This is of course nonsense. I will keeping a close eye on both of them for the meantime.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 13th Hematite, 271

Today, I put the town to a vote on what to do with the dragon's skull. I spoke in favor of displaying it above the gate, and extolled the many virtues that would come with doing so. Temperance and Max, I was unsurprised to find, resented the idea and spoke out against it, however, the town by large sided with me. I am very happy with the outcome, and flew out to acquire the head myself, we cleaned off the excess flesh and polished it until it shined white in the sun. I used some adhesive to keep the snapped off fang imbedded in the eye socket, I find it adds to the display. From this point on it will hang over the gates of Duskfields for all the world to see.

[Following this is a crude drawing of a dragon skull, it seems the artist was unhappy with the work and scratched it out.]

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 18th Hematite, 271

The town has grown quite large of late, I'm not quite sure who initiated it, but it seems the citizenry have decided to cast votes for mayor. I listened in as they made their choices, but honestly, it didn't matter to me which pony was elected. I elected not to cast a vote, I didn't want to be seen as putting the military's might behind anyone candidate, and frankly it seemed clear either Temperance or Convalescence would win out, and it made little difference to me either way.

Convalescence won the day though. I'll need to go congratulate her and see about solidifying our new working relationship.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 21st Hematite, 271

Seems I'm going to have to delay my meeting with Convelescence a few more days, as she has just gone through labor again.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 11th Hematite, 271

Crosshair went into labor last night after dinner, I stayed up all night with her in the hospital, until she gave into the pain and blacked out sometime shortly before sunrise. Dr. Case Study, ordered me out of the hospital. I didn't know where else to go, so I visited Cream Puff. She managed to calm me down a bit, before we went back to wait on the news. When the sun was finally up the doctors let me and Cream Puff inside. Crosshair, was still unconscious, but she was alive, and Case said he was confident she would make it. They then hoofed to me, my new daughter, whom I named Crossbow, as that was the name Crosshair had picked out for her.

I am thrilled to have my foal in my grasp, and I'm glad Crosshair will be okay, but tonight was so stressful. I know Cross wants a lot of foals, but I don't know if I want to risk losing her again.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 2nd Galena, 271

The moat is being filled with water. With that done then it seems we have finished the primary defenses, we have walls, and a moat. Still, nothing to keep out flying enemies but flesh and steel and bolts, but there is nothing to be done there.

I'm going to speak with the mayor about expanding our walls such that we have some fortified places to station marksponies to shoot from in the event of a siege.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 9th Galena, 271

Another fight this day, several theives and they brought a cyclops with them. Crosshair took the giant one-eyed ape out of the fight with a single shot (going to give her a big surprise present for that one.) but the thing took forever to give up the ghost. The badger ponies bruised up Bonesetter, but he'll recover.

He was luckier than Private Prodd who was cut up pretty badly by a thief, and Sactuary who was killed. I don't know what the priest was doing out there, but I suppose we'll never know now.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 25th Galena, 271

There was another thief that showed up today, Cream Puff was attacked, but other than a bruised leg she is unharmed. I however am very happy to report that it was the armed civilian militia that dealt with this threat. Before I or any of the military got there, they arrived and dealt with the situation hoofidly.

Commander Flamberge's Field Journal 26th Galena, 271

If anypony was left that had doubts about my decision to arm the citizenry, I would like to hear their apologies today.

A number of civilians were jumped by six discordant ponies. Crosshair was able to spot them first and take one out of the fight from as far off as the training field. It was an incredible shot.

The fighting then broke out between the armed citizens and the discodians, Cream Puff pinned the one Crosshair shot and beat him senseless, while the rest of the citzen's opened fire with their crossbows. The discordian's broke and fled but not before breaking Pepper's leg and blinding her in one eye.

