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Author Topic: You are Divinity!  (Read 5520 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Divinity! Looking for players!
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2012, 11:17:59 pm »

May I join?

Name: Istriti Durtiph

Profession: Karbun, aka Smith-Priest; One who worships the Forge God, and both uses and creates the holy devices to spread the Hearth-Lord's word.

Domains: Creation and Reconstruction(Healing/Repair)

Description: A muscular dwarf, even by their standards, Istriti has long, braided auburn hair, and her arms are thick with scrawling tattoos. In them are written prayers and chants of strength and protection. She can cast spells, though some have been vastly augmented when she was blessed with power by her beloved god. She wears steel chain-mail of her own crafting, with drake scales covering the parts she deems more vulnerable(collected from one she managed to slay herself, though not without help). Her shield is large, almost as tall as she and nearly as wide, cast of steel, inscribed with holy words and sayings, the most foremost being the giant symbol of her faith taking up most of the shield, trimmed with silver and highly polished at all times. The five elements of Creation; the billows, stoking air into the flame, heating the soul-metal that was shaped on the stone anvil, only to be quenched in water. A double-headed axe and a large hammer allow her to bring holy wrath upon heretics, while a large crossbow lets her fill fleeing foes with quarrels. She does bear some battle scars, and her skin is dark from working at the forge.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 11:57:44 pm by Rolepgeek »
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
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Re: You are Divinity! Looking for players!
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2012, 11:19:17 pm »

May I join?

Name: Istriti Durtiph
Profession: Karbun, aka Smith-Priest; One who worships the Forge God, and both uses and creates the holy devices to spread the Hearth-Lord's word.
Domains: Creation and Reconstruction(Healing/Repair)
Description: A muscular dwarf, even by their standards, Istriti has long, braided auburn hair, and her arms are thick with scrawling tattoos. In them are written prayers and chants of strength and protection. She can cast spells, though some have been vastly augmented when she was blessed with power by her beloved god. She wears steel chain-mail of her own crafting, with drake scales covering the parts she deems more vulnerable(collected from one she managed to slay herself, though not without help). Her shield is large, almost as tall as she and nearly as wide, cast of steel, inscribed with holy words and sayings, the most foremost being the giant symbol of her faith taking up most of the shield, trimmed with silver and highly polished at all times. The five elements of Creation; the billows, stoking air into the flame, heating the astral substance that was shaped on the stone anvil, only to be quenched in water. A double-headed axe and a large hammer allow her to bring holy wrath upon her god's heretics, while a large crossbow lets her fill fleeing foes with quarrels. She does bear some battle scars, and her skin is dark from working at the forge.

Looks good! I'll add you to the list of players.

Also, I'm closing the sign-ups again, as we have nine players now. If I can handle more players after getting the game going, I'll open it up again.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 11:23:36 pm by Araph »


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #47 on: December 06, 2012, 11:33:21 pm »

Istriti took off her apron and laid it on it's rack as she closed up shop for the day. Her god had blessed her for a reason. She had been smithing above-ground for a few years now, teaching the Big People of the Forge-God's ways, healing the sick or injured that came to her, and making marvelous items of metal and stone for the local nobility. She was well liked in some circles, but it was time to move on. She could tell that He wanted her to be more active now; Istriti had hammered and preached for long enough. It was time for speeches to be battle-cries, and hammering blows ring across drow heads, not half-made blades.

((I realize she seems like a mary sue, but she has some'll see.))
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2012, 11:41:00 pm »

((I realize she seems like a mary sue, but she has some'll see.))

She doesn't seem particularly like a Mary-Sue, but don't worry.

One of the great things about being a GM is how you can smite Mary-Sues.

(Also, her being in a position of some influence is fitting considering her profession. She's practically a prophet, being given powers by her god and all.)


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #49 on: December 07, 2012, 12:02:21 am »

Hadrian had been traveling for some time now, ever since the townsfolk near his last laboratory politely asked him to leave by burning down his house as he slept. Not that he could fault them terribly, to the average uneducated peasant Hadrian's work must seem like the worst kind of witchcraft.

While it may have been true that the laboratory had a tendency to attract unexpected lightning bolts, and that the sound of explosions at all hours of the day and night was not as restful to anyone else as Hadrian found them, his work was intended to help humanity, to make weakness and danger a thing of the past. Alas, the common man still fears what he doesn't understand.

With a new city drawing close, Hadrian straightens his coat and tries ineffectually to tame his hair. First impressions, of course, are most important.
We must not look at Goblin Men
We must not buy their fruits
Who knows upon what soil they've fed
Their hungry, thirsty roots?


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #50 on: December 07, 2012, 12:17:32 am »

Lemminkäinen Ahti

His bright green eyes with a bit traces of gold across his iris scanned the city below. The city's numerous shining buildings peaking out just above the walls, truly this was a magnificent sight.

