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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47923 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #285 on: April 25, 2013, 01:32:32 am »


Temperance nodded at Plastron.  “Alright, thanks.  If you see anything, just let me or Crosshair know.”  He waved the pony off and continued making his way around Duskfields, hoping to let a few more key ponies know about the bolts going missing.

Lightning was finishing up an entry in his journal, he looked up from the book and saw Temperance nearby. He quickly shoved the book back to where he kept it “Hey Temperance! How are ya doing?”

“Hello Lightning,” Temperance replied, making no note of him stowing the book away.  “I’m doing alright.  How about you?  Do you have a minute?”

“Doin’ alright, Mist has-surprisingly-been good-for a foal and all-and yes I do have a moment.” Lightning trotted over to Temperance “What is this about?”

Temperance raised an eyebrow at the way Lightning worded his reply, but shrugged it off mentally.  “Nothing much, it’s, uh, just that we’ve had something go missing around town and I was hoping to get a little help looking for it.”

“What’s gone missing, all I know of that’s been missing is some bolts from Crosshair’s house” Lightning said “I could help search around ya know, I do have some skill with a lockpick. I could snoop around a bit”

Temperance raised both eyebrows.  “Wait, what?  Lockpick, no... why would...”  He shook his head.  “No, no, I don’t want anypony just systematically searching homes or anything.  But, yes, this is about the crossbow bolts.”  He looked behind himself, wondering which pony he’d spoken to that would have had time to run into Lightning already.  “Have you already spoken with Crosshair about it?”

“No, I have heard from... sources, that bolts did go missing and somepony broke into her house. Me? I would never break into someponies house for something that I can get just by asking” Lightning said, not noticing his disposal of self incriminating information

Temperance nodded slowly, keeping one eyebrow raised.  “Uh... right.  That’s, um, good to know.”  He scratched the back of his head.  “So, I guess you know what’s missing then and don’t have any idea where the bolts are?  I’m still hoping they weren’t stolen so much as misplaced.  Haven’t seen them around anywhere?”

“I did hear of some badger pony sneaking in and snatching something, though I wouldn’t say that is the definite answer” Lighting lied “And I’m sure whoever stole them will get found out eventually.”

“A badger pony?  That’s strange, I didn’t hear anything about that,” Temperance said, trying to keep his face neutral.  “And again, I’d love nothing more for the bolts to just be found,” he said, looking at Lightning at a slight angle.  “I’d hate to know we had a thief here.  I don’t know what we’d have to do if that was the case.”

“Th-Thief? I’m no thief okay.” Lightning said nervously at the mention of it “I would never stoop so low as to steal what isn’t mine, Amug commands that I mustn’t take what isn’t mine and I never will.”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down,” Temperance said, raising a hoof.  “I didn’t say you were a thief!  I just want the bolts found, okay?  Crosshair is pretty concerned about it.”  Inside, he frowned.  A lot.  Was he really reading this pony right?

“Sorry, I just get... uncomfortable with that word... I don’t like to talk about it much...” Lightning calmed down. Mentally, he began realizing everything he has said pointed this to him, though he was sure Temperance wouldn’t lock him up without evidence.

“Right, right, sorry to get you so worked up,” Temperance said, taking a probing step backward.  “That’s, um, everything I needed to say.  So, I’ll let you get back to what you’re doing, alright?”

“Sure, and it isn’t your fault really” Lightning turned around and trotted back to the wall he was standing next to. He got back to his shift of guarding the gate... for hours.


Maxwell was leaning back in Temperance’s chair, in Temperance’s office. He has reading glasses on and he was glossing over a book from Temperance’s bookshelf, Equestrian Law Vol. IV . The door to Temperance’s office creaks open and he glances up.

Temperance was planning on just throwing himself into his chair the moment he got back to his office, where he could ponder why on earth Lightning Runner would steal the bolts.  He discovers it’s currently full of griffon however.  “Uh, Max?” he asks, not really able to make any other sentence come together.

“Hello, Temperance.” He said, his attention obviously divided. “I hopped in and borrowed a book of yours, hope you don’t mind. Door was unlocked.” He got up, never peeling his eyes away from the book, and sat in another seat in the office.

“Well, no, I don’t mind if you borrow it,” he replied.  He immediately recognized the thick tome.  “Is there something I can help you with about that, exactly?” he added, making for his now vacant chair.

“I’m glossing over a’ few things. The Equestrian Mayor electoral process, mostly.” He said gruffly.

Mayoral elections?  Why would he need to know about that?  “Oh, I see.  Well, there’s a few thousand tiny little details about that, mostly locale specific laws.”  He shrugged.  “Most of that doesn’t apply here, since nopony has really established anything about it here.”

Max’s eyebrows raise up in surprise. “Yeah I’ve noticed. Here, I’m looking mainly for being disbarred to run for being non-equestrian anywhere.”

So, that was it.  “Being a pony isn’t a requirement, really.  It’s more of a problem of being a citizen.”

Max licks his thumb, creases the corner of his current page in a triangle and closes it with a thud. “I’m not going to lie Temperance; I’m scared.” He says casually.

“Scared?”  Temperance stops daydreaming about the unholy amount of crap he was going to have to deal with related to Lightning Runner stealing from Flamberge and Crosshair.  He looks at Max.  “Why?  Did something else happen?”

“No. I’m scared about what’s going to happen. What road Duskfields is going down.” Max said with a small but noticeable twinge of anger. Max wondered how Temperance was going to react during this little conversation. A bit of relief? A little bit of fear? Choices, choices ...

Max wasn’t the only one worried about the road Duskfields was going down, but that wasn’t something Temperance wanted to admit yet.  For a moment, he wonders if Max had seen Maize’s rotting corpse parading around town too, but dismisses that.  “So... you’re hoping to put it back on track then?  As mayor?”  This couldnt possibly end well.

“I’m hoping to at least put a wrench in Flamberge’s fast-track to running this town. I’ll be happy if I can get that much done. But yes.” Max muttered. “See, unlike him? I believe in Duskfields. I believe you’re better than slaughtering the locals and mounting their heads as barbaric decour. By gods, I should not. But I do.”

Temperance looked away.  An awkward silence fell.  “That makes two of us,” he replied finally.

Max nodded to Temperance graciously for understanding. “ I know you do. I know almost everyone here does. Almost.” Max pauses, and leans forward. “Look, I know you never asked for any of this ... It would be unfair for me to ask you to pick a side. But all I can say is, I look at you as a capable pony, and  I’d treat you like any other. Even after what happened. Even after I should have a grudge with you about a mile long. Can the ‘other’ guy say the same?”

Temperance continues to look to the side uncomfortably.  There really was no good answer to that question.  Well, if they weren’t going to elect him as mayor, he could still at least try to support the democratic process.  He sighs.  “If it came between you and Flamberge, over civic matters I’d side with you.”

“Good.” Max smiled. “There’s good money to be made as a campaign adviser, ya’ know. If you’re interested.”

Temperance made a weak chuckle.  “If I was in this for the money, I’d still be an accountant back in Coupledye.”  He finally looked back up to Max.  “If you really want to run for mayor, I think I can help.”  Oh, he could see Flamberge wanting to snap both of their necks already.

“We’re going to have to get Flamberge out of the picture.” Max said, as if reading Temperance’s mind.

“You were honest with me, so I’ll be honest with you,” Temperance replied.  His eyebrows fell into a glower.  “Flamberge is a good soldier and probably the only reason we’re still alive.  But despite that, I’m pretty much terrified of him.  I don’t want him getting any more power than he absolutely needs.”  He shrugged and slumped back into his chair.  “I don’t know.  Maybe if somepony with a spine was mayor it would help.  Not that Convalescence hasn’t done a good job as a whole.”

“I have a plan.” Max said quietly, distantly. “ I have a plan to reduce him into nothing but a hauler, to completely break him. Inverse his life so quick he won’t even have the time to let his jaw drop.” Max continued smugly.

“Part of me tells me I really shouldn’t be hearing this,” Temperance said.  He wanted to slump further back into his chair, but there was nowhere left to go.  “But, you’ve got my attention.”

“And you won’t.” Max said dismissively. “All you need to hear is part one: Trust me. Implicitly. I’m not going to lie, this isn’t going to happen over night an’ this isn’t going to be bloodless. But! This is Duskfield’s freedom we’re talking about. It’s just worth it.”

The worried, uncertain look on Temperance’s face returned.  “Max... Max, you know I can’t just consent to that.  I want Duskfields to thrive and ponies, and everyone, to not have to worry about looking over their shoulders constantly for fear of their lives.  But... to solve it with violence... I can’t do it.”  He raised a hoof to his forehead.  “Look... I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that part.  If you want to run for mayor, I can make that happen.  If you get voted in, I’ll take that as enough faith from the populace that you’re the right one for the job.”

Max closes his eyes and smiles. “That’s all I’m asking, Temperance. All i’m asking is for you to be mute. When Flamberge’s little introverted world comes crashing down ... I need you ta’ stand strong and silent when he looks to you for rescue. I’m not asking anything but that.”

Temperance wonders briefly if he was conspiring to murder Flamberge.  If he was seriously doing that.  No, he wasn’t.  He didn’t like the stallion for a dozen reasons, but he wasn’t going to just stand there and let him die, or try to actively kill him.  If Max kept it to something less than that, maybe.  “I... I can’t make any promises, Max.  You’ve got my support for the mayoral election.  But what you do after that... I...  I won’t interfere, unless I must.”  That was all Max was getting out of him.

Max tries put his fears to rest with a laugh. “What? What do you think I’m advocating murder here? I assure you, no equestrian citizen is going to be harmed because I want to run for Mayor. I’m just preparing for tha’ dirty politics. Flamberge is going to fling every punch he has to stop me. I need to hit harder in the end is all.”

Temperance pauses at the emphasis on ‘equestrian citizen.’  “Alright.  As I said, you’ve got my support.  I don’t know how you’re going to convince him to run against you though.”

“All part of the plan.” Max assured him.  “Right, before we talk about running, let’s talk about walking. Am I or am I not a documented citizen of Duskfields?” Max asked.

“Formally?”  Temperance shook his head.  “No.  I was going to offer it to you since you’ve been such a huge help here, but when you said you were planning on, uh, leaving, I never brought it up.  If you’re planning on staying though, well, I can still do it.”

“Right, what do I have to sign?” Max slides Temperance’s ink jar towards his side of the table and plucked a feather out of his forearm. He dabbed the makeshift quill in black slick ink.

Temperance fished through a chest next to his desk for a few moments.  “A couple of things, actually...”
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 01:42:45 am by DVNO »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #286 on: April 26, 2013, 02:21:11 am »


Immediately after he’d spoken with Max, Temperance remembers the unsettling conversation he’d had with Lightning Runner and decides it’s best to go ahead and let Crosshair know what he’d heard.  The last thing he needed right now was for them to find out, then find out he knew, and hadn’t told them.  Now, he just needed to find Crosshair.

Crosshair wasn’t too hard to be found, she’s at the training yard, shooting some targets as usual with terrifying precision. Little Crossbow squeaked and giggles happily each time her mother hits the target.

Temperance strolls over, waiting for her to finish her current shot before interrupting.  “Um, Crosshair, do you have a moment?  I think I might have some information on the, ah, concerns you brought to me earlier.  Perhaps we should speak in private about it?”

“Hmm? Oh, okay Temperance. It’s pretty private here, nopony’s around right now.” Crosshair said as she settles her crossbow down and pick her little crossbow up to give her a soft nuzzle, making her squeaks and eeps adorably. Hugging onto her mother’s muzzle.

He shrugs mentally.  “Alright.  Uh, well, I don’t know how else to say this, other than I think I know who stole your crossbow bolts.  Or had a hoof in it, at least.”  He sighs.  “I think it might have been Lightning Runner.”

Crosshair frowned greatly. “So not only he’s an incompetent guard who let the gate be destroyed, he’s also a thief? Temperance.. why do I still have him as my guardspony?”

Temperance’s mouth went slack.  “Wait... he was also responsible for the gate being torn apart?”  Now he was questioning why the pony still had any authority in town.”

“He was the one who I put on guard the night the gate was torn down. And didn’t stop the two ponies that tore the gate down. Even refused to tell me who they were!”

Inside, Temperance seethes a little.  He hated the blasted skull being up as much as Lightning Runner apparently did, but letting the gate be destroyed was unacceptable.  “I see... well, I won’t tell you how to do your job.  I’m leaving that matter in your hooves.  But, now that I know that, I can’t help but wonder if he has some darker motive here.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” Said Crosshair “Unless I have an order from you, Temperance, I don’t think I can make an arrest without ponies thinking that I have a grudge against Lightning Runner. Even though disobeying direct order, failed to carry out guarding duty, show of incompetence and Thievery is more than enough to get him out of the job and into chains. I don’t know what to tell you, Temperance. But ever since the skull’s been taken down, whatever I do gets related to that and It’s really chipping away at what I can do to keep ponies in check. And if I can’t arrest ponies for what they’ve done... well.. I’m sure you’ll figure out what’ll happens when ponies know they can break down the gate and nothing will happen to them. I don’t want to play judge here.”