While her injuries may be tragic, if they had been unarmed, they'd likely all be dead. Hopefully even the idiot Redhat finally sees why I want them able to defend themselves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #250 on: April 17, 2013, 08:11:05 am »

Steel Rivet's Journal

13th Hematite, Timber, 271

Just what is Flamberge playing at? He wants to display the skull of a sentient being as a TROPHY!?!? I don't remember when we became Discordians. I'll need to talk to him about this. Temperance, too.
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #251 on: April 17, 2013, 11:33:59 am »

12th Hematite, Timber, 271

Today was odd... Sweet Potato and Wood Chip don't remember anything about what happened last night... Great that means me and Prodd will sound like madman trying to tell anypony about what happened last night. I got something for my hangover from Case, and sweet Amug it works like a beauty.

13th Hematite, Timber, 271

Flam put out a vote for displaying that dragon's skull... and even though I am gunge ho for these kind of things, I voted no as this is beyond cruel... this Dragon does not deserve this type of blasphemy;I will hold vigil for the dragon, hoping to ease its soul.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:35:44 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #252 on: April 17, 2013, 03:49:07 pm »

Entry 17

I had the most terrible nightmare last night. I need to see Temperance, at the very least, before the start of the next season.

Entry 18

A dragon skull.

The fool pegusus in charge of the military put a dragon skull on top of the gates. I...I will not live in a place where the bones of the dead are used as decorations!

In less angry news, I plan on getting SmoothBlock a surprise gift. Talking to a decent stallion named Bountiful Harvest while unloading some wood near his workshop to be made into ash, I discovered that we have a dyer in the fortress: his wife. The gift of fuzzy socks is universaly appreciated, and it's not like winter is not going to come around.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #253 on: April 17, 2013, 04:19:08 pm »

Sacerdotessa, Priestess of Duskfields' writings.

...Or some may say that if we display the body of a Fallen enemy, it may convince others to ignore us, and so it is good. Not so, I tell you. It turns our faith in the Sheyim to shame. It was for this Reason that after the death of Sanctuary, my brother in the priesthood, and before my first foal's birth, Myself and my husband helped in removing the skull displayed in our town in the so-called Dog's Watch, and gave the Drake a blessed burial, despite my Pregnancy...
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #254 on: April 17, 2013, 07:14:43 pm »

SmoothBlock slowly opened her eyes. She was laying in the mud, having been drinking heavily since the deaths began to pile up. She had been digging graves, making slabs, carving sarcophagi for the ponies who had recently lost their lives. Now she was staring at the toothy, mocking grin of a huge skull. There was a sound, like a tree breaking in half from far away. The bulky unicorn's eyes grew wide and the red veins came to the surface.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” SmoothBlock bellowed as she took to her hooves. With the speed of righteous fury pushing her thick body, She burst into the masonry shop that had been her home away from home for the past few weeks. She grabbed the most expensive stone she could find and set straight to work.

Wood Chip stepped carefully out from the woods and grimaced sheepishly at SmoothBlock fleeing to the masonry shop. She was barely out of it for the past few weeks, and it had been deeply stressful for everypony in the fort.

Then he looked up, and saw the thing set up on top of the community gates. He blinked twice, and then, suppressing an urge to scream out Flamberge's name to face him for what he had done, briskly walked over near the masonry shop.

Lightning, despite not supporting the hanging of the skull over the gate, he was to watch the area, incase somepony tried to remove it.. He noticed Smoothblock rush in, he saw her run into her shop, but didn’t pay much attention to it.

The boulder had been replaced with four perfectly smoothed stone blocks. The seething unicorn lifted her pick, and in a frenzy of pick swings, carved a masterwork statue of a dragon and a griffon, the dragon was making a loving gesture, the griffon was smiling. She then took her pick to another block and fashioned a grave slab in moments. With the statue on her back and the slab in her saddlebag, SmoothBlock made her way to the temple.

Lightning decided to disobey his orders and went to check on SmoothBlock, noticing the statue on her back decided it would be best to help her. He flew over to her “Hey... Pony, Even though my orders say otherwise, I would like to help you... even if it means scrubbing the floor of the tavern later”

SmoothBlock looked at Lightning, her anger barely contained as she plopped the statue in front of the temple door. “Good, stay out of my way.” She hefted her pick and stomped toward the gate, grinding her teeth.