But he wasn't looking at the city but this bright aura that is surrounding it. He knew someone or something powerful was gathering in the city, and he knew he had to investigate. So he started to begin his long walk to the city walls, making sure to cover his bracelet with the sleeve of his gown. While trying to keep focus in order to beat back what was laying in his sub-conscious.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2012, 12:21:21 am »

((So since we are all here I'm assuming your gonna make an introductry post and gets us all in one place, right....
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #52 on: December 08, 2012, 05:05:02 pm »

     Sesvin Talahar

You pause as you reach the crest of a hill. The road curves down to the gates of Rothinea, past empty fields along the slow waters of the Jolir River. At last, you've come to your destination, however temporary your stay may be. Setting off once more, you pass through the gates emblazoned with the crest of the Medella family, the rulers of this bountiful city-state. The throng of the crowd surrounds you as merchants holler sales pitches into the masses, paupers beg, and travelers from every corner of the civilized world struggle towards their respective goals. Having entered through the southern gate, you are currently in the commercial district.

     Idem Valan

You ghost through the alleyways of Rothinea, alone with your thoughts. Returning to collect... dues from an old enemy, you made your way to this city on a lead gained from a weak spirit you trapped less than two weeks ago. Your powers are inhuman, and yet you are not strong enough to face down the Medella's arcane enforcers on your own. Subtlety is required in this situation. As you near the end of the alley, the hubbub of the bustling crowd grows louder. You are currently in the slums, near the commercial district.

     Niteris Lues

The streets are quiet; small groups of impoverished citizens walk quickly to their destinations, drawing closer together when you walk by. You'd been burned once by Pedor, the filthy traitor. He'd traded information on your actions for a one-way trip from of Veruc to Rothinea as a free man, out of the City Watch of Veruc's legal jurisdiction. They hadn't been prepared for you, though, and you slipped out from under their noses in the nick of time. Now... Now it's time for some payback. You are currently in the slums.

     Bersiano Gorrath

The city is a mess of chaos and buildings. You pass through the gates into the city proper and are immediately hit by the sights, sounds, and smells of the place. It's more offsetting than you had expected; no animal would naturally inhabit this warren of filth. Intermittent piles of horse and mule excrement line the streets, courtesy of the beasts led through the district. Occasionally you see refuse left in heaps along an alleyway. The few creatures brought past you by merchants give off mixed thoughts; from horses emanate feelings of calm despite the noise and people. Mules are even more recalcitrant and set in their focus. One burly man leads a hunting dog past you, which seems to be entirely determined to follow his master and make him proud.

Standing taller than the rest of the crowd is a man clad in steel, with an odd sigil on the front of his helm. There is something... off about him. Your enhanced senses tell you he is not the same as the others surrounding you. You are currently in the commercial district.


You stand on the roof of a building, looking down at the citizens below. None of them look up, and, consequently, none of them see you. After years of seclusion, working towards your own ends, the Church of the Holy Light found you. The Lightbringers burned your tower to the ground, forcing you to flee to the Rothinea. The Church fails to see the realm of The Shade for what it truly is: a challenge. The place where the dross is separated from the gold, where the chaff is sifted from the wheat and thrown into the fire. The hunting ground of fear itself. But you'll show them the truth, through force if necessary...

You are currently in the commercial district.

     Cesare Dalirio

You've arrived at your locale of choice: a cheap tavern, filled with the lowlife of the city and beer-stained tables. Commotion surrounds you; drinking and fighting, mostly. The place absolutely reeks of adventure.

At least, you hope that smell is adventure. You wisely decide to not check to see whether or not you're right.

You head to the bar and get a drink with an improbably high concentration of alcohol. The events around you quicken your pulse and make you feel alive. You are currently in the commercial district.

     Lemminkäinen Ahti

Your multi-hued eyes scan the horizon, seeing the ebb and flow of energy across the city. To the south, piercing lights fade into view; points of green, silver, red, and a black that blots out the light around it. You can feel the arcane winds of change coming. Ancient things are moving once more.

You blink as you close off your inner eye. Your curiosity compels you to seek out the answer to this mystery, so you head off of the terrace and down to the streets. Flagging down a rickshaw, you set off towards the commercial district. You are currently in the upper class residential district.

     Hadrian Atarkis

At last, you have reached... ROTHINEA! Jewel of the east, beacon of civilization, not very many torches and pitchforks circulating the economy. Perfect. After the incident with cabbage crop, lighting, and thresher-golem, you concluded that it would be wise to move on. Also, they burned down your lab. That was a bit of a tip-off that you weren't welcome anymore.

BUT NO MATTER! You shall rebuild your machinery and SHOW THEM ALL! MAD, they called you! Yes, you will prove tha --

Perhaps you shouldn't have been ranting like that. The commoners were looking at you strangely already, with your arcanotech engine and goggles, but now they're giving you a wide berth.


(You are currently in the industrial district.)