Neither did he, really.  “I understand.  The whole fiasco related to the gate seems to have blown over at least, so I’ll leave that be.  I assume you handled that how you saw fit.  As for this... well, that’s different.  If I knew he’d stolen the bolts I wouldn’t have any problem signing a warrant.”  He sighs, now wondering if perhaps he was reading into things too much and was wasting Crosshair’s time.  “He was just acting very suspiciously when I asked him about it.  I didn’t see the bolts or anything... so I have no proof.  I don’t think anypony would blame you for arresting him if you caught him with them, though.”

“Mmm, we’re going to need more than suspicion to get him arrested, sadly. We’ll see what happens. But as much as I want to do something about him letting the gate destroyed, my hooves are tied. Do you think you can do something about that, Temperance?” asked the small mare.

“I’ll see about it,” he answers, not at all looking forward to figuring out a punishment for Lightning Runner.  “Do you have any suggestions?  Do you want him out of the marksponies?”

“He’s not a bad shot. But I don’t know if I can trust him to be a guardspony anymore if he’s found guilty of thief as well.”

“Nor could I,” Temperance echoes.  “Maybe it won’t come to that... we can just wait and see if he really is guilty first.”  He lowers his head.  “Well, that’s all I needed to speak with you about.  I’ll go think about the gate some.  Unless you had anything else you need to tell me?”

“Ah, yes. I’d like to have some more guardsponies, more Marksponies for my squad. We’re a growing town and I’m not going to let crime start becoming a thing here. Also, if you’ve got some spare copper ingots for me, it’ll be real good. I wanted to make some more metal bolts. I don’t want to defend our walls from incoming discordians with wooden bolts. Oh and, I might need to make us some new crossbows, mine’s getting a little too.. unwieldy.”

“Alright, all of that sounds reasonable.  I constantly send requests back home for more soldiers, so I hope they’ll send some experienced marksponies soon.  The bolts should be easy enough, I believe Smoothblock has brought some tetrahedrite, I think she calls it, back up to the surface.  She says you can smelt copper out of it.  And new crossbows probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.  Though we still don’t have much metal to spare.”

Crosshair nodded “We can at least melt down the broken metal bolts to make some more later.”

“Right, right.  Still have a lot of that to do on leftover scrap, but at least it’s not going to waste.”  He looks back toward his office.  “Just let me know when you want to get started on it, and I’ll clear the resources."

“Will do! Good day, Temperance!” Crosshair said with a smile as she let little Crossbow sits on her back and snuggle onto her mother’s neck happily, turning to trot back and away to her home.

He nods her off and trudges back to his office.  Somehow, he felt this was not going to end well.  He just had to find the least bad outcome and shoot for it.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #287 on: April 26, 2013, 07:50:44 pm »


Red was flying around the fort, trying to hunt down Prodd. “Oh where the hell is the damned bloke...” He kept looking wherever he could for Prodd, needing desperately to talk with him.

Prodd continues to shoot at new archery target. He begins to focus on his next shot...

He finally sees the unicorn as he flies by the barracks, “Prodd we need to talk!” she started to fly over the mark’s pony.

Prodd hears the pegasus spear pony overhead and discharges his crossbow on the ground. He looks up and waits for Red to land.

The pony flew down to him and just hovered off the ground. “Prodd, could we talk in private?”

“...Yeah... uh sure... just let me retrieve my stuff...” Prodd answers, he scoops up his quiver and crossbow and gestures that he’s ready to go.

The pony nodded. “Can we just go over behind the Barracks?”

“Sure?” Prodd says, becoming suspicious.

He leads Prodd behind the barracks, before taking a seat on the ground. “Well, can you take a seat?”

“...Sure.” Prodd says. He sits down and props himself up against the wall of the barracks. “...what is it?”

“Okay, you remember back at the hospital?”

“...vaguely” Prodd responds. “I... I drank a small amount of alcohol and visited you... I think.” He doesn’t look too sure and ponders for a moment. “...I woke up with a hangover though...”

“Well, you said you loved me, and I wanted to know what exactly made you state that.”

Prodd went wide-eyed for a moment and muttered a certain four letter word, got up, and ran like hell.

Red got up and tried to follow after Prodd,“Where the hell are you going you yellow basta-!” That’s when the pony’s leg made an audible pop, resulting and yell of pain and Redhat collapsing onto the ground.

Prodd heard the scream from behind him and stopped dead in his tracks. Tears welling in his eye he runs back to the source of the sound and he slides to a stop next to the injured pony.

Red was just laying on the ground, holding the broken leg in his hoof. “Oh god...” He seemed unaware that Prodd came back.

Prodd kneeled beside Red. Somepony must have heard that, hopefully. He tried to remember something he learned in a book when he was young.

The pony just kept holding his leg, it clearly was hurting like hell.

Prodd remembered. He held Red close to him, mindful of the broken leg. His horn glows and numbs the broken leg. “...It’s gonna be okay... it’s going to be okay...” Prodd kept repeating.

Red started to relax for a moment, feeling the pain start to subside. He just held still and didn’t move, Prodd’s chanting seeming to help quite a lot.

Prodd recalled the next chapter in that book. He looked to see if Redhat was conscious, and he was. Prodd looked at the leg, he theoretically had the knowledge to fix it, it was just one bone out of place. He had to keep Red from moving, manipulating the bone would take a lot of concentration and the patient needed to keep still. “Red... wish me luck...” Prodd murmers, he numbs one of his forelegs and offers it to the wounded pegasus to bite down on. He stifled a yawn.

Redhat gave him a look, and pushed his leg away with his muzzle. He just tried to hold still, not knowing exactly what Prodd was about to do.

“...Red... please bite the damn leg... it’s already numbed... just bite it...” Prodd says, he turns his attention to the broken limb, his leg placed back into Red’s face. “...This is going to hurt...”

“Are you experienced at this?” he didn’t exactly put his muzzle around Prodd’s leg just yet.

“...I read a first aid book when I was younger... it covered fractures... and...” Prodd pauses. “I’m sober, I don’t have a license, and I love you, so bite the damn hoof...”

He sighed “Very well...” and finally put her muzzle around his hoof, not yet willing to bite down.

“...It’ll be over soon.” Prodd said. He focused intently on the broken leg. Using his horn, he slowly and carefully relocated every broken bit of bone into its original location. After a few minutes of cautious work he finished setting the last bone fragment. He had no idea what happened around him for the past few minutes, but he still focused on the limb.

Red flinched and whimpered every now and then as the pony’s leg was effectively reset slowly by Prodd’s magic, but even with all the pain he kept himself from biting down on his leg, simply just keeping it there unharmed.

Prodd remained concentrated on the limb and made sure everything was back in place. He levitated his crossbow over and smashed it for wood. Using the bow string and wooden parts, he managed to make a basic splint for the leg. After an unknown amount of time, he finally finished his work. He faced Red and moves his own leg from Red’s muzzle.

“Um... thanks...” The pony sighed and didn’t exactly move from the spot, feeling rather content to just stay there a little longer.

“...Don’t... don’t mention it~” Prodd murmurs. He looks exhausted.

Red just waited there a little longer before talking again. “so... what was it that made you say you love me?”

Prodd tilts his head back. “...Uh...? Can I just... close my eyes for a bit?” He yawns.

“yes, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t dodge the question.”

“Hey... I just fixed your leg...” Prodd whispers. He closes his eyes. “So... what was the question?”

“Why did you say you loved me?”

“...Because I love you?” Prodd answers softly while smirking.

“Okay... and why’s that?”

“...Where... do you want me to start?” He faces Red with his eye half open.

“Anywhere... Just please tell me.”

“...Alright... listen up then.” Prodd clears his throat. “...I grew up in an orphanage when I was young. I kept to my own devices... and most of the other foals left me alone... but... there was always one jackass...” He stops momentarily. “...too early?”

“No, no carry on.”

“...Alright... so jackass thought he was the best of the best... your run of the mill bully or something...” Prodd continues. “The ponies in charge surprisingly didn’t give a damn about us, you’d think they would... anyway he ran rampant and terrorized most of us. I read a lot of books when I was there, I learned what a hero was... I wanted to be one... you know where this goes.” Prodd pauses. “He beat my ass into next week... but he stopped messing with us... I believe you had that idea set, wanting to help others in need...” 

“What are you getting at?” Red was pretty sure he knew what Prodd was implying...

“What? ...that I love you for your personality and ideology?” Prodd asks. “Anyway... I lived off on my own once I reached my adolescent years... and had zero trust for anyone...” He pauses for emphasis. “I asked you for help then... because I knew I could trust you...”

“Oh... it seems most ponies hate that about me.” The pegasus looked down.

Prodd nuzzles Red. “Yeah... I didn’t trust anybody... that first aid stuff... I wanted to be independent when I was younger, learned a few tricks... like how to detect magic.” He gestures to Red’s hat.

Red nodded, actually seeming rather interested. “I see...”

Prodd noticed a look of intrigue from Red. “Yeah... I’m not sure what triggered it though... the self reliance stuff...” He says. “When I was an adult... I left the city and made a home a few miles out... far enough to enter the city in an hour and a half by hoof. Anyway... I used the crossbow to kill some animals for food... then I traded the furs for more food and drink at the city and fashioned the bones into the crappiest bolts ever... I forgot how to do most of that now... huh...” He explains. “Then I was told to stop living off the land by the guys in charge... and I was sent here to help keep a frontier town safe...”

Red nodded. “Yeah, but, how is that all relevant to why you love me?”

“Eh... I thought you’d care about that...” Prodd shrugs. “Yeah... I love you... because I trust you, because we have similar morals... and that you wear a magical hat that disguises you from a bunch of debt collectors... not a lot of reasons if you ask me...”

“Oh... well I do care about that... but regardless I suppose even if they aren’t many reasons we it could be a foundation of sorts...” He smiled a little.

“Yeah... but since when has love ever needed a reason?” Prodd jokes. “We should probably get out from behind the barracks... lest somepony were to get suspicious...”

“Yeah, but... I’d just like to ask if we’re going to make anything of this and how?”

Prodd hoists Red up, being mindful of the broken leg.

“Well, could I ask if we take things rather slow? I’m not exactly acclimated to this kind of thing.”

Prodd nods his head in agreement, "...I see nothing~" he yawns "...Wrong with that"

“Thank you then.”

Prodd nods again, and sways unsteadily for a moment.

The pony takes a moment, before flapping his wings a few times and hovering off the ground. “If you’re having a hard time carrying me, I’ll just do this instead.”

Prodd nods in thanks and finally passes out, still exhausted from the magic fiasco.

The pony sighed, and hovered off the ground, just trying to think of a way to get him somewhere more appropriate to nap. In the end he just gave up trying to think of a way to carry him, and settled down on the ground, waiting for him wake.

Prodd’s eye flutters open after a few minutes. “...hey... Red? Why... didn’t you... fly after me?” He asked tiredly.

“Because I didn’t think that before and I tried to chase after you and ended up undoing Case study’s work...” 

“...S-sorry” The exhausted unicorn mutters. “...yeah... I suck at this...”

“Aside from your attempts at fleeing you did fine.”

“...Well... that’s good to hear...” Prodd says. “I’m... just gonna take a nap here...” He closes his eyes and tries to get comfortable on the ground. “...You owe me a crossbow...”

“Very well, I’ll just go on my way then I suppose...”

Prodd nods his head and leans on the barracks wall, sleeping on the job.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 10:42:13 pm by L1wW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #288 on: April 26, 2013, 08:48:17 pm »

One way or another, Yari discerned that her experience on the night of the 27th represented a security risk of some type. Possibility one was that she was indeed beginning to hallucinate, which would bring into question her ability to soberly wield a weapon and properly perform her duties as a guard. The second possibility was that it was a true vision of some type, which would mean that Dawnpick’s future could be in jeopardy. The third interpretation would be that it was some kind of hoax, perhaps using magic or some other technique foreign to her full understanding. Anypony with such power and intention would likely represent a threat to one or more residents of Duskfields.

Determined to get to the bottom of the matter, Yari had asked Temperance to join her in a meeting with the local counsellor, Dr. Serenity. Once the stallion had been able to find the time to accompany her, the two ponies ventured over to the psychiatrist’s office. The archer tapped lightly on the door, hoping not to have interrupted an appointment in progress.

In short order, the little bespectacled mare answers the door with a smile.. “Oh, hello Temperance. And who is this?”

“Oh yes, I suppose we’ve never met face-to-face before,” Yari admits, “I’m one of the guards, Yari. I’ve been told that any matters of a...mental nature...should be spoken of with you? Actually, there is a reason that Temperance is here as well. I...suppose I could go ahead and explain, if you don’t mind seeing us for a moment?”

Serenity shakes her head. “I don’t mind at all. I don’t have any appointments scheduled for a while, so we have plenty of time.” She ushers the two ponies into her office, gesturing for Yari to lie on the couch.