“Look, don’t do what I think you’re doing or I will be forced to arrest you” He sighed, not caring to follow his orders “I don’t agree with it either, but I don’t think destroying the gate is going to help...”

Wood Chip, after staying away from SmoothBlock for a few moments, simply sees Lighting fly up to her and apparently begin to harass her about the gravestone she created. Moderately miffed at both the display of the dead and at Lighting in general, he simply trots over to the temple, looking sternly at the pegasus.

“SmoothBlock, is there a problem here?”

“There is a skull on my home...” Her eye twitched as she replied, her voice deeper and more grating than ever. “I won’t have skulls on my home!” SmoothBlock took her pick in her mouth and made her way to the gate, her eyes locked on the dragon skull.

“Look Smoothblock is it? Flam and the others made sure it would be near impossible to take down, it would take some major work to remove it” Lightning explained “Even if we could remove it, we could get arrested for it, hell maybe get a life-time in prison as Flam sees this as ‘A way to ward off enemies’” Lightning had a mocking tone in is voice

“Flam can kiss my backside! Bent sword, pike twirler!” She pulled her head back and slammed her steel pick right through one of the base supports on the left side, busting it in two. “I know how to break things down with a pick!” she said around the handle. She was very good at speaking with her mouth full.

~What does that even mean~ Lightning thought of the insult Smoothblock said “Even if you get the supports out I’m sure Flam had more built than this to prevents this from happening.”

“And? I chopped down the tree’s that support’s that cursed thing, and those poles are far smaller than the trees they came from. If you do not wish to stand in the way of my axe, Lighting, I believe we have nothing else to discuss.” Wood Chip said indignantly, trotting besides SmoothBlock.

“I did not say I was against the removal of the skull, I was just saying that Flam probably put more suppports than the few external ones.” Lightning says.

“Not enough to stop me!” Wham! Her pick shattered another support in one hard swing. SmoothBlock lifted her pick again and suck it deep into the left side post. She double up the grip of her teeth and started to heave with all her superponily might.

“If you’re determined to bring it down, I’ll see what I can do to make sure the skull doesn’t break when it does fall” Lightning flew up, landing on top of the wall ~Everything seems good...~

Wood Chip looks at the pony on the wall, then at SmoothBlock, and finally at the cursed display on top of the wall. He smiles,trotted over to the unbroken post, and turns around.

“You know, I didn’t earn my cutie mark using a axe. Lightning, prepare yourself and the bones.”

Lightning nodded and gripped the skull as best as he could with his hooves, he considered using his wings to support himself, but he didn’t as flying would probably make this worse

SmoothBlock pulled her pick free and stepped back, letting WoodChips take over. “I’ll dig the hole.” She huffed and trotted outside, with her pick now held by her tail.

Lightning gave an odd look at how Smooth Block was able to hold her pick with just her tail.

Wood Chip grunted in agreement, and, after putting most of his weight on his front hooves, bucked each of the poles at the same time. A thick splintery sound echoed in the area as the pick-damaged side nearly twisted eighty degrees away from it’s anchor, with the other pole quickly following.

Lightning grunted as the burden on his hooves grew larger and larger with each pole knocked down “Good... Work” Lightning managed to say between breathes

SmoothBlock carved a wide deep hole in the earth, perfectly rectangular, with smooth walls and a firm dirt bed.

Wood Chip trots away from the fallen poles and look’s at Lightning struggling with the load. “Come on down now, no reason to stay up there. I’ll carry it for now on.”

“Okay” He flew down, slowly to make sure he didn’t crack the skull “Wow.. these things are heavier than I thought” He said after setting it down.

Wood Chip shrugged slightly. “It’s a dragon skull. Of course it’s heavy.” He steps back to look at it carefully. “Do you...know the ponies who helped skin this poor creature to get it clean? What of the bit’s that remained of him? If there is any left, we must fetch them and bury them with the skull.”