     Istriti Durtiph

You rise from your prayer mat. You can feel your god speaking to you. After years of preaching, healing, and smithing, it is time for you to become the hammer of the Forge-God. Your people have been at war since times long past, and you feel moved to join the crusade. Let the enemies of your lord fear him.

The armor and weapons of your religion are well kept masterpieces; you gird yourself in plate armor and heave your massive shield onto your arm. Slipping the hammer and axe into their holsters, you are once again ready to lead the Forge-God's followers into battle.

You are in the temple district.

Now the game can really begin! Just post actions and RP as you see fit.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 08:10:34 pm by Araph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #53 on: December 08, 2012, 05:22:02 pm »

I look around this dirty place. For some reason I feel at peace. I'm always am in places where diseases ran unchecked maybe because I was always untouched by the plagues.

I shook my head, now was not the time to think back fondly. Pedor was somewhere in this patchwork city. He probable gone to ground but there is always a paper-trail not to mention witnesses but first I would need to find them and where better then the local watering hole.

Nit will go to the nearest pub and eavesdrop.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 07:01:10 pm by scapheap »
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #54 on: December 08, 2012, 05:24:20 pm »

( I'm an idiot.)

Cesare simply adored taverns. Especially the shoody kinds in big cities. Hidden from the eyes of "justice", all kinds of humand met here. Criminals, deranged men, whores, mercenaries... These people had such an interesting life! Constantly changing, always danger and excitment. That was why he was here. Adventure. This place reeked like it. The clash of cultures, the adrenaline, agression and the sultry temptation... It was luring and repulsive at once. Only here he felt truly alive.

Time to grab a drink and a smooth bosom!

( Hope it's okay, and sorry, I kinda forgot to post. )
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 05:27:19 pm by Dragor23 »


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #55 on: December 08, 2012, 05:29:29 pm »

I exit the alleyway into the slums itself. All around me, the homeless and other miscreants beg and make deals. The beggars, the easiest way to get the souls needed for my unholy magic. They are weak, and required en masse, but no one will miss a beggar. Or two. Or ten. The thought made Idem smile, his magic always makes him happy.

Idem will search around for beggars who are willing to do a "job" for me. Preferably ones that look like they are starving to death.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 05:35:35 pm by Corai »
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #56 on: December 08, 2012, 05:41:59 pm »

Bersiano took in  the sights and sounds, keeping an eye as discreetly as possible on the large, metal-coated being.  While doing so, he would investigate the feelings of any of the other animals he could see, whether a rat, bird, etc.

This is absolutely repulsive he thought to himself.  Humans claim to be the superior animals, but they do nothing but disgrace the earth

((Watch the man clad in steel until I figure out what I am sensing about him.  Avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary.))


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #57 on: December 08, 2012, 06:55:05 pm »

Sesvin looked around calmly, trying to take in the varied and numerous stimuli the commercial district offered. He was already used to all of the noise and movements cities proportioned, although that didn't mean he was fond of it. He mostly preferred peaceful and quiet places unless it was necessary to seek the opposite, and the commercial district certainly offered a good degree of chaos.

He started to walk away from the commercial district and search for a residental one, in the hopes of finding a cheap inn and a temporary part-time work that benefitted from his endurance to keep him in the city as he searched for the reason he had came to Rothinea: artifacts, relics and knowledge. The dragoon was far from being a wizard, but both magical items and pure, unadultered knowledge would certainly help in his lifelong journey for power.

Move to check on any nearby residental districts, but take a look at the wares on the way there, checking for anything eye-catching, ranging from rare items to job offers.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #58 on: December 08, 2012, 07:41:02 pm »

Nikalas watched the masses of people moving in the streets below him. They lived thier lives blissfuly ingorant of true fear and bravery. But soon he will show them, yes he would truly show them all HEHEHEHE-! Nikalas stops laughing insanely and looks to see if there any worthy of his trials, or failing that, a large group of people to unleash his powers on.
Nikalas watches the crowds below and summons a Fear* if he sees either: a) someone who looks brave enough to handle it or b)a large group people to throw it at for shits and giggles.
*A particaular fear of phobia given life and a body. Native to the Shade when the first Nikalas made them as minions and weak servants.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: You are Divinity!
« Reply #59 on: December 08, 2012, 08:16:23 pm »

Istriti looks around at the fellow people going to their gods. Sadly, few were at this shrine to the Hearth-King. Her preaching had obviously done little to sway their opinions, as most still paid the most homage to Guemayan, the Sun Goddess. A sad incident, but they were surface-dwellers. But it did explain why her deity wished for a different path to take. She set off towards the commercial district, greeted as she went by friendly faces; just because they hadn't turned to her god didn't mean that the healer and smith wasn't well-liked...

Istriti will go to shops to try and get backpack, tent, horse, etc., for the journey that will be had. Not food or other things she would have at home though.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 08:21:48 pm by Rolepgeek »
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.
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