Following along, the markspony pegasus takes to her new resting spot and waits for Temperance to find a seat of his own before continuing, “Alright, I suppose I’ll cut to the chase. This is about something that I saw a couple of days ago. Well, nights rather. What I’m about to say may sound a bit insane, but I suppose that’s what I’m here for. I was taking my shift of guard duty on the 27th. It wasn’t even an hour after I started that I heard somepony calling my name. None of the other guards on duty confessed to asking for me, but I kept hearing it. I investigated a bit further and...” Yari began to shuffle her forehooves together, “I saw Virtue. Yes Temperance, your Virtue. She was lying down outside of the gates, but I know that there was no reason for her to be here, especially out all alone at night.”

“Virtue?” Temperance asks, raising an eyebrow, and looking a bit alarmed.

Yari sighs and then continues, “That’s right. She was pretty frantic, telling me again and again that Dawnpick was in danger and that my help was needed immediately. When I tried to approach closer, some kind of beast jumped out and...well...I’ll spare you the details. Anyway, I fired at it and both the monster and Virtue disappeared. There was nothing there at all. I don’t think any of the other guards saw what I saw. If they did, they didn’t admit to it. For those few moments, your sister...or whatever it was...seemed just as solid and real as flesh-and-blood. I know it can be hard to see things clearly in the dark, but I’ve been on the night shift many times in the past and I’ve never seen anything remotely close to that before.” She turned over and looked at Serenity, “ you think there is anything to what I saw? Or might I have some condition cropping up that I’ve been unaware of until now?” There really was no “good” answer to those questions.

Serenity considers this for a moment. “If you’re asking whether this is some sort of... supernatural occurrence, or precognitive vision, I wouldn’t know. Honestly, I’ve never put much stock in such things. However,” She looks back to Yari. “I haven’t seen or heard anything from you that leads me to believe you’re suffering from any mental disorder.” Serenity goes to her bookshelf, pulling down a large, thick tome and flipping through it. “Do you remember what you ate that night? There are a number of plants that can cause very vivid hallucinations when eaten.”

She sat and thought for a moment, “You know it’s funny how hard it can be remember what you ate just a few days ago...but in all likelihood it was either something spicy or something that I had salted to Tartarus and back. I do have a tendency to munch on pickled jalapenos during watch.”

“Wait a second,” Temperance says, raising a hoof.  “You said this happened on the 27th?”  His eyes wander around the room as he does some contemplating.  “Oh...” he says, looking even more troubled than before.

Serenity cocks her head. “What is it? Did you see it too?”

He looks over to her.  “Oh, uh, well, no, not exactly.  I didn’t see Virtue.  I, uh, saw something else.  Inside town, near the fields.”  He raises a hoof to his forehead.  “I thought I just imagined it...”

Yari sat up a bit straighter on the couch, “ did? Like...what?” She was both intrigued that her report may have had additional support and worried that it may have been something potentially malevolent in nature.

He bites his lip for a second.  “I saw Maize.  Or, I thought I did anyway.”  He shakes his head, slowly.  “She told me ‘that it wasn’t too late to leave too,’ and that I could ‘still avoid a terrible fate.’”  He shakes his head again.  “After that... she became something else.  It looked like she’d been dead for weeks... decaying.  She demanded that I leave Duskfields.”

As Temperance recounts his vision, Serenity slowly grows very pale. “And... then it vanished, yes? She wasn’t there?”

He nods.  “Yes, that’s right.  She screamed, ‘Leave!’  Then she was just gone.”  He stops shaking his head.  “I-I couldn’t explain it.  I didn’t see how I could have imagined it, but... I... just don’t know.”

Now sitting completely upright, the markspony chimed in, “Well, for what it’s worth, Case Study told me that on that same night he had a very vivid nightmare. Something about his old ex coming and killing all of the mares that lived here unless he went back to Coupledye. Maybe it means nothing, since dreams are well...dreams. I did think it odd when the dates were compared, though.”

After recovering her wits, Serenity retrieves another book from her shelf, flipping through it as before. “The twenty-seventh, you said?”

“That’s right...what is it? Is there something special about that date?” Yari inquired.

“Well, while I can’t reveal any names, lately several ponies have come to me about very vivid and disturbing dreams. All of them on that same date.”

“Really?” Temperance asked, unsure he wanted to know more.  “Uh... anything like what we experienced?  Have you seen anything like it?”

Serenity shakes her head. “No, I haven’t had any such visions. And while other ponies reported similar imagery, your stories are unique in that you were both awake at the time.”

After remaining silent for a moment, the gray pegasus asked somberly, “So...what does this mean? Is there something here that’s trying to tell us something? Trying to warn us? Trying to scare us? Or is the whole town descending into hysteria?”

Temperance continues to look disturbed.  “I don’t know.  There... was that event not long after we got here.  Do you remember, Serenity?  I can’t help but worry they’re related.”

“Oh, I remember it quite vividly.” Serenity sighs, raising a hoof to her forehead. “I... I don’t know what to tell you. If they are related... then this is far outside my area of expertise.”

Yari scratched her black mane, “I’m afraid I don’t know what the two of you are talking about. I believe that must have been before I arrived. Care to elaborate?”

Temperance sighs.  “Not long after we got here, I was, for lack of a better explanation, possessed by something that compelled me to build that set of gears that are in the well’s bucket mechanism.  It... or she... showed me a vision of everypony here murdering each other.  She warned me to leave then, or all of that would happen.”  He frowns.  “Obviously I didn’t listen to her.”

The pegasus looked down towards the floor, “I never was one to believe in ghosts nor hauntings of any sort, and I don’t want to start believing now. However...I’m having a hard time finding a rational explanation for all of this.” She looked back up at Temperance and then to Serenity, “Should we tell the town? Or is that a bad idea at this point? I’d rather not start a panic, especially if it turns out that this is nothing.”Please let it be nothing.

“I don’t know,” Temperance said.  “I’ve been asking myself that continuously since it happened.  Part of me still thinks it is nothing.  If it really was someone or something, I feel like we’d have seen more by now.  I think maybe it really is a sort of mass hysteria.  Brought on by magic native to the area or something.”  He slumps down, clearly not convinced by his own explanation.

“...Perhaps one of those fog banks drifted over the town in the night? they certainly look quite noxious.” Serenity offers.

“It didn’t look that way,” Temperance replies.  “Still, I haven’t got a better explanation, and nopony has been brave enough to test the clouds, so we don’t know if they’re dangerous.  Maybe?”

“We need to study this further. I’ll report back anything strange that pops up, whether it happens when I’m awake or asleep. I’ll try to help in whatever way either of you may suggest,” Yari offered.

“By all means, if you see anything unusual like this again, please let me know,” Temperance says.  “But more importantly... be careful.”


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #289 on: April 28, 2013, 01:18:31 am »

and Captain Maksim Pankov

Flamberge sits in the office that normally belonged to Temperance. The griffin military captain had wanted to speak to him privately and this seemed the best place for it. He sits behind Temperance’s desk and looks over the things he finds atop it while waiting for the others to arrive.  There wasn’t much of interest to be spoken for, mostly notebooks scribbled with crossed out notes on things Temperance had continued to forget to do on time.

Eventually, Flamberge hears the sound of metal clanking together, and a large black-feathered griffon wearing a full suit of steel armor enters the small office.  “Ah, commander, it is good to have a chance to speak with you in private.”

Flamberge stands and offers a hoof to the griffin across the desk, “Indeed, Captain Pankov. I apologize for the delay in our meeting, but this is a new settlement and I don’t have an office of my own setup for private talks yet.”

The griffon takes his hoof and nods.  “Yes, you will have to forgive our gruff introduction earlier.  I am not accustomed to the military commander being different from the one who runs other matters.”  He removes his helmet, revealing several old and poorly healed scars on the side of his head.  “But that is not important at the moment.  I suppose I should begin with congratulating you on doing such a fine job keeping this settlement so untouched by the discordant ponies who plague these lands.”

Flamberge takes his seat again, “Not entirely untouched, of course, we have had a few casualties, and we do anticipate bigger troubles on the horizon, but I’m confident we will overcome them.”

Captain Pankov nods.  “Indeed.  You have done well, but the conflict is far from over, I fear.”  He sits across from Flamberge, scarcely fitting in the pony sized chair.  “That is what I came to speak with you about.  I was told by my commander that this is not a military outpost.  That seems most strange to me, so far into discordant territory.”

Flamberge nods, “That is true, we are, strictly speaking, just a simple farming community. But this location was chosen specifically by our generals for a very specific reason. I should not say anymore on that however.”

The griffon smiles, as pleasantly as an old veteran can.  “I have been made aware of some of these matters, though I do not have a complete picture.  I can understand and respect your wishes however.”  He raises a claw up and casually examines the articulations in his gauntlet.  “In either event, I thought it best to perhaps discuss a bit about our foes.  I suspect we have a bit to learn from one another.  For twenty five years we have fought the discordant ponies at Canyontalon.”

Flamberge nods, listening intently to what the griffin has to say.

“The specifics of fighting them I suspect I have little to teach, or at least nothing that could be taught in a few hours.  Strategy for larger engagements is another matter.  Tell me, how many discordant ponies have attacked you thus far?  How many at a time?”

Flamberge replies, “It's probably been close to a hundred ponies in groups of five to ten, once as many as fifteen, plus of course a couple dozen diamond dogs and badger ponies, in smaller groups.”

Captain Pankov sneers at the mention of the badger ponies.  “The thieves plague you here too, then.  I should not be surprised, the vermin are omnipresent.”  He clenches his fist.  “In any case, I see that you have a moat, which is an excellent start at defending yourself from the packs of ambushers.  I doubt I have anything significant I can add to your defenses against them, since I am sure you take great precaution with allowing anyone outside.”

Flamberge shrugs, “I do what I can, but the civilian leadership is not willing to go as far as I would wish at restricting outside access, however, nopony goes outside unarmed, I’ve made sure of that much.”

“That is a good start, yes.”  Captain Pankov shifts in his seat.  “We have few civilians at Canyontalon, so sending escort with them usually suffices, but you do not have that luxury here, I see.”  He pauses for a moment.  “Is it possible for you to have more soldiers sent here?  If I was in your position, I would do everything in my power to get at least twice or three times the standing strength you currently have in your armed forces.”

“Yes, I’ve been trying to get more soldiers from the capital, but they only send one or two at a time.” explains Flamberge, “It is most frustrating, they ask for everything, but give me nothing to work with, still, from recruiting and training some civilians into the army and with the few skilled soldiers I do get, we’ve done well enough.”

His company nods.  “That is good.  I suggest you keep trying as hard as you can, on both fronts.  These civilians do not realize what dangers lurk outside these walls.  For that matter, I am not sure that even you truly realize it.  Every few years, we receive entire sieges of discordant ponies at Canyontalon.  Over a hundred attacked us at once just a few years back.”

Flamberge nods, gravely, “I am very aware of that possibility, we are making preparations for such an event as best we are able, however,” Flamberge sighs and does not finish his sentence.

Captain Pankov cocks his head and raises an eyebrow.  “Yes?”

Flamberge leans back in his chair, “This never leaves this room, alright?”

“Of course,” the griffon replies.

“Duskfields is bait. The entire reason we were sent out here was to attract such a force, to goad them into attacking so the army can come in and mop them up all at once. We are sacrifices on the altar of the general’s ambition, and I’m the only pony here who knows the truth.” Flamberge looks down at the desk, his forehead on his hoof, then he looks back up at the captain, “That’s why they give me so little to work with, they don’t expect us to succeed, just to draw them out.”

A solemn silence falls.  Captain Pankov nods.  “Yes, that is what Major Rykov said.  He was not aware of all of the details, and declined to tell me all of what he knew.  I am afraid I am less knowledgeable in the matter than you, but I do know that in some way we are working together with your army.”  He folds his arms, making faint plinking sounds as his taloned gauntlets touch his rerebraces.  “I do not like the idea of bait, much less unknowing civilians.  But my claws are bound.”

“As are my hooves,” answers Flamberge, “I have my orders and intend to follow them, though I’m still fighting to get our defenses such that we may actually be able to hold out until the army arrives. Though, it is a distant hope.”

“It looks as if you are well on your way to that, at least.”  The griffon wipes a vambrace and adds, “Your city is fairly well fortified.  The discordant ponies are cowardly.  I suspect you could hold them back for a very long time if you were hard pressed.”  He frowns.  “And though I have little say in the matter, I will be speaking with my commander.  If at all possible, I hope to strengthen our patrols and raids in the nearby areas.  We are allies, and I wish to do what we can.”

“I had not been informed that the griffin’s command was at all made aware of our plans in the area, though I will of course be thankful for any support you can provide. Perhaps I can offer some soldiers for joint raids against the discordians in the future, if you have intelligence as to the location of their camps. In addition, we have a large food surplus here, but a distinct lack of metal for weapons and armor, if possible I would like to offer that as trade between our two cities.”