“I think I heard something about the bones being buried in a place near the cave, Temperance or someone is holding a funeral” Lightning says “We should check there before burying the skull elsewhere”

Wood Chip looks at the blue pony steadily. “You could leave now, if you wished. You have helped enough, and it’s not as if I could report you, but if you truely do not wish to go against...your commander's orders, you could leave now and keep your hooves clean.”

“You think I care about Crosshair’s orders right now? This is beyond cruel... I just hope when we finish this the Dragon’s soul will be at rest” Lightning said, meeting Wood Chips eyes “Now, we got a skull to bury.”

SmoothBlock held the dirt in her magic waiting for the skull to be placed.

Wood Chip, foregoing magic, cranes his neck and slowly but surely get’s the skull on his back, head low and face grim.

“Need any help? Not much of a problem” Lightning trotted up next to him, ready to help

Wood Chip found the skull far denser than he would have expected, and it felt like he was carrying a cartload of iron ore on his back. Neverless, he grunted and simply trotted over to where SmoothBlock was.

“Okay, I’ll make sure nopony sees us while you two bury the skull” Lightning flew a couple feet off the ground, making sure nopony would see them as there would be consequences if they were caught.

Wood Chip groaned slightly, the more he flies around the faster another flier might find the trio.

SmoothBlock helped WoodChips lower the skull into the hole, then she covered it with dirt that she packed down tight before placing the slab on top. She let out a long sigh “not enough...” she hefted her pick in her tail and trotted toward the sawmill.

Wood Chip just watched her leave, and sighed slightly as he turned his head to the slab that marked the dragon skull’s resting place. He didn’t even know the creatures name until now.

Lightning landed next to Wood Chip “Hey Wood... You think you can overrule any action taken by Flam for this? Being commander of the military and all”

Wood Chip chuckles slightly. “ know, I never actually thought about that. Well, I suppose that, while he ordered it to be made, Temprence put me in charge. I guess it would come down to a vote if it was really needed.” He looks at the slab. “But in this case, I would fight against him every time he so much as says a word. I don’t know Max well, but I know he wouldn’t make friendly with evil things.”

“I just hope everypony understands why we did this...” Lightning looked at the slab, silently reading the words engraved on it.

SmoothBlock picked up a board from the sawmill and trotted to Flam’s home, and hastly carved the words “NO SKULLS ON MY HOME!” on it. When she got to his home, she nailed the board to a stake by his door with her pick and then trotted away, to the still.

Wood Chip had already left Lightning and was waiting for her, head slightly lowered and utterly concerned for SmoothBlock’s temperment. He simply waited for her outside it, shuffling his hooves every so often.

Lightning, meanwhile, was sitting in front of the slab, head lowered in a silent prayer to Amug for mercy on the Dragon’s soul “amen” He said before getting up and galloping back to town.

SmoothBlock came out of the distillery with a keg of swamp whisky “Chips?” she said quietly.

~No not after last time~ Lightning thought to himself, turning his head away

Wood Chip stands fully upright, and his expression softens fully into the slightly awkward half-smile he typically sported. “SmoothBlock, I will do my best to make sure the poor creature out there get’s justice. Nothing should be used like that after death. It sickens me that you had to be the first to be brave enough to try to knock it down.”

“I... thank you Chips, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” SmoothBlock hugged WoodChips tightly “Though I have some idea’s what I’ll do ‘with’ you.” She winked.

Wood Chip simply hugged back and let her head rest on a shoulder. If somepony was in a position to look at his face, he could be said to have a mask of mild shock. “SmoothBlock, I don’t know what I would do without you. Speaking of that, I have a free shift, and I could do anything you would like.” he said, doing his best not to sound sleazy.

“I want to get drunk... umm again, then snuggle up to my special somepony.” SmoothBlock nuzzled WoodChips and trotted slowly toward his house.

Wood Chip simply followed behind her, and before he entered his house wondered to himself what god he pleased to have him sent to Duskfields.

~Somepony likes hangovers~ Lightning chuckled to himself before flying back up to his post, at least looking like he was doing his job.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 06:59:28 pm by TALLPANZER »
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell
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