“Such a trade would be very beneficial to both of us.  Though I have not been told such directly, I suspect that has been the plan all along.  We brought many surplus weapons with us, ready to be sold.  Unfortunately our armor is little suited to you, but raw materials would be.  We, in turn, have difficulty growing food in the mountains, and trading for it would be most helpful.”  He shifts in his seat again.  “As for the raids, again, I am not fully aware of what the plans are, save that the major has been in contact with someone who is strategizing with the ponies.  It is actually very rare that we come this deep into discordant territory.”

Flamberge nods, “I see. Well, the offer stands.”

The griffon taps his metal clad claws against the arm of the chair.  “Actually, that is something I wished to ask you about, commander.  Since we rarely come this far, I was wondering if you had anything useful to tell us about the discordant ponies.  Anything useful about their command structure, perhaps.  Or even related to their lands.  I have gathered that you witness strange, unnatural clouds drifting about these parts.”

"Yes, the red clouds.” Flamberge continues, “The Unicorns tell us they are magic, but what effect, or effects, they have we have not determined, though, it is only a matter of time before we are unable to avoid one. In terms of their command structure, I don’t really know. When they ambush us they seem to following the command of one squad leader, but we have not captured any to question, and I don’t know of their organization beyond that, I’m afraid.”

Captain Pankov sighs.  “That mirrors our observations as well.  For twenty-five years we have fought the discordant ponies, but beyond the most vague semblance of command, we have observed nothing that holds them together.  In combat they seem to experience fear as does any creature.  Out of combat they seem barely sane, though I have never borne witness to any interrogations personally.

“We have sent teams into their territory to investigate further, but they invariably turn up nothing of value, or never return at all.  We stopped sending them over a decade ago.  Recently, however, their behavior seems to have changed somewhat.  We have been experiencing fewer attacks, but those we receive are more coordinated.”  He shrugs.  “Lacking further evidence, I can only conclude it is because they are diverting their attention here.  I had hoped perhaps you had more information on that matter.”

Flamberge shakes his head, “I’m afraid I don’t know anything else that could help in that respect.”

“I understand.  One day we will learn what drives these ponies, and when we do, we will be rid of them forever.”  He sighs again.  “Perhaps this risky gamble by your general will prove to be the deciding point in that struggle.  I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thank you, and good luck in your own dealings with the blighted creatures as well.” replies Flamberge.

The griffon nods and stands.  “Thank you.  We will be in touch, but for now I should probably take my leave.  We will return next year, barring any change of orders.”

“Very good then. Until next year,” says Flamberge standing as well.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 01:30:34 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #290 on: April 29, 2013, 10:47:58 pm »


~Same boring night, Same boring time~ Lightning thought as he trotted through the grasslands of Duskfields ~If its like normal, it will probably be a rabbit or two~ He saw a few sets of eyes peering out of bushes, but shrugged them off as-from what he remembered-Rabbits had glowy eyes. He heard some bushes rustle in the distance “Damn Rabbits” He muttered “It could be worse though” He continued, as if talking to somepony.

Soon, he heard a little rustling, and the eyes started to slowly move up to him. They weren’t to far away, and certainly getting closer.

~What could I have that those Rabbits would want? I don’t have any food on me do I?~ He looked in the pockets of his cloak ~No... Then what do they want~ He turned around towards the eyes “Look, rabbits if you want to snuggle with ponies, there’s a whole town of them over there” He pointed his hoof in the general direction of Duskfields “I have duties right now, I can’t play”

The eyes moved just a little bit closer, only a meter was between the Lightning and the eyes. “Hehehe...” All of a sudden, a pegasus jumped out of the tall grass, a large whip held firmly in it’s muzzle. In a sudden flash, the pony snapped it’s weapon down on Lightning.

“AH! FUCK!” Lightning jumped, the whip hitting his leg, as he got away “You chose the wrong pony to mess wi-” An earth pony grabbed him, leaving him open to another strike

Another pony, a small unicorn, slinked over into the general area, a little knife hovering beside him. He simply looked at Lightning and grinned slightly before moving closer to his winged companion.

“Let me go!” Lightning attempted to break free, but he underestimated the Earth pony’s strength “Can you atleast speak, or are you that type of pony who just kills without uttering a word?”

The unicorn coughs lightly. “We dislike playing-talking with food, you understand.”

“Food? You bastards you actually eat your kill? What in Amug has this... stuff done to you?!” Lightning reacted with disgust

The unicorn blinks. “Amug? Like a cup?”

Lightning was surprised by their lack of knowledge of Amug, as everypony should know who he is “Amug, the god? You don’t know who he is... pray tell, what are your gods if you don’t believe in Amug?”
The unicorn laughed lightly when he realised what the poor pony was saying. “You speak of gods? I truly feel pity for you, in that case. We need no gods, only rulers and worthy masters. I assure you, our masters were here before the eldest of dragons crawled out of there eggs.”

The pegasus grinned. “Keep the meat still, I want to tenderize it a little” he smiled and and got his whip ready for another lash.

Lightning braced himself for another lash ~Oh Amug... I’m going to die... I’m going to die~ was the only thought that came to mind at the time.

“Calm down, i’ll only make it painful” The burly pony then snapped the iron whip down, firmly across the pony’s chest, leaving a nice gash and maybe a few broken ribs.

Lightning screamed in pain ~If I’m lucky... they might let me go...~ He was way too optimistic

The unicorn with the knife actually tisked at his comrade’s actions. “Oh, calm down now, friend, no need to rush the process. In fact, we might want to keep this one alive.”

“W-Why... Why should I be left alive... I thought I was just food to you!” Lightning yelled

“Because if we just kill you now you’ll rot, while if we took you peice for peice...” the pony was lying, but just wanted to get the pony more worked up.

The unicorn looked almost upset at the pegusus’ words, and looked at Lighting with faux apathy. “Oh, no, you are worth to us for far more than just food. You want to know why, pony?” He raised his knife a little higher.

“S-Sure... w-why not... Doesn’t look like anypony is going to save me” Lightning’s optimism left as he heard the last bit ~Great I’m not going to get a quick death~

“Why, my dear stallion, you have a wonderful, young, family. A family with a young and tender foal. We could kill you now and go into your house and snatch away your child now and raise her among our own, or you may live and we feast on foal-flesh tonight. Either way, it’s your choice, as the alternative is to eat you, kill your wife, and take the foal tonight.” the unicorn said, smiling all the way.

“Y-You bastards! You wouldn’t touch her!” Lightning once again tried to break free of the Earth pony, still failing

The unicorn snickered. “Who say’s we haven’t already, fool?”

“I don’t care what you do to me, but touch my daughter and you will face all that I can throw at you!” Lightning yelled

The pegasus laughed and gave his side another good lashing, “Go ahead, throw-” The pony lashed him again, this time going over his belly. “everything you’ve got”

The unicorn looked at the battered stallion and simply smiled widely and the knife nearly touched his midsection. “Now, I didn’t hear anything about me not touching your wife. Light brown coat, dark pink-purple hair? I must say, stallion, she did look mighty fine for a pony like you. I must wonder what vallant act you did to catch her eye, hmm? It surely wasn’t your brains.” the unicorn then swiped the knife cleanly across his upper torso, leaving a shallow wound ment solely to hurt.

Lightning screamed in pain again, he was sure by now somepony was on their way “I-If you want to know...I... I was in the upper class area.. o-of my hometown... I had... charmed her with my charisma...” Lightning grinned “What else...?” ~This is hopeless~

The unicorn sighed. “Oh, shut up. I don’t need to know your life story. Besides, if it means anything, Sweet Potato is going to live tonight if you simply shut up and accept your fate.”

“T-That is how cowards die... I will get out of your friends grasp... and I will shove that knife down your throat” Lightning threatened

The unicorn giggled. “Flirt.”

“Apologize now, and I won’t snap your leg like a twig.” The Pegasus said as he picked a rock up.

“Oh? I’m sorry... Sorry that I can’t bash your skulls together” Lightning bluffed knowing that he couldn’t do that

The unicorn sighed, and flicked the broad side of his knife against Lightnings nose. “Be quiet before I fetch your foal.”

Lightning shut up, not for himself, but for Mist

“Now hold still.” The pegasus smiled as he held the stone up in the air, mainly for dramatic effect, but also to make the pony more stressed. “heh” Then a loud howl was heard in the distance. “Aren’t wolves just majestic creatures?” The then smashed the large stone against the pony’s leg. 

“F-Fuck you...” He managed to say between breathes, pain coursing through his body

“What’s that? speak up a little... oh looks, seems I didn’t put enough gusto into my smashing.” The then brought the stone up and smashed down again. “looks like I got it this time... now it’s all nice and bent.”

The unicorn took a quick stab into Lighting’s uninjured leg, and all but dragged a line in Lighting up to his upper torso. “No cursing, unless you want your foal to be renamed Bloody Mist.”

“W-why don’t you... just go and eat wolves or rabbits... there plenty of those...” Lightning asked

The unicorn shrugged. “You misunderstand our intent. We do eat rabbits and wolves, and other things as well. However, our masters hate ponies, and our masters at the moment hate this little hamlet quite a bit.” He paused. “Also, ponies are plump, and unlike cattle they are not almost entirely fatty tissue.”

Lightning’s eyes darted around “A-are there more of you...I-If there are... just s-send them home...”

Another loud howl was heard, this time much closer. “Heh, you look so tasty when your wriggling around like that...” He brought his whip up again, this time ready to swing at Lightning’s face. “I’ll make you nice and pretty this time...”

Lightning braced himself for the incoming pain ~Amug... what did I do to deserve this... what?!~

The was a sudden gush of wind, and as soon as it passed, there was a metal suit armor with what appeared to be a fedora hot glued to top of the helm, and a spear lodged within the lasher’s chest, effectively impaling the pegasus before he could even lower his whip.

“Thank Am-” Lightning was pushed into the ground by the Earth pony before it ran towards the armored pony with a sword drawn

“Pony, you do not know what you have done!” The Earth pony shouted

The pony made a loud grunt and pulled the spear out of the pegasus’s chest, the sadistic bastard falling on the ground holding his chest, before effectively blocking the pony’s sword.

The Earth pony back up and readied himself to strike again “You will not get away with this!”

Lightning shakily got up, pain coursing through his every nerve. He began to limp off towards town, hoping the unicorn and Earth pony would be killed instead of chasing him.

The unicorn looked at the new pony, smiled meekly,and popped away in a burst of magic.

The earth pony swung at the pony, hoping to hit something vital, or at least something to cripple it

A knife quickly popped it’s way point-down right above Lightning, which was quickly dropped.

The pony dodged the sword by sidestepping to the right. The earth pony left himself wide open when he struck, letting the spearpony throw a jab at the thing.

The knife, somehow, landed a foot or so away from his head. However, there was a lock of purple-pink hair tied to the end of it.

“What the?!” Lightning yelled out in surprise “What the hell...” He limped over to the knife “No... Sw-Sweet Potato?”

The Earth pony fell to the ground “Even if you kill me... there will be more” He said to the pony

Against the laws of physics, the earth pony’s brutal sword suddenly began to float low to the ground, then higher, eventually higher than anything had the right to be. Like a archer aiming a bow, it stayed in place but it’s point began to lock onto Lighting’s general area.

“Please don’t send more, I prefer not to squander my time slaying you brutes...”

The Earth pony grinned “We don’t... negotiate with things our master hates”

“ You make things difficult...” The pony thrusted it’s spear through the earth pony’s chest with deadly precision, this time hitting him right through the spine. “I wish could have met on more friendly terms... I wish you the best now and good day.” He then pulled the spear out, and looked over to the last discordant in the group, “I’ll be on my way now, I hope you’re willing to forgive me.”

The unicorn, who revealed himself rather close to Lightning, clapped slowly.”Good show, a pity. Before you leave, I must ask out of respect, are you interested in coming back with me to camp? You seem like a decent stallion, and you are worth the two poor souls you have dispatched already”

“I don’t associate with brigands.” The armor suited pony walked ever so slowly over to the unicorn. “Now, I can’t allow you to simply walk off these lands, and I know this sounds cliché, but I’ll promise a swift end if you let that pony go.”

Meanwhile, the sword shifts from Lightning’s direction to what was possibly the back of Reds neck.

The unicorn rolled his eyes. “ I can teleport, you understand. Also, I insist you do not turn around, as I want to savor the look on your face when you fall to a dead ponies sword.”

Lightning looked up from the knife after admiring it for some reason “Look out!” Lightning yelled out, hoping to catch the ponies attention

The pony just took the cue and dashed forward at the unicorn, spear on the ready, hoping he could outrun the sword that was probably behind him.

The sword dropped to the group in a instant, but the knife buried in the dirt twisted out of it and found it’s edge on Lightning’s throat. Meanwhile, the stallion simply popped out of existance and popped back in on the far side of the area, near the sword.

“What the hell!” Lightning yelled out, trying not to move around much to avoid his neck being sliced

The pony looked over to the bloody mess that was Lightning. “Oh stop being a yellow bastard already. Holding a knife to his neck is only prolonging the task at hand.” He inched just a little closer.

The knife blade found itself a millimeter deeper in Lightning’s poor throat.

“ I insist you do not insult me. Also, I belive the term is ‘hoof’. The task at hoof. For shame, what do they teach young foals like you now?” The unicorn sighed. “Anyway, we could settle this like gentlestallions, where we give each other our names and then try to brutally murder each other, or we could simply give our names and murder each other brutally.”

“Just let me go and you can do whatever you want to this other pony...” Lightning pleaded

“I’m Redhat, count of county Donskoi, displeased to make your acquaintance.”

“I am Silent Night, former priest within the duchy of Hoovingrod, now elite member of the western hordes, pleased to make your acquaintance. I must say, however, that after eighty years of living there, I always was under the impression the eastern noblities always prefered female rulers, but I trust your judgment.”

“If you’re going to duel, can you remove this knife... its kind of... painful” Lightning asked, hoping they were finished

“I’m an only foal, now please, I wish not to exchange pleasantries any longer.” Lightning then heard a little whimper, and a white ball of fluff got next to him, “Bonnet, please fetch me that dagger.” The dog then bit down on the handle.

The unicorn laughed lightly at the sight of the  little dog. “Adorable. Frankly, almost as adorable as Lightning’s foal. A pity, if it was not for the fact I plan on taking one, I would almost feel needed to take the other.” Never less, the sword next to him began floating off the ground, albet somewhat slower than it did before. “A knife against a sword? A pity that I shall kill nobility today.”

“What the hell are you getting at?”

“ I wonder what would happen if I took your hat?” the unicorn said airly.

“You’d ruin my sub-par fedora and I’d have to hot glue another worthless hat to my helm.”

Lightning began backing away, hoping to get back to town with his guts still inside of him

Silent stopped the nice act. “It’s magical, you daft twit. A nice part of being close to true reality is the ability to sense obstructions against it. Give me the hat, and I leave.”

“The thing is hot glued to my helm? how on earth do you plan on having me remove the bloody thing?”

The unicorn shrugged. “Take off the helm, then. Really, now, the more you talk the more I become bored, and I will remind you that I can teleport. At will. Please, just toss over the damnable thing and I will leave without killing anything.”

“Just do it Redhat! It’s better than risking your life” Lightning said, turning around

“And his life, and his wife’s life, and his child, and your little dog’s, too.” Silent half-nickered.

The pony sighed, and slowly started to pull the hat off his helm, before finally taking it off and throwing it at silent’s face. “there you go, you happy?” the pony’s voice was higher pitched than before.

Lightning was confused at the change in pitch “Umm Redhat? You okay?”

Silent Night blinked as he picked up the hat off the ground. “Odd. Well, I am a stallion of my word. I go now.”

With that, he does, but not before the lock of hair on the knife blows off into Lightning’s face.

“What? Oh...This” He smiled, grabbing the lock of hair with his hoof, sticking it under his wing “Hey Red.. thanks for coming when you did”

“Uh... your welcome.” Red then ran over in the direction of lightning “I was so worried” the pegasus then went down and gave bonnet a hug. “Oh... and you don’t look all too healthy...”

“Considering I was whipped, cut and beat, I’m sure I would be fine” Lightning said sarcastically

“Well, do you want some assistance? I could try to carry you back to the fort.” Red wasn’t very good at trying to sound like she had a deep voice...

“Y-Yeah sure... now time to change the subject... Why do you sound like a mare? You playing with me?” Lightning asked

“I have a medical condition.” Red then tried to pick up the pony, before hearing a loud wheezing over yonder. “Seems I didn’t put the lasher down...”

“Let him rot” Lightning said bluntly “What Medical condition?”

“Pardon me, but I need to be professional about this.” He got up and walked over to the downed pony. “Can you wait there for a tad bit longer while I dispatch this brute?”

“Sure, just make it quick, these wounds hurt like hell and I don’t plan on spending the night here” Lightning said

The pony moved over to the downed pegasus. “I’m sorry to do this, but you honestly left me no choice.” The lasher just made a few gasps and hacks, before feeling a spear driven through his head. “Finished.”

“Good now we can get back home and get me patched up” Lightning said “Now... What Medical condition do you have? Not to be nosy or anything, just small talk for the way back”

“It’s rather personal.” The pony then picked up Lightning and placed him on her back, before walking off to the gate.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:42:52 pm by Iceblaster »

Impending Doom

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #291 on: April 30, 2013, 11:02:13 pm »

Serenity steps out of the hospital, slipping discretely down the side towards her office.

Redhat was just going about, walking his dog, before noticing Serenity. “Good evening Serenity.”

Serenity is a bit startled, but puts on a smile. “Oh! Hello there, Redhat.”

“Pardon me, but ask a favor of you?”

“Yes, of course.” She replies. “What do you need?”

“Well, I got to talking with Prodd, and we’re going to try and see how things work out, but I don’t think we can be seen in public together...”

Serenity raises an eyebrow. “Why? It isn’t like being seen together will blow your cover. Ponies will just think you’re gay.”

“I don’t think Prodd would like that all too much.”

She considers this for a moment. “I see. So, what do you need me to do?”

“Well, I’d appreciate a place me and him can get together, so, could we meet in your office when you're not in need of it?”

“Well... that depends. What exactly do you plan on doing in my office?”

“Socialize and getting to know each other.”

Serenity nods slowly. “Nothing... untoward?

“I don’t follow...”

“You’re going to be getting to know each other purely in the social sense, and not in the physical, yes?”

“You do realize I’m not a floozy, slut, lady of the night, or temptress, correct?”

Serenity blushes just a bit. “I-I wasn’t suggesting anything of the sort! I just...”

“Why are you blushing all of a sudden?” Redhat was starting to get a little confused.

“...Nothing. You and Prodd may use my office if I’m not in.”

“Thanks... I guess I’ll go relay that to Prodd then.”
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #292 on: May 02, 2013, 01:54:24 am »

Pretty late with this, but it's a bit longer to compensate.  I was hoping to get another scene posted before this, but we'll just have to work it in after the fact, I suppose.

Temperance's Journal - 19th Granite, 272

Looks like the diamond dogs weren't done.  Four more managed to sneak inside the walls today, getting as far as the fields before they were spotted by Rosebud.

The swordsponies immediately responded, after a few ineffectual shots by Rosebud to scare them away.  Flamberge killed two of the thieves, and Gorget got a third before the last escaped.

I don't know what they were trying to steal, but all they managed to do was kill one of the chicks.  Heartfelt found the little chick's body in the middle of the field where Flamberge killed the first thief.  It was just a chick, I know, but it was just needless.

The cleanup is finished at least, so we shut the north gate.  That should help keep the dogs out...

28th Granite, 272

I stopped by the hospital today to check up on Pila, but despite my hopes she wasn't well enough for me to see her.  I did leave my best wishes for her with the doctors, who still assure me she'll pull through.  I certainly hope so.  I believe them.

Anyway, other than that, I don't have a whole lot to report.  We've got a bit more work done on future housing, so we've got a bit of space for any newcomers in the future.  I'm sure we'll need it sooner or later.

The temple is coming along too.  We just finished the furniture for it, and will be finishing the roof very soon.  I know Sacerdotessa will be glad to have it finished.  I must say that I'm impressed with the work the smiths did on the copper statues.  The one of Gasis is particularly nice.

14th Slate, 272

Pila left the hospital a few days ago, and is getting around well enough to report for duty.  I hope she's taking it easy at least.  She's still in pretty rough shape from what I saw.

I'm glad she's recovering well, but in more recent news, Mountain Dew turned two today!  She's grown so much it's almost unbelievable.  I wanted to make another cake for her, but Cream Puff convinced me to make it this time, and hers turned out a lot better than mine, so no complaints there.

There's not a lot in the way of presents to be found here, but I did managed to commission a little cloth doll from Patches for her, which she instantly fell in love with.

I must say that heading to bed tonight, I feel better than I have in a long time.

18th Slate, 272

Today, we finished installing a few of the weapon traps I wrote about a while back.  Six simple traps with glass saw blades hidden under the ground were installed near the southern gate.  It's not a lot, but a little deterrent is better than none.  Whenever we can get a bit more sand scooped up from the hills up north we can make a few more.

More importantly than that though, is the completion of the temple.  It's pretty small, and the statues are only copper instead of the vibrant gold Virtue was able to use in Dawnpick, but it's the effort that counts, right?  Maybe with this finished some of the more unsettling things from a few months back won't return.

20th Slate, 272

Well, it's a good thing I had those new rooms built.  We had another little bunch of ponies show up in a small caravan around lunch time today.  Here's the rundown of who all arrived:

A 16 year old unicorn stallion swordspony named Vambrace, and his wife,
A 16 year old unicorn mare plant processor named Cornbread,
A 19 year old earth pony stallion spearpony named Hauberk, and his wife,
A 15 year old earth pony mare mason named Corinthia,
A 29 year old unicorn markspony named Fleeting Quiver, and his wife,
A 29 year old pegasus furnace operator named Galena,
A 75 year old unicorn mare miner named Peridot, and her husband,
A 71 year old unicorn stallion farmer named Durum,
A 66 year old earth pony mare furnace operator named Cuirass, and her husband,
A 66 year old pegasus stallion mason named Pestle,
A 65 year old pegasus mare farmer named Snow Pea, and her husband,
A 60 year old earth pony stallion animal caretaker named Fleece,
A 24 year old pegasus stallion craftspony named Wooden Shaft, and his wife,
A 17 year old earth pony mare brewer named Fruit Smoothie.

Cuirass and Pestle are an interesting case: apparently they're Pauldron's parents, and Cuirass is retired from the military.  They decided to move out here to look after their son in retirement.  I hope everything goes well for their family.

To top things off though, Crosshair was busy giving birth to her second foal, this time a unicorn colt that she and Flamberge named Claymore.  I understand she had a lot of trouble delivering the foal again, and is currently in rough shape, but stable and recovering.  I feel bad for both of them... I can't imagine if this happened to Morning Dew.  I also hope they decide two foals is enough.  Crosshair might not be so lucky next time.

Anyway... it's going to take me a little while to get all of the new ponies integrated.  I'm glad to have Convalescence's help now.  She's been a godsend.

6th Felsite, 272

The first thing to report today is that Sacerdotessa gave birth to her first foal: a pegasus filly that she and Marble Slab named Sacramenta.  She said she's planning a small dedication ceremony for the filly in the temple soon, which I haven't seen in a long time.  I'll be sure to attend and give her my support.

The other thing to note today is that we've finally picked out places to start work on both Convalescence's office and a barracks for the soldiers.  Both are hideously overdue, but between juggling everything that's been going on we're just now getting around to both.  The office will be near the southern entrance, since that's where most of the diplomats who would need to speak with her come through anyway, even though I wish we could get it closer to her home or the hospital.

Right in that empty spot across from the depot.

The barracks will probably go next to the temple, where it will very close to the northern entrance and close enough to the southern entrance that the soldiers can scramble there in an emergency.  I hope we've got enough room, but with only about fifteen full time soldiers it should be I think.  First, we've got to clear out a lot of junk, though.

I really ought to get to organizing the megastockpile here anyway

7th Felsite, 272

Another foal was born this morning, this time Pumpkin Patch delivered a small pegasus filly she and Plastron named Sugar Plum.  You know, it's really something, but I never realized just how many foals we have around here.  19 according to my counts.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing the children around, but it does remind me of just how dangerous this place is.

Morning Dew is pregnant again too, but she's not due for a few months yet.  I've been talking with her a bit, and I think perhaps three foals is enough for us.  The more there are, the harder it is to keep your eyes on them all the time, and somewhere like this...

8th Felsite, 272

As if to underline my worries yesterday, more of those simian ogre things were spotted out south.  Plastron and Bascinet were the two who ran into them first, and moved to stop them from heading through the gate.  Frustratingly, they avoided the traps we laid...

Bascinet took a beating from one, which kept driving her back with attacks until it broke her leg and dropped her in the moat.  Fortunately she was able to tread water with the help of her wings until help arrived after the fight was over.

She should be drowning, but isn't.  The ogre punched her out over the moat, so it's probably a physics glitch in DF.

The military mobbed and killed the ogre pretty quickly after that, with Redhat and Flamberge in particular fighting with the ferocity I've come to expect from them.

It didn't end there.  The other two ogres attacked at that point, which the marksponies charged.  They were out of ammo, since it seems in my mismanagement we've once again run out of enough ammo for them.  Why didn't they let me know!?

Either way, Fleeting Quiver has a broken knee, another broken leg, and is now missing several teeth from the fighting.  Yari has some nasty bruises, but is otherwise fine.  They'd probably all be dead if Plastron hadn't jumped on the ogres and crippled them with many sword blows.

So, once again... we have several ponies in the hospital.  It seems the stream of injuries is never going to end...

18th Felsite, 272

Today started out as a pretty awful birthday.  The usual calm day was interrupted by Pepper Flakes' scream of terror when a discordant pony ambushed her just outside the walls, where she'd been helping move some stone up to the mason shop.  The pony grabbed Mace and was running away with him!

The soldiers all rallied together as fast as they could, but the thief was fast and ran off into the woods.  It took them nearly an hour to find the monster, but I can say I am quite pleased it was Flamberge who found him.

Almost got away... almost...

He got everything he deserved.  Poor little Mace was trembling in his mother's hooves, but at least he's safe and unharmed.  The soldiers are on high alert now and are patrolling the perimeter for more.  It almost never happens that they attack alone.

But, at least there was a happy ending to this story, so the rest of my birthday went a bit better.  I'm 38 years old today, which isn't quite 40, but I'm getting there.  Starting to feel a bit old too, but then the job would make anypony feel old after a while I bet.

I feel pretty good now, compared to this morning at least.  I just hope things don't escalate over the next few days.

19th Felsite, 272

Not more discordant ponies, but another swarm of parasprites!  The blasted things flew inside while the soldiers were out on patrol, and managed to get inside the tavern and down into the cellar!

It took hours for the soldiers to clean up the invasion, and they had to call off the patrols to have any hope of clearing them out.  The end was just like any other time the parasprites attack: dozens of their bodies strewn everywhere across the settlement, ponies huddling everywhere in fear, and a few injuries.  Blast Furnace has bruises and nicks everywhere over his body, and even got a broken nose from one of the litle monsters.  They even killed one of the dogs and a chicken!  It's unbelievable!

Cream Puff seems to have not forgotten what they did a few years back, either...

I guess the excitement of it all was too much for Mauvine, who went into labor in the middle of the fiasco, giving birth to a pegasus filly she named Saffron.  Thank goodness none of them were hurt at least.

I'm not too sure how to reconcile this with the scene posted earlier, but the simplest explanation to me is that there was another small engagement nearby that Flamberge responded to.  If anyone objects overly, I can try to doctor this more to match it.

22nd Felsite, 272

I feel terrible again.  Hauberk is dead, and two others are in the hospital.

It was the discordant ponies again.  Actually, there was an alarming new twist to that this time.  A small squad of discordants under the cover of one of those magical clouds approached from the northwest.  There were three ponies, but also two zebras and two griffons among them.

Forgot to set their soldier tiles.  I'm actually not sure that can be done per caste.

The fight started off bad and only got worse.  The newest, greenest soldiers responded first, leaving the experienced soldiers far behind.  Lightning Runner was struck several times, breaking a leg and an ankle, but amazingly managing to avoid much further injury.  He's a tough pony if I've ever seen one...

Redhat was close enough to rescue him, distracting the others for a while as the other soldiers came running.

Nopony has stepped into the magic yet...

Redhat is a lot more skilled than I realized.  He held them off the ponies, zebras and griffons nearly by himself, even felling some with his spear.  It couldn't last though.

Too bad Redhat is too distracted ineffectually stabbing that poor battered pony in the head, not getting through its hood.

Hauberk tried to help him, but he wasn't a very skilled soldier.  The discordant unicorn leading them somehow broke two of his hooves and a leg with a whip.  He was completely incapacitated by the attacks, so one of the attacking griffons killed him with a blow to the skull.

If there is anything to be said for the fight, Flamberge finally arrived at that point with Plastron.  He bit the lasher's nose off while deflecting attacks from no less than three of the invaders.  They were so terrified of the display that they broke and fled, but not before Flamberge, Redhat and Plastron caught and slew one of the ponies, a zebra and a griffon.

One of the ponies, a zebra and a griffon escaped.  I wish Flamberge could have caught and torn them to pieces like they did to poor Hauberk.  I had to witness another widow, not even twenty years old, cry her heart out over her dead husband.

I'll never get used to seeing that.  Never...

13th Hematite, 272

At least the wounded were treated quickly enough.  They're all well enough to get back to work, but nothing will bring Hauberk back.

I don't want to think about that anymore.  I can at least report that Convalescence's office is done.  Finally.  I hope she's not too upset by this taking so long.

And with that done... we'll be starting on the barracks next.  And back on the barn soon.

15th Hematite, 272

Given the injuries we continue to sustain when attacked, and in light of Hauberk's untimely sacrifice just days ago, I thought it would be a good opportunity to see what can be done about the soldiers' equipment.  I know we've been working around the clock to scrap a lot of the materials left behind by the discordants, so we should have some raw materials stocked up.  I was right.

We're sitting on a lot of scrap steel, iron and bronze, and not using it.  I can't believe this.  I immediately put in work orders for a lot more boots and cruppers to be produced to fill the gaps of what our soldiers are missing.   It's too late to save Hauberk... but maybe we can prevent any more needless deaths...

Oh, and I just remembered that Pepper Flakes gave birth to another foal, this time a unicorn colt named Coriander.  It's yet another reminder of just how fragile our existence out here is.

25th Hematite, 272

The new construction projects are coming along nicely.  We set up a new chicken coop behind Serenity's office.  It's out of our way now, but I hope she can tolerate a bit of crowing on occasion.  They weren't too far from her earlier, so maybe it won't be too different for her.

The barracks is another matter.  We've got a few walls put up and set aside some storage space for a proper armory, but it's a while off from being finished yet.  The biggest obstacle is that we need to find somewhere more permanent to stow the junk in the way, which I haven't yet figured out.  We may just have to move it temporarily.

The other good news to report is that the soldiers have a lot of new armor to use, which should help a lot in the future.  I dearly hope we can avoid so many broken legs in upcoming fights.

11th Malachite, 272

Something interesting happened this afternoon.  A single earth pony stallion named Phalanx arrived at the gates, claiming he was a spearpony sent by Coupledye.  They couldn't possibly have already heard of what happened to Hauberk, so I can only imagine he was already on his way out here.  It's our good fortune to have another competent soldier at least, although his arrival is peculiar.  I'd have expected a few others to come too.  Well, I'm sure it's just a fluke in the paperwork somewhere.

Anyway, we've also made a bit of progress on the gradual improvement on the organization of the place.  We moved the general purpose stockpile closer to the workshops, where we'll eventually build a warehouse around it.  The important part, though, is that it let us get back to work on the barracks.  It's coming along nicely.  Should be done around the end of Malachite, barring any setbacks.

Still a little ways to go, and a bit of junk to remove.

20th Malachite, 272

Things have been pretty uninteresting for the past month or so, which is fine with me, after what happened recently.  Today, something definitely interesting happened though.  Serenity gave birth to her daughter, which she named Aquila.

I must admit, after she started showing I wasn't sure what to think, but after crunching some numbers on the dates and linking back to the fact that she was very good friends with Praetorian, I can't help but wonder if he's the father.  She looks a bit like him too, but at this age it's hard to tell, of course.  I'm not going to intrude on her over it, though.  It's her business.

But, yet another foal, and to somepony who I know a bit more personally than most of the ponies here.  It makes me nervous, thinking about how many there are here.  Very nervous.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #293 on: May 02, 2013, 05:26:54 am »

22nd Felsite, 272

Damn Darn discordants lavo beoting me to a pulp. Got a fucking freaking broken leg and ankle... Red helped me to the hospitol... though something was differend theugh, his voico was higher pitched though he said something about a medical condition; I miqht check with Case Study when he comos to chock on me later.

Sidenote- I was writing this with my mouth, and I seem to have made plenty of mistakes.

Also, I was able to convince Redhat to stop for a moment for me to grab this. Hehe, 'I need to stretch my wings' never fails.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:53:11 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #294 on: May 02, 2013, 06:46:18 pm »

The calm had finally come after the storm. Little insectoid corpses peppered the inside of the tavern, covering both the floor and the tables. Several ponies marched around inside, searching for any of the little beasts that may have survived. The markspony Yari came upon one such creature which was still flinching. Part of its body was burst open with greenish entrails sticking it to the smooth surface of the table. The pegasus placed a hoof over the half-dead parasprite and pressed downward until it issued forth a sickening pop. Wiping the verdant goo from her foreleg, she sighed and continued her observations. Sometimes it was necessary to kill, but she wanted to minimize the suffering as much as possible. She honestly did not enjoy inflicting injury, not even upon her enemies.

Crawling out from underneath one of the tables, Case Study cautiously peered around at the mess that had been made of the establishment. Seeing that the only obvious movement came from the other equines, he stood upright and sighed in a bit of relief. He had taken a late lunch break and was one of the few residents left in the tavern when the bugs invaded. The doctor trotted over to Yari and inquired of an update on the situation, “Are they all dead?”

She answered without really looking in his direction, “Yes, so far as I can tell. If there are any stragglers outside, they are being taken care of as we speak.” Her eyes slid over towards him, “...and what was that all about? Hiding under the table? You didn’t want to grab your crossbow and help with the exterminating?”

The stallion cut his glance towards a nasty cut on the pegasus’ wing, “...Ms. Yari, I am a pacifist. I believe in bringing harm to no living thing, be it pony or beast.”

“So then, what of Colonel Flamberge’s orders? Isn’t every civilian to be armed?” She was curious about how this contradiction was resolved.

“That is correct. I was issued a crossbow in accordance with that decree, but I have elected to keep the weapon in my room. If others wish to follow those orders, that is their decision. I would most likely just become a burden on the battlefield in any case.” He stood firm in his statements as he continued to gaze at her bleeding wound.

The black-haired markspony acted unaware of the injury, “So what if the lives of those you care about are in jeopardy? Will you still refuse to take action to save them?”

Case stood silent for a moment, “...I’ll do what I have to...depending on the specifics of the situation...but I hope that I never have to compromise my basic principles at any point in the future.”

Yari smirked, “Standing by your beliefs...I suppose I could admire that. Just don’t get into trouble with the Colonel about it.”

The doctor finally pointed out the obvious, “Ms. Yari, you’ve been hurt.” He pointed a gray hoof at the red-stained feathers on her right wing, “You need to get that treated before it becomes infected. It looks like you’ve been pierced down to the deeper tissue layers.”

She groaned and tried to shrug it off, “It’s just a small bite. It doesn’t even hurt any more. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Don’t be so certain of that,” the physician stated as he reached out and stretched the wing from her side, “Small wounds can lead to illness just as well as large ones can, and this has almost penetrated to the bone.”

Yari reflexively snatched her wing closed again, “Look, I understand your concern for me, but I’d rather if you didn’t go grabbing on me like that...”

His eyes narrowed, “Ms. Yari, you have your duties as a guard, and I have mine as a doctor. You’ve done your job for the day and now it is time for me to do mine. You will join me in the hospital immediately where you will get the proper treatment for your wing. Doctor’s orders.”

The pegasus twists her mouth a bit and relents, “Alright, if you insist. Just...don’t keep me any longer than I absolutely need to be kept, alright? Hospitals make me a little...nervous.”

“I assure you that there is nothing to be afraid of,” he responded as he beckoned her to follow him out of the tavern.

Easy for you to say, you’re not the patient. She swallowed her fears and kept a brave face as she went to her mandatory appointment.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #295 on: May 02, 2013, 09:28:17 pm »

    Max mentally ticked of the passing seconds in his head as he strode towards the hospital wing. He had a small window, a blind spot for but the briefest moment as the guard changed rotation. As he opened the door to the building, he took a look back, for but a moment. Then he steeled himself and walked in.  He stalked past Convalescence and Case Study's offices with not even the smallest whisper of a sound. turning the corner into the patient room hallway he shadowed the wall until he came to the right numbered door.  It was the door to the hospital room where the griffon from the caravan had been put to rest. He slowly turned the knob and to his severe displeasure it made a rouge rusty, loud creak.

Max's feathers stood on end as he looked around. Would anyone else have had heard that? With a  couple tense seconds, he felt comfortable enough to continue.
The griffon inside the room looked up from his bed. His eyes were green and his feathers were a lighter tone of beige than Max's. The tips of his feathers were red as well. To Max's astonishment, he knows exactly who this griffon is.

"Sergi?" Max called out with a mundane surprise.

"Maximilian!" Sergi said with a gregarious grin. "Or are you still going by your pony given name, Maxwell?"

"Heh, good to see you Sergi. Still just plain 'ol Max." Duskfield's griffon said in a friendly but guarded tone.

The caravan griffon lets out a belly laugh. "Figures the pony lover would be around. Amug's sake, Am I glad to see you!"

Max winces. Ten seconds in the conversation and yes, there it was already. There's the reason why he never sticks around other griffons very long. Griffons, they can't wrap their head around the fact of his adoptive pony parents. It bothers them, and like a sore at the back of the mouth, they kept antagonizing it, causing the issue to flare up something fierce almost unconsciously. "I'm surprised to see you here, Sergi. Never pinned you for the soldier type."

"Yeah, well. Probably because I never thought I’d be a soldier.” He laughed. “Oh, but you know how it is ‘round the Griffon lands.” 

Max laughs. "Yes, do I know how that system works. Never about where you want to be ..."

“... Always where you need to be!” Sergi finished. “Yes, that is de motto.”

“Quite the system setup.” Max added.

“Yes, It’s going to lead  to a true utopia one day.” Sergi chimed with a prideful boast.

“Everyone gets their fair and due share. The banks are all centralized, the means of production are all controlled. Citizens are placed to their ability, the world is perfect, and shared equally.”

“An’ everything is free to boot!” Sergi grinned.
  Max cocked a worried brow at him. “Free? Not free by a longshot. It's all free at the cost of freedom, Sergi.  The police patrol the skies relentlessly, the point to keep you grounded."

"Yes, so better to make sure no one griffon takes advantage to rise above the other. So we all slowly rise  into prosperity together! As equals."

"So tell me, friend, where does the individual competitive spirit come in to your perfect system? When does that -” Max makes a jab in the air and makes a *umf*, putting some feeling into it. “- strive for achievement kick in? To outdo the other guy? The very thing that creates the greatest strides of productivity in common life? The most creative pieces of art? The most steeled an' hardened public figures?  It’s suppressed. No reason to strive. Who would want to live like that?”

“All coming from the Griffon who felt he was above chipping in ...” Sergi lashed bitterly.

“Was never allowed in, actually. ‘Cause of my adoptive parents I was never able to become a citizen.” Max corrected for him. 

 “Then you have no idea what you are talking about. It’s funny how you speak as if your system is perfect.” Sergi scoffed.

“No, by gods it’s not.” Max shook his head. “But it doesn't have to be. Just less backwards than yours.”

“Fine. We’ll agree to disagree then.” Sergi dropped the subject. “Why are you here?”

“Me? I’m here to make you feel more at home while you’re on the mend.” Max said with a dishonest smirk.

“Well, you’re doing a poor job.” Sergi retorted. “How does starting a argument over politics exactly make me at home?”

He shrugs. “Because that’s all we ever did back on the road.”

Sergi crossed his arms.  “Well, we’re not on the road right now.  Can we talk about something else?”
Max cocks his head with a slight frown. “Sure. Let’s talk about why you’re here, Sergi.”

“What’s to say?  I was part of the merchant caravan’s escort.  That and I was foolish enough to get into a fight with discordant ponies without Captain Pankov and the others with me.”
Max shakes his head. “No, Sergi. I want to know why you’re really here.”

Sergi raises both claws.  “I’ve told you all I know.  If you want to know why we are here, you’ll have to talk to the captain.  I don’t get told anything but where to march and how fast.”

“Well I can’t ask the captain, now can I?” max asked in an agitated tone. “They left. Even though the Griffons never leave their own behind.”

Sergi looks alarmed.  “Wait, they left?  But-but I can’t make it back to Canyontalon on my own!  Why would they leave?”  He shakes his head frantically.  “This must be a mistake.”

Max looks to the left dismissively. “Said something about collecting you next year. Griffons just don’t do that. And merchants just don’t come to trade armed head to paw in plate armor. You can fool the ponies but you can’t fool me, Sergi. What are you playing at?”

“I’m not playing at anything!” Sergi pleads.  “Look... okay, look, this can’t leave this room, alright?  I didn’t actually talk with the major, but word spread down the ranks.  Rumors always do.  As far as anyone can figure, we’re working with the pony army for something.  Supposed to provide this place with some weapons, and they give us food since we can’t grow much in Canyontalon.”

Max’s eyes light up with an intense sheen. “And I assume Flamberge is heading this deal with the Griffons at Canyontalon? Any other key players?”

“I don’t know.”  He clasps a claw across his face.  “It’s probably a good thing the captain left me... if he found out I told you that he’d wring my neck.  Look, I don’t know, okay?  I don’t know who Flamberge is, or what Major Rykov is doing, or anything.  Like I told you originally, I was just sent as part of the detachment to guard the caravan out here.”

“Uh huh. You want to know what I think?” Max walks over to the Griffon’s bed table and opens the drawer. “I think Canyontalon has an ulterior motive. I think the trade caravans were really a scouting party posing as a trade caravan.”

“What’re you talking about?  We’ve been at peace with the ponies for generations.  Why would we be

‘scouting’ out this little farm out in the middle of nowhere?”
The griffon starts shuffling aggressively through Sergi’s belongings in the nightstand.

“Hey, what’re you doing now?”  Sergi tries to sit up and stop Max, but catches halfway.  “You know what?  Fine, look at whatever you want.  It’s just what little I brought with me other than my gear.”

Max pauses his investigation, and grins. He raises up a letter, clutched between his fingers. It had big red letters that read ‘For your eyes only!’ “Like I said, you can fool the ponies ...” He opened the letter and read aloud. “Duskfields: Military armament. Twenty to thirty odd soldiers. A mix of crossbows, a mix of close combat weapons. Wood palisades. Goes on and on ... Been spying on us, Sergi?”

The wounded griffon grimaces.  “Quit playing.  Is that my letter back to Anfisa?  That is personal.  Give it back.”

 Max quirks a brow, still reading. “Your sweetheart is an army Major, and military stats on opposing armies drive her wild? How bizarre. Or, it could be a report, written by a plant, taking advantage of an accident.”

Sergi’s grimace fades.  “Max... please give it back.”
the griffon’s eyes flick up to Sergi’s. “This is a capital offence ‘round here, you know.”
Sergi nervously props up in bed and inches back.  “Good thing I’m a griffon and not a pony then, right?  Max... just give it back, please?  I’ll destroy it.  Like it never even happened.  Captain Pankov didn’t ask for it.  Major Rykov didn’t ask for it.  I-I just thought maybe it would be something useful to note...”

Max’s face eased with a smile and he shredded the document. “Don’t worry Sergi. This will be a secret. Just between you and me.” He assured him.

Sergi looked slightly relieved.  “Thanks.  I was pretty dumb to do that anyway.  The captain, I bet he’d wring my neck over that too.”

Max let’s out a big, wild chuckle. “All’s forgiven my friend. I mean, it doesn't even fit the narrative! Can’t have that!”

Sergi makes a weak chuckle and raises an eyebrow.  “Ah, right.  Uh, what ‘narrative’?”

Max grabs one of Crosshair’s signature bolts out of the quiver strapped to his back, twirled it around in his claw and punctures Sergi’s throat with a stab. “You have to look faultless when I pin your death on Flamberge.” He said solemnly.

Sergi clutches the bolt sticking from his throat, and gasps.  His eyes snap open as he stumbles out of the bed, choking and making a number of other unpleasant gurgling noises.  He finally looks back up to Max, backing away into a corner and desperately holding a claw to his profusely bleeding throat.
Max steps back a bit as Sergi stumbles around. He leans backwards to the door, and locks it. He casually unslings his crossbow and loads a bolt.  “You see, Sergi? If you want to get something done,  ya’ need to get a little dirty, get a little blood on your hands. You have to commit everything you have!  Even when you know it’s going to lead down a path you never wanted to follow  ...”

 Sergi frantically looks around the room for an exit.  He spots the window on the far side of the room and spreads his wings.  He tries to take off, but in his panic and wounded state, he only manages to accomplish staggering two steps forward before collapsing onto the floor.  His entire body tenses in a cringe as he looks back up to Max with a pleading expression.
He points the crossbow at Sergi’s head, the stirrup pressing down on the top of his beak. “ ... You probably find this twisted and sick. Probably thinking 'How can I?' But Sergi, trust me when I say this is the least disgusting event to happen in the last few months. What's really disgusting? Is how little Duskfields deserves a griffon like me.” Max pulls the trigger with conviction.
There is the snap of the crossbow’s string releasing, and the crunch of the bolt tearing through Sergi’s skull.  The griffon twists aside as the bolt snaps his head back, and he convulses on the ground for a few moments, spraying the floor with even more blood.  He grows still.

Max lowered the crossbow and took a long dragged out breath. He was astonished he did it. He actually did it. He took the first step to avenging Carn. Why did it feel so awful?

  He backed away from the body, suddenly unnerved to the core. He always had a curiosity, as everyone does; a little dark fantasy, put away in the back of the mind where we dare not broach in casual conversation. He always wanted to ask a grizzled soldier how it felt one day. He didn't know it would make a griffon feel so hollow inside. Max knew the gods were in his favor, but would that be enough? Enough to look himself in the mirror when all was said and done here? Max's face hardened into a scowl. "Now's not the time to start moralizing, Max." The griffon said to himself. Not the time. Not while he still had holy work to do. He examined himself. He had a blood stain here and there, nothing a little water can't fix.

Max heard a light tap on the other side of the door. Somepony checking in on their Griffon guest. Max leered at the window and with a headlong start jumped through it with a smash. He took a short dive and went airborne into the sky.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 06:51:30 pm by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #296 on: May 04, 2013, 12:19:16 am »

This scene actually took place some time before the end of the update.  When the griffons were still around.

Redhat was currently outside the trade depot, waiting on some foal to spend his allowance. The pony had been wanting to survey the trader’s wears, and had been eyeing over a particularly nice fedora, and a boater with a red band, before noticing one of the guards was keeping an eye on him. It was rather funny, he figured one guard bird could hardly hope to win in a straight fight with him. “Might I ask, what’s making you look at me like that? It’s rather annoying.”

The griffon shrugged and glanced aside.  “Sorry, I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Well, it’s not too bad, but staring at me like I’m about to kill somepony isn’t going to make the chances of me doing so any less so.”

She raised an eyebrow.  “Forgive me, I meant to imply no such thing.”  She feigned paying attention to the merchants again for a moment.  “But, you are one of the soldiers here, yes?”

“Yes, in fact I’m one of the captains.” Red said, walking over to the merchant, being mindful of the trade goods as he does.

“Oh, I see,” she said, relaxing a hair.  “That is most interesting.”  She extends a claw to shake.  “Corporal Akulina Tabakov.  And you are?”

“Captain Redhat, glad to make your acquaintance.” He shook the griffon's claw.

“Likewise,” she assured him.  She casually turned away and tapped her claws against the ground for a few moments.  “I do not mean to interrupt you examining our wares, but I must say, I am a bit surprised with the military of this town.”

“How so? I find that our army is doing an above par job at keeping everypony alive.”

“Oh, certainly,” she said.  “Not for a moment would I claim otherwise.  You have done an excellent job keeping this place safe.”  She cocked her head.  “Although, I must wonder, is this... all of your soldiers?  I believe I have counted fewer than fifteen with a weapon or armor.”

“...” Red looked down for a moment, and tried to think of a good response. “I’d like to pin the blame on our half wit of a commander... but, as much as I rue saying it, He is certainly capable of downing a squad of discordants, and, as much as I hate to brag, I capable of downing numbers comparable to him. Between us and the veteran soldiers we certainly are capable of holding off the size of assaults we’ve been experiencing.” Redhat was sure the town could hold off on it’s own if the invasions stuck to the current status quo, but the moment the enemy honestly tired, He knew they’d have problems.

Her eyes widened a bit.  “Oh, is that so?  That is most impressive.  I too have seen soldiers with such amazing skill.  Captain Pankov has slain nearly a hundred discordant ponies himself.  Not at once, of course.”  She sized Redhat up a bit.  “Still, even he cannot repel a siege alone.  There have been times that Canyontalon was assailed by hundreds of discordant ponies.  I find it hard to believe this town is intended to do the same with so few soldiers.”

Red sighed, “Well, as much as I like to think this town is a safe haven, I can’t help but admit that this town could be blown off the maps if the discordants actually tried... it’s as if they’re toying with us almost.”

“It was the same with us, my parents tell me.  The first few years that Canyontalon existed were plagued by thieves, mostly.  It was not long after our full garrison arrived that the sieges began, and the monsters began to attack.”  She shrugged.  “We were prepared, of course, as an outpost.  Over two hundred soldiers.”  She nervously scratched at her left gauntlet.  “So, you do have a large garrison on the way, yes?”

“We keep getting one or two soldiers. I’m starting to think we’re being left for dead... if we get invaded by a sizable force we’re certainly doomed and the capital doesn’t seem to give a damn.”

Akulina cocked her head the other way.  “Is that so?  I was under the impression that this place was intended to play some large part in the ponies and griffons stamping out the discordants forever.”  She looked around them.  “That is what surprises me so about this place.  It seems as if you are nothing more than a bunch of farmers and their guards.”

“All I know, is that as things stand we’re dead ponies. The fact I’m even starting to envy my old captain for high tailing it out of here at first chance.”

“Fleeing?” she asked, looking confused.  “Has the pony army decided to abandon the plan then?”

“He moved out, I don’t know how... but in a sense he did abandon the plan, but may I ask, what plan are you speaking of?”

“Oh, well,” she began, scratching her head.  “Perhaps I am just mistaken.  It is only rumors that we have heard back home, but word has it that this town was intended to be a disguised military outpost.  That you were planning on luring as many discordant ponies here at once as you could, so that our combined armies could destroy them.  Is that not correct?”

“We have less than fifteen ponies and no sort of reinforcements being sent. Clearly you are mistaken.”

She looked confused, but nodded.  “Yes, I suppose I must be.  Though, if that is not the case, why are you here?  Are you just here to grow food?”

“Welll um...” The pony paused and thought for a few moments. “This could all just be an empty gesture... perhaps the command never planned on backing you in a serious way.”

Akulina looked astonished at that.  “Hoping that we would overcommit ourselves in the fight?  I... do not see why.  Our relations are good.  Why would they do that?”

“I’ll tell you this right now, I’m not from this country. I have no pride, or respect for it, and It wouldn’t pass me as surprising if they’d do something devious for it’s own personal gain.”

She chewed on her words.  “This cannot be right.  I-I should probably speak no more of it.  I must have misheard the rumors.  Forget I said anything.”

“Before you freak out, please know I’m not the one in control around these parts.”

“You are a captain, are you not?”  She skewed her beak slightly.  “Oh, but yes, your colonel is the commander here.  He is speaking with my captain at the moment.  I am sure they are setting everything straight as we speak.”

“Even the commander can’t make reinforcements pop out of thin air.”

“No, I suppose not.”  She gave him an uneasy smile.  “I have no doubt that your colonel is informing Captain Pankov of the truth, nothing more.  In any event, we do wish to establish a strong relationship with you.”  She raised a claw to the merchant stands.  “We have excess, and so do you.  Trade is good for all.”

“Yes, I suppose...” Red said before picking up the two hat’s he was considering buying. “Anyway, I best get these two pieces before somepony else buys them up from underneath me.” 
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 12:24:57 am by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #297 on: May 04, 2013, 12:50:11 am »

and with

Redhat smiled and knocked on the door of the office, after waiting and getting no reply, the pegasus opened the door. “Prodd, seems like we have the office to ourselves.”

Prodd nods. He still doesn’t know why Serenity agreed to this.

Red walked in, waiting for Prodd to follow. “I guess I’ll go take a seat.”

“...Right” Prodd follows suit and sits behind the desk. He stops himself from rifling through the drawers.

Red smiled and closed the door, before taking a seat on the couch, and lowering the hat, and placing on the arm rest. “Hmmm... there we go.”

Prodd stops screwing around with Serenity’s desk and sits next to Red on the couch. “So... what do you wanna talk about? Also... why couldn’t we just use our rooms?”

“Because I figured pony’s would get suspicious if we’re in each other’s rooms, and we just come here we claim group therapy.”

“...So what makes group therapy less suspicious?” Prodd asks.

“Cause’ it’s an excuse and it’s easier to explain than us being in each other’s rooms.”

“...Alright.” Prodd agrees. “So what do you want to talk about...?”

“Well I don’t honestly know... I guess we could just get to know each other better...”

“...Alright... um...” Prodd pauses. “Yeah... just... uh... ask me something... or... er... something”

“Well, what’s it like being a mark’s pony, one would assume it would be rather entertaining?”

Being a soldier, that’s something Prodd could go on about. “Well... it varies from ‘entertaining’ to ‘shit yourself scared’ based on the distance from the target...” Prodd pauses to gesture to his eyepatch. “Not fun when they get too close and you need to reload...”

“Ah... Usually I just impale them in the face, say ‘good day’ and move onto the next sorry bloke who wasn’t smart enough to run... but I suppose being a markspony is harder than being a spearpony when it’s come down to melee.”

“Yeah, but other than that us marks-ponies are solid.” Prodd muses. “So how’s it feel being the second best soldier in the fort?”

“... buck wavy sword, I’m willing to settle for second best, if being best requires a general lack of concern for the well being of others, and some form of mental illness.”

“Wow you must really hate Flamberge...”

“You do realize I have to work with the power hungry menace?”

“I thought you had your own squad...” Prodd says. “Like Crosshair’s marks-ponies, Flamberge’s sword ponies and your spear ponies...”

“I’m a captain, so I have to work with more than I would have to otherwise.”

“Ah... I considered asking Crosshair to put me in charge of a non-pegasus squad... but I decided against it...” Prodd states.

“Why not, the worst she can do is say no.”

“I just would prefer not to be held responsible for other soldiers... or have to make important decisions on the spot... or deal with new recruits...” Prodd explains, already decided on the future of his career.

“Well, I’ll just tell you this. My job certainly isn’t the ritz but, it’s pays decently, and I can make sure that i’m the one who makes the calls... and honestly I wouldn’t trust any of the other three green horns with the job. That’s why I took up the job, it wasn’t a matter of if I wanted to lead, but I was really the only one who could when the old captain fled with his wife.”

“Considering Duskfields is still intact... you’re doing fine.” Prodd says.

“Yes... but one of the twins took a dive in the moat last time there was a fight...”

“...She knew how to swim... right?” Prodd asks, slightly concerned.

“Well, she didn’t die, so one would assume.”

“That’s good to hear...” Prodd says. “So... anything else to talk about?”

“Well, do you think you’d make a good leader?”

“...I... I don’t know...” Prodd pauses. “I’d try to preserve everyponies life above whatever objective we’d be assigned, I’d keep the squad back and try to force the enemy fight on our terms... course that would lead to longer engagements and could potentially lead to lives being lost...” He sighs. “I guess I’d just try to keep the enemy pinned to one position by crossbow fire, y’know like area denial...”

“Well, and if somepony died, would you think it was all your fault? Would it haunt you for the rest of your life? Would you never forget that face, and keep that memory with you for the rest of your life?”

Prodd closes his eye. “At... at least for a few months... maybe a year or... a decade...”

“Well, then you’d be a good leader. Those who forget the equine cost of their actions are the ones who lose themselves.”

“Still... leading wouldn’t be my cup of tea...” Prodd mutters.

“Well, I always saw leading as more of a gift than a job, like a right that’s given to you... but I suppose everyone has the right not to exercise all their rights.”

“...You’re implying I’d do a good a job.” Prodd says. “Yeah, I’m content with being a grunt...”

“Well, I suppose it matters less how good you are at leading, and matters more what you’d lead your followers to.”

“I guess... still not going to ask though.”

“I wouldn’t if your not prepared, but if you ever think you’d be able to handle it, I’d advise you talk to Crosshair about it.”

“...Why though?” Prodd asks.

“Because, I think you’d do a better job than most.”

“Thanks...” Prodd sighs softly. “I’ll... think about it...”

“Very well then, we can change the topic if you’d like.”

“...I guess... just... thanks for that...” Prodd says. “So... when will Serenity come back?”

At the mention of her own name, Serenity ducks a little lower under the window behind the chicken coop, making an effort to be as silent as possible.

“Well, I haven’t the slightest clue.” Red said, smiling a little. “though I expect she would knock before coming in.”

“Yeah hopefully...” Prodd says. “...Sorry to go back to the leadership topic... but how does it feel being in charge?”

“Could be worse I suppose.” Red smiled a little, before extending her wing and putting it around Prodd, pulling him close to her. “But it certainly isn’t overly entertaining or enjoyable.”

“Yeah... not like shooting thieves with a crossbow?” Prodd jokes, positioning himself upright, causing Red to lean on him.

Red rested her head on his shoulder, “Well sorta, but since I got promoted I have to paperwork and all that... Though I never really enjoyed the killing part of my job to begin with, though sparring was always funs so long as the old captain didn’t beat me to bad.”

“...Eh I might just enjoy that part a little... for my eye and all that...” Prodd muses. “Anyway... I told you I could use some close quarters practice right?”

“Yes?” She asked.

“Could you spar with me sometime? I... could use the help...” Prodd says.

“Well, I’ll make sure to then.”

“Yeah... thanks.” Prodd says sincerely. He snuggles up to Red. “We should probably leave soon...”

“Oh... I suppose...” Red honestly didn’t want to leave...

“I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt if we stayed a little bit longer...” Prodd says. “...I just don’t want Serenity to kick us out or something...”

“Yeah... “ she paused for a moment and thought something over, before giving him a little nuzzle.

Prodd returns the nuzzle and sighs softly.

Serenity glances over the windowsill just in time to glimpse the little gesture of affection, and a warm smile crosses her face.

Prodd notices something out of the corner of his eye but pays no heed. “...I could stay like this forever...”

Redhat smiled a little wider at that, and closed her eyes. “I’d feel quite content to do the same.”

While she thinks the two aren’t looking, Serenity carefully levitates the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign from the shelf by her desk, bringing it out the window.

For some bizarre reason, Prodd thought he saw a sign levitate behind him. He was probably seeing things. He returns his attention to cuddling with Red.

She just didn’t see anything with her eyes closed, and just relaxed there, giving Prodd the occasional nuzzle.

With a huge grin, Serenity slips the sign onto the doorknob as she trots off.

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #298 on: May 05, 2013, 03:29:17 am »

This takes place a little while before the end of the update.

Praetorian saw the town once more as he crested the hill. He smiled, grimly. He never thought he’d be returning here. He started the long walk down to the town, looking for a unicorn.

Serenity is sitting off in a corner of the tavern, silently eating her lunch and watching the other ponies mill about.

Praetorian enters, and looks around for Serenity, the pony he’d come so far to find.

Looking up from her plate briefly, Serenity freezes as she lays eyes on a stallion she never thought she’d see in Duskfields again. “...Praetorian?”

Serenity! He walked over to her. “Serenity... What’s happened? I got your letter...”

Serenity leaps up from her seat and rushes over, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh, I didn’t think you’d actually come all the way out here! Where is Maize?”

He held the hug, and nuzzled her. “Maize is back home, looking after our little foal. I’m not staying, just coming to see what was wrong.”  He pulled back, and looked over the mare. “What is it?”

“Well, nothing’s wrong, but... can we talk about this in private?”

Praetorian nodded, a look of concern on his face.

Serenity takes a moment to return her empty plate to the kitchen, before leading Praetorian back to her office. Once there, she recounts the events that have transpired since his absence: The true story behind the dragon ‘attack’. The incidents surrounding Carnith’s skull. The strange visions.

Praetorian looks moderately upset. “This is disturbing.” He sighs, and speaks again. “Serenity... Please, I know you don’t want to, but I want to ask you, once more, to come with me and Maize. To leave this place. It’s not safe here.”

“I know. I’ve thought about that a lot... especially recently...” She subconsciously raises a hoof to her belly.

“...what do you mean?” he asks, both relief and a sharp pain surging through him. “Did you... Have you found somepony else?” The natural effects of that he left unsaid, though it would make sense...

Serenity shakes her head. “No, never! It’s... you remember the night before you left?”

A sick feeling went through him. “Yes, I remember...only too well. What do you mean? What’s happened?”

She puts on the best smile she can manage. “Praetorian... I’m pregnant. I only found out a few days ago myself.”

Praetorian’s face was shocked. “You’re... You’re pregnant?”

Serenity nods. “It’s yours.”

Praetorian sits down hard. “You’re pregnant?” he says again.

She steps over, leaning against him.

Praetorian can hear the little movements of the baby inside her. “I... I...” He is speechless.

Serenity reaches up with one hoof, pulling his muzzle down to hers.

“Serry,” he whispers, still in shock.

“I know. I was just as shocked as you when Dr. Case Study told me.”

“I... I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please... Tell me what you want to do...” he says, not knowing what he was saying.

Serenity puts her hooves around him. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I couldn’t be happier about this.”

“But... I should be here with you, but I need to be with Maize... Please, come back with us,” he pleaded. “Please.”

Serenity looks away. “You know I can’t. Temperance, Cream Puff, everypony... they need me. I can’t just abandon them.”

Praetorian nods, unhappy as he is. “Yes, yes. Dammit, you’re right. You always were. I... I’ll try to come back as often as I can, then. I... I’m sorry, Serenity. Even though you say there’s nothing to be sorry about... I should be here with you.”

“You should be with Maize, she needs you more. I can protect myself.” She smirks. “I had an excellent teacher, after all.”

He smiles a little. “Maize will be happy to hear of this news, I’m sure. Serenity... Please, stay safe. If anyone harms you...” He shakes his head. “I can’t say I’ll let them harm you and not seek retribution. Serry... Stay safe, no matter what happens.”

“I will.” She says, locking eyes with him. “I promise.”

Praetorian hugs her tight. “If anypony tries to hurt you, or harm you in any way because of the foal... Well... Anyway. Have you decided on a name?”

Serenity nods. “I have a few ideas. What about Aquila, for a filly?”

Praetorian nods. “That sounds like a good name. If it’s a colt?”

“I...” She ponders. “I don’t really have any good ideas. What do you think?”

He smiles. “I suppose I could suggest Praetorian, but that might be getting a little too egotistical even for me,” he said with a laugh. “Perhaps Munifex?”

Serenity immediately recognizes the significance. “Yes... I think that would be a lovely name, dear.”

He hugs her tight again. “I love you, Serry. Whatever you ask of me, I will do. Please. Stay safe? For me.”

“For you, and for our foal. I promise. Give Maize all my love.”

“I will.” Tearing himself away from her, still wanting to take her away with him, he bows to her. “I hope to see you again soon, Serenity. If you need me, for anything, just write, and I will come.”
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #299 on: May 05, 2013, 10:13:27 am »

I really need to get another journal written...